From Ontario County Journal 5 January 1883

Scarlet fever has made its appearance in our midst. Mr. Cornelius O'Neil buried two children last Sunday who died with it. At a meeting of the Board of Health, held on Monday, it was thought best not to open the school before Monday, Jan. 8th.

From Geneva Gazette 12 January 1883

Mysterious Disappearance -- A Sensation in Canandaigua.

Ira D. Durgy, of the well known grocery firm of Parkhurst & Durgy, of this place, left town on New Year's day under circumstances which have given rise to much speculation, and many sensational rumors, as to the cause of his sudden disappearance.  It has since transpired that he had sold his interest in the business to Mr. Parkhurst, with the understanding and agreement that he would remain in the store for a few weeks to assist in closing up unsettled accounts.  But that part of the contract, so far as Durgy was concerned, seems to have been only a blind to cover his real intentions.  Without saying a word to Mr. Parkhurst about going away or disclosing his purpose to any one, so far as we can learn, he started for the west by the mid-day train, leaving no explanation of his singular conduct.  It seems however to be understood among those most likely to be informed of his movements that he is now somewhere in Michigan.  What induced him to go there at this particular time, and under such peculiar circumstances, can only be surmised.  It has been currently reported that his sudden departure was prompted by financial embarrassments, and that some of his friends are likely to suffer through his crookedness.  Durgy is a man of rather unsavory reputation, and his unexplained absence very naturally suggests unfavorable conclusions.  There is probably some foundation for the damaging reports to which is disappearance gave rise, but so far the most diligent inquiry fails to elicit any definite information beyond what is stated above.  While the belief is general that he was largely in debt, our reporter is unable to ascertain the nature or extent of his liabilities, or the precise cause or purpose of his sudden departure.
Can. Times 

From Ontario County Journal 2 February 1883

Fishers, N. Y. - Mr. William Woolston,
an old and respected resident of this place, on Saturday last received quite severe bruises upon his hip and a bad cut upon the head from a fall upon the icy road near his residence, but fortunately with no serious results and is able to be around.

From Geneva Gazette 16 February 1883

One day last week as Mrs. James Woodin of Phelps was returning home from this village, she was seized with vertigo and fell from her wagon, the wheels of which passed over her inflicting a scalp wound from which the blood flowed copiously. The  hemorrhage was probably beneficial to her, as aside from lameness her general health is said to be improved since.

From Ontario County Journal 16 February 1883

We are informed that T. J. Reed and Tom Allen, of Honeoye, while driving to a slaughter house in their village at an early hour Sunday morning to look after some pigs they were afraid would be drowned, met with rather an unexpected and disagreeable experience. The bridge near the barn of Isaac Clement had been washed away, and horse, buggy and the two men went into the ditch. The road was under water, and these gentlemen were the first to find out that the bridge wasn't there. It is supposed that for a moment or two, Mr. Reed's mind was chiefly occupied in thinking what his future was liable to be. Livonia Gazette

From Ontario County Journal 16 February 1883

Rushville, N. Y. - Mr. Lovell Arnold,
living north of the village of Gorham, in pulling a cake of ice from the lake, stumbled backward as the tongs slipped from the ice and fell into a hole where the water was about ten feet deep. He succeeded in getting out of his perilous position and walked to his home, about three miles.

From Geneva Gazette 9 March 1883

The family of James McDonough, residing on Catherine street, has had several cases of scarlet fever, five children being down at one time.  One death has occurred.

From Ontario County Journal 9 March 1883

West Bloomfield, N. Y. - Luther S. Lyon,
of West Bloomfield, his wife and three grandchildren, who were visiting him, were all taken violently ill at about the same time on Monday of last week. Dr. E. C. Smith, of Honeoye Falls, was sent for, and in a few hours he succeeded in relieving them from the alarming symptoms. At dinner they had partaken of a pie made from canned grapes. Other members of the family who did not eat of the pie were not affected. Two young ladies, the Misses Thompson, who were visiting the family and ate of the pie at dinner, who returned home in the afternoon, were also violently sick in the evening. Dr. Smith secured the remaining contents of the can from which the pie was made and will send it to Prof. Lattimore, of Rochester, for analysis.

Naples, N. Y.  - A revolver in the pocket of Melvin Goodrich, went off accidentally, sending the ball into the leg of Eddy Naracong, a boy of 13. The wound was not serious. It is due to Mr. Goodrich to say, that he did not know the gun was there. He is not in the habit of carrying his pistol with him. No one regretted the accident more than he, and his father, H. A. Goodrich, paid the expenses of treatment. Drs. Parker & Gallagher extracted the ball.

From Ontario County Journal 16 March 1883

Manchester, N. Y. -
Measles are quite prevalent in this village. Four cases are now reported: Misses Carrie Cole, Mattie Harrington and Helen Willson, and Mr. Julius Aldrich.

Millers Corners, N. Y. - F. L. Converse met with a very serious accident last Saturday in Levi Simmon's barn, by falling through a hole over his horse rack and breaking three ribs. He is in a very critical condition. Dr. Rubert attends him.

From Ontario County Journal 30 March 1883

Chief of Police W. H. Suydam, of Geneva, attempted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor last Monday. He was ill and not in his right mind. While his mother was in the room alone with him, he asked for a mirror, which she handed to him, and when her back was turned he made two or three gashes in his throat. She took the razor from him, and called for help. A physician successfully sewed up the cuts, and the patient is improving. It was a very narrow escape from a terrible tragedy.

Victor, N. Y. - A shocking accident occurred at the depot Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Lizzie Brown, while driving across the track in a covered carriage alone, was suddenly met by the wild-cat train from the east. It struck the carriage about midway, completely demolishing it. Mrs. Brown was picked up about ten or twelve feet from the track and carried to the hotel. It was thought after examination that she had sustained no serious injury and was carried home; but afterwards blood was thrown from the stomach which would indicate a more uncertain condition. By the time this paper appears more definite facts will probably be learned.

From Geneva Courier 4 April 1883


The birthday anniversary of Hiram Darrow, Esq. -- celebrated for a few years past, at a maple sugar festival, and reunion of old friends -- occurred yesterday afternoon, at the residence of Mr. Darrow, Seneca, four miles north-west of Geneva.  The day was bright, yet so cold that it was unpleasant to drive far; thirty or forty were there to join in the honors of the occasion.  Mr. Darrow was seventy-one yesterday; he has recently, for a few months, till now, been very ill, so that his presence, in fair health, for him, was a rare and greatly appreciated pleasure, not only to himself but to all who attended.  It was indeed one of the bright spots in many a life-time, to be in this company -- in which we, of the Courier, were happy to be counted.  The gravity of the occasion, though to numbers present the chief feature of the occasion (as the host tersely put it, it was possibly the last) was not by any means the feature most apparent outwardly.  The attendance represented three or four generations.  We have not in "years and years" witnessed a scene of more hilarious interest than the sugar festival.  The candied sugar was made from maple sap drawn that day, and boiled down in the woods near by -- (where in other years the festival was held); but this gathering was in the old family residence, near by the beautiful new mansion where the family now reside.  The jollity and the good humor; the feast in which all engaged with an abandon befitting the opening spring festival, with Darrow for the King uncrowned; and the merry contests for the victory, among those who sought, not to partake the most, but to dispense sweet hospitality to each other -- made a spectacle long to be borne in mind, as one very unique, and full of meaning, in many ways--most of all for its associations.  The number of these observances have made the spring birthday festival an institution, to last as long as Mr. Darrow's life is spared.

The Darrow homestead dates from the close of the last century, when the father of Hiram, Washington, and Miss Darrow, these three now living there, settled upon it, paying four hundred dollars for a hundred acres, and erected in 1806, a log house where the new mansion, finished two years ago, now stands.  The new one is the third in the series.  The log house (wherein Hiram Darrow was born) stood a few years and was burned.  The "stick" chimney, as the opening was called, in which hung the chain, suspended from a crow-bar, and holding the cooking kettles over the fire, itself took fire one night in 1817; and the flames were so rapid that Hiram and another one of the children were carried out in a trundle bed.  He relates how, from a lean-to, where the fire did not reach at once, the pork was handed out piece by piece through the little four-light window, then the respectable size.  Nine days afterward the family moved into a new building erected by the united efforts of the neighbors, so far as to be enclosed; that building was the family residence for about sixty-four years; and there the festival was held.  It is a quaint old place, not looking much as it did in 1817 -- for the "modern improvements" were put in and on, as the family's means increased.  Probably it will be kept for its associations.

The new house is among the stylish residences which make this region so sightly, and indicate the real thrift and independence which characterize this rapidly becoming the finest special feature of our American life.

In this home, surrounded by everything which might make life attractive -- affectionately cared for by those to whom he has ministered and who have ministered to him for the most of a long life time -- enjoying the confidence and love of neighbors and friends alike -- not deserving to have, possibly not having, an enemy in the world -- Mr. Darrow's years pass on; and it is the earnest wish and trust of all who know, appreciate and love him, that his health may so far recovered, as to render his declining years happy beyond any others that he has lived, and that, as ever in the past, "the air of youth, hopeful and cheerful, in his blood shall reign."

From Geneva Courier 11 April 1883

Mr. L. E. Barnes and family of Stanley, have removed to Geneva and will make this place their home.  They will be very cordially welcomed.  Their residence is on Elmwood avenue.  Mr. Barnes is engaged for J. W. Smith & Co., and will be glad to see his Seneca friends at his new place of business.

Mr. T. E. Rippey, of Stanley, is in Geneva, having become connected with the Express Company's office here.  His family will remove hither soon, and we have no doubt they will find this a desirable place of residence, and will have and deserve many friends.  Mr. Rippey is the popular Town Clerk of Seneca, who had only to be be placed on the ticket to get a very lively kind of majority every time.  Now that he has become a citizen of Geneva, wouldn't it be well -- but we desist.  Perhaps politics will have no further allurements.

From Geneva Courier 18 April 1883

An exciting runaway occurred on Monday on Seneca and Exchange streets.  A daughter of Joseph Childs of Seneca Castle was preparing to return home, but had not gotten into the vehicle, when the horse took fright and ran from the corner of Linden St., down Seneca and into Exchange, scattering the contents of the wagon on the way.  In Exchange street Dr. Rankine's wagon was run into and injured somewhat; we heard of no other injury.  The runaway horse came back in good style driven by Ed. Higgins, and went home to be a better horse in future we trust.

From Geneva Courier 25 April 1883

Edward Dougherty, of Phelps, got in too much of Geneva "tanglefoot" last night and Officer Mench gave him a bed in the hotel behind the engine house.  This morning Mr. Anthony thought $7 or twenty days would satisfy the demands of justice, and if Edward doesn't produce $7 in the next few hours, he will be the guest of his townsman Mr. Peck, for three weeks to come.

From Geneva Courier 2 May 1883

ATTEMPTED SUICIDE - A Man Taking Poison, and Cutting His Throat - THE OLD STORY

At noon-time on Monday, just after the shops had closed to allow the employees to take dinner and just as many of our inhabitants were eating dinner, the exciting news that five weeks before had startled many homes, was repeated.  James Burns, who lived on Castle street, two doors west of Linden, had attempted to end his life.  It seems that Mr. Burns, who keeps house with his wife, daughter and son, has for many years taken a certain portion of his time to stop work; and doing nothing for a while, has got into the habit of imbibing more or less liquor.  This was done notwithstanding the fact that he was considered a first-class mechanic and always had plenty of work.  His business was that of carriage ironing, at which he was an expert, etc., and was done at former Enterprise Iron Works Building, junction of Main, Castle and Milton Streets.  It was during or after one of the periods that he was determined to take his life.  Accordingly, Monday forenoon he poured from a vial a quantity of muriatic acid into a teaspoon and then into his mouth.  It caused nesuses (sic), and he threw it off.  He persisted and took another spoonful.  This the stomach retained.

At noon, some time after the above occurrence, he went into the kitchen of his house and taking a heavy razor in his right hand he drew it across his throat, cutting it from the left side a little way from the ear around the wind pipe and well into the right side.  He made two or three other gashes, all smaller ones.  He fell on the floor and the blood poured from his neck in a stream.  Mrs. Burns came into the room and then called for assistance.  A doctor was sent for and everything possible done to relieve the injured man.  He lost at least two quarts of blood, and the blood ran in a stream, across the room for a distance of five or six feet.

Word was sent for medical attendance.  Dr. Weyburn arrived, and the gash was sewed up.  It was found that neither the trachea (wind-pipe) nor the jugular vein had been cut; although on both sides the wound was very deep.  Numerous smaller arteries were severed, from which came the large amount of blood.  The small amount of poison he had taken had little effect, considering the condition of the stomach, but the throat and mouth were very much burned.

Burns told the surgeon, when the latter was sewing the wounds, that there was no use of that as he would tear it open again.  He was finally persuaded, however, that it was not cut so badly as to be dangerous, and that breaking the wound would not accomplish his purpose.

Burns seemed to be entirely rational, and stated that he blamed no one.  He had no trouble with any one.  He had been thinking about the matter for several days and had decided to make way with himself.  Promises of reform made to his wife he could not keep, he said, and he had determined that in order to best settle the difficulty, he would cut his throat.

Mr. Burns is not so well to-day, of course, owing to the loss of blood and the heavy shock upon his system it is not expected that should feel so well.  But with good medical care the patient will probably live. He expresses a desire to recover.

From Geneva Courier 9 May 1883

The singing by the new chorus choir at the First Presbyterian church is remarkably good.  The rendering of the anthem "Mighty Jehovah," on a recent Sabbath morning, was highly praised by all lovers of fine music who heard it.  The following are the names of ladies and gentlemen who constitute the new choir:  Director - Prof. M. Sheehan; Sopranos - Misses Anna Covert, Eva Hemiup, Bertha Buckoltzh; Altos - Misses Ida Campion and Brooks; Tenors - Miles Campbell, Albert Fowle, A. C. Nellis; Bassos - M. Sheehan, Dr. F. A. Greene, Herbert Jamerson.

From Ontario County Journal 11 May 1883

Victor, N. Y. - Elias Richardson
met with a shocking accident while blasting stumps with giant powder. A cartridge exploded in his right hand tearing away part of the thumb and fore-finger and shattering the hand badly. Dr. Draper dressed the wound.

South Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. John B. Wheeler met with an accident which came near proving fatal. While riding a colt to his woods, it became frightened, he lost his balance, the horse whirled, and his foot being in the stirrup, he was thrown against a tree. He is now on the gain, and will soon be around. He was attended by Drs. Hicks and Hollister.

From Ontario County Journal 8 June 1883

Mr. Richard Rochford
had a dangerous tumble early Sunday morning. Getting out of bed to supply one of his children with some water, he pitched headlong down a flight of stairs to the landing at the foot. He was picked up unconscious and remained so some ten or twelve hours. His spine was injured to some extent, but it is hoped not seriously. Mr. R. is an industrious and respected citizen, in the employ of S. F. Ambler, and was elected corporation collector at the last Charter election.

From Ontario County Journal 6 July 1883

Mr. Owen Lumbert,
an employe in the McKechnie brewery, met with a shocking accident last week Thursday. He was engaged cleaning a large boiler in which was two to three feet of scalding water. He was standing upon a plank over the hot water, when by misstep he fell into the scalding mass beneath. After a severe and painful struggle he succeeded in regaining his place upon the plank, but he was in a most deplorable condition, the skin peeling off in several places and his legs and arms being badly scalded. Assistance was promptly rendered and he was removed to his home, and, Dr. Bennett being summoned, he was made as comfortable as possible. It was a terrible ordeal for a human being to pass, and it will be fortunate indeed if he fully recovers from the accident, of which there is now good promise.

Naples, N. Y.
- A shooting affair on Bristol Hill in this town creates a little sensation. Mrs. Irving Bray shot her husband with a revolver, the ball, a small one, lodging in his neck. It is said to be accidental, but the escape from instant death was narrow indeed, as the ball stopped directly on the jugular vein. Four physicians are now extracting it, or endeavoring to. Another story with a moral.

From Ontario County Journal 3 August 1883

Shortsville, N. Y. -
A brass band has lately been organized here; the names of seventeen members have been enrolled. Mr. A. J. Harris will be leader, with the following members: I. G. Mason, J. Stroup, F. D. Meader, B. F. Harlow, J. Connelly, F. Willson, F. Chisholm, A. Crouse, C. Diets, E. B. Crain, A. S. Corey, Ira E. Smith, P. Heffron, L. B. Phillips, F. Brazee, F. Heath.

From Ontario County Journal 17 August 1883

North Bloomfield, N. Y. - Sidney Hunt
met with a painful accident a few days ago. He was helping move E. E. Bond's iron stave cutting machine, when it fell on his right foot, breaking one of the toes and some bones in another part of the foot. Dr. Bennett attends him.

From Ontario County Journal 24 August 1883

East Bloomfield Station, N. Y. -
Sunday evening, while Mr. Wm. Shafer and wife were riding out, their horse got frightened by a bicycle and ran away, throwing Mrs. Shafer violently to the ground, injuring her seriously, if not dangerously. She is attended by Dr. Hubbard. She cannot move without pain, and will no doubt be confined to the house a long time. The buggy was badly broken, and the harness torn to pieces.

From Ontario County Journal 14 September 1883

Mrs. James Hogg,
who resides on Chapel street in this village, attempted suicide last Friday afternoon by cutting her throat with a razor. Several gashes were made in her neck, but none were deep enough to reach a vital part, and it is thought she will
recover. She has been subject to fits of deep despondency, and probably was temporarily insane when she committed the act.

From Geneva Courier 10 October 1883

A Terrible Accident - We have received the following particulars of an accident which occurred at or near Flint Creek on Saturday night last.  As the freight train was coming north on the Northern Central Railroad, it struck a horse and wagon, killing the driver, a man named John Miller, a son of Geo. Miller, who resides in that vicinity.  The locomotive was thrown from the track and the whole train, it stated, was somewhat wrecked.  The engineer of the train, H. B. Judd, was badly cut in the head, and the brakes-man of the train had his foot badly injured, while the fireman, Mr. Sandford,  was so badly injured that he will probably not recover.  The horses escaped.  Miller, the teamster, was so badly mangled that he was hardly recognized by his own people.  Our informant says that Miller was under the influence of liquor at the time, and had indulged quite freely during the day.  An inquest was held Monday afternoon at four o'clock, and a verdict rendered according to the above stated facts.

From Ontario County Journal 26 October 1883

Mr. Peleg Jones,
of Bristol, was coming to town last Monday with a load of produce. Nearing Brigham Hall, on the Bristol road and coming down grade, his team became unmanageable and ran away. In their careen, they collided with Commissioner Nethaway's team, and altogether made quite a "promiscuous muss," but we understand that though there was a general shaking up all round, there was no serious result -- no bones broken.

From Ontario County Journal 16 November 1883

East Bloomfield Station, N. Y. -
The 12th inst., Mr. John Mahanny, while driving home from the village, in some unexplained way his wagon capsized, throwing him on to his head, severely if not seriously bruising and cutting his head and face, and rendering him unconscious for a short time.

From Geneva Gazette 7 December 1883

Brutal Conduct of a Husband and Son-in-Law - Well authenticated reports reach us of a most brutal case of assault and battery perpetrated by Charles Carson of Seneca, the victims being his wife and her father, Hugh Monagle.  The parties reside together on a farm belonging to the latter, located west of Stanley, near the Gorham line.  It seems that Carson, at periods of drunkenness, had shamefully abused his wife and her parents.  But on the occasion more particularly referred to -- Monday night,  26thNov. -- Carson came home "ugly drunk" as the saying is, and pulled his wife out of bed by the hair.  Her screams brought her aged father to the rescue, (he is about 70 years old) when Carson turned upon him, knocked him down, stamped upon his prostrate body, and broke two of his ribs!  The injuries are pronounced by Dr. Allen, who was called to attend Mr. Monagle, very serious indeed, and may endanger his life.  The aggrieved parties, who are highly respected, feel deeply the disgrace brought upon them by the misconduct of the ruffainly husband and son-in-law, and would gladly have had the matter hushed up, but the community have been so stirred up with indignity by it that they have instituted proceedings in the name of the people for his trial and punishment.

From Geneva Gazette 28 December 1883

The Carson-Monagle Affair in Seneca - Another Version of the Story

Two or three weeks ago we wrote out and published substantially as related to us, on what we deemed as a reliable source of information, the circumstances of an alleged outrage in which Charles Carson was said to be the aggressor and his wife and father-in-law (Hugh Monagle) the victims -- all the parties occupying the same house near Stanley.  We are furnished with another story of the affair, which if true makes it far less aggravated, and it comes to us equally as well authenticated as the original story.  It is to this effect:

Mr. Carson came home badly under the influence of liquor; as admitted.  After going to his bedroom and pulling off his boots with the intention of retiring, he says his nervous system became so unstrung that he decided to descend to the cellar and "brace up" with a drink of cider, which he did.  On returning, his hands became entangled in some vines of a house plant, and he tore them down -- seeing which his wife sprang out of bed and sought to protect her treasures.  Carson thrust her aside.  She observed then that he looked wildly as if crazed, and she ran down stairs for help falling a few steps at the bottom.  Her mother first came to the rescue, and Carson also pushed her away.  Mr. Monagle then came up and, as alleged, seized a boot and with it struck Carson on the forehead.  Carson pushed him violently against a table, which caused the injury to his side and ribs.  It is denied most emphatically that Carson knocked his father-in-law down, kicked or stamped upon him -- that his ribs could not have been broken or seriously injured, as he was enabled to go out immediately and call at an uncle of Carson's across the way to come over and quiet the latter.  We are also informed that the trouble, whatever it may have been, has been amicably settled in the family, no proceedings at law being regarded as necessary or justified by the occurrences.  We will be only too glad to know that the present version of the affair is the correct one, and that happy relations are restored in the family, which numbers among its kinspeople some of the most worthily respected citizens of Seneca.

From Ontario County Journal 7 December 1883

Mr. Lewis C. Drawn,
of South Bristol, met with an accident while driving home from Canandaigua on the 21st inst. He was driving a blind horse, and when near Cheshire, the horse got out of the track, tipping over the wagon and throwing Mr. Drawn to the ground in such a way as to dislocate one arm at the elbow and break the cap at the joint.

From Geneva Courier 12 December 1883

One night recently, Mr. Geo. C. Seeleye, met with a severe accident.  Two men were driving at a rapid rate of speed, and just as Mr. Seeleye was crossing Castle to Linden street, the horse came so near as almost to run him down.  He jumped back, but in so doing, fell heavily upon the stone walk which injured his hip badly so that he was laid up for several days, and was not able to be at the store until yesterday.  He cannot walk without the aid of crutches, but he may recover in a few days.  Such rascals in driving horses at such a rate should be brought to justice, and severely punished.

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