Ontario County Journal 21 June 1878
A Probably Fatal Accident - A sad, and perhaps fatal, accident
occurred in School District No. 1, on the road leading south by A. B.
Cooley's, on Saturday, the 5th instant, by which a son of Norman R.
Martin was badly hurt. The facts of the case are, as we learn them,
that the boy, a lad about 10 or 11 years old, was driving his father's
team, drawing gravel on the road, and by a sudden jolt of the wagon,
(the boy), sitting on a spring seat, was thrown out, and fell in such a
manner that the wagon loaded with gravel, passed over his thigh,
crushing it
in a horrible manner. Physicians were sent for and the sufferer cared
for as was though proper. He was alive at this writing - Wednesday -
it being such warm weather, it will be a miracle if he survives. Mr.
Martin has been a teacher in that school district for the past two
Officer Shot in East Bloomfield - For some time past the adjoining
town of East Bloomfield has been in a state of great excitement over
the freaks of an insane man, Mr. W. C. Tracey,
a person well-known in every town in Ontario county. The first
act in this drama occurred one week ago last Tuesday evening, when Mr.
Tracey appeared in the street driving two or three horses tandem, and
drawing a number of old vehicles which he had gathered up about his
for the purpose of having them repaired. At this time it is
supposed that he was bound for his shop, which is known as the Drill
factory, situated on Michigan street, property which he had just rented
for the purpose of manufacturing his peculiar style of road wagon. Fate
was against him and just at the moment when he felt the most glorious
the whiffletree
to his buggy broke and he was jerked headlong over the dasher, but,
as has been his custom, he came down right side up and immediately
commenced to abuse his horses in a shameful manner, whipping them from
one side of the street to the other. Just at this time, the
streets were filled with pedestrians on their way to church, and there
was danger
of some one being seriously injured, and officer Thorpe was
ordered to arrest him. He knew full well that he had a hard case to
handle, but he did not flinch. Stepping up to his man, he coolly
informed him that he was his prisoner. Tracey did not propose to be
taken without a struggle, and a lively time ensued. Officer Frank
Page put in an appearance and assisted Thorpe in adjusting the
"bracelets," after which the prisoner was allowed to arise. He had no
sooner gained his feet than he commenced to swear all kinds of
vengeance on the officers, declaring that when he
again had the use of his hands, they would be no more. About 12
of the same night, the officers arrived in this village and left Tracey
the custody of Sheriff Benham. Wednesday, no one appearing against him,
was discharged and returned to East Bloomfield. Arriving in town he
vengeance against all who were concerned in his arrest. Not much was
of this until the next morning when he appeared driving about town,
in his buggy a heavy duck gun and in his hip pocket a heavy navy
He held conversation with a number during the day and tried to
to them that in the future he should run the town, and also that if
certain parties crossed his track that they were dead men. But
Bloomfield has become so dormant of late years, that not much attention
was paid to these threats -- at least not enough to have him safely
taken care of. Had the proper steps been taken what occurred on
Saturday might have been avoided. But
"it was to be," and Saturday noon, about half past 12, as Thorpe was
passing Dr. Silvernail's office situated above Hayes' carriage shop, he
was told
by a boy to look out, for Tracey was looking for him, and would shoot
At this time he was sitting in his wagon, a short distance up the
conversing with Mr. John Cromer. As he saw Thorpe approaching,
jumped from his buggy, drew his revolver and started across and a
down the street, taking Thorpe's horse by the bitts. He told him
"make his peace with God, for his end had come". Thorpe seeing
the critical moment had arrived, drew his revolver, which refused to
and while attempting to roll the cylinder with his left hand, Tracey
the ball entering the left arm just above the wrist on the under side,
upward and inward, coming out near the elbow. It passed between
body and the arm, slightly grazing the muscles, the shock so stunning
Thorpe for an instant that he rolled out of the buggy, and while Tracey
was quieting the horse, with which he had got into a snarl, he left the
scene of action and took refuge in Dr. Silvernail's barn and armed
with a fork. As soon as Tracey got the horse quieted, he started in
but was sent on the wrong track by a lady who had been a witness. Mr.
Tracey failing to find Thorpe, drove to the village and told what he
had done, and said that there were others who would be served in a like
manner. Sheriff Benham of this place, was telegraphed that a man had
been shot in East
Bloomfield, and he dispatched officers Beeman and Doyle to arrest him,
and in one hour and a half from the time that the dispatch was
they had him in custody. He was brought to this village and lodged in
On Monday he was summoned before a medical commission, consisting
of Drs. Bennett and Jewett, and pronounced insane, and on an order of
county judge he was committed to Utica, and the people of East
once more breathe free. Tracey has been a terror to the town for
some time, and had the proper steps been taken Saturday's scene would
never have occurred. Much credit is due to officers Beeman and
for their promptness in making the arrest. Those who witnessed it
pronounced it as the neatest job that they had ever seen done.
These officers have long been known as the right men in the right
place, and it is hoped that they may long be retained on the force.
From Ontario County Times 26 June 1878
On Monday, May 27th, Mr. Daniel Brown of Farmington, while
driving a spirited young horse, met with a severe accident. The horse
became unmanageable and ran away, dragging Mr. Brown a considerable
distance by one leg. Luckily, however, he escaped with only a sprained
wrist and other slight injuries. The wagon and harness were distributed
in pieces along the road for some distance. Mr. Brown met with a
similar accident in Canadice some three years ago, barely escaping with
his life.
From Ontario County Journal 19 July 1878
Fishers, N. Y. - William Stack was very severely burned
last Monday by the explosion of a can of kerosene oil. He was burning
a dish of potato bugs, and in some manner got fire into the can. He
cannot as yet be moved from his bed.
From Ontario County Journal 2 August 1878
Canadice, N. Y. - We are informed that Robert Tucker and
a brother younger than himself met with an extremely sad and
unfortunate accident while drawing barley, on Thursday of this week. It
appears that they were returning to the field after another load of
grain, and while going down a hill the wagon rack slid forward and so
frightened the
horses that they began to run. They soon ran against a tree, breaking a
leg of each young man and severely injuring them otherwise. We are told
that it is thought amputation may be necessary upon the leg of Robert.
One of the horses had a leg broken also.
From Geneva Courier 7 August 1878
Accidents at Gorham
A serious and well nigh fatal runaway accident occurred a few miles
south of Gorham last Saturday evening. Rev. Frank Arnold,
of Gorham, was riding with two young ladies named Sophia Lazarus
and Emma Kahler. For some reason the horse took fright,
and jumping to one side, threw all three to the ground. Mr.
Arnold escaped unhurt, but both ladies were seriously injured, Miss
Lazarus in the spine and hip and otherwise severely bruised. Miss
Kahler suffered concussion of the brain and dislocation of her
shoulder, she being also badly bruised. Both were unconscious for
some time. They were under the care of Dr. J. H. Allen, and it
was reported yesterday that they would both probably recover.
On the same day Henry E. Johnson was thrown from a wagon at
Gorham, and somewhat injured. It is reported that he is able to
be about the streets.
To fill up the chapter of Gorham accidents, the stage owned by M.
Deitro, broke down yesterday halfway between Stanley and
Gorham. Fortunately no one was injured.
From Ontario County Journal 9 August 1878
Victor, N. Y. - Smart, considering her age. Mrs.
Eve Sale, a resident of this town, is in her ninety-second year,
retains her faculties in an extraordinary degree; does her own washing
and ironing. She is quite active, walks to her neighbors with a
step that would do honor to a Miss of 16. She has resided in Victor for
sixty years.
From Ontario County Journal 23 August 1878
Cheshire, N. Y. - "Pat" Daley, a laborer from this place, met with
an accident last Saturday which resulted in the loss of an arm. The
facts connected with the accident, as near as we can learn, are as
follows: He was at work in the town of Gorham threshing with a
steam thresher, the band connecting the engine with the separator run
off, and in attempting to replace it, while the machine was in full
motion, his hand was caught between the belt and drive-wheel, cutting
it off at the wrist, and breaking the bones of the forearm,
necessitating amputation near the elbow. He is doing as well as could
be expected.
From Ontario County Journal 6 September 1878
Mrs. McKechnie, widow of the late James McKechnie, had the
misfortune to be thrown from Edward McCabe's carriage on
Sunday while riding with Miss Sarah McCabe, near the Main
street school building. Her collar bone was broken and she was much
bruised. Dr. Jewett attended to her injuries.
From Geneva Gazette 13 September 1878
Among those lately petitions in bankruptcy are Robert Mitchell of
Geneva, D. C. Payne of Farmington, E. D. Gulick, N. R.
Boswell, S. M. Tate, J. J. Loonie, J. P. Faurot, B. Spencer and A.
C. Potter of Canandaigua.
From Geneva Courier 18 September 1878
Accident at Shortsville
The Clifton Springs Press gives the particulars of a
serious accident which occurred at
Shortsville on Wednesday last. Mr. Franklin Wheat,
residing in Manchester village, while fixing a water pipe had his
arm caught in the shafting, and terribly crushed. When hurt he
was alone, and it was not till some
hours later that he was found. It will probably be necessary to
amputate the arm. Mr. Wheat is a laboring man, with a large
and this accident falls upon him with additionally heavy
weight, owing to the need of his family.
From Ontario County Journal 20 September 1878
Hiram Hutchins, residing on Spring St. in this village, had his
right leg broken last Monday. He was driving along Main St. when his
horse shied suddenly to one side of the street, throwing Mr. Hutchins
out of the buggy with such violence that his leg was broken between the
ankle and
knee. Dr. Smith was called and attended to the broken limb. Mr.
Hutchins is doing as well as could be expected.
From Ontario County Journal 27 September 1878
Runaway - On Thursday morning between seven and eight o'clock, as Mr.
John Smith, of Bristol, was driving down Main street, a dog
belonging to Mr. David Lapham ran out and barked and finally
ran under the carriage and bit the horse's legs. This frightened the
and he ran down the street at a lively rate. Mr. Smith was in some way
thrown partially out of the carriage, between the wheel and the
box so that the wheel rubbed pretty hard against his hip. In this
while trying to stop the horse, the animal ran across the railroad
and down Main street till the junction of Niagara street was reached,
a sharp turn was made in that direction, which resulted in
Mr. Smith and a young lady who was in the carriage with him, upon the
flagging of the cross walk, carriage, horse and all going over with
It seems hardly possible, with the speed of the horse, the violence
which they were overturned, and the stone flagging upon which they were
thrown, that they could have escaped without serious if not fatal
but fortunately the young lady was thrown so that she quickly regained
feet and was uninjured, while Mr. Smith, although the carriage was
thrown partially on him, sustained no perceptible injury save a bruised
The horse was not injured save a few bruises, while for a further
the buggy was not broken or damaged, save the top, which was partially
bent and shattered.
From Geneva Courier 16 October 1878
A young man named Timothy Mulcahey, about 20 years of age
was attacked, on Exchange street, on Saturday night, by a gang of
ruffians, one or two of whom he caused to be arrested, a short time
ago, for an assault on him. The crowd came out of a rum hole, and
endeavored to pay the old grudge. By the aid of teamster McNamara,
who had one of his hands bitten in the melee, Mulcahey succeeded in
getting away and ran to his home, his father's, on East Jackson street.
The crowd followed him, and proposed to assault him further, and
give him
the drubbing he had missed. Mulcahey and his father, meantime,
prepared to give them the reception they deserved; and on their
approach fired
at them. The cowardly fellows turned and fled.
Constables Seabury and Alcock getting news of the contemplated
attack, went to Mulcahey's house and when there, Seabury encountered
the elder Mulcahey. They mistook each other -- the constable
thinking the old man one of the rowdies and Mulcahey having the same
idea of the constable. The latter was knocked down and terribly
hurt with a club; but the error was soon discovered and the wounded man
taken care of. Mulcahey was afraid to make a complaint but an
investigation was had, and it was shown that Will Grady, Will Hewitt
and others were in the gang of the assailants and warrants issued for
the arrest of these two. They fled from town.
We trust the strong hand of the law will not be withheld till this
sort of business is at an end in Geneva.
From Ontario County Journal 18 October 1878
Serious Accident - Mrs. Joseph Kleinle met with a very severe
accident on Wednesday afternoon while driving on Bristol street. The
horse which she was driving suddenly whirled around and overturned the
top carriage
in which she was riding, throwing her out upon the stones in the
breaking one of her arms, dislocating her wrist and injuring her back
considerably, besides bruising her face and head badly. It seems that
the horse after
overturning the buggy and throwing her to the ground dragged the
over her in whirling about. Mrs. Kleinle was picked up in an insensible
condition and taken into Mr. Tate's residence and a physician summoned.
The horse literally stripped himself of the harness and smashed the
to a perfect wreck. The horse ran but a few rods toward Main street and
was captured. It is not known what caused the animal to become
It was thought for some time that Mrs. K. could not survive her
but we are glad to learn that she is improving, and unless injured
internally more than is now known, may recover.
From Geneva Gazette 15 November 1878
John H. Van Riper of Gorham was badly bitten by a strange dog the
other day. It seems that the
dog followed some neighbors into Mr. V.'s house, and refused to
be driven out, whereupon he seized him by the neck to throw him
out of doors when the animal turned and snapped his wrist, tearing it
open so that the cords were plainly visible. The only way the
savage brute could be driven off was by calling in a large and powerful
dog belonging to J. Evered and setting him on. We are
told the large dog actually pulled the other one out by the
tail and drove him off, and he has not been seen since. No one
knows to whom the strange dog belonged.
From Ontario County Journal 15 November 1878
Reed's Corners, N. Y. - A Vigilance Committee has been organized
in this town with W. B. Witter, Captain; H. C. Hood, Secretary;
G. W. Tozer, Treasurer; Albert Middaugh, Mason, H. Reed and
James Moore, Directors. There have been riders appointed, and
necessary steps will soon be taken to give thievery in this town a poor
show. Let
us have a law to give all those those who start in pursuit of thieves
right of a constable to arrest and detain any one suspected of crime in
this class, and then the arrangement will be complete.
From Ontario County Journal 6 December 1878
Canadice, N. Y. - Mr. Elisha Norget met with quite a misfortune in
the way of a runaway on Sunday last. The particulars are given to us as
follows: Mr. and Mrs. Norget left their home in Richmond,
to call upon some friends in town, and when they were near the
of Mr. Hicks, a dog ran into the road, and so frightened Mr. N.'s
that they became unmanageable and soon the buggy was precipitated into
ditch by the road side. The box came loose from the buggy and Mr. N.
quite serious injuries. Fortunately Mrs. N. was not seriously injured,
the horses soon became entangled with the lines in the wheels and were
unsuccessful in making a very extensive trip.
From Geneva Courier 11 December 1878
An Old Settler - A correspondent of the Lyons Republican
says: Jonathan Melvin, Sen., came into the town of Phelps
as early as 1796. Possessed of ample means, he purchased 800
acres of land three miles from Oak's Corners. He was a man of
energy and enterprise, and cleared and brought into cultivation a large
farm at an early day, with an orchard of seven hundred trees, and
planted a
row of apple trees in the road across his farm for the use of
travelers. About 1812 he changed his residence to Wolcott, where
he cleared up another farm and built mills; and he resided there the
last years of his life. His religious connections were with the
Presbyterian church, and in politics he was a Federalist. He was
rather eccentric in his habits, but was honest in all his dealings with
his fellow men. Late in life he endorsed heavily for men who
proved insolvent, by which he suffered large losses.
From Ontario County Journal 20 December 1878
Mrs. Mary A. Boughton has received the papers which entitles her
to a pension for services performed during the war of 1812 by her late
husband, DeForest Boughton.
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