From Geneva Gazette 12 January 1877

It is rumored that Mr. Jacob Wormley of Seneca Castle, who went on a visit to New York some ten days ago, broke out with the small-pox soon after his arrival.  He had been exposed, it is stated, at one of the houses at Hall's Corners where the disease had appeared.

From Ontario County Journal 19 January 1877

Mr. Isaac Washburn
of Rushville met with a serious accident recently.  In removing the snow from the roof of his building, the ladder slipped and he fell to the ground, breaking his leg.  The fracture is near the ankle, and is a serious one.

From Ontario County Journal 19 January 1877

Reed's Corners, N. Y. -
Last week Mrs. Edward Davis made her husband a very nice present of twins - a boy and a girl. Ed. is the happiest man in town.  We are happy to say that Mrs. Jas. Potter also made her husband a similar present of a fine boy.  Jim comes within one as being as happy as Ed.

From Ontario County Times 24 January 1877

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. Frank Wilson,
in the employ of the Hamlin Bros., butchers, met with an accident on Friday last. While in the act of scalding a hog, the rope by which it was suspended broke, the hog dropped into a tub of scalding water, Wilson's arm was in some way drawn into the hot water, and his arm and side were severely scalded. When his clothing was removed the skin came off with it.

From Ontario County Times 31 January 1877

Michael Ford,
a young son of Patrick Ford of Stanley, met with an accident in the freight yard in this place on Friday evening. While he was attempting to catch a ride home, it is supposed, on a southern-bound Northern Central train, he was stuck on the hip by an engine and severely injured, the thigh bone being fractured. This occurred about nine o'clock. Dr. Smith was called, and, as we understand, the patient is improving. There are fears, however, of the injury assuming a more serious shape. Michael is only about nine or ten years old, and his father being a poor laborer and unable to provide the requisite care and attendance, he has been removed to the County House. It is stated that his mother was killed several years ago by the cars while attempting to rescue a child from the track.

From Ontario County Journal 2 February 1877

John Sullivan,
of this village, had his right arm severely crushed while coupling cars in the N. Y. Central yard on Tuesday of last week.  No bones were broken.  Dr. Bennett attended him and he is doing well.

Accident - Last Saturday evening, Mr. A. Dunham of Manchester, while passing down Main street, slipped and fell on the icy walk in front of the vacant lot below the railroad track, breaking one of his legs below the ankle.  Dr. J. T. Smith attended him, and he was able to be conveyed home the same evening.  Here is probably a fair prospect for a suit for damages against the village, and it is quite probable the plaintiff in such an action could secure a verdict in his favor; and it is quite as likely that the village authorities could recover the amount of the verdict from the owner of the property adjoining the walk on which the accident occurred.  The following, from a Rochester paper this week, is apropo:  "The opinion in a city case just decided by the general term, is of general interest.  By this opinion those who leave dangerous material in the street or on the sidewalk, or allow their walks to be out of repair, will be held liable to the city, in case persons are injured, and get a recovery against the city for their damages.  It is expedient for all citizens, as well as contractors, to see that their walks or work are carefully guarded and avoid the chance of having to pay a large judgement."

From Ontario County Times 7 February 1877

Victor, N. Y. - Mr. Henry Moore,
while out riding on Monday evening, met with quite a serious accident. While going into one of the pitch-holes in the road, his horse became frightened and overturned the cutter, throwing out the occupants, and then ran away. No damage was done except breaking the cutter in a very bad manner.

Shortsville, N. Y. -  A tragic event occurred here this afternoon by which a little girl lost her life and a brother narrowly escaped. Three children of John and Sarah McQuillan were playing near the banks of the race, sliding on a sled. In the midst of their play, two of them slipped over the bank into the channel which had been cut through the ice when the water was out of the race. The boy was helped out by his brother but the girl went under the ice. The boys immediately gave the alarm and soon a large crowd of people were gathered upon the ice trying to find some trace of the body. The shops and mills were shut down and the head-gates put in and the water nearly drawn from the race before the body was recovered. It had then been in water upwards of an hour, and, of course, life was extinct beyond hope of resuscitation. Mary was the third child lost in this race by these parents within the space of five years, and all fell into the water within a space of five rods along the bank. The circumstances tend to render the case one of unusual sadness, and the bereaved parents and friends deserving of the sympathy and commiseration of all. The banks of the race are quite steep and almost totally unprotected by fencing. It seems that it would be no more than right and just to require those who are benefited by the use of the water to securely fence both sides of this race, so that if such accident occur in the future, no reproach many be cast upon them, and they may feel that all precautions had been taken to prevent such things happening.

From Ontario County Journal 23 February 1877

Canadice, N. Y. -
An accident occurred to Willie Van Doren, a young gentleman living in the southern part of our town, at Wayland, on Saturday evening, Feb. 10th, which came near resulting in instant death.  He had driven with a horse and cutter from his home to Blood's, and was returning via Wayland.  At this place, he tarried a short time, and, business done, he reseated himself in his cutter, and started for home again.  As the direct road home was nearly impassable, he drove west from the village, and then turned towards home, at the place known as Buffalo street.  When nearing the railroad, his horse discovered the headlight of an approaching freight train.  This frightened her, as the evening was somewhat dark, and she began to run, and as she sprang, Mr. V. lost control of one line, leaving him riding at a fearful speed towards the crossing to which the train was fast approaching.  Being in a strange place, and not knowing where the track lay, he turned his horse squarely around, when she ran back on the other side of the track; but she had not gone far, when she concluded she had rather travel towards home, and she turned again and was re-crossing the track when the train came with its roaring rapidity in contact with the horse and cutter, striking the cutter immediately in front of the forward knee.  At this time the horse was also caught, but not permanently.  This separated the horse from the cutter, leaving the horse on one side of the track, and Mr. V., seated in the cutter, on the other. The cutter was carried some distance, when it was entirely demolished, and its rider thrown some distance on the ground. The train was stopped, and Mr. V. looked for and found unconscious, but he soon revived, and was assisted to the train, thence to the depot, where he found an acquaintance who brought him home.  The horse was found the next day one or two miles from the place of the disaster.  Both man and horse are doing well in the way of recovering. The escape was a narrow one, and Mr. V. may well congratulate himself on escaping what came so near resulting in death.

From Geneva Courier 28 February 1877

GORHAM - We have quite a number on the sick list, Alva Hershey, Mrs. John Harrington, G. B. Cook, though his grit kept him up most every day, and many others who would have lain by if they could have afforded it. J. M. Pulver Esq., lies in a very critical state and although hopes had been entertained of his coming up again soon, yet now they are nearly dispelled.  Mr. Pulver has been our chief justice here for a number of years and we scarcely know how he can be spared by his numerous friends.  His disease is a heart affection excited by rheumatism of the chest.

Mr. Charles Rudges met with quite an accident in the barn last week from a pole which fell from the great beam on the side of his head.  He was insensible for some time after the blow, but is now rapidly recovering.

The barn of Myron Clark,  a few miles north of us in Potter was burned with all its contents last Saturday.  The contents of the barn were insured, but not the building.  It was the work of an enemy and he had been warned to be on his guard -- none have yet been arrested.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 28 February 1877

Rushville, N. Y. -
I learn that on Saturday, Truman Francisco, living on the lake shore, wanting to get a load of wheat from the opposite side of the lake, took his wagon across by hand, and loading it attempted to draw it over by hand. After getting out some distance from shore, the ice broke and the wagon and grain went to the bottom of the lake. No one of the party drawing the load was injured, as far as I can learn.

From Ontario County Times 7 March 1877

Farmington, N. Y. - Mr. Adelbert Adams
and wife, while on their way to the Friends' meeting, the Sunday following, were tipped out of their cutter; the horse got away, and left them to pick up the pieces the best way they could. The horse was very magnanimous, however; only ran a little way, and then turned about to view the scene with such an eye of pity that he permitted his driver to catch him, and proceed on his way rejoicing. That horse is not for sale.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 21 March 1877

Victor, N. Y. -
Last Friday a frightful runaway took place in our streets. A horse and carriage belonging to William Fitzgerald was being driven along the street by a son of Fitzgerald, when the horse became frightened and ran away. In attempting to turn the corner near the hotel, the carriage came in contact with the watering tub on the corner. The violence of the collision was so great that the occupants of the carriage, three in number, were sent flying through the air, and struck the frozen ground fully fifteen feet from the carriage! In their flight through the air they passed directly over the tub, which is at least six feet in diameter. All three, strange to say, escaped without any injury, except the shock of their fall. The horse being free from the carriage ran toward the depot, and was stopped by Fred Woodworth.

The Victor Dramatic Club will give an entertainment at Jacob's Hall on Friday evening, the 30th of this month. They will play the patriotic drama entitled "One Hundred Years Ago, or Our Boys of 1776" with the following cast of characters: Obed Sterling, a Quaker, George Sisco; Ephraim Sterling, his son, Frank Gallup; Elmer Granger, a young patriot, John Ransom; Uriel Bosworth, a Quaker convert, H. E. Smith; Pretzel, a Dutchman, Will Garrison; Ginger, a negro, Mort Tallmadge; Burke and Blutcher, Tories, A. Boughton and S. Pim; Rachael Sterling, the Quaker mother, Mrs. M. Tallmadge; Ruth Sterling, her daughter, Miss Mary Morgan; Prudence Granger, Elmer's sister; Miss Nellie Jacobs. The evening's entertainment will conclude with the laughable farce of "Paddy Miles' Boy."

From Ontario County Journal 6 April 1877

Mrs. John Saul,
of this village, slipped and fell upon the side walk on Gorham street last Friday, breaking her thigh bone. She is an old lady of 75 years, and is therefore not likely to recover from the effects of the accident.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 11 April 1877

Last Friday while Mr. Anson C. Dewey was engaged in carting boxes from his brother's store to his residence, the load being insecure fell off, throwing Mr. D. to the ground. He struck heavily upon his left shoulder, putting it out of joint and splitting the bones of the arm near the elbow. The accident is quite a severe one, and it will be several weeks before Mr. D. can resume his duties.

From Geneva Courier 18 April 1877

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - I. J. Storer,
photographist, who has shown symptoms of insanity for some time past, became unmanageable by his family and attempted to kill his father-in-law, (David H. Yager) last night and had to be sent to the Asylum.

From Ontario County Journal 20 April 1877

Mr. Tho's Dixon,
who resides with his father near the foot of the Lake, on the west side, was quite severely injured by being kicked by a horse while at Mr. Ja's Monteith's last Sunday.  Both hind feet of the horse struck him -- one of the breast and the other in the face, and knocking loose several teeth.  He was picked up insensible, and it was about two hours before animation was restored.  He was at once conveyed into Mr. Monteith's house, and properly cared for.

Academy, N. Y. - Mr. E. W. Drew
met with a very serious accident on the 12th instant.  He was sawing some timber on the bank of a ravine and when the log was sawed off, it rolled on to him, crushing his thigh frightfully, driving the bone through the flesh.  Dr. Bently put it in shape and, of course, it was skillfully done.  Mr. Drew has the sympathy of all the people.

From Geneva Courier 25 April 1877

William Salsbury of Phelps came near having a bad accident while driving a young horse.  He became frightened at the cars and ran toward them, upsetting the buggy and throwing Mr. Salsbury out within about six feet of the passing train.

A pair of horses belonging to James Townsend of Seneca became frightened near the Denton place, and became unmanageable.  They ran about 100 rods and became tangled in the trees and fence, nearly in front of Mr. Denton's house.  Mr. Townsend received some slight injuries.

From Geneva Courier 2 May 1877

GORHAM  --  Our sick still linger on the borders of the river.  Miss Fosmire is rapidly sinking; and we are sorry to learn that Miss Frank Wilson is again prostrated with the old complaint--spinal disease.  It is now a little more than a year since her first attack, and she has suffered greatly in this time.

From Geneva Gazette 9 May 1877

Accident to Victor Residents

Mrs. James Longyear, and her daughter, Miss Longyear, of Victor, met with a severe accident in Rochester last week.  While driving along East avenue, the horse became frightened and ran away, and they were thrown out with great violence.  Mrs. Longyear was badly hurt, and for some time her life was despaired of.  Aside from a few bruises upon her head, she was not injured externally, but it is feared that serious if not fatal internal injuries may have been sustained.  She is about forty-five years old.  Miss Longyear, the daughter, is a young lady about twenty or twenty-two years of age.  The injuries she received, though not so serious as those her mother suffered, were of a very painful nature.  Her face was badly lacerated and several teeth were loosened and knocked out of the upper jaw.  One of her arms was seriously bruised, and wounds upon her body in several parts were inflicted, though she was fortunate enough to escape without the breaking of any bones.

From Geneva Gazette 9 May 1877

FARMINGTON - A MAN FROM THERE IN TROUBLE - He falls among Thieves in Rochester, and gets badly hurt

Mr. John McCrea, of Farmington, in this county, has been getting into a rather bad scrape in Rochester.  On last Wednesday afternoon he was found lying on the sidewalk in that city, in front of a notorious place, bleeding, and evidently severely injured.  He was conveyed to the hospital, and his wounds, which were severe, attended to.  On being searched several letters and a cash account book were found in his pockets.  One of the letters was from a clergyman in Farmington. Four men and three women, inmates of the building, were arrested for complicity in the affair, and were locked up to await examination.  They claimed that McCrea fell down stairs, and denied that he had been assaulted.  It was shown that McCrea went to Rochester, by way of Palmyra, and had a watch and $70 in his pocket.  Those were missing when he was found, and it is suspected that he was robbed by the disreputable persons in whose company he was found.McCrea lay unconscious in the hospital for several hours, and for a time his recovery was considered doubtful.  His skull was fractured, and he has shown signs of insanity and epilepsy.  If he recovers he may be able to give some idea of how he got into the difficulty.

From Ontario County Times 16 May 1877

Victor, N. Y. - Mr. David Clark,
a well-known citizen of this place, met with a very severe accident on Saturday. The facts in the case are about as follows: Mr. Clark was in his orchard, marking the ground preparatory to planting. He was leading the horse by the head, and Mr. Jack Chisholm had hold of the marker, which stuck a dead limb lying on the ground. This frightened the horse, and it plunged forward. Mr. Clark hung to the animal and brought it back against the marker, which again frightened it, and it plunged again, this time throwing Mr. Clark to the ground and falling with both knees upon him. The horse soon broke from C's grasp and ran to the barn, and Mr. Chisholm picked up the injured man and he was carried to the house. Dr. Ball was summoned, and Dr. Draper soon after. They found that the shoulder blade was broken, and the patient was badly bruised in the right side. The patient is doing as well as the circumstances of the case will permit.

Shortsville, N. Y. - Some time ago mention was made in this correspondence of a remarkable instance of longevity in the family of which Mrs. Nancy Herendeen was a member. In now becomes our pleasant duty to record the fact that this estimable lady on the 16th of last month celebrated her 78th birthday. Some twenty-four of her relatives assembled at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Dorcas Aldrich, and participated in the pleasures of the occasion. Mrs. Herendeen, notwithstanding her advanced age, is quite hale and hearty and preserves her faculties to a marked degree, bidding fair to enjoy many more pleasant anniversaries of her birth. We hope she may live to complete the century so well begun.

From Geneva Gazette 1 June 1877

Charley Guile,
an apprentice employed in the Courier office, sustained a serious injury to his left hand yesterday while feeding a Potter Job Press. He essayed to straighten a "crooked" card after the nippers had grasped it, and the hand was caught between the platen and bed as they came together propelled by steam power. His outcry brought Fred Mallette quickly to his relief, who, however, was obliged to shut off steam and reverse motion of the press before the hand could be extricated. It was terribly lacerated, the bones of second and third finger broken. It is feared the hand will be crippled for life.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 6 June 1877

Shortsville, N. Y. - William J. Felton,
an employee of the Star Paper Company of this village, met with a severe accident on Friday last. He got his right hand caught between the felt and dryer rolls, and his right arm to the shoulder was bruised and considerably burned. The dryer roll is a cylinder about four feet in diameter, and is heated by steam. The two rolls are but one and a half inches apart, and the felt is tightly drawn against the dryer. The arm was carefully dressed, and he is now getting along quite comfortably.

From Geneva Gazette 13 June 1877

A short runaway, but one of remarkable energy, and dangerous character, occurred on Exchange street on Monday afternoon.  Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Keeleher, who live about 4 miles west of Geneva, had driven into town with a neighbor, Mrs. August Zimmerman, and had started to return home, when their horse began to kick vigorously.  The ladies screamed, and the frightened animal went off at a rapid rate.  In front of Kent's store he made a plunge toward the sidewalk, and collided with a wagon standing there, throwing out Mr. and Mrs. Keeleher and Mrs. Zimmerman, with great violence.  They struck on their heads on the pavement, and their escape from serious injury is remarkable.  Mr. Keeleher sustained a severe cut on the forehead.  He was attended by Dr. Gallagher.  Mrs. Keeleher was quite badly bruised and cut on the face and shoulder.  She was carried into Cawfield's shoe store, and attended by Dr. H. D. Weyburn.  Mrs. Zimmerman was taken to Maynard and Lanning's drug store, and attended by Dr. Flood.  Her left cheek, shoulder and side were badly bruised and scratched.

From Ontario County Times 13 June 1877

While driving down Main street in this village on Monday afternoon, when a short distance below the railroad crossing, Mr. David Hewitt of South Bristol observed the tongue of his wagon to drop down. The wagon continued its onward course while the horses went in another direction. Half a dozen men with ready hands seized the wagon and horses, bringing everything to a standstill, thereby spoiling what bid fair to be a good item. Why will people be so inconsiderate?

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 20 June 1877

Farmington, N. Y. - Loren Cotton
met with a very serious accident a short time ago, near Paddleford's. His horse got frightened, and threw him out of the buggy, injuring him badly. I understand he is improving very slowly.

On Friday last Thomas R. Baker met with an accident while shearing sheep. As one of the sheep was flouncing around, it kicked a pair of shears, which hit him over the eye. Dr. Phillips was called on to dress the wound. We understand he is doing well.

From Ontario County Times 20 June 1877

Canandaigua was visited on Saturday last by Deacon Zenas Wheeler, an aged gentleman of Phelps, whose memory reaches back to times when the Republic was in its infancy. Mr. Wheeler is ninety-three years old, having been born in Berkshire county, Mass., some four years before the inauguration of Washington. He was therefore about twelve years of age when the Father of his Country retired from office, and hence he has lived to see nineteen different men occupy the presidential chair. He removed to Western New York when he was about nineteen years of age, and has resided since that time for the most part in the town of Phelps. He has long been a pillar in the Presbyterian church, was a Whig in olden times, and is now a staunch Republican, is in possession of all his faculties, and bids fair to witness another decade of the country's history. We trust he may do so.

Shortsville, N. Y. - The other day John McQuillan had a narrow escape from losing his hand and arm. He was cutting rags at the paper mill and a string used to sew up the sacks of rags caught around his wrist and drew his hand into the machine. Being a strong man, he made a mighty effort and broke the cord, but not till the rapidly revolving knife had clipped of a corner of the thumb. Had the cord held another instant, a serious accident would have resulted. Jack is to be congratulated on his escape.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 27 June 1877

Gorham, N. Y. - Mr. James Smith
and O. Disbrow came near a fatal accident one day last week. They were crossing the bridge that spans the Flint Creek at Orleans, when it fell with them some ten feet or more, crushing the wagon badly, and dislocating Mr. S.'s shoulder and breaking some of the bones. Mr. Disbrow escaped with slight bruises, as did also the horse. Mr. Smith had a child in his arms which was thrown forward and also slightly bruised. We learn the structure had been regarded safe, and preferred to others near there.

On Monday as Mary and Martha Esserine of Woodville, were driving down Italy Hill, near Naples, a portion of the harness gave way, and their horse kicked violently and landed them in the road, seriously if not fatally injuring them. It is thought they were both struck by the horse's feet.

From Ontario County Journal 6 July 1877

Smashed Up -
On Saturday last, Andrew Orr procured a horse and buggy at Whitwell's livery establishment, ostensibly for a drive over into Farmington.  He took with him for a companion a young man named McGregor, and started for a day's fun, of which they apparently procured a quantum sufficit.  They proceeded together up the west side of the lake, and were found at Woodville, at the head of the lake, by a party who had gone there on an excursion on one of the steamers.  The buggy was badly broken, the horse greatly injured, and both young men very much intoxicated.  It seems the horse had run away down the steep and crooked hill at Woodville.  The great wonder is that the horse was not precipitated over some of the almost perpendicular banks and killed. Information was given to Mr. Whitwell Sunday toward evening, and procuring a warrant for the arrest of Orr and McGregor, Officer Tate set out in search of the men and damaged property.  He had quite a chase for Orr, whom he captured in the woods back of Woodville, about four o'clock Monday morning.  The other man and the property were found at Woodville when he arrived there Sunday night.  All were returned to Canandaigua Monday by boat.  Orr and McGregor were arraigned before Police Justice Hall for examination, but terms of settlement were finally agreed upon, and the trial did not proceed.  It would seem to be a pretty costly spree for the boys.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 11 July 1877

Gorham, N. Y. -
A. sad accident occurred to Mr. Frederic Reivestack, last Tuesday evening. Mr. R. is a tenant of William Snyder, and with another gentleman was coming into town, driving a span of horses, when the singletree got loose, struck one of the horses, frightening it so that both ran, dragging both men to the ground and by some means Mr. Reivestack's leg was broken near the ankle, his wrist sadly wrenched, but hopes are entertained that it is not broken, with other bruises, making it a wonder he was not killed. The other man fell so that the wagon ran over him as he lay between the wheels, but did not touch him. The broken limb has been reduced, and he is now doing well for so great a bruising.

Our citizens, or at least those who staid at home on the Fourth, had the pleasure of listening to the Naples Cornet Band, led by Mr. Owen Sutton. They had been engaged by Capt. Standish of the Steamer Ontario, and accompanied the boat on each trip. They appeared in a handsome new uniform. The following are the members of the Band: Owen Sutton, E. Flat; M. C. Sutton, Cornet; Scott Sutton, Alto; Fred. Lee, Second Alto; Frank Lee, Tenor; A. W. Dutton, Baritone; Charles Hoecker, B. Bass; Clarence Smith, E. Tuba; Charles Peck, Bass Drum; F. J. Clements, Cymbals; M. Lyon, Snare Drum; E. P. Higgins, Drum Major.

From Ontario County Times 11 July 1877

Bristol, N. Y. -
On Wednesday evening, while Mr. Mark Dusenbury was driving a double team across the Hill, the sparks from a Roman candle fell on the horses, frightening them so that for a time they were unmanageable and ran over Mr. Lewis Fowler and Mr. Charles Wright, injuring them seriously. Had we the time we would endeavor to say a few things concerning fire-crackers and kindred nuisances, which ought to be restrained by law. But if we had the power to make the law our reform governor would be sure to veto the same.

From Ontario County Journal 20 July 1877

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -
Last Sunday evening, Jerry Murray and Thomas Barry, living in the west part of town, had a little difficulty, and Murray, after kicking Barry in the face, struck him on the head with some heavy instrument inflicting a terrible wound.  Barry was brought to Dr. Silvernail about 11 o'clock and his wounds were dressed.  Monday morning, Murray appeared before the Esquire, complained of himself and was fined $12.50.

From Ontario County Times 25 July 1877

Lincoln Hawley,
a young man of this village, met with a serious accident while riding about town with a lady on Sunday. On Main street the horse became frightened, and the occupant of the carriage were thrown out. Hawley suffered the breaking of an ankle and other less severe injuries, while the lady escaped without injury save to her clothing, which was, as might be expected, badly damaged. The running horse was secured in front of the Hubbell Block, the carriage having been considerably damaged.

North Bloomfield, N. Y. - Charles Chambers met with quite a severe accident a few days ago. He was riding out with a young lady, and on his return home the carriage suddenly upset on turning a corner. Both of the occupants were thrown out, but neither was hurt. The horse was injured severely, and the carriage was slightly damaged.

From Ontario County Journal 27 July 1877

Mr. Aaron Dodge,
of Flint Creek, was severely injured by a vicious steer running at large recently. He was knocked down and trampled upon, being thus severely bruised.  He is an old man of 87 years.

From Ontario County Journal 3 August 1877

Mr. John A. Ryan,
of South Bristol, was seriously injured by being thrown from his wagon last Friday while driving down the hill into Bristol Center.  His horses were frightened by the breaking of the neck-yoke and ran away.  Mr. Ryan was unconscious for two days after the accident, but he rallied under careful treatment, and hopes are entertained that he will fully recover.

From Phelps Citizen 3 August 1877

S. L. Clemens (Mark Twain),
wife and mother have been spending a few days at Glen Cove, on Canandaigua lake, the guests of the families of Harrison Gridley, of Canandaigua, and Dwight Atwater, of Elmira.

From Ontario County Times 15 August 1877

The Hermitage cabin, just now gives shelter to the jolliest party of young people, most of whom are residents to Canandaigua. Their names are as follows: Messrs. Will Lightfoot, Fred. Stevens, E. G. Chapman and Cha's W. Hicks, Canandaigua; Frank Taylor, Bellona; W. Barker, New York; Charles W. Smith, Kendall; Misses Julia Anderson, Ella Stevens, Emma Stevens, Mary Hoyt, and Ruth Stearns, Canandaigua; Hattie Chadwick, Fairport; Kate Morrison, Geneva.

Victor, N. Y. - A novel bargain was made in our village last week. John McMahon had a horse to sell and Jimmy Maher wished to buy one; but they could not agree upon the price. McMahon wanted $75, Maher would only give $60. Finally it was agreed to sell the horse by weight. Here another difficulty was presented. McMahon wanted six cents per pound and Maher wouldn't give but five and half. At last they agreed to toss a penny to see whether the horse should be sold at five or six cents a pound. McMahon won the toss and the horse was led onto the scales, and he turned the balance at eleven hundred. At six cents the amount would be $66. Maher paid for the horse.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 22 August 1877

Mr. Ezra Skeels
of Honeoye was badly gored in the abdomen by an infuriated bull, a few days since. The wound is about six inches long. But for a friendly dog that rendered timely aid he would have been instantly killed.

From Ontario County Times 22 August 1877

Geneva has a sad case of child desertion. William Beatty, a resident of that village, was surprised a few nights since to find an infant child in the front hall of his residence. It has since been discovered that one Mary Malone of Waterloo is the mother of the waif, and it is alleged that the father is none other than a wayward son of Mr. Beatty.

Ontario County Journal 24 August 1877

Family Reunion -
The Beeman family held their first reunion at Seneca Point recently.  There were a goodly number of the name and connection present, and an organization was perfected which will doubtless assure many pleasant annual gatherings in the future.  The officers elected to serve until the next annual reunion are:  
President - Rejoice Beeman, Canandaigua;
Vice-Presidents - Nelson Beeman, Bristol Springs; John S. Beeman, Honeoye; Elam C. Beeman, Canandaigua;
Treasurer - Wm. Beeman, Canandaigua;
Rec. Secretary - Mrs. E. C. Beeman, Canandaigua;
Cor. Secretary - Mrs. Nettie Beeman Trickey, Bristol; Mrs. Wells Tyler, Palmyra;
The day was pleasantly passed in appropriate exercises, addresses, &c., and music by the Naples band.

From Ontario County Times 29 August 1877

Seneca Castle, N. Y. - Luther Whitney
celebrated his 95th birthday on Tuesday, the 21st instant. His brothers, Otis and Cheeney, beside quite a number of children and relatives, gathered at his home, the residence of Cyrus Bray.

Farmington, N. Y. - Mrs. Margaret Clayton suffers some injuries caused by another casualty one day last week. While riding in her buggy near the western border of our township, some part of the harness broke; the horse became excited, began to kick, and finally she was thrown out on the bank of the roadside, not only to sustain the injuries received, but to see her buggy almost demolished. She was promptly removed to her home, where under care and treatment of Dr. Phillips it is hoped she will speedily recover.

From Phelps Citizen 31 August 1877

Mr. Warren Fake
of Canandaigua was found last Sunday morning at the foot of the cellar stairs, in an insensible condition. It is supposed that he fell during a fit. He is recovering from the effects.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 12 September 1877

Mr. John Voorhees
of Rushville, had a narrow escape from instant death a few days ago, while oiling a threshing machine. His clothing was caught by the tumbling rod, and he was drawn upon the machine, which was stopped as soon as possible. Mr. V. escaped with a few bad bruises.

From Ontario County Journal 14 September 1877

Frederick Bartlett's wife
presented him with a bouncing boy last Sunday.

From Ontario County Journal 21 September 1877

Victor, N. Y. - On Monday evening, as Mr. Ben. Smart and wife were crossing the railroad at what is known as the Van Voorhis crossing, near Fisher's , the 12:15 p.m. train going west came along.  Mr. Smart was on his way home from Honeoye Falls and he was driving a $700 team.  The engine struck the team, killing the horses instantly and throwing Mr. and Mrs. Smart out of the carriage and injuring them considerably.

From Geneva Gazette 28 September 1877

A Thrilling Runaway - Seneca St. was the scene of a most exciting runaway on Monday afternoon last. Mrs. Farman of Phelps was driving into town with a single horse attached to a democrat wagon, accompanied by Mrs. Tuttle, an English lady visiting with her, and a little child of 3 years, daughter of the former.  In descending Seneca St. hill, the horse took fright at a stream of water thrown from McNamara's hydrant.  It is said the breeching gave away also, letting the wagon strike the frightened animal's haunches, when he became utterly unmanageable and dashed down the street at race-horse speed.  At the foot of Seneca street he turned so suddenly in Exchange street, that the wagon was upset, throwing the occupants with great violence to the hard pavement.  A few feet below the horse was caught.  Both women and the child were picked up unconscious, the two former bleeding profusely from gashes of the face and head.  Instantly Drs. Flood and Dorchester were at hand and rendered prompt and effective surgical assistance, the former attending Mrs. Tuttle and the latter Mrs. Farman. Mrs. F. is a very large woman, weighing 232 lbs.  Her face was badly skinned and bruised; she speedily recovered consciousness. Her little daughter moaned and groaned with pain, moving all hearts to pity.  It escaped broken bones and flesh wounds, but it must have suffered severe internal injuries.  Besides severe contusions of the head, Mrs. Tuttle was found to have suffered a broken right arm, between the wrist and elbow, and painful body bruises.  When she recovered consciousness she suffered most acute pain.  At about 7 o'clock all three were conveyed home in a hack, and Dr. Covert, the family physician, took charge of them.  Mrs. Tuttle's experience has been a strangely marked one for accidents and hairbreadth escapes.  She has been twice shipwrecked at sea, and barely rescued from a watery grave - once receiving a severe scalp wound from violent contact with rocks.  She arrived out from the old country about two weeks ago, and is a visitor at Mrs. Farman's.

From Geneva Courier 3 October 1877


A most daring burglary was committed on the turnpike road, about four miles west of Geneva, on Saturday night last.  The residence of Mr. Jacob Crigger, a farmer residing on the turnpike, was entered by four burglars, about one o'clock at night.  Mr. Crigger, who sleeps alone, was awakened by the robbers, one of whom was masked.  They presented two revolvers and a knife at his head and demanded his money or his life.  He handed his assailants the keys of the bureau, and they proceeded to help themselves.  The robbers took $220 in cash, and a watch valued at $15.  Having obtained what they were after, they left.  Mr. Crigger ran to the next neighbors and informed them of the affair.

Mr. Crigger has his suspicions as to the identity of the burglars.  They were evidently well acquainted with his situation, and the place where his money was kept.  He is an old man, and the shock and loss have very much distressed and frightened him.  Last week, Mrs. Wescott, for many years his faithful housekeeper, fell from the cars at Waterloo, and broke an arm and one leg.  The accident was cause of great regret and sorrow to him, and he had hardly recovered from it when this robbery occurred.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 3 October 1877

Victor, N. Y. -
Last Friday a young man named Frank Tallmadge was severely injured by the cars at Fisher's Station; he attempted to get onto the 8:15 train going east, and the result was that both feet were crushed. Dr.'s Green, Hannas, Palmer and Draper were called, only one foot was amputated, although it was the opinion of the doctors that it was best to take them both off. Tallmadge now lies in a very critical condition at the house of his sister at Fishers. Many are making the statement that Tallmadge was intoxicated at the time, but that is not the fact.

From Ontario County Times 3 October 1877

We are informed that the wife of a respectable farmer named James Cooper, who resides in East Bloomfield, attempted to put an end to her life on Monday morning last, by cutting her throat. The unfortunate was quite aged and had long been in poor health. She was found in the privy with an ugly gash in her throat, but happily the wound was not of such a character as to cause immediate death, and it is believed she will recover, although her previously enfeebled condition makes the result somewhat doubtful.

From Ontario County Journal 5 October 1877

A Narrow Escape - Mr. John E. Wanger
of Miller's Corners, met with a narrow escape last Friday evening while going home.  He came very near having both feet crushed by a wheel, and other injuries.  He is now able to be out again.

From Geneva Courier 10 October 1877


Immediately on the fact of the burglary at Mr. Jacob Creager residence mentioned in our last issue becoming known, the officers of the law set to work to ferret out the perpetrators of the bold crime.  On Friday evening last, about six o'clock, Deputy Sheriff Myers and constable Nicholas Smith arrested Joseph Crouthers, James Phillips and John H. Green, young men living in Geneva, and placed them in the lockup.  On Monday afternoon they were examined before Justice Martin H. Smith.  John E. Bean appeared for the prosecution, and Hon. G. B. Dusinberre and Theodore Sill Esq. for the defense

From Phelps Citizen 12 October 1877

Mrs. James Cooper,
of East Bloomfield, attempted suicide last week by slitting her throat. Ill health was the cause.

From Phelps Citizen 19 October 1877

While Mr. Palmer Moore and wife were driving to Phelps on Tuesday, their horse became frightened at a Gipsey camp, near Rufus Warner's place, and turned the carriage over injuring Mrs. Moore quite seriously, Mr. Moore receiving but slight bruises. The Gipsies puilled up camp lively.

From Ontario County Times 24 October 1877

On Monday afternoon a serious runaway accident occurred in this village. Mr. Everet Lord, who lives a short distance out of the village, in company with his cousin, Miss Olive Lord, were riding in a carriage drawn by a team of spirited gray horses. Driving to the east entrance of the Court House, Mr. Lord jumped upon the ground and had started to secure the horses to a hitching post, when, startled probably by an approaching wagon in the rear, they plunged forward. Although Mr. Lord had hold of the lines, he was unable to check the frightened animals, and after being dragged some distance, his hold was broken, and the horses plunged madly across the northeast corner of the square. The wagon was capsized and Miss Lord, who is an elderly lady, was thrown violently against a tree. The shock was so severe as to deprive her of consciousness, and her injuries were found to be of a most serious character. Under the direction of Dr. Bennett, who was called to the scene of the accident, the unfortunate lady was immediately taken to the residence of Mrs. DeVoe, on Main street, where everything was done for her relief that surgical skill and experience could suggest. It appears that she suffered a severe concussion of the brain, and was also badly bruised about the chest. Though dangerously hurt, hopes are entertained of her recovery. After Miss Lord was thrown from the wagon, the horses continued their wild flight to Main street, then to Jail, and up Jail to the Canandaigua Hotel. Rushing upon the veranda of that building, they turned south and ran towards the railroad. When directly in front of the ladies' entrance, one of them stumbled and fell, and they were then secured, just in time to save them from going over the bank. They fortunately escaped serious injury, but the wagon was reduced to a complete wreck.

From Phelps Citizen 26 October 1877

Dell Burnett met with a serious runaway on West Main street Wednesday. His horse becoming fractious, began kicking, and soon broke loose from the buggy after demolishing it considerably. No one was injured.

From Phelps Citizen 9 November 1877

George Hilliard
and Burr Moore, of Orleans, met with an accident last Saturday. They were on the road to Phelps, when their horse became frightened, completely upsetting the buggy. Moore was somewhat injured about the head, but not seriously.

From Ontario County Times 4 December 1877

A few days since while James O'Grady of Geneva was engaged in hunting on Cayuga lake, he attempted to draw his gun from the boat by the muzzle, when the weapon was discharged, badly lacerating his left arm and one of his thighs. The injuries are severe, but not likely to necessitate amputation.

From Ontario County Times 12 December 1877

Mr. Barney Schauble
of Padelford Station had his right hand badly mutilated while feeding a buzz saw yesterday morning. It is feared that the amputation of all the fingers will be necessary. Mr. Schauble is an enterprising young farmer, and we regret very much to learn of his misfortune.

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