From Geneva Advertiser 1 January 1901

One day last September while plowing or harrowing in a field on his father's farm on the Castle road, Thurber Simmons uncovered two bullets, rusted with age, which many believe are relics of some Indian battle or of Sullivan's march through this section.  They are round, solid lead, and one of them shows where it was cut off from the old-fashioned mould in which it was cast, none of which are seen in these days.  Valuable finds, these.

Mrs. Homer W. Guilford of Genesee street had her entire family of children and grandchildren with her on Christmas day. Will from Syracuse, Frank from Elmira, Fred of Castle street and Mrs. Leake constitute her own family. There is nothing that will bring more joy to the hearts of people along in years than to be surrounded on such a day by all their children.

From Ontario County Chronicle 2 January 1901

Some poor unfortunate was saved from an untimely end through the heroic efforts of Fred Willson, who succeeded in pulling some demented tramp out of Melvin's brook on Christmas night. As the night was very dark it required a man of great nerve to attempt to follow the cries of the drowning man. But Mr. Willson was equal to the emergency and succeeded in getting the poor unfortunate dry docked.

From Ontario County Journal 4 January 1901

Orleans, N. Y. -
On Friday afternoon, while loading a car of cabbage, Edward Briglin slipped and fell, falling under the car. He was picked up insensible and quite badly bruised but is recovering.

From Ontario County Journal 4 January 1901

The following appointments of deputy sheriffs have been announced by Sheriff Edmonston: H. E. Sheldon, Geneva; J. Wesley Booth, Canandaigua; William Rowley, Bristol; John LeGore, Naples; William Hill, Victor; Edgar Norton, East Bloomfield; W. E. Stubbs, Geneva; Jason B. Gates, Gorham; George Muskett, Clifton Springs; C. H. Landen, Phelps.

George Greig, of this village, who is a fox hunter of considerable repute, he having captured over 200 of the wily fellows, has added to his list during the last week a catch of more than ordinary interest. On one of his trip a week ago, he captured in the vicinity of Menteth's point, a fox which is said to be of the silver-gray variety. Many persons declare that no one in recent years has seen or even heard of a silver-gray fox in this region, but Mr. Greig has the pelt and no one has appeared to deny the dignity of it. The fur of the silver-gray fox is of great value.

From Ontario County Journal 11 January 1901

Orleans, N. Y. - Dwight Severance
has had a narrow escape from death. He was loading a car of produce and had built a fire of charcoal. When found he was completely overcome with coal gas. He was found by Clarence M. King, whose efforts restored him to consciousness.

Gorham, N. Y. - William Pitts and family were nearly suffocated by coal gas on Saturday night. They had just moved into the Dunham house and had put up a new stove and retired for the night. Sometime during the night they were awakened by their youngest child in distress. Mr. Pitts, in attempting to get up, was unable to rise, but realized his condition and managed to get to the door on his hands and knees and thus relieved the other members of the family.

From Geneva Advertiser 14 January 1901

Mrs. George Hennessey, of North Exchange street, was visiting a Mrs. Madden Friday evening, and on leaving for home slipped and fell off the steps landing on a sharp stake that penetrated her right side fully an inch. She was taken to her home and Dr. Means summoned, who is attending her. She is aged about forty years, is a rather strong woman, and these conditions are certainly in her favor.

The colored people's whist club has been organized for the season. The president is Frank Davis. The club had its first meeting Thursday night, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Webb Coleman in Pulteney street. The next meeting will be held Thursday evening at the home of Reuben Hawkins.

An indoor base ball league has been organized here. The new league is composed of four strong teams, comprising the High School, Nester Hose Company, the Standard Optical Works and the 34th Separate Company nines. Among the players on the latter team are Harry Little, Thos. Coursey, Thomas Folger, Joseph Hutchinson and J. W. Brennan. The four teams of the league will practice in the large armory drill hall every Wednesday evening. The schedule, arranged by the management, includes games way up to next June.

From Geneva Advertiser 22 January 1901

The fame of Geneva's colored dancers seems to be spreading far and wide. Twice last week prizes were won by Genevans at out-of-town. At a masquerade ball, given in Penn Yan, prizes were won by Harry Harden and Arthur Kenny, two well-known Geneva rag-time dancers.

Charles Alcock,
the 12-year-old son of Mrs. Susan Alcock, who reside in the Fairfax building, fell on the sidewalk Thursday afternoon, in Genesee street, and sustained a compound fracture of the right arm. The little fellow was playing with some other boys at the time of the accident. His companions carried him to his home nearby, and Doctors Skinner and Eddy were summoned and reduced the fracture. The lad will be confined to the house for some weeks.

From Ontario County Journal 1 February 1901

Saturday afternoon, George Wilkinson, an employee of the Lisk Manufacturing Co., met with an injury in the loss of the ends of the four fingers of his left hand. A rod on a drop press he was operating broke, and allowed the great weight to make an unscheduled drop with results as above told. The fingers were severed at about the second joint.

On Saturday morning, John Gleason, an employee of Murray Bros. grocery store, went into the cellar with a lamp, and in setting it down upon the stone bottom, cracked the glass, allowing the oil to flow out and ignite. The fire was promptly smothered out, but not until Gleason had received painful burns about the left hand and face. The injury was most painful and will lay him aside for some time.

From Ontario County Journal 8 February 1901

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
A team of horses owned by Cholette Collins broke through the ice on Tamblyn's pond last Friday morning. A large gang of men employed cutting ice on the pond succeeded in getting them out after an hour's hard work. The horses were hardly able to walk after being taken out of the water.

From Ontario County Chronicle 13 February 1901

Phelps, N. Y. -
A triple runaway occurred on Main street last Thursday. A horse driven by Ray Ottley was frightened by some boys who were throwing snowballs and dashed down Main street frightening a horse belonging to Frank Hicks. Hicks' horse dashed into a rig driven by Mr. and Mrs. Romain of Geneva, whose team also ran away. Mrs. Romain was struck in the chest by one of the thills and severely injured. She was attended by Dr. Burt, who pronounced the injuries more to the nerves than to bodily damage. The other horses were stopped before any more damage was done.

From Geneva Gazette 15 February 1901

A Serious Accident -
Befell Mr. S. W. Hopkins, a well-known nurseryman of this city, last Friday afternoon.  He was on his way to the Geneva Mineral Spring carrying a large bottle or jug to get a supply of the medicinal water.  He slipped and fell on the icy sidewalk, breaking two of his ribs.  Mr. Hopkins is about 86 years old and was a well-preserved man of his years. Dr. DeLaney is attending him, and it is hoped will pull him through.  He is a leading member of the North Presbyterian church.

Victim of a Runaway Accident -
We find the following in the Rochester Herald of Monday last:  Mrs. M. R. Romain, who was injured by a runaway horse in Phelps Friday, was removed to her home on Genesee street, this city, Friday night, and is reported in a very critical condition.  Mrs. Romain, accompanied by her husband, drove to Phelps and they stopped in front of the Phelps Hotel.  

A horse attached to a cutter dashed down the street, frightened a delivery horse which was standing opposite the Romain rig on the other side of the street.  The delivery horse dashed across the street and into the Romain cutter, one of the thills striking Mrs. Romain in the side.  She was removed to the Phelps Hotel and Dr. Vanderhoff was summoned and applied restoratives. Dr. Rupert of this city, upon the arrival of the injured woman, made an examination and found that two ribs on the right side were broken, but could not tell if the patient had received other internal injuries.

From Ontario County Journal 15 February 1901

The three members of the family of John Abbey, of Gorham street, were poisoned by eating chicken pie on Monday. The pie had been made on Sunday and the family had partaken of it for Sunday dinner and Monday dinner. At three o'clock on Monday afternoon, they were all taken violently ill. A physician was hastily summoned and did not leave them until midnight, so precarious was their condition. The family consists of the father and mother, aged 80 and 81 respectively, and son and the father was the one to be the most affected by the poison and for some hours his life was despaired of. Instances of this kind of ptomaine poisoning are not uncommon.

From Geneva Advertiser 19 February 1901

There are three Geneva men up in the mountains of Idaho mining gold, P. N. Nicholas, Maurice F. Markham, George E. Whitwell. It is not Florida weather, thermometer rather below zero.

From Geneva Gazette 22 February 1901

Arrested for Bigamy -
Chief of Police Kane of this city last Saturday received a letter from Attorney Olin of Watkins inquiring for Mary Bettis, wife of John Bettis.  A photograph of the missing woman was also inclosed.  After studying the features, the chief decided that the picture answered the description of a woman who was married to Moses Burgess of Geneva under the name of Mary Zall on January 17.  The Watkins authorities were notified by telephone that the woman was in this city and requested that John Bettis come to Geneva and also bring his marriage certificate.  Bettis arrived and had with him the certificate certifying that he was married to the woman who at that time gave her name as Mary Graunniss, on January 19, 1897, by Cyrus Roberts, of Watkins.

With this evidence Chief Kane went to the Burgess residence in Powers Alley and arrested Mary Burgess alias Mary Bettis, on charge of bigamy.  When arraigned before Judge Wyckoff she admitted her guilt and was held in $1200 bail.  The woman is one of the party who were married in the old waiting room of the Navigation company by Rev. Hector Caugn, and the report that they belonged to the Salvation Army is emphatically contradicted.

The woman admitted to Chief Kane that she was twice married to Bettis.  It is reported she has another husband living in Pennsylvania.  She said her maiden name was Minsio and that her home was in Woodhull, this State.  She also said she had a daughter living with a married sister in Osceola, Pa., and goes by the name of Addie Kimbell.

From Geneva Advertiser 5 March 1901

Three accidents occurred here Saturday morning.  Mrs. Jeremiah Deneen of Washington street fell on the slippery sidewalk and broke her right arm.  Cornelius Murphy fell from a box car in the Lehigh Valley yard, and dislocated his left shoulder. His back is also severely injured.  Farmer John Prichard was run over by his team and badly injured in the back.

From Ontario County Chronicle 6 March 1901

Naples, N. Y. - George Harris, a nephew and an adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Harris, ran away from his home last Monday noon, and has not returned. He is 16 years of age, tall and had a habit of winking noticeably when he is talking. He was a pupil of Naples High school and was mixed up in a school trouble, a probability of his being called as a witness. He was at school Monday forenoon and went home to dinner. After bidding his parents goodbye, he started back toward school but took the train at 3 o'clock, went to Geneva and then bought a ticket for Buffalo. He had been supplied with some money. He was wearing his mother's gold watch which he took away. His parents would gladly welcome him home. He bore a good reputation, was a good pupil and a favorite with his teachers. He was the only son and was taken by the Harrises when he was a mere baby, having come alone from Nebraska to Naples when 4 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Harris are much distressed and feel that their son has been enticed or frightened to take this flight.

Another lively runaway, just such a one as has often been witnessed in Canandaigua's Main street, occurred last Thursday morning. It was fast and furious as usual, and for fifteen minutes everybody was excited and breathless. It seems that George W. Ellis was sitting in a cutter waiting for the arrival of Smith Johnson, the owner of the rig. Before Mr. Johnson appeared, however, two of the supernumerary dogs, which infest the town, rushed out in front of the horse and so thoroughly frightened him that he started down Main street at a terrific rate of speed. The start was made so suddenly that Mr. Ellis was taken at "unawares," as they say in "One Summer," and before he could get a good hold on the reins he was half to the lake. Mr. Ellis was thrown out and sustained severe lacerations about his head and face. The horse was found later standing out on the lake pier, badly winded, but fortunately uninjured.

While coming down the lake on an ice boat the other day, W. W. Case, Jr., LaRoy Benham, Fred L. Benham and Robert Shay had a very narrow escape from drowning. When opposite Menteth's Point, on the west shore of the lake, the boat broke through the ice, precipitating the occupants into the cold water. Fortunately the water was shallow, so that the gentlemen were able to wade to shore.

From Geneva Gazette 8 March 1901

John Pritchard,
who lives northwest of this city, was knocked down while trying to get his team through a snow drift Saturday. He was quite severely injured.

From Ontario County Journal 8 March 1901

Naples, N. Y. -  Mrs. Caroline Walker,
an old lady past 80 years of age, slipped on the ice and fell, breaking her hip.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Ulysses S. Wheeler broke his left leg below the knee on Saturday, while at work in the woods. In attempting to escape from under a falling tree, he stumbled over a log. This is the sixth fracture of a leg that Mr. Wheeler has sustained within ten years.

From Ontario County Journal 15 March 1901

South Bristol, N. Y. - Irving Covert
had the misfortune, while at work in the woods, to cut his knee, severing a cord and causing much lameness.

Honeoye, N. Y. - William Franklin,
of this place, passed his eighty-sixth birthday on Saturday, March 2. His sons, John and Alfred, with their families, made him and his wife a surprise visit. Mr. Franklin has resided on the farm where he is now living for 75 years. Though he has reached such an advanced age, Mr. Franklin's mental faculties are unimpaired and he retains his interest in all the affairs of the day.

Notices of allowance of the following claims for pensions have recently been received by Charles B. Lapham, as attorney of record: Henry A. Van Wie, Cheshire, allowed $6 from April 30, 1897, and $8 from July 11, 1900; Alonzo Egbert, Clifton Springs, allowed $10 per month from Oct. 17, 1900.

From Ontario County Chronicle 20 March 1901

Victor, N. Y. - Let those who will scoff at advertising, especially that carried on through the agency of matrimonial gazettes. Nevertheless the fact remains unquestioned that at the present writing there in this town four hearts that beat as two, which blissful state was brought about by the rather unromantic means of an advertisement. About a year ago George Moore, a rural youth living about four miles east of this village, discovered an "ad" in a matrimonial paper in which a young lady of means and refinement wished to correspond with a young gentleman for mutual improvement and anything else that might follow. George responded and the improvement was very rapid, so much so indeed that it was soon up to George to invest part of his summer wages in a railroad ticket to a town in Vermont, in which is stated his charmer resided. George hoped to bring back a blushing bride but for some reason his plans went wrong and he returned alone. The incident was supposed to be closed, but subsequent events proved the contrary. George was not fickle. His heart was in Vermont although the rest of his anatomy worked on a farm in Brownsville. The correspondence was kept up. After a while it developed that the lady of George's heart had a sister who was not adverse to a little long range courting and George at once produced his brother, Bert, to match her.

Everything was not lovely and the mail clerks worked overtime carrying the tender messages of love to and from the four fond hearts. The plot thickened and soon the climax was reached. The boys were informed that only the paltry sum of $20 each stood between them and wedded bliss and that if the amount was forwarded the ladies would come on to Victor immediately. A little thing like $40 could not daunt George and Bert and the sum was raised and sent speedily and the date of the girls arrival fixed for last Monday afternoon.

The boys, attired in their "Sunday best," were on hand and met all the trains up to 8 p.m. after which expectancy gave place to despair and the returned to their home disconsolate. At 11 p.m. the girls arrived, strangers in a strange land and their lovers invisible; they were obliged to put up at the Benson House over night and the next morning a livery rig took them to the Moore mansion in Brownville.

The meeting is not described simply because what transpired is not known to the general public but it is stated that love has broken down all barriers and triumphed and that if the wind is in the right direction, the sound of wedding bells may soon be detected by any who may happen to be listening. All on account of a ten cent advertisement. It pays to advertise.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Last week George Becker was sent to the county jail at Canandaigua upon a peculiar charge. There is scarlet fever in the Becker home and young Becker persisted in defying the orders of the board of health by appearing on the streets. He was taken before Justice Munson, who sent him to the county jail.

Phelps, N. Y. - An exciting runaway took place on Church street about 6 o'clock last Thursday evening. Chas. Fisher was driving a young horse attached to an open buggy across the New York Central tracks when the safety valve on a locomotive that was standing there began to "pop." The horse took fright and ran down the street. Mr. Fisher was unable to control the animal, which in a few moments dashed against a hydrant, smashing the buggy and tearing himself loose from the harness. Mrs. Fisher, who was in the buggy also, was thrown over the dashboard, but aside from a nervous shock was uninjured. Mr. Fisher also went over the dashboard and suffered a severe injury to his shoulder. The horse cut about the legs.

From Ontario County Journal 29 March 1901

Naples, N. Y. - 
In a runaway last Thursday, Hiram Warren was drawn through the front window of his milk wagon and in falling to the ground was somewhat hurt. The king bolt broke and the wagon separated. Warren hung to the lines until he was dazed by the fall. The team ran with the fore wheels a half mile and were stopped.

From Geneva Advertiser 2 April 1901

James Goodwin,
machinist, at the Herendeen works, had an arm lacerated last Friday morning, it being caught in the machinery.

From Ontario County Chronicle 3 April 1901

Manchester, N. Y. - Jacob Cornelius, who recently purchased the Antisdale farm near the town line on the northern boundary, while preparing his summer wood recently cut down a hollow tree and on the inside was found an old tea pot containing twenty golden eagles, which were covered with green mould and had been coined for many years; at least such is the story in circulation which is claimed to be true.

From Ontario County Chronicle 10 April 1901

Chapinville, N. Y. - George Dailey of this place had an unfortunate experience Thursday. He was returning from Canandaigua when his horse wanted to play a little making two or three jumps and getting out of the road. Mr. Dailey had been driving with a slack line and when he undertook to get control of the horse, he found that he had no use of his left hand or foot. The horse returned to the road and they arrived at J. Stitts, when Mr. Dailey, by pulling on one line, managed to turn into the barn. He attracted the attention of Station Agent McCrane and was helped from the wagon. Dr. John Pratt was called and pronounced it a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Dailey was reported better this morning. 

From Geneva Gazette 19 April 1901

Dennis McCarthy,
one of the professional baseball pitchers of this city, has signed with the Utica state league team for the season.  Mr. McCarthy will leave for that place today.

From Ontario County Chronicle 24 April 1901

Phelps, N. Y. - Gail Odekirk, a malster employed in the S. K. Nester malt houses, disappeared last week Monday evening and nothing has been see or heard of him since. He left Monday evening with his two weeks pay and told his wife he was going to Geneva to buy some shoes for his children. He took the evening train for Geneva and from there all trace of him has been lost. Odekirk moved here from Lyons a couple of years ago and has worked quite steadily all the time. While driving a delivery wagon for a Lyons bottling works about three years ago, he drove to this place and abandoned the team and left for parts unknown. He returned in about three months, but would give no reason for his queer actions. He has a wife and two small children and during his six years of wedded life has left them seven times. His wife says she can give no reason for his running away, that there never has been any real trouble in the home and she is at a loss to account for him.

From Ontario County Chronicle 15 May 1901

Bristol, N. Y. -
A very shocking tragedy occurred in the western part of this town last Friday when Curtis Hitchcock, a well-to-do and respected farmer made an attempt at suicide but failed for the time being in his undertaking. His wife was about to make an afternoon call when Mr. Hitchcock persuaded her to remain at home for awhile. In a few minutes Mrs. Hitchcock and Geo. Briggs, a young nephew who lives there, heard three reports of a revolver which came from a room in the upper story of the house. They hurried to the scene above and found Mr. Hitchcock in a very critical condition slashing himself in and around the arms with a large jackknife. Mr. Briggs finally succeeded in getting him quieted, only after a hard struggle. Upon an examination they found that three bullets had entered his chest, besides the gashes in his arms. At the present writing he lies in a critical condition. The cause of this step is hardly understood. While many theories arise as to the cause of this act, it still remains a secret. Of late he has been afflicted with the grip which fact accounts for his state of despondency. His wife and daughter have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction.

Bristol, N. Y. - Gooding Simmons, a farmer and an equestrian of reputation, living southwest of this place, had a very narrow escape recently. He was driving near the farm of Otto Davis when a colt became frightened and left the remains of a road cart in several different fence corners. Mr. Simmons clung to the ribbons, however, and escaped with a few bruises which are not serious. Our pathmasters should shoulder part of the blame, as the fertility of the roads is unquestioned without the huge furrows which are left for people to travel over.

Shortsville, N. Y. - Tuesday of last week, James Tracy's 5-year-old girl fell into the outlet where the stream ran at great speed, between this place and Manchester pond. The child's clothing and the swift current prevented the child from sinking. Her playmates soon gave alarm and a crowd of friends ran down the stream after the supposed body of the dead girl, but Hilary Jones, who chanced to be fishing near the Lehigh R. R. bridge, saw the bright dress glide swiftly down near him. He quickly rescued the nearly exhausted child, and prompt measures soon restored her to her grief-stricken parents, little the worse for her spring bath.

From Geneva Gazette 17 May 1901

Mrs. Arnold Recklinghausen,
wife of an Exchange street shoemaker, was taken violently insane last Tuesday and repeatedly attempted to kill her husband.  On the latter's complaint she was taken in charge by policemen Merry and Hawkins and a commission in lunacy called -- Drs. Covert and McCaw.  On their commitment she was closely watched over night and next day taken to Willard Hospital.  She is 49 years old and has been married to her present husband five years.  It is doubtful that she will ever recover her reason.

From Victor Herald 17 May 1901

Frank Brewster,
who resides a short distance northeast of this village, met with quite a serious accident, Thursday morning. He was plowing with a pair of spirited horses which became frightened and started to run. Brewster soon lost control of them and was dragged back and forth across the field, frequently coming into contact with the plow. The team was finally brought to a standstill and Brewster was carried to his home, Dr. A. M. Mead was quickly summoned and could find no bones broken but the injured man is very seriously bruised and shaken up. It was a very narrow escape.

From Ontario County Chronicle 22 May 1901

Farmington, N. Y. - A runaway may cost the life of Irving Brewster. While plowing on the farm of Lyman Bowerman in Farmington Friday, he noticed that one of the horses had a stone caught in its shoe. He unfastened the trace and removed the stone, returned to the plow and noticed that he had forgotten to fasten the trace. He started to fasten it, when the horses began to run. Brewster attempted to grasp the lines, but lost his footing and was caught in the lines, throwing him under the plow and whiffletrees. The horses ran around the lot three times. Almost as soon as they stopped a number of bystanders were on the scene of the trouble and got Mr. Brewster out from under the plow. He was terribly bruised up, and medical aid was summoned from Victor. Dr. Mende was soon on the scene of the accident, and stated that Mr. Brewster was internally injured and that he was in a precarious condition.

The Manchester band has been engaged to furnish music for the Empire State organization of Veterans and Sons of Veterans who hold their annual encampment at Margaretta Grove, Sodus Point, for one week beginning August 19. The vocal music will be furnished by Mrs. A. W. Hawkes, Manchester, soprano; Mrs. J. P Hill, Shortsville, contralto; Frank B. Spencer, Canandaigua, tenor; and Thomas Furner, Rushville, basso. This makes a very desirable place for a person to spend their summer vacation as there is always plenty of amusement.

Phelps, N. Y. - Galen Oderkirk, who disappeared some time ago and was reported to have deserted his family, has returned to Phelps. Several weeks ago Oderkirk left town, saying that he was going to Geneva to purchase a pair of shoes. Nothing was heard from him, and his wife removed to the home of her grandfather in Lockport. Oderkirk appeared before Justice Cornford saying that if he was wanted on a charge of desertion, he would give himself up. Justice Cornford dismissed him. It is said that Oderkirk was accustomed to leave his family for days at a time, for no apparent reason.

From Ontario County Journal 24 May 1901

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
On Friday afternoon, Millard H. Parmele, of this place, purchased a ticket for Honeoye Falls and took the 4:10 train. Since then he has not been seen in this town. Friday morning he worked around home as usual and after dinner changed his clothes and started for the depot. He was seen in Rochester on Saturday and since then all trace of him has been lost, although search has been made for him and the police of nearby towns have been notified. Mr. Parmele is a man well known in Ontario county, as he was once deputy sheriff and was also constable of this place. It was rumored that Ellis Bayliss saw Mr. Parmele on the railroad track in the swamp on Sunday afternoon. A search of the swamp was made on Tuesday by some 20 men, but without avail.

From Geneva Advertiser 28 May 1901

Murray Witter
of Gorham, who has always been prominent at the Barden-Witter reunions, suffered a severe paralytic stroke on Saturday, the 18th, and his condition is very critical. His arms and legs are completely paralyzed. He has several relatives in this city and and the towns of Seneca and Geneva.

From Ontario County Journal 31 May 1901

Gorham, N. Y. - 
While Mrs. George Dinahart and Miss Edith Fritz were returning to their home from this village, on Friday evening, the horse became frightened when near the latter's home. Mrs. Dinahart was thrown out and injured quite badly. Miss Fritz escaped unhurt. The horse ran as far as the house and after making a circle of that three times, it was caught. Mrs. Dinahart was picked up unconscious and carried into the house of Mr. Fritz. She remained in this state until Sunday morning, when she regained consciousness, but was still very weak. Dr. A. D. Allen is attending the injured woman. She was able to be removed to her home on Tuesday.

From Ontario County Chronicle 5 June 1901

Bristol Center, N. Y. - An exciting runaway occurred here last Wednesday. Wm. M. Simmons' team became frightened at the swinging of a blanket; ran out of their yard to the north in the highway hitched to a lumber wagon, containing Mr. and Mrs. Simmons and their daughter, Belle. Mr. Simmons fell over the back end of the wagon, his wife and daughter continuing in the wagon until Mrs. Simmons caught one of the lines and brought the team up against the fence of James McKinney and stopped them. Fortunately no one was injured and not much damage done.

From Geneva Gazette 14 June 1901

Charles Ward
of Phelps who was recently assaulted by Frank Williamson with a billiard cue, is still in a critical condition. The assailant is under bonds for $1,000 to appear and answer but he has skipped out to parts unknown.

From Geneva Advertiser 18 June 1901

Soon after commencement Mr. D. J. VanAuken is going to enjoy an outing with his automobile.  His first trip will be to his old home in Oswego County.  He will not attempt fast travel, although on smooth roads his machine is good for 25 miles an hour. He has a handsome, and almost a noiseless machine.

From the decreased number of sales it would seem that the bicycle craze is nearly over, or that all who want wheels are now provided.  New wheels are selling at very little above cost, while second-hand wheels can be bought at from $3 to $10. Automobiles are getting to be the rage with those who can afford the expense.

From Ontario County Journal 21 June 1901

Allen's Hill, N. Y. - 
On Saturday, the thirteenth annual reunion of the Carpenter family was held at the home of Charles W. Simmons. Although the day was favorable, the attendance was smaller than at any previous meeting, only 59 names being registered. Possible it being the unlucky "thirteenth" kept some of the friends at home. After dinner, which was served on the lawn, an interesting programme was rendered and the following officers elected: President, Richard M. Allen; vice-president, Arthur Carpenter; secretary, Mrs. O. L. Simmons; committee on arrangements, Frank Parker, Elmer D. Hall and Daniel W. Pierce; committee on programme, Dora Standish, Jessie Pierce and Eleanor Simmons. Only one death occurred during the past year, that of Walter D. Parker, one of the older members, and at whose home the first reunion was held on September 29, 1889. An invitation was extended by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pierce to hold the next reunion at their home in Canandaigua, Saturday, June 14, 1902.

From Ontario County Journal 28 June 1901

Hopewell, N. Y. - 
The Brundage family reunion, which took place at the Brundage-Scandling homestead in Hopewell, on Saturday, was a largely attended and thoroughly enjoyable event. The number present was about 75, including besides relatives from the various towns in this vicinity, others from New York, Rochester, Coldwater and Lindon, Mich., four generations being represented. The floral decorations were elaborate and tastefully arranged, including potted palms, roses and carnations, while the refreshments fully sustained the family reputation for hospitality. In the evening music was furnished by Weller's orchestra for dancing, and refreshments were served on the lawn. The perfect weather combined with the lavish entertainment to make the event pass off pleasantly. The next reunion will be held in June, 1902, at the home of Joseph Birdseye in Hopewell.

From Victor Herald 5 July 1901

As Mrs. P. M. Skuse was driving home, Tuesday evening, her horse took fright at a traveling peddler's camp which had been established by the roadside near the overhead bridge. The carriage was overturned and Mrs. Skuse thrown down the bank. She was quite seriously bruised and the carriage was practically wrecked. A warrant was secured for the peddlers and they were arrested by Constable Brown, who took them before Justice Norton. After some delay, caused by the men sending to Rochester for counsel, they concluded to settle the matter and were allowed to do so by paying the costs and other expenses incurred, amounting to $12.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Albert Smith
had the misfortune to break a leg last Saturday, the outcome of a runaway. While driving down the hill in front of John Hamlin's, the whiffletree bolt broke, striking the horse, which started on a run. Mr. Smith was thrown out breaking his leg. He is bearing up bravely and doing well under the circumstances.

From Ontario County Journal 5 July 1901

A team belonging to George Mather, of Rushville, became frightened on lower Main street on Monday and made a lively run around the corner of Saltonstall street. In front of Kelly's store was hitched Jesse H. Mason's horse, which caught the spirit and ran through Antis street. Mather's team was stopped in the lane in the rear of the Catholic church. The wagons were somewhat damaged.

The pupils of Mrs. Julia Fox gave a pleasant musicale at Mrs. Fox's home, Gibson street, on Tuesday afternoon. The following participated in the program: Inez Benham, Harold Benham, Leland Monagle, Elsie Fox, Charlotte Fox, Pauline Fox, Miss Emma Monagle, Miss Florence Brady, Miss Louise Quigley and Miss Grace O'Connor.

From Geneva Gazette 5 July 1901

Frank Mustare,
an Italian, fell from a window in Union house, corner Exchange and Lewis streets at 2:30 o'clock this morning, sustaining injuries which may prove fatal. He was taken to City Hospital.

From Ontario County Chronicle 10 July 1901

Farmington, N. Y. - Three serious accidents occurred in Farmington Monday of last week. The first was of minor importance compared with the others. While loading hay in Albert Padgham's field, Warren Herendeen was thrown to the ground and jarred considerably. The second accident was on the road between Farmington and Macedon. Rev. Thomas Williams was taking a Miss Howard and Mr. Irish to the train. Mr. Williams struck the horse with the whip when it gave a sudden jerk, throwing Mr. Irish and Miss Howard to the ground. They were both picked up in an unconscious condition. Medical aid was immediately summoned and they were soon made as comfortable as could be expected. Charles Cotton was riding on a load of hay with Charles Jeffery. When they reached the barn, Mr. Jeffery stopped and waited for one of the hands to remove a wagon that was between him and the barn. Mr. Cotton was on the back end of the load when the horses suddenly started, throwing him to the ground, a distance of fifteen feet. He struck on his head and side. When picked up he was in an unconscious condition. He was carried to the home of his aunt, Mrs. E. C. Betz, which is only a short distance away; medical aid was summoned and after a careful diagnosis of the case, the doctor said that no bones were broken; but that he was seriously injured.

From Ontario County Chronicle 10 July 1901

Last Saturday forenoon Hart Gillis and Fred Schroth, of the town of Victor, drove to Canandaigua to purchase a hay rake. When they reached the railroad crossing in this village, their horse, which was driven by Gillis, became frightened at an electric car and started to run away. The animal was going at a terrific speed through the street, and when opposite Coy street, the horse crossed the electric car tracks. This jolted the wagon, letting down the end of the seat on which Gillis sat. This precipitated him out of the wagon, throwing him with great force on his head and shoulders. Mr. Gillis was horribly cut about the head and face, and was carried to the Beahan hospital in a semi-conscious condition. There he was attended by Drs. Beahan and M. R. Carson. It was found that his skull had been fractured, his spine seriously injured, and that his right side was paralyzed. He is still in critical condition.

After Mr. Gillis had been thrown out, Schroth gained possession of the lines and finally brought the infuriated animal to a stand still. Mr. Schroth and the horse were uninjured. During the flight of the runaway rig, it collided with a wagon of a farmer from Honeoye and almost demolished it. It is now thought Mr. Gillis will recover. He is a prominent farmer of the town of Victor, where he is the road commissioner.

From Geneva Gazette 12 July 1901

F. D. Pulver
of Gorham lost a valuable horse which dropped dead on Washington street, this city, Monday night last -- the second horse he has lost in two weeks of fruit colic.

John Conners
of Center street met with a painful accident Tuesday at the Geneva Preserving works, by falling and breaking his leg.  Dr. Charles D. McCarthy was called and reduced the fracture.  Mr. Conner had just recovered from a broken hip, of the same leg.  He was sitting on a box and when the noon signal sounded he attempted to rise, but slipped and fell.  He was conveyed to his home in a carriage.  Mr. Conners is the father of P. J. Conners of the Western Union Telegraph Company of Rochester.

From Victor Herald 12 July 1901

Mrs. Almira Dusenbury,
an aged resident of South Bloomfield, was carrying a pail of lye across her yard Saturday when she fell, spilling the contents of the pail, some of which was dashed in her eyes. The result was total blindness, one eye having been eaten out before medical attendance could be secured. Dr. S. R. Wheeler of East Bloomfield has the case in hand.

From Ontario County Journal 12 July 1901

Naples, N. Y. - 
The Green family reunion took place at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Mower, West River, on Wednesday. Nearly 100 were in attendance. Mrs. Mower is 86 years of age, but looks and acts 20 years younger. She is a charming hostess.

From Geneva Advertiser 16 July 1901

Herman Berg
of 282 Washington Street, met with a painful accident last Wednesday morning while at work in the Herendeen works.  He attempted to remove several large iron rings from a car, the top one falling on his right leg, crushing the bone in a frightful manner.  He was placed in a bus and two shop men accompanied him to Dr. Eddy's office.  The bones were so badly crushed that amputation was necessary.  He is 70 years old.

From Ontario County Chronicle 17 July 1901

Last Thursday evening S. C. McKechnie, manager of the Grand Opera House, was attempting to frighten away a number of sparrows which had collected on his premises in Howell street. In accomplishing his purpose, he used a Giant fire cracker. He lighted it and before he thought it time to drop it, the cracker exploded in his right hand, lacerating it horribly. His index finger was torn open its entire length, the palm of his hand was gouged out, and the member was otherwise mangled. At first it was thought he would lose several fingers if not his entire hand, but Dr. J. H. Jewett, who is attending him, says the wound is healing rapidly and that eventually the hand will be as strong as ever. Two weeks ago Manager Charles H. Sisson of the New York Casualty Company, a friend of Mr. McKechnie, tried to induce the latter to take out an accident policy, but he declined to do so, much now to his regret.

From Geneva Gazette 19 July 1901

Henry Whaley,
of 35 Tillman street, is said to have deserted his family on July 7, and no reason can be given for his disappearance.  Mrs. Whaley and family have been in most unpleasant circumstances since her husband left, for he did not pay the rent nor did he buy his usual amount of groceries for the week.  Jessie, a 13-year-old daughter was taken to the City hospital Tuesday.

Miss Isabelle Ives, of Geneva, one day last week rode a bicycle to Dresden, a little hamlet in Yates county, on the western shore of Seneca lake.  The "maiden fair to see," did not know that Dresden was running according to law, and undertook to rides on the sidewalk.  She was promptly arrested and fined $2.  People who ride "bikes" should remember that the bicycle sidewalk law is a state statute, and therefore applicable to every town and city in the state.  Can. Chronicle

Phelps, N. Y. - Aquilla Smith,
who was arraigned before Justice Cornford last Friday on complaint of Mrs. Amy Van Auken, charging him with using vile and undecent language was found guilty and a fine of $5 was imposed on him.

No word as yet has been received from James Stanton, who deserted his wife and family three weeks ago. Stanton was employed by J. Q. Howes' Sons and drew his wages amounting to $45.  He told his wife he was going to Geneva to buy clothes and would probably stay over night. That is the last she has heard or seen of him.

From Victor Herald 19 July 1901

Mrs. Gertrude Thomas,
better known as "Aunt Gitty," passed her eighty-ninth birthday yesterday, at her home on East Main street in this village. Mrs. Thomas is enjoying good health and is in her usual jovial spirits.

From Ontario County Journal 19 July 1901

"Ain't you goin' to kiss me goodbye, mamma," cried 6-year-old Charlie Sawdey, who had just come over home from a neighbor's cherry tree in time to see his mother pace nervously out of the home on Bates street. The mother made an excuse for not kissing her young son and hastened through Antis street and disappeared. A cartman with a trunk heavily ladened had preceded her. It was Monday morning and the hours flew by until the father came home at noon. His wife was gone and no dinner had been prepared. Lewis E. Sawdey was suspicious. He had seen his wife in the company of Adolphus Beyea, a drayman, and had told her the neighbors were talking. He immediately went to the Beyea home on Phelps street and his suspicious were sustained. Beyea had also disappeared. Warrants were sworn out for the pair and the police telephoned to nearby places. It was learned that they had left town on the Rochester road, riding in a red wagon behind Beyea's bob-tailed horse, the trunk strapped on behind. The pair were not abundantly supplied with capital but both had picked up everything of value about their respective abodes before they started. Their whereabouts at the present time are unknown. It not intercepted soon, it is believed that they will spend a part of their supplemental honeymoon at the Pan-American exposition. The woman leaves three children, a boy of 6 years and two girls aged 8 and 11 years, while Beyea leaves an invalid wife and six children, the youngest being 3 years of age. Both left their families with small debts and no money. Sawdey is heart-broken over his wife's escapade. He is a blacksmith and is employed in James Rockwell's shop. "I never thought she'd do anything like this," he said between sobs, "and I don't think she would have gone if her mind had been right. She's been reading a story about a couple that eloped and talking about it a good deal. I tell you, it's hard to go home and find the children crying for their mother. We've been married for 12 years and I've always treated her right. No one can take care of them children like their mother, and if she'll come back, I'll support her, but I'll not turn over my wages to her every week as I have always done. Just say that I offer a reward of $10 to the person who will arrest her and bring her back to the family she has deserted." Sawdey said that his wife was only 28 years of age.

From Ontario County Chronicle 24 July 1901

Naples, N. Y. - A. W. Doolittle, 75 years old, injured his foot a few days ago and blood poisoning set in. It became necessary to amputate his leg below the knee to save his life.

Phelps, N. Y. - Nothing as yet has been heard from James Stanton, who deserted his wife and family three weeks ago. Stanton worked for J. I. Howe's Sons, and after drawing his wages, amounting to $45, he told his wife he was going to Geneva to buy clothes and would probably stay overnight. Since then has neither heard or seen any thing of him.

From Ontario County Journal 26 July 1901

Rushville, N. Y. - 
On July 16, while running a binder, Thompson Holley had his left hand caught in the machine in such a manner as to mangle three fingers. Dr. Halstead found it necessary to amputate them.

Gorham, N. Y. -  Mrs. Frank Green
met with a serious accident at the Johnson farm, west of the village, while engaged in driving a horse fork. The fork caught in some way, jerking the horse so that it fell on Mrs. Green, breaking her leg between the knee and ankle. She was removed to the home of her sister, Mrs. Albert Whyte, of this village, where she is as comfortable as possible.

From Geneva Advertiser 30 July 1901

Harry Phillips
was taken to the city hospital last Saturday, as was also a daughter of Mrs. T. J. Murphy, both suffering from typhoid fever.

From Ontario County Journal 2 August 1901

Stanley, N. Y. -
The pupils of Mrs. Julia F. Fox, of Canandaigua, gave a musicale on Friday evening, and the following took part in the programme: Miss Emma Boley, Miss Sarah Connors, Miss Margaret Lawrence, Miss Belle Putnam, Miss Marion Shepard, Miss Hill, Miss Rippey and Edward Bristol, of this place; Miss Monagle, Elsie Fox and Leland Monagle, of Canandaigua; and Miss Minnie Scott of Gorham. The evening proved a genuine musical treat.

From Ontario County Chronicle 7 August 1901

Stanley, N. Y. - A very serious accident occurred at Flint last Saturday p.m. Mr. Lester Youngs, while at work in Robinsons heating mill, in someway stooped down under a circular saw, which was in motion, to fix something about the machinery. He forgot the saw and raised his head up directly under it so as to bring the central part of top of head against the rapidly revolving teeth. A gash five inches long was cut across the top of his head and down toward right eye going through scalp and the skull also for about three inches so as to expose membranes covering the brain. The hemmorhage was very profuse for a few minutes, but owing to the thoughtfulness of Mr. Robinson who made pressure over the cut, he did not bleed to death. Dr. Powers was phoned for and arrived in a few minutes. He had him removed to his home and cleaned up the wound and put in seven stitches so as to hold the edges of scalp together. Mr. Youngs is doing nicely.

From Victor Herald 9 August 1901

Mr. and Mrs. William Cornford, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cornford, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Aldrich, Elmer Cornford
with his children, Alta and Allen, attended the annual picnic and reunion of the Cornford family Wednesday. The party left here on an early morning train for Auburn, where they were met by a party of relatives. After visiting the Auburn prison, they went to Owasco Lake, where a basket luncheon was enjoyed and the remainder of the day spent. Over forty members of the Cornford family enjoyed the day and with some invited guests, the party numbering fifty-six, the occasion was a most happy one.

From Ontario County Journal 9 August 1901

West Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
What might have proved to be a very disastrous runaway occurred on Friday. Mrs. B. W. Hopkins, with four others, started for a drive when the horse became unmanageable, throwing them all out. The animal then kicked itself loose from the carryall, running through the village, and was caught uninjured. Miss Lucy Hollingsworth was badly cut and bruised about the head. Several stitches were taken. Mrs. Thistle's wrist was badly sprained, and Mrs. Hopkins' hip was injured. The others were badly bruised but no bones broken.

Allen's Hill, N. Y. - An unexpected family reunion was held at the home of George Thayer on Saturday, when Mr. and Mrs. Shepardson, of Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Adams, of Naples, and Miss Thayer of Buffalo, came to visit him. The three ladies are sisters of Mr. Thayer.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mrs. William Cain and her granddaughter, Grace Burritt, were driving down the Rowley hill on Saturday, when the horse became frightened at a chicken buyer's wagon and started to tun. When in front of David Thomas' it ran into the horseblock and the occupants were thrown out. The little girl was uninjured, but Mrs. Cain was painfully bruised. The horse ran down by the Swift and Eaton shops and was caught there by Burt Burritt. The horse was uninjured but the wagon was badly broken.

From Geneva Advertiser 13 August 1901

We have ascertained who the oldest living person in Geneva is -- Mrs. Benjamin Norrish of 395 South Main street, 96 years old, and quite hale and hearty yet, although very deaf.  She has resided in Geneva nearly sixty years, came here with her husband and family from England.  She has four children, but only one resides in Geneva, Mrs. Henry G. Rice. Fifty years ago their home was on Castle street, and Castle street people mostly live to a good old age, those who are of regular habits, ordinarily healthy, and barring seasons of epidemic.

Shot to Kill -
About six o'clock Sunday evening last, the report of three pistol shots were heard down on Herbert street, and it aroused the whole of that part of town.  The row was in the home of an Italian named John Potch.  It seems that he had become suspicious of the attentions paid by one John Cirillo to his wife, and he put a keen watch upon them.  That evening his watch was rewarded quite as fully as he expected.  He went into the room, dragged Cirillo away from his wife, and then shot him twice, one bullet piercing Cirillo's left breast, the other his abdomen.  Cirillo was taken to the hospital where his wounds were examined by Drs. Eddy and McCarthy who said he could not live.  Potch fled, running hatless and coatless over in Seneca County.  Of course it was impossible for him to escape, but his provocation was great, and we doubt if any jury will convict him of murder in the first degree.  Cirillo is reported to have a wife living in Italy, and a brother-in-law here.

From Ontario County Chronicle 14 August 1901

The twentieth annual reunion and picnic of the descendants of Jonathan J. and Lucy Case, of Bristol, will be held at Seneca Point, on Saturday, Aug. 24. The committee in charge will be: Frank Case, president; Mrs. Effie Mills, secretary; Mr. and Mrs. Watson Case, Mrs. and Mr. Mortimer Case, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Case, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Case, Mr. and Mrs. Eben Benham, Dr. and Mrs. B. T. McDowell, Charles Canfield, Sophronia Pomroy, Bert Codding, Ada Spier, Orestes Gregg and Gladys Case.

From Ontario County Journal 16 August 1901

Shortsville, N. Y. -  Charles LaBounty,
of Manchester, who has been employed in the wood room of the Empire drill works for the past two years, met with quite a serious accident on Friday afternoon. While he was truing up one of the table saws, his hand slipped, cutting off the fourth and fifth fingers on his left hand. The wound was dressed by Dr. John Pratt.

From Ontario County Journal 23 August 1901

A reunion of the Totman family was held at the home of P. P. Bliss at Bristol on Friday. There were present the descendants of Rachel and Thomas Totman, who were born in 1762 and 1763 respectively, and married in 1782. Their children, Samuel, Thomas, Calvin, Rachel and Ward, were represented by the following: Samuel, by his granddaughter, Mrs. E. E. Briggs; Thomas, by his grandson, W. U. Nichols, with his daughter, Lena, and son, Floyd; Calvin, by his grandson, Henry C. Trafton, with his daughters, Minnie and Ada; Rachel, by her granddaughter, Mrs. H. McPherson, with her daughter, Ada, and her sons, L. D. and Hollis; Ward, by his daughter, Sophia Luther, and her daughter, May Luther. Catharine L. Bliss with her daughters, Edith Bliss and Rena Bliss Andrews and her children, Maurice and Malvina, Winifred Bliss Flanders and her children, Myron and Edna Wilder, her sons, Lester, Gooding and Henry Ward Bliss, and his children, Roland, Elva, Leslie and Florence, Levi W. Totman with his son, Joel, and daughter, Ella Totman Case, and her son, Maxwell, Grace Totman Corser and her children, Levi and Helen; his granddaughter, Edna Reed Ormsby and her children, Esther and Stewart, and his grandson, Wallace L. Reed, and his daughter, Carol. There were also present Mrs. W. U. Nichols, Mrs. Henry C. Trafton, F. B. Ormsby, Mrs. Wallace L. Reed, P. P. Bliss, Mrs. Levi W. Totman, William Andrews, C. W. Flanders, Mrs. Henry W. Bliss, Benjamin Case, Spencer Corser, Miss Edith Turner, H. Lake Crane and Miss Lucina Coye. A bountiful repast was served and the day was most delightfully spent in recalling old acquaintances and reviving the memories of the past. Lawn tennis, croquet and quoits were freely indulged in by the young people, while music aided in making the occasion one of the most enjoyable in the history of the family.

The eleventh annual reunion of the Pierce family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian C. Brandow at Bristol on Saturday. At 11 o'clock nearly all were present, including George Watkins and family of Hammondsport, and T. D. Elliott and wife, of Elmira. At 1 o'clock dinner was served on the lawn. The election of officers for the ensuing year took place after the dinner, and the following were chosen: President, Henry L. Pierce of Canandaigua; vice-president, William H. Pierce of Canandaigua; secretary, R. Melvin Pierce of Canandaigua; Committee of Arrangements: Adrian C. Brandow of Bristol, and Warren Pierce of Naples. The remainder of the day was spent in out-of-door games and social chats. There were 59 present.

Brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews and cousins, all descendants of the late Gates and Harriet Davis of Canandaigua, held their annual reunion with Carleton A. Davis, Main street, on Saturday. Mr. Davis converted the carriage room of his stable into an attractive place. Flags and bunting were used profusely, and there the day was happily spent, renewing old associations and recalling events of other days. The entertainment was given by the children. Neda Davis and Ruth Davis sang. The officers for the coming year are: President, Carleton A. Davis; secretary, Mrs. Belle Evans; treasurer, Mrs. Emma Depew. Committee for reunion of 1902: Carleton A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Evans, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Eighmey, and Lowell M. Baldwin. Besides the representatives of the family residing in Ontario county, there were those from Rochester, Buffalo and Penn Yan.

The following young people spent last week at Vine Cottage: Misses Gladys Felton, Eugenia Heath, Jane VanCott, Mary Knowles and Florence Wadsworth, of Shortsville; Bertha Saile of Batavia and Rebecca James of Rochester; Richard Clarke, Robert Stewart, Walter Sears, William Mills, Harry Heath and Sidney Heath of Shortsville; and Claude Hallenbeck of this village. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Wadsworth of Shortsville.

From Geneva Advertiser 27 August 1901


Oaks Corners, Aug. 24, '01.

Editor Geneva Advertiser:

About the old Reed house that was a few days ago.  I would like to set matters straight, being one of the descendants of the fourth generation.  The house was built and occupied by my great-grandfather, John Reed, who came from Berkshire Co., Mass., when his youngest son, Iasiah Reed, was 18 years old.  They bought land at 18 cents an acre.  Washington and Hamilton streets went through the lands owned by John Reed and his sons, of whom there were three, Nathan, John Taft, Josiah; Nathan being my grandfather.  My parents were cousins.

In what year the house was built I cannot definitely say, but it must have been in 1780's somewhere, for my father was born in 1809, and was the fifth child of Josiah Reed and _____Hammond, whom he married after coming from Massachusetts, she being a sister of Mrs. Tuttle, then living on the old Tuttle place, now known as the J. S. Lewis farm.

There was one house at the foot of Colt's Hill, so I have been told when my great-grandfather first came here.  The house he built was very large and fine for its day, having upper and lower porches fronting south, a wide hall through the middle.  My grandfather lived with his father until he died, which was about the year my father and mother were married, 1832.  When it came to my grandfather he portioned the land to his children, my father, Vincent Reed, living very near, and we, the older children of Vincent Reed being perfectly familiar with our grandfather's estate.  After my grandfather's death, the farm came into the possession of John S. Reed, my father's youngest brother.  He did not keep it long, not a year I believe, but sold it to John R. Johnston and removed to Chicago. He took the old family record or I could give you the dates.  Then I think Elisha Sherman was the next purchaser, the Shelden & Root, then Bronson, Merrell & Hammond.

That house was never used as a tavern -- the tavern being kept by my maternal grandfather, Nathan Reed, a little south on Hamilton street.

Thought I would like to give you a straight account of the matter.  If I were in health, I would come in and see you.  I could perhaps tell you many incidents connected with the early settlement.

Sincerely yours.

From Victor Herald 30 August 1901

A family reunion was held Sunday, August 25th, at the home of Mrs. Martha Hunt, one mile north of Fishers, it being the first time in twenty years that all the sons and daughters of Mrs. Hunt have assembled together, on account of the absence of her son, John, who resides in Michigan, and who has been visiting his mother and other relatives. A bountiful repast was served to thirty-six, after which Mrs. Hunt and her fourteen children assembled on the lawn and had a picture of the family group taken. The group included Mrs. Hunt, Stephen Hunt, Miss Sarah Hunt, Mrs. Edward Bristol, Allen E. Hunt, Mrs. John Jones, John B. Hunt, Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Adelbert Hulbert, Ulysses G. Hunt, Charles H. Hunt, Mrs. Emmet Dwyer, Thomas B. Hunt, Mrs. Arthur E. Collins and Mrs. Orin F. Adams.

From Ontario County Journal 30 August 1901

Naples, N. Y. - 
The reunion of the descendants of the late David Smith, drew a large number together yesterday at the home of George Smith in West Hollow, where a jolly time was experienced; and on the same day a goodly number of Naples residents attended the annual reunion of the Edson family, held at the home of Myron Smith, Prattsburgh. Tomorrow the great Polmanteer family, counting way up into the hundreds, meet at Blodgett's grove in Ingleside. The Hatch family, largely of Naples, had an impromptu gathering at Woodville last Thursday, at the bidding of the young bride of A. D. Hatch, now of Chicago, who desired to meet the family while she was here on a brief visit to Naples for the first time. Tomorrow the Sunday School of Bristol Hill will have a picnic in H. E. Seman's woods. Other schools will join them.

From Geneva Advertiser 3 September 1901

T. Wilson Crozier
of Halls Corners had a serious fall a few nights ago, while feeding his horses, breaking two ribs, and it is feared sustaining internal injuries.

From Ontario County Journal 6 September 1901

Rushville, N. Y. -  Mrs. E. A. Ketcham
chaperoned the following party of young ladies at D. E. Reed's cottage on Canandaigua lake last week: Miss Alice Bates, Helen Blodgett, Frances Savage, Genevieve Wilson, Grace Williams, Florence Abbott, Leah Reed, Alice Gage, Nellie Stark, Grace Voorhees, Nettie and Helen Green.

Rushville, N. Y. - 
On Thursday of last week, Minor Loomis drove into the village and left his horse tied in the street. It soon became restless and pulled itself free of the post and ran into the postoffice where it was checked by the buggy, which caught against the building. One of the front doors was torn from the casing and a large window broken. The buggy was also somewhat damaged.

South Bloomfield, N. Y. - The reunion of the Wheeler family, held at George A. Wheeler's last Saturday, was not largely attended on account of the rainy weather. However, quite a number came from a distance, among whom were A. B. Munson and wife of Cheshire; William Gooding and wife of Geneseo; T. C. Lee of West Bloomfield; Mortimer Sleght and wife and Walter S. Sleght and family of Canandaigua. Feelings of regret were expressed because of the relatives in East Bloomfield were unable to be present on account of the illness of Mrs. Arthur Buell. The officers elected for the coming year were: Mortimer Sleght, president; J. A. Wheeler, secretary; A. B. Munson, William Gooding and G. A. Wheeler, location committee.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  One of the oldest citizens of the town, T. H. Kellogg, handed to a Journal representative this interesting item: "The following named persons were born in the year 1817, and have resided in East Bloomfield: Stoughton Hayward, Lansing Porter, Burton Ham, William Hobart, Aaron Olmstead, Thomas Hosmer Kellogg, Simeon R. Wheeler, Daniel R. Bostwick, Simeon Sears, Jeanette Sears, Stephen B. Dudley, Moses Eggleston and William Wilcox. All were natives born save Mr. and Mrs. Sears. Of the number the first named six are living."

From Geneva Daily Times 6 September 1901

Charles J. Folger
has received an offer to play base ball with the Rome State league team next season.

From Ontario County Journal 13  September 1901

Rushville, N. Y. - 
The annual reunion of the Tyler family was held at Genundawah, Canandaigua lake, on Saturday, Sept. 7. There were about 60 members present from Naples, Atlanta, Middlesex and Rushville; also Miss Frances Tyler, from Coffeyville, Kas., and Charles Beckwith and wife from Wellington, Kas. It was 14 years since Mr. Beckwith had been in this vicinity and met with his relatives here. During the past year three births and three deaths have occurred in the Tyler family. A happy day was spent in visiting by the older people and in games and bathing by the young people and children.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - While Wilbur Davis, of Bristol, was unloading hay at the station on Saturday, his team took fright by one of the balers of hay falling against their heels. They started at a lively pace down the track. Making a short turn at the switch, they ran a bee line for M. B. Eaton's shop, where four top carriages and two lumber wagons were in the yard. The carriages were not strusck, but a wagon was overturned. They were caught just as they struck the sheds. The wagon was somewhat broken up, but the horses escaped injury, except some slight cuts on their legs.

From Geneva Advertiser 17 September 1901

M. C. Knight writes us that Mrs. Martha Myers, 200 North Main street, is aged 92 years, and he thinks she is the oldest person in Geneva who has lived here twenty years or more. Mrs. Benjamin Norrish is older, and has lived here about fifty years. So far as we know, she is the oldest person in Geneva, and if she will send to this office the record of her birth, where born, date of coming to Geneva, she will be entitled to one year's reading of the ADVERTISER free.

From Ontario County Journal 20 September 1901

A distressing accident befell Daniel I. Boswell, a painter, who lives on Bristol street, on Saturday morning. He was painting on a ladder at the Lisk works when the ladder was accidentally knocked from under him. He fell in such a manner as to produce a compound fracture of the left ankle. The injury was so serious that Dr. H. C. Buell, the attending physician, deemed amputation immediately necessary to save the life of the patient. The operation was performed by Dr. G. R. Williams of Rochester, and Mr. Boswell is recovering as rapidly as his age, which is nearly 70, and other conditions will permit.

From Geneva Advertiser 24 September 1901

When returning home from his work last Saturday evening, Will Persons, son of John Persons, whose home is in Dorchester avenue, was overcome by exhaustion and dropped upon the sidewalk in front of Giles Parker's home, into which he was carried. He had no more pulse than a stick of wood. Dr. Jennings came who gave him remedies that revived him, but he was not able to go home until about midnight. The cause of the boy's collapse is not stated, but irregularity of meals and light eating is believed to be one feature of the cause.

From Ontario Chronicle 2 October 1901

Phelps, N. Y. - Phelps football team has been reorganized and will commence practice at once for the coming season. The lineup will be as follows: Thomas Brophy, captain and left halfback; Carl White, right halfback; Frank Benton, manager and fullback; Ray Hull, quarterback; Frank Salisbury, right end; Ray Hicks, right tackle; Jay Hicks, right guard; Jay Gilbert, center; Bert Covert, left guard; Orville Carpenter, left tackle; Fred Vanderhoof, left end.

From Phelps Citizen 3 October 1901

Pan-American visitors during the past week: Robert Willing and wife, S. J. Ferguson, Henry Warner and wife, the Misses Nellie and Lina White, Miss Leah Smith, S. S. Partridge, Esq. and wife, R. A. Willing and wife, Stewart Willing, Mrs. James Taylor, Miss Libbie Webster, Leon Bridger, George R. Clark and wife, Mrs. O A. Roberts, Fred Severance, Chas. White, T. F. Musselman and wife, W. H. Clayton, Harry Smith, William Edson, Mrs. C. H. Harris, E. F. Marsh, George and Hobart Walthart, Henry Williamson, Frank Overslaugh, wife, son and daughter, Mrs. C. L. Bigelow and daughter, Charles Whiting, Miss Whiting, Henry Van Demark and wife, A. S. Vincent and wife, W. G. Page, Fred Stephenson.

From Victor Herald 4 October 1901

Kingsley Brownell,
the genial millerman of Fishers, met with a painful accident Tuesday. While working in his sawmill at a circular saw, his right hand was drawn into contact with it and three fingers were entirely severed. The accident is peculiarly unfortunate as Mr. Brownell's left hand is so crippled by reason of an accident several years ago, as to be almost useless.

From Geneva Advertiser 8 October 1901

A genealogist down at Pittsfield, Mass., has traced the Parker family back to 1645, the date of a marriage which occurred in Connecticut.  The Geneva Parkers are in direct line with that family, as we have been furnished the names and dates of birth and marriage of each since 1645.  Presuming that this original was 25 years old at date of marriage, this carries the record back to 1620.  It is a very interesting thing to study up.

From Ontario Chronicle 9 October 1901

Last Tuesday while Garfield Holley was walking through Brooks street, a small dog ran toward him. Holley attempted to shoot the canine and in doing so shot himself instead of the dog. The ball was removed by Dr. George McClellan and Dr. F. P. Warner, with the aid of an X-ray.

From Ontario County Journal 11 October 1901

George Bolan,
a colored laborer, had a narrow escape from serious and perhaps fatal injuries while assisting in cutting down a large maple tree in front of the Tate residence on Bristol street. The tree had been sawed nearly in two and was just balancing when Bolan climbed a ladder to fasten a rope about it for the purpose of pulling it over. When he had reached the top of the ladder, and before the rope was attached, the tree started to come his way. His escape from being crushed to death is almost miraculous. When Bolan struck the ground the great trunk crashed by him close enough to graze his clothing.

From Ontario Chronicle 16 October 1901

Last Thursday night while William Chisholm, J. W. B. Herendeen, of Farmington, and Fred Louis, of Shortsville, were driving up Main street about midnight, they were stopped by Officer Mulligan, who thought they were making too much noise and driving too rapidly. The horse shied and turned the buggy over. Herendeen had his right ankle dislocated. Herendeen was taken to the Beahan hospital and Chisholm was arrested, Louis escaping. Chisholm was fined $4 by Justice Parkhurst. It is said Chisholm and Louis had been drinking, but that Herendeen, the injured man, is a total abstainer.

From Geneva Advertiser 22 October 1901

Walter Heffron,
whose home is near Stanley, about four weeks ago, while unloading hay had some chaff or seed blown into his left eye.  He paid little attention to it at the time but went on with his work.  The next day the eye was inflamed and very painful, being aggravated by his rubbing it.  Growing continually worse, he applied to Dr. Covert of this city, who had him placed in the hospital under treatment where he remained four weeks.  We saw Walter last Thursday with a patch over that eye, and he says that he expects to lose the sight of it altogether.  It is a hard job for the honest old man, and we hope yet that his fears of the outcome will not be realized.

From Ontario County Chronicle 23 October 1901

Saturday evening while Charles Hartsleep and wife, residing on the Crane farm on the County House road, were on their way to Canandaigua, their buggy was struck by a freight engine at the County House crossing. The occupants were thrown into the ditch, but miraculously escaped injury. Mrs. Hartsleep had one shoulder and elbow injured and received a slight gash in her head. Mr. Hartsleep was more seriously injured, sustaining an injury to his hip and having his face cut. Dr. Jewett happened along at the time of the injury, and after assisting in getting the unfortunate couple back to their home, he hastened to Canandaigua, and sent Dr. O. J. Mason back to attend to them. The buggy was demolished, but the horse escaped injury. Mr. and Mrs. Hartsleep are prominent members of the Salvation Army in this village, and at the time of the accident they were on their way to attend a meeting of the army.

From Ontario County Chronicle 30 October 1901

Manchester, N. Y. - The order of Modern Woodsmen of America of this village, elected the following officers on Wednesday evening:

Venerable Counsel - Fred Ver Planck
Worthy advisor - Frank Fairchild
Clerk - John Gilman
Banker - Ward Hickmott
Escort - John Potter
Watchman - Frank Macomber
Sentry - Fred Hickmott
Board of Managers - Edward Lyman,
John Potter, Fred Ver Planck

From Geneva Daily Times 7 November 1901

Car Ran Into a Vehicle at Washington Street -
A wagon in which was William Cowney was struck and partially demolished by a car yesterday, at the corner of Washington and Pulteney streets.  Cowney was thrown out but was not injured. The wagon was carried some distance, having been separated from the horse by the force of the collision.  Several witnesses of the accident declared that Cowney was asleep when the collision occurred.

From Ontario County Journal 8 November 1901

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Joseph Parrott
was injured Saturday while loading potatoes on Charles Page's farm. Mr. Parrott was about to start for the field on a load of empty potato crates when some of the crates slipped, throwing Mr. Parrott to the ground under the horses' feet. The horses became frightened and started to run, and in so doing stepped on Mr. Parrott and drew the wagon over him, breaking two ribs and badly bruising him. He will be confined to the house for some time.

From Geneva Daily Times 11 November 1901

A small party of friends assembled at the residence of Mrs. J. N. Page, William street, Saturday evening last.  The occasion was the 90th birthday of Mrs. Maria Reed Rhoades.  Mrs. Rhoades was born in Saratoga, N. Y.,  Nov. 9, 1811.  She is in the full possession of all her faculties, and in good health with the exception of some trouble with rheumatism.  Mrs. Rhoades takes a lively interest in the current events of the day.  Her memory of names, dates and incidents would put to shame many one-third her age.  The little gathering was a complete surprise to the venerable woman.  The event of the evening was the presentation of a large birthday cake.  The cake was prepared by Mrs. Maria R. Hemiup, Miss Mary A. Mitchell, Miss Mary F. Easter and Mrs. Vernie Hemiup Haley.  The decorations were ferns and pink geranium blossoms. The cake was encircled by 90 pink candies, one for every year of her life.

From Geneva Daily Times 15 November 1901

The horse attached to Herman F. Kinney's rural mail delivery wagon ran away this morning.  Kinney left the animal standing in the road when he went into the office of W. & T. Smith Co.  When he came out the animal was dashing up Castle street at full speed.  It entered a yard and started between a barn and hen house.  The passageway was narrow and the wagon caught.  As the horse was unable to pull down either the barn or hen house, it stood there until Kinney arrived and released it.  The animal was bruised and the vehicle was slightly damaged.

From Geneva Advertiser 19 November 1901

Serious Runaway -
While on their way to their home in Reeds Corners on Saturday night, John and Lewis Ringer met with a serious accident.  They had been in this village on business and when near the Poplar Corners on their return, their horse became frightened and started to run, the two men were thrown from the wagon and received injuries which rendered them unconscious.  They were taken to a nearby house and medical aid summoned.  Lewis' hip was badly crushed and his brother's arm broken.  Both received internal injuries, which the physicians fear may result fatally.  The horse ran to his home after breaking away from the wagon, which was badly wrecked.  Can. Times

From Geneva Daily Times 21 November 1901

The second pension to be granted the widow of a Spanish-American war veteran was issued to Mrs. Delia York, the widow of Volney York, yesterday afternoon.  Private York died at the City hospital Oct. 12, 1898, with typhoid fever. The petition was made shortly after by the widow. She will received $14 per month, and back pay from the time the petition was filed, which amounts to over $500.

From Clifton Springs Press 21 November 1901

Herschall Baggerly
is suffering from a very painful and severe accident which occurred at his home last Tuesday morning. Mr. Baggerly was upon a load of potatoes 3 tiers high, and was about to drive from under a shed where they were loaded, but as it was a sloping roof, he did not have sufficient space to drive out. He leaned forward and had just got his head out when the roof caught him by the shoulders, thus breaking his clavicle and several ribs, and other injuries were received. He is, however, reported as resting as easily as possible. Mr. Baggerly is a young man and highly respected citizen. His many friends tender their sympathy and truly wish him a thorough and rapid recovery.

From Geneva Gazette 22 November 1901

Two men fell from the building in course of construction in Avenue E for the Vance boiler works this morning.  One of the men sustained a fractured arm and a dislocated elbow.  The other was considerably shaken up but not seriously hurt  The men were William Vogt and Robert Schnirel, of Madison street.  They had contracted to cover the roof with tarred paper.  This morning the roof was slippery and when they essayed to climb it they slid off and fell to the ground 16 feet below.  Vogt landed on a block of wood.  His left arm was fractured and dislocated at the elbow.  Schnirel escaped serious injury.  Both men were removed to their homes in carriages.  Dr. G. B. Youngs, assisted by Dr. J. Pope DeLaney, reduced the fracture and dislocation in Vogt's arm.

From Geneva Daily Times 5 December 1901

HURT IN A RUNAWAY - Allen W. Williams,
an aged farmer residing near Earls Station, was severely injured yesterday afternoon, in a runaway which occurred three miles south of this city.  Mr. Williams was returning home from this city in a buggy attached to a lively horse.  The latter became frightened at a Fall Brook locomotive and ran away.  Mr. Williams was thrown out.  He was found by George Brooks of this city.  Williams was bleeding profusely from a wound in the back of the head.  He insisted on proceeding to his home, and Brooks, having recovered the horse, assisted the farmer into his vehicle.

From Ontario County Journal 6 December 1901

On Monday afternoon a team of horses belonging to Thomas McIntyre, who lives northwest of the village, became frightened on Main street near the railroad. In attempting to hold them, Mr. McIntyre was dragged through the mud some distance. The horses were stopped near Chapin street and little damage was done.

From Victor Herald 13 December 1901

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -
At the annual meeting of Sheridan Crandall Relief Corps, No. 187, the following officers were elected for next year:

President - Mrs. Ella Partridge
Sr. Vice-president - Mrs. Emily Barks
Jr. Vice-president - Mrs. Ellen C. Rury
Chaplain - Mrs. Hannah Fox
Treasurer - Mrs. Cora E. Burrell
Conductor - Mrs. Emily Smith
Guard - Mrs. Edna Gaines

From Ontario County Journal 13 December 1901

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Mrs. Guy Sleight,
of this town, had the misfortune, while visiting in Brighton, to fall into the canal on Wednesday night, Dec. 4. It seems Mrs. Sleight and a lad about 15 years old started out to catch a car. They had to cross the canal bridge to get to the car line. The young lad went on ahead to signal the car and took the foot bridge, the big bridge being raised. Mrs. Sleight, being unfamiliar with the surroundings, walked straight ahead into the icy water. The lad heard her scream as she fell and ran back across the foot bridge. He grasped Mrs. Sleight by the hair and clung to her until assistance came. She was taken to the home of Mr. Stewarts and a doctor was summoned, who by heroic treatment succeeded in bringing Mrs. Sleight to consciousness. During the night she had two hemorrhages. Mrs. Sleight was formerly Essie Baley and lived in the northern part of the town where she was well-known. Since her marriage to Guy Sleight, they have lived on the Sleight homestead south of the village.

From Geneva Advertiser 17 December 1901

The veteran, Matthew Wilson, is now in his 83d year, is hale and hearty, down town almost every day even in the coldest weather.  He has had several invitations to go down to Florida and spend the winter, but says he is all right here, with an occasional "teaspoonful of red eye," and he will let well enough alone.

From Geneva Daily Times 20 December 1901

Matthew Dwyer,
of West street, had a narrow escape from serious injury early this morning, while driving a horse out of the barn of G. C. Dorsey.   The horse became fractious.  Dwyer was thrown out and dragged some distance.  He clung to the reins and managed to bring the horse to a standstill. Dwyer's legs were badly bruised.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 December 1901

Shortly after 10 o'clock this morning, William L. VanBuren, a carpenter employed by William Sattler, fell from a house in Genesee street and was painfully injured.  Van Buren was working on a scaffold directly under the eaves of the house that is being erected by Mr. Moyer.  The scaffold gave way and VanBuren dropped eight feet to the scaffold below, striking his chin on the edge of a plank.  The plank cut through his mouth.  He did not lose consciousness and climbed to the ground, bleeding profusely.  William G. Dove, who was passing the place at the time, took VanBuren to the latter's home at 3 Park avenue. Dr. Will McCaw was called and took 15 stitches in the man's chin.  The physician states that the flesh was torn entirely loose from the jaw bone and that the patient will be unable to hold any liquid in his mouth.  VanBuren will be confined to his house for at least two weeks.

From Geneva Daily Times 26 December 1901

Charles Hemans,
an employee at Humphrey's printing office, was severely burned about the face and neck Tuesday night while playing the part of Santa Claus at the home of Charles E. Turner, 51 Sherrill street.  For several years past it has been the custom at the Turner residence to have a Christmas tree on Christmas eve.  Tuesday evening the custom was perpetuated and a tree was given in honor of Miss Madeline Heman.  Charles Hemans, the little girl's father, played the part of Santa Claus.  He dressed himself in a big fur coat and cotton whiskers.  As he was stooping over the tree in the process of gathering his crop of presents, his beard caught fire from a candle, blazing up about his head and face.  He forthwith turned the big collar of the coat up about his neck and one of the women in the room threw a rug over his head which smothered the flames.  His neck, ears and lower part of his face was burned to a blister.  Dr. Will McCaw was called and dressed the burns.

From Geneva Daily Times 27 December 1901

Mrs. Walter Heffernan,
who resides about three miles southwest of this city is dangerously ill with some unknown disease. Dr. Ely, of Rochester, counseled with Dr. McCarthy, of this city, but it was learned this morning that they were unable to decide as to the exact nature of the disease.  Mrs. Heffernan will be removed to the City hospital tomorrow morning.

From Geneva Daily Times 28 December 1901

Benjamin Tinney, an employe of the Geneva Gas Co., had what is considered a narrow escape from death this morning, while at work in an excavation made to repair a gas pipe.  Tinney was taken from the pit unconscious and was revived only after the sustained efforts of a physician.  Tinney went to work this morning in an excavation in front of the residence of William Knight in Genesee street.  He removed a plug from a three-quarter inch gas pipe.  The workman was overcome by the flow of gas and sank to the bottom of the pit, which was about six feet in depth.  Henry Coleman, another employe of the gas company, found Tinney in a stooping position and unconscious.  With the assistance of two other men, he dragged Tinney from the excavation. Dr. T. D. Rupert was hurriedly summoned.  The physician worked over Tinney for the space of 20 minutes, and at length brought him to consciousness.  Tinney went to his home.  It was said that had he remained in the pit a few minutes longer, it would have been impossible to revive him.

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