Miscellaneous News of Ontario County
From Ontario County Journal 7 January 1887
Mr. Patrick Egan of Farmington, a gentleman over 60 years of
age, had a very lively ride down Main street yesterday about half past
eleven. He was driving into town with a pair of very spirited horses
one of which was four and one three years old. When passing the
residence of James McKechnie, a dog ran under the horses, heels barking
loudly. This started the team down the street at a more rapid pace than
Mr. Egan was accustomed to. By the time they reached the railroad track
it seemed impossible for him to control them. They continued on down
the street fortunately meeting no obstructions and were finally stopped
by the plucky old man near the Catholic church.
From Geneva Gazette 14 January 1887
Another case where, if the records of births had been accurately
kept, either in church or town records, would have proved very
advantageous, has come to light. It is that of the children of
the late Hort. Eggleston, well known here twenty-five and
thirty years ago. He enlisted in 1862, contracted a disease from
which he died in 1864. His wife soon followed him. His
youngest son, born in July, 1860, found a home in the Orphan Asylum at
Canandaigua for seven years. The proof of his birth and
legitimacy of his parentage are only lacking to insure him the pension
due to a minor child. A church record, town record, affidavit of
attending physician or that of the female nurse is, either of them,
good evidence. Last Saturday he was in town seeking the census
taker of 1860 and 1865. We hope he will succeed. The
registration of vital statistics is one of the most important
registries we have, and
should be attended to by every one -- births, marriages and
deaths. This one case shows its importance. Advertiser.
From Ontario County Journal 21 January 1887
Academy, N. Y. - Captain George Hickox, living west of the
village, who was born in 1800, related to me the following incident of
the war of 1812: His father was captain of a military company,
and lived on the farm where Mr. Pliny Tillotson died. He was
expecting orders daily to go to the rescue, as the British
were besieging Buffalo. One night about 10 o'clock a messenger came
with orders for him to be on the public square in Canandaigua next
morning at daylight, with his company armed and equipped as the law
directed, to march to Buffalo, as the British had crossed. The captain
sent George, who was then twelve years old, with the order to his
or corporal, who lives where Mrs. Ward lives, on the Jackson farm. The
lieutenant said, "Tell the captain we will be there." The next morning
at daylight the company was at the place appointed, except a few
enthusiastic ones who started across lots for Buffalo, and arrived
there in time to
take part in a skirmish, and were taken prisoners. The company that day
marched to Batavia, where they were met by a messenger with orders for
them to return to their homes, for the British had recrossed the river.
From Ontario County Journal 21 January 1887
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Last Thursday evening one Ed. Joice raised
knowing the
desperate character of Joice did not hesitate an instant but laid him
on the floor by a blow on the head with a heavy iron box opener,
cutting a gash five or six inches long in Joice's scalp. The would was
sewed up by Dr. Crittenden and the next day Joice was put under bonds
to keep the peace.
From Ontario County Times 2 February 1887
Seneca Castle, N. Y. - Some cases of typhoid fever in our
community, of a mild type, are under the care of Dr. G. W. Sargent.
There are two in the family of Mr. Alonzo Crittenden, both
doing well. Mr. Smith Stedman, who has for some time been on
the sick list, does not yet show very prominent symptoms of
improvement, indeed his recovery seems very doubtful. Still we hope for
a favorable termination.
From Ontario County Times 9 February 1887
Our honored townsman, ex-Judge Henry W. Taylor, celebrated
his ninety-first birthday on Wednesday of last week. His many friends
rejoice to know that, notwithstanding his great age, the Judge is in
full possession of his faculties and enjoys excellent health. May our
streets be brightened for a long time yet by his genial presence !
From Ontario County Journal 11 February 1887
Chapinville, N. Y. - Samuel Griswold and wife had a very narrow
escape from losing their lives on Saturday evening last. They went to
Shortsville with a horse and cutter, and returned by the way of
Littleville. When they arrived at the Littleville railroad crossing, a
heavy freight was coming from the east. The flagman, Mr. Hamilton, was
standing at the crossing and warned them of the approaching train,
which they did not heed, thinking to cross the track would be safe
enough, as the train was not running very fast. They would have crossed
safely if the runners had not stuck to the rail so as to haul the
around to one side; the horse turned around and stopped with his fore
legs on the track. Mr. Hamilton sprang to the horse's head just in time
and threw him down on his side and held him down until the train
Fortunately no damage was done. If the cutter had not been on a higher
elevation than the horse it would have resulted disastrously; but
fortunately it was so, the horse fell below the thills, and a big scare
was the only
From Ontario County Times 16 February 1887
George Thomas, a colored boy ten or twelve years of age, of
Geneva, was found Saturday morning with his tongue frozen fast to a
lamppost in that village. The lad had attempted to lick the cold iron
and it had held him a prisoner for half an hour or more. With the aid
of a sponge and water, he was soon released, and suffered only the loss
of small piece of skin from his tongue.
Gorham, N. Y. - Mr. Benjamin Green, who lives three miles
west of this place, met with a serious accident last Saturday
afternoon. While assisting his son in cutting straw, he stepped to the
door, when his overcoat caught in the tumbling rod, throwing him in
such a manner as to bring his right arm in contact with the coupling,
lacerating it so terribly that amputation had to be resorted to. Drs.
James and A. D. Allen, and J. H. VanDusen, of this place, with Dr. W.
A. Carson, of Rushville, were the attending physicians.
From Ontario County Journal 18 February 1887
Rushville, N. Y. - Mrs. Belinda Beeman, a widow lady about
sixty years of age, residing at Covel Settlement, on Wednesday last,
unfortunately fell and broke her arm. The fracture was reduced by Dr.
Hutchens of Cheshire, and appears to be doing well.
Mrs. Cornelia M. Bennett has succeeded in obtaining a pension on
account of the death of a son in the army, and draws nearly $2200 back
pay. The claim was managed by E. C. Clark.
From Ontario County Journal 25 February 1887
Asbury Christian, of this village, celebrated his eighty-fourth
birthday yesterday. Many years ago he came to Canandaigua with an
axe on his shoulder, and but two shillings in his pocket, but today
he is counted among the most wealthy and substantial citizens in town.
A good example of what industry and thrift will accomplish.
Milton Edmonson, an old resident of Phelps, has a piece of
common rope about a foot in length which came over in the Mayflower.
The original piece, which was some fifteen feet long, was owned by a
Mr. Sadler, but it had all been cut up and given away to relic hunters
and this was all there was remaining, and is prized very highly on
account of its old associations.
Mr. Benjamin Green, a prominent farmer living in
the town of Gorham, just east of Rushville, while cutting fodder on
Saturday afternoon, was caught in the coupling of the rods leading
from the horse power, by which his arm was drawn down and twisted in
a terrible manner. The bones and muscles were broken and torn so that
the physicians decided that amputation was the only way to save his
life. The arm was cut off near the shoulder by Dr. W. A. Carson of
From Ontario County Journal 11 March 1887
Bristol, N. Y. - Mr. Felix Case had the misfortune to break his
ankle on Friday. He was exercising a young team, when they turned upon
him; he seized them by the bits, but they pushed him over and trod on
one ankle. Dr. Mallory attended him.
From Phelps Citizen 17 March 1887
Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hamilton, a colored couple who lived in Power's alley, Geneva, were shot by Joseph Gregor, a
half-breed Indian of Pittsford, and seriously injured, Gregor intending
to shoot his wife, for leaving him and staying with the Hamiltons. Some
of the parties were in the habit of drinking, and that is probably at
the bottom of the matter.
From Ontario County Journal 8 April 1887
Andrew Brady, of the firm of McMahon & Brady, blacksmiths,
while walking home from church last Friday evening stepped into a hole
between the flag walk and the fence in front of Mrs. Granger's
residence on upper Main street and broke his leg. He was accompanied by
his three boys all walking abreast on the sidewalk. The father was on
the inside walking close to the fence when he stepped into a hole said
to have been made by putting in waterworks. Besides breaking a leg
several of his ribs were injured. His injuries have been quite painful
and it is probable that he will be confined for a long time.
From Ontario County Times 13 April 1887
John Wood, of this village, was seriously injured last Friday
while assisting in putting away a cutter in the upper part of his barn
on Bristol street. He fell to the ground and received a severe gash in
his face, which caused concussion of the brain. This brought on a
stroke of paralysis, and the entire right side of his body is now
From Geneva Gazette 15 April 1887
On Wednesday morning last while driving slowly along Seneca street
one of the wheels of W. W. Wright's buckboard wagon locked
with the wheel of another buggy, and in attempting to extricate the
same the buckboard was tipped up just high enough to throw Mr. Wright
out. He struck on his head and shoulders on the cobblestone
pavement, mashing his hat and cutting quite a severe gash in his
head. The wound was immediately dressed and he was taken
home. Had it not been for his heavy derby hat no doubt Mr. Wright
would have sustained most serious injuries.
From Ontario County Times 20 April 1887
Ed Bement of Manchester, was seriously injured last Friday
afternoon while on his way home from this village. His horse became
frightened and ran away, throwing Bement over the side of the wagon in
such a manner that his foot caught in the seat. He was dragged a long
distance with his face on the ground, and was terribly cut and bruised
about the head and face.
From Ontario County Times 27 April 1887
The many friends in this village of John Dooley, of
Phelps, will be pleased to learn that he is looked upon as a brilliant
young base ball player by the manager of the Rochester club, with which
he has signed for this season. The Rochester Herald speaks of his
playing as being a great surprise to everyone, and says that he handles
the ball with the skill of an experienced player.
From Ontario County Journal 29 April 1887
Reed's Corners, N. Y. - Charles Pierson, on Saturday last
was driving a double team from Gorham village towards home. He struck
the horses with a whip, and they started off at a more rapid rate than
was anticipated, and very soon became uncontrollable. In their mad fury
they did not select the smoothest possible route, and by some means in
their course, the
wagon was turned over, and Mr. Pierson was violently thrown to the
His collar bone was broken, and shoulder badly bruised. The attending
physician and surgeon declared it to be the worst compound fracture he
had ever seen.
From Ontario County Journal 6 May 1887
Victor, N. Y. - Richard Moul, the oldest resident of this place,
the father of Mrs. G. W. Clark, is an old man of ninety-four years,
and although his age is so very great, his mind and memory are as clear
as ever. He will talk over things that happened when he was a boy, or
anything that happened ten years ago, with equal accuracy. He was born
at Hudson, N. Y., and came to Victor thirty years ago. He says that at
his birth there was only one store in Hudson, and that had been doing
business only ten years. He shaves himself, and almost any day now you
can see him working in his garden. Reading the Hudson paper and working
the garden are his chief delights.
Mrs. Harry Lamport met with a startling accident last Saturday.
She drove to the depot to get a relative -- her aunt -- and while the
lady was attempting to get into the buggy, she stumbled and fell over
the dashboard. This frightened the horse, and he began to run with Mrs.
Lamport in the buggy. After going a short distance, the buggy was
overturned throwing the occupant out and severely bruising her.
Fortunately no bones were broken. The aunt was not injured.
From Geneva Gazette 13 May 1887
The case of Mary J. Colburn against the village of
Canandaigua for
damages for injuries received in falling on the icy sidewalk of that
was tried at Canandaigua on Wednesday. The jury gave the
plaintiff a verdict for $3000.
From Ontario County Times 18 May 1887
Andrew Brady, who was badly injured by falling into a trench in
front of Mrs. Granger's residence on upper Main street a few months
ago, will soon be able to resume his business. Mrs. Granger, with
characteristic generosity, has presented the unfortunate man a purse of
$1000, and has, besides, paid all the expenses of his confinement.
From Geneva Gazette 27 May 1887
Dell Mc Cauley, of Stanley, who recently became a member
of the LaCrosse, Wis., baseball nine, is playing a great game.
During the last three weeks he has been obliged to perform the
difficult task of catching for three different pitchers, he being
considered the best back stop of the club. In a game at Duluth,
on May 10, he was at bat four times and made two hits, two runs; had
eight put-outs, and three assists. His hits consisted of one
two-base hit and a three-base hit. Canandaigua Times.
From Ontario County Times 1 June 1887
There is another Harwood case in town. Andrew Flynn, better
been united in marriage to a fair maid today, but on Friday he
packed his grip sack, collected the money due him, and left town for
parts unknown.
From Ontario County Times 4 June 1887
Burton Smith, the driver of the Rushville stage, left his team
standing near the Bristol street corner on Main street, Thursday
afternoon, and the next thing he knew the animals were started on a
wild run up the street. In front of Ellis's jewelry store the rattling
old stage collided with a buggy, fairly tearing it loose from the horse
to which it was attached, and dragged the vehicle sideways up the
street. This additional load so impeded the progress of the horses that
they were easily stopped near the railroad crossing and further damage
averted. The buggy, which belonged to Dr. Mallory, of Bristol, was
pretty badly wrecked. The horses were uninjured.
Reed's Corner, N. Y. - One evening last week a runaway
occurred here, and we have never seen a buggy so completely demolished
in being drawn such a short distance as was the one to which the horse
was attached on this occasion. The buggy in which was seated Henry
Babbit and Eugene Davis stood nearly in front of Winnie's
store, when the animal, a spirited colt, became frightened in some way,
perhaps by the rustling of a newspaper which Mr. Davis was reading. The
horse ran but a short distance, perhaps eight rods more or less, when
the wheels collided with a tree, and the animal cleared itself and
started for home, but was caught by Mr. Emory Stall. During
the fracas the boys were thrown out with the body of the wagon but were
not injured.
From Ontario County Times 29 June 1887
Canadice, N. Y. - Henry Doolittle, who has been suffering some
time from a diseased foot, had his leg amputated on Saturday last. The
operation was performed by Dr. Connor of Springwater, assisted by Dr.
Boone of Springwater, and Dr. Skinner of Canadice. Mr. Doolittle has
rallied considerably from the operation, but is yet in a critical
D. W. Martz, of East Bloomfield, informs us that he witnessed the
raising of Commodore Perry's flag ship on Lake Erie, July 20, 1840, and
then secured a piece of live oak taken from the old hulk from which he
subsequently had a can manufactured. It is a handsome stick and, of
course, is highly prized by its owner. Attached to the upper end are
three silver plates upon which these words are inscribed: "Taken from
Commodore Perry's flag ship, June 20, 1840. Battle on Lake Erie, Sept.
10, 1813. We have met the enemy and they are ours."
A base ball club has been organized in this village which be known as
the Sunday Tidings nine. It is composed of the following named young
men: J. Murphy, p. and ss.; T. Hanley, c. and cf. M.
c. and lf.; John McCormack, 1b.; John
Reynolds, 2b.; M. Burke, 3b. and ss.; Frank Smith,
Jr., rf.; John Gavin, p. and 3b. The club have a handsome
new suit of gray, which they will don for the first time in their game
with the Y. M. C. A.'s of Clifton Springs.
From Geneva Gazette 8 July 1887
Last evening was the time set for the marriage of Miss Jennie,
Scott, and Arch. Goodwin of
Mr. Goodwin arrived in Geneva at 9:40 yesterday morning and at his
was driven to the office of Dr. N. B. Covert, to whom he stated that he
taken accidentally about an ounce of laudanum. The doctor went to
on him at once, administered an antidote hypodermically, and with the
of Dr. W. G. Hemiup, thoroughly rinsed out his stomach with several
of warm water. Goodwin became unconscious at one time, but by
stimulants down him and by keeping him stirring, he was finally brought
of his stupor and taken to the residence of Mr. Scott. He stated
explanation that owing to mental depression on account of the recent
of his mother and the excessive heat, he had been suffering mentally
bodily, and he intended to take a small dose to alleviate the pain, but
accidentally taken a good deal more than he intended. But for the
action of the physicians, Mr. Goodwin would have been a corpse last
The wedding did not take place. The parents and friends of the
have the commiseration of the entire community over the distressing
From Geneva Gazette 15 July 1887
Shot Himself - Flint Creek was thrown into a flurry of
excitement Tuesday evening by the news that Seymour Dodge, son
of Postmaster Dodge, had shot himself fatally. During the evening
a number of young people were amusing themselves at Mr. Dodge's house
by firing some fire-crackers that had been left over from the
Fourth. About half-past ten Seymour left the party that was
gathered on the porch with the remark that he was "going to have some
fun by himself;" went to the room used as a post office and taking from
one of the boxes a small single barreled pistol, passed out to the
other side of the house. A report was heard shortly after but no
special importance was attached to it, as there was so much
noise. Soon after, however, Seymour was found lying on the ground
and being brought into the house it was discovered that he had been
shot in the left breast just above the heart. He was conscious
and upon being asked how it happened replied that he was "fooling with
the pistol and didn't know it was loaded." The doctor says that
the ball has entered the casing of the heart and that death will
probably result. The young man is about 19 years of age and is
the one who shot young Esty about two years ago, for which he was tried
and fined. His parents, who are prominent and highly respected,
have the sympathy of all their neighbors in their affliction. Can.
From Ontario County Times 20 July 1887
Gorham, N. Y. - Horace Greenleaf and John Williams, while
of James Hutchinson, near
July 13, fell a distance of 39 feet. Mr. Williams escaped
injury while Mr. Greenleaf was dangerously injured. In descending he
came down head foremost until head struck the wheat in the mow, whence
he fell to the floor, striking on his back. Dr. J. H. Allen was
speedily summoned and he is doing all he can to relieve Mr. Greenleaf.
It is hoped that he may recover, but it is reported as being doubtful.
Mr. John Dooley, a well and favorably known ball player of Phelps,
who is under contract with the professional club of Rochester, has been
loaned to the Warsaw club, of the Western New York League. He is a
brilliant young player, and every game in which he has played with that
club has been protested because of his superior ability. This is the
manner in which he was recently advertised in LeRoy: "A hot and
interesting base ball contest will be played on the Association
grounds, in this village, tomorrow -- LeRoy vs. Dooley and Warsaw."
From Ontario County Journal 22 July 1887
Miss Jessie Davison, an attractive and intelligent young
lady of Chicago, was, about two years ago, married to Emor N.
of Victor, whom she had met while attending boarding school at Fort
Plain, N. Y. They took up their residence at Victor, where Power
in business, and lived happily together until Monday last, when Mrs.
through some means, became cognizant of the fact that her husband had
wife living from whom he had never been divorced. She at once collected
her personal effects and started for her former home in Chicago, where
her parents now reside. It seems that Miss Davison, at the time of her
marriage, knew that Power had been married before, but he assured her
he had been granted a divorce from his first wife and was free to
She, being convinced of the truth of his statements, consented to be
wife, and from all that can be learned their two years of married life
were spent in happiness and content. All this time, however, the first
Power was living within ten miles of her husband and his second wife,
it is strange that Power's duplicity had not before been exposed, since
his story of a divorce was purely fiction, and the second Mrs. Power
in reality not the wife of Emor N. Power, but plain Miss Jessie
Power had been running a variety store in Victor and last spring having
become involved in financial difficulties, the business was changed to
brother's name. Miss Davison was generally popular in Victor and she
the sympathy of the entire community in the unfortunate position in
she has been placed. It is said that Power exhibited considerable
when he found that his second victim had left him. A suit was begun by
first wife about six months ago for divorce, and he was examined in
village on supplemental proceedings. Miss Davison went to Chicago for a
visit about that time, which probably accounts for her ignorance of the
By the marriage certificate of the last union, it appears that Power
Miss Davison were married at Erie, Pa. The only reason which can be
for their going such a distance from home to be married, is that Power
Miss Davison that the records in his divorce from his first wife were
at Pittsburg, Pa. Power is said to have gone into a rage when he
his second wife's flight, and on discovering that she had, in her
taken his trunk instead of her own, threatened to have her arrested.
From Ontario County Journal 22 July 1887
The inhabitants of the north part of the town were considerably excited
last week Thursday over the peculiar antics of a German named Charles
He rushed into peoples' houses, terrified the women and
children, and finally, at the height of his mad pranks, entered the
house of Orrin Outhouse, seized Mrs. Outhouse and threw her
out of doors. He was followed up by the neighbors and was finally
captured by Thomas Farnsworth, who brought him down with the
aid of a croquet mallet. He was then put in a buggy between two strong
men, who proceeded to bring him to jail, but he escaped from them at
the head of Main street, and gave them another chase. Deputy Sheriff
Sleght was then called upon to assist in his capture, which was finally
effected after much trouble. After Stiege was put in jail, it was found
that he was suffering from a deranged mind. He kept pounding on the
wall and calling for "two kegs of beer." He was arraigned next morning
before Police Justice Gooding, when it was found through an interpreter
that his name was Charles Stiege, and that his home was in Rochester.
He claimed that his brother and another man had conspired to kill him,
and that
he went into the houses to get away from them. It was decided that he
suffering from delirium tremens, and he was taken to jail to await
From Ontario County Journal 5 August 1887
On Friday last as Mr. James Johnson was passing through
Bristol Center with his traction engine, the valve of the whistle
became caught in some manner which prevented its shutting. Mr. Johnson
climbed upon the sheet-iron fender which covers the cog driving gear,
and shut the valve. He then started to get down, but in doing so the
iron nails in his boots caused
him to slip and he fell between the drive wheel and the boiler. The
George Alexander, stopped the engine at once and assistance was
the unfortunate man. Coats were quickly stuffed between him and the
but not until his right side, hand and arm had been severely burned.
the coats were charred. Before he could be extricated one drive wheel
the cog gear must be removed. This occupied forty minutes. The work was
by Mr. Johnson, who displayed a great deal of nerve. As soon as he was
out he was removed to his home in Muttonville. Drs. Mallory and Hicks
Bristol and Smith and Jewett of Canandaigua attended him. Besides the
burns above mentioned, he received an ugly cut in the right side near
short ribs, about five inches in length and which almost laid bare the
cavity. This was done by the cog wheels. His friends will be glad to
that he is improving rapidly. When a Journal representative called
evening, he was feeling very comfortable.
From Geneva Gazette 12 August 1887
Washington Street has been the scene of a number of nocturnal
disturbances the past six months participated in by persons who have
imbibed a great deal more bad whiskey and effervescent beer than was
good for them. Saturday night last there was another
characteristic row on the street, and one man, Edward Divany, received
William Peterson, (a
Swede) suffered an abrasion of the cuticle on his left shoulder.
Sunday Divany swore out a warrant for Peterson charging him with
assault in the second degree, alleging that Peterson struck him on the
cheek with a knife, or other sharp instrument. Peterson was
arrested and the examination was
held Monday morning before Police Justice Sweeney. Both parties
acknowledged that they had been drinking, and Divany showed the
evidence of the assault on his cheek. Peterson denied that he had
used a knife or other sharp instrument, but in his
broken English asserted that Divany struck him first, knocking him
down, and that in self defense as Divany was coming for him again he
picked up a stone and struck him (Divany) in the face with it. On
his admission the judge held him to await the action of the next
grand jury.
From Ontario County Journal 2 September 1887
Michael Needham, of Phelps, was on trial before Justice John
B. Hall Wednesday and Thursday on a charge of being a disorderly
The basis of the charge was neglect and non-support of his family. The
case was not finished yesterday but was adjourned.
From Ontario County Times 7 September 1887
E. W. Gardner, Esq., of this village, as the attorney of Miss
Estella Duffin, of Farmington, has brought an action for breach of
promise against Henry Broomfield, the damages to the
plaintiff's affections being placed at $2000.
From Geneva Gazette 23 September 1887
Mrs. J. A. Henry, of Gorham, was awarded the first
premium -- a $60 Magee standard range -- at the
recent State fair for the best collection of bake-stuffs, including
white and brown breads, raised biscuit, cookies, doughnuts, loaf cake,
sponge cake, coconut cake, lemon and apple pies -- ten dishes in
all. Mrs. Henry also won $40 in premiums on other exhibits.
It is the second range she has won, the first being awarded to her at
the State fair three years ago.
From Ontario County Times 28 September 1887
Allen's Hill, N. Y. - G. W. Peck met with quite a serious
accident last Thursday while driving home from East Bloomfield on a
load of apple barrels. The wagon struck a stone in the road throwing
him to the ground, fracturing one of his limbs; as there was no one
near to assist him, he succeeded in crawling on the wagon and drove
home a distance of about two miles. Dr. Sayre reduced the fracture and
he is doing well at the present writing.
From Geneva Gazette 30 September 1887
On Monday last, a farmer named Lyman Holcomb, of South
Bristol, went to Canandaigua with a load of hops, which he sold to T.
F. Brown for $593. After receiving the money, he went into a
saloon on Bristol street, where he fell in company with Oliver
Street, Burt Cornish, John Hughes, and several others. After
drinking quite freely of hops, he engaged in a wrestling match with a
man named Cassort, in which he is supposed to have been rolled
about the floor considerably. A short time afterward he
discovered that he had but $80 left of $593. Complaint was made
to the police authorities and Street, Cornish & Hughes were
arrested. Ex-Deputy Sheriff Henry Beeman was engaged to work up
the matter, and with what success may be seen from the following
facts. He worked most assiduously, and finally got enough out of
one of the three, so that he went to the bridge which crosses the
Sucker brook, on Chapin street, and in the stone wall he found $160 of
the money. He next went to the room of a certain woman, in the
lower part of Main street, where he secured $60 more. At five
o'clock Wednesday morning Mr. Beeman and Justice Gooding went to the
saloon of Lehanny,
and in the rear of the building, they found a flour sack filled with
in which they found two fifty dollar bills -- making in all $320 of the
From Ontario County Journal 14 October 1887
Victor, N. Y. - On Wednesday forenoon, Mrs. Carrie Sale, of
ran to the
shoe store of Mr. McVean, near at hand, where prompt assistance was
The flames were smothered with blankets, but not until the unfortunate
had been seriously burned about the lower limbs and back. Mr. McVean
O. S. Bacon were considerably burned in rendering aid, and the shoe
was slightly damaged by fire. Although Mrs. Sale's injuries are
exceedingly painful, a fatal result is not feared.
From Ontario County Times 19 October 1887
The Phelps Citizen says: "Mr. and Mrs. John M Wood, of
Hall's Corners, had an old folks' tea party recently which was greatly
enjoyed by a number of invited guests. The combined ages of the sixteen
people present were 1134 years. The oldest person was Mrs. J. R.
McCauley, 80 years. Mr. Wood's mother spun and wove the tablecloth
that was used, and the china ware on the table had been in the family
over one hundred yrs."
John Anderson, of this village, will run a 100-yards foot race
on Thursday, October 27, with William O'Holloran of Phelps,
for $250 a side. The race will come off on the fair grounds in this
From Geneva Gazette 21 October 1887
The GAZETTE'S premiums were awarded at the Reed's Corners Fair
this month as follows: For the best specimen of Penmanship by a
girl under 12 years of age, to Nora E. Snyer -- aged 11 years
-- of Reed's Corners. The specimen is before us, and we pronounce
it a most creditable one indeed for a child of little Nora's
years. The letters are marked for uniformity and symmetry of size
and shading. For the best composition by a girl under 15 years, Ida
Reed's Corners. This composition has been submitted
for our examination. The subject chosen is the "World's Fair," as
the annual gathering at Reed's has become popularly known. The
young writer clearly sets forth the numerous
exhibits and incidental attractions which have been for many years
combined in the so-called "World's Fair," giving it pre-eminence in the
list of such social gatherings. Her orthography
is not wholly faultless, which is the only criticism the composition is
subject to.
From Ontario County Times 2 November 1887
On Saturday last, while L. Stanley Willson was engaged in
work on the roof of Wm. G. Lightfoote's house, he fell to the
ground, a distance of sixteen feet, and received severe internal
From Ontario County Times 9 November 1887
Nelson Beeman, an aged and well-known resident of Bristol Springs,
attempted to commit suicide on Sunday evening by shooting himself in
the head. At last accounts he was living but in a very precarious
From Ontario County Times 30 November 1887
Rushville, N. Y. - Charles H. Green met with quite an accident on
Saturday of last week while driving home from Canandaigua with his
wife, whom he had just married. Near Byron Washington's, a colt was
loose in the road, and the animal kicked his horse, frightening it so
that it jumped out of the road. The buggy was overturned and Mr. and
Mrs. Green were thrown out, both of them being quite severely hurt.
Bristol Center, N. Y. - A very sad accident happened a mile and a
half south of the Center, to a young man by the name of Charles
Meachard, on Saturday. He was out hunting, and as he was on his
way home, his gun was accidentally discharged, and the contents lodged
in the ankle and limb. Dr. Beahan, of Canandaigua, was summoned, and he
found that amputation would be necessary.
From Ontario County Journal 23 December 1887
Last Saturday about eleven o'clock the team of Harlan M. Fisher
of Bristol ran away on Main street. One of the horses kicked Mr.
near the ankle and knocked him down. He was unconscious for a moment
unable to control the team. The horses started up Main street and
in near Supplee's furnishing goods store struck a post and stopped. No
was done to the wagon except that the tongue was broken. Mr. Fisher's
injuries were not severe although they prevented his attendance this
week at the
school which he is teaching.
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