From Ontario County Journal 12 January 1894

Mrs. Seba Peck,
widow of Horace Peck, yesterday passed the one hundredth anniversary of her birth, at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wader, at No. 9 Washington street, Canandaigua. Mrs. Peck's maiden name was Seba Chapman. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman of Shelburne, Massachusetts, where she was born January 11, 1794. When a girl of eleven her parents moved to Phelps, and were among the pioneer settlers of that township. Mrs. Peck is only one now living of a family of twelve brothers and sister. In Phelps Miss Chapman married Horace Peck, who had settled there, coming from Conway, Massachusetts. Mrs. Peck became the mother of three children, Mrs. J. A. Wader, Charles Peck of Arcadia, and the late Hiram Peck, who was elected sheriff of Ontario County in 1882. Up to five years ago, when she took up her residence in Canandaigua, Mrs. Peck lived in Phelps. Her husband died there in 1867. Physically Mrs. Peck is in very good health for a lady of great age, but her memory is somewhat impaired. She formerly was fond of telling stories of  her youth, when her father drew grain to Albany to sell, and when wolves and bears abounded. One of her favorite stories was of a bear entering the house of her brother-in-law, Isaac Dean, the builder of an early mill at Phelps, and making good his escape with a great cheese. Mrs. Peck has a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren living. Among the grandchildren are: Mrs. Harrison B. Ferguson and C. D. Wader of Canandaigua; S. F. and E. O. Wader of Rochester, and E. A. Wader of Elmira, and Miss Grace Wader of New York City.

From Ontario County Journal 19 January 1894

Last Friday evening a few minutes before 6 o'clock, a  lighted student lamp in an upper room in John D. McKechnie's house on Main street exploded. No one was in the room at the time. In an instant the table spread and carpet were ablaze. Miss Lucy Stowe saw the fire from her home across the street, and running over, filled a pail with water and put out the fire. An alarm was rung, but the fire was out before the arrival of the companies. The damage is less than a hundred dollars.

From Ontario County Journal 2 February 1894

Monday afternoon, Smith Fuller, a carpenter of this village, met with a painful accident while working on the Gartland farm, at the foot of the lake. With five or six others, he was putting a heavy beam through a barn window. While his left hand was on the under side the heavy timber was suddenly pushed, drawing his fingers between the beam and the window sill. The fingers were badly crushed, two of which were amputated at the third joint.

From Geneva Gazette 2 February 1894

The fine road horse of M. C. Haight, driven by Jack Connelly, dropped dead on Exchange street yesterday afternoon.  Connelly was spurting on the snow with others, when the unfortunate event occurred.  Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of death.  The animal could trot better than 2.40, and was one of the most valuable of Geneva road horses.

From Ontario County Journal 9 February 1894

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - William Hicks,
while at work on the annex to the Congregational church on Saturday last, was precipitated to the ground, a distance of fourteen feet, by the breaking of the ladder upon which he was standing, sustaining a fracture of one of the bones of his right leg. S. Mayo, in trying to save Mr. Hicks, received some slight bruises about the hands and face.

Naples, N. Y. - John B. Johnson, wife and daughter, were nearly suffocated on Friday night by the escape of coal gas into the room in which they were sleeping. Mr. Johnson became unconscious and remained so for some time. The others were seriously affected, but retained consciousness. All have recovered.

From Ontario County Journal 16 February 1894

Academy, N. Y. - Hiram B. Case
shows some rare keepsakes, among which are included a punch bowl, holding about three quarts, brought from the East Indies more than one hundred years ago by an uncle. It is of fine china, and most exquisitely decorated; also, an ivory-covered box, with three pewter chests, one each for tea, coffee and sugar; a bag to carry sail needles, marline spikes, twine, &c, that were used by his grandfather, Richardson Hills, during his sea voyaging from 1760 to 1780; a note, dated Cheshire, Conn., May 22, 1792, to Moses Doolittle, for three pounds and six shillings, to be paid in young cattle, with interest till paid; signed, John Martin; witnesses, Joel Moss, Jonas Hills. The collection also includes a deed as follows: "Know all men by these presents, That I, Ebenezer Doolittle, of Wallingford, in the County of New Haven, For the consideration of Love, Good Will and Natural Affection I Have and Bear to my Son, Eli Doolittle, I Do Therefore Give, Grant and Firmly Pass over Unto Him, My Said Son, Thirty acres of Land." (The description is omitted.) Signed, Sealed & Delivered This fifteenth Day of November, Anno Domini, 1756. In Presence of Benj'n Hall, Abiah Hall. Received December 22d, 1756, and entered in Liber 13, Folio 651. James Miles, Clerk.

Capital letters were so profusely used in the original of the above, that inadvertently many have been omitted. Mr. Case has many old and interesting heirlooms not here mentioned.

From Ontario County Journal 2 March 1894

Clifton Springs, N. Y. -
The entire family of Edward Van Dame had a very narrow escape from death on Tuesday morning by coal gas escaping from their stove. They reside on the VanVranken farm, and on being called about five o'clock on that day, it was discovered that the three children were unconscious, and the father and mother nearly so. Assistance was at once sent for, and by prompt and energetic action the lives all were saved.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. and Mrs. Wade Black were returning from the wedding of Miss Dewey at Victor last Thursday evening, when, near the residence of Charles Ketchum, their horse jumped to one side of the road and both occupants were thrown out. Mr. Black held on to the reins and was dragged about twenty rods. He was badly bruised about the head and shoulders and has not been able to be out since.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - George Speaker
and Miss Edith Hallock had an exciting experience about a half mile north of the Orphan Asylum while on their way to Canandaigua last Saturday. They were driving a spirited young horse, which became frightened at the cars, and started at a rapid gait, soon becoming unmanageable. Mr. Speaker pluckily held on to the reins, until he came in contact with some obstruction in the road, and both were thrown out. Miss Hallock was considerably bruised, and has been very ill since. Mr. Speaker escaped with a severe shaking up.

From Ontario County Journal 9 March 1894

Naples, N. Y. - W. L. Richardson,
an infirm old soldier, who suffered ten months of agony in Andersonville prison, is the last victim of pensioner persecution. He was drawing the modest sum of $8 per month, and has not been cut down to $4. Twelve dollars per month would be a low rating for one so disabled. Such cruelty -- in defiance, too, of the last act of congress on this subject -- makes one's blood boil. How long shall these things be?

From Naples Record 21 March 1894

Miss Cinda Watkins
has been ill for a week or more, as a result of partial asphyxiation with coal gas. She was found hardly able to speak in the morning after sleeping in a room adjoining one in which there was a large coal stove. She is improving now.

From Ontario County Journal 30 March 1894

Port Gibson, N. Y. -
Our village was the scene of a very lively runaway last Saturday, when Frank R. Howell's team made a break for liberty. They started from Feller's store, and after throwing Howell and his companion (George Wilson) out, they started for home. They ran about one and one-half miles, and then were stopped while going up a steep hill. No one was seriously hurt.

From Geneva Advertiser 3 April 1894

We hear that through some mistake James F. Eaton took a small dose of creosote last Tuesday night, and had a narrow run of it for his life.  We do not believe it was an attempt at suicide, for the lake is so handy by that he could weight himself down and jump in at any time.  O, no; James is not of the suicide kind.  He will neither do that nor work himself to death.  If he could get a job as overseer at something he understands, that would just suit him.

From Ontario County Journal 6 April 1894

Port Gibson, N. Y. -
Main street in this village was the scene of another exciting runaway last Saturday afternoon. The unfortunate victims were Mrs. Josiah Versleys and her daughter. They were on the way to Newark, and when in front of the Port Gibson hotel, their horse was frightened by a dog and immediately bolted, with disastrous results. Mrs. Versleys was thrown out, face downward. Her face was so badly cut that Dr. Young was summoned from Newark, and he found it necessary to take several stitches. The girl was thrown out, but not hurt, and the wagon was badly demolished.

From Geneva Advertiser 10 April 1894

The Phelps Citizen mentions two old residents of that town, one age 85, the other 88 years, who are quite hearty for men of their years.  In the town of Seneca we have the venerable David Barron, now nearly 94 years old, who transacts all his own business and there is considerable of it to do at that.  In fair weather the old gentleman drives into the village two or three times a week.  We doubt if there are any older men in the county.

From Ontario County Journal 4 May 1894

Rushville, N. Y. -
Wednesday afternoon occurred a lively runaway. At the public watering place between Gorham and here, Mr. Monegal alighted from the buggy to water his horse. The animal slipped the bridle and ran until it reached Gorham. The horse then turned into a Mr. Phillips yard, where the buggy crashed into a tree, throwing Mrs. Monegal into the air and injuring her severely, besides breaking bones between the knee and ankle. Dr. Skinner, of this place, was soon there, and put the limb in a plaster cast. The lady was then removed to her home.

Canandaigua will not be so far behind its neighbors in baseball interests this season. Several new nines have been organized this week, and will proceed to "play ball." Howard Moore has gotten up a club which will cross bats with any club of their size in the United States. John Martin and Charles Ford are the battery, while the bases are guarded by Allie Mary, John Law and Thomas Melville. Howard Moore, Fred Lucas and James Fox, Jr., are fielders and "Dick" Rochford is shortstop. Tomorrow morning they will play the "Newsboy's" nine, and in the afternoon they will "do" the Gorham street Juniors.

The students of the Canandaigua Academy have been diligently practicing for several weeks past, preparatory to reorganizing the Academy baseball club. On Wednesday the club was announced as follows: Captain, Frank Converse; battery, Andrew Williams and Frank Converse; 1st base, Arthur S. Hamlin; 2d base, Clem J. France; 3d base, Edward Dixon; shortstop, Harry Hollenbeck; centerfield, John Rochford; left field, Victor Somoekeoy; right field, Arthur Phillips.

Two baseball clubs will be organized at the Union school this spring, one in the academical and one in the senior department. The Senior club has not yet fully developed, but the Academic club is as follows: Roy Conyne and Edward Harris, battery; Phillip O'Keefe, 1st base; James Roach, 2d base; Charles Lewis, 3d base; George Conyne, center field; Arthur Eccleston, right field; Hurbert Burke, left field; Enos Booth, shortstop. Last Saturday the above nine played the Academy nine. The score was fifteen to twelve in favor of the Academy.

From Ontario County Journal 11 May 1894

Naples, N. Y. - Charles Northrop,
a decrepit soldier, was deprived of his pension six months ago, but as he was unable to work at all, and was most of the time on a sick bed, a protest was made, and his pension has been restored. Why it was ever taken away is one of the mysteries of the pension bureau.

Rushville, N. Y. - Last Saturday afternoon Barney Barker went home intoxicated, and, in his deleriums, began to beat his wife. Unable to quiet him, Mrs. Barker made complaint to Justice Huie, and officers Kitchell and Kerns went to the house and arrested the drunken man, placing him in the lockup. Sometime during Saturday night some one or ones broke the lock off of the building used for a temporary jail, and Barker escaped. Sunday morning when this fact was learned the same officers made search and found Barker in the Park House. He resisted arrest and the officers asked assistance from those present to help them. They refused to do this, so Kitchell struck the prisoner, and thus got him out of the hotel. Barker has often had fits, and the blow, together with the effects of the debauch, threw him into convulsions, and he was taken home. On Wednesday he appeared before Justice Huie. Ike Simmons, of Naples, appearing for the corporation, and H. Conway for Barker. The sentence was thirty days imprisonment or a $200 bond to keep peace for one year. Two more indictments stand against Barker, viz.: breaking jail and resisting arrest.

Wednesday morning Morgan Proseus was running the cracker roller at Alex. Grieve's bakery, when his left hand was caught between the revolving rollers, and before the machine could be stopped, his hand had been crushed to the wrist. He immediately went to a doctor, but before he had reached the office of Dr. Hawley, he was considerably weakened from the loss of blood. The doctor dressed the wound as best he could, the flesh on the fingers and palm of the hand having been torn loose, leaving the cords and bones bare.

From Ontario County Journal 18 May 1894

Tuesday afternoon Chauncey Knowles, an aged carpenter living on Pearl street in this village, met with an unfortunate accident while superintending the erection of an addition to a barn on Joseph Atwater's place on the lake road. He was assisting in placing a beam, when he fell backward through the manger hole to the ground, ten feet below. He was placed in a carriage and taken home, and Dr. Hawley sent for. The collar bone was broken and the shoulder blade dislocated. The old man was also cut about the head.

The result of the civil service examination for mail carrier which was held in the post office in Canandaigua last February, has just been made known. There were seven candidates, all of whom passed the examination, seventy counts being the number necessary to pass. The result was as follows: Delos Hopson, 89.90; A. H. Faber, 86.18; Wm. H. Conklin, 82.73;  Charles F. Adams, 80.15; Seymour Clark, 78.10; Thomas F. Martin, 76.80; Thomas H. O'Brien, 72.45. In August last Frank McMillan averaged 88.73 on a similar examination.

From Ontario County Journal 25 May 1894

Early Wednesday morning, Geo. R. West, a local cart driver, was watering his horse at the trough before the Webster house, when George Anderson, colored, teamster for Smith Bros. & Co., millers, drove up. There was plenty of room for all three horses, but West didn't think so, and grabbing Anderson's horses by their bridles, gave them a jerk to one side. Anderson then very leisurely moved West's horse a little so as to make room for his. West thereupon struck Anderson a heavy blow which felled him to the ground. West weighs over three hundred pounds, while Anderson is of medium build. The latter was soon upon his feet, and those who saw what happened were reminded of the biblical story of David and Goliath, only Goliath in this instant was not quite killed.

From Ontario County Journal 1 June 1894

Cheshire, N. Y. -
A Young People's Society was organized at the Union church, Cheshire, last Sunday evening, and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, W. H. Ward, Jr.; vice-president, Miss Belle Clint; secretary, Miss Birda Groome; treasurer, Miss Thedie Ward.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mrs. Ellen Gilbert,
widow of the late Charles Gilbert, was taken to the Willard State Hospital Thursday morning by the poor master, T. W. Peeling. Last week she was examined by Dr. S. R. Wheeler and Dr. B. S. Partridge and pronounced insane.

Honeoye, N. Y. - Sam Drain and Seth Kennedy, while fishing on Honeoye lake the other day, almost came to grief. The boat overturned, and only for outside assistance, they would have been drowned. Will Logan was also in the party.

Reed's Corners, N. Y. - What might have been a serious accident happened here on Friday last. A carriage belonging to Chas. Chapman broke in motion, frightening a team of colts, who overturned the carriage, throwing him to the ground. Mrs. Chapman and son, Ira, fortunately sustained no serious injury. The colts were caught by John Vanorman and Thomas Dawson.

From Ontario County Journal 8 June 1894

Last Saturday afternoon James Rockwell attempted to shoe a colt belonging to D. C. McCarthy. The horse didn't seem to like the way the work was being done and reared, breaking the rope by which it was tied. Mr. Rockwell was thrown to the floor, and before he could get up, the horse had stepped upon him, breaking two ribs.

From Ontario County Journal 22 June 1894

Monday evening John Knaier, who lives with his family on the Henry Sackett farm on the north Bloomfield road, was arrested on complaint of his wife and son, who charged him with assault. It seems that Knaier and his wife had a dispute, and that the former became angry, and running out of the house to where his son was using a hammer, requested him to let him take it, saying he wanted to knock "her" brains out, referring to his wife. The young man hung on to the hammer, despite the blows of his father, and finally came out victorious. Knaier was arrested, and, as his family claimed that he was insane, a commission, consisting of Drs. Hallenbeck and Beahan, made an investigation. The commission has not yet rendered a decision, but it is believed that the man is not crazy, but the victim of an uncontrollable temper.

From Victor Herald 23 June 1894

A very fortunate runaway occurred on our street about nine o'clock Friday evening of last week. Frank Shrader came to town with his wife and little child. He drove a team of young horses attached to a democrat wagon; the rig was standing in front of Cobb's drug store while Shrader was in the store doing some shopping. Suddenly the team started and turned sharp throwing Mrs. Shrader out and dragging her some distance; the team continued their course up West Main street, with the child screaming with fright. The terrible cries of the little one brought forth the best efforts of the men on the street, and instantly everyone rushed after the team in hopes to rescue the child from what seemed to be a fearful death. In front of the blacksmith shop the wagon struck a tree, and there it remained while the team went on. The child was found in the wagon considerably frightened but entirely unharmed. Mrs. Shrader in the meantime had been taken to Dr. Mead's office; it was found that her face was scratched and badly bruised by the fall, as well as one shoulder and hip. She suffered considerably from the shock, but was able to ride home in a little while. The team did not run far and were soon brought back unharmed, the wagon was not badly damaged. We learn since writing the above that Mrs. Shrader is recovering from her injuries.

From Geneva Gazette 29 June 1894

A criminal suit grew out of the late wedding of S. Keightly and Mary Smith at the Presbyterian chapel.  Benj. Quigley is prosecuted for assaulting the bride's mother, striking her with a plate.  Several witnesses have already testified in the proceedings before Police Justice Smelzer, after which a further hearing was postponed until tomorrow.

From Geneva Gazette 6 July 1894

A young man named Pulaski G. Dean, who for a year or more has been an employee of Turner & Philips on Castle st., disappeared Wednesday.  It is feared that he has committed suicide.  He bade his children goodbye and appeared to be in an excited state.  He would not let his wife come near him, and said he should never return alive to Geneva.  Every effort has been made by his employers to get some trace of him, but without avail.  He was formerly a resident of Rochester where his mother lives and where he was thought at first to have gone.  He was an industrious man and highly esteemed.  The case has been placed in the hands of the police authorities.

From Geneva Gazette 6 July 1894

Joseph Atwater,
a well-known fruit farmer of the West lake shore, lies at death's door from the effects of a terrible accident. Mr. Atwater's farm is on a side hill about a mile south of this village.  He was drawing hay and while driving up the hill from the hay field is supposed to have suffered a sun stroke.  He fell from the high load of hay to the ground, and the frightened team allowed the wagon wheels to pass backward over his prostrate body.  The animals then ran away and were not captured till one had fallen, sustaining a broken leg and other injuries which rendered it necessary to kill it.  When the family saw the team running they hastened to the field and found Mr. Atwater there unconscious.  Dr. A. L. Beahan was immediately summoned and after about three hours the injured man regained consciousness enough to tell how the accident happened.  He sustained several broken ribs, and his head is badly crushed and cut.  He lies in a comatose condition and the physician says death may ensue at any moment from concussion of the brain.  Mr. Atwater is over sixty years of age.  Roch. Herald

From Ontario County Journal 6 July 1894

Farmington, N. Y. -
A serious accident occurred on Maxwell's Hill Sunday evening, July 1. Christ. Wiegert and family were riding down the hill about mile north of this place. One of the horses kicked over the tongue, and the team ran away, overturning the wagon and throwing the occupants to the ground. Christ. Wiegert, Sr., who is 68 years old, had his leg broken about the ankle, and received body bruises. Christ. Wiegert, Jr., received cuts on the head and side. Mrs. Wiegert, Jr., had several teeth knocked out. The two children escaped injury. The team ran about forty rods and jumped off the end of the bridge that spans Mud creek at the Kaiser mill site. One of the horses was instantly killed; the other received only slight cuts. Mr. Wiegert is a prominent member of the German Lutheran society of this place. 

From Geneva Gazette 13 July 1894

A most serious accident occurred in the town of Canadice, this county, Wednesday last.  A gang of men were raising a barn on H. J. Tyler's farm when the timbers gave way beneath them and all fell to the basement 20 feet below, and under the entire weight of plank and timbers.  One man sustained severe contusions of the head; one had both legs broken; another, one broken leg; five others suffered bruises more or less severe.  The injured men were promptly cared for by Drs. Wetling and Wilbur.

From Victor Herald 14 July 1894

Wednesday noon George McClosky, who lives with his father at Brownsville, met with an accident that is likely to prove fatal. He had been cultivating corn in a field south of Mr. Lauder's woods on the old plank road, some men saw him turn out for dinner and mount his horse and ride home. They thought nor more of it for a few moments, soon some one saw the horse going up the road but George was not with him, they investigated and found the boy lying in the road near a pile of sand some road workmen had left. He was insensible and bleeding from the ears; they carried him home and sent for Dr. Jackson, but up to the time of going to press Friday morning, he had not recovered consciousness. He is quiet at times but frequently is in a state of delirium, and seems to be trying to guide and control his horse. The theory is that his horse was afraid of the sand pile and threw him off; this seems quite probable as the horse had been known to shy at the pile before. Physicians say they are unable to detect any fracture of the skull, but that there is a rupture of some of the blood vessels of the head. The case is very serious, and nothing can be done except to wait developments. The bleeding at the ears may relieve the brain and prevent serious consequences, but time only can tell. The young man is about eighteen years of age, the youngest son of James McClosky.

From Ontario County Journal 20 July 1894

Port Gibson, N. Y. -
The young men of this place have organized an athletic club with officers as follows: President, George W. Smith; vice-president, James Baysinger; secretary and treasurer, Walter S. Throop.

From Geneva Gazette 3 August 1894

Charles Winslow
of Shortsville, "encumbered" with a wife and little children, eloped last Saturday with Mrs. Anna Aldrich, a dashing widow of the same place.  The wronged wife sued out a warrant for abandonment against her husband, armed with which deputy sheriff Aldrich pursued and found the elopers in Syracuse, where they had driven from Palmyra in a buggy.  Winslow was brought back under arrest and lodged in jail to await examination.  The gay widow was left to return at leisure with her rig.  We learn these particulars from a letter to the Rochester Herald.

From Ontario County Journal 3 August 1894

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -
A goodly number of young people left Thursday morning for a few days' outing at Fisher's cabin, Canandaigua Lake, as guests of Mrs. David Thomas and Miss Alice Rowley. Among them are: Frank Appleton and sister, Agnes; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheeler, Miss Ida Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Munson, Miss Theda Munson, Miss Anna Norton, Miss Cora Parker, Miss Belle Stafford, Misses Emma and Edith Finnegan, Mr. and Mrs. Marshal B. Eaton, Oscar Wheeler, Misses Ellen and Jennie Wheeler, Henry Parsons.

Last Saturday afternoon Charles Winslow of Manchester bade his family goodbye, and started for Palmyra, bag and baggage, where, according to the story he had told his wife, he had secured work at his trade, that of a cooper. The same afternoon Mrs. Anna Aldrich, a widow, who lives on the road between Palmyra and Manchester, told her mother that she was going to Palmyra to buy a dress. At Palmyra the couple met, and Mrs. Aldrich, who had, unbeknown to any of the household, smuggled a large amount of her apparel, put it with that of Winslow's, and it was all sent to Syracuse as belonging to Charles T. Ellis. The "happy couple" then drove as far as Clyde, where they remained Saturday night. They again began their journey eastward in the morning, and by Sunday night had reached a small hamlet in the suburbs of Syracuse, where they remained until Monday. After they had left on Saturday afternoon, a member of the Aldrich family had gone to Manchester for a doctor to attend Mrs. Aldrich's mother, Mrs. West, who was in feeble health, and there learned that Winslow had left town also. Mrs. Winslow became suspicious when she heard that Mrs. Aldrich had left for Palmyra also, and as her husband had taken nearly everything in the house and left her in destitute circumstances, she decided to investigate. She was soon satisfied that her husband had gone off with the Aldrich woman, and went before Justice Dunham and secured a warrant for his arrest on the charge of desertion. Sunday morning, Deputy Sheriff Lyman Aldrich, with the warrant in hand, went to Palmyra and after some difficulty learned that the couple had expressed their baggage to Syracuse, and had started for that place in a carriage. The deputy could not get a train to Syracuse until evening. When he arrived there at 11 o'clock Sunday, the express office was closed, but he was on hand bright and early Monday morning. He had stated his business and had hung around the office for several hours, when the clatter of hoofs was heard, and looking out he saw the elopers approaching behind the widow's spirited steed. A minute more and Charles Winslow was inquiring for baggage belonging to Charles T. Ellis. The officer approached him, and before he had time to wink, he was under arrest.

"Well, Lym, how the ____ did you know that baggage was here," retorted the captive, as he was lead out to the carriage in which sat the widow awaiting his arrival. After exchanging good-byes, the loving couple parted, Winslow taking the train for Canandaigua accompanied by the deputy, and the widow saying that she would be glad to return home if she would be received by her mother. Winslow is well known at Manchester, where his wife and two small children reside. Mrs. Aldrich is the widow of the late Edward Aldrich, who died about a year ago, leaving her with a child, now but ten months old. Winslow was taken to Manchester Wednesday for examination before Justice Dunham, who sentenced him to either three months' imprisonment at the county jail, or to furnish $800 bonds for the care of his wife. He is now in jail, having not yet secured the bonds.

About the time of his departure, another charge was found against him. He had some time before sold a horse and taken the purchaser's note for $60. He soon after sold the note to another party. The man to whom Winslow had sold the note did not know of the exchange, and made payments on the note to Winslow, who received the money and said nothing. He will probably not be arraigned on this charge, as friends have volunteered to collect a number of outstanding bills of Winslow's and straighten the matter up.

Sunday afternoon Charles Hill had his right ear nearly taken off while hitching a horse for Dr. A. L. Beahan. The doctor was tightening the girth as Hill walked by the animal's head. In horse fashion, the animal reached to bite some object, and saw nothing more tempting than Hill's ear, which he soon had inside his powerful jaws. The ear, when released, was badly lacerated and torn. The young man fainted, but soon regained consciousness, when the wound was dressed and the patient made as comfortable as possible.

From Geneva Gazette 10 August 1894

A Fearful Fall - Mr. Joseph Harrington,
a grocer of Manchester, put up at the Hoffman House, South Exchange st., last night, retiring about 11:45.  He was assigned a room in the 5th story rear, the bed being close to a window.  Some time later the occupants were awakened by hearing groans in the back yard.  Upon examination, Harrington was found prostrate on the ground, conscious but helpless.  He had in some unaccountable manner fallen out of the window.  His fall was broken by a sloping porch one story below his room and from thence he had rolled off to the ground three stories beneath.  Mr. H. was promptly carried into the hotel and the nearest physician, Dr. Weyburn, was called; subsequently Drs. DeLaney and McCarthy were summoned.  Examination revealed no broken bones or fracture of the skull, but from the pains indicated it is assumed that the unfortunate is injured internally, the outcome of which can not yet be determined.  Mr. Harrington is aged about 23 and of temperate habits -- was perfectly sober when retired.

From Ontario County Journal 10 August 1894

Naples, N. Y. - Ashahel Tyler,
a rich farmer of 55 years, is suffering from trying a little experiment in driving calves. There were two, and they were loath to be driven. So he took a rope, a long one, and tied one calf to one end and one to the other, and proposed to drive or lead them, as they might choose. But it didn't work. They began to circle him, contrariwise, and soon he was in their coils, and then thrown to the ground, and finally dragged a considerable distance. He was quite badly hurt.

From Ontario County Journal 17 August 1894

A frightful accident befell Levern Hill, a young man of East Bloomfield, Wednesday afternoon. With a mule team and lumber wagon, Hill had gone into the southern part of the town of Bristol for a load of lumber. He was returning with the wagon heavily loaded through a deep dugway between Academy and the Bristol Valley. The road was very steep, and at the top of the hill he stopped to brake the wheel. While placing the clamp, the harness broke, and the wagon, pushing the mules before it, started down the hill. The young man was knocked down by the unexpected starting of the wagon, and the wheel passed over his left thigh, crushing it in a horrible manner. The wagon, with increasing speed, continued down the narrow roadway, driving the mules faster and faster, until the speed became too great for them. No one saw what happened at just this point, but a  few minutes later, after Hill had been cared for, one of the mules was found dying by the roadside, and the wagon nearby was completely demolished. Several physicians were called to attend the unfortunate young man, and from the last reports, it is understood that the injury will necessitate the amputation of the limb.

From Ontario County Journal 24 August 1894

Bristol Center, N. Y. -
The thirteenth annual reunion and picnic of the family of Jonathan J. and Lucy Case and their descendants was held at Seneca Point, Canandaigua Lake, on August 18. The day was pleasant and all passed off very enjoyably. The following relatives were present: Mr. and Mrs. Orestes Case, son Frank and daughter, Essie, of Vincent; Mrs. George Sisson of Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Case, Mrs. Will McLemaie and daughter, Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Horace H. Case, son Don and daughters, Edna and Louise, John Gregg of Bristol; Herbert L. Case, daughter Addie and sons, Roy, Earl and Glenn, Bert Codding, Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Case; Mrs. Billings H. Case and daughter, Effie; Mrs. Will R. Allen and sons, Erastus and Rolland of Bristol Center; Riley W. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Preston T. Case and son Billings of Batavia; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Case of Penn Yan; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pomroy and Ada Spier of Holcomb; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Spier, daughter Virgie and son Leo of Palmyra; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O. Case, son P. W. and daughters, Jessie and Vera of South Bloomfield; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar N. Fisher and daughter, Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. Will T. Case and daughter, Gladys, of West Bloomfield; Nellie Case, Fayette Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Ogden and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Case, daughters Nellie and Ruth of Allen's Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case and child of Farmers Village; Mrs. John Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gregg, sons Orie and Ollie, Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Edson t. Case, sons Marion and Clarence, and daughter, Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. Watson W. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Will W. Case and daughter Louise, Mrs. Albert Higley and daughter Rachel, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Canfield, son, Charley and daughter Grace, Henry Heart, Dr. and Mrs. Barton T. McDowell, Oliver Burritt and Gifford Case of Canandaigua; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case, Mrs. Joshua Jones, Sophronia and Charley Pomroy of Rushville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones and son Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Jones, John, Hattie and Martha Carr of Middlesex. Mortimer L. Case of Rushville was chosen president, and Herbert L. Case of Bristol Center, secretary and treasurer for the ensuing year.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - The following party left Thursday morning for a week's outing at Priest's cottage on Canandaigua lake: Misses Katie and Maggie Arnold, Miss Nye, Miss Nellie Fisher, Miss Codding, John Hallock, George Peck, Bert Codding, Harry Taft and Herman Bostwick. Mrs. M. B. Eaton is acting as chaperon.

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - A team of horses driven by Frank Briggs of Bristol became frightened at the railroad station Monday morning, and started at a furious pace down the street. At J. S. Hamlin's lumber yard they struck a pile of lumber, throwing Mr. Briggs against a pile of wood, injuring him quite badly. The horses continued through the yard, when they collided with a large shed, and they were captured uninjured.

The following party left Monday morning for a week's stay at Hutchens' cottage on Canandaigua lake: Mrs. S. P. Crooker, Mrs. V. C. Potter, Nellie Adams, Kittie Spitz, Maud Wolston, Clara Chase, Cora Steele, Irene Appleton, Edith Murrell, Maud Hallock, Cora Parker, Eugene Crooker, Henry Arnold, Joseph Chase, Howard Parmelee, Thomas Cummings, Walter Andrews, George Appleton, Wallace Appleton, Will C. Buell.

From Victor Herald 25 August 1894

Our veteran bus man, George Bliss, met with quite an accident Saturday morning last. He was waiting in front of the Victor house when a runaway horse belonging to Mr. Ketchum, came up Maple avenue. The wreck struck the carryall with such force that Mr. Bliss was thrown to the ground; the neck yoke and evener were broken; the team dragged Mr. Bliss a short distance. The runaway soon got clear of the buggy and was stopped in the west end of the village. No serious damage was done.

From Ontario County Journal 31 August 1894

Academy, N. Y. -
Upon invitation of the president of the Pierce organization, your correspondent attended the annual reunion of the Pierce family at the home of William Pierce, near Canandaigua, Saturday, the 25th inst. There were seventy-nine present, representatives from ten townships in this state, and some from Michigan and Wisconsin. The day was pleasantly spent in visiting and feasting. The ladies of the Pierce persuasion are immense in providing for such a party. After dinner the election of the following officers was made for the ensuing year: Francis M. Pierce of Bristol Center, was called to the chair, and Henry L. Pierce of Academy, was chosen president; William Pierce of Canandaigua, vice-president; Benton Pierce of Reed's Corners, secretary and treasurer; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pierce, Naples; Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins, Prattsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pierce, Canandaigua; Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes, Allen's Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, Academy, Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Pierce, Bristol Center, were chosen a committee of arrangements. The next meeting will occur on the last Saturday of August, 1894, at Oliver Pierce's, Naples.

From Geneva Advertiser 4 September 1894

The singular spectacle of a woman betting on the "black and red" was seen at the race track one day last week so we are told. There used to be a women's poker club here, and they absorbed nearly all the nickel pieces of the place.  These are queer times, but all women are not built that way.  There are some who enjoy the quiet pleasures of home rather than the excitements of the village.

From Ontario County Journal 14 September 1894

Last Friday at Seneca Point occurred the annual reunion and picnic of the Gage and Hutchens families. With the exception of the past two years, these reunions have been held yearly for twenty years past, usually at Gage's Point. The circle was reorganized again on Friday by electing Charles Washburn secretary, and John W. Hutchens, chairman. The families of Marvin Gage, John Washburn and H. L. Hutchens, with other relatives, to the number of forty, were present. H. L. Hutchens of this village, upon request, made a speech in which he reviewed the early history of the families and traced them back to the family connections, showing that the fathers were among the first settlers in America, and natives of Holland and Germany. It was decided to hold the next reunion the last Friday in August 1895 at Idlewild. G. G. Leiser and family of this village attended the reunion.

Harry Reif, head switchman in the Northern Central yards in this village, narrowly escaped drowning last Sunday afternoon in the lake near Victoria Glen. He was going up the lake on a scow in company with several friends, and it is reported that in leaning against the railing, it broke, letting him in to the lake. He was rescued by Roscoe Beeman, as he was going down for the third time. Reif was brought from the water unconscious, and Beeman was completely exhausted when brought aboard. Those who witnessed the rescue, speak in the highest terms of Beeman's bravery. Reif laid in a dangerous condition for some time, but is now well on the road to recovery.

On Wednesday Joseph Cornish, while painting the dome of the Court House, gave an exhibition which few people would attempt. With the assistance of some of the other workmen he succeeded in getting to the top of the statue, where for several minutes he stood upon the head unsupported. This was 160 feet from the ground, the statue itself being over sixteen feet high.

From Geneva Gazette 28 September 1894

Two young lady bicyclists were observed on our street this week dressed in neat dark blue suits of the regulation bloomer style, full Turkish trousers reaching below the knee.  The lower limbs were encased in black stockings while on their feet were low-cut shoes.

From Geneva Gazette 12 October 1894

In a practice game of football last Sunday afternoon on Torrey Park, John J. Balfour, by trade a baker employed by Ford & Smith, fell upon a piece of crockery, sustaining a severe and jagged cut of one arm near the elbow.  Profuse bleeding followed, the injured man falling in a dead faint, in which condition he was borne to a neighboring hay shed and a surgeon summoned as speedily as possible.  The injured limb was properly bandaged and flow of blood checked.  the victim soon rallied from all effects of the accident.  Boys, don't desecrate the holy Sabbath day by indulging in sports, lest a like judgment fall upon you.

From Geneva Gazette 12 October 1894

John Oldacre,
a farmer of eastern Phelps, was arrested and fined $50 by Justice Green last Tuesday for cruelly whipping his 16-year-old daughter.  The offense in his eyes was in accepting the attentions of a young man.  Oldacre plead guilty to assault in the third degree.  It is alleged that the girl was stripped nearly naked and tied to a bedpost when the flogging was administered, and that her flesh was lacerated in a terrible manner.  The doctor who called found her in a pitiable condition.  Oldacre's mother swore out the warrant for his arrest.

From Ontario County Journal 12 October 1894

The Port Gibson baseball nine was defeated at Newark last Saturday by a score of 22 to 19. The Port Gibsons played their positions as follows: Catcher, Ross Lee; pitcher, Will Ryan; 1st base, Morris Clark; 2d base, Bert Beal; 3d base, Seneca Smith; shortstop, Walter Throop; left field, Cecil Quinlan; center field, Frank Lines; right field, James Baysinger. Our boys had the lead thrice but couldn't hold it.

Last week J. J. Loonie of this place erected a handsome barre granite monument, twelve feet high and costing $450, in the Shortsville cemetery for Calvin C. Brown. Another of rustic design has been erected in Woodlawn over the grave of the late George D. A. Bridgman.

From Geneva Gazette 26 October 1894

Escaped From Jail - Peter McDonald,
of Geneva, escaped from the Yates County jail on Saturday afternoon last about 3:30 o'clock.  Sheriff Beaumont, Mrs. Beaumont and the turnkey were absent for a short time, when the hired girl, Katie Murphy, unlocked the hall door to let out an inmate confined for drunkenness that he might do some chores.  McDonald was concealed near the door, and as soon as it was opened he made a dash for freedom.  The girl intercepted him while attempting to unlock a door in the residence portion of the jail and a lively tussle ensued.  Finally by shedding his coat he broke away, dashed down the basement stairs, and made his way out through a broken window.  The alarm was immediately given and the fugitive was pursued by Chief Nugent and Officer O'Brien, but although he had but a few moment's start, he has not at this writing been recaptured. McDonald was awaiting the action of the grand jury for having, during the second week in August, made a desperate attempt on the life of Henry Sill of Jerusalem.  He went to Sill's house one evening under the influence of liquor and demanded to see his wife, who had left him and was employed by Sill.  His demand being refused, he fired five shots from a revolver at Sill, one of which passed through his hat and another through his clothing.  It was thought at the time by many that he had called with the intention of killing his wife.  Penn Yan Express

From Ontario County Journal 26 October 1894

An excited horse from South Bristol made things lively on Main street last Saturday afternoon. The electric cars were a new feature in the horses' accustomed panorama, and at first sight the animal showed a determined disposition to be unruly. It plunged down through the street and when before the Webster house, despite the best effort of its driver, Charles Lee, collided with the team of Michael Hogan, of Gorham. The occupants of both vehicles were precipitated to the ground. Lee's horse, leaving the carriage, then continued through the street, while its driver clung to the reins and was dragged quite a distance. He received bruises which will make him sore for some time.

From Geneva Advertiser 30 October 1894

Our old friend, Louis R. Lombard of Orleans, has been a terrible sufferer from rheumatism and sickness, dropping from 190 to 138 pounds in flesh.  Like Job, his infirmities are more than he can bear.  It has been fully a dozen years since he has met with his fraters in Geneva, a visit that in old times he used to make with a great deal of pleasure.

From Ontario County Journal 9 November 1894

Theodore Crosby,
one of the best known citizens of Canandaigua, celebrates his ninety-second birthday today, Wednesday, Nov. 7. Mr. Crosby is hale and hearty, and has not failed to vote a straight Republican ticket since the birth of the party. Relatives from Buffalo, Phelps, Scottsville, Clifton Springs and other places will assist in the celebration.

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