Wedding Anniversaries
M - Q
From Ontario County Times 2 February 1876
Golden Wedding - On the evening of January 26th instant, Mr.
Cyrus Macomber and wife celebrated their fiftieth wedding
anniversary, at the residence of Horatio H. Hickok, in Canadice. The
occasion was a remarkable one in many respects. It is not often that we
meet persons who have shared each other's joy and sorrows for so long a
period, or who have borne life's burdens more cheerfully than this aged
couple; and we shall not often meet with those who are more highly
respected and esteemed. Nearly all the years of their wedded life have
been passed on this farm, and none are more familiar with the changes
which have taken place in this town within the past sixty years than
they. Early in life they gave their hearts to their Maker, and have led
useful and exemplary lives, winning the confidence and affection of a
very wide circle of friends. The guests, numbering nearly eighty,
assembled at an early hour, and more hearty congratulations could not
be offered than were received by this aged pair. Among the guests were
two brothers and three sisters of Mrs. Macomber, who came from Lansing,
Mich., to mingle in the festivities of the occasion. The greater part
of the company were relatives more or less remote, residing in this and
Livingston counties. Congratulations were received through the mail
from friends at Mt. Morris, from Holly, Orleans county, Nebraska, and
from Hastings, Nebraska. A large number of presents were received from
children, friends and neighbors, many of which were of considerable
value, and all attested the deep regard in which they are held by the
The exercises were introduced by song -- "The Farmer's Golden Wedding"
-- by H. H. Hickok. Address by Rev. George M. Slaysman of Hemlock Lake.
Song -- "Fifty years ago" -- by Mr. Hickok. Prayer by Rev. Robert T.
Hancock of Hemlock Lake. Mr. Fred. F. Hoecker of Naples then gave the
company a rare treat of choice music from the organ, after which Rev.
Warren J. Hobbs of Honeoye Falls, and R. T. Hancock, delivered short
and very appropriate addresses. Song -- "We're growing old together,
Maud" -- by Mr. Hickok. A beautifully spread table next claimed the
attention of the company, and the good things were discussed with the
hilarity and harmony characteristic of wedding-day festivities. Miss
Hoecker sang several songs, which were well received by all. Several
good old hymns were sung by the company, Mr. Hoecker presiding at the
organ. Altogether, the reunion of friends and the generous interchange
of thought which the occasion afforded, were richly enjoyable, and will
long be remembered by all who participated as one of the happiest
events of their lives.
From Ontario County Times 30 January 1878
Canadice, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Shepard Macomber celebrated their
silver wedding on the 19th inst.
From Ontario County Journal 31 December 1880
Silver Wedding - Mr. and Mrs. James Malette, of the Geneva
Courier, will celebrate the
25th anniversary of their marriage next Monday evening, at their
residence in Geneva. We acknowledge the receipt of a handsomely printed
invitation to be present, which we could the more readily accept as we
find "No Presents" in one corner of the card. may our editorial brother
and his amiable spouse live and prosper to happily celebrate their
golden wedding.
From Ontario County Journal 22 February 1901
West Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mann were
pleasantly surprised last Saturday evening, it being the 38th
anniversary of their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Mann were invited out to
spend the afternoon, when their friends to the number of 26 took
possession of their home and were waiting to receive them on their
return. Refreshments were served and an enjoyable evening was spent.
From Ontario County Times 12 November 1890
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marks, of Hopewell, celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of their marriage last evening, receiving congratulations
and good wishes of many friends. May this "golden wedding" be followed
with many years of health and happiness.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 4 June 1873
Alexander Martin, Esq., and Mrs. Martin, of North Bloomfield,
celebrated their golden wedding, May 29th. It was one of the most
enjoyable occasions which has taken place in that town for a long time.
There must have been nearly three hundred persons present -- the rich
and poor, grave and gay, old and young. Speeches were made by Rev. L.
C. Brown of
Honeoye Falls, and Henry Jewell of Bristol. Fine music, and
refreshments, with a serenade late in the evening, added much to the
pleasure of all. Mr. and Mrs. M., with their youngest son, spent the
past winter in Florida. The venerable parents have many blessings to be
thankful for, and among them
may be reckoned a worth family of children, all useful men and women;
oldest is A. H. Martin, who has a beautiful residence near his father's
elegant mansion. The youngest son, Frank, a graduate of Tufts College,
Mass., is a banker at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Few live to see a Golden
Wedding. may the honored couple still remain to bless the community in
which they have lived so long, and in which they are so respected.
From Ontario County Journal 28 February 1896
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Harley Mason celebrated the
tenth anniversary of their marriage Wednesday night of last week by a
tin wedding. A large number of their friends were present and a most
enjoyable time was spent by all. A number of useful presents were
received. Music was furnished by Murrell's orchestra.
From Ontario County Journal 6 January 1888
Academy, N. Y. - The 10th marriage anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Mather was celebrated at their residence on the
evening of the 26th inst., by about forty of their friends. Music and
the discussion of the political and moral questions of the day made the
time pass very
pleasantly. Some heavy sheep men were not very enthusiastic in their
of the president's message. Mr. and Mrs. Mather are a pair of worthy
useful young people, having early in life adopted the principle of
and assisting every social, educational, moral and religious enterprise
that to them seemed for the good of the community. After partaking of a
bounteous repast, the company went to their homes leaving many
and useful tokens of esteem and appreciation, wishing the bride and
many anniversaries.
From Geneva Advertiser 8 May 1893
Golden Wedding Anniversary - There was a pleasant gathering last
Wednesday afternoon and evening, April 19th, at the hospitable home of Mr.
Maynard, of Geneva, the occasion for which was
apparently by a glance at the dates, 1843-1893. The bride and
groom received many and hearty congratulations from their host of
friends. For the evening was reserved the crowning of the day's
surprises, when their pastor, with a few happy words, clasped a golden
necklace about the neck of the bride, composed of coins of varying
values amounting to one hundred dollars. Each coin, with the
forty dollars not included in this unique gift, represented much more
than its simple value, in the love and esteem that prompted them.
The surprise so daintily planned was most appropriate to mark the
half century milestone as they had passed.
From Canandaigua Chronicle 11 April 1906
Stanley, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarthy gave a dinner party
to a few friends last Tuesday, it being the thirty-ninth anniversary of
their wedding. The friends who were present were Mrs. Mary McLarry,
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. William Washburn and
daughter, Elizabeth.
From Geneva Daily Times 8 December
SILVER WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. George McCrea, of No. 215 Main
street, celebrated their silver wedding last night with a dinner party
which was served at their home to fifty of their friends. The house was
decorated with smilax, palms and chrysanthemums. Beginning at 8 o'clock
the dinner was served by six young women dressed in white. After the
repast cards rounded out the evening's amusement. Mrs. McCrea received
many gifts appropriate to the occasion. Among the guests from out of
town present were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McCrea, Mr. and Mrs. John Lerch,
Mrs. Ottis Getchell of Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder and Mrs. and
Mrs. William Futer, of Skaneateles; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore VanRiper and
Mrs. Peter Van Riper of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. McCrea were married
twenty-five years ago
yesterday in Skaneateles and came to this city eighteen years ago.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 26 April 1876
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. McDonald, of Rushville, celebrated the
thirtieth anniversary of their marriage last week Monday evening. Many
presents were received, and the occasion was highly enjoyed by all.
From Ontario County Journal 30
December 1881
Shortsville, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs.
Hiram McDonald celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary Dec.
22. About one hundred of their many friends were present to
congratulate them, and make them a present of $58 in gold, besides some
other very nice presents. A merry time, plenty of substantials, and an
introduction to the smoking room, were the features of the evening.
From Geneva Daily Times 7 December 1906
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. McIntyre celebrated
their marriage at their home on Church
street, Tuesday.
From Ontario County Times 12 March 1873
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D. McLouth, of
Farmington, was the scene of as happy and glad a reunion as it is often
our lot to witness; the occasion being the celebration of their tenth
anniversary. The guests numbered over sixty, each with his or her
simple gift of tin, until a large table was loaded with the shining
array. It was indeed a beautiful sight, and called forth much
merriment. The company, consisting of all ages, from the hoary-headed
grandparent to the artlessness of childhood, were soon gathered in
groups as fancy or inclination dictated, while the swelling notes from
the organ added a charm to the whole. After a time spent in the parlors
in the interchange of thought and social feeling, the guests were
invited to the dining room, where a sumptuous feast awaited them; and
the laugh and the joke went round, as the tempting viands disappeared
from the well-filled tables. After all were served and assembled again
in the parlors, we listened to some very appropriate remarks by Mr.
Nelson Powell, followed by Mr. Nathan I. Aldrich; after which, a poem
suitable to the occasion was read, when after some closing pieces of
music, the company dispersed, feeling the happier for thus having met
and mingled together socially. The occasion, though a tin one, was
indeed a happy one, and will long be remembered by all present.
From Ontario County Journal 20 January 1911
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - The home of Mr. and Mrs.
Randolph McMichael, in the northern part of the town, was the
scene of a pleasant gathering Monday evening, when about 100 of their
neighbors and friends paid them a surprise visit in celebration of
their golden wedding. Guests were present from neighboring towns, among
whom were Lucius Green and family, Eugene Green, wife and daughter,
Mrs. Charles Nickson and Miss Clella Stiles of Honeoye Falls. A
bountiful supper was served and a delightful evening was passed. One of
the enjoyable features was the music rendered by Mrs. G. A. Burrell,
William Harvey and Frank McMichael. Among the gifts which Mr. and Mrs.
McMichael received was a purse of gold, presented by Rev. G. S.
Spencer, who made a few pleasing remarks. Mr. McMichael brought out his
old violin which has given so much pleasure in days gone by and which
he has not forgotten how to use. A picture of Mr. and Mrs. McMichael
taken at the time of their marriage was also a source of much enjoyment.
From Geneva Daily Times 26 December 1907
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McMullen celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their marriage at their home in the Stephens
house on Kendall street yesterday. Their five daughters, Mrs. A. L.
Milliken, of Dumont, N. J.; Mrs. P. D. Phillips of Stanford, Conn.;
Mrs. W. F. D. Morey of Greenfield, Mass.; Mrs. F. W. Webb, of Geneva;
and Mrs. J. J. Fox of
Clifton Springs, together with five grandchildren, were present and
assisted in the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. McMullen have been residents
of this place since 1899. Many friends have presented Mr. and Mrs. with
gifts of the golden metal.
From Ontario County Times 15 October 1873
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. John Melvin, of Manchester, celebrated the
twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage on Wednesday, the 8th
instant -- invitations being given out for both morning and evening.
The occasion seems to have brought together a goodly number of the
relatives and friends of the happy couple, the aggregate attendance
during the day being reported at two hundred and fifty persons, all of
whom were entertained in the most hospitable manner, while the numerous
guests brought many mementoes of their good will, which the recipients
will be sure to cherish among the most precious of their earthly
possessions. Among the presents was a handsome tea set, valued at $90,
and other articles which, if less costly, were scarcely less
acceptable. We congratulate the Doctor and his estimable lady upon the
success of this anniversary celebration, and hope they may live to see
many returns of the same.
From Ontario County Chronicle 23 July 1902
On Tuesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Metcalf, two
highly esteemed residents of Canandaigua, celebrated their fiftieth
wedding anniversary. The aged couple were surrounded by their children,
Samuel G. Metcalf and wife, of New York, the Misses Frances and
Henrietta Metcalf, of Canandaigua, their nephew, the Hon. J. H.
Metcalf, and their niece, Miss Susan Metcalf of Buffalo. During the day
many of their friends called to pay their respects and extend
From Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Wednesday, January 17, 1917
Happiness Is Celebrated
Mr. and Mrs. George Miles, of Reed Corners, Still Active in Village
Rushville, Jan. 16 - Mr. and Mrs. George Miles, of Reeds
Corners, to-day observed the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage,
and were the guests of honor at a dinner given by their son, Fred
Miles, and wife in their home a short distance from their parents'
Fifty guests were present, Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold, of Naples, and
John Wood, of Canandaigua, being the only ones outside the
neighborhood. Yellow chrysanthemums were used to decorate the
tables and rooms.
Mrs. Miles's maiden name was Marcia Hallock, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hallock, of Chapinville. Mr. Miles's parents were Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd (sic) Miles, of Hopewell. Both have always lived in
Ontario county.
The marriage ceremony of fifty years ago was performed by Rev. Mr.
Chase, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Chapinville.
They began housekeeping in the town of Seneca and two years later moved
to Clifton. Thirty-three years ago they came to the farm at Reeds
Corners where they have since lived. They have two sons, Fred,
and Charles, who lives near Canandaigua, and one daughter, Mrs. Charles
Cornell, of Enderlin, N. D. who was unable to be present to-day.
Mr. Miles is a veteran of the Civil war having seen three years' active
services with the 148th New York volunteers. He received several
flesh wounds, but was not seriously injured. Mr. Miles will be 71
years of age on next St. Patrick's Day and his wife is almost 68, yet
both are strong and able in mind and body. They take an active
part in the life of the neighborhood and a sympathetic interest in the
doings of the outside world.
Many thanks to Kerry
Patrick for this donation.
From Geneva Daily Times 18 September 1902
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Miller, who reside in the Fairfax building,
celebrated the 34th anniversary of their wedding last evening. Among
the guests present were J. R. Worth and Mrs. George Briggs
of this city, and Mrs. Martin W. Jewett of New York, who were playmates
of Mr. Miller in Fayetteville, when he was a boy. Stories of old
times were told after the 6 o'clock dinner was served. A literary
and musical program was rendered. Harold Lewis and Meyer Lewis,
grandsons of Mr. and Mrs.
Miller, recited; Mr. Miller, accompanied by Mrs. Miller and
Miss Miller, rendered violin solos, and Miss Hazel Briggs sang. Mr. and
Mrs. Miller were the recipients of a handsome silver bread tray,
presented by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Worth.
From Ontario County Chronicle 11 June 1902
Allen's Hill, N. Y. - A brilliant social event occurred at Allen's
last Wednesday evening. On May 28, 1877, at the home of the bride,
the marriage of LeRoy A. Mitchell, of Naples, and Miss
Jennie Ora
Johnson, of this place, the officiating clergyman being Rev. J. L.
of the M. E. Church. On the 28th of May, 1902, the 25th anniversary of
event referred to, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell celebrated their silver
at their stately country residence north of the village. The spacious
were beautifully decorated with carnations of almost every shade,
and other spring flowers. Upwards of 90 invited guests were present and
a very enjoyable time. During the evening a beautiful supper was served
a courteous committee. The evening was most delightfully spent with
and neighbors. Many beautiful and useful gifts were left with Mr. and
Mitchell, and kindly wishes expressed that they would see many returns
the anniversary. Guests were present from Brighton, Canandaigua,
Livonia, Bristol and West Bloomfield.
From Geneva Gazette 20 May 1859
A Golden Wedding - Not often in the course of human life
does the occasion or privilege offer of mingling as a friendly guest in
the joyous festivities, congratulations and endearing expressions of
gratitude and affection, such as awakened our admiration and sympathy
on the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the nuptial-day of
our worthy townsman, Wm. M. Moore, and his truly amiable
partner in life, Anna Bostwick; the first of whom was aged
74 and the second 75 years. They were bound by the marriage tie
on the 6th day of May in the year 1809 at Burlington, Vermont, which
native State they have ever cherished for its early reminiscences, and
where a large and influential circle of relatives still reside.
In the year 1815, they journeyed to and settled in Western New
York -- then alluded to as the "far west"; they gather around them 24
children and grand-children. To the honor of the aged parents it
can be said that they have trained their children carefully, both
mentally and physically, and their descendants through all its line,
evinces an ancestry of sterling worth. On the Matron's side the
genealogy is distinctly traced to loyal, worthy subjects of England in
the earliest centuries of her power. The physical tone and
strength of the children partakes of the character of the parents.
The descendants of the rejuvenated bride and groom assembled at an
early hour on Friday, the 6th inst., to commemorate their Golden
Wedding, and to offer congratulations and the tribute of grateful,
filial hearts. The names of the members of the family, in genealogical
order having
been read, a few preliminary remarks were offered in behalf of the
grandchildren, and a presentation was made of a purse of golden
mementoes, agreeable to custom on such memorable times. An
affectionate expression then made on the part of the children of the
aged ones and the
fine present of a carriage and horses with the appurtenances, was made
by the children and their partners, both of which offerings were
received with much emotion by the parents. The hours passed with
mutual expressions of thankfulness and regard, with the relation of
highly interesting historic incidents, and the remembrance of bygone
days, causing all to appear animated with good feeling and humor.
A remarkable feature in the gathering was the presence of the original
bridesmaid, a sister of the bride. She as yet is a hale and
hearty matron, and we trust she may be
permitted to witness many other as happy unions. Another sister
survives, who was a guest at the marriage. Articles of domestic
manufacture, by the hands of the bride of 50 years (previous and
subsequent to the first wedding day) were to be seen in the form of
table linen and counterpane. A few reflections were happily
expressed by an intimate friend of the family, prompted by emotions
called forth on on witnessing the blessed influences of harmony and
affection, and the great favor of physical strength and health granted
the children; after offerings of sentiment, reciprocative wishes for
continued kind blessings and pleasure earthly and spiritual, a return
of hearty thanks was feelingly rendered by the happy couple; the
re-wedded and their attendants then rolled away on a miniature wedding
tour, in the establishment of the cherished daughter-in-law, Mrs. N.
D_____. May the reflections of a well-spent life, devoted to the
praise of their Creator, be theirs to enjoy hereafter, and the soothing
and kindness of their children attend them throughout their declining
From Ontario County Journal 17 May 1878
Mr. and Mrs. E. Morse celebrated their Golden Wedding at their
residence at Seneca Point on Wednesday. They are the parents of E. M.
Morse, Esq., of this place and Mrs. M. C. Wells, of New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. Wells arrived in town on Tuesday for the purpose of
participating in the celebration of the welcome anniversary. The many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Morse extend their congratulations on the event
of having reached the fiftieth year of happy wedded life.
From Victor Herald 11 June 1892
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Morse, of Farmington, were kindly remembered on
Saturday afternoon of last week. It was the twenty-fifth anniversary of
their marriage. Their friends and relatives to the number of seventy
came to assist them celebrate the day. Shortly after the
guests had assembled dinner was announced, and the guests sat down
to one of those old time Farmington feasts which was set off by those
delicacies of the season, strawberries and ice cream. After dinner the
party broke up into little groups, and the younger ones enjoyed a game
of ball. After about an hour of social enjoyment the company was called
together, and C. H. Wood acted as master of ceremonies. Miss Edith
entertained the company with vocal and instrumental music. After dinner
speeches were called for and promptly responded to. George Loomis,
of Mrs. Morse, gave some very interesting reminiscences of the early
of the neighborhood. Mr. Wood read a very appropriate selection, the
Mr. Morse, thanked his friends for the kind remembrance, and extended
them a cordial invitation to be present at their fiftieth anniversary.
were several beautiful presents, the rooms were very prettily decorated
with flowers, and the bride's cake was adorned with the same pair of
snow white doves that did service twenty-five years ago. Among the
guests were parties from Syracuse, Avon, Canandaigua, Rochester, as
well as Farmington and Victor.
From Ontario County Journal 3 December 1875
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - The 50th anniversary of the wedded life
of Harlow Munson and wife was celebrated last Monday, at the
residence of Chas. W. Bradley. A select party of the
friends of the family were present. May it be that for many years
to come this worthy couple may live in the enjoyment of the richest
blessings Heaven can bestow.
From Victor Herald 21 March 1902
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Last week Tuesday, was the 16th
anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murrell. The
a dance for which music was furnished by Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Murrell.
From Geneva Daily Times 19 December 1904
Sixty persons were present Friday evening at the silver wedding of Mr.
Nagel, who reside No. 308 Washington street.
Among the presents received was a silver tea set presented by the
members of the German Evangelical church, and a silver cake dish
presented by the Young People's Society of the same church. Music,
recitations and remarks rounded out the commemoration of the event.
From Geneva Daily Times 29 March 1907
Phelps, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neafie entertained a
company of relatives and friends Tuesday in honor of the fiftieth
anniversary of their wedding. After a luncheon had been served, the
company were entertained by musical selections by Mr. Rice and
daughter, Mrs. Case and Mrs. Howell. Among the guests were L. P. Rice
of Seneca Falls and Mrs. Rose Bennett of Waterloo, brother and sister
of Mrs. Neafie, who were at the wedding fifty years ago.
From Geneva Gazette 24 February 1882
Silver Wedding in Phelps - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Neighbor of Phelps
celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage at their residence
Wednesday evening, Feb. 15th, in what was a very unexpected manner, the
occasion being in every respect one of the most complete and
unceremonious of surprises. Mr. and Mrs. Neighbor were invited out to a
friend's home that evening, without a shadow of a thought of what was
to greet them on their return. Hardly had they departed from the
threshold of their home before the within was undergoing quite a
transformation - making ready for the
reception of guests who soon thronged the doorway, filling the house
to its utmost capacity. The large company of (150) persons awaited with
breathless anxiety the arrival of the "Bride and Groom," who
on opening the door were scarcely able to gain admittance for the
crowd which surrounded them, and so utterly astounded that they could
say not a word. Mrs. Neighbor soon resumed consciousness as it were,
and appeared in her wedding dress - a rich brocaded blue silk. The
bridesmaid, Miss Augusta Andrus of Geneva was present. The groomsman,
Mr. Oliver W. Snow, holding a prominent position in the treasury
department in New York City, was unable to be present. A letter was
from him, greatly regretting his absence. One was also read
from Rev. P. H. Kellogg, who performed the ceremony, Feb. 15th, 1857,
thereby uniting in matrimony J. W. Neighbor of Ottumwa, Iowa, and
Miss M. E. Crouchen, of Geneva, N. Y. Relatives from out of town were
present. Ice cream, cake and the luxuries of the season were in
abundance. The presents were elegant and costly pieces of silver,
including a pile
of the shining dollars. May Mr. and Mrs. Neighbor celebrate their
From Ontario County Journal 15 February 1884
Quite a number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. Nicolson gathered
Hopewell on Thursday
of last week, the occasion being the twentieth anniversary of their
marriage. The bride appeared in her entire wedding outfit, even to
gloves and handkerchief. After a bountiful dinner, the worthy couple
stood up before the assembled company and listened to a very "poetical"
marriage ceremony, having something of a German accent, to nearly
all of which they assented, causing much merriment among the
Long life and prosperity to these friends is the wish of all present.
From Ontario County Journal 7 March 1913
Honeoye, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. John J. Norgate celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary on Tuesday afternoon at their country
home, northwest of the village. The guests included the children,
grandchildren, one great-grandchild, the near relatives and a few
neighbors. Mr. Norgate was born in England and came to this country
when a lad with his parents, who settled in the town of Richmond. Mrs.
Norgate was a daughter of Andrew Steel, one of the early settlers of
the town. Three daughters and one son were born to them. The son and
one daughter died a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Norgate enjoy good
From Ontario County Journal 25 February 1876
The celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Byron North's china
wedding was held at their residence on Monday evening of this week. A
very pleasant time was had by all who participated. Not being in
attendance, we cannot mention the list of presents.
From Ontario County Journal
4 October 1878
Surprise Anniversary - A very enjoyable affair came off on Monday
afternoon, September 23d, at the house of Mr. M. O. Wilcox, on Pleasant
street, where about 40 couples were invited to celebrate the 20th
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. North's wedding day. The
party was planned and conducted by Mrs. W. as a surprise for Mrs. N.,
and was completely
carried out. After the company had arrived, and the tables beautifully
arranged, Mr. and Mrs. North were escorted in. After greeting many
relatives and friends, all partook of a sumptuous dinner, and were then
invited to the house of Mr. North where they found a table spread with
presents, both useful and ornamental. After much chatting
and many hearty laughs, all turned homeward feeling that much credit
was due Mrs. W. for the thoughtfulness and care on her part, as no one
could want for anything she could do to make the day pleasant and
From Ontario County Times 12 September 1877
Canadice, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Norton will celebrate their
silver wedding on the 15th inst.
From Ontario County Journal 13 March 1896
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Norton celebrated the
twelfth anniversary of their marriage last Saturday evening by a china
wedding. A large number of friends were present, and an enjoyable time
was had. A number of presents were received.
From Ontario County Times 7 September 1887
On Saturday last there was a highly interesting social gathering at
the residence of Mrs. Rogers, on Chapin street. It was in honor of the
sixty-fourth anniversary of the marriage of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Oatman. The aged couple, now nearly ninety years of age,
cheerfully received a few of their old-time friends, and these, with
their more youthful neighbors, made up a happy company. As Mr. Oatman
has long been an honored member of the Baptist Church and his wife is a
Methodist, equally revered, the pastors of the two churches were, with
their wives, members of the company. A well-laden table, with plenty of
good Christian cheer, added to the interest. All unite in the prayer
that the good old couple may remain to celebrate their diamond wedding.
From Shortsville Enterprise 5 March 1914
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Brien, of Hopewell, were really and truly
victims of a surprise last Friday night, the occasion being the 25th
anniversary of their marriage. The worthy couple had been invited to
partake of dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Malone in
Hopewell that day and on returning to their house in the evening were
greatly surprised to find it occupied by 40 of their friends and
neighbors. A delectable wedding supper was served in honor of the
auspicious event, 16 being seated at the "bride's" table. The house was
very prettily decorated, the color scheme being silver and white. The
bridesmaid, Mrs. William Murray, of Victor, and groomsman, John J.
O'Brien, of Dundee, who attended Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien at the time of
their marriage, were present. The remaining guests were from
Canandaigua, Clifton Springs, Victor, Hopewell and Shortsville. A
number of handsome presents of silver and cut glass were left as tokens
of the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien are held.
From Ontario County Times 27 February 1907
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olmstead of East Bloomfield passed the 55th
anniversary of their marriage on Sunday, Feb. 17, 1907. Charles
Olmstead is descended from a Puritan family which came from England in
1632 and settled at Hartford, Conn. He is the son of Caleb and Content
Olmstead. He was born in Leyden, Franklin Co., Mass., 84 years ago.
When seven years old, he came into what was then considered the West
and called "out west", coming by canal from Troy to Bushnell's basin
and going from there to South Bristol, just east of Honeoye lake. Here
the family lived for four years, during which time he often visited the
old camping grounds of Sullivan's army. He learned and remembers much
of the early history of that part of the county, of the Pitt's and
others of their time. When he was eleven years old, the family moved to
West Bloomfield, just east of the village, where they lived five or six
years. This brought the lad into new surroundings and put him in touch
with another lot of early settlers, among whom he worked for years,
learning much of the traditional history concerning that place. The
family's next move was to the farm on which he now lives, but not in
the same house. It was at this time that he knew the second white woman
who crossed Mud Creek from Canandaigua, Mrs. Rue and her daughter,
Rhoda Rue, the first white child born this side of the creek. Rue then
lived where Dennis Santry now lives. It was at this time also that he
learned from Thomas Kellogg's father (I think) that Aaron Burr once
spent a night on that farm with Roger Sprague who was then sheriff of
Ontario County. The location of the Sprague house is just west of the
large red barn now owned by Frank and John Olmstead. The old cellar is
still there, as is also the trunk of an old apple tree said, to have
been set by Sprague. While living here, Mr. Olmstead cast his first
Presidential vote. It was for Henry Clay in 1844. In 1847 he bought six
acres in the southwest part of East Bloomfield. It was then a solid
block of timber, but with his axe and giant-like strength, backed by a
will and old fashioned grit, he proceeded to fashion what proved to be
his home for fifty-six years. For more than half a century the shadows
of night never settled around the old home, when there was not at least
one or more who slept beneath its roof. It was, indeed it is, the one
spot on earth that is home to him.
On Feb 17, 1852, Mr. Olmstead married Mary C. Ross. Twelve children
were born to them in the following order: Stanley C., now in St. Paul,
Minn.; Alice, who died when 3 years old; Charles Jr., now at Willard;
Aaron Frederick, now of Ilion; Louise, who died aged one year; Will,
now of St. Louis, Mo.; Frank, John and Chester, all now living in East
Bloomfield; Ida May, now Mrs. F. G. Egbert of Binghamton; Sabra J., now
Mrs. Claude Boorum of Garrison on the Hudson and Nathan, now of
Middletown. Mr. Olmstead was a first class cooper and his wares had a
wide reputation. He was fond of hunting, trapping and fishing and his
"fish stories" will probably compare favorably with those of more
recent date. In the fall of 1902, he was stricken with apoplexy and
when sufficiently recovered, the aged couple went to live with their
two unmarried sons, Frank and John, who now own the farm on which he
worked when a boy. In 1904, Mr. Olmstead walked from this place to the
polls in East Bloomfield to cast his vote. He walked because he wanted
to, and he wanted to because, he did the same thing just sixty years
before. He and the eight sons, and two sons-in-law, are all supporters
of Republican principles, a fact that should please even a Roosevelt.
Physically, Mr. Olmstead is not up to the "gold standard", but his
mental faculties seem but little impaired. Well does he remember the
scenes of his childhood. The rocky cliffs of the old Bay State have not
been forgotten though the summers and winters of four score years have
come and gone. His wife is still spry and active, much more so than
many younger women. She was born in the town of Milo, Yates Co., 74
years ago, the third child of Thomas and Harriet Ross. When five years
old, she moved with her parents to South Bristol, where she lived until
married. Since that time, 55 years ago, her life has been freely and
fully given to her family. Her's has been a life of unstinted,
unselfish devotion to her children, in which her greatest happiness
seemed to center. Many a ball of yarn has her nimble fingers drawn from
the point of the spindle of the old time spinning wheel and warm were
the stockings which she made from it. Thus it was amid the purring of
the spinning wheel and the constant beat of the adz, that a happy home
was built, a home where often an even dozen happy souls drew up to a
substantial board, a home from which the children were slow to wander.
From Ontario County Journal 26 November 1909
Bristol, N. Y. - About 50 relatives and friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Olmstead helped them celebrate their 40th wedding
anniversary last week Wednesday evening. Flowers were in every room.
Among the gifts was a gold-lined silver fruit dish, appropriately
engraved, from the "Jolly Pedro Club," of which Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead
are members. Covers were laid for 12 at the bride's table, the
remainder of the guests being seated at small tables. After the
bountiful repast, one of the carpets mysteriously vanished, music
began, and until 3 o'clock a.m. the company enjoyed the old fashioned
dances. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. James Olmstead of
Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Parsons and Mr. and Mrs. Gooding
Packard of Canandaigua, and Mr. and Mrs. Orestes Packard of Shortsville.
From Geneva Daily Times 6 April 1912
Hall, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Onderdonk celebrated their
thirty-third wedding anniversary Wednesday, March 27th, by entertaining
at dinner a small company of friends. Those present were Rev. Dr. A. R.
and Mrs. Temple, Dr. D. S. Allen, Mrs. Catherine Rupert of Seneca, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Reed of Oaks Corners, Mrs. Celia Reed of Geneva, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Onderdonk of Hall.
From Ontario County Journal 1 January 1886
The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne was
celebrated at their home on Chapin street on the evening of the 24th
ult. There was a pleasant gathering of relatives and friends and the
evening was very enjoyably spent. The aged couple, happy, hale and
appeared in their wedding garments of fifty years ago.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 October 1909
Seneca Castle. N. Y. - The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Ottley was the scene of a pleasant gathering on Wednesday
evening, it being the fifth anniversary of their marriage. About one
hundred and fifty friends and relatives were present. The house was
tastefully decorated with asters and autumn leaves. Mrs. Ottley was
attired in her wedding dress of white silk. A large number of beautiful
presents were given them, among which was a handsome china cabinet and
a mission clock. An elaborate supper was served by Ridley of Newark.
Smith's Orchestra of Canandaigua furnished delightful music during the
supper hour.
The out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guilford, Mrs. Ella
Leake, Charles and Edwin Ottley, Mrs. Emma Ridley and Mr. and Mrs.
Gerelle Ridley of Geneva; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis, George Ottley and
wife, William Simmons and wife, Velmer Henry and wife, Miss Lois
Huntley, Edson Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Archer and Frank Edgett of
Canandaigua; Mr. and Mrs. John Dewey of Manchester; Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Perry of Henrietta; George Gelder, Miss Alice Swan and Mrs. Ansberger
and mother of Rochester; Carl Jones and wife, Mr. Barker and wife and
Miss Linda Ranney of Clifton Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Aldrich of
From Geneva Courier 23 June 1897
GOLDEN WEDDING - A very happy company of more than one
hundred relatives
and friends gathered at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
at Seneca Castle, N. Y., to participate in the celebration
their fiftieth wedding anniversary on the evening of June 16,
1897. The parlors were tastefully decorated in green and yellow
while the folding doors, beneath which Mr. and Mrs. Ottley received
their congratulations, appeared the dates in golden numerals, 1847 -
1897. The bride of fifty years was beautifully gowned in
black satin with lace and lavender chiffon trimmings and she could not
have looked sweeter in 1847 than she did in 1897. Mr. Ottley wore
the conventional black. A very pleasing programme was carried
out. Remarks were made by the pastor, Rev. C. M. Adams.
Prayer was offered by Rev. H. Cornell, pastor of the church built upon
Mr. Ottley's father's land. Song, "Happy Days Gone By," was
delightfully rendered by Miss Brown. Reading of poem, "The Golden
Bridal," by Mrs. A. B. Estey; poem, afterward presented to
Mrs. Ottley. Refreshments were here announced. God's blessings
being asked
on the happy occasion by Rev. S. F. Beardslee of Lodi, N. Y., a former
pastor. The table decorations were the sweet
golden buttercups. After supper, Mr. Ottley made some enjoyable
remarks which were received with great applause. Then followed a
very interesting historical paper by Prof. A. M. Carson, tracing the
history of the Ottley family from 1719 to the present time, and was
listened to with close attention. Many elegant gifts accompanied the
heart-felt congratulations among
which was quite a sum in gold, three beautiful easy chairs and gold,
silver, linen, china and glass articles too numerous to name, some of
which arrived the next day. Children, grandchildren and great
grandchildren clustered about the happy couple. From out of town
were guests from Ithaca, Lodi, Seneca
Falls, Tyre, Geneva, Clifton Springs, and Canandaigua. The wish
so earnestly expressed by all present was that
Mr. and Mrs. Ottley may be spared to celebrate their
diamond wedding also.
Geneva Daily Times 13 February 1915
Phelps, N. Y. - At the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Overslaw
last evening was celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage. The
guests, numbering seventy-five, were received by the bride and groom
and their two daughters, the Misses Irene and Eva. The home was
decorated in patriotic colors,
flags being used in profusion. The guests were seated at small tables
a four-course dinner was served, miniature silk flags forming the
favors. Progressive pedro was played. Guests were present from Newark,
Canandaigua, Lyons, Clifton Springs, Waterloo, Avon and Geneva, several
of whom were present at the wedding twenty-five years ago. Many
beautiful gifts were received.
From Shortsville Enterprise 26 February 1914
Last week Thursday night friends to the number of 50 invaded the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Packard in Water street and
surprised that worthy couple. It was the occasion of the 35th
anniversary of their marriage and the intention of the self-invited
callers to see that it was properly celebrated. It is needless to add
that the plans were fully carried out. After the assemblage was
comfortably settled for the evening, a cut glass sugar and creamer
appeared very mysteriously and was duly presented to the bride and
groom of 35 years ago. A chicken pie supper was also brought forth in
like manner and the guests and thoroughly surprised host and hostess
were filled too full for utterance.
From Ontario County Journal 7 February 1896
Phelps, N. Y. - There was a very pleasant social gathering at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Padden on Church street, Wednesday
evening, the occasion being their 40th wedding anniversary. Guests to
the number of 80 or more were present, and comfortably filled the large
and spacious rooms. Rev. Mr. Bailey of Geneva, the bride's former
pastor, together with his wife, were present. A fine collection of
presents were arranged on the table in the hall, and showed that the
bride and groom were well remembered by their friends. Among the
collection was a handsome silver tea set.
From Ontario County Journal 15 May 1885
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Padelford, of Padelford Station, will celebrate
their 25th wedding anniversary on Thursday next, the 21st inst. There
are many friends who will wish that their coming silver anniversary may
reach out to and beyond the golden era.
From Shortsville Enterprise 27 January 1911
Farmington, N. Y. - Tuesday, January 10, marked the thirtieth
milestone in the married life of Mr. and Mrs. James Padgham, which
a dinner party. Covers were laid for 18. Guests
were present from Victor, Macedon and Newark. Several beautiful gifts
of pearl and cut glass were presented to the couple. In the evening
about 40 friends and neighbors gave them a surprise, bringing bountiful
From Geneva Gazette 21 October 1887
Seneca Castle - On Friday evening last occurred the crystal
wedding of Mr. Joel Page and Miss Helen S. Wormley, at
place. Their friends and family relatives
to the number of about eighty assembled to give them a good send-off
for their silver wedding. The company came from Canandaigua,
Hopewell, Gorham, Phelps, and Seneca, and had a very enjoyable
time. An elegant repast was served and was appreciated by all
present. Their daughter, Miss Gertie Page, who is at the State
Normal School at Brockport, was at home to enjoy the festivities of the
occasion, so that their children were all present. Mrs. Page wore
her wedding dress made twenty years since, not exactly in modern style,
yet still very recherche and elegant. It was made of a rich
purple or blue silk, and for a dress so old was very neat and in good
taste. The company separated in the "we sma hours" with many
wishes for many annual returns of this interesting anniversary.
The presents were very rich and tasty, and as varied as the tastes of
so large an assembly of persons. It would be invidious to
designate any one as the most appropriate, where all were so
elegant, but we would mention a combined mirror and candelabra, the
gift of Judge Charles Ottley and his wife, who is a sister of Mrs. Page.
From Ontario County Journal 27 February 1874
Wooden Wedding -
Married - At the house of the bride's father in Hopewell, Feb. 17,
1869, by Rev. J. H. Day, Mr. Anthony Palmer and Miss Alice
Southerland, both of Hopewell, N. Y.
The fifth anniversary of this union was celebrated at the house of Mr.
and Mrs. Palmer in Gorham, February 17, 1874. Two hundred and
thirty guests were invited; about one hundred and
sixty were present. The occasion was one of unusual
happiness to all. Seldom, if ever, have we had the pleasure of
meeting a more pleasant, refined, and intelligent company. The fine
accommodations of the house and the grand
supper provided conspired to complete the pleasure of the guests.
By request of the parties for whom the entertainment was given,
remarks were made by the writer in reference to true marriage, their
marriage five years ago, and the prosperity that had attended them
since, speaking also of the beautiful gifts presented that evening,
which were not few in number, or inferior in quality. May all
these gatherings tend to unite more closely the
hearts of friends and may all at last meet in Heaven to celebrate
the supper of the Lamb.
From Ontario County Journal 13 October 1899
Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, of West Bloomfield, celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on Tuesday, Oct. 10. Mr. and
Mrs. Palmer were married at Batavia Oct. 10, 1849. Mrs. Palmer's maiden
name was Samantha Delano. About fifty friends filled the rooms, which
were prettily trimmed with asters. Supper was served at 7 o'clock. Mr.
and Mrs. Palmer lived in Batavia for ten years, when they moved to West
Bloomfield and bought the farm upon which they now reside. Five
children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, John Palmer and Mrs.
Robert Kyle, who with their families live in Rochester; Lewis of
Sonyea; and Mrs. James Conn and Mrs. William Lockwood of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer have 23 grandchildren, 12 of whom were present. The
out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Koerner, the Misses Mary and
Clara Palmer, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kyle and daughters, Jennie and
Ruth of Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kane of Honeoye Falls; and Mrs.
Cavanaugh and son, Kiley, of Ionia. Many handsome gifts were received
from relatives and friends. Mr. Palmer has reached the age of 79 years,
and Mrs. Palmer is 77 years of age.
From Ontario County Chronicle 15 March 1905
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Parmele celebrated their silver wedding at
their home in Holcomb on Friday evening. About one hundred guests were
present and many beautiful presents were received. The evening was an
enjoyable one for all and hearty congratulations and good wishes were
extended to the bride and groom of twenty-five years.
From Ontario County Times 30 March 1870
On Wednesday evening, March 9th, the Rev. N. Palmiter and lady celebrated
their marriage at the residence of George
Esq., of Phelps.
From Geneva Daily Times 25 July 1910
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Parker, of 322 Castle street, are celebrating
their fiftieth wedding anniversary and this afternoon and evening they
will be at home to their many friends. Invitations printed in gold were
sent out for the affair and it is expected that about two hundred
guests will call. All of their children and grandchildren are here for
the occasion. They are Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Kent and daughters; the
Misses Leontine and Edith Kent of New York city and their son, Carl H.
Kent and wife of Bangor, Me; Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Parker of New York
city; Mr. and Mrs. David C. Reed of Pittsburgh. Receiving with Mr. and
Mrs. Parker will be their family, also Rev. Ralph Robertson of
Bronxville, N. Y., who officiated at the wedding fifty years ago, which
took place in Ovid, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker of Valparaiso,
Ind., who acted as best man and maid-of-honor at the wedding will stand
with the bride and groom today. Others in town for the occasion are Mr.
and Mrs. John C. Ansley of Hall; Mr. and Mrs. George Cotton of
Syracuse; and Frank Brooks of Middletown, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Parker
received some very handsome gifts from the members of their families,
and Mr. Parker presented his wife with a diamond ring for the happy
occasion. The house is elaborately decorated, yellow and white
predominating. Palms and ferns and black-eyed susans are used
extensively throughout. Refreshments will be served buffet in the
dining room. Mrs. Edwin S. Sigler and Mrs. William A. Smith will
preside at the table and several young ladies will assist. The table is
very attractive with a centerpiece of bride roses and white carnations.
Yellow hooded candles are also used. The Misses Lillian Ansley of Hall,
Gladys Stokoe and Bessie Hershey of Gorham will serve punch in the
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 19 August 1874
Mr. and Mrs. John Parr of Naples, celebrated the twentieth
anniversary of their marriage last Wednesday evening, and a pleasant
time was had by those congregated to congratulate the couple.
From Canandaigua Chronicle 15 August 1906
Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Parshall celebrated the tenth anniversary of
their marriage on Saturday evening at their home in Bristol street.
Yellow was the predominating color in the decorations, the flowers
being chiefly golden rod and nasturtiums. Supper was served in a tent
on the lawn, and the tables were lighted by yellow candles in tin
candlesticks and shaded by yellow shades. Yellow Japanese lanterns were
hung about the grounds. About thirty guests were present. Many
beautiful and costly gifts were received.
From Victor Herald 11 July 1891
On Wednesday, June 24th, 1891, the friends and relatives of Abner
to the number of about forty, assembled at
their home in West Bloomfield to participate in the festivities of the
25th anniversary of their marriage. Every preparation had been made to
make the event one of pleasant memory, and judging from the words of
appreciation expressed by those present, and the beaming countenances
of Mr. Parsons and his amiable wife, it is safe to say that it was a
decided success; and that, as far as they were concerned, marriage was
certainly not a "failure." The
repast furnished was par excellence, as all testified when
they rose from the table; but it was impossible for some to "devour
all their eyes beheld." It was intended to celebrate a real wedding at
the same time; but owing to an unfortunate accident, caused by
the rapid driving of the interested party, and thus loosing the
factor from the wagon, it was necessarily postponed indefinitely. The
pleasant event closed at a reasonable hour in the evening, with the
best of wishes for Mr. Parsons and wife, that they may live to see
another twenty-five years of wedded bliss and prosperity.
From Ontario County Times 2 January 1878
Canadice, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Partridge celebrated their
wooden wedding on the 18th inst. They received about twenty-five
dollars worth of presents, ranging all the way from a clothes-pin to a
cord of wood, and included many articles both useful and ornamental. A
large company participated in the enjoyments of the occasion, and a
hearty good time is said to have been realized.
From Ontario County Times 9 February 1881
Canadice, N. Y. - The golden wedding, or fiftieth anniversary of
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Partridge, occurred at
their residence last Saturday, February 5. All the surviving members of
the family and a few relatives, also Rev. T. Jolly and family, were
present to pay their respects to the aged pair. The reading of a poem
prepared by L. T. Partridge, appropriate remarks by Rev. Mr. Jolly,
vocal and instrumental music, presentations of valuable gifts, etc.,
constituted the order of the occasion.
From Geneva Daily Times 18 October 1909
Seneca Castle, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peck, who reside about a
mile and a half north of Seneca Castle, celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of their marriage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peck, who have
made their home in this community for many years, are greatly honored
and respected by all who know them and they have a host of friends. On
Saturday many members of the family gathered to extend their hearty
congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Peck and to help them celebrate the
occasion. A family dinner party was held. Prof. Frederick D. Peck of
LaFayette College, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peck, acted as toastmaster and
the following responded to toasts: Prof. Ezra Peck of Oaks Corners,
Prof. Mary Gray Peck, corresponding secretary of the Woman's Suffrage
League of New York, H. H. Peck and Rev. E. E. Grosh, pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Seneca Castle.
Those present were Prof. and Mrs. Frederick D. Peck and daughter of
Easton, Pa.; Prof. Mary G. Peck of New York; Prof. Ezra J. Peck, Mr.
and Mrs. George M. Peck and son, the Misses Eugenia, Edith and Anne
Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Weston, Mr. and Mrs. James Weston, Miss
Eva and Miss Lillie Weston and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Peck of Oaks Corners;
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Childs of Geneva; Rev. and Mrs. Grosh of Seneca
Castle and Mrs. Calvert of Truxton.
From Ontario County Times 10 November 1880
Honeoye, N. Y. - The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Arnold
announced for Thursday, Nov. 11th. They have been residents of this
village during these past fifty years, as have also resided in this
neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. John Pentel, whose golden wedding was
celebrated three and a half years ago.
From Ontario County Times 25 December 1878
Mr. and Mrs. David Pickett of Gorham are celebrating their golden
wedding today. The editors of the Times are pleased to add their hearty
congratulations to those of the numerous relatives and friends who will
gather at the home of this honored couple, and further to express their
sincere hope that their lives, so full of good works may be prolonged
for years to come.
From Ontario County Journal 13 October 1893
Bristol, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. David A. Pierpont celebrated their
fiftieth wedding anniversary on Thursday.
From Ontario County Journal 9 January 1891
Farmington, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Plumb celebrated the 30th
anniversary of their wedding day, Dec. 25th. Many invited friends were
present. The gifts were numerous and costly.
From Geneva Gazette 31 January 1868
Henry Porter and wife, of Naples, celebrated their golden wedding
on the 15th inst. Mr. P. has resided in Naples 65 years.
Link to a
family sketch given by Mr. Henry Porter at time of anniversary
From Geneva Daily Times 4 January 1905
Hopewell Center, N. Y. - A surprise party was given at Mr. and
Mrs. John Powell's Saturday evening in honor of their thirtieth
anniversary. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Powell received
some pretty pieces of china ware. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Powell and son Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden of Clifton Springs,
John Hayden, Miss Mildred Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Thacher of Newark, N.
J., formerly of this place; William
Powell, Miss Etta Powell, Mrs. Shaw and daughter, Grace.
From Shortsville Enterprise 11 November 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Power, well-known residents of Manchester
township, celebrated the 35th anniversary of their marriage at their
home on Monday. The marriage took place at St. Ann's church in Palmyra
on November 8, 1880, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Casey. In
honor of the event, Mr. and Mrs. Power attended the service at this
church on Sunday. They entertained a number of guests at dinner on
Monday and in the evening were entertained as guests of honor at a
reception given by their daughter, Mrs. Richard Wood, of Palmyra. Mrs.
Power was formerly Miss Mary Gunn of Rochester.
From Shortsville Enterprise 25 June 1914
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pritchard of Farmington, entertained about 100
guests at dinner on Friday evening in honor of the 20th anniversary of
their marriage. The house was decorated in a color scheme of pink and
white, roses and daisies being used in profusion. Guests were present
from Canandaigua, Shortsville, Palmyra, Perry, Sonyea and Cuba, N. Y.
This worthy couple were married at Palmyra on June 19, 1894. They have
lived on the farm where they now reside for 17 years.
From Geneva Gazette 12 December 1879
Mr. Editor: You missed a very enjoyable affair by your
failure to be present at the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John
Proudfit of Seneca Wednesday, Dec. 3d. Notwithstanding the
stormy character of the evening, the house was well filled with guests,
relations of our honored host. One brother, Robert, came from Illinois
to meet those whom he had not seen for nearly a quarter of a century.
One sister was present from Western Penn., where a large colony of the
family finally settled. Six of those who were at the marriage 50 years
ago were present at this reunion, among whom were Mr.
Jessie Squires and Mr. John Wood, both heads of large and respected
families in Seneca. The bride of 50 years ago was Miss Eliza
Frushour, whose brother, William, was groom, and Rev. Mr. Nesbit, then
a young man, performed the ceremony. Mr. Proudfit is a hale old man
of 81, of good old Presbyterian stock which we all think is "the salt
of the earth." Revs. A. B. Temple of No. 9 and Lowrie of Gorham
congratulated the couple in the name of assembled friends on their
long, peaceful and prosperous lives; after which the company showed
their appreciation "of the good things of this life" by partaking of a
bounteous supper. The presents were quite numerous and of great
variety, including a golden eagle and gold and silver coin, easy
chairs, knives and forks, and a large Buffalo robe and Afghan, beside
other things too numerous to mention, summing up in value some $90. At
midnight the moon swung out its light in the silvery heavens, and
the guests departed leaving sweet memories and good wishes behind them,
and expressing a dim hope that we
might all be there at the one hundredth anniversary, or all meet in
on the evergreen shore.
From Victor Herald 13 May 1904
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Purcell celebrated
the twentieth anniversary of their marriage on Saturday. About
twenty-five relatives were present from Honeoye, Cheshire and
Canandaigua, as well as many townspeople. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell were the
recipients of many beautiful gifts.
From Ontario County Times 25 September 1878
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Quackenbush, of Bristol Center, celebrated
their 50th or golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday, the 10th instant,
receiving numerous valuable and appropriate gifts. This aged couple
have been residents of Bristol for forty or fifty years, and we are
glad to know that they possess in a large degree the respect and love
of all who know them.
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