News of Ontario County Interest
The Monroe County Mail, Thursday, July 14, 1887. This
newspaper was published in Fairport, NY
Farmington, July 12, 1887- Mr. Albert Young and daughter Carrie,
of Gorham, are visiting at the home of Mr. Warren Youngs.
Miss Grace Brewster, spent a few days of last week, with her
sister Eva, in New Salem.
Miss Myrtie Dillingham, started Saturday morning for Seneca
Falls, where she will spend the summer
with an aunt and uncle.
Mr. Eugene Trasher, of Rochester, spent Sunday at his home.
Mr. A.B. Katkamier, who has for some time been employed in
store of Mr. Knapp, of Manchester, is now home.
Mr. Thomas Grout, of Somerset, was in town over the Fourth.
Mr. Lewis Gilbert, of Rochester, is home for a vacation of
Lincoln, July 12, 1887- Mr. and Mrs. James Peacock
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage
last Wednesday, the 6th instant. There was upwards of one hundred
guests present. Friends were there from Kansas,
Indiana, and Michigan. It was a very enjoyable occasion. They have four
children and eleven grandchildren, all of
whom were present. Many valuable gifts were bestowed.
Mrs. Jacob Bugg fell from a load of hay last week and broke
her collar bone.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Alborn were thrown from their wagon while
returning from Rochester last Thursday. Mr. Alborn
escaped with slight injuries. Mrs. Alborn's left shoulder was
dislocated and she was badly bruised in other ways.
Mr. George Volint, of Rose, spent a few days at the Baptist
parsonage last week.
Village and Vicinity Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whitney and daughter Essie, of
Shortsville, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Stilwell, also Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bristol, for several
days past.
An interesting game of ball was played by the "Claytons," of Victor,
vs. the "Stars," on the new grounds last Saturday.
There was quite an audience present, the gate money amounting to about
$11, which would have been considerably augmented had those who watched
the game from the outside, paid for their entertainment. The rain
interfered with the game at the third inning, but it was resumed and
finished later. The game resulted in an easy victory for the
"Stars," the score being, "Stars" 13, "Claytons" 7. [this game took
place in Fairport, Monroe County, N.Y.)
Vicinity and State
It is stated that since Mrs. Cleveland went through Canandaigua
wearing a sailor hat that one milliner in that
place has ordered fourteen gross of the same style.
Marcus Ansley, of Geneva, has an orchard of young peach trees
which he estimates will yield fully five thousand
bushels. About one fourth of them are the Salway variety.
Robert V. Page, son of Rev. W. L. Page, a former pastor in
Phelps, has been admitted to the bar, and is said to be
the youngest lawyer in the state, being only twenty two years old.
The body of Nahum W. Fish was found in the woods near
Canaseraga, Alleghany county, Friday morning. Mr. Fish was
taken to Clifton Springs some time ago for his health, and later
escaped from the Sanitarium and had not been seen since. A
vigilant search was made at the time by his relations and a reward
offered for his apprehension. The body was badly decomposed and
was identified by
papers found in his clothing.
The Monroe County Mail, Thursday, July 4, 1895. This newspaper
was published in Fairport, NY.
Mrs. Van Ostrand of Canandaigua, is visiting her son, C.
Van Ostrand.
Clark Parker has been at Canandaigua this week.
Miss Mary Bown has returned from a visit at Clifton Springs.
Local Paragraphs
Fairport has a new veterinary surgeon. E. D. Burns of
Canandaigua, a graduate of Ontario veterinary college,
has rented an office room in the Chadwick block, over the bank,
and expects to be ready for business Monday.
[this is in Fairport, N.Y.]
The home of E. G. Allen of Farmington, was the scene of
a large and pleasant gathering. Thursday last the occasion
being the annual reunion of the White families. Friends from
Rochester, Victor, Macedon, Walworth, and Fairport,
were present numbering about 130. The picnic was adjourned to meet at
the residence of Robert Reed in Walworth,
in June, '96.
The Monroe County Mail, Thursday, November 28, 1895.
This newspaper was published in Fairport, NY.
Ontario, Nov. 25
Miss Addie Palmer from Geneva, is home for Thanksgiving.
Rochester Morning Herald Saturday, April 20, 1889 Rochester,
Ontario County News
Doings in Monroe and Adjacent Counties
- S.S. Whitehouse of Chicago is the guest of Judge William H. Adams.
- The choirs of the various churches of this village are making
elaborate preparations for Easter music.
- Mrs. Ellen Doran has purchased the property on Park street,
recently owned by the late Mrs. Caroline Mack.
- Announcement is made of the appearance of William H. Sherwood, the
celebrated pianist of New York, assisted by Mr. Streeter, the well
known violinist of Rochester, at Granger Place school hall on Friday
afternoon, April 26th.
The Citizen in its current issue has the following to say regarding
the late Franklin Smith, announcement of whose death has been
by the Herald: "In the death of Franklin Smith, which occurred
Sunday morning, this community loses one of its most upright and
citizens, who will be missed not only among neighbors and intimate
but by the community at large, besides leaving a grief-stricken widow
one son, who deeply feels the affliction. Comforting as it may be
for those who are left behind to look back at its former consistent
life and high moral character, yet such men are sadly missed. Although
Smith has not been feeling very well for some time, no serious danger
apprehended. Early on Sunday morning he was taken with severe
in the region of the heart and died almost before medical aid could be
The immediate cause of his death is thought to be neuralgia of
heart. Mr. Smith was born in Wolcott and was 62 years, two months
and 14 days of age at the time of his death. He had resided in
nearly all of his life, and had been a earnest and devout member of the
First Presbyterian church of Phelps for many years. His son, Rev.
W. Smith, accompanied by his wife, arrived here from the west
Funeral services were held from his late residence today, Thursday, at
P.M., Rev. J. J. Porter officiating."
- I. J. Lawrence has been appointed a notary public.
- E. Root of Rochester has rented C. Spear's house.
- At the different churches appropriate services will be held tomorrow.
- The manufacturing company has just put in a large stamping press.
- A meeting of the Loyal Legion will be held here this afternoon at
three o'clock.
- Colonel Edmund Dewey, who had a stroke of paralysis a few
days ago, is in a very critical condition. Colonel Dewey is the
man in the town of Manchester.
- A meeting of the stockholders of the Seneca Chief vineyard company,
limited, the following were elected officers: President, Rev. D.
McCarty; vice-president, William Llewellyn; secretary, Dr.
F. L. Vincent, treasurer, T. W. Barker; auditors, R. L.
Leland, J. R. Bostwick, G. W. Kingbury; directors for three
years, D. McCarty, Dr. Vincent, William Llewellyn; for two
years, W. A. Judd, H. K. Carpenter; for one year, T. W.
Barker, A. S. Cotton. By-laws were adopted and 10 per cent of
the capital stock was paid in.
- Miss Alice Brown is in Clifton Springs.
- E. D. Allen is employed at Major Downey's store.
- Repairs are being made to the iron bridge on East street.
- Gossip concerning a railroad through the Honeoye valley is being
- Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Huntington are settled in their new home
at Keuka lake.
- Norman L. Sherman has received the appointment of postmaster
at East Rush.
- The final examination of the quarter was held at the union school
building yesterday.
- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peck of West Bloomfield are at home after
an extended trip through California.
- The Ontario gas company is contemplating laying a five inch main from
this place and Rushville to Canandaigua.
- The Liberty family, under the management of the Protective hose
company, will give a concert in Village hall on Tuesday evening.
- The Knickerbocker Chautauqua circle will hold its next regular
meeting at the residence of H. M. Holden on Wednesday evening.
- Appropriate Easter observances will be made tomorrow at St. Paul's
church and also at the Methodist and Presbyterian churches. The choir
at St. John's Episcopal church will render Tour's celebrated musical
Necrological Notes.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary R. Raines will take place this
afternoon from her late residence, 77 Park avenue, and will be
private. The remains will be taken to Canandaigua for interment.
Verdict of Accidental Death
Coroner Kliendienst held an inquest yesterday afternoon in the case
of William J. Hethrington, the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg
brakeman, who was fatally injured near Charlotte on Wednesday night.
The man had just lost three fingers. It is supposed that he tried to
make a coupling with the crippled hand, forgetting for the moment its
condition, and missing his hold, slipped and caught his foot in a frog.
A verdict of accidental death was rendered. The remains were sent home
to Clifton, Ontario, yesterday.
N.Y.C., Auburn Road [this is the New York Central Railroad]
5:00 A.M. Stops at all stations.
7:35 A.M. Stops at all stations, except Oaks Corners, Aurelius,
Sennett, Halfway, Marcellus, Camillus and Fairmount.
9:40 A.M. Stops at all stations to Geneva except Farmington.
12:00 M. Stops at all stations.
3:50 P.M. Stops at all stations.
7:00 P.M. Baltimore express. Stops at all stations to Canandaigua only,
except Farmington.
8:30 P.M. Stops at all stations except Sennett, Halfway and Fairmount.
11:30 P.M. Stops at all stations to Canandaigua only.
Fall Brook Coal Co.'s Railways
S., G. & C. Division
LYONS - Arrive: 9:45 A.M., 2:50 P.M., 8:30 P.M.; Leave: 7:15 A.M.,
10:35 A.M., 6:15 P.M.
GENEVA - Arrive: 9:15 A.M., 2:00 P.M., 7:54 P.M.; Leave: 8:00 A.M.,
12:40 P.M., 6:45 P.M.
Trains Run Daily.
North Central Railroad
7:35 A.M. - Canandaigua 8:55 A.M. Stops at all stations.
3:50 P.M. - Canandaigua 5:20 P.M. Stops at all stations.
7:00 P.M. Canandaigua 8:05 P.M. Stops at Stanley, Penn Yan, Himrods,
Starkey, Watkins, Havana and Horseheads.
Contributed by Martha Perry Magill, Co-coordinator, Wayne County
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