From Ontario County Chronicle 2 July 1902

Darwin McClure,
a prominent farmer of the town of Hopewell, was seriously injured last Wednesday. He was operating a road machine at the time, from which he was thrown to the ground. He sustained a rupture of the left lung and other injuries. He was attended by Dr. George McClellan, of this village.

Last Saturday evening while a farmer named Fred Kerskie and wife and small child were driving, their horse became frightened at an electric car. The animal turned suddenly, overturning the buggy and throwing the occupants to the ground. Mrs. Kerskie had several ribs fractured and sustained a great nervous shock. She was taken to the office of Dr. G. W. McClellan, where her injuries were attended to. Mr. Kerskie and daughter escaped injury.

From Geneva Daily Times 3 July 1902

Exchange street in the vicinity of the Central-Hudson tracks was the scene of an exciting runaway shortly before noon today. A Democrat wagon attached to a horse made things lively for a few minutes.  The occupants of the wagon were Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Gittins and their four small children.  The horse became frightened just south of the Central-Hudson tracks. The animal became unmanageable and dashed madly down Exchange street.  The rig swayed from one side of the road to the other and the occupants screamed to the full capacity of their lungs.  Mr. Gittens managed to keep vehicle from upsetting. When the horse reached North street the wagon nearly upset.  The animal increased its momentum at that point when James McCarthy made a daring rescue. Mr. McCarthy ran in front of the horse.  He succeeded in grabbing the animal by the bridle and the horse was brought to a standstill after McCarthy had been dragged nearly 50 feet. 

From Ontario County Journal 4 July 1902

South Bloomfield, N. Y. -
A company of about 40 gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fletcher on June 26 for a reunion of the Francis family. A short programme was rendered, with recitations by Miss Maud Francis and Miss Bessie Briggs. Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Elnathan Briggs, of Lima; Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Peck and family of Shortsville; and Mrs. Benjamin Seymour and daughter of Penn Yan. The family will meet next year at W. F. Seymour's at Bristol.

From Geneva Daily Times 5 July 1902

Three persons are known to have been injured Thursday night by being burned with powder.  The most serious case was that of Matthew O'Brien, who was painfully burned in the face. O'Brien was walking near the Geneva National Bank when he was blinded by powder from a revolver containing blank cartridges in the hands of a young man named McNerney. He was taken to the office of Dr. H. D. Clapp, where his injuries were dressed. O'Brien's face was filled with powder and badly burned. Fortunately his eyes were not burned.

Shortly after O'Brien was injured some one put a giant fire cracker under a small box.  The cracker went off with a loud report followed by a flash.  The little fellows clothing caught fire and he was painfully burned before the flames were put out.

Anthony McDonald was struck in the face with a sky rocket and painfully hurt.  A hole half an inch long and fully as thick was burrowed in McDonald's left cheek.

From Ontario County Chronicle 9 July 1902

Canadice, N. Y. -
One of the saddest events that has been in town for sometime, is the condition of Edwin Rodgers. Since the death of his wife, three and a half years ago, he has had quite a considerable trouble which has unsettled his reason. It was decided by the physician to take him to Ovid. The attendants came for him one day last week, but he had grown so weak he could not be removed. It is thought he will live but a short time.

Thursday while Joseph Wakefield and Joseph White were engaged in sawing timber on the Ralph Simmons farm near Centerfield, a pile of rails fell on the men, badly injuring them. Wakefield, who was seriously injured, was brought to the Beahan hospital where it was found that he was suffering from a fracture of the skull and several bad scalp wounds. His face and neck were seriously lacerated and it is thought that he was internally injured. White was not so seriously injured.

From Geneva Daily Times 11 July 1902

Grover McKeel,
21 years of age, was arrested this forenoon by Officer Merry, on the charge of assault.  The explicit complaint against McKeel is that he drew a loaded revolver, pointed it at Alonzo Howe and promised to "fill Howe full of lead." Howe lives at 184 Pulteney street.  According to the complaint, McKeel was in front of the place yesterday when he drew the revolver and threatened Howe.  It was said that Howe and McKeel had some words and that Howe went into the Pulteney street house.  When Howe showed his face at the doorway, McKeel drew a revolver and said:  "I will fill you full of lead." Just then Lavina Mudge, cousin to Howe, came out of the house, whereupon McKeel, says the complaint, replaced the pistol in his hip pocket.  Subsequently, McKeel called Howe a vile name and dared Howe to come out of the house and be shot. This morning Howe swore out a complaint before City Judge Wyckoff.  His cousin, Lavina Mudge, subscribed to a statement in which she averred that she heard McKeel threaten Howe.  Later on McKeel was arrested by Officer Merry. McKeel was released on his own recognizance until Monday.  Howe, who made the complaint, is said to be 30 years of age.

From Ontario County Journal 11 July 1902
Reed's Corners, N. Y. -  The Megaffee family held a reunion at the home of Emory Megaffee on July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Lewis and family, of Chapinville; Edward Putnam, Miss Grace Otterson and Miss Cynthia Pease of Bellona, were present.

Bristol Springs, N. Y. -
On Friday, July 4, a family picnic was held in the orchard at John Trembly's place, about 75 people attending. The day proved an ideal one for the occasion. Guests from out-of-town were Rev. H. L. Howard and wife of Naples; Rev. A. M. Wilkins of Bristol Center; Miss Eunice Cleveland of Sayville; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bolles and family of Naples; M. H. Cleveland and family of Naples; Fred Cleveland and family of Lent Hill; Frank Cleveland and family of Naples; Gilbert Haskell and family of Cheshire; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of Naples; and Mrs. H. C. Beeman of Canandaigua.

From Geneva Daily Times 28 July 1902

Miss Mary Finn
of 48 North Exchange street, an employe at the American Can works, had two fingers of the right hand smashed at 11 o'clock this morning.  The young woman was feeding a die machine at the time the accident occurred and caught her finger in it.  Dr. G. B. Youngs, the surgeon of the company, was called and dressed the injured members.  The surgeon said this afternoon that perhaps the third finger may be saved.  The middle finger, which is more severely crushed, may have to be amputated.

From Geneva Daily Times 28 July 1902

Aaron Rippey,
55 years of age, a well-known resident of the Town of Seneca, was stricken with angina pectoris yesterday afternoon while in the Seneca Presbyterian church.  Mr. Rippey was seen to fall forward, just as he was going out of the church. He at once lapsed into an unconscious state.  Dr. Powers of Stanley was summoned.  Meanwhile, Mr. Rippey had been carried into the vestibule of the church and cared for as best his friends could under the circumstances.  After Dr. Powers arrived, Mr. Rippey was taken to his home at Stanley.  It was said this morning that his condition is slightly improved but that his recovery is doubtful.  Mr. Rippey is well known in this city and has numerous relatives and friends here.

From Geneva Advertiser 29 July 1902

Mrs. Darwin S. Peck,
who lives with her son, Walter D. Peck, suffered a slight stroke of paralysis last Sunday, following a serious illness, and her life is despaired of.

We are pained to learn that Justice Aaron O. Rippey of Stanley was stricken with heart disease in Seneca Church last Sunday, and that his friends fear the result will be fatal. He is 55 years of age and one of the most prominent christian men of the town.

From Ontario County Chronicle 30 July 1902

Phelps, N. Y. - Jay Fridley,
the 15-year-old son of Philip Fridley, was accidentally shot in the left lung Friday afternoon. He, in company with William H. Haines and George Curtis, were in the rear of Crosier's hardware store, shooting at a lighted candle with a Flobert rifle. Young Fridley was standing near the candle and it was his duty to light the candle whenever one of the marksmen put it out. The rifle was a small Flobert, with an unusually sensitive spring, and the cartridges were the small double B variety. Curtis had just shot, and reloading the gun, unconsciously held the muzzle pointing toward Fridley while he was handing it over to Haines. In some unaccountable manner the gun went off and at the same time Fridley fell to the floor crying that he was shot. The young man had on only a light summer shirt and as there was no resistance, he received the full effects of the charge. He was taken to Dr. Vanderhoof's office and an examination made of the wound. It was found that the ball entered the left lung about two inches above the heart. Dr. Vanderhoof probed for the bullet, but was unable to locate it. Fridley was taken to his home and is at present in a precarious condition. He raises a quantity of blood, and it is feared he cannot survive.

From Ontario County Chronicle 30 July 1902

Sunday evening three Italians engaged in a free-for-all fight in the alley on the north side of the Baptist church. It appears that Filipe Antonio and Vendense Massino pounced upon Jerry Crocco, and for a time matters looked serious. The police finally arrested Jerry Crocco and Filipe Antonio, Massino escaping. On Monday Officer Sheehan went to Auburn, where he found Massino working with a gang of railroad men. Massino was arrested and brought back to Canandaigua. The trio were arraigned before Justice Parkhurst yesterday when he fined Antonio and Massino each $20, and Crocco, $10.

From Geneva Daily Times 31 July 1902

Patrick Clements,
a steam fitter in the  employ of the Vance boiler works, was painfully injured at Canandaigua yesterday. Clements was chiseling a steel pipe when two of the small shavings flew and hit him in the right eye.  A physician was called but did not succeed in extricating the pieces of steel.  Clements came to Geneva last night and went to the office of Dr. N. B. Covert.  The physician succeeded in locating and extracting one piece of steel.  The other piece will be searched for today. Clement's eyesight will probably not be permanently impaired.

Mrs. John F. Finnerty of 23 Rose street met with a peculiar mishap this forenoon.  Mrs. Finnerty was standing on a chair papering when the chair fell over.  She was thrown violently to the floor and fainted.  Dr. C. D. McCarthy, who was summoned, found that Mrs. Finnerty had sprained her wrist but was otherwise uninjured.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 August 1902

Margaret Ryan,
of Washington street, had the first finger of her right hand taken off this morning while feeding a stamping machine at the works of the American Can company.  She is the third young woman to be injured there within  a week.

From Geneva Advertiser 5 August 1902

Those seven automobiles here are owned by Alfred Catchpole, F. M. Fast, C. W. Fairfax, S. G. McKane, H. L. Rose, D. J. Van Auken and O. H. Wright, the names alphabetically arranged.  Mr. Wright obtained his so that if nominated and elected coroner next fall by its use he can hasten to inspect a case of violent death, not waiting for an express train or slow horse.

From Ontario County Chronicle 6 August 1902

Hinkley Tay's
son, who occupies the homestead farm near Brownsville, in Farmington, met with a severe loss one day last week. His pasture lot lays adjoining a large potato field of a neighbor, who was using Paris Green. The latter was in a small wooden box and carelessly placed close to a wire fence. Two fine fat steers reached through the wire and consumed enough to kill them. They were found just in time to prevent other cattle from the same fate. The blame rests with the person who placed the poison there and is likely to cause litigation. As yet no settlement has been reached.

Manchester, N. Y. - The case of Mrs. Elizabeth Short against her husband, J. Warren Short, which was tried in Rochester on Monday, was decided in favor of the defendant. The action was brought by Mrs. Short for alimony and the custody of her children. In the decision she was allowed $30 for counsel fees pending the action.

From Ontario County Chronicle 13 August 1902

On Saturday the annual reunion of the Davis family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton O. Evans, in West Avenue, this village. There were present seventy-eight members of the family. A bountiful dinner was served, and the pleasure of the day was increased by the rendition of a literary and musical programme. The committee to arrange for next year's reunion is: M. O. Evans, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Green, Ray McMillan, Mrs. George McMillan, Rubie Baldwin, Norman Davis, Charles Davis and Mrs. M. O. Evans. Guests present from out of the county were: Norman Davis, Chili; Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, Hammondsport; W. A. Davis, Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ainslee, Milo; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Davis and son, Chili; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis, Milo; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans and Mrs. Charles Coon of Seneca Falls.

From Geneva Daily Times 14 August 1902

Clark A. Bullock,
a teamster employed on the Geneva street paving, had his left hand severely injured this afternoon. Bullock got the fingers of his hand between the wagon and a pick axe.  The first and second fingers were badly crushed. The injury was dressed by Dr. George S. Means.

From Victor Herald 15 August 1902

While trimming a tree on Maple avenue near the residence of W. B. Osborne, Thursday afternoon, Street Commissioner Sidney Pim, Sr., rested his ladder against a dead limb which broke under his weight. In his fall, Mr. Pimm sustained a fracture of his right leg at the ankle and was badly bruised. The injured man was taken to his home and Dr. A. M Mead reduced the fracture. As Mr. Pimm is somewhat over seventy years of age, the injury is an especially serious one.

From Ontario County Chronicle 20 August 1902

The annual reunion of the descendants of Benjamin Wheeler of South Bloomfield will be held at the home of B. F. Wheeler on the Van Gelder farm, on the west shore of the lake, on Saturday, September 6. Mortimer Sleght, Canandaigua, is the president of the association, and Jesse A. Wheeler, South Bloomfield, secretary.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 August 1902

A lively runaway occurred in South Main street shortly after noon today, in which William Miller and his 8-year-old son, of Angus Station, were the principals.  The Millers drove to town in a buggy and were half way down Main street hill when one of the holdbacks broke.  The buggy ran against the horse and the animal broke into a run.  The wagon was upset and the occupants were thrown against a picket fence.  Mr. Miller was not injured.  He managed to regain his feet and seize the horse's bridle before the animal could go further.  The boy struck the fence on his head.  He could not move and for several minutes it was thought he was seriously hurt.  Afterwards it was found the lad was badly bruised about the head and shoulders and suffering from shock.

From Geneva Advertiser 26 August 1902

Clarence A. Goodwin,
employed at the wagon works met with an accident yesterday morning by which he lost the thumb of his left hand.  He was seized with a sudden dizziness, his thumb struck the planer and the member was severed at the first joint. He is aged about 22 years.  An accident policy would have helped him out just at this time.

From Geneva Advertiser 26 August 1902

There are three Brodericks who are very ill, the chances of recovery being against them.  The first is the illness of Mrs. Hutchins, nee Miss Kate Broderick; the second is John Broderick of 226 William street, suffering from Bright's disease, and the third is John Broderick, brother of Martin, who lives on Lake street, one of the proprietors of the Fall Brook House. He died last night, aged 45 years.

From Geneva Daily Times 27 August 1902

Fisher Morehouse
of Naples has constructed an automobile for his own use.  Its capacity is one man and its rate of speed is ten miles per hour.  Mr. Morehouse exhibited the machine to many of his friends here yesterday.  He was the guest of George Spraggon.

From Ontario County Chronicle 27 August 1902

John Ideson,
of North Bloomfield, has sailed for England for a three month's visit with relatives in Leeds, Ripton and other places. Mr. Ideson is over 80 years old and expects to keenly enjoy his visit with brothers and sisters whom he has not seen for many years.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 August 1902

As Dennis Creedon, deliveryman for D. W. Lynch, groceryman, of Castle street, was driving towards the city on Castle street, near W. & T. Smith's office, shortly after noon today, he saw a farmer driving towards him at breakneck speed.  The farmer drove so that the wagon struck the vehicle in which Creedon was sitting.  Creedon was thrown 15 or 20 feet and painfully but not seriously bruised about the face and hands.  The wagon was partially demolished and the harness was broken. The force of the collision threw the farmer's wagon to one side.  Without stopping an instant he whipped up his team and continued his journey westward.  His name has not been learned.

A FARMER HURT - Charles McGuigan,
aged 60 years, who resides on the Pre-emption road near North street, fell from a load of grain onto the floor of his barn.  He struck on his head and shoulders.  A deep gash was cut in the scalp and his left  shoulder was sprained.  At the time of the accident, Mr. McGuigan was pulling down the horse fork.  The rope broke, causing him to fall backwards.  Dr. C. D. McCarthy was called and dressed the man's injuries.  The physician said this afternoon that McGuigan was able to sit up today.

From Ontario County Chronicle 3 September 1902

Naples, N. Y. -
At the home of Drew Verhile yesterday the 58th birthday of Mrs. Barbara Verhile was celebrated. She was given a complete surprise by her children, grandchildren and a few friends. Mrs. Verhile has lately had a cataract removed from eye at Hornellsville. She was blind for four or five years and now she and all her friends rejoice that she can see them once more. Her husband died a few years since and she desired to live alone, although she was welcome in any of the homes of her children. She lives just west of Garlinghouse and is a regular attendant of the Catholic church of Naples.

From Victor Herald 5 September 1902

Miss Ellen Cotter
met with a serious accident on Tuesday. She was cleaning the windows on the lower floor of the High School building and in some way lost her balance. To save herself from a fall, she jumped to the ground, some ten feet below, landing upon her feet with sufficient force to break one ankle and sprain the other severely. Drs. Clapper and Draper were summoned almost immediately and the injured woman was taken to her home on West Main street and made as comfortable as possible.

From Ontario County Journal 5 September 1902

Bristol, N. Y. -  Mrs. Daniel Driscoll
and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, of this place, while driving along Honeoye lake on Wednesday, were thrown from their carriage, their horse becoming frightened by a cow at the side of the road. Mrs. Kennedy was rendered unconscious by the fall and remained so for two hours. A physician's examination proved that the ladies had suffered only from the shock, no bones being broken.

From Victor Herald 12 September 1902

Harry Peck,
of this village, who is employed as section man on the Lehigh Valley, met with an accident while at work Tuesday afternoon. He was engaged at his work close to the track and did not notice the approach of the work train which was made up with the engine in the middle of a string of flat cars. The end of a car struck him in the back of the head, throwing him with considerable force against the freight house platform. When picked up he was found to have received a severe gash about four inches long in his scalp, and other bad bruises. Physicians were summoned, who sewed up the cut and gave their opinion that his skull was not fractured.

Allen's Hill, N. Y. - George Simpson met with a painful accident on Saturday of last week. While repairing a pulley, the horses suddenly started, throwing him to the ground and breaking his arm. Dr. Sayer attended him. This is the second accident Mr. Simpson has suffered inside a year, he having been kicked in the face by a colt last September.

Allen's Hill, N. Y. - Mrs. Jennie Kennedy and Mrs. Mary Driscoll met with a serious accident last Wednesday afternoon. While driving on the east side of Honeoye lake, their horse became frightened at a cow and ran, throwing both ladies to the ground. Mrs. Kennedy was rendered unconscious and it is feared is seriously injured. Mrs. Driscoll escaped uninjured. The carriage was completely demolished.

Bristol Springs, N. Y. - Spencer Barrett, while working a jack screw under a barn for John Trembly last Thursday, fell backward from a cribbing about eight feet, and in jumping to save the force of the fall, struck on his left foot with such force as to break one of the bones of his leg seriously. The accident will probably cost him the use of his leg for some time.

From Ontario County Journal 19 September 1902

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Hiram Steele,
the oldest resident of this town, celebrated his ninety-sixth birthday on Saturday. Many friends called during the afternoon and evening to extend congratulations to the venerable gentleman who enjoys life to a remarkable degree. His interest in the affairs of the day is as keen as it was 50 years ago.

From Geneva Daily Times 22 September 1902

Phoebe Reckord,
40 years of age, and wife of Stephen Reckord of Powers alley, threw herself in front of the Fall Brook train due here from the south at 9:20 o'clock this forenoon.  Mrs. Reckord was removed from the tracks.  Later on she laid on the tracks in front of a pony engine approaching from the south.  By this time it had become apparent to the onlookers that Mrs. Reckord was endeavoring to attract attention and she was not molested.  When she saw that no one sprang to rescue her she arose of her own accord.  Subsequently she was arrested and lodged in a cell at the police lockup.  Mrs. Reckord approached the Castle street crossing of the Fall Brook at 9 o'clock this morning and began to shout.  Flagman Burke and others who heard the shouts watched the woman.  Mrs. Reckord indulged in threats of suiciding and her husband was sent for.  When the train approached from the south, she threw herself on the tracks.  Reckord and another man removed her from the tracks.  A pony engine was approaching from the south a few minutes later, and Mrs. Reckord declared her intention of throwing herself in front of that.  She laid down on the tracks.  Mr. Reckord, seeing that Mrs. Reckord was as sane as anybody and that she sought to create a sensation, went away.  Flagman Burke and other onlookers made up their minds that Mrs. Reckord did not intend to be crushed under the wheels of the pony, and they let her lie.  The pony engine was some distance away, and in the interim of its approach, Mrs. Reckord performed a number of antics for the amusement of the gathering crowd.  She tried to balance her body on one rail but failed.  Presently, having looked around and seen that no one seemed to care, Mrs. Reckord arose and walked away screaming.  

Meanwhile Officer D. R. Hawkins, of the police, had been sent for.  He took Mrs. Reckord in charge, whereat she said:  "If you take me you will have to fight."  The officer sought to conduct Mrs. Reckord up town, but she resisted strenuously. Finally Chief Kane and Officer Merry hove in sight, and the three handled Mrs. Reckord into P. O'Malley's buggy.  Officer Hawkins got into the buggy.  Officer Merry strapped Mrs. Reckord's feet so that she could not kick. But she kicked; and the kicks bent the dashboard double.  Finally Officer Merry stood on the step of the buggy and held down Mrs. Reckord's legs so that she could not demolish the dashboard.  At the station it was said that Mrs. Reckord probably was too drunk to be arraigned today. Elsewhere it was said that she had a quarrel with her husband this morning, and that as a result she determined upon suicide. This statement could not be verified.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 September 1902

William Conway
came up from Naples today on a business trip.  No sooner had Conway struck town than he was arrested, charged with non-support.  To the police, Conway said that it was a case of inverted justice, inasmuch as his wife had deserted him, he declared.  The case was set down for 3:30 o'clock this afternoon.

From Geneva Daily Times 24 September 1902

George A. Keyes,
formerly a resident of this city, who was arrested in Rochester yesterday, was committed to the Ontario county jail this morning for an indeterminate period.  He will be discharged only upon an order from the county judge, after a motion for his discharge has been granted in the open court.  Keyes was arrested on complaint of his wife, who charged him with non-support.  It was not his first experience of the kind.  The couple have had considerable trouble and Keyes has been arrested once before on a similar charge.  When the couple lived together in this city, they frequently quarreled and more than once Judge Wyckoff has visited their house to settle a dispute that had arisen between husband and wife.  When Keyes was arraigned this morning, he pleaded not guilty.  He said that he had paid all that he could afford when the amount of his wages was considered.  He admitted that he received $2 per day but added that he had been out of work for three weeks. It was shown that he had paid his wife only $20 since December last.  He was adjudged guilty and was held in $500 bail.  He could not furnish bail and was committed to jail as a disorderly person.

From Geneva Daily Times 25 September 1902

William W. House,
a deliveryman employed by W. I. Bonnett & Co., was kicked in the abdomen by a horse yesterday, and for many hours it was not known whether he would recover.  To the efforts of a physician who was summoned, Mr. House owes his life.  House was placing the harness on the horse in the barn yesterday when the animal lifted his right hind hoof and kicked the young man.  The hoof struck House in the lower part of the abdomen, directly over the pubic bone.  The blow, together with the pain, doubled House up like a jackknife.  He was removed to his home and Dr. N. B. Covert was summoned. The injured man was placed in bed and the wound was dressed.  The physician said that not until today would it be possible to tell just how serious the injury was.  "Mr. House will recover," said Dr. Covert this afternoon.  "The internal injuries were not serious and the indications are that the young man will be out again within a few days."

From Ontario County Journal 26 September 1902

Rushville, N. Y. - 
On Monday, as Joseph Abeel was about to start on his mail route, his horse made a circuitous run through the school campus to Main street, then up Main street to Holbrook Corners and west as far as Randall's, where she jumped a high board gate before being caught. The horse escaped injury and but little damage was done to buggy or harness.

From Geneva Daily Times 2 October 1902

Milton A. Roberts,
one of the proprietors of the Carrollton, had a narrow escape during a runaway this morning. He was driving his team on Exchange street when one of the horses slipped and fell on the asphalt pavement.  As it fell the animal struck and broke the tongue of the vehicle to which it was attached.  The horse regained its feet quickly. The team turned sharply to the right and ran across the sidewalk.  They were headed directly towards the small building south of the Geneva house.  The buildings stopped them just as Chief of Police Kane and Officer Merry caught the bridles.

From Geneva Advertiser 7 October 1902

Mr. Matthew Wilson
is now in his 84th year, and except a touch of lumbago is hale and hearty.  He has been a resident of Geneva since 1839, and it is very interesting to hear him talk of old times.  He came to Geneva with Wm. K. Strong, and for some years managed the farm now owned by Martin H. Smith, then owned by Mr. Strong.

From Geneva Daily Times 18 October 1902

When D. J. VanAuken was in the Phelps wilderness a few weeks ago, a man stopped him and asked for a ride in his automobile.  "Fust one er these 'ere things ever I rid in," said the old man.  Mr. VanAuken asked him to remain in the vehicle while he went into a store to transact some business.  Pretty soon the steam reached the limit and began to blow off.  The old man's face blanched with fear, his hat fell off and he clutched at the atmosphere.  "HELP !  MURDER !," he shouted, as he turned a somersault over the dashboard.  "The dad-burned thing's a-goin' to bust !"  The old man dashed down the street. The last seen of him he was disappearing in a cloud of dust almost a mile away.

From Geneva Advertiser 21 October 1902

C. A. Lane
of Phelps was down here last Friday with his automobile, made by himself.  It has a gasoline engine -- that too was made in Phelps, and it is a very handsome rig.  Lane says it is good for 25 miles an hour over good roads.  He is the C. A. Lane who was formerly the New York Central ticket agent here.

From Ontario County Chronicle 22 October 1902

Phelps, N. Y. - Norman Rockefeller,
a highly esteemed citizen of this community celebrated his 90th birthday Friday. Mr. Rockefeller was born at Barrington, Columbia county, October 17th, 1812. His grandfather, on his mother's side, was Miles Avery, an officer in the Revolutionary Army. Of a family of nine children, Mr. Rockefeller and an older brother, William, aged 93, are the only survivors. The latter is the father of John D., William and Frank Rockefeller, the chief officers of the Standard Oil Co. In 1840 Mr. Rockefeller was married to Miss Christina Blakeman and moved to Tioga county where he erected a home and resided for eight years.

From Victor Herald 24 October 1902

Percy Peck,
a young married man of this village, employed on the New York Central section gang, narrowly escaped death last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Peck was standing beside the track near the Central station where he was working, when the 4:39 train drew up behind him. The whistle and ringing bell and the shouts of warning from the other men of the gang confused Mr. Peck and as he turned about he was struck in the breast by the cross beam of the engine. Fortunately Mr. Peck did not fall beneath the wheels of the locomotive, but was thrown from the moving train. A broken nose, a gash in the head and one or two broken ribs beside other bruises resulted from the accident. Dr. William B. Clapper attended the injured man. Mr. Peck is an industrious and generally popular citizen and his friends will be glad to know that his present condition warrants a speedy recovery.

Saturday afternoon, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heckman, in Manchester, was given a piano recital by the pupils of Mrs. L. D. Herendeen. Quite a large and appreciative audience was entertained for nearly two hours. Considering the length of the program, and that all were amateur players, it is quite remarkable that every number should have been so admirably rendered. It certainly showed the thoroughness and efficiency of the teaching and the close application and interest in the work of the scholars. Those who took part were Misses Mildred Pomeroy, Helen Smith, Dorothy Collins, Edith Purdy and Mary Purdy, of Farmington; Misses Bessie Morris, Clara Shearer, Gertrude Brophy, Mildred Sheffield, Wilda Hawks, Mollie Macomber, Florence Brophy, Marion King, Hattie King, Grace Austin and Olive Post; Hugh Hawks, Charles Austin and Harry Frazer of Manchester.

From Geneva Daily Times 25 October 1902

John R. Brown,
aged 25 years, who resides three miles north-west of the city, met with a serious accident at the head of Seneca street, at 10:30 o'clock last evening.  He was coming down Main street on his bicycle, riding at the rate of seven miles per hour.  When he neared the car tracks he turned slightly to the left to avoid a car that was passing.  At the same moment two men were proceeding south in Main street, in a buggy drawn by a white horse.  They drove across the street toward the car. Brown could not save himself from a collision, and ran head first into the horse.  The horse's knee struck him in the stomach, rendering him unconscious.  The two men whipped up their horse and disappeared. The injured man was assisted by M. G. Fletcher and Mr. Cadwallader.  He was taken to the office of Dr. N. B. Covert, where it was found that his elbows, knees and one hip were severely bruised, in addition to the injury to his stomach. Brown was restored to consciousness and sent to his home.  Dr. Covert said today that Brown will recover.  The wheel was demolished.

From Geneva Advertiser 28 October 1902

Mr. Charles H. Huke
has been a resident of Geneva just fifty years. His first employment was in the Johnson foundry. With one exception, his associates are dead. That exception was C. C. Parker, now of Dunkirk. Some of the others were Joel Prescott, M. Easterbrook, Freeman Redner, Ira Bullard, W. B. Dunning, Dan Johnson -- all gone.

From Ontario County Chronicle 5 November 1902

Manchester, N. Y. -
On Sunday morning as an Italian laborer named Antonio Dehuskai was assisting a fellow laborer to put a barrel of cider (sweet cider) into his cellar, they lost control of the barrel which slipped in such a manner that Antonio's leg was pinioned to the wall. When the victim was extricated, it was found that he was unable to stand and Drs. John and Frank Pratt were hastily summoned and found that he had sustained a compound fracture of the right leg. The fracture was reduced and the patient made as comfortable as possible by the reminder that the wages of sin is a broken leg.

From Victor Herald 7 November 1902

Bristol, N. Y. - Mrs. Murray Bentley
is suffering now from a bite received from their dog while in a spasm. The dog it seems had got some poison that had been put around on a neighbor's premises for rats, and had eaten a quantity of it sufficient to throw it into spasms. Mrs. Bentley, seeing the animal in such distress, attempted to give it some mustard as an antidote, and while trying to give it, the dog turned and bit her hand severely. The dog was killed at once and Dr. Wheeler has cauterized the wound.

From Geneva Daily Times 7 November 1902

Mrs. Charlotte Vandemark,
of Phelps, faced death yesterday, saw the horse which she was driving killed, and had the buggy in which she was riding smashed to kindling wood.  Although so crippled with rheumatism as to be unable to help herself, she escaped unhurt. It was all done in another crossing accident.  Mrs. Vandemark wanted to come to Geneva to purchase a supply of plants for her conservatory.  She hired a rig from E. P. Ryan and started for Geneva.  When she arrived at the Lester crossing she drove on the tracks without noticing the approach of the passenger train due in this city at 7:15 o'clock. Just as her horse reached the middle of the track there was a crash, the horse was stretched dead beside the track, the buggy was demolished and Mrs. Vandemark was thrown a considerable distance.  The engineman had already applied the emergency brakes. The train was brought to a standstill and the trainmen hastened to the assistance of the woman. She was not injured. She was placed aboard the train and brought to this city.  She returned to Phelps on a later train without purchasing the plants.

From Ontario County Journal 7 November 1902

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Hiram Steele
walked to the town house on Tuesday and voted the straight Republican ticket. Mr. Steele cast his first vote for General Jackson and has voted at every town, county, state and national election since, and always for the candidates of the Republican party. Mr. Steele was 96 years old in September and is well and hearty both in mind and body. He thinks that his record as a voter is not equaled by any one in the state.

From Geneva Daily Times 10 November 1902

James E. Riley,
fireman at the electric light station, caught twenty-two fish off the towpath pier last night. They included bass, bullheads and one eel.  Fishing off the pier is said to be good if the right kind of bait is used.

From Ontario County Chronicle 12 November 1902

Manchester, N. Y. - John C. Burns,
who is janitor of our Union school and who until recently was possessed of a luxuriant full beard, was treated to nearly a clean shave free of charge on both sides of his face on Tuesday morning. The coal which the district was fortunate enough to secure during the strike, seems to contain a larger quantity of gas and having more the appearance of soft coal than in former years and occasionally when one of the furnace doors are opened, a flame of an alarming size will shoot out and one one of these occasions, Mr. Burns opened the door to peep in with the result mentioned.

From Ontario County Journal 14 November 1902

Naples, N. Y. -  Harry Avery
had a narrow escape from death last Saturday; a heavy log that was being rolled on to a wagon broke away and caught Mr. Avery as it rolled back. He was thrown to the ground and the log went over him from head to foot, leaving him with a broken leg and a crushed body and face. Only the soft ground saved his life. He was pressed down so that a perfect cast of his form was made in the ground.

From Geneva Advertiser 18 November 1902

George Codington
has improved considerably since his stroke of paralysis, but other difficulties, particularly of the throat, have set him back. He is far advanced in years, and that makes his progress slow.

From Ontario County Chronicle 19 November 1902

Manchester, N. Y. -
Two Italian queens, residents of the "Bee Hive," indulged in a fistic encounter without gloves on Tuesday afternoon which would put some well-trained athletes in the shade. The women were Mrs. Joseph Galoma and Mrs. Michael Franki and at the close of the melee, Mrs. Frank went before Justice Dunham and swore out a warrant for her pugilistic friend which was served by Officer Smith and the case set down for Wednesday. On Wednesday it was found that Mrs. Franki had been so badly bruised that she was unable to leave her bed and the case adjourned till Saturday. When it was called the prisoner was found guilty but sentence was suspended during good behavior.

From Geneva Daily Times 20 November 1902

Frank Marsh,
who resides in Stanley, was brought to the Geneva City hospital yesterday afternoon to be treated for an injury he received while operating a corn-husking machine. Marsh's right hand was so badly crushed that three of the fingers had to be amputated.  While the machine was husking corn yesterday afternoon, Marsh suddenly cried out with pain.  The men saw that his hand was caught in the machinery, and the engine was stopped as quickly as possible. Marsh was brought to the City hospital where Dr. George S. Means attended him.

From Victor Herald 21 November 1902

The passenger train which leaves Victor at 3:17 p.m. east, came near adding a name to the long list of railroad accident victims, at Canandaigua, Wednesday afternoon. Winfield S. Marshall, of East Bloomfield, was walking across to the station from the sidewalk leading from the Masseth House to the railroad. The Batavia train stood at the west end of the yard. Marshall heard the Rochester train coming down from the west and evidently thought that the Batavia train which he wished to take was pulling out. He rushed by the end of the Batavia train and was struck in the side by the Auburn road engine drawing in on the next track. An officer and several citizens carried the injured man to Beahan's Hospital. It was found necessary to amputate part of the right foot which was badly crushed by the wheels of the locomotive. Three ribs were fractured and several cuts and bruises were sustained on the face and scalp. Mr. Marshall has a wife and family in East Bloomfield. His condition was much improved as last reported.

South Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mrs. Hannah Wheeler passed her 93rd birthday on Monday of this week, and even at this age Mrs. Wheeler possesses all her faculties to a remarkable degree. She has a rare memory and it is very interesting to converse with her. We hope she many years in store for her and can enjoy her usual good health.

From Geneva Daily Times 22 November 1902

There used to live in Geneva a man named Ambrose Crandall who was as witty in some of his remarks as Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Crandall was known all over this part of the state as "Am" Crandall and many stories of his remarks are current. A new one was heard this morning.  For many years before his death "Am" was intimate friend of Henry D. Beach, the violin maker, and frequently called at his shop. Over his lathe Mr. Beach kept a box which was almost always filled with chewing tobacco. One day Mr. Crandall entered the shop and threw a "cud" of tobacco into the shavings box. Then he reached into the box over the lathe.  It was empty.  A look of chagrin crossed his face as he reached over, withdrew the discarded "chew" from the shavings and replaced it in his mouth.  "That, my friend," he said to Mr. Beach, "is the last time I will ever give up a certainty for an expectation."

From Geneva Advertiser 25 November 1902

Miss Louise Tracy is the lady who was here last week looking up the history of the Gordon family.  She found the grave of Peter Gordon in Pulteney street cemetery, which gave the dates of his birth and death, but did not tell where he was born, a particular she very much desired.  Peter Gordon was buried there in 1834.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 November 1902

Thomas Holland
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his arrival in America on Thanksgiving evening. He was born in the County of Sussex, England.  He came to this city fifty years ago and has since lived in the village, city or town of Geneva, except one year.

From Geneva Advertiser 2 December 1902

James McDermott,
a Geneva truckster, has been missing since last Saturday afternoon, and it is feared he was drowned in the canal.  The canal has been dragged with no result at this writing.

From Geneva Advertiser 5 December 1902

The body of a colored man was found in a field last Sunday about four miles northwest of Phelps with a bullet hold through his head -- suicide. He had been missing since Nov. 11th. His name was Julius Calvin.

From Geneva Daily Times 5 December 1902

Stephen Smith,
a farmer residing four miles west of the city, came to town today to see whether the police had heard anything of two thieves Smith believes he wounded last night. Smith says he filled the thieves with buckshot, and that he is pretty sure they were sorely wounded.  At 11 o'clock last night, Mr. Smith was in his house reading.  A noise outside attracted his attention and he rose and went to a window.  Smith could hear the chickens in the hennery squawking, and he made up his mind that someone was in the henhouse.  He went into the kitchen and procured his double-barreled shotgun. Then he sallied forth. When the farmer got outside, the sounds from the hennery had ceased. He looked about cautiously, saw no one, concluded that he had been mistaken, and started to return to the house.  At that moment, two men emerged from the hennery, which was in plain view of the farmer.  One of the men bore a sack over his shoulder. Smith leveled his gun and blazed away with both barrels. Both men threw up their hands, screamed and ran. Farmer Smith's first thought, he says, was for his chickens. The men had dropped the sack, in their haste and he found it filled with fat Plymouth Rock chickens of last spring's hatching. By the time Smith had examined the sack and returned the chickens to the hennery, the men had made good their escape. This afternoon Mr. Smith came to Geneva and reported the shooting to the police.  He told the police that in his opinion the men had received many of the shots, because they screamed.  In his opinion they would be likely to consult a physician here. Chief Kane will investigate.

From Geneva Daily Times 6 December 1902

the 11-months old St. Bernard dog owned by Frank E. Early, the truckman, deserves a life-saver's medal, according to the story told by Mr. Early today.  Mr. Early vouches for the truth of the story. "My father-in-law, who is 81 years old, started for Phelps late yesterday afternoon," said Mr. Early.  "He intended to walk the entire distance on the Lehigh Valley railroad track. He was followed by my 11-month old St. Bernard pup.  The animal usually remains at home, but for some reason which was not understood at the time, the animal insisted upon following the old man.  Whenever a train would approach from either direction, the dog would get in front of the old man, stand still and bark until my father-in-law would get off the track. He kept this up until they had almost reached Phelps, when my father-in-law slipped on some ice and fell.  The westbound passenger train which leaves here at 3:50 o'clock in the afternoon was thundering along at high speed only a short distance to the rear of the old man. He told me that he struck on the rail and was so injured by the fall that he could not move. He thought that in an instant the train would kill him. The engineer gave the danger whistle and put on the air brakes. The dog seemed to realize the imminent danger of my father-in-law. He stopped barking, and running up caught my father-in-law by the collar of the coat and by main force dragged him off the track just as the train went by.  The dog came home last night.  We had missed him during the afternoon and evening, not knowing that he had followed my father-in-law away. When the old man returned to the city by train this morning, the dog, wagging its tail, came up and almost smiled in the old man's face, and my father-in-law told what had happened."

From Geneva Daily Times 8 December 1902

James B. Smith,
the well-known Civil war veteran, fell on the ice in front of W. I. Bonnett's grocery store in Seneca street at 10 o'clock this morning, fracturing his left hip. As Mr. Smith is a man 75 years of age, Dr. H. M. Eddy, his attending physician, thinks that he will be confined to the house for at least four weeks.  The accident occurred while Mr. Smith was on his way to a shoe store to purchase a pair of overshoes to prevent him slipping on the ice. Before he reached the store, he slipped and fell. T. Elliott Truesdale, who was walking up Seneca street, picked the man up and assisted him to the store of W. I. Bonnet. A carriage was called and Smith was placed in it.  Officer Hawkins accompanied Mr. Smith to his lodgings at 238 Castle street. Mr. Smith was in good spirits this afternoon.  "It takes a good deal to kill an old fellow like me," he said. "I escaped shot and shell while marching to the sea with Sherman.  I was wounded severely on Nov. 9, 1864, and it takes more than a fall on the ice to lay me up.

Mrs. James Henson, of Exchange street, fell on the ice near the Park hotel last Friday evening and broke her left arm. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Will McCaw.

From Geneva Daily Times 11 December 1902

Frank Trexler,
employed by A. B. Levet, the cabinet-maker, at his shop in Castle street, had the tips of the second and third fingers of his right hand cut off on a buzz saw today. Trexler was at work with the buzz saw, which was revolving at very high speed.  He put his right hand a little too near the saw and in a twinkling, the tips of the fingers mentioned were cut off about half way down the nail. Dr. C. C. Lytle was summoned. He trimmed the edges of the cuts and applied the proper remedies. Mr. Trexler will do light work around the shop for some time to come.

From Ontario County Chronicle 17 December 1902

Manchester, N. Y. -
On Saturday, Mrs. C. P. Osgood undertook to blacken a hot stove with a liquid blacking which she had often used, when the blacking took fire, which quickly spread to her clothing. She was alone in the house and went to the door, but the air fanned the flame to such an extent that she threw herself on a bank of soft snow where she succeeded in smothering the fire. A physician was at once summoned by telephone and on his arrival found the lady's hands and face badly burned. She was made as comfortable as possible, but at this time it is unable to state whether she will be disfigured or not.

From Geneva Advertiser 23 December 1902

Mr. Matthew Wilson,
now in his 84th year and still pretty hale and hearty, has vivid recollections of early day men. The other day he was overhauling his recollections, and among the men he recalled were Davison Flower, W. F. Leaman, Sinsabaugh and some others. Leaman was a painter by occupation, and had made a few oil paintings of faces, but they were not up to the great masters. He was one day criticizing photography, and asserted that they had great faults in getting the hands and heads too large. Those who remember Davison Flower can imagine his soberness when he said, "That's so; I remember seeing a large photograph trying to be packed in a box, and the photographer had made the nose so large that the cover of the box would not shut down."

From Ontario County Chronicle 24 December 1902

Allens Hill, N. Y. -
At a regular meeting of Camp No. 9058, Modern Woodmen of America, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

Venerable consul - G. E. Patterson
Worthy adviser - O. C. Reed
Excellent banker - Will Belcher
Efficient clerk - M. H. Bell
Escort - George Beach
Watchman - S. C. Francis
Sentry - H. L. Bennett
Physician - E. B. Sayre, M. D.
Manager - L. H. Affalter

The following students are home for the holidays: Chandler and Robert Knapp, from Amherst; William Wallace, Milton Herrington and Charles Masseth from Philadelphia Dental College; L. H. Gibson, Lawrenceville N. J. Academy; Elmer Anderson, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; Miss Louise Howey, Pratt's Institute, Brooklyn.

George Thalman, a well-known farmer on the west shore of the lake, while driving in Lower Main street yesterday, slipped off the seat of the wagon, and fell head first to the road, the wagon passing over his head, bruising and cutting his face quite badly. He was attended by Dr. Fred McClellan who says the injuries though severe are not serious.

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