From Canandaigua Chronicle 3 January 1906

Stanley, N. Y. - George Hanna,
one of our rural mail carriers, met with a bad runaway accident near the Northern Central depot Thursday evening. His horse became frightened and dashed across the lawn at the home of Jeremiah Driscoll. He ran into a tree, the carriage was badly damaged and Mr. Hanna was thrown out and his shoulder dislocated and broken.

Shortsville, N. Y. -  The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of the Modern Woodmen of America, No. 9471, of Shortsville: Venerable Consul, Charles Broomfield; Worthy Adviser, Gerelle Ridley; Clerk, Fletcher A. Kipp; Banker, A. A. Warrillow; Manager, Clarence D. Bentley.

Shortsville, N. Y. -  A good deal of excitement was caused in Manchester Village last Wednesday when Masters Leo and Thomas Pulling, aged eleven and eight years, fell into the Manchester Pond, a short distance from the Manchester Mill. This pond is very deep, and the boys escape from death is almost miraculous. They were playing with their sled on the ice, which was thin, when the treacherous sheet broke, and both boys were plunged into the icy water. As fate would have it, a beer keg, standing on the ice, fell into the same opening and the boys had presence of mind enough to catch hold of this buoy and were so enabled to keep their heads above water until help arrived. When their cries were heard, many rushed to the scene of the accident, but the slipperiness of the ice made it impossible to throw a rope to the little ones. Finally a boy was sent across the sheet, who carried the rope and the boys were drawn from the water without injury.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 10 January 1906

Academy, N. Y. -
The Bristol Springs band elected officers for the coming year last Wednesday night. F. B. Holcomb was chosen president; Albert Standish, leader; W. C. Hemmenway secretary and treasurer.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 17 January 1906

Monday morning a young man, James Cooper by name, who was looking after his traps on a hill east of Bristol Center, came upon the skeleton of a man lying face down, evidently where the man has fallen, near a large root over which it appears he might have stumbled. Clothing found nearby served to make possible the identification of the remains as those of William McClarey, a Canandaigua man who has been missing since about the 5th of August last and for whom a search extending practically all over the county has been made by his relatives assisted by Sheriff Flynn and his deputies.

McClarey left the home of his son-in-law, Michael F. Murphy, with whom he resided in this village, on the24th of July last and went to the farm of William Bradt, near Cheshire, where he helped for a few days in the harvest work upon the farm. From Bradt's place he suddenly disappeared and although thorough search was made for him no trace was ever found until his skeleton was discovered Monday morning divested of every particle of flesh by the action of the elements and probably also by the beasts and birds. McClarey some time prior to his disappearance had not been regarded as being sound mentally, and it is thought that he wandered away from the farm while temporarily deranged and becoming lost in the fields, walked aimlessly about until he may have stumbled over the large root which lay near where the skeleton was found, and fell never to rise again. Of course, the direct cause of his death is purely conjectural, as he may have died from sheer physical exhaustion or may have fallen victim to heart disease, as he was not in good health physically at the time of his disappearance.

The place where the body was found was on the farm of Egbert Hicks, near a lonely wood road seldom traveled. Mr. Cooper, after discovering the remains which as above stated lay face downward and with the hands partly folded beneath the body, notified Coroner Barton T. McDowell, who however decided that an inquest was unnecessary, both Mr. Bradt, on whose farm Mr. McClarey was last seen alive, and M. F. Murphy, McClary's son-in-law, identifying the clothing as that worn by McClarey. The remains were brought to Canandaigua Monday and were taken to the O'Leary undertaking rooms, and yesterday afternoon the funeral was held from the rooms, interment being in Calvary cemetery. McClarey is survived by a wife and one daughter, Mrs. M. F. Murphy, both of this village, and a sister, Mrs. Tyrrell, who resides in Cleveland, Ohio.

The mystery surrounding his disappearance was one of the most profound with which the authorities of this section were ever confronted, and great sympathy is felt for the unfortunate man who met his death upon the lonely hillside as well as for the remaining relatives who were untiring in their efforts to discover his whereabouts until further search seemed hopeless.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 11 January 1906

Hall's Corners, N. Y.  -
The annual meeting of the Seneca Detective Association was held at Halls Corners last Saturday evening at which time the following directors were elected for the ensuing year:  D. W. Edie, D. M. Dixon, E. Haslett, J. W. Hall and James Ritchie. The directors organized with the following officers: President - D. W. Edie; vice-president - J. W. Hall; secretary, E. Haslett; treasurer - James Ritchie; manager of the hall of the Association - D. M. Dixon.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 1 February 1906

Patrick Corcoran
had his right arm badly crushed in a cog wheel at the Summit Stove Works yesterday, while operating a machine for cleaning castings. The arm may have to be amputated.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 14 February 1906

George West,
the oldest cartman in the village, has sold his carting business to James Mooney. Mr. West has long been a familiar figure about town and has been engaged in the carting business for a great many years. His retirement from active service gives the honor of being the oldest cartman in service on the street to Patrick Mahoney.

From Victor Herald 16 February 1906

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
A party of aged persons whose combined ages totalled 493 years met at dinner on February 1st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Steele. The following is the list of those in attendance and their age: Mrs. E. S. Goodwin, 82; Mrs. Edna Steele, 62; Mrs. H. G. Steele, 63; H. G. Steele, 72; J. S. Steele, 79; H. R. Steele, 56; T. J. Park, 79.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 21 February 1906

Shortsville, N. Y. - 
The following overseers of highways have been appointed by Highway Commissioner George McCabe, for the districts in the Town of Manchester: Fred D. Cross, James DeVoll, M. H. Murphy, Harvey N. Short, G. M. Vandevort, C. E. Fox, Henry C. Hill, Ezra Grinnell, A. E. Smith, Frank Kinney, Joel Bishop, W. VanArsdale, Otis Bird, E. G. Howland, J. N. Sawyer, Thomas Hinde, L. H. Aldrich, J. Driscoll, William Haw, Albert Hackett, George Warner, William Sampson, John Beck, Horace E. Allen, William DeCann, Edward Tanghee, John Cooke, Richard Hinde, Alexander Warfield, Peter VanDerwall, Frank Masslyn, Joseph Case, S. M. Short, John DeBrock, Stephen Yorton, Albert Vienna, George Mertz, Henry Bedett, John C. Parker, A. C. Cotton, Joseph Warner, Michael Carey, Patrick O'Brien, Fred Floodman, A. E. LaRud, Alvin H. Dewey, N. Richardson, B. W. Baggerly, James Curran, J. H. Latting, F. L. Mink, Martin Kommer, Edward DeWeaver, E. W. Smith, Thomas Rolland, James Inglis, Justus W. Gurney, C. R. Sawyer, George Hack, S. Abenshine, Martin Robine, F. J. Ryan, F. W. Barker.

Shortsville, N. Y. - William E. Warner of Manchester was severely scalded about the face and hands on Friday while engaged in his duties as air inspector for the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. He was underneath a car attempting to connect the steam pipe with a piece of hose in each hand when some one in the engine turned on the steam. He will be incapacitated for labor for some time to come.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 28 February 1906

Yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Susan Rice, Gibson street, celebrated the 88th anniversary of her birth. About fifty friends called during the course of the afternoon to offer their congratulations to the old lady whose birthday thus passed off very pleasantly.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 1 March 1906

There was in interment in the old Pulteney street cemetery last week, the only one since the interment of Mrs. M. A. Abbey some years ago when that good old lady was placed to rest beside the grave of her father, Aaron Young. That is our oldest burial plot, and should receive more attention than any of the others because our first and most prominent citizens were buried there. What a story could be made up of each.

Canandaigua Chronicle 14 March 1906

Rushville, N. Y. - 
Last Monday while a telephone was being placed in the home of Ed. Jaqua, two and one-half miles east of the village, Holden Torrey jumped to the ground as the ladder on which he was standing slipped. He fell in such a manner as to break the bones and badly bruise one foot. He was carried home immediately and Dr. A. T. Halstead was summoned.

Stanley, N. Y. - Broderick Davidson met with a painful accident Saturday morning while drawing wood on the farm of Mrs. Susan Wood. The wagon tipped suddenly, striking against Mr. Davidson and throwing him to the ground. One leg was bruised where the wheel passed over it and the left collar bone was broken twice. Dr. Selover was called and reduced the fracture. Mr. Davidson is improving but it will be some time before he will be able to work.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 15 March 1906

Mr. Arthur Hammond
has a list of nineteen Geneva men who are now past the age of 80 years. The oldest of these, and the oldest man in Geneva is Joseph Robinson, born in March, 1818, William Smith following in September of that same year. The two men who arrived at the greatest age were David Barron of Seneca and Elbridge Dakin, the former aged 95 years, and the latter nearly 91 years.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 21 March 1906

Early last week Clarence Salisbury, a respected farmer of the town of Seneca, who has recently been examined by experts and pronounced incompetent, learned that it had been decided to send him to Willard State hospital, and he consequently left his home which on the farm of Supervisor Clarence T. Ottley and made his way to Phelps, where he has a brother living. Sheriff Flynn was notified of Salisbury's action and was asked to trace him. The sheriff went to Phelps Thursday noon, and on his arrival there, he learned that the man he was looking for had passed him on a train enroute to Rochester. The officer immediately went to Rochester where he found Salisbury at the home of another brother. Salisbury is about 45 years old and has a wife and a family of three children.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 22 March 1906

Jake Vanderhoof
of Manchester claims to own a crow that will talk. It is ten years old and tame, domesticated as a kitten.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 4 April 1906

Academy, N. Y. -
Tuesday, March 27, while cutting wood for E. N. Coye, Lester Tally had a narrow escape from losing his arm; he slipped and fell on the saw cutting his forearm to the bone. Dr. B. T. McDowell dressed the arm and it was necessary to take five stitches to close the wound. The saw was running at a high rate of speed and Mr. Tally is fortunate that he did not lose the arm entirely.

From Victor Herald 6 April 1906

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
At the annual meeting of United Legion, No. 1048, held on Wednesday evening, the following officers were elected: President, Fred DeBow; Vice-president, Mrs. I. T. Partridge; Chaplain, Miss Nellie Emmons; Secretary, L. Van Buren; Treasurer, C. F. Zimmerman; Conductor, Louis Leete; Guard, George Mountain; Sentinel, William Monahan; Organist, F. R. Appleton; Degree Master, William Cain.

From Victor Herald 13 April 1906

Ernest Turner,
who lives about three miles east of this village, left a team standing alone near the trolley station Saturday morning, while he attended to some business in the vicinity. The horses, usually of the steadiest demeanor, became frightened at some object and started on a mad dash up the street toward the business section of the village. They headed straight for Gallup's store but were turned aside and ran onto the lawn to the east of the store, bringing up against the fence at its upper side, where they were captured. Mr. Turner declared that it greatly surprised him to find that the animals were capable of any such rapid gait. No damage was done.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 25 April 1906

While James L. Bates and Frank Ferguson were driving down Main street last Thursday evening, the horse became frightened at the light on the front of the trolley car and jumped in front of the car throwing Mr. Bates and Mr. Ferguson out upon the pavement. The horse was caught on the car fender but escaped without injury. Mr. Bates was seriously bruised and is confined to the bed at his home in West Gibson street.

In last Sunday's Buffalo Express, in connection with an article dealing with photographs of families in which are shown five and six generations, the paper shows a group photo of J. P. Ward of Avoca, his daughter, Mrs. I. Dillenbeck of the same village; her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Monagle, Mrs. Monagle's daughter, Mrs. Fred J. Tate and Mrs. Tate's young daughter, Helen Mary. The latter three all reside in Canandaigua.

Victor, N. Y. -  On Sunday morning, Ray W. VanDenbergh, accompanied by his young son, was driving on East Main street when his horse became frightened at the approach of an automobile and started to run. Mr. VanDenbergh pulled upon the reins with great force, and they suddenly broke, the horse leaping forward with terrific speed. The driver was helpless to stop the animal. Fruitless efforts were made by lookers on to stop the horse but he continued on his mad race. Mr. VanDenbergh saw that death or injury was almost inevitable, and before the horse turned into the driveway on West Main street, he grabbed the boy in his arms and safely jumped to the ground. It was an almost miraculous escape. Persons who witnessed the affair were greatly excited, as it seemed nearly impossible that the horse could continue his run without coming in contact with some obstacle, smashing the wagon and seriously injuring the occupants.

Manchester, N. Y. -  Michael Corkran, aged eight years, Wednesday afternoon had the misfortune to break his leg in two places. The boys have a habit of catching on the back of wagons and when catching hold with their hands, throwing up their feet to rest on the axle. Michael was trying the trick but instead of getting his feet on the axle of the carriage, he threw one of them between the spokes of one of the wheels, with the result that his leg is broken between the hip and knee; also between the knee and ankle. It is also feared he is injured internally. The man was driving slowly, the top of his carriage was up and he entirely unconscious of the boy or his peril until the screams of the other boys aroused him. He at once stopped his horse and with much difficulty succeeded in getting the boy's leg out of the wheel after which he carried him home.

Manchester, N. Y. -   Rural mail carrier, Charles Harrington, has a surprise last Saturday afternoon. He was on his return trip through Farmington, when at Mr. Hudson's place, about two and one-half miles west of this village, he got out of the wagon to pick up a paper he had dropped, the horse started on a run leaving Mr. Harrington as spectator. The horse came directly home without accident until it entered the barn when the mail cart was overturned and badly broken. Another horse was immediately harnessed to go in search of Mr. Harrington. When found he was near Mrs. Brewster's crossing. He reached home in this village in time to get the mail to the Shortsville office.

Manchester, N. Y. -  Ephraim Wilbur, a farmer who resides two miles north of this village, met with a serious accident while going to Shortsville Wednesday morning. He was driving a team of horses attached to a lumber wagon; as he turned at the four corners down Main street the belt which fastened the whiffletree evener came out and the team started to run with the pole down and one horse drawing the wagon. Mr. Wilbur attempted to stop them by turning into a door yard, the wagon was overturned and he was caught in such a way that his flesh was torn from his ribs and it is thought he is injured internally.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 26 April 1906

A serious accident happened at the basket factory, in Hall's Corners, Friday afternoon. Manager Hugh Rapalee attempted to remove a heavy belt before the machinery was stopped. He was caught by the hand and carried around the shaft, breaking his arm below the elbow and injuring him seriously otherwise. It is feared he was injured internally. He was removed to his home in Geneva, accompanied by Dr. Robinson.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 2 May 1906

Manchester, N. Y. -  Joseph Warner,
who resides north of this village, is suffering from several broken ribs and other painful injuries, the result of being thrown from his buggy down an embankment, between his home and Palmyra. The horse was also injured and the buggy badly broken.

Victor, N. Y. - Mrs. Caroline Gallup
celebrated her 82nd birthday last week. Mrs. Gallup is unusually active for one of her years. She enjoys good health and takes great interest in affairs of the day, and especially in the Presbyterian church, in which she has always been an earnest worker. She has taught a class in the Sunday school for sixty years. Mrs. Gallup is a woman of fine character, a sweet disposition and is beloved by all who knew her.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 16 May 1906

Academy, N. Y. -
One day last week as Joseph Fox, Jr., was coming home from Canandaigua, his team became frightened and started to run. Mr. Fox kept control of the horses till the tongue came down and, running into the ground, brought the rig to a standstill so suddenly that it threw Mr. Fox to the ground with such force as to render him unconscious for a short time. The fall broke one rib, threw his shoulder out of joint and cut a bad gash in his chin which required three stitches to close. The horses ran from Bristol street nearly to Cheshire before they were stopped. Mr. Fox is doing as well as could be expected at present.

Academy, N. Y. - What might have been a serious accident turned out fortunately last Saturday night. W. C. Hemenway was returning home from band rehearsal and having a lantern on the dash board of his buggy, he was unable to see the approaching rig of Martin Haskell of Cheshire until the two carriages were almost in collision. Mr. Haskell in trying to avoid a smashup turned out of the road and drove off a bank, upsetting his carriage and breaking the harness in such a manner as to free the horse which ran a short distance until it was stopped by Mr. Hemenway.

Allen's Hill, N. Y. -  James Curran, in the west part of the town, met with a serious accident a few days ago. In company with his father, Dennis Curran, he was chopping in the woods when by accident the father struck the ax into the elbow of the son, inflicting a wound which may cause the arm to be permanently stiff.

From Clifton Springs Press 24 May 1906

On Friday afternoon last, while Jacob Simmons was operating a drop press in the Judd & Leland factory, he caught the end of his right thumb in the press, cutting it off.

On Saturday last, at the New York Central freight house, W. H. McGinnis caught one of his legs between two boxes and injured the same quite badly, but he is still able to be on duty.

On Saturday last, William H. Madden's bus team came very near running away on Main street. They were frightened by some performing bears. G. A. Durkee, who was riding on the seat with the driver, jumped to the ground, but was not seriously injured. The men with the bears were ordered out of town by Village President Baldwin and left rather unwillingly.

From Victor Herald 25 May 1906

Mrs. Katherine Frost
celebrated very quietly her eighty-third birthday on Sunday of this week at her home on East Main street in this village. Mrs. Frost enjoys very good health for one of her years and is still fully able to attend unaided to the duties of her household.

From Victor Herald 8 June 1906

West Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
The following named pupils of Miss Belle Chapin will render selections at the piano recital to be held in the Congregational church Friday evening, June 8th: Miss Lizzie Rawlins, Miss Gertrude Hinman, Miss Rose Courneen, Miss Verna Duffy, Miss Myrta Coleman, Miss Agnes Rigney, Miss Marian Griffin, Miss Ruth Rigney, Mark Welch and Edward Rigney.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 13 June 1906

Friday morning William F. Van Buren, an aged resident of this place, who is deaf and practically blind, had a narrow escape from death at the Main street crossing of the Central Hudson. He started to cross the track, not seeing the switch engine which was backing down to the crossing and was struck by the rear of the engine, being hurled several feet. He fell across the rail and but for the prompt action of engineer Baker, who heard the shouts of bystanders and succeeded in bringing his engine to a standstill, he would have been beheaded. Mr. Van Buren was removed to his home in a carriage, the extent of his injuries being several slight scalp wounds and bruises on various parts of his body.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 20 June 1906

Holcomb, N. Y. - Mrs. Eliza Goodwin,
who was 83 years old on the 13th of June, was given a surprise by the members of her Sunday school class and a few of her friends.

Allen's Hill, N. Y. -  The people here were pained to hear of the sad accident which befell Mrs. George Schwingle of Garlinghouse. Her husband was trying to shoot a rabbit which had been injuring his garden. Just as he fired at the rabbit with a shot gun, Mrs. Schwingle came to the door and the shot entered her hip. It is thought she will recover. She was formerly Miss Ryan of this place.

From Victor Herald 22 June 1906

West Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
While driving just south of this village Monday morning, Eugene Belcher met William Chatt, who was piloting a load of hogs. Mr. Belcher's horse found the proximity of the porkers displeasing and with a mighty plunge broke the whiffletree and released itself from the buggy. Mr. Belcher was thrown out but fortunately escaped injury. The vehicle was but slightly damaged.

From Geneva Daily Times 26 June 1906

Antonio G. Questa,
the confectioner and fruit dealer at No. 116 Seneca street, was surprised last evening at 9:30 o'clock by seeing a horse and light run-about dash down Main street, across the sidewalk, and collide with his glass peanut roaster and then fall in a heap directly in front of his store door. The clatter of the horses' feet and the crackling of shattered glass at once drew a crowd which numbered several hundred persons. As soon as possible the wagon was removed from the top of the horse and the horse relieved from the tangle of harness so that he could get up. While the wagon was badly wrecked, the horse sustained only a few scratches and bruises. Up to this time the ownership of the horse was a mystery, but on the arrival of some teamsters, the animal was identified as one of Keleher & Malone's. The horse and wagon was then taken to the barn. The horse and run-about had been rented to two students early in the evening and as the two men have not reported to Keleher & Malone, it is not known how the horse started. Besides the damage to the wagon and peanut roaster, Mr. Questa's bicycle was also destroyed.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 27 June 1906

Monday morning in the county court chambers, Judge Knapp united a nuptial knot which had severed by a divorce 33 years ago, the parties concerned being Samuel A. Welton and Adeline M. Moneer, both of Naples. The couple had been first married in 1870 and had lived together a year or two when they separated. In 1873 Mrs. Welton secured a divorce and again assumed her maiden name. Mr. Welton then went west, where he has been until recently, when he returned to this vicinity. Here they again met and found the old ties to be too strong to be ignored and they were renewed on Monday. This is the first occasion on which Judge Knapp has been called to exercise his prerogative of marrying a couple, and this case would most likely have been left to a divine had it not been necessary for the former divorce papers to have been thoroughly examined before the ceremony could be held.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 4 July 1906

William Kaufman
had the misfortune while chopping meat in the Kaufman market in Bristol street, Saturday, to cut off his third and ring finger at the first joint on the left hand. It was necessary to amputate the injured members below the first joint and a number of stitches were taken.

Rushville, N. Y. -  Ninety-four friends and relatives were present at the Read family reunion which was held last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Read. Those here from out-of-town including those mentioned above were Dr. William Hawley and mother, of Dundee; Charles Read and family and F. H. Cole and family of Dresden; Mrs. Joseph Merrifield and daughter, Grace, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Danes of Penn Yan; Byron Johnson of Elmira; Hobart Derr and family of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chadwick of Lakemont; Mrs. Stella Siegwald and son of Clifton Springs. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Austin Read; vice-president, Henry I. Read; secretary, A. I. Angell. The next reunion will be held at Elbridge Park, Elmira.

Manchester, N. Y. -  John Rodney,
a veteran of the Civil War, who is a member of the 148th regiment, has been granted an increase of $2 per month pension, the new rate to begin in April or to be in effect the present quarter, total pension to now $12.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 11 July 1906

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - 
While celebrating the Fourth of July with a small cannon and a can of powder, Selden Allis, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Allis, was badly burned about the face and hands by a premature explosion of powder. A physician was called and the boy is now doing nicely.

From Geneva Daily Times 17 July 1906

Canandaigua, N. Y. - William C. Phillips, a storekeeper in Cheshire in the western part of the town of Canandaigua, has left his home and his whereabouts are unknown. Phillips, who is aged about 27 years, is married and has a small son. He has conducted a general store at Cheshire, and ran a road wagon, supplying farmers for many miles around with groceries and other goods. It is thought he  becameworried over outstanding accounts, as he had a large number of them on his books. He was eenterprising and ambitious. He went away from home on Saturday, July 7th, giving New York city as his destination and saying he would be gone about a week on business. His wife has heard from him once or twice and in the last letter from him, he wrote despondently. He bade her goodbye and told her to take good care of the boy, saying he had not the courage to return and face his financial troubles. Phillips was well-liked and had friends in Cheshire and this village who regret to learn of his trouble and who state that they would willingly have aided him to adjust his financial difficulties, which are not very serious so far as has yet been discovered. He has book accounts and other assets which it is thought will be sufficient to satisfy all his creditors. In the meantime, his relatives and friends are making every effort to locate his whereabouts, hoping to get him to return to his family.

LATER - From Geneva Daily Times 30 July 1906

Canandaigua, N. Y. -
Word has at last been received from William C. Phillips, who disappeared on July 7, leaving his home and business, and going to New York City. Later he went to Liverpool, England. His wife received letters from him, dated from both of those cities, saying that he did not dare return and face his financial difficulties. Relatives of Phillips in Cheshire received a communication from him last night saying that he had returned and was ready to be forgiven. A reunion of the family was effected today. In the interim since Phillip's disappearance it is reported that his financial affairs have been straightened out.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 18 July 1906

Miss Maude Mason
and Miss Harriet Herendeen of Manchester, are chaperoning the following party of young ladies who are spending the week at Oak Cliff: Miss Elizabeth and Mabel Herendeen of Farmington; Ruth Rose, Dorothy Weston, Mildred Sheffield, Marion and Harriet King, Cherrie and Mildred Randall, Bessie Morris, Helen Herrington, Marie Whiting, Grace McComber, Christina Werner, Alice Gilman and Wilda Hawkes of Manchester; and Ruth Bullock of Rochester.

Victor, N. Y. -  A Victor baseball team has been organized for the season, with Marvin A. Wilbur, efficiently filling the position of manager. Following are the players: Garnet Davis, pitcher; S. Barry, catcher; D. H. Osborne, first base; J. O. Connell, second base; William Harmon, third base; J. Driscoll, shortstop; James Collagan, right field; W. B. Osborne, Jr., left field; Theo. Quigley, center field. This is a winning team and many exciting contests are sure to come.

From Geneva Daily Times 19 July 1906

Rushville, N. Y. -
On Wednesday Mrs. Mary Harkness entertained about 30 members of the Green family, at dinner at her pleasant home on Union street. This gathering which is held annually is a reunion of the survivors of the first and second generations of the descendants of William Green, who was a resident of Italy Hollow, for many years, and was originated by Mr. Green's nine children, who entertained in turn according to their ages, and of whom only one survives, that being George W. Green, of Vine Valley. These occasions are eagerly anticipated from year to year and are much enjoyed. The out-of-town guests were George Parker and wife, Lyman Herrick and wife, George Goodsell and wife, William Phelps and wife, all of Penn Yan; Rev. Harvey Owen and wife of Kinney's Corners, Edward Green of Vermont, Dr. Ira Hawley and wife, of Canandaigua; George W. Green, E. B. Green, wife and daughter, Beatrice, of Vine Valley; Mrs. Melissa Cleveland of Phelps, Henry Standish and wife of West River. 

From Geneva Daily Times 20 July 1906

Frank Pard,
an Italian employed at the Herendeen shops, had the forefinger of his left hand badly crushed at the works yesterday. Pard was engaged in lifting a heavy casting when he lost grip on it and it fell suddenly catching his finger. The injury was to the fleshy part of his finger and although painful was not serious.

From Victor Herald 20 July 1906

Fred Manley received painful injuries Monday from a fall through a trap door in the barn of Charles N. Ketchum on Boughton Hill. The door was an old one and little used. It was supported underneath by a light moulding only and this gave away when Mr. Manley, who is quite a heavy man, stepped upon it. He fell about eleven feet and his arms, back and one hip were severely bruised. No bones were broken and so far as is known, his injuries are external only, but they cause him much discomfort and are temporarily disabling.

From Geneva Daily Times 27 July 1906

Gorham, N. Y. -
Wednesday afternoon at about 5 o'clock, quite a serious accident occurred on the state road about a quarter of a mile east of the village. While Mrs. Selina Tilton, accompanied by Miss Rose Hershey, was driving homeward, they were met by an automobile and both ladies alighted, Mrs. Tilton going to the horse's head. The automobile,  waswhich occupied by Castner Rapalee and his mother, Mrs. H. M. Rapalee, of Geneva, drew off to the side of the road and came to a stop, and Mrs. Tilton attempted to lead the horse, which did not seem much frightened, past the machine. When nearly by, the horse gave a sudden jump, which threw her to the ground, and, passing over started to run but was caught a short distance away and led back. Mrs. Tilton, whose face was cut and bleeding freely, was lifted into the carriage and driven home. Dr. G. E. Stevenson was summoned and found she had sustained a broken rib, and a bone in the face was also broken, besides which she was badly bruised and shaken.

From Geneva Daily Times 28 July 1906

Canandaigua, N. Y. -
Surrounded by her family and a few intimate friends, Mrs. Michael Hickox Durand, Canandaigua's oldest resident, fittingly celebrated her 99th birthday, at her old home on Cheshire road, where a dinner was given in her honor in the open air, and where all day she was busily engaged in receiving congratulations. At dinner her guests included six surviving children, twelve grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The day's festivities were quiet but pleasing, especially to Mrs. Durand, who received many beautiful gifts. Mrs. Durand was born on July 27, 1807, four miles west of the village of Canandaigua, of hardy New England stock, her father, Captain George Hickox, who died at the age of 95 years, having been one of Canandaigua's foremost and most substantial citizens. He was captain of the state militia during the War of 1812, and was stationed at Buffalo at that time. Mrs. Durand recollects the burning of Buffalo, and the fact that her father was called out quell the riots. Her grandfather was Levi Hickox, one of the pioneers of Canandaigua, who came here at the opening of the Phelps and Gorham purchase. He was a soldier in the Revolution, fighting under Washington at the battle of Trenton. Her mother, whose maiden name was Eunice Holcomb, was a pioneer school teacher, coming to New York state from New England, expressly for the purpose of teaching in the wilderness.

During Mrs. Durand's early years, she became well acquainted with Brigham Young, the Mormon apostle, who worked on her father's farm before he took up the Mormon faith and made the hegira to the Western desert. While he was working on the farm of Captain Hickox he was an enhorter and preached at school houses and "meeting houses," being a fervent Free Methodist before he adopted the Mormon religion. In 1831 she married Elias Durand, direct descendant of Dr. John Durand, a physician of note, who was one of the original Huguenots who emigrated from Rochelle, France, to this country in 1765 and whose tombstone is still standing in Derby, Conn. Mrs. Durand has survived her husband thirty-five years. She is a devoted Christian woman and has been a constant member of the Methodist church for over seventy years. Mrs. Durand's powers are remarkably preserved for a woman of her age and she retains all her faculties, being able to read easily, and so keeps a very clear memory and can recite long poems and stories learned in her early years. She has many interesting recollections of matters that are now ancient history in this section and round about. Most vividly she remembers the visit to Canandaigua of LaFayette, and with other spectators viewed in awe the magnificent display of illuminations at the Blossom Hotel here, the chief feature of which was the light shed by hundreds of candles on the balcony, where LaFayette addressed the populace.

Mrs. Durand gets about the house and yard actively, and assists about the house work, being able to make a cake, or sew a seam as well as in younger life. It was only eight years ago that she made a trip to Washington, D. C., on a visit to relatives. Mrs. Durand's children are: Mrs. S. McGerald, Buffalo; Luman M., Rufus, Henry A., and Miss Myra M. Durand, of Canandaigua; Willis O Durand, Phelps; grandchildren, Arthur and William McGerald, Buffalo; Agnes Pierce, Ridgeway, Pa.; Myra, Augusta and Jeannie Durand, Gertrude, Lou and Seymour Durand of Canandaigua; and Ada, Laura and Marvin Durand of Phelps; great-grandchildren, Catherine LeVerne and Margaret Durand, Canandaigua; Marion and Marjorie McGerald, Buffalo; and Donald and Gerald Pierce, of Ridgeway, Pa.

A feature of the table decorations in Mrs. Durand's honor was a huge birthday cake, illuminated by ninety-nine lighted candles, one for each year of her long and useful life.

From Geneva Daily Times 28 July 1906

Canandaigua, N. Y. - John Stearman,
strapped to a stretcher and raving mad, was brought to the Canandaigua Hospital yesterday from his farm in Farmington. Excessive work in the hot sun rendered him suddenly insane. He attempted to kill members of his family with a pitchfork, and it required four men to overpower him. Stearman's ailment is said to be unusual and his treatment baffling. He is about 40 years of age and has a family.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 1 August 1906

George Post,
who resides in North Pleasant street, this village, and had been employed on the farm of Henry Grace, north of the town, is in Memorial Hospital in a somewhat critical condition as the result of being struck by a bullet from a rifle in the hands of Frank Brown, a fellow employee at the Grace farm. The accident occurred last Friday. Brown had been handling a 32 caliber rifle in the vicinity of the barn and while pointed toward the building, the weapon was discharged, the bullet going through the side of the building and striking Post, who was inside, beside the nose. The projectile took a downward course, passing through the roof of his mouth, his tongue and downward through his neck, passing out just above the collar bone. The wound was a bad one and Dr. F. P. Warner, who was summoned, had the young man removed to the Memorial Hospital, where he is under treatment with good chances of recovery, although the wound is a bad one.

Gorham, N. Y. -  Mrs. Selina Tilton met with a painful accident last Wednesday afternoon while driving homeward from the village. She was accompanied by Miss Rose Hershey and about a quarter of a mile east, on the state road, they were met by an automobile, occupied by Castner Rapalee and his mother from Geneva. Both ladies alighted, Mrs. Tilton going to the horse's head and attempted to lead him by the automobile which drew off to the side of the road and stopped. The horse did not appear much frightened and was nearly past when he gave a sudden spring, throwing Mrs. Tilton to the ground, the horse and buggy passing over her. The horse was caught a short distance away and led back. Mrs. Tilton, whose face was cut and bleeding, was lifted into the carriage and driven home. Dr. Stevenson, who was immediately summoned, found she had sustained a broken rib and the cheek bone was cracked. She was also badly shaken up and bruised.

From Geneva Daily Times 8 August 1906

Rushville, N. Y. -
One hundred years ago this summer William Foster, with his family, came from Vermont and settled on the farm now owned by Herbert and Arch Foster, which lies about three miles southeast of this village. William Foster left the farm to his son John, who in turn was succeeded by his son Edward, who still lives on the place and is the father of the present owners. It is very rarely that one finds a place remaining in the same family through four generations in this section of the country.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 9 August 1906

Mr. Henry H. Loomis
was knocked down and injured by a horse last Monday. The horse was fastened by a strap and weight, and being frightened by an auto car sprang upon the sidewalk and the weight struck Mr. Loomis in the back, knocking him down and rendering him unconscious for a few moments. Later he was removed to his home. He is over 89 years old. He feels quite sore and lame from the bruise and fall.

From Geneva Daily Times 15 August 1906

James Loman, a prominent member of last year's High School football team, and a well-known athlete of the city, swam across Seneca lake last Sunday afternoon. Nothwithstanding the north wind and choppy waves he crossed the lake, a distance of two and a half miles in an hour and three-quarters. The start was made from the east side, directly opposite the telegraph operator's shanty at Lakeside and was accompanied by four friends in a row boat, who kept about four yards behind him. When he arrived on the west side of the lake he was purple and shaking with the cold, but circulation was again restored by a rousing fire and rub down in the operator's shanty. Frequently during the trip across the lake he was submerged by the waves.

From Geneva Daily Times 17 August 1906

Phelps, N. Y. - The seventy-sixth birthday of M. H. Fuller was observed at his home on West Main street yesterday, by a family reunion. There were present his brother, R. C. Fuller and two sisters, Mrs. Benham and Mrs. Skellman of Detroit, the four being the sole survivors of a family of eight children. Mrs. Davis, a niece, was also there.

From Victor Herald 17 August 1906

West Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
The following young people are spending the week at Red Dock, Beaman's Cottage, on Canandaigua Lake: Misses Mellie Wood of Ionia; Ida Clark and Alice Briggs of Lima; Bess Worthington of Cleveland; Irma Peck and Rose Heath of this town; Henry Courneen, Frank McMichael, Ralph Wood, Clifford Peck, George Webb and Carleton Griffin. The party is chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Webb.

The Cornford family reunion was held at Lakeside Park on Owasco Lake, near Auburn, Wednesday. About fifty representatives of the family were in attendance, those from Victor being Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cornford, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cornford, Miss Alta Cornford, Allan E. Cornford, Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Aldrich and three children and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Osburn and two children.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 23 August 1906\

Howard Turner, the 7-year-old son of Samuel Turner, was severely injured Thursday night while playing in the Lehigh Railroad yards. The boy slipped as he attempted to jump upon the large locomotive turn-table, near the roundhouse, which is propelled by a stationary engine; his leg went down between the revolving table and the stone casing, and was badly crushed.

From Victor Herald 24 August 1906

Fisher's Grove Cabin on Canandaigua Lake sheltered the following party for an enjoyable period of ten days, recently: the Misses Agnes Lapham, Edith Lapham, Margaret Quigley and Margaret Kelley, Walter Lapham; and Frank Kittzley of Canandaigua; Miss Grace Murray and William Murray of Mertensia; Miss Zetta O'Connell and Thomas Carter of Rochester; Miss Anna Belle Torrey of Newark; Miss Sadie Murray of Holcomb; Miss Irene Connell, George Wilson, Fred Murray and William Hyland of Victor. They were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. John Connell of this village.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 29 August 1906

The following young ladies from Shortsville, chaperoned by Mrs. A. E. Pulver, are spending a week at the Williams cottage: Misses Hazel Klinck, Lottie Delahunty, Roma Baggerly, Florence Sickles, Irene Hebbard, Jennie Sage, Grace Buck and Clara Wilson.

The reunion of the Appleton family was held Saturday, August 25, at the residence of Richard Appleton in Centerfield. The gathering was a numerous one and a great variety of ages was represented, Mrs. Elizabeth Clapper of Farmington being the oldest member of the family present; and Elizabeth C. Jopson, aged 2 months, the youngest. During the afternoon games and sports were indulged in by all, a ball game between the married men and single men being the leading feature. During the past year, two deaths have occurred in family, those of Miss Vida Roper of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Jennie E. Jopson, Canandaigua. The next reunion will be held at the same place on the fourth Saturday in August, 1907.

Rushville, N. Y. -  Last Saturday the home of Otis Whitman, situated two miles west of this village, was the scene of the Whitman family reunion. Twenty-eight members of the family were present to participate in the general good time as well as the bountiful repast which is always one of the principal features of such occasions. The out-of-town guests were the Misses Genevieve and Ruth Green of Elmira; Miss Nellie Hooker of Chicago; Mrs. S. C. Whitman and Miss Minnie Whitman of Middlesex.

From Geneva Daily Times 1 September 1906

While George Devine was in Dennison's shoe store at 2 o'clock this afternoon making a purchase, his team of horses which were hitched to a hack started to run up Seneca street. In starting they broke the traces causing the tongue to drop to the ground, Arthur Kinney, who has acquired local fame for stopping runaway horses, started after the team, but before he caught them the horses had crushed a bicycle that belonged to Richard Licht of Washington street. Kinney stopped the horses before they did further damage.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 September 1906

Rushville, N. Y. - On Saturday, September 1, the first reunion of the Foster family was held in the grove of A. D. Foster, southwest of this village. There were in all fifty-two persons present only one of whom was not a member of the family. A. D. Foster called the meeting to order and Herbert Foster was made president of the day. The officers elected for the coming year were: President, E. J. Foster; alternate president, E. A. Foster; secretary, A. S. Ferguson, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Frank Foster; treasurer, Mrs. C. T. London; entertainment committee, Miss Grace Ferguson, Mrs. H. H. Beach, Miss Marie Williams; historian, Mrs. George W. Cole. The reunion will be held in the same place next year which is on the original farm settled by William and Susanna Foster, who came from Vermont in an ox cart over one hundred years ago. Their farm consisted of 450 acres. They were the parents of thirteen children, only six of whom grew to maturity, Alanson, William, John, Julia, Ira and Susanna. Alanson served in the war of 1812 and was made prisoner by the British and taken to Montreal where he died in prison. John settled on the homestead and was the father of E. J. Foster, who next came in possession and still resides on the estate. A short program was given. Recitation by Miss Grace Ferguson; singing by all; an address by Dr. P. K. Stoddard, of Prattsburg, who also recited a poem. Dr. Stoddard and wife and Mrs. Chester Olmstead and sons, of East Bloomfield, were the only people present from a distance.

Phelps, N. Y. - While about to descend the stairs at her home on Jay street Sunday morning, Mrs. Robert Schellenger fell and broke the bones in her right wrist.

From Geneva Daily Times 8 September 1906

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Francis O'Carroll, Canandaigua's oldest male resident, is celebrating his ninety-ninth birthday today. He lives with his daughter, Mrs. Richard Hosey, in Center street, where his birthday will be quietly observed. He was born in Rathglass, Parish of Castleconnor, County of Sligo, Ireland, September 8, 1807. The family came to America in 1863, and settled in Rushville, Yates county, where Mr. O'Carroll resided until several years ago, when he removed with his daughter and her family to this village. He is a regular attendant at St. Mary's church, and is remarkably well-preserved, being in full possession of his faculties.

According to an informal compilation which has recently been made of the automobiles owned in the city, Geneva has forty-three cars. This makes one automobile for every 325 inhabitants in the city. Collectively these cars are able to develop 553 horsepower which is sufficient to turn all of the machinery in the Patent Cereals Works and then have a surplus of 150 horsepower. As to makes there are eleven Reo and ten Pierce cars owned in the city while practically all of the standard manufactures are represented in the city by at least one car. The list of the autos owned in the city is as follows:

A. G. Lewis - 40 hp 4 cyl. and
24 hp 4 cyl Pierce touring cars
David Goodwin - 6 hp Locomobile steamer
Fred Dilman - 16 hp Reo touring car
John C. Dilman - 16 hp Reo touring car
E. W. Sharp -
8 hp Reo runabout
DeForest Weatherly - 8 hp runabout
 made by owner
M. J. Maney - 15 hp, 2 cyl. Pierce touring car
H. H. Schieffelein - 12 hp 2 cyl.
Stevens-Durea runabout
F. W. Herendeen - 32 hp 4 cyl. Pierce touring car
Geneva Automobile Co. - 15 hp 2 cyl. Pierce
touring car
Dr. W. W. Skinner - 8 hp Reo runabout
H. R. Chamberlain - 6 hp Locomobile steamer
John Long - 8 hp Pope-Tribune
J. R. Clapp - 8 hp Northern runabout and
15 hp 2 cyl. Pope-Toledo touring car
Louis P. Vail - 8 hp Northern runabout
Charles W. Fairfax - 10 hp Rambler runabout
George Fairfax - 15 hp 2 cyl. Pierce touring car
W. O. Munger - 20 hp 2 cyl Jackson touring car
Carl W. Anderson - 10 hp 2 cyl. Conrad
Dr. J. A. Spengler - Pierce Motorette,
first Pierce car to be owned in Geneva.
George Monagle - 6 hp Covert runabout
F. M. Fast - 32 hp 4 cyl. Pierce touring car
C. S. Burrall - 8 hp Reo runabout
D. M. Dorman - 2 cyl. Reo touring car
S. F. Dey - 16 hp 2 cyl. Reo touring car
J. A. Place - 10 hp Cadillac runabout
J. C. Fitzwater - 6 hp Covert runabout
Dr. Will McCaw - 18 hp 4 cyl. Franklin touring car
William Sattler - 16 hp Reo touring car
Henry Reuter - 6 hp Covert runabout
Charles Eddy - 12 hp Cadillac runabout
M. F. Blaine - 16 hp 2 cyl. Reo touring car
Hugh L. Rose -
24 hp 4 cyl. Pierce touring car
Dr. G. S. Means - 8 hp Pierce Stanhope runabout
T. H. Truslow - 8 hp Reo runabout
S. G. McKane -
6 hp Oldsmobile runabout
F. P. Davis - Haynes-Apperson, 12 hp 2 cyl. runabout
C. J. Root -
6 hp Locomobile steamer
and 8 hp Reo runabout
A. A. Allen - 20 hp 2 cyl. Packard touring car
C. E. Rapalee - 10 hp Thomas touring car

From Geneva Daily Times 15 September 1906

Shortsville, N. Y. - James Crittenden, a prosperous and well-known farmer, residing about three miles northwest of this village, was the victim of a serious and perhaps fatal accident on Thursday evening. In the absence of his hired men, who were away assisting a neighbor with his threshing, Mr. Crittenden attempted to take the horses to water, starting out with three on the first trip, two of which he was leading, and the other driving before him. The horse ahead threw up his heels and kicked Mr. Crittenden in the face. One jaw bone and his nose were broken and his face badly mutilated. So serious are his injuries that he can take medicine and nourishment only through a tube, and on account of his age, and the fact that he has been in poor health for some time, grave fears are entertained as to his recovery.

From Geneva Daily Times 19 September 1906

An exciting runaway occurred in Castle street shortly after 10 o'clock this morning. A horse owned by Patrick Rooney and attached to a truck wagon, started in front of the Dilman building. The horse was running at full speed when it reached the corner of Genesee street. This, however, did not deter Norman Caughn from attempting to stop the horse. He made a jump for the horse and caught the bridle. The animal was going as such a speed that Caughn was dragged nearly to Geneva street before he brought the animal to a standstill.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 19 September 1906

Artemus Frone,
while at work drilling a hold through an iron girder on the exterior of the new Bates block, lost his balance on the scaffolding and fell to the walk below, striking on his head and shoulders. He was rendered unconscious and sustained painful injuries to his shoulders, and received an ugly cut on his forehead. He was removed to the Memorial Hospital and is under the care of Dr. J. H. Jewett.

Victor, N. Y. -  A party of young men occupied Hill's Cabin, Canandaigua Lake, last week. Among those spending different periods of time at the cabin during the week were: Warren and James Covill, Robert G. Higinbotham, D. Henry and W. Bushnell Osborne, Jr., Garnet Davis, George Simcoe, Arthur S. Watts, Edgar R. Mead, Homer Ghere and B. A. Plympton.

From Geneva Daily Times 22 September 1906

Clifton Springs, N. Y. -
While engaged in unloading a wagon load of sweet corn at a switch on the New York Central Railroad Tuesday, Albert Reed, son of William Reed, met with a serious accident. The team which he was driving became uneasy at the approach of a train and he started to drive them in the lumber yard of R. L. Leland, when one of the horses stopped and commenced to back up. The wagon turned in such a manner as to tip it over on the railroad tracks, throwing the young man out, breaking his left arm, one rib, and otherwise bruising him. The horses ran into the end of a freight car, where they were stopped; the wagon was badly damaged. The young man's father is laid up with a broken arm which he received about ten days ago while picking apples.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 26 September 1906

Shortsville, N. Y. -  Mrs. C. P. Brown
of Shortsville was seriously injured on Saturday of last week as she was returning from the fair at Canandaigua. She supposed the cars had stopped and left her seat when the car gave a sudden lurch, throwing her on to the platform. She was removed to her home and a physician called, who found that her injuries consisted of a broken hip and a sprained wrist. Mrs. Brown has not been well for several years and only recently has been able to get about.

From Geneva Daily Times 2 October 1906

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Mrs. Henry A. Durand,
of Gibson street, was perhaps fatally burned in her home shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon while endeavoring to carry out of the house an oil heater which had taken fire and threatened to explode. Her clothing became saturated with the oil, and was burned from her body before assistance could reach her. Mrs. Durand's limbs, chest, neck and arms were horribly burned, some portions being burned to a crisp. More than one half of her body was burned. Dr. M. R. Carson, the family physician, was summoned, and he in turn called on Drs. P. M. Donovan and F. P. Warner. The three physicians were more than an hour dressing the wounds, after which Mrs. Durand was removed to the Thompson Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Durand was sewing in preparation for her daughter's wedding which is to take place on Saturday. The room was cold and she lighted the oil heater. It had not been used in some time before and doubtless had become oil-soaked.

Mrs. William McConnell of 232 Exchange street fell off the side porch of her home about 7:30 o'clock this morning and broke both bones of her left leg just above the ankle. Mrs. McConnell was watering her plants and in some way reached too far over the edge of the porch and lost her balance, falling over backwards. She was carried into the house and the Drs. Covert were called to attend her. The injury was dressed and she was taken to the City Hospital this afternoon.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 3 October 1906

St. Mary's Church, Canandaigua - Baptized last Sunday: Emma Chiarelli, Henry Capadanno, Frederick Edward Reed and Jane Elizabeth Ferguson.

Little Mary and Richard FitzGerald of Phelps were taken to St. Patrick's and St. Mary's Orphan Asylum on Monday. The mother is an invalid at the Memorial Hospital, and their home was partially destroyed by fire a few weeks ago.

Edward Moore, a young man residing in Chapin street and employed by H. C. Mutschler, fell down a hay chute in Mr. Mutschler's barn Monday afternoon and sustained concussion of the brain. He had gone to the hay loft for a fork that was there, and while in the loft started to shove some hay down the chute. In some manner he lost his balance and fell with the hay to the floor of the basement, about sixteen feet below. When picked up he was unconscious and Dr. H. C. Buell was summoned, who had him removed to his home where he is still in a comatose condition. It has not as yet been determined just how serious his injuries are.

Holcomb, N. Y. - On Monday afternoon Herbert Howes with his father and brother, James, were hunting in the woods near Ionia, and was accidentally shot by a nearby hunter, who was also hunting in the woods, and received several shot in his face and body. He was removed to the home of William Greene. Dr. B. S. Partridge was summoned. He was removed to his home on Friday night, but he's in a critical condition.

Rushville, N. Y. -  On Monday evening at about 6 o'clock, while Joseph Clark and two children, Edith and Merrill, were driving down the Lindsley hill, the team became frightened and ran away. The jar caused the bottom to fall out of the wagon, which let the occupants fall to the ground. Edith, the 4-year-old daughter, was dragged for some distance and one wheel passed over her body. When picked up she was in an unconscious state from which she did not arouse until the next day. Her condition at first was feared to be serious but she is now much improved. Her father received slight injuries while her brother escaped uninjured.

From Victor Herald 5 October 1906

West Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Caleb Taft
is suffering from a badly sprained ankle and various bruises as the result of his horse taking fright at an automobile just east of our village one day last week. The horse jumped down an embankment, upsetting the buggy and throwing Mr. Taft to the ground. The buggy was badly broken and the horse tore itself loose and ran away. The autoist stopped, gave what assistance he could to Mr. Taft and carried him to his home.

From Geneva Daily Times 9 October 1906

Shortsville, N. Y. - A peculiar accident happened to William Delahanty, of Ontario street, yesterday afternoon. He was on a ladder picking apples in his door yard, when a car on a switch in the New York Central freight yard shifted with such force that it crossed the street, went up over the sidewalk and hit the ladder on which he was standing. He was thrown from the ladder, striking the limbs of the tree, and landed on top of the car. No bones were broken, but he sustained a severe shock and internal injuries are feared.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 10 October 1906

Yesterday afternoon Edward McMaster, who resides in Antes street, took a half ounce of laudanum, it is supposed with suicidal intent. Dr. Alfred Armstrong was summoned as soon as it was discovered that the young man was in a dangerous condition and promptly administered suitable antidotes. It is probable that McMaster will recover. He admitted to the physician that he had intentionally taken the drug, but was afterwards sorry and wished to recover. No cause is known for the act except the possible one of slight mental derangement.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 24 October 1906

Stanley, N. Y. - Mrs. Michael Harvey
had one hand very badly lacerated on a paring machine at the evaporator, where she was working, last Wednesday. Dr. Selover was called and dressed the wound; several stitches were needed to close the cuts.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 25 October 1906

Mr. Hugh Dennison
passed his 87th birthday very quietly last Saturday, October 20th. He was born in County Derry, the north of Ireland in 1819, and came to Geneva the same month in 1852, and this has been his home ever since, 54 years of it. His is one of the oldest signs on the street, although he has tacked the words "and Son" upon it. He was always honorable in business, straightforward; a member of Trinity Church all these years, for many years a vestryman, and one of the oldest Masons in the city, having joined Ark Lodge, No. 33, in 1861. He does not come down street every day but is content to spend most of his time at home, reading and chatting with neighbors as they drop in.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 1 November 1906

Richard Flaherty
was seriously injured in the machine shop of the Herendeen Works yesterday. Part of an overhead track had been removed for extending it. Flaherty was pushing a car with a steam dome upon it along this track, not knowing of the removal, when the car and the hoist, weighing about 100 pounds ran off the end of the track and fell upon him. He was borne to the ground and picked up insensible. A gash two inches long was cut in his scalp. This was sewn up and he was removed to his home and made comfortable. No bones were broken and he is likely to be around in a few days.

From Geneva Daily Times 10 November 1906

Mrs. Fannie J. Page of William street gave a birthday party last evening for her aunt, Mrs. Maria Reed Rhodes, who was ninety-five years old yesterday. Mrs. Rhodes is in comparatively good health considering her great age. Occasionally she walks down street and yesterday she baked a fruit cake which was served in the evening. During the day she received a number of calls and was the recipient of many gifts.

From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 22 November 1906
Mr. Arthur Hammond
has prepared a list of aged people, or rather he prepared it a year ago, and since has made a few additions to it, showing the number of men in and near Geneva who have passed the age of 80 years. It is an interesting list, and we give it here. There are many others who will reach the 80th milestone a year from now. If the names of women were added the list would be nearly doubled, and the peer of them all is Mrs. Rhodes of William street, who passed her 95th birthday a few days ago, and who is still hearty and well. Below we give the names and ages, and the date of their coming to Geneva so far as known. We have not arranged them in alphabetical order nor according to age, but copy most of them from our own record in the order in which they were entered:

Years Lived Here
William E. Hayes
Alexander L. Chew
Hugh Dennison
Matthew Wilson
Arthur Hammond
George Dutton
William Smith
Joseph Robinson
Samuel W. Hopkins
John L. Rice
Joshua I. Maxwell
Thompson C. Maxwell
O. D. Allen
Henry H. Loomis
John Wilson
Thomas Shanley
Wm. Smith, Middle St.
Charles Bean
John J. Holman
Samuel Snow
Henry Wheadon
Isaiah Hicks
Gilman Church
Jonathan Wilder
Henry H. Heigscholt
S. S. Mallory
Next year a number more will reach the age of eighty years if they are spared to us. Among them are S. H. VerPlanck, Geo. Bennett, John Lentz, H. D. Patchin, Eli A. Bronson, and probably many others not on Mr. Hammond's or our list. Several men have passed away during the last few months. If any have been overlooked in this mention, we should like to have them call at this office and register.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 November 1906

Manchester, N. Y. - Louis Hanna,
the young Syrian who fell from the Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge which crosses the outlet in this place while assisting in track raising a week ago, is reported to be doing well, considering his great fall. With the exception of his broken wrist and sprained ankle, his injuries are light, and the internal injuries, so much feared at the time of the accident, have failed to materialize.

From Geneva Daily Times 26 November 1906

Phelps, N. Y. -
As the result of a dream that visited Thomas Bissell, Sr., a Phelps lady has received her wedding ring that she had lost two years ago. At that time the ring was supposed to have been dropped into a sewer, but after diligent flushing it failed to come to light. Twice last week Mr. Bissell had a vision that the ring was lying in a certain place in the sewer and after the second dream he made it known. He was given permission to do the excavating that he thought necessary and on reaching an elbow in the sewer pipe he opened it and there he found the ring along with several other trinkets of little or no value. Mr. Bissell is now besieged with requests from owners of lost valuables to try his hand at locating them.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 28 November 1906

Rushville, N. Y. - 
Last Saturday afternoon while Gould Waite and George Reddout were playing with firearms, the rifle exploded, sending the bullet in the direction of Gould and entering his intestines. Both Doctors Halstead and Wilkins were called. Dr. W. W. Skinner of Geneva was also summoned. All that medical skill could do was done, but the doctors were unable to remove the bullet. The child lies in a critical state and but little hope is entertained for his recovery.

From Geneva Daily Times 30 November 1906

A Thanksgiving and birthday party was held yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, who reside north of this city. The occasion was the seventieth anniversary of Mr. Edward's birthday. Among those present were their three children, eight grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. The guests from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Langdon and daughter, Miss Lillie, of Brooklyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Langdon of Cortland.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 5 December 1906

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - 
On Friday morning, the team belonging to Carl Jones became frightened and ran away. The team was hitched to a two-horse wagon, which was filled with empty milk cans, Mr. Jones having fortunately delivered the milk to the station. The team stood in Main Street nearly in front of the Frank Lindner meat marker, and Mr. Weston, who is employed by Mr. Jones, was standing on the ground holding the lines. The rolling of some barrels frightened the horses and they jerked the lines from Mr. Weston's hands. They dashed up the street, scattering the milk cans as they went, but their progress was stopped rather suddenly by their running into a large telephone pole in front of the residence of J. M. Burgdorf. One horse was thrown, but the other, breaking loose, ran up the street towards Mr. Jones's farm. The tongue of the wagon was broken by its contact with the telephone pole, and the harness was badly damaged. There is a deep indentation in the telephone pole, which shows the terrific force with which the wagon pole struck it. The damage was otherwise slight.

From Geneva Daily Times 6 December 1906

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Mrs. Amelia Parrish,
of Chapin street, is suffering from severe injuries, sustained by falling down stairs at her home, Monday night. She broke her collar bone and was severely shaken up and bruised. Dr. G. W. McClellan attended her.

George Burrell
slipped as he was entering the doorway to the Palm Cafe in Exchange street last evening and fell against a large plate glass window. The window was demolished and Burrell was badly cut about the face and hands. A physician happened to be in the vicinity at the time and the  wwoundsere immediately dressed. Although painful none of them were considered serious.

From Geneva Daily Times 10 December 1906

Charles Wooley,
of Washington street, fell upon the sidewalk in Lyceum street, near the Optical works, shortly after noon today. The man cut a bad gash in the back of his head and a hurry call was sent in for the city ambulance. Before the ambulance arrived, Mr. Wooley was able to walk to his home.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 12 December 1906

The following officers of the Woman's Relief Corps were elected Tuesday, December 4th:

President - Mrs. Elizabeth Clark
Sr. vice-president - Mrs. Hannah Booth
Jr. vice-president - Mrs. Lovantia Avery
Treasurer - Mrs. Marvette L. Frary
Chaplain - Mrs. Maggie A. Babbitt
Delegate - Mrs. Jane E. Squiers

The Modern Woodmen of America elected the following officers Friday evening:

Past counsel - H. W. Fitch
Counsel - R. W. Snyder
Advisor - Wallace Blake
Banker - P. C. Youngs
Clerk - N. W. Thompson
Escort - C. E. Brinkerhoff
Watchman - E. H. Ferris
Sentry - C. J. Beecher
Physicians - Drs. Armstrong
and Donovan
Manager, 3 yrs - G. M. Kennedy
Manager, 2 yrs - H. W. Fitch
Manager, 1 yr - G. A. Nicholson

From Geneva Daily Times 14 December 1906

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fullam, an aged couple who reside alone on Jefferson avenue, were found by a neighbor about 11 o'clock yesterday morning suffering from coal gas which filled their sleeping rooms. Mrs. Fullam was able to crawl to the door and admit the timely visitor, Mrs. James McCormick, who threw open the doors and windows and called Dr. H. C. Buell, who gave the semi-conscious couple prompt assistance. Both were greatly enfeebled by the poisonous gas and would doubtless have expired in a short time if not discovered.

From Geneva Daily Times 15 December 1906

Gorham, N. Y. - Mrs. Rebecca Rodman, living near this village, recently reached her 98th birthday. She is remarkably smart, being able to assist in the house work of her home.

From Geneva Daily Times 17 December 1906

Phelps, N. Y. - While covering his route a couple of days ago, Mail Carrier E. L. Schellenger had an exciting experience. He was driving along the highway in the vicinity of James Sweeney's farm when his attention was attracted to a warning cry of get out of the way. He pulled up his horse to look around and as he did so another horse shot past him and stopped instantly by the side of his covered wagon. Further investigation disclosed the fact that the horse was one of a team that had run away and the other horse was directly behind the mail wagon while the tongue of the lumber wagon was wedged between the wheel and the box of the wagon. But little damage was done to the mail wagon as a result of the collision. The team belonged to a farmer named Cranseant and had run from the outlet station where they had been delivering a load of produce. In their flight they had previously collided with a carriage owned by A. S. Smith and demolished it completely.

From Geneva Daily Times 18 December 1906

Gorham, N. Y. - One day the latter part of the week as Mrs. Leonard Stokoe was walking to Halls to take the train, seeing an approaching wagon, she stepped aside to let it pass when she slipped on some ice and fell, breaking her hip.

From Geneva Daily Times 19 December 1906

Canandaigua, N. Y. - There was an exciting runaway on Main street at noon yesterday. The large gray team of Ray Brockelbank became frightened while standing at the J. B. Malcolm evaporator, at the extreme eastern section of the village, and ran furiously up Phoenix street on to Main and across that thoroughfare. They struck a milk wagon belonging to D. D. Cook, with force enough to throw them, and also to demolish the rear wheels of the milk wagon. They were headed for the huge plate glass windows in the Anderson store, but as it was, no one was injured and little damage was done.

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