St. Francis Cemetery
Village of Phelps - Ontario County NY
RIDLEY - donated by Jackie
Humphrey; thanks,
Arthur Eugene Ridley 10 Dec. 1900-2 July 1965, s/o Carlton and Helen
Genevieve M. Ridley, wf of Arthur Ridley, d/o Joseph B. and Margaret
Christina Lynch.
The following information has been submitted by Lynn Foster
Pixley. Thanks,
Canne family
Constant Canne 1861 - 1947
Amelia C. Canne 1863 - 1935
Father John I. Canne 1890 - 1960
Mother Marie M. Canne 1893 - 1978
Marjorie D. Canne 1918 - 1986
Elsie E. Canne 1922
Following 2 on one stone:
John C. Jr Canne - 1919 - 1996
Ruth M. Canne - 1923
Following 2 on one stone:
Dorothy B. Canne 1925-1995
Floyd C. Canne - 1921
Florence Knight Canne 2-12-1930 - 7-3-2001 (inscription says:
Mom, you brought more smiles to my life than you'll ever know)
Following 2 on one stone:
Emma M. Canne 1900 - 1948
Floyd Canne 1989 - 1969
Following 2 on one stone:
husband Henry S. Canne 1917-1992
wife Margaret P. Canne 1919
Raymond I. Canne 1904 - 1991
Helen A. Canne 1910-1992
Following 2 on one stone
Robert F. Canne 1933-
Eleanor M. Canne 1926-1999
The following inscriptions have been donated by Daryl Verstreate, Jr.;
thanks, Daryl;
Gerald T(homas); June 28 1926 - Jan 27 1970; NY Cpl U. S. Marine Corps
Joseph C(hristopher) A(ndrew); June 12 1958 - Mar 20 2002;
Aleida V.; 1910-blank;
Charles E(gbert); 1906-1965;
Andrew F(rancis); Jan 20 1895 - Sep 21 1977; Cpl U. S. Army WWI;
Louise Van Camp; 1898- 1983;
Raymond Charles; Oct 16 1918 - June 10 1994; US Army WWII;
Beoni Henry; 1883-1948; "Father";
Vincent F(rancis); 1916-1945; Cpl Co. K 38th Inf.
Stephanie (Marie); 1884-1966;
George; Oct 9 1911 - Nov 30 1960;
Pauline V.; Sep 30 1919 - Aug 20 1999; "Mother";
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