This Surrogate Record was kindly donated by Louise who is interested in contact with anyone researching this family.

To George R. Parburt  Esq. Surrogate of the county of Ontario

The Petition of Loyall Miles, Joel S. Hart & Oliver Babcock, administrators of the goods, chattels, rights & credits which were of Thomas Miles, late of the town of Hopewell in the county of Ontario, deceased respectfully sheweth.

That letters of administration of the goods, chattels, rights & credits of Thomas Miles aforesaid deceased were granted by the surrogate of the County of Ontario to the said petitioners on the twenty seventh day of September A. D. 1842 and that they the said petitioners having taken upon themselves the said task have taken & filed in the said surrogates office an inventory of the personal property of the said deceased.

That the concerned? account or statement contains a full & final account of all their proceedings as such administrators as aforesaid which they desire to have filed by the said surrogate and they do thereupon pray that a citation may be issued by the said surrogate to all person interested in the estate of the said Thomas Miles deceased to attend a final settlement of all their accounts as said administrators as aforesaid and the distribution of the money, if any, remaining in these to cover a later distribution.

That the debts and demands owing by the said deceased at the time of his death which have come to the knowledge of the said administrators have been paid off and satisfied.

That the names & places of abode of the next of kin of the said deceased are as follows; viz. Asa Miles, Parmelia Clark, Loyal Miles, Amasa Miles & Fidelia his wife, and Adolphus Miles of the town of Hopewell in the County of Ontario; Jenks Wheeler & Amanda his wife, Stephen W. Miles, Truman Miles, of Monroe in the County of Monroe in the State of Illinois, Olive Root wife of Martin Root of the town of Lancaster in the County of Erie, Amanda Clapper wife of George Clapper of Milwaukee in the Territory of Wisconsin, Emma Miles & Oscar Miles of the town of Canandaigua in the County of Ontario, and Susan Miles whose place of residence is unknown. That the said Emma Miles, Oscar Miles, Susan Miles & Adolphus Miles are severally minors under the age of twenty one years.  That Joseph B. Gates of the town of Hopewell in the County of Ontario is general guardian of the said Oscar & Emma Miles, respectively, that Loyal Miles is guardian of the said Adolphus Miles & resides in said town of Hopewell & that the said Susan Miles is without any general guardian in this state.  May 18, 1844.

Oliver Babcock }
Joel S. Hart      }        Administrators
Loyal Miles       }
Ontario County. SS.
Surrogate Office

Oliver Babcock, Joel S. Hart and Loyal Miles being severally sworn support that their petition to which they have severally subscribed their names is true in the matters of fact therein stated in and in substance.
May 18, 1844  George R. Parburt, Surrogate
Loyal Miles ??  he knows Susan Miles, she is a minor under the age of 16 years & that he knows where she is at present.  She is a niece of mine & I was requested by  her mother to act as her guardian.

Sworn before me May 18, 1844 George R. Parburt, Surrogate

It appearing on this matter that Susan Miles is a minor & without a general guardian in this state -  Order that Loyall Miles be her guardian ad Litem, who he being present in courts, consents accordingly to become her guardian in this case.  I hereby consent to be guardian for Susan Miles above named.  Loyal Miles


    The Petition of David C. Benham of the Town of Hopewell, in the County of Ontario respectfully shows:

    That Amasa Miles of the Town of Hopewell in the said County of Ontario, died in the said Town of Hopewell on or about the 29th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight; that at the time of his death he was a resident of the County of Ontario; that he left no will as far as your petitioner has heard, or been able to discover after diligent search and inquiry therefor; that the decedent died possessed of certain personal property within this State, the value of which, together with the probable amount to be recovered, by reason of any right of action granted to an executor or administrator or by special provision of law does not exceed  in value as your petitioner verily believes the sum of Four Thousand dollars; and his real property does not exceed in value the sum of Twelve Thousand dollars.

    That______(sic, apparently a space left where something could be written in) only next of kin of said decedent and their respective places of residence are as follows:

    Wallace Miles who resides in Indianapolis, Indiana, Henry H. Miles  residing in Atlanta, Georgia, Asa F. Miles, G? (Gaston, Gortan) C? Miles, Almira J. Miles, Stella Miles who reside in the Town of Hopewell, Ontario County, NY and Julia A. Lester residing in Canandaigua, Ontario County, NY, and as your petitioner is informed and believes they are all of full age.

    And your petitioner further states that he is not informed as to who are the creditors of the estate of said deceased.

    Wherefore your petitioner prays, for a decree awarding Letters of Administration upon the goods, chattels and credits of the said decedent to your petitioner; ____________(2 ½ lines that could apparently be filled in); and that a citation may be issued to all persons having a right to administration, prior or equal to that of your petitioner, to show cause why such a decree should not be made.

Dated September 12, 1888

                    D. C. Benham

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