From Ontario County Journal 5 January 1917

Naples, N. Y. -
While coasting on the hill by the Maxfield wine cellars on Monday evening, Homer Blake collided with another and was severely cut under his chin and under one knee. At about the same time, Rudolph Rohlin, who was steering a pair of bobs, ran into a tree and was seriously injured. The extent of his injuries is not known as yet, but one hip is thought to be broken and there are other injuries. It is hoped there will be no more riding on the hill after dark as it is so dangerous.

Naples, N. Y. -  On Friday, Mrs. Samantha Stanton Nellis celebrated her 107th birthday. She is in excellent health and is able to read, do fine sewing and visit with with friends. She was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, in 1810, one of ten children of Elijah Stanton, a Revolutionary soldier and one of General Washington's bodyguard. She was married when 20 years of age to John D. Nellis, of Fairfield. and after living for a few years at Belfast, they moved to Naples; buying the farm on the Middlesex road where Mrs. Nellis now resides. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Nellis, but all are dead. Mr. Nellis died 32 years ago. As a a member of Astenovgen Chapter, D. A. R., and as one of the few real daughters, she is much interested in and very proud of the honor which such membership gives. Mrs. Nellis traces her lineage back in the direct paternal lines to Lord Byron, Lord of Stanton Caster, a contemporary of Edward the Confessor in 1048, the ninth generation being Robert Washington, ancestor of George Washington. Mrs. Nellis lives with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Rhoda Nellis Eaton, on the home farm two miles north of this village. Each year on January 5, she holds an informal reception and greets many friends.

From Ontario County Journal 26 January 1917

Victor, N. Y. -  James Cook,
who resides east of this village, relates a strange story how two wolves attacked him about 10 o'clock on Monday night as he was driving to his home, after working over time at the Locke Insulator factory, where he his employed. He had crossed the overhead bridge, just outside the corporation, east of the village, when two savage animals sprang at his horse, also jumping for young Cook, who was alone. He managed to beat them off, and in some way he hardly knows how, he whirled the frightened horse about and ran him back to the village to a barber shop, which was still open, where he ran in and told his story.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 12 February 1917

Geneva, N. Y., Feb. 10 - Last evening marked the passing of what is believed to be the oldest shoe store in the state of New York, when the place at 28 Seneca street, occupied continuously as a shoe store since 1814, was closed for inventory preparatory to the final closing. The store goes back to the days when the shoes disposed of were made in the shop and traded for supplies brought in by the settlers who selected the shores of Seneca lake as their future home. A man named Lunn conducted it as a cobbling shop and general store until 1830 when it was disposed of to Robert Mitchell, who conducted it up to the time of his death and was afterwards managed for the Mitchell estate by John Mitchell up to his death in 1886, when it was purchased from the estate of Joshua Thomas, who now retires.

From Ontario County Journal 9 March 1917

Bristol, N. Y. - 
Two weeks ago, Lew Boyd, while returning from Canandaigua one of the zero nights, froze hands and feet badly. He stopped at Will Holcomb's and he did what he could to thaw them. Later Mr. Boyd was taken to a Canandaigua Hospital. It was feared he would lose a foot and both hands, but it is now thought the foot can be saved and possible a part of the hands.

Gorham, N. Y. - John Ringer fell from his wagon on Phoenix street, in Canandaigua, last week. It was shortly after noon when the accident occurred, and he was taken into the Menihan feed barns and Dr. P. M. Donovan was called and found a fracture of one of his hips. He was removed to Memorial hospital. Mr. Ringer is over 70 years of age.

From Geneva Daily Times 13 March 1917

Canandaigua, N. Y. - 
An executive committee composed of President James C. McLoughlin of Shortsville; vice-president Peter Keenan of Romulus; treasurer, James McArdle of Willard; and J. W. McLoughlin of Canandaigua; met in Geneva Sunday and arranged to hold the annual reunion of the McLoughlin family at the home of Peter Keenan in Romulus on June 30.

From Ontario County Journal 16 March 1917

Farmington, N. Y. -  Albert Nussbaumer
is laid aside from active duty with a sore hand and arm, caused by ring-worm which appeared at the base of the thumb about six weeks ago and has now affected the whole arm and hand.

From Ontario County Journal 30 March 1917

Farmington, N. Y. -  Mrs. George Pappert,
who resides in the eastern part of town, recently took a dose of medicine that nearly caused her death. She took some medicine she had set aside from a previous illness. A passing neighbor heard her cries, and Dr. Clapper, of Victor, hurried to the scene. He said Mrs. Pappert had taken an overdose, thereby poisoning herself.

From Geneva Daily Times 21 April 1917

Phelps, N. Y. -
While extinguishing a fire in a chimney at the home of Mrs. Belle Taft in Clifton street, a couple of days ago, John Welsh, Jr., a neighbor, ran across a tin can in which was hidden currency to the amount of $45. The money, it is believed, had been placed there by Mrs. Taft's brother, Frank Hill, who occupied the house alone for some time, and who met met a tragic death last winter on the Lehigh Valley R. R. right-of-way when he was struck by a train.

From Ontario County Journal 4 May 1917

The last report of the number of members of the Gorham Red Cross Unit was 24. The names follow: Mrs. Robert Billsboro, Mrs. C. M. Thompson, Mrs. E. D. Sidman, Mrs. A. D. Allen, Mrs. Belle Squires, Mrs. G. W. Elwell, Mrs. Elizabeth Stokoe, Mrs. Mary Valentine, Mrs. John Herran, Mrs. F. E. Melious, Mrs. Albert Kindelberger, Mrs. Walter Renwick, Mrs. Henry Babbitt, Mrs. Jay Melious, Mrs. Sarah Pulver, Mrs. Louis Craft, Mrs. Robert Bigham, Miss Belle Moffat, Miss Margaret McNamara, Miss Elizabeth McKelvie, Thomas McKelvie, Dr. A. D. Allen. Mrs. A. D. Allen went to Reed Corners on Friday to instruct the ladies there in Red Cross work.

From Ontario County Journal 11 May 1917

Allen's Hill, N. Y. - 
Baptism was administered to John Green, Harlan Fisher, Belmont Swingle, Keith Hayward and Mrs. Almira Simpson on Sunday morning in the M. E. church by Rev. T. S. Alty.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 23 May 1917

Clifton Springs, May 22 -
At her home on Foster avenue, at an early hour yesterday morning, Mrs. E. Darwin Copp met with an accident and has remained in a dazed condition since. She had evidently fallen head foremost downstairs, and was found by her husband, dazed. Mr. Copp called for a physician and neighbors, by telephone. She was removed to the Sanitarium Annex, where she is being watched closely by the medical staff. Owing to her advanced years, the accident is a very serious one for her.

From Ontario County Journal 1 June 1917

West Bloomfield, N. Y. -  John Jenkins,
who was taken to the Hahnemann hospital at Rochester on Friday, suffering from blood poisoning, had one eye removed on Monday night. Dr. Doane reported his condition as slightly improved.

Gorham, N. Y. -  Miss Helen Whyte
is among the members of the graduating class of Geneva High school who have discontinued their studies to do farm work.

From Ontario County Journal 8 June 1917

Manchester, N. Y. -  Linwood Fish,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Fish, who reside one mile west of this village, was kicked by a horse on Thursday morning. He had been away from home and was driving into the yard on his return, sitting on the front portion of a load he was drawing. A part of the harness broke and the team began to run, and as he checked them with the reins one kicked him and breaking his right leg between the knee and ankle.

From Ontario County Journal 15 June 1917

Mrs. Carrie A. Hurd,
of Cheshire, was thrown from a buggy in a runaway from Cheshire on Wednesday and suffered a broken collar bone and rib. Dr. Jewett dressed the injuries at Memorial hospital. Mrs. Hurd was returning to her home in Cheshire from Canandaigua when the accident occurred.

From Ontario County Journal 22 June 1917

Honeoye, N. Y. - 
Last Sunday morning the following received the rites of baptism at the Congregational church: Howard Fitch Barnard, Elwyn Mallaber Barrett, Norman Michevus Huff, Gerald Rix Shepard, Caroline Bacon Barkley, Marion Gladys Brandin.

From Ontario County Journal 9 November 1917

Rushville, N. Y. - 
On Sunday afternoon while J. Edison Elwell was chopping sticks, the handle of the axe caught in his coat and he cut off his left thumb below the second joint. He was taken to Memorial hospital, where the wound was dressed, and remained in Canandaigua until Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elwell.

From Ontario County Journal 11 January 1918

Naples, N. Y. - 
On Saturday morning, while working in J. B. Clawson's ice house, Merton Whitman was severely injured when two cakes of ice fell on him, breaking his right leg between the knee and ankle. Before Dr. Manly could reach the building, the limb was so badly swollen that it was impossible to set the bones accurately. Mr. Whitman went to Geneva hospital on Monday and an examination was made and the bones set in a cast.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 12 February 1918

Shortsville, N. Y., Feb. 11 - Charles Werner, of Manchester, who has been an invalid for some time, was badly burned last evening, when the oil stove in his room blazed up. He gave the alarm, but before help could reach him the flames had enveloped him, and he was terribly injured before they could be extinguished. His condition is very serious. So intense was the heat from the stove that pictures on the walls of the room were cracked.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 14 February 1918

Geneva, N. Y
., Feb. 13 - Mrs. Eugene E. Hill, of Pre-Emption road, started proceedings today to obtain possession of her infant child, which is at the Shelter in Tillman street. Her husband, Eugene Hill, who has filed proceedings in County Court asking for an interlocutory decree of divorce, went to their home last night, in company with Deputy Sheriff Miles, of Canandaigua, and Deputy Sheriff M. J. Cannon, of this city, and took possession of the child, which is a nursing infant, and brought it to the Shelter. Later in the evening Mrs. Hill applied at the Shelter for permission to visit the infant and was refused admittance. She was informed that it was the intention of the husband to remove the child from the city, placing it in charge of some relative of his. The mother immediately called Judge Ditmars, explaining the case to him. Judge Ditmars took the matter up with District-Attorney N. D. Lapham, who hurried downtown in time to catch the party at the depot as they were about to leave the city with the child. The district attorney ordered the child returned to the Shelter, where it is now being kept and arrangements have been made for the mother to visit it. It is possible that the child will be kept at the Shelter pending the outcome of the husband's action to obtain possession of it.

From Ontario County Journal 1 March 1918

While working on electric wires on Tuesday evening during the high winds, Albert E. Smithem fell from a pole on Saltonstall street and received serious injuries to his back. Smithem first received a slight shock from the wires and narrowly escaped being fatally burned. It is thought, also, that he is injured internally. He was removed to the home of H. B. Squires, Main street south.

From Ontario County Journal 22 March 1918

Manchester, N. Y. - James Baker,
a farmer, 45 years of age, who resides at Manchester Center and who located in the town of Manchester about 10 years ago, coming from Canada, received notice on Friday to return to Canada for war duty. Some years ago and since becoming a resident of Manchester Center, Mr. Baker made out application papers for citizenship in the United States and after declaring his his intention, he let the matter drop. At present he is not certain of which country he is a lawful citizen and what colors to follow.

From Ontario County Journal 12 April 1918

Manchester, N. Y. -  Mrs. Hannah Greenway,
who has passed her 78th year, suffered a severe fall at her home on Monday, leaving her in critical condition. She was in her bedroom and caught her foot under a rug, which threw her to the floor, striking her head against a large chair.

From Ontario County Journal 26 April 1918

Gorham, N. Y. -
Each day the force of women at the railroad terminal in this village becomes larger. Among the number to take up the unusual work for women is Miss Florence Werner, who will complete the force of women engineers that operate the large 100-foot turntable. The men who held this position, which paid about $80 a month, have been set at other work. Martha Hoyte is employed at the round house, where her duties are to fill the large headlights on locomotives and have them in readiness when required to go out. This work requires the operator to wear male attire. The work on the headlights gives satisfaction.

From Ontario County Journal 10 May 1918

The Right Reverend Frederick  Courtney, D. D., D. C. L., of New York City, at one time bishop of Nova Scotia, but now retired, administered the rite of confirmation to a class of 26 members at St. John's church on Sunday evening. The members of the class were: Misses Caroline Rouse, Ruth Vera Booth, Dorothy Clark Weller, Marion Katherine Pearce, Lena Frances Crandall, Ruth Knappenburg, Jessie S. Cosgrove, Carolyn D. Booth; Mrs. Rose C. Thompson, Mrs. Esther D. Lucas, Mrs. Hazel Warfield, Mrs. Margaret J. Collins, Mrs. Ruth M. Steele, Mrs. Hazel Fraser; Herbert Lee Gaylord, Jr., John Arthur Rouse, Rob Roy DeLeon, Hanson Boyden Tyler, Edmund Brockelbank, William Turner Rouse, Harold Frederick  Kless, John Randolph Tyler, Melvin L. Spencer, Marion I. Case, James Thompson, and Donald T. Fraser.

From Ontario County Journal 24 May 1918
The Frederick Ferris Thompson Memorial Hospital will graduate a class of eleven nurses. Formal exercises will be held in the Congregational chapel on Tuesday evening, June 4, at 8 o'clock. The graduates are: Misses A. Isabella Cowan, Mary Monahan and Marion C. Pierce of Canandaigua; Mary Melvin, Shortsville; Louise Platman, Helen Mallory, Penn Yan; Helen Severance, Phelps; Helen Dannahe, Hall; Orrene Gourlay, Bessie Gourlay, Clarissa Dillman, Victor.

From Fairport Herald  25 December 1918

Farmington, N. Y. -  Edward Wehrlus
had the misfortune last week Wednesday to sever a finger on his left hand in a corn husker. He was taken to Park Avenue hospital in Rochester for treatment.

From Ontario County Journal 3 January 1919

Mrs. Samantha Stanton Nellis
will observe her 109th birthday on Sunday at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Nathaniel Eaton, near Naples. Mrs. Nellis was born in Fairfield, Herkimer county, January 5, 1810, the daughter of Elijah Stanton, a Revolutionary soldier. She married September 28, 1829, John D. Nellis of Fairfield, and after a few years spent in Belfast, they came to Naples. Her husband died thirty-four years ago. As a member of the Astenovgen chapter, D. A. R., and as one of the few real daughters, she is much interested and very proud of the honor pertaining to such membership. She appears to be in almost perfect health, but takes less interest in her surroundings than formerly. With the exception of a slight deafness, she is in full possession of her faculties.

From Ontario County Journal 7 February 1919

Rushville, N. Y. - 
While Frank A. Johnson was standing on a ladder fixing a telephone wire on Tuesday, he lost his balance and fell to the ground, crushing a bone in his hand. He was taken to Canandaigua, where a physician put splints on the injury. A cast will be put on later. He was able to return home the same day.

From Ontario County Journal 14 February 1919

Bristol Springs, N. Y. -
While descending the hill near his home on Friday evening, Otto F. Herzberg had a narrow escape from serious injury when his horse became frightened at the top of the steep hill and ran away, overturning the carriage and throwing the occupants out. Mr. Herzberg and companion suffered minor injuries to the face and body, but neither was seriously hurt. The horse ran to the barn after freeing himself from the carriage, which was considerably damaged.

From Ontario County Journal 7 March 1919

Honeoye, N. Y. - 
On Wednesday morning, as Mrs. Charles Gladding was on her way to her school, the axle of the buggy broke and the wheel fell off. The horse, becoming frightened, started to run and threw Mrs. Gladding out so forcibly as to break two bones in the right arm, besides bruising her considerably.

From Ontario County Journal 14 March 1919

Rushville, N. Y. -  Mrs. Orson Twitchell
passed her 70th birthday on Friday and in honor of the day, she and Mr. Twitchell entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ansley, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powers, and Miss Mabel Twitchell. Miss Twitchell surprised her aunt with a birthday cake on which were the dates 1849-1919 and the word, Julia.

From Ontario County Journal 4 April 1919

Stanley, N. Y. -
Sunday afternoon as Charles Marshall was driving his car down Main street, the steering gear broke, causing the car to plunge into the ditch, throwing Mrs. Edward Marshall, who was in the front seat, through the lower part of the windshield. Fortunately she was uninjured, probably on account of the slow speed at which the car was travelling. The only damage to the car was the broken gear and the lower half of the windshield.

From Naples Record 16 April 1919

William Semans,
who lives on Elizabeth street, met with a sad accident Monday afternoon. He was trimming an apple tree 25 feet from the ground when the limb broke and he fell heavily, badly shaking him up and dislocating his shoulder.

From Ontario County Journal 6 June 1919

The 30th annual reunion of the Roderick Carpenter family will be held Saturday, June 14, at the home of George Pierce, Bristol street. The committee in charge of arrangements are Melvin Pierce, Frank H. Eighmey, Frank B. Parker, Elmer D. Hall; committee for sports, Walter D. Parker. The last reunion was held at Edgemere, the summer home of Frank H. Eighmey, 66 members being present.

The condition of Oliver C. Butler and W. Howard Winne, who were seriously injured when an automobile in which they were riding turned turtle near Victor on Friday night, were reported slightly improved at the Memorial Hospital last evening. Butler was injured in the chest and left shoulder; and Winne suffered a fracture of the left arm. When picked up they were taken to the residence of Dr. W. B. Clapper and were later brought to Memorial Hospital where they were placed under the care of Dr. A. W. Armstrong.

From Ontario County Journal 13 June 1919

Cheshire, N. Y. -
Regular service was observed on Sunday morning at the Cheshire church, with an impressive sermon by the pastor, Rev. William Searles, followed by the baptismal service. Ten children of the cradle roll were baptized: Marion Louis and Albert Victor Bunnell, Lena Evelyn Jones, Charles S. Penoyer, Kenneth Willys Montanye, Gladys Margaret Olmstead, Donald Lewis Outhouse, Harold Elliot Outhouse, Emily Edith Corser and Jane Shirley Douglass.

From Geneva Daily Times 13 October 1919

Phelps, N. Y. -  Arthur Ridley,
employed as a meat cutter by his father, E. L. Ridley, proprietor of a local market, was severely cut about the forearm Saturday by a meat knife, the gash extending so deep into the arteries and ligaments that is is feared he will be deprived of the use of the arm. He was removed to the hospital in Geneva.

From Livonia Gazette January 1920

Allen's Hill -
There were five burials in the cemetery here in 1919: Alfred Nesbit of East Bloomfield; Mrs Augusta Bartholomew of Rochester; Thomas Napier of Los Angeles; and Mrs. H. S. Ashley and Mrs. Freelove Belcher of the Hill. There were four births: a son, Stuart J., to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Mitchell; a daughter, Mildred, to Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Swingle; a son, Robert, to Mr. and Mrs. Joel Harvey; and baby Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wood, who died at birth. There was one marriage, that of Richard Babbitt of Bristol and Miss Jessie Hayes.

From Naples Record 10 November 1920

Canadice, N. Y. -
On Tuesday night, Mrs. Cyrus Swan slipped on the linoleum in the vestibule of the church and fell, breaking her collar bone where it covers the shoulder joint. Mrs. Elizabeth Cronin is caring for her.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 February 1921

Phelps, N. Y. -  Augustus D. McLeod
will observe the 99th anniversary of his birth on Saturday, February 5th. Mr. McLeod was born in Phelps and has always lived in this place. He is in good health and able to be about very comfortably. As honorary and senior warden of St. John's Episcopal church, Mr. McLeod's anniversary as a nonagenarian will be observed by the Board of Vestrymen of his church who will call upon him at his home in North Wayne street Saturday evening from 7:30 until 8 o'clock to pay tribute to the event.

Phelps, N. Y. -  Earl Goodman, whose thumb on the right hand was crushed a couple of weeks ago in a corn husking machine, underwent an operation yesterday at the Clifton Springs sanitarium for the amputation of the injured digit.

From Geneva Daily Times 12 February 1921

Gorham, N. Y. - Mrs. Charlotte Sutherland
met with a very serious accident at her home here on Thursday afternoon. She was ascending the cellar steps when she somehow lost her balance, falling backward, with such force as to render her helpless. She was picked up and carried up stairs and Dr. Williamson, who lives near, was hastily summoned. At first it was thought and said that her back was broken, but by a more thorough examination, it was learned there were no bones broken. Mrs. Sutherland's face is barely bruised and cut as she struck against the cellar wall. She, being a woman of 88 years of age, it is considered quite serious, although she is resting comfortably at this writing.

From Batavia Daily News 29 June 1921

Frank Chapman
of Naples, 35 years old, lost his left hand when he accidentally touched a buzz saw at the Chapman-Kline lumber camp at Engleside. Chapman, who is a member of the firm, crawled under the machine to remove sawdust after the sawdust elevator clogged.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 December 1921

The girls of the Phillips and Clark Company Office held a Christmas party last night. The feature of the evening was a tree from which gifts for everyone was dispensed by Harvey Witel, the office boy, who acted as Santa Claus. A Christmas luncheon was served at a table gay with Yuletide colors and favors. Those present were: Mrs. Helen Smith, Mrs. Albie Vosburg, Mrs. Jane Bowers; the Misses Clara Brennan, Mary Cullinan, Emma Jensen, Gladys Soule, Katherine Welch, Florence Deane, Myrtle Kiff, Lydia Handy, Mary Corcoran, and Florence Townsend and Harvey Witel.

From Geneva Daily Times 22 June 1922

Rushville, N. Y. - 
Saturday evening, about 8 o'clock as Robert Montfort, principal of the Rushville school, and Miss Jacobs and Miss McCord, also of the school faculty, were returning from Canandaigua, Mr. Montfort, evidently became confused and lost control of the car, which turned over pinning him and Miss McCord under it. They were seriously injured. Miss Jacobs was thrown out and escaped with a few bruises. Passing autoists took them to Memorial hospital, Canandaigua. Miss McCord has a bad scalp wound and Mr. Montfort is severely bruised. The accident occurred on the Lake road near the Dewey farm.

Among those who will be present at the special service at St. Peter's Church on Sunday will be William K. Reichert, who was for several years crucifer. During the war he saw service in France and after his return went with the General Motors Corporation in New York City. John Dixon will also be present from Corning. He was for many years a chorister and acolyte at St. Peter's, and after graduating from the High School attended Hobart for a part of this present year. There will, however, be at least one absent member of the graduate choir as William Coates is in the Navy.

From Phelps Citizen 1 February 1923

John V. Salisbury
celebrated the 80th anniversary of his birth last Friday at his home with the members of his family. Mr. Salisbury was born on the farm where, with the exception of a few years, he has always resided, and is still active and enjoying good health.

From Phelps Citizen 19 April 1923

While William T. Hammond was operating a buzz saw at the farm of John Polce last Friday, his glove got caught in the belting and his right arm was drawn into the revolving belt. Mr. Hammond was hurled around the shafting and thrown to the ground, striking on his head. His arm was broken and badly lacerated.

From Geneva Daily Times 21 March 1924

Thomas A. McKelvie,
of Washington street, has in his possession an interesting old document, dated August 12th, 1837. It is a land grant of 240 acres in Michigan, and was issued under President Martin Van Buren to Andrew Turck, Mr. McKelvie's grandfather. The document is of parchment, and is partly printed and partly written. It is in a perfect state of preservation, and the ink used in writing and printing is not the least faded.

From The Daily Messenger, Canandaigua, New York, July 21, 1924

Mrs. Emma Barnes, Lawrence Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miles and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miles
attended the funeral of George Miles at Reed Corners Friday.

Many thanks to Kerry (Miles) Patrick for this donation.

From The Daily Messenger, Canandaigua, New York, October 15, 1924

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miles and children, Maxine and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miles and Mrs. Ernest Lord of Olean, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miles.

Many thanks to Kerry (Miles) Patrick for this donation.

From Livonia Gazette 31 October 1924

A heavy coat worn by Mrs. Albert Conklin of East Bloomfield saved her from possible death or injury when she was pitched out of an automobile through the windshield onto the radiator of the machine in a head-on collision. Four other persons narrowly escaped injury in the crash which badly damaged the two cars.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 18 December 1924

Canandaigua, N. Y., Dec. 17 -
While women of fewer years are sitting in the corner with their activities all in the past, Mrs. Almira M. Crooker, of Canandaigua, who will celebrate her 90th birthday Thursday, attends to her household duties, goes out of doors for part of each day, and when the weather is right for it, works in her garden with much pride. Mrs. Crooker reads the daily papers, keeps in touch with the events of the day and tells that she especially enjoys "Over the Perculator."

Mrs. Crooker was born on December 18, 1834, near Allen's Hill. Her parents were Shubael and Marilla Jones Ferris. She remembers seeing the Indians on that hill, selling baskets and beaded moccasins. She attended a school taught by Mary J. Haws, who became celebrated as Mary J. Holmes, novelist, after her marriage to Daniel Holmes. Mrs. Crooker remembers the old stage coach drawn by four horses, commonly used for travel, and how her father, who was a blacksmith, always had to have shoes ready in case any of these horses needed them. She also recalls when the men in private life went into training to be ready to defend their country, and that her father, a captain, wore a three-cornered hat. This remarkable woman represents the oldest of four generations. She has two daughters, a Miss Jennie Crooker, who lives with her, and Mrs. William Bennett of Victor; three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 September 1925

Hall, N. Y. -
The Hall chapter of Rebekahs held their annual election of officers Thursday evening. The following were elected: Past Grand, Mrs. Elmer Croucher; noble grand, Mrs. Blanche Temple; vice grand, Mrs. Mary Beattie; secretary, Miss Emma Hibbard; treasurer, Mrs. R. F. Hall.

From Clifton Springs Press 30 September 1926

Four members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Rathbun, Main street, Phelps, were nearly asphyxiated on Monday night by gas escaping from a newly-made furnace fire. Mr. and Mrs. Rathbun and their daughter became unconscious and the twelve-year-old son, Lewis, was affected. Mr. Rathbun discovered his wife unconscious and he went to the telephone to call Dr. Cole, when he also lost consciousness and did not revive for nearly two hours. Lewis was only slightly affected and was the means of bringing help to the stricken family. Doors and windows were thrown open and with the treatment given by the physician, the four victims of gas were revived before midnight. An inspection of the heating plant, which had undergone repairs and cleaning just before Mr. Rathbun had started the fire, showed that the damper in the smokepipe was loose and had turned over, preventing the gas from going up the chimney.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 April 1929

Canandaigua, N. Y. - 
Temporarily deranged, George J. Kidman, farmer of Academy, 12 miles south of here, today struck his wife on the head with a hammer, followed her to his son's home next door and severely wounded her with a charge of buck shot fired through a window at close range. He then fled and was found by a posse two hours later at his home in a critical condition from poison he had swallowed.

Mrs. Nettie Kidman,
his wife, was said to be dying of a fractured skull from the hammer blow and a badly torn side from the load of buck shot, some of which inflicted minor injuries on her daughter-in-law. From the story gathered by Sheriff Frank Corwin of Ontario County, Kidman entered his wife's room about 4 p.m., and without warning began beating her over the head. Apparently appeased by her pleas for mercy, he left the room to get her a drink of water and returned to find that she had escaped next door to the home of her son, George Kidman, Jr. Kidman followed, armed with a shot gun, and after being refused admittance, fired through a window at his wife and daughter-in-law while neighbors summoned a doctor from Naples. Sheriff Corwin and a posse of deputies began a search for the aged attacker. A few hours later they found him at his house lying on a bed with a drained bottle of poison in his hand.

From Geneva Daily Times 9 October 1929

Gorham, N. Y. -  Charles H. Johnson,
the last of more than 300 veterans from the town of Gorham and the youngest veteran in Ontario county, celebrated his 82nd birthday here today. Johnson is a native of Canandaigua and was born October 8th, 1847. When he was two years old, he came to reside in Gorham with his parents. His mother died when he was seven years old. He was reared by J. Wesley Arnold of Gorham. When he was 16 years old, he enlisted with Company C of the 15th N. Y. Cavalry and served two years and six months during the Civil War. Mr. Johnson has served the village of Gorham as postmaster and for a number of years conducted a hardware store here. He is enjoying fairly good health in spite of his years. In 1875 he married Lillie Pulver, daughter of the late James M. Pulver and he and Mrs. Johnson celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary last June. Mrs. Johnson is also enjoying fairly good health and continues to attend to her own household duties. In politics, Mr. Johnson is a Republican, a member of Rushville lodge of masons and Sherrill Post, G. A. R. of Gorham, having served one year as commander of this post.

From Lima Recorder 14 November 1929

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hawes
enjoyed a motor trip Sunday to the home of his son at Shortsville, the event being in celebration of Mr. Hawes' 81st birthday.

From Shortsville Enterprise 7 August 1930

John J. Johnson
of Manchester sailed from Boston on Sunday, on board the White Star liner "Cedric," bound for Queenstown, Ireland. He will make an auto trip through Ireland, visiting the important places of interest. After visiting relatives in Kilear, Donegal country, he will sail from Belfast for New York city, expecting to reach there around Labor day.

From Geneva Daily Times 2 January 1931

Dominick Morracco,
of 36 Angelo street, took a kettle full of hot water out of his house early yesterday morning with the intention of pouring the hot water into the radiator of his automobile in order to start the engine easier. Enroute from his house to the garage, with the kettle carried well away from his body so that the water wouldn't spill on him, something suddenly struck the kettle a resounding blow and the next thing Mr. Morracco knew the hot water was running out of two holes, one on each side of the kettle. Investigation revealed that the kettle had been neatly drilled with what appeared to be a .30 caliber rifle bullet. The missile couldn't be found but the holes in the kettle indicated that the bullet was of the type just mentioned. Morracco didn't know where the bullet came from but was under the impression that it had been fired by some one in the direction of Mason street, which lies southeast of Angelo street. Police declared this morning that no one had reported the accident at police headquarters. The shot was fired at approximately 1:10 o'clock yesterday morning.

From Geneva Daily Times 8 September 1933

The first annual reunion of the Bryan family was held Labor Day at the home of Dempsey Vreeland of Montezuma. There were thirty-four members present from Rochester, Geneva, Binghamton and Montezuma. At a short business meeting officers were elected for the following year. These included: President, Mrs. Charles Holliday of Geneva; secretary, Miss Doris Bryan of Geneva; treasurer, Miss Dorothy Loop of Rochester; and chairman of entertainment, Mrs. Raymond Fryer of Geneva. The next reunion will be held next Labor Day at the home of George E. Bryan of Geneva.

From Perry Record 15 March 1934

Early Church Records:
Admissions to the church at West Bloomfield in 1821 were Doctor Lewis Hodges, James Bushnell, Ebenezer Morley, Ralph Hunt, Harvey Hall, Mrs. Eliza Curtis, Mrs. Amaty Smith, Mrs. Nancy Webb, Sarah Pilsbury, Clarence Paine, Esther Nichols, Mabel French, Betsey Herrick, Sarah Whitney, Polly Plympton, Abigail Hall, Seth Aldrich, Sumner Paine, Thomas Hall, William Weld, Anna Hogan, Mrs. Betsey Perkins, Mrs. Polly Emmonds; Edna Huntington, Clarissa Weld; Jula Huntley, James F. Cogswell, Samuel A. Hunt, William Pilsbury, Thomas Nevins, J. C. Payne, Hiram Benjamin, Mary Herrick, Sybil Carrington, Ethlinda Gould, Elizabeth Fitch, Mary Weld, Emily Parker, Ency Ellis, Anna Kimball, Major David Parsons, Twilla Sweatland, Mrs. Persis Parsons, Mrs. Chloe Sill, Eliza Kimball, Mercy Gilman, David T. Hamilton, Mrs. Laura Sherman.

From Geneva Daily Times 12 August 1936

Rushville, N. Y. -
The annual reunion of the descendants of Lewis Johncox, Sr., was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Gorton with 110 members present. This was the first time the reunion has been held at the home of one of the grandchildren. During the past year there have been seven great-grandchildren born, and one grandchild married, Helen Johncox of Canandaigua. The oldest member present Sunday was Mrs. Harry Read of Rochester, a sister of Lewis Johncox, Sr., who is past 80 and who was made honorary president. Other officers for next year are Nelson Read of Rochester, president; Helen Johncox Crowe of Canandaigua, secretary and treasurer; Madelein Johncox of Canandaigua, table committee.

From Shortsville Enterprise 3 June 1937

Clifton Springs Press - In the historical sketch of the Pioneer Cemetery, printed in the Press of May 6, the writer noted a discrepancy between certain records on the tombstones and the story of the cemetery written by the late Alvin H. Dewey 30 years ago. Mr. Dewey, well-known as a stickler for exactness, mentions only one Revolutionary War soldier, Peleg Redfield, as being buried in the cemetery, while a modest stone near the entrance bears the following inscription: "Capt. Thomas Sawyer, Rev. War." The writer suggested the possibility that the mortal remains of Captain Sawyer had been moved to some other cemetery after Mr. Dewey had written his history.

Asa Smith, a well-known farmer of this vicinity and himself a descendant of the Revolutionary War soldier, says that his ancestor was re-interred in the Pioneer Cemetery, but has no information as to when and by whom. However, Mrs. Thomas C. Jones (nee Sarah Douglass Granger) offers the explanation that the spot where her great-grandfather, Capt. Sawyer, was buried after his death on March 12, 1796, became the site of what is now the Pioneer Cemetery, the original Sawyer homestead, now owned by Mrs. C. Buyss, being directly across the road. It must have been that Mr. Dewey, not having records to go by, wrote his history from memory and overlooked the grave of Captain Thomas Sawyer. Mr. Smith has a copy of a Memorial address on "The Ancestry and Life of Captain Thomas Sawyer," compiled by the Rev. Edwin Sawyer Walker, A. M., and delivered on March 12, 1906, the 110th anniversary of Captain Sawyer's death. The address was later printed in pamphlet form. It contains much history of the Sawyer family, beginning with the first Thomas Sawyer in this country who came from Lancashire, England, and helped to found the Town of Lancaster, Mass., in 1643. Captain Thomas Sawyer, who is buried in Pioneer Cemetery, was of the fourth generation. He had an active part in the stirring events preceding and during the War for Independence, taking part as a member of a Massachusetts regiment in several campaigns. His biography, much of which is copied from official records of the State of Massachusetts and Vermont, establishes his war record beyond question of doubt. He was in command at the Battle of Shelbourne, a minor engagement in which he distinguished himself and received the thanks of the Revolutionary authorities. At this battle, Capt. Sawyer and his men were first surrounded in a blockhouse by a party of Indians. The attackers set fire to the building and it looked like sure death to the defenders, until Capt. Sawyer ordered a barrel of beer opened and the contents were dashed on the flames and the fire extinguished. Those were thirsty days and possibly some of Capt. Sawyer's compatriots objected to wasting the beer, but it saved their lives and won the battle for the defenders became the attackers and defeated the enemy with heavy loss.

At the close of the War, Capt. Sawyer settled down in Addison County, Vermont, and became a leader in his community, being the first representative of the town of Leceister in the Legislature. However, the instinct of the pioneer was strong in him, and in 1794, he disposed of his property and moved to Western New York, then being opened up for settlement and known as the "Western Country." He took up land at a place called "Little Ville," near the present village of Shortsville, and after he had laid the foundation of a second fortune, was taken ill and died March 12, 1796. Capt. Sawyer's biography says that he built the first mill in Ontario County at what is known as Littleville, but Mr. Smith questions that part of his history, as it is generally believed that Oliver Phelps, another early pioneer, built the first saw-mill.

Captain Sawyer left many descendants, many of whom are still living in this vicinity. Included in the list prepared by his biographer over 30 years ago are such familiar names as Dewey, Southworth, Antisdale, Granger, McLouth, Pratt, Deitz, Aldrich, Sewell, Cruttenden, Sanger, Wells and many others. With Memorial Day next Sunday, it is not likely that the last resting places of these two Revolutionary War soldiers, Capt. Thomas Sawyer and Peleg Redfield, will be forgotten. It may be that some day the modest stone which marks the grave of the former will be replaced by a more prominent monument. The ideals that these men fought for over a century and a half ago seem all the more precious in this day and age, when the principles of human rights and human justice seem to be crashing all over the world.

From Picket Line, Mt. Morris NY 4 November 1938

Lima -
Dedication of a government headstone of Lieut. William Warner, Revolutionary soldier buried in the Pioneer Cemetery at West Bloomfield, took place Saturday afternoon. The Rochester Historical Society and the Rochester Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, jointly arranged the ceremony. DAR chapters from Lima and Rochester were present as well as members of the Ontario and Livingston County Historical Societies.

From Naples Record 5 July 1939

Silas E. Shepard,
of Clifton Springs West Hill, was ninety-two years old May 1. He has sixty-six living descendants.

From The Daily Messenger, Canandaigua, New York, August 27, 1976

Miss Lorena Shannon of College Park, Md., has been visiting relatives in the Stanley area.  She is the daughter of the late James Shannon, formerly of Stanley.

Many thanks to Kerry (Miles) Patrick for this donation.

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