From Geneva Daily Times 5 January 1897

Clarence Reed
and Miss Lillie Russell, both of Shortsville, having concluded that they were intended for each other, and Miss Russell's parents not being entirely satisfied with her choice, the young couple decided to elope, and look for reconciliation later. The young people secured a horse from the livery and drove to Palmyra, and taking his intended and young lady friend, started with high hopes of a speedy ending of a single blessedness so far as they were concerned. But a neighbor, seeing them leave, thought he would notify the young lady's father and did so. The father took a horse and carriage furnished by the neighbor and went in pursuit of the pair, overtaking them about a mile north of Manchester village, where he corralled them in a barnyard. The two gentlemen then proceeded to practice Corbett & Fitzsimmon tactics. Reed received an eye closer while Russell was tackled by Reed and was compelled to rest upon the cold ground while Reed sat upon him and talked of the future. The young lady friend acted as umpire and called for help, which soon came from the near residences. After consultation with and advice of disinterested parties, Mr. Russell, after satisfying himself that he could not persuade his daughter to return home with him, permitted the young people to continue on their way. And it is supposed that they are one and will hereafter be known as Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reed.

From Ontario County Journal 15 January 1897

On Monday, Mrs. William Tate fell on the icy walk at the rear of her residence on Antis street and broke her right wrist. The injury is a painful one and one that will be a long time in healing.

From Ontario County Journal 22 January 1897

Canadice, N. Y. - Squire Coykendall
had the misfortune to fall from a load of baled hay one day last week and sustained a fracture of the collarbone. Dr. Wicker is in attendance.

Honeoye, N. Y. -  Jerry Grant, (colored), living at Clinton Hamilton's, while working on the road one day last week, broke a bone in one leg and fractured the other.

A sad and probably fatal accident occurred near Cheshire on Sunday, in which the victim was a former well-known Canandaiguan, Walter Townsend, son of Thomas C. Townsend. Walter Townsend has resided of late on the farm of his father, near Cheshire. On Sunday, during the heavy windstorm, the young man went to the barnyard to aid the hired man in securing the stacks so the wind would not destroy them. He was on top of one when a heavy gust of wind unbalanced him and he fell backward a distance of about 18 feet to the ground striking on his head. He was thought to be dead, but through the offices of Dr. Charles Hutchens he finally regained consciousness; but it was found that his body was totally paralyzed. The fall had dislocated the vertebrae at the neck, and though the young man can speak and knows what is going on about him, his body is practically dead. His sad accident is lamented by his many friends in this place and vicinity who deeply sympathize with him as well as with his young wife and little ones, and his bereaved parents, who have lost four children in the past two years, two of them having succumbed to consumption the past fall.

From Ontario County Journal 29 January 1897

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Mrs. John Hicks
met with a severe accident on Thursday of last week. While after a pail of water, she slipped on the icy walk, striking on her hip, breaking one of the large bones. She was carried into the house by some of the neighbors, when Dr. S. R. Wheeler was summoned, and reduced the fracture.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  As Mr. and Mrs. John Hill were leaving the church on Sunday for home, their horse, being a spirited one, started at a good gait out of the yard. The occupants of the cutter were thrown out by the sleigh striking an obstruction. Mr. Hill pluckily held on to the reins and soon brought the horse to a standstill, after being dragged through the snow for several rods.

Miller's Corners, N. Y. - John McMichael
fell on the ice last Saturday and was quite badly hurt, although no bones were broken. His advanced age renders his injuries more serious.

From Ontario County Journal 5 February 1897

Honeoye, N. Y. -  James Master
and Mrs. Jessie Goodrich Lincoln, the wife of Nelson Lincoln, of South Bristol (commonly called Egypt), left their respective homes and went off together -- "eloped" to use the common term -- one evening last week. Masters had about $100 with him, while his "bride" fortified herself with $134 in good and lawful money that Lincoln had laid away, with which to make the last payment on his place. She also carried away articles of bedding, table linen, silver, etc. A little son, aged seven years, remains with the desolated husband.

West Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Lewis Plimpton, a resident of the southern part of the town, met with a serious accident last Friday, which may cripple him for life. He, with his brother, was in the woods felling a tree. In falling, it lodged on a branch of a tree. His brother chopped off the limb, when the tree stuck him, knocking him over, breaking one of his legs at the ankle, and injuring him seriously in other parts of his body. He was carried to his home and Dr. Strassenburgh of Lima was called, and reduced the fracture and made him as comfortable as possible.

From Geneva Gazette 12 February 1897

Edward Bissell
of Phelps was arraigned before Judge Smelzer Saturday morning last for breaking into the vacant house No. 32 Evans street, the afternoon previous.  He knocked out a cellar window, entered and cut off the lead pipe connecting pump and cistern, which he sold at a junk shop, and with the proceeds (only 65 cts.) got a "jug" on at the nearest saloon. The burglary and larceny, perpetrated in broad daylight, was witnessed by several persons.  A clue was soon obtained by Chief Kane, and within an hour the culprit was arrested and placed in the cooler over night.  On being arraigned he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to the M. C. P. for 100 days.  He had been before the court previously and let off on making restitution of property stolen.

From Ontario County Journal 26 February 1897

Naples, N. Y. - Amasa Warren
was seriously hurt last Saturday. He had driven to the barn of a neighbor for a load of cornstalks. While loading, sheep came into the barn, scaring his team. They ran out of the barn and Warren's head struck a beam, breaking his skull. He fell back unconscious, and the load being upset, he fell heavily to the ground, breaking his shoulder, and it was feared, receiving internal injuries, as hemorrhage ensued, but at this writing he is apparently doing well.

Phelps, N. Y. - The following persons comprise the new brass band in this village: Leader, C. H. Burt; solo B flat cornet, Guy Depew; 1st B flat cornet, Geo. B. Reals; 1st B flat baritone, Wm. C. Edmonston; 1st B flat tenor, W. T. Waterman; 2d B flat tenor, Geo. C. Gates; solo alto, C. T. Severance; 1st alto, Wm. Weiss; B flat bass, Elliott Beach; tuber, A. S. Vincent; snare drum, Chas. Weiss; bass drum, J. R. White.

From Geneva Daily Times 27 February 1897

Henry R. Loomis
met with a happening yesterday that he will not soon forget. He purchased a ticket for Clifton Springs at the New York Central station intending to take the baths at the sanitarium. On the platform some one pointed out his train which was just pulling out and fearing to lose it he jumped on the platform of a Wagner sleeper. Mr. Loomis is an octogenarian and there he was compelled to remain exposed to the bitter wintry blasts until the train reached Clifton Springs. It is a wonder that Mr. Loomis at his age did not take a bad cold, but he is around the streets today as chipper as ever and says that he is going to Washington on business in day or so.

From Ontario County Journal 5 March 1897

West Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Thomas Ashe,
while returning from East Bloomfield last Saturday, met with quite an accident. A part of the bridle gave way, which caused the horse to run. He lost control of it, and was violently thrown to the ground, striking on his left arm, spraining it badly, and tearing some of the ligaments loose. Dr. Strasenburgh of Lima was called and reduced the fracture. The horse ran home without damaging the buggy.

From Geneva Daily Times 12 March 1897

Phelps, N. Y. - Until recently there resided in the vicinity of Phelps, a man who had a mania for becoming engaged to young ladies. He is a veterinary surgeon by the name of George Fulton and lately graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College Canada. He formerly worked for Frank Bridger, three miles north of here and took care of Mr. Bridger's horses. He also worked in the vicinity of Junius, where he met Miss Jennie Riegel and became engaged to her. The wedding was set for April 4th but from present indications it will not take place. He also became engaged to Mrs. Hattie McCarthy, a handsome young widow who formerly resided in Sodus. That wedding was to have occurred about election time and they intended to reside in Mrs. Carpenter's residence on Church street in this place. Fulton rented the house and paid a month's rent in advance. Mrs. McCarthy went to Rochester and bought two new stoves preparatory to going housekeeping and had them sent to the Carpenter residence. Another one of Fulton's intended brides is Miss Sparks, a charming young school teacher residing near Lyons. It is said that he was also engaged to another young woman whose name is unknown. Fulton has disappeared and all efforts to locate him have proved unavailing. It is not thought that he married any of the would-be brides. If found, the parents of Miss Riegel intend to prosecute him. He borrowed a sum of money from Miss Riegel's mother, which he failed to return. Hitherto Fulton bore a good reputation in this vicinity.

From Geneva Gazette 19 March 1897

Miss Laura Peck
of Geneva has invented a saddle for bicycles which will be manufactured and used during the coming season.  Miss Peck has received a silver medal from Washington for her invention.

From Geneva Gazette 19 March 1897

Mortality on North Main Street -
We have resided on North Main St. nearly forty years -- since May, 1857.  In that period there has been a remarkable mortality especially among its adult male residents.  The following formidable list is made out from memory alone of those residing between Castle and North streets have "gone over to the majority."

Sidney Emmons
H. B. Mawney
John Green
Gad Scott
George Patterson
John Patterson
Fred A. Barth
John Coursey
John Van Duyn
Lemuel Herendeen
H. S. Spendlove
Henry Savage
Henry Carr
J. B. Scott
Rev. Dr. Hogarth
Dr. Andrew Merrell
R. Griffith
John Prue
Henry Harvey
John DonLevy
Total 40
John Pearce
W. G. Barbour
Lansing Van Tuyl
John Hamilton
Geo. Patterson, Jr.
William B. Patterson
Sam'l Robinson
Gen. Dobbin
Levi Stainton
W. W. Wright
W. G. Spendlove
Roger Carr
J. S. DeVoll
Dr. W. C. Hopkins
Rev. Dr. Cannon
John MacKay
Dennis Lynch
Timothy Howard
H. C. Harvey
Wm. Shanley

These were not swept away by any epidemic, but fell before the Great Reaper as the result of ills to which mortals are subject. A few arrived at a ripe old age -- as did Dr. Cannon, Gad Scott, J. B. Scott, Gen. Dobbin, Levi Stainton, Sam'l Robinson and John Green -- all beyond four-score years.  Nor is this mortality attributable to unfavorable sanitary conditions, for it is as healthy as any neighborhood of Geneva.

From Ontario County Journal 26 March 1897

Naples, N. Y. - Mrs. M. H. Cleveland
had a genuine surprise on Saturday evening, she having then reached her 60th birthday. Her father's people and other relatives from Bristol Springs, united with her neighbors and swarmed in upon her, ladened with congratulations and good things to eat. Mrs. Cleveland is the mother of 10 children and 8 grandchildren, and is worthy of all the praise that was bestowed upon her.

From Ontario County Journal 16 April 1897

Wednesday forenoon the large McKechnie farm team, driven by George Bissett, ran away from the Murray cider mill and stared on a mad run for the head of Main street. There was a general scattering of teams and pedestrians as they ran through the crowded portion of Main street, but one man, George Snooks, was brave enough to make an effort to stop the horses, and succeeded, at considerable risk. No great damage was done.

From Ontario County Journal 23 April 1897

Academy, N. Y. - Asahel Penoyer, in opening a sand bank, recently unearthed a perfect human skeleton.

Phelps, N. Y. - John Salisbury, Jr.,
of Melvin Hill, met with a serious accident last week Tuesday evening. He was driving his team along at a fair rate of speed when the king bolt of his wagon came out, letting the box down to the ground, throwing him quite violently to the ground. His left shoulder was broken near the joint. Dr. Howe attended him and set the injured shoulder.

Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Charles Gates, who lives in the eastern part of the village, met with quite a painful accident last Sunday afternoon. She, in company with her husband, were enjoying the pleasant afternoon, walking out together. In crossing a small stream, Mrs. Gates, in jumping over it, stepped on a rolling stone, which caused her to fracture one of her ankles. Dr. Vanderhoof set the injured limb, which is doing well. The injury is what is called a Potts fracture of the tibia.

Phelps, N. Y. - Walter Anderson met with a serious accident last week Wednesday afternoon. He, with several others, was engaged in sawing cord wood with an engine and buzz saw at the home of Daniel Wells, about three and one-half miles south of the village. Shortly after dinner, while Mr. Anderson was at work around the engine, the steam having been shut off, the engine suddenly started, making one revolution and catching Mr. Anderson's left hand in the cogs, jamming and lacerating the fingers in a terrible manner. He was taken at once to the office of Dr. Vanderhoof, where with the assistance of his daughter, Dr. Burt, the injured fingers and thumb was amputated and the hand dressed.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 April 1897

James M. Taylor, the veterinary surgeon, met with a serious accident. He was treating a horse in the Ford's public stables in Union lane when some dogs outside the barn frightened the animal. The dogs came near a window at the head of the stall and barked savagely. The horse backed to the end of its halter and in its plunging knocked Taylor down. He was trampled upon and when taken out was in a very serious condition. His trousers were torn by the iron shod hoofs and his left arm hung lifeless as though broken. Dr. Delaney was sent for and the unfortunate man was placed in a bus and taken to his home near the village limits on William St.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 13 May 1897

Stanley -
Merton Pitt, who is attending the Elmira Business College, was at home last week visiting his many friends.

Naples - Mrs. Caton attempted suicide Monday by cutting four gashes in her throat. When discovered in her room two hours later, she was very weak from loss of blood. The wounds are not fatal unless blood poisoning sets in. She has been physically and mentally ill some time and imagined that some one was trying to injure her. She has two brothers, two sons and a daughter here.

From Ontario County Journal 30 April 1897

Among those who witnessed the ceremonies attendant on the dedication of the Grant tomb at New York on Tuesday were: E. Chapin Church, Frank H. Harris, Frank Perego, George Baldwin, Frank Hayes, C. H. Puffer, Geo. B. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coye, W. L. Parkhurst, E. W. Simmons, Fred W. Bryan, Herman Van Vechten, M. C. Beard, Wm. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lemma.

From Ontario County Journal 14 May 1897

Naples, N. Y. - Mrs. Mary Gaton,
in a moment of aberration of mind, attempted to kill herself on Monday by cutting her throat. She did not succeed and will doubtless recover.

Naples, N. Y. - The recent accident to Norris Bush, a prominent and elderly farmer of the town, was distressing. While holding posts for his son to drive, he carelessly placed his hand on the top of a post as the heavy hammer came down, and the finger was smashed. It was a terrible ordeal for the elderly man. One, and probably two, fingers are lost.

From Ontario County Journal 4 June 1897

Manchester, N. Y. - 
On Sunday evening, as Mrs. Merritt McComber was returning from church, and when crossing the street, near the park, she was thrown to the ground and run over by a horse and carriage. Though considerably bruised and cut, no bones were broken, and it is thought she sustained no serious injury. Considering that she is a lady 55 years old, her escape is remarkable.

From Ontario County Journal 7 June 1897

On Tuesday, Mrs. L. L. Smith, of Gibson street, was precipitated into the depths of a cistern in the rear of her home by the breaking of the covering which had become watersoaked and rotten. She caught at the edge of the cistern, as she fell, and her cries brought aid. Had she not soon been rescued from her unpleasant situation, she might have been drowned as the water was sufficiently deep to drown even a taller person.

From Geneva Gazette 18 June 1897

Last Monday afternoon, Henry Beatty, a house painter doing business at the corner of Castle and Main street, was run into by a female bicyclist while he was walking on the sidewalk of Exchange street in the vicinity of Tillman street.  Beatty, besides being knocked senseless, received a severe cut on the back of the head.  He was importuned to make a charge in the Police Court against the rider but refused to do so.

From Ontario County Journal 18 June 1897

On Monday evening last Thomas Keough, of the west lake shore, met with a very serious accident. Mr. Keough was leading a horse down to the lake for the purpose of watering him, when the animal became suddenly playful, and in jumping about kicked Mr. Keough in such a manner as to break his leg. It is a coincidence that on a previous occasion Mr. Keough had his leg broken in the same manner.

From Geneva Daily Times 26 June 1897

Mrs. Volney York, of this city, attempted to end her life yesterday afternoon, but did not succeed. She was prevented from accomplishing her purpose. The cause of the woman's rash act is said to be the result of family trouble. About two weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. York came to the conclusion that they could no longer live happily together, and so separated. York went to Flint Creek, to work on the farm of his father's, while Mrs. York remained in Geneva with her baby. When the Yorks lived together in this place, they resided in the Fairfax block. Mrs. York went to Harry Lerch yesterday morning and asked him if he would driver her to Flint Creek if she would pay for the rig. This he agreed to do. They left Geneva shortly after 10 o'clock, and arrived at Flint Creek an hour later. Upon arrival there they drove to the older York's farm, where the mother intended to leave her baby. It seems while there, some hot words arose between the members of the family, and finally the elder York ordered both Mrs. York and Lerch off the premises. At this point Mrs. York bid them all good bye and said "you won't be troubled with me any more." With these words, she drew from her pocket a bottle of laudlum, and was about to drink it, when Lerch knocked it from her hand. Mrs. York was brought back to Geneva.

Upon his arrival here Lerch informed Officer Hawkins of Mrs. Yorks strange actions while at Flint Creek. The officer went in search of her and saw her a few minutes later leaving Neely's drug store on Exchange street. The officer went into the drug store and asked the clerk what Mrs. York had called for. The officer was informed that she wanted 10 cents worth of arsenic, but that, as she would not tell what she wanted it for, he had refused to give it to her. The woman went up the street from Neelys, and the officer followed her. The next place she went into was Zobrists, on Seneca street. There she said she wanted five cents worth of bed-bug poison which was given her. Mrs. York then visited Partridge's drug store and asked for ten cents worth of arsenic. Mr. Partridge, who waited on her, asked her what she wanted it for. She would not tell at first and finally said she wanted it to stuff birds with. Mr. Partridge became suspicious and concluded not to give her the poison. At this junction Officer Hawkins appeared and arrested her.

At the police station Mrs. York made a full confession of the whole affair and said that she intended to end her life. She had with her letters which she had written to her friends, bidding them good bye, also there were letters which gave the name of the minister she wanted to preach her funeral sermon, and of the young men whom she wished to act as pall bearers. Mrs. York said that she wanted to be buried at Sand Hill. In the course of the afternoon, the Yorks' came to town from Flint Creek and had a warrant sworn out for the woman's arrest. Last night she was taken to Flint Creek in charge of a constable, where she will be arraigned before a justice of the peace.

From Geneva Daily Times 28 June 1897

Naples, N. Y. - James Sagar,
an aged and respected citizen living about one mile south of Naples, while in a temporary fit of insanity, tried to kill himself Saturday morning at 2 o'clock by cutting his throat with a razor. He succeeded in inflicting a severe wound on side of his throat but was discovered in time to prevent fatal results. Dr. Wettling who was called sewed up the gash. Mr. Sagar is 85 years old and has had Bright's disease for some time. He said he was tired of suffering and wished to put himself out of the way. Mr. Sagar is an Englishman by birth, having left England when but a boy. He was for a long time a teacher in the schools at Boston. He has been also a writer of considerable note. About 20 years ago he came to Naples and planted a large vineyard, where he now resides.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 June 1897

There was considerable excitement on North street at 6:30 o'clock last evening when an exciting runaway occurred. About that time Reuben Shear, a farmer who lives about four miles north of Geneva, was driving under the Lehigh Valley railroad bridge when his horse became frightened at a train that was passing over the bridge. The frightened animal started down North street on a dead run. The driver saw that he could not control the horse. He jumped, landing in a heap at the side of the road. The horse continued on his mad careen until finally stopped by a farmer of the neighborhood. When Shear attempted to rise, he found that he was unable to do so. He screamed with pain when moved. The unfortunate man was picked up and taken to a nearby farm house. Dr. H. D. Clapp was summoned. The physician found the man suffering from a fracture of the left leg and bruises. The doctor does not believe there are internal injuries and thinks recovery will be rapid. As soon as the fracture had been reduced, Shear was taken to the home of Mr. Chestley, where he resides, by James Kennedy.

From Geneva Gazette 2 July 1897

Frank DeMille,
of High street, had a very narrow escape from a serious if not fatal accident on Saturday evening last. While riding a wheel near the Opera House he turned out to avoid an approaching car.  He pitched headlong into an open trench the depth of which was about eight or ten feet.  Beyond a severe shaking up, DeMille escaped without injury.

From Ontario County Journal 2 July 1897

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Hiram Steele
and wife, while out riding last week, stopped at the house of William Page for the purpose of seeing a cabbage planter work. On getting out of the carriage, the horse started, throwing Mr. Steele violently to the ground. He sustained severe bruises on the back of his head and body. As soon as possible he was taken home where he is now quite seriously ill as a result of the injuries. Mr. Steele is 90 years old which makes the case more serious.

Millers Corners, N. Y. - A team of horses owned by Ortis Baker rand away for the third time this spring, last Monday morning, and demolished the mowing machine to which they were attached. Mr. Baker, who was driving, escaped without injury. He at once returned the team to Rochester where he purchased them and got another team. On his way home, one of the new horses was taken ill with congestion of the lungs and there are slight hopes of its recovery.

Naples, N. Y. - James Sayer, a well-known citizen and prominent grape grower, while temporarily delirious with pain Saturday morning, seized a razor and attempted to cut his throat. He cut each side of the neck but not in the throat sufficiently deep to prove fatal. After the act, his better sense returned, and he regretted it. He has a troublesome and painful disease, and at times is hopeless of recovery and desperate. He is 80 years old and over, a man of thought and ability as a writer. His condition is not favorable at this writing.

Canandaigua, N. Y. -  On Monday, George R. West, Jr., fell from a cherry tree and broke both arms. This makes the fifth time he has suffered from broken bones in his arms.

From Geneva Gazette 9 July 1897

Frank Cook,
a retired business man of Canandaigua, fell from a cherry tree at his home on Gorham street yesterday and received injuries which may prove fatal.  An examination showed that several of his ribs were broken.  It is believed that he has also sustained serious internal injuries.

From Ontario County Journal 9 July 1897

Bristol Center, N. Y. - William Wells,
while unloading hay on Saturday afternoon, met with an accident. His right hand was caught in the rope of the hay fork. He was drawn to the top of the barn and then fell to the ground, a distance of over 20 feet. The nails of his fore fingers were torn off and his back and ribs were bruised by the fall.

From Ontario County Journal 16 July 1897

Canadice, N. Y. -  Wesley Slout
had quite a serious accident on Saturday evening. He was descending a hill, accompanied by Jack Horr, who insisted that he should drive. It resulted in Mr. Horr's losing control of the horse, which upset the buggy. Mr. Horr escaped quite uninjured but Mr. Slout's collar bone and one rib were broken and he was badly bruised. Mr. Slout is over 80 years old and his recovery is doubtful.

For several years, "Ned", a favorite feline of E. L. Van Wormer's family, of the west lake shore, has been losing his molars and incisors, one by one, till within the last year he has been practically toothless. But now, to the surprise and wonderment of all who hear of the freak of nature, he is cutting another set of teeth. Tiny incisors are appearing on his upper jaw, and soon "Ned" will be able to gnaw bones and other feline delicacies will again be within his reach as in days gone by. The story, which is vouched for by reputable people, seems almost incredible, but it is true, nevertheless.

Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Agnes Aberle of West avenue, was the victim of an unfortunate and painful accident. She had been using an oil stove and when she had finished, turned down the blaze and attempted to extinguish it by blowing upon it. The flame flew up into her face, burning her face, eyebrows, hair, neck and arms. Her dress caught fire, but was easily extinguished. Medical aid was at once rendered and Mrs. Aberle is now is a fairly comfortable condition.

From Geneva Daily Times 24 July 1897

This morning Mrs. Nellie Bishop of South Exchange street, made a complaint against her husband, Harry Bishop, charging him with assaulting her and breaking her furniture. Bishop has not lived with his wife for a number of years. Last night, it is alleged, he went to her home and demanded something to eat. She complied with the request. When he had finished his meal, Bishop demanded of his wife a revolver, which she had taken from him on the occasion of a previous visit several months ago. This she refused to give him. Mrs. Bishop claims her husband then took out his watch and, holding it in his hand, said that he would give her just nine minutes to get the revolver. Mrs. Bishop refused to give her husband the revolver. When the nine minutes had expired, Bishop put the watch in his pocket and inaugurated a systematic attack on the tables and chairs in the room. This operation seemed to but sharpen the man's combative spirit, and he soon left the furniture for his wife. With clenched fist, Bishop felled the woman to the floor. When his revenge had been satisfied, he left the house. Mrs. Bishop told her story to Police Justice Smelzer this morning, as best she could between bursts of weeping. A warrant was issued for the arrest of Bishop.

From Geneva Gazette 30 July 1897

Henry Bishop,
a boatman residing on upper Exchange street, has been missing since Monday last.  On Tuesday his small boat was found near the outlet, partially filled with water, both oars in their locks and his hat in the bottom of the boat.  These circumstances gave rise to suspicions of suicide or accidental drowning.  But another phase of circumstances give rise to the belief that he has skipped to parts unknown.  Recently he had trouble with his wife which was partially aired in Judge Smelzer's court, and was to be resumed to a finish at a date to which it was adjourned, Bishop giving bail for his appearance at such time, his father going security for the amount, $1000.  Bail will be forfeited unless he shows up next Monday or his dead body be produced as a good ground for release.  The father, the old steamboat pilot, is to be sympathized with over his trouble.

From Geneva Gazette 30 July 1897

A Boy Injured - William Hefferon,
the 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hefferon, who live on a farm near Flint Creek, met with a terrible accident Saturday afternoon on his father's farm.  The lad was playing in a field of grain which was being cut by a farm hand.  Before the man who was operating the machine was aware of the fact he had run the machine into the boy.  The rapidly moving knives cut both of the boy's feet in a horrible manner.  The injured boy was brought to Geneva as soon as possible to the office of Dr. McCarthy, who, assisted by Dr. DeLaney, dressed the wounds.  It was necessary to remove several bones from each foot, which will make the boy hereafter a cripple.  After the wounds were dressed, the injured lad was taken to the Church Home Hospital.

While Mr. Hefferon was giving attention to his unfortunate son, carrying him to the house and from thence to the village, somebody entered the field and stole a new scythe used for cutting grain around stumps.  If a tramp should attempt to dispose of such an implement that very circumstance should place him under suspicion and cause his arrest.

From Ontario County Journal 30 July 1897

On last Friday Mrs. John Van Vechten, of Chapin street, sustained a very serious injury by an apparently trifling fall. she was trying to strike a mouse that had in some manner secured an entrance to her dining room, and in striking the blow, she became overbalanced and fell with great force upon her right side; her right thigh was fractured, and she is a great sufferer. The injury is a painful one and one that will take a long time to heal, the patient in the meantime being compelled to lie perfectly motionless with a heavy weight attached to the injured limb to keep the muscles from contracting.

From Geneva Gazette 6 August 1897

Charles Timms,
of Geneva, came to Seneca Falls last week, and was arrested for riding his bicycle along the sidewalk on Fall street.  He was taken before Justice Moran who fined him $2 and then let him go as he had no money to pay his fine. There has been some criticism of Officer Baker for making this arrest but those who saw the occurrence state that he was more than justified.  The young man, before meeting the officer, was twice warned by people on the street that he was violating a village ordinance but responded that he would ride where he pleased.  Seneca County Journal

From Ontario County Journal 6 August 1897

Academy, N. Y. - Mrs. Oliver Tiffany
of Bristol Center is the owner of a copy of the first edition of the Mormon bible, published by E. B. Grandin in Palmyra in 1830, for the author, Joseph Smith, Jr. It is a rare specimen and perhaps the only one of Joe's bibles in this county, where Mormonism originated. In the preface the author says he has translated and written 146 pages that some person or persons have stolen. "I will not suffer that they shall destroy my work; yea, I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the Devil. I would also inform you that the plates of which hath been spoken were found in the township of Manchester."

From Ontario County Journal 13 August 1897

Miller's Corners, N. Y. - Mrs. Alonzo Mansfield
fell backward down several stairs at her residence on Monday afternoon and broke her hip. It is a very serious fracture and will require several weeks of absolute quiet to heal.

The following party of young people are stopping at Charles Freer's lake shore cottage: Misses Margaret Kaveny, Sarah Sheehan, Mary Gairy, Mary Dawling, Ella Gairy, Mary Ryan, Messrs. James Gairy, Joseph Hobson and James O'Brien of Rochester; Misses B. Agnes Kaveny, Margaret Johnson, Messrs. Joseph Kaveny and William Kaveny of Canandaigua; Michael Canane of Holcomb and Miss Mary White of Reed's Corners.

From Naples Record 18 August 1897

Emmett Donnelly
had the misfortune to gash his foot quite badly last Wednesday, while cutting timber on the lake shore. Drs. Conley and Wettling dressed the wound and his is now getting along as well as could be expected.

From Geneva Daily Times 19 August 1897

Elliott Bogart,
45 years old, a farmer residing about four miles from Geneva, was seriously injured this morning. Bogart was driving into the city when one of the front wheels of his wagon came off. He alighted to replace the wheel. While the man was engaged in replacing the wheel, Bogart's horse became frightened and started suddenly. Bogart succeeded in stopping the horse, but he was thrown against the wagon sustaining a severe scalp wound. Dr. H. D. Weyburn attended to his injuries. The physician found it necessary to take several stitches in the wound.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 19 August 1897

Millers Corners - Mrs. Burton Sage, Mrs. Maurice Phillips, Miss Myrtie Baker, Geo. Cottrell, Edwin Green
and Edwin White, Jr., have been suffering with malarial fever.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 19 August 1897

Phelps, Aug. 18 - Edward Sabin,
engineer at the milk station, had both arms badly burned Thursday by the flames coming out of the furnace door when the smoke stack damper was accidentally closed.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 19 August 1897

Victor, Aug. 18 -
This party, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Milton Aldrich, are sojourning on Canandaigua Lake this week: Messrs. Ed Warren, Fred Connolly, George Rowley, George Snyder, Frank Power, M. Van Voohis and Misses Carpenter, Hotaling, Brown, Timmerman and Mrs. Ed Warren.

From Ontario County Journal 20 August 1897

Phelps, N. Y. -
The following young people are enjoying themselves at the Teller cottage, Orchard Beach, on Cayuga lake: Karl and George Wisewell, Harland Howe, Wm. Norton, Leon Bridger, Albert Salisbury, Howard VanDemark, Lewis Benton, Ray Hull, Ray Rockefeller, George Cobb. Vernon Chase acts as chaperone.

Phelps, N. Y. - Quite a numerous company of young folks are encamped in the grove of Mrs. Goseline, near the outlet. There are three tents, occupied by the following persons: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Corwin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole and daughter, Edward Champion and Miss Addie Beard. A smaller tent is occupied by Masters Eddie Ryan, Thomas Brophy, Thomas Kane, Frank Spray and Bennie Bliven. Another small tent is run by Michael Gleason, Chas. Condit, Floyd Conklin.

From Geneva Gazette 27 August 1897

Down went McGinty; To the bottom of the sea. - Mike Moylan,
on Saturday night last, having loaded up with something stronger than Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup, tried to emulate the example of the hero of the above song.  Mike went to the end of the pier at the steamboat dock and laid down on the string-piece.  Cornelius Daily while walking in the direction of the dock observed Moylan raise his arms and then roll off the dock into the water.  Daily hastened to his assistance, and when he arose to the surface, he seized hold of Moylan's coat.  At this moment Mr. George Fairfax dropped along, and he and Daily pulled Moylan out of the water.  Mike said he had fallen overboard while asleep.  He denies any intention to attempting to committing suicide.

From Ontario County Journal 27 August 1897

Academy, N. Y. -
Officers of the Pierce family organization for the ensuing year are as follows: President, Henry Pierce; vice president, Melvin Pierce; secretary, William H. Pierce; committee of arrangements, Warren Pierce, Adrian Brandow, W. L. Pierce. The next reunion will be held at the residence of Warren Pierce in West Hollow on the last Saturday in August, 1898.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Byron Munson, a well-known young farmer of this town, met with a serious accident on Wednesday morning. While driving out of his barn yarn with a load of hay, the forward wheel struck a large stone, throwing him heavily to the ground, breaking his left arm at the elbow. He was attended by Dr. S. R. Wheeler who says it is a serious fracture.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  The third annual picnic of the Wheeler families was held on Saturday at the house of H. E. Wheeler, South Bloomfield. At 10 o'clock the relatives began to come. Farmers from all parts of the county, and even from the adjoining counties, drove over with their wives and children. The young people passed much time in playing ball and croquet, while the little ones amused themselves in hammocks and swings. At 2 o'clock a substantial dinner was served on the lawn by the farmers' sons and daughters. After dinner the president asked all to come to the front porch of the house where Mr. Gooding, of Geneseo, was waiting to take their pictures. The next thing in order was the election of officers for the ensuing year. Simeon R. Wheeler was made chairman, George A. Wheeler was elected president and Jessie A. Wheeler, secretary. The committee on arrangements and location for holding the next annual picnic was: William Doyle of Bristol; Lewis Sutherland of Canandaigua; and U. M. Wheeler of East Bloomfield; on refreshments, Mable Wheeler, Mrs. William Wheeler and Mrs. O. H. Swift; committee on music, H. E. Wheeler and Jessie A. Wheeler. Several selections of music were rendered by the choirs of Bristol and Bloomfield, and a recitation by Mrs. Jessie A. Wheeler, a song by Miss Fannie Wheeler were rendered. Richmond Beach of Richmond made a short speech, referring to some of the early days of the Wheeler families. The afternoon concluded by signing the register book with a record of 140 members.

From Ontario County Journal 3 September 1897

Naples, N. Y. -
Many western people took advantage of the reduced rates on all lines of railroads last week to visit their former eastern homes, and Naples had its share: Albert Byington of Rochelle, Ill., and his son, Fred, and Miss Clara Byington of Sioux Falls, Ia. are visiting relatives; Oscar Knight, of Chicago, visited his sister, Mrs. J. Story; Sol. Sullivan of Michigan, a son of the late Billy Sullivan, Richmond, called on his comrades of the 148th regiment; George Vinton of Wisconsin is visiting his sisters; Mrs. Swigart and Mrs. Moyer, of Chicago, are the guests of friends, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Granby; Carl Hamlin of Michigan came to see his brother, E. A. Hamlin; Dr. Ball of Corunna, Mich., visited his quondam pupil, Dr. D. H. Conley; Lorn Pardee, who left here five years ago for Michigan, came back to visit relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Sabin, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are visiting their old home; Miss Lottie Van Housen of Chicago is spending the summer here.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 September 1897

George W. Freshour,
of Seneca Castle, was seriously injured in a runaway accident Thursday. He was driving a spirited horse when the animal suddenly shied, precipitating Mr. Freshour to the ground. Mr. Freshour was badly cut about the head and body. He is 75 years of age, and his recovery is despaired of. He is well known in this city, having served as associate judge from 1860 to 1868.

From Geneva Gazette 10 September 1897

Patrick Clements,
who is employed at the New York Central Iron Works, met with a painful accident shortly after 11 o'clock yesterday morning.  He was assisting some fellow employes to stand up some heavy iron plates so that they would be out of the way.  The men got the plates too perpendicular and they fell over on Clement's feet.  The plates weighed about two tons and badly crushed both feet.  The injured man was taken to his home and medical assistance summoned.  It is thought that he will not lose the use of his feet, although they are badly crushed.

From Geneva Daily Times 14 September 1897

Mrs. James L. Toner, of 25 East Washington street, states that Miss Francis Fischer threw a pan of swill on her front door step Saturday evening. Mrs. Toner complained to Chief Kan who instructed Miss Fischer to remove the nuisance. Sunday afternoon Miss Fischer came to the home of Mrs. Toner and cleaned the front porch. Mrs. Toner states that if the insult occurs again, she will swear out a warrant for Miss Fischer's arrest.

From Geneva Daily Times 18 September 1897

Miss Francis Fischer, of East Washington street, called at the Times office yesterday afternoon and stated that she did not intend to insult Mrs. James L. Toner when she placed the swill on her porch. Miss Fischer states that she threw a quantity of peach peelings on Mrs. Toner's front porch "just for a joke." She says she was afterwards very sorry that she did it.

From Ontario County Journal 17 September 1897

Bristol Springs, N. Y. -
Friday, Sept. 10, was a pleasant day for Mrs. Grace T. Robinson, mother of John Ricketson, it being her 86th birthday. She was treated to a genuine surprise. About 30 of Mrs. Robinson's relatives and friends came in a body to congratulate "Aunt Grace" as she has always been called, and all seemed to enjoy the occasion, and especially the good things spread out to refresh the inner man. Mrs. L. M. Otis and Miss Bertha Gardner of Rochester joined the company and helped to make it still more of a surprise to "Aunt Grace."

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  A few friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Steele were invited to their home on Monday afternoon to celebrate the 91st birthday of Mr. Steele. About 50 persons were present. Later, supper was served and the guests separated, wishing Mr. Steele many years more of happiness.

From Geneva Daily Times 20 September 1897

Joseph Robinson,
of LaFayette Avenue, was seriously, if not fatally injured, by a fall at 10 o'clock this morning. Mr. Robinson was picking plums when the accident occurred. He had reached a high limb when it broke, precipitating him to the ground. When the unfortunate man was picked up he was unconscious. He was carried into his house and medical assistance summoned. Mr. Robinson is over 70 years of age. Fears are entertained for his recovery. He is believed to have sustained internal injuries.

From Geneva Gazette 24 September 1897

As Mrs. Wyman Rundell and her niece, Minnie Rundell, of Rushville, were driving down the hill between their home and James Loomis' Monday morning, the harness broke, letting the buggy strike the horse, which frightened it and it started on a run. Mrs. Rundell was thrown against the fence and quite seriously injured.  Miss Rundell was also thrown from the wagon, but not hurt.  The horse continued on and ran into a plowed field near Mr. Loomis' where it was caught.  Mrs. Rundell will not be able to be about for some time.  The horse and buggy were not badly damaged.

From Ontario County Journal 24 September 1897

Two Canandaiguans had unpleasant experiences Monday night while peacefully walking along Canandaigua's streets. Mrs. Lizzie Fox Lathrop, while coming down town from her home on Gibson street, was either the victim of an accidental collision, or an attempted holdup, and she is not yet certain which it was. She was thoroughly frightened at the occurrence. The second instance where the darkness cut a good deal of figure was on Chapin street about 8 o'clock Monday evening, and was a genuine attempt at highway robbery. Charles Crandall, a carpenter employed by Percy Dunham, was walking along near the Sucker Brook bridge when a heavy built stranger loomed up out of the ugly blackness of the night and clutched Crandall by the throat, demanding money. Crandall was not so easily intimidated and resisted; the stranger soon got enough of the encounter and, jumping a fence, fled. Crandall followed but was unable to catch his assailant.

From Ontario County Journal 1 October 1897

Phelps, N. Y. - Marcus D. Burke,
while driving a four-year-old colt belonging to D. Severance of Orleans last Monday, met with an accident attended with quite serious results. He was driving along in the vicinity of Melvin hill, when some school children passing by scared the colt, causing it to shy to one side of the road, turning over the sulky and throwing Burke into the ditch, breaking his left arm just above the wrist. Dr. Howe set the injured member.

On Saturday morning Cecilia Freeland, a colored woman, residing with the family of George Anderson on Beal street, took an overdose of laudanum in an attempt to relieve a bad case of toothache. At first fears were entertained for her recovery, but Dr. Ira Hawley experienced no difficulty in bringing her out of the trance. It was thought to be an attempt at suicide, but as the woman took only a portion of the contents of a one-ounce bottle that seems hardly probable. She was arrested but afterwards discharged.

From Geneva Gazette 8 October 1897

Theodore W. Duffin,
who was a volunteer in Company B, 8th U. S. Infantry, and served to the close of the war of the rebellion, has had his pension restored from $8 to $12 per month; with back pay of $4 per month from April 1, 1895.

From Ontario County Journal 8 October 1897

West Bloomfield, N. Y. -  James J. Rigney
met with a serious accident while driving into the village of Geneseo on Sunday evening. A part of the harness broke and frightened the horses, and in trying to hold them, the lines broke and all were thrown from the buggy. Mr. Rigney's skull was fractured and he was unconscious for several hours. The other occupants of the buggy were his wife and daughter, Mollie, and the Misses Belle Doolan and Bess Hewitt. All were more or less injured, except Miss Bess Hewitt, who escaped unhurt.

From Geneva Daily Times 22 October 1897

As Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Tuttle, in company with Mrs. Cross, were returning from services for deaf mutes conducted by Rev. Mr. Dentzer of Rochester, they were run down by a bicyclist on Main street near Pulteney park. Mrs. Cross was thrown to the ground and considerably bruised, but was conducted to her home, where she has suffered from the results of the accident ever since. She was struck in the back and her neck was injured. The bicyclist was not apprehended.

From Ontario County Journal 29 October 1897

Miller's Corners, N. Y. - Frank Dibble,
who resides about three miles northeast of here, cut his throat on Monday night, and is not expected to live, although there is a slight chance of his recovery. Drs. Mead and Jackson of Victor attended him. He has never been well since a severe attack of typhoid fever three years ago, which left him very nervous and lately he has been more deeply depressed than usual. It is believed that he was insane when the act was committed. He is an estimable young man, with many friends here, where he had always lived until the last three or four years, his father's family being old residents of this vicinity. He has a wife, formerly Miss Laura Covell, and one child.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
Quite a commotion was caused on the street at Holcomb on Tuesday afternoon. A team of horses belonging to James Cherry were left hitched under the lumber sheds of J. S. Hamlin, and in some way they broke loose and backed out of the shed and started at a rapid gait for home. After they crossed the railroad tracks, they ran into a carriage belonging to A. H. Rowley, throwing Miss Alice Rowley down between the wheels, inflicting quite painful injuries to her. The team continued west until they struck a hitching post in front of McWilliams store, completely turning a summersault, where they were secured. The horses were badly bruised and cut.

Naples, N. Y. - Misses Anna Folts and Kitty Powers were injured in a runaway which occurred last Thursday night. They were being escorted home from a party in Hunt's Hollow, three in a buggy, and coming down the steep dugway into Vine street, a holdback gave way and the horse ran down the hill, overturning the buggy. Miss Folts was caught in the top and dragged for some distance. She was badly hurt; Miss Powers less seriously.

From Ontario County Journal 5 November 1897

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Mrs. Ashman B. Gauss
met with a serious accident on Saturday last. She came to Holcomb for the purpose of assisting her daughter, Mrs. Harlow Munson,  who was to move on Monday. While standing on a table to take down some window curtains, the table tipped, throwing her with such violence that her limb was broken at the knee. Dr. S. R. Wheeler was immediately summoned and reduced the fracture.

Naples, N. Y. - Mrs. Elizabeth Richardson, after seven years of fighting, has secured a pension as widow of a soldier, which gives her $670 back pay and $8 per month. As she was penniless, it is a great boon for her.

Mrs. Elizabeth Wells of Phelps came to Canandaigua Saturday, ostensibly to visit her dentist. She did not return home when she expected, but a letter was received by her husband, D. M. Wells, in which she asserted that she contemplated suicide, and that her relations need waste no energy looking for her as she would be "weighted deep." From this, her husband feared that she had drowned herself in Canandaigua lake. He came here as soon as possible accompanied by his father and little son, and the half-distracted trio made every effort to get trace of Mrs. Wells, without avail, however. Mr. Wells appealed to the police, but up to Wednesday no single trace of the woman's whereabouts could be gained. It had been established conclusively that she did not visit a dentist here as she said she would. The woman had been despondent of late and her relatives feared that she had carried out her suicidal intent. The family have been unfortunate in matters relating to property, and it was thought that this preyed on the woman's mind. Mrs. Wells had over $10 in money when she left home. On Wednesday a telegram was received at the police office stating that Mrs. Wells had been located at Montour Falls, safe and well, and she is again in the bosom of her family. It is thought she wandered away while laboring under mental aberration.

From Ontario County Journal 26 November 1897

Bristol, N. Y. - 
Last week Wednesday, Nov. 17, Mrs. W. S. Hicks gave a birthday dinner to her aunts, Mrs. Hannah Wheeler and Mrs. Mary Newton, who were 88 and 77 years old respectively. With but few exceptions, these two ladies have spent their birthdays together all their lives, and of late years, their many nieces and nephews have vied with each other to entertain them on the eventful day. Both enjoy the best of health. Until two years ago, Mrs. Newton was an active member of the History class and now is usually engaged in the duties of housekeeping or fancy work. Mrs. Wheeler was almost the most thrifty and energetic little woman that ever lived, doing many kindnesses to the rich and poor alike. If they were of male persuasion, they would account for their good health and longevity to the non-use of stimulants and tobacco. Their many friends can testify that true and noble living was the key to their success.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 December 1897

William Depew, an old man about 70 years of age, who lives near the scrap iron yards on East Lewis street in this city, had a narrow escape from a horrible death this morning while engaged in picking up coal on the Central-Hudson tracks. It seems some freight cars were standing on the tracks and under one of these Depew crawled in his hunt for bits of coal. A train backing in and surprising Depew caused the wheels of the car under which he was crawling to pass over his heel, crushing it, of course, in a terrible manner. Depew did not faint, in spite of his years, and was carried to his home. Dr. Young was summoned and attended the patient. Depew's escape from death was nearly miraculous.

From Ontario County Journal 10 December 1897

Phelps, N. Y. - Hiram L. Brown
met with a severe accident on Monday afternoon. He slipped and fell on the icy walk at the back of his residence and broke his hip. Drs. J. Pratt and Eiseline were called and made him as comfortable as possible, but on account of his feeble health, they thought best not to attempt to set the bones.

Victor, N. Y. -  While a party of young people were enjoying themselves on Lovejoy's pond on Monday afternoon, the ice suddenly gave way, precipitating Miss Vera Brown into the water. At that point the water was quite deep, but not over her head, but the chill and sudden shock made her almost helpless. Seeing her helpless condition, Fred Cardy, one of the boys in the party, promptly jumped into the water and supported her until her companions succeeded in getting her on the ground. Aside from the severe shock, the result was nothing serious.

From Geneva Daily Times 22 December 1897

It is alleged that Timothy O'Donnell, a clerk in Frank C. Hofmann's meat market on Seneca street, threatened to commit suicide two nights ago. The story goes that O'Donnell, who is a man apparently about 32 years of age, recently broke his temperance pledge, and had been drinking again. It is said the man was in bad condition physically. It seems that the night before last he met a prominent citizen of Geneva on Seneca street, and bade him goodbye, saying that he would never see him again. On being asked if he was going away, it is said O'Donnell pulled a bottle labeled "laudanum" out of his pocket, and holding it up said "I am going to take this." O'Donnell then proceeded, so it is said, to Smith's boarding house on Main street, where he took his meals, and also bade his friends there goodbye. They became alarmed, the story runs, and easily succeeded in taking the bottle from him. O'Donnell formerly lived in Rochester, and his sister came from that city yesterday, and it is believed returned to Rochester with him last evening.

From Ontario County Journal 24 December 1897

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Leo Allen,
son of David Allen, was shot through the leg on Saturday last by an accidental discharge of a pistol by his brother, Harley. The two brothers were shooting at a mark when some misunderstanding arose as to whose turn it was to shoot. A scuffle took place which resulted in the discharge of the pistol. The ball went through the leg between the knee and the hip.

Reed's Corners, N. Y. -  Last Monday night, while Frank Dear was driving up the south road, the horse became frightened and threw him out, cutting his head and face very badly. He was unconscious for several hours. Dr. Marsh was called and sewed up the cuts and restored him to consciousness. At this writing, he is doing well, being nursed at the home of Albert Middaugh.

From Geneva Daily Times 27 December 1897

It is alleged that Lumis Siglar, who resides on Grove street in this city, entered the saloon on Exchange street known as the "Homestead," on Christmas afternoon about 5:00 o'clock and asked for something to drink. It is said that Proprietor Thompson claimed that the man was drunk when he came in, so he refused to sell him anything but selzer, or a soft drink. The story goes that Siglar got ugly on being refused a drink, and Thompson claims Siglar struck him, whereupon Thompson, in self-defense, struck Siglar back, knocking him down and cutting his head and one of his ears badly. Dripping with blood, Siglar went to the office of Dr. McKenzie on William street, who sewed his gash up and attended to the wounds.

From Ontario County Journal 31 December 1897

Miller's Corners, N. Y. -
On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Oscar Hull took two teaspoonfuls of clear carbolic acid into her mouth, supposing it to be raspberry vinegar. Discovering her mistake before all had been swallowed, she ejected what she could and quickly took a quantity of melted butter and the whites of several eggs. She is now out of danger, but the doctor says that her promptness in taking the remedies was all that saved her life.

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