From Ontario County Times 5 January 1876
Honeoye, N. Y. - Mr. Joseph Paul, a veteran horseman, was run away
with, a few days since, by a colt, thrown out of his buggy and severely
wounded in the forehead. The horse took fright from the breaking of an
axle. I believe Mr. Paul has about recovered from the effects of his
From Ontario County Journal 7 January 1876
Mr. Scott Wilder, of Bristol, fell from a straw stack on Thursday
of last week, and dislocated his shoulder. Dr. Mallery attended him.
From Ontario County Journal 7 January 1876
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Egbert Hobart, a son of Mr. Harvey
Hobart, who was supposed by his parents and friends to have been dead
twenty years, they not having heard from him
in about twenty-three years, returned last week. During this
time he has visited nearly every part of this country. On New
Year's day Mr. Hobart's family were all together, an incident which
has not happened before in thirty-three years.
From Ontario County Journal 28 January 1876
Academy N. Y. - On Saturday, January 8th, two
young men named Lorenzo Standish and Eli Bills, in
attempting to cross the lake from Seneca Pt. to Ganundewah in a small
unsuitable skiff, when about half way across were capsized by a gust
of wind. They clutched to the boat and report says that Bills
immediately commenced fitting his soul for eternity by prayer to the
great Master. Standish suggested that they should shout for help,
and perhaps they might be rescued from their truly perilous situation.
Their cries were heard by a young man near the top of Bare Hill,
who ran to the shore, took a boat and brought them out in almost a
condition. They were kindly cared for by Mr. Storms' people.
were in the water from thirty to forty minutes.
It is reported that the mother of the rescuer told him as he passed the
house on his way to the lake, that if they did
not obey orders when he got to them, and were like to endanger him,
to have an oar ready and smite them. They were so nearly frozen
that it was with difficulty that the boy got them into the boat.
From Geneva Gazette 4 February 1876
The Poor Master, Mr. Lewis Mead, informs us that a colored woman named Ellen Henderson, residing
in a small house in Powers alley, has been missing since Tuesday night,
at which time she left home on an errand. She also left three children
to the uncertain care of strangers, the youngest but two years old. She
admitted to the Poor Master that she was again en ciente,
having been seduced under promise of marriage, and she was apprehensive
that her seducer did not intend to fulfill his engagement, hence she
was quite depressed and despondent in spirits, giving rise to fears
that she has committed suicide. Her age is about 40.
From Ontario County Times 9 February 1876
On Friday last a collision occurred on the Lake road, near the old
Munger place, in this village, between two vehicles. Mr. William
Chaddock and wife, of Brockport, and Lizzie E. Brown and Mrs.
John Tozer of this place were riding in the locality named when
they were met by a man driving a team attached to a lumber wagon. By
some mismanagement, the man drove his horses into the conveyance
occupied by the four persons named, throwing them out, and injuring
Mrs. Tozer severely about the head and face. The man gave his name as Benjamin
Green at the time of the accident, but has since been identified
as ____ Shehan, residing in Gorham. A warrant was issued for
his arrest, and yesterday he was brought before the police court and
after a hearing of the facts discharged from custody.
From Ontario County Times 16 February 1876
We are informed that Mr. Aaron Dodge, of Flint Creek, an
old veteran of the war of 1812, who is now 85 years old, has in his
possession a looking-glass, some crockery and several pieces of
furniture, which, at one time, belonged to his grandmother, and were in
use in Maine over 150 years ago ! This is a fact worthy of note, even
in this centennial year. Mr. Dodge, though so well advanced in years,
is still hale and hearty, does considerable work about his place, and
take a lively interest in events.
From Ontario County Times 8 March 1876
The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle of this morning contains the
following item: The eighty-first anniversary of one of the oldest
residents of Ontario county was quietly but pleasantly observed on
Bristol street in the village of Canandaigua on Saturday evening last,
at the residence of Jesse Mason, who had been spared to this
ripe old age in the enjoyment of good health and full possession of all
his faculties. Mr. Mason was born in Swansea, Bristol county, Mass., in
1795. He came to this state in 1811 and settled in East Bloomfield,
Ontario county, where he remained but seven years, when he removed to
the village of Rochester, where he engaged in the tanning business on
State street. After doing business in Rochester six years he removed to
Canandaigua, where he started a tannery, and is still engaged in the
same business. Mr. Mason was blessed with twelve children, eight of
whom, five sons and three daughters, are still living and were
permitted to be present at the old homestead on the occasion referred
to. Three sons are engaged in the tanning business in Buffalo under the
firm name of Seth L. Mason & Brothers; another son in East
Bloomfield in the milling business; the other, J. Harvey Mason, in the
tanning business in Canandaigua under the firm name of J. H. Mason
& Son.
From Geneva Gazette 10 March 1876
Mr. Thomas Butcher, an old
and highly respected farmer of Seneca, was prostrated
on Sunday the 27th ult., on returning from church, by determination of
blood to the head or apoplexy, which rendered him unconscious
for three days. He is, we are glad to learn, slowly recovering.
From Ontario County Times 29 March 1876
James Cransom, who is an employee of Messrs. Torry & Son of
this place, met with an accident on Monday afternoon last, while under
the influence of intoxicating liquor. Fresh from the coal yard and
consequently begrimed with the black dust, he was induced by
mischievous friends to have his picture taken. He ascended the stairs
leading to Cole's gallery, but not finding that gentleman in, he
started to retrace his steps when he stumbled, lost his balance and
fell down stairs. Fortunately he escaped serious injury being much more
frightened than hurt.
From Geneva Gazette 7 April 1876
A sad accident occurred last Wednesday to Mr. Lewis Chapman, a
highly respected farmer residing about 3 miles west of Orleans.
While taking
care of his horses (as supposed) he was kicked by one of them in the
forehead, crushing in the skull. At last accounts he was still
insensible, and fears are certain that he will not recover.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 12 April 1876
A serious accident occurred at the new store of J. W. Smith & Co.,
in Geneva, on Wednesday last. In the work of removing the small iron
pillars to make room for larger ones, Mr. P. Gaylord, mistaking
their weight, undertook to lower one to the walk without assistance.
The result was he was crushed to the pavement, the pillar striking his
face and fracturing one of the small bones of the jaw.
From Ontario County Journal 14 April 1876
Mr. Lewis Watkins, of Seneca, while out hunting
on Thursday of last week, had the misfortune to break one of his
Simon Doolittle, at Port Gibson, on Wednesday of last week, had
his hand so badly mangled by a buzz saw that he had to submit to its
From Geneva Gazette 21 April 1876
On Friday last, as Mr. Wm. Leeson and wife of Seneca
Castle were leaving the residence of Joseph Childs for home,
their team became frightened and started into a run. The buggy
was overturned and both thrown out, Mrs. Leeson sustaining a
fracture of her collar bone. The horses ran all the way home, two
miles distant, without doing much damage to themselves or the buggy.
From Ontario County Journal 28 April 1876
Edmund B. Dewey, of Manchester, had a very narrow escape from
being crushed to death last Monday. He was assisting in building
a family vault, when he slipped and fell and stone weighing over half a
ton fell upon him and rolled over him. Strange to
say no bones were broken, but he was severely bruised, and a terrible
gash cut in his forehead. It is thought he will recover from the
effects of the accident in a few days, as careful examination has not
discovered any internal injuries.
From Geneva Gazette 28 April 1876
The following team of seven have been selected from the Geneva
Rifle Club to meet the Rochester Club on a return shoot in that city: John Miller, John Gaylord, Charles Bunge, Edward Flemming, Isaac G. Roberts, D. Lingle, A. B. Smith.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 3 May 1876
Gorham, N. Y. - Mr. Wm. A. Squier met with what had well-nigh been
a fatal accident last Monday. He was endeavoring to ride an unbroken
colt, which refusing to obey the bit, he struck with a whip held in his
hand, when the colt first kicked, then reared and threw his head back,
in what we believe horsemen call "bucking," and struck Mr. S. on the
face, knocking out several teeth from the upper plate and cutting his
underlip nearly or quite in to. He bled from the nose and was bruised
quite badly in face, besides. Although quite sore, he is now doing
well. Dr. Hershey sewed up the disserviced member and remarked that a
blow a little higher up would doubtless have killed him instantly.
From Ontario County Times 3 May 1876
On Monday last, Mr. Charles Jones, living on Gorham street
in this village, took from the stable a horse, recently purchased by
his son-in-law, Mr. Sherman Kingsbury, for the purpose of
exercising and examining the animal. While doing so, he received a kick
from the horse, being hit in the face, and quite seriously injured. No
bones were broken, but Mr. Jones had previously been somewhat out of
health, and fears are entertained that this violent shock may have the
effect to retard his recovery. We most sincerely hope, however, that
these fears will prove groundless, and that we shall soon be able to
report him again convalescent.
From Ontario County Journal 5 May 1876
An exciting runaway occurred on Main street Wednesday morning.
Mr. I. B. Smith had left his horse and buggy hitched for
a moment in front of the Hubbell Block near Chapin street - his little
son, five or six years old, in the buggy. A train of cars came
along on the track scaring the horse and he began to plunge about and
breaking the bit in his mouth. He was seized by Mr.
Wyvill, but he was unable to hold him. The horse started upon
a run down street, turning at Bristol street, where the horse fell upon
his side, the buggy was upset and the little boy thrown out.
he escaped injury, and when he was picked up remarked that he "didn't
like that horse very well; he went too fast." The buggy was
smashed up and the horse slightly bruised. The people who saw the
runaway were horrified at the probability of serious injury if not
of the little boy. It was indeed an almost miraculous escape.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 17 May 1876
We last week stated that Augustin Picard, a Frenchman,
aged 109 years, was the oldest man in the state. We were in error, for
right here in Ontario County, at Naples, lives Rodney Fletcher, a
colored man, who can see Picard's 109 and go him five better. Fletcher
will be 114 years of age next October.
From Geneva Gazette 19 May 1876
We have to chronicle another mysterious disappearance. On Tuesday, R. Duff, a
colored man, carrying on business as a cobbler in the block commonly
known as the "Freedman's Bureau" on Exchange street, locked up his shop
and went to dinner. Apparently he did not return after dinner, and
nothing has been seen or heard of him since. Thursday morning his shop
was forced open by officers, and everything found just as the missing
man left it two days previously. His age is over 50, has grayish hair,
moustache and side whiskers, height about 5 feet 7 inches, weight about
160 lbs. A person answering somewhat to his description was seen goind
east on the Waterloo road in the afternoon of Tuesday. His family is extremelyanxious to learn of his whereabouts.
From Geneva Courier 24 May 1876
RUNAWAY ACCIDENT - Yesterday afternoon between 3 and 4
o'clock, Mr. Edward Ottley and daughter of Seneca Castle, were
returning to their home from Geneva, and when near the railroad bridge,
just past the Denton place, on the Castle road, one of the bolts which
supports the thills, suddenly broke, letting them down upon the heels
of the horse, who took fright and started to run. The daughter
was thrown from the wagon, receiving a severe scalp wound, and also a
bruise near the eye. She was conveyed to a house near by, Dr. Covert
was summoned, but before he arrived, Dr. Flood, who happened to pass
was called in and dressed the wounds. The injuries sustained were
not dangerous.
SMALL-POX IN EAST BLOOMFIELD - Brief reference was made last
week to the occurrence of several
cases of
small-pox in the Bronson neighborhood in East Bloomfield. No new
have since been reported, and hopes are entertained that the disease
be confined within its present limits. Mrs. Bronson, wife of
J. Bronson, Esq., and mother of Hon. Edward Bronson, we regret to
died on Monday, after about one week's illness. She was an aged
of most estimable character, and her death, under such circumstances,
the occasion of much distress to the numerous relatives and friends. Mr.
Marriner's son, who was attacked about the same time time with Mrs.
Bronson, is still very sick, but will probably recover. (reprint
from Canandaigua Times.)
From Ontario County Journal 26 May 1876
Cheshire, N. Y. - James McKiney has worked for A. & A. Van Wie
over seven years, and has lost only one month in that time. Who
can beat that? Jim lives at Bristol Centre, and comes to work on
Monday morning and returns home on Saturday night. He has
accumulated a nice little property. He was a brave soldier in the
army for three years, and is a man who has hosts of friends, both in
Cheshire and Bristol. His family earned over one hundred dollars
in the hop yards last fall, and a year ago last fall as much. Is
not that a pattern that young men just starting in life would do well
to follow?
From Geneva Gazette 9 June 1876
David Coburn of
Seneca Castle has become totally blind from the effects of an accidental
discharge of a gun in the hands of a companion while out hunting last
year, receiving the charge in his face and eyes. As a means of
livelihood, Mr. Coburn has established an insurance Agency at Seneca
Castle, representing several responsible companies in sympathy for him
in his misfortune.
From Geneva Courier 14 June 1876
GORHAM - Mrs. Frank Wilson has been very low since we last
wrote you, but we learn she is now slowly gaining. Her case has
been the more critical from a relapse early in the disease, supposed to
be superinduced by exposure too soon.
Mr. L.
Phillips and wife have returned from their western visit, and we
saw their genial faces in church again last Sabbath. It seems to
us his return was timely, for by a notice
posted on a tree in his yard, it appeared his home was in
the market for sale. L. B. must remember the best
blades of Damascus had a double edge and cut both ways. Aleck
remember -- we see the naughty board and significant notice are removed
and presume the claim is now settled. "So mote it be."
From Geneva Gazette 16 June 1876
The Naples Record chronicles an accident befalling one of our
old friends and subscribers: We learn that S. G. March on
Thursday last week, while cutting hop-poles on his farm, accidentally
let the ax glance off and the bit entered his leg below the knee
severing important blood vessels. His call for help was not heard
until his son, Darwin, returned from a funeral, who went to his
assistance. Mr. Marsh had stanched the flow of blood as he best
could with his vest, and he was so weakened as to be unconscious about
twelve hours.
He is doing as well as can be expected.
From Geneva Gazette 23 June 1876
The trial of Frank Hammond for
libel, in which his wife was plaintiff, backed by nearly the whole
village of Phelps, terminated Tuesday night last in a verdict for the
plaintiff. The defendant had printed and issued a pamphlet perhaps a
year ago, making a matter of his private family affairs, in which he
assumed that his wife had attempted his death by poison. The affair
created no little excitement in Phelps at the time of the publication.
Hon. A. P. Laning of Buffalo was one of the counsel for Hammond, who
will undoubtedly appeal.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 28 June 1876
John Otterson of Halls Corners, while drawing stone, had on the
boat a load weighing upwards of two thousand pounds. When the team was
in motion the ponderous stone commenced to slip. In endeavoring to get
out of the way, Otterson in some way caught his foot in the staple of
the boat; the rock passed between his limbs twisting his right leg and
breaking the inner bone about midway between the knee ankle joint; also
breaking both bones of the same limb about 4 1/2 inches below the first
From Ontario County Times 28 June 1876
Farmington, N. Y. - On Saturday, the 17th inst., Mrs. Gardner
L. Sheldon, accompanied by her niece, Miss Dollie Aldrich, were
out riding. Having called at Anson J. Tuttle's, they proceeded
on their return home. As they started out of the yard, Mrs. Sheldon
took hold of the reins to drive, and while the change of drivers was
taking place, the horse made such a sudden start that in turning both
were thrown out upon the ground. Both were much frightened and bruised,
but Mrs. Sheldon's injuries are much more serious than at first
supposed. Dr. Draper, of Victor, was immediately called and found that
her shoulder was badly fractured, the blade having been broken. The
part had become so swollen that he could only apply remedies to allay
the inflammation before adjusting the fracture. Although the injury is
attended with severe pain, yet there is a fair prospect of relief and
partial recovery. The horse, though well trained, is a high-spirited
animal and of course improved the opportunity, without even glancing at
the fearful result. After going about a mile he was stopped and
It will be remembered that Henry Osborn, a resident of this
village, recently created quite an excitement in Rochester by
attempting to throw himself into the river at that place. He has lately
made another visit to this wicked city that for ways that are dark and
peculiar, and again has got into trouble. The Rochester Union says:
Henry Osborn resides in Canandaigua, and when he feels like getting on
a drunk, makes a pilgrimage to this city for that purpose. On two or
three previous occasions he has been leniently dealt with at the police
court, but Henry seems to be an individual who fails to profit by
kindness. Saturday evening Depot Policeman John Scott saw him
comfortably snoring in the waiting room of the depot. He awoke him
mildly, when Henry commenced a torrent of abuse. Scott arrested him,
and had hard work getting him to the police station. This morning he
was fined $10 or 30 in M. C. P.
From Geneva Gazette 7 July 1876
Shooting Affair at South Bristol - On Saturday last, the 1st
inst., a serious and perhaps fatal shooting affair occurred in a place
called Hilltown, in South Bristol, in this county. Sanford
Lord of that place shot a man named Asa Sutton, also a
resident of that town. There are several different stories as to
what led to the quarrel. Whatever was the cause of the
difficulty, all stories agree as the result of it, namely: That
Lord loaded a shot gun and brought the dispute to an abrupt termination
by shooting Sutton in the right side, inflicting a wound which was at
first considered fatal.
Up to the present writing, however, the injured man is alive and
some hopes are entertained of his recovery. Lord was arrested and
taken before Justice Gulick, who committed him to Canandaigua
jail to await the result of Sutton's injuries. On Monday morning
he was brought to this village and placed in charge of Sheriff Boswell.
Lord is said to be a brother of Hon. Jarvis Lord of Monroe
county. Sutton is also respectably connected. The former
owns a
small farm upon which he resided. Both men are reported to be
drinkers. Canandaigua Times
From Ontario County Journal 7 July 1876
STABBING ON THE 4TH - John Birmingham of this place,
and Henry Duffy of Hopewell, got into a wrangle about noon
of the 4th, and Duffy stabbed Birmingham in the left arm, near the
shoulder, with a pocket knife. The wound was about two inches
long, and bled very freely. Birmingham lost so much blood that
he fainted away in the afternoon, and for a time the wound was
dangerous. Duffy was arrested and locked up, Birmingham not being
able to appear as a witness. The examination is set down for tomorrow,
before Police Justice Hall.
From Ontario County Journal 7 July 1876
Victor, N. Y. - Mrs. Edwin Norton, while crossing the
crosswalk near Mr. Simonds store, was run into by a runaway horse
and knocked down, the horse stepping on her face and otherwise injuring
her. She was considerably bruised.
From Geneva Gazette 28 July 1876
Mrs. J. G. Dudley of this village, while en route to or from
Buffalo one day this week, missed her port moniae when arriving at
Rochester. Believing herself to have been robbed, she left the
train to consult a
policeman. On returning with an officer, lo and behold her
child was found in possession of the missing treasure, unconscious
that its mother had been bewailing its supposed loss.
We hear with deep regret that two of
the Runyan brothers - S. C. and Charles,
sons of the late Isaac W. Runyan of Seneca Castle,
are dangerously ill of lung complaint. The former was quite
recently attacked with severe hemorrhage of the lungs; the latter has
been suffering for a long time from a different form of lung disease.
Relatives and friends are somewhat alarmed over their physical
condition. They once gave promise of long,
useful and honored lives.
The Canandaigua Journal says:
"On Monday last a strange case of horse suicide occurred
at Seneca Point. A large fine black horse, belonging
to William Sutton, who lives some two or three miles west of
Seneca Point, was turned out to grass. Breaking from the enclosure,
the horse made his way to the Point, and after coursing around the
track and making splendid time, rushed madly into the lake near
the dock, and held his head under the water until he was drowned.
The horse was without doubt laboring under temporary insanity,
and therefore should not be judged too harshly for committing the rash
From Ontario County Journal 28 July 1876
Millers Corners, N. Y. - Mr. Wm. French and John Green were
out fishing the other day on Snook's mill pond, using a wagon box as a
boat and a little gale having arisen, they came near being drowned, but
they seized a stump near by and both reached land. Nearly
overcome by the siege they had just gone through, both repaired to the
Mineral Springs near by, and after taking an overdose of spring water,
went home happy as larks and took a good square meal apiece.
"Nothing" ventured, nothing gained, but "leaky wagon boxes must
keep near shore."
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 2 August 1876
Mrs. Lemon Wemett of Canadice, while out riding the other day, had
the misfortune of being badly injured while her horse was running away.
Her left leg was broken, and she was otherwise injured.
From Ontario County Journal 4 August 1876
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Last Saturday evening, Dr.
Silvernail's team became frightened while hitched in front of the
Covill House at Victor. They succeeded in breaking their hitching strap
and started for home. When near Sheppard's ponds, they collided
with a buggy
belonging to Lewin Reed. No serious damage was done to
buggy or its occupants. After the collision, the team was caught
by Charley Chapin. At this time the Doctor came up and
possession of his rig and drove home. Strange as it may appear,
no damage was done to the team or buggy.
From Ontario County Times 9 August 1876
On Thursday last Gabriel Adams, of Canadice, received a
serious and perhaps fatal injury while handling hay with a horse-fork.
The fastenings which held the pully in place overhead gave way, letting
the fork (a four-tined one) fall in such a manner that one tine struck
Mr. Adams on the head, penetrating the skull over the right temple and
entering the brain to the depth of an inch and a half. So far Mr. Adams
appears to be doing well, and converses rationally at all times. He is
attended by Dr. T. D. Connor of Springwater.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 23 August 1876
Early Monday forenoon as Mr. James L. Sherwood, accompanied
by a lad named Peter Quinn, was driving down Main street on
the way to his lumber yard, the horse which is a spirited animal,
suddenly became frightened and ran away. He turned short in front of
Torrey's drug store, and ran towards Chapin street, which overthrew the
wagon, both occupants falling to the ground, Mr. Sherwood being
uppermost. He was scarcely injured, although considerably shaken up
being a heavy man; but young Quinn received some severe injuries about
the hips and shoulders, and also the head. He is now quite comfortable.
The horse was fortunately secured.
Last Saturday evening, about dusk, while Charles E. Haney and Charles
McKinney were standing in front of the residence of the former, in
the town of Richmond, near East Bloomfield, they were approached by a
man named David W. Halleck, who accused Mr. Haney of having
improper intercourse with his, Halleck's wife. Mr. Haney replied and
turned to walk off. Halleck then drew a revolver and fired, the ball
striking Mr. Haney in the mouth, knocking out two teeth, cutting his
tongue and making a bad wound. Halleck then turned quickly around and
fired at McKinney, the ball taking effect in the back part of the head.
Both parties, although badly wounded, are in a fair way of recovery.
Halleck was arrested and is now confined in our county jail awaiting
From Ontario County Journal 25 August 1876
Last Friday as Mr. Oliver Tiffany of Bristol was
approaching the village, when almost opposite Brighman Hall, his horse
took fright and ran, throwing Mr. Tiffany to the ground. He did
not however
sustain injury. The runaways took the middle of Bristol street
until they came to the corner of Main, where in turning one of them was
thrown upon the pavement, striking his head against a hitching post,
a dreadful wound and fracturing the nasal bone. Dr. Frank A.
Campbell was sent for at once and as he could check the hemorrhage
from the wound, he removed the horse to the stables of Messrs. Wyvill
Whitwell. The Doctor then removed a large piece of bone from the
and otherwise cared for his patient. Monday he removed a second
and at last accounts the horse was comfortable and likely to recover.
who saw the animal after the accident believed that he could be saved,
if he does recover, it will be a triumph for the Doctor in his
The horse was highly prized by Mr. Tiffany and very valuable, he having
refused five hundred dollars for him.
Doctor Campbell came to us from Toronto, a graduate of the celebrated
Ontario Veterinary College, and all owners of animals will be pleased
to learn that a skillful practitioner has made his home among us.
From Geneva Gazette 1 September 1876
Monuments - I have erected granite monuments for the following
named parties since the 18th day of last May:
Luther Salisbury - Phelps
Wm. A. Van Vrankin - Geneva
Daniel Smith - Newark
George Bilsborrow - Seneca
Benjamin Moody - Seneca
Adam Whynkoop - Hopewell
Benjamin Child - New York
Michael Vanderbilt - Lyons
Cyrus Avery - Lyons
Also now have orders from the following named persons for granite
monuments, to be erected this
Rev. P. H. Hollister - Hancock, Mich.
C. E. Reed - Phelps
E. Balcom - Hopewell
Allen Loomis - Rushville
Richard H. Pease - Geneva
Abram Robison - Geneva
Nathan Oaks - Phelps
No marble monuments are included in this list, (but they are all
granite,) and many have several inscriptions on each. I now have on
hand nine granites for sale, and expect more soon. I
should like to see the list of sales from the dealer in Lyons that
"sells them at wholesale prices" - I mean sales of granite
monuments, not sales of
lumber and coal.
From Geneva Gazette 8 September 1876
John S. Coe,
Esq., of Canandaigua, one of the best posted and most persevering
solicitors engaged in the pension business, lately obtained back pension
for the widow, Mary Whalen, residing in that village, amounting to $1352--claim based off the loss of an only son killed in the late war.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 13 September 1876
At the recent picnic of the Western New York Band Association, held
at Willow Grove, on Canandaigua Lake, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: President, Wm. Kelsey, Rushville;
vice-presidents, M. C. Sutton, Naples, Frank Adams, Wayland;
Edgar Lilley, Cheshire, D. W. Beam, Canadice; Riley
Ward, Richmond Mills; secretary, Scott R. Sutton, Naples.
From Geneva Courier 20 September 1876
ALARM OF FIRE -- About 8 o'clock, last Saturday night, a
general alarm of fire was sounded for about a quarter of an hour,
creating considerable excitement, until it was found to be false.
The alarm was started by one of the original songs sung by one Patrick
Doyle, a man residing 8 miles south of Geneva, who, while slightly
under the influence of liquor, was singing on Castle street, near
Exchange. The singing was heard by some persons on Exchange st.,
and mistaken for a cry of fire, and an alarm started. As the
Silsby steamer was leaving the Engine House, George Inman, its
fireman, attempted to jump on the wood box in the rear, and slipped,
striking heavily on his back. The hose cart of the steamer was
attached to it and before Inman could recover sufficiently to get out
of the way, it had passed entirely over his body, cutting a horrible
gash in his side, which nearly proved fatal. Fortunately no
bones were broken. The injured was taken to his house, on Castle
st., and his wounds dressed. Although it will be some time before
he will be able to get around, he is in a fair way to recover.
After Doyle had created this amount of mischief, he started to go
home and by mistake went up Exchange st.; after going its entire
length, he came to the end of the street, which ends, and ended for
him, in a fall of 12 feet. At the bottom is a miscellaneous
assortment of stones, tin pans,
and rubbish of all kinds. The man struck the bottom in such a
manner as to receive a severe cut from the top
of his head to the back of his ear. We are informed by Doctor
Weyburn, who attends him, that he will recover soon, but that had the
man been sober, he would undoubtedly have been killed.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 27 September 1876
A serious accident occurred to Mark T. Powell of Victor,
last Saturday afternoon, while out shooting with a rifle. When the wad
was put in the rifle, it stuck a few inches from powder. He put on the
cap and fired it off, in order to get wad out. The barrel burst where
his left hand was on the gun, and tore the first finger completely from
hand and so shattered the next one that it will have to be removed.
From Geneva Gazette 29 September 1876
A Sad Affliction - We are grieved to announce that Mr. E. B.
Allis, the well-known cutter, was on Tuesday night last suddenly
stricken down with paralysis, affecting his entire right side and
powers of speech. At the time he was surrounded by a bevy of
friends at his own room in Linden block. He attempted as soon as
attacked to reach
an open window, and would have fallen helpless to the floor had he
not been caught in the arms of his visiting friends. Dr. Covert
was promptly called and is faithfully attending the patient. He
evidently retains consciousness, but is unable to move or articulate.
His condition is a little improved though still critical.
His daughter and brother arrived from Rochester on Wednesday, as
also as on from New York, who are unremitting in the attentions to him.
From Ontario County Journal 29 September 1876
Canadice, N. Y. - This community was startled on Saturday by the
too well authenticated report of a terrible and perhaps fatal accident
to a member of our embryo Base Ball club -- Mr. Leonard Wemmett. It
seems that the side that was in, contrary to the rules, had crowded in
close proximity to the striker - Mr. Edward Nobles. The
day was misty and damp, and the club moist and slippery. Missing
the ball,
the club slipped from his grasp and struck endways upon the forehead of
Wemmett, felling him to the ground as an ox would be felled by a blow
an axe. The skull was found to be broken the exact size of the
club, three inches in diameter. No time was lost in procuring the
attendance of Doctor Conner, of Springwater, who at once probed the
and proceeded to restore the skull to its proper position. Today
his life hangs by a thread. It is hoped that a vigorous
constitution, aided by the recuperative power of nature, may enable him
to withstand the terrible shock. He had his senses throughout. He
arose, in a few
seconds, upon his knee and enquired what struck him. "Don't tell
Belle," said he, more solicitous for his young wife than for himself.
No blame attaches to young Noble. He is a player of more
than ordinary skill, and it is the first accident of the kind he ever
met with. The consternation and sorrow of the club may be
imagined. This terrible affair will probably lead to its
From Geneva Gazette 13 October 1876
Darius Allen, a dissipated lawyer of Canandaigua, formerly of Penn
Yan, is under arrest for ripping up rails on the State Line railroad.
He confesses, and will probably be made to "sweat" for his
From Geneva Gazette 13 October 1876
Serious Accident - Two Men Seriously Injured - Dr. Picot, the
attending physician and surgeon, furnished us with the following facts
relating to an accident resulting in severe injuries to two well-known
citizens - Messrs. Charles Clark, (grocer on Exchange st.,)
and John Taney, master mason. They were riding together
over the lake, and while
coming down the slope fronting Mr. Swan's mansion, the horse became
frightened and ran away. Near the foot of the hill the animal
was pulled up, but he kicked and reared so violently that the men
jumped or were thrown out. Mr. Taney suffered severe suffered
severe bruises on left side and head; Mr. Clark had left collar bone
and one rib on left side broken, and sustained severe injury of the
which has become badly swollen. His condition is somewhat
Mr. Taney's injuries are not dangerous. Mr. Arthur Hammond, our
well-known nurseryman, who with a gang of men was at work in an
field, came promptly to the relief of the injured men, rode hastily to
town for and procured a physician, and otherwise rendered efficient aid
and lively sympathy to the sufferers, proving a "good Samaritan" indeed.
From Ontario County Journal 20 October 1876
Reed's Corners, N. Y. - Pretty nearly an accident, J. H.
Browning, with Misses Belle Partise and Clara Reed were
on their way to Canandaigua last Thursday, going by way of the old
turnpike road, and when crossing the bridge over the creek a few rods
east of Harvey Pratt's, the horse, a three year old, shied off to one
side, and went off at the end of the bridge, horse and wagon turning a
complete somersault. Miss Belle Partise received a slight bruise
on the cheek, and the cost of repairs to the wagon was but four
dollars. An accident was avoided by tipping over as any body
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 8 November 1876
Patrick Drooney, while engaged in hoisting ice at the McKechnie
Brewery last Saturday, met with quite a severe accident. they had just
hoisted a heavy piece to the second floor when the tackling broke
letting the ice fall. It struck Mr. D. upon his head, splitting the
skull open, and otherwise severely bruising him. He was knocked
senseless, and for a long time it was thought his injuries would prove
fatal, but he is now quite comfortable.
From Ontario County Times 8 November 1876
Canadice, N. Y. - Mr. Andrew Rowley met with a severe accident a
short time since. A grandson, aged about seven years, was going to draw
some pumpkins on a sleigh and Mr. Rowley accompanied him. Being old and
very decrepit, a chair was placed on the sleigh for his convenience,
from which in consequence of driving on a side hill, he was
precipitated to the ground with considerable violence, to his
serious injury. His case was considered critical at first, but from
latest reports his condition is considerably improved.
Canadice, N. Y. - A few days ago, Willie Eldridge, aged
eleven years, son of Thomas Eldridge of this town, was in
company with other boys of about his own age, playing with gun caps,
which they were firing by placing an axe and striking off with another
axe, when, as one of the caps exploded a piece of it struck Willie in
the left eye, penetrating almost through the entire eyeball. The wound
though at first not showing much injury, caused severe pain and soon
inflamed severely. Mr. Eldridge took his son to Dr. Preston of
Dansville, thence to Dr. Rider of Rochester, who extracted the eye, and
found it to be an entire mass of corrupt matter. The boy is now
comfortable and improving.
From Ontario County Journal 10 November 1876
Miller's Corners, N. Y. - Two serious accidents have occurred
in this vicinity recently. Mr. John O'Neil, living one
one-half miles northeast of here, fell from a wagon, breaking his
bone and shoulder blade. He is improving. The other is the
fatal accident which happened to Henry Hawes, on Thursday
last, occasioned by the accidental discharge of his gun. While out
hunting in the woods belonging to Mr. John Browning with his brother,
Cyrus, he was in the act of cleaning one barrel of his gun, preparatory
to reloading when the hammer of the other barrel, which was loaded, was
caught by some brush, and the contents discharged into the lower part
of his abdomen, following the spinal column upwards. With the
help of others whom his brother called to his assistance, a stretcher
was built and he was carried to his home, about a mile distant, where
he died about 1 o'clock p.m. Dr. Silvernail attended him.
He leaves a wife and three small children to mourn his loss.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 15 November 1876
Capt. J. J. Loonie of this village, has just finished and placed
in the Cemetery at Reed's Corners, for Mr. Albert Henry, a
handsome monument of Italian marble.
From Geneva Gazette 1 December 1876
Mr. John Rippey of
Seneca, while engaged feeding a corn husker on Monday last, had his left
hand drawn into the machine so far as to have the little finger taken
off at the second joint, the third one mashed to first joint, and losing
the nail of first finger. He narrowly escaped more serious injuries.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 6 December 1876
Frank Wood, who resides near Miller's Corners, was hitching up a
horse last Thursday, when the animal kicked him in the mouth, knocking
out two teeth entirely, and four others stood with ends towards the
root of his tongue, and Mr. Wood was laid under the hind axle of the
wagon. Dr. Kellogg sewed up his lip and replanted the teeth, and he
will be all right again in a few days.
From Ontario County Journal 8 December 1876
Bristol Springs, N. Y. - Mrs. Niece, who was prostrated by a shock
of numb palsy, supposed to have been brought on by the sudden death of
her father, is convalescing very slowly. A number of deaths among
old people have occurred in this vicinity lately. Winthrop
Holcomb, an old settler of this place, died at the advanced age of
87 years.
Mrs. Story and John Granby also have died
From Geneva Gazette 15 December 1876
There was a
family gathering of a remarkable and very pleasing character to all who
participated at the residence of the venerable Nathan Reed in
Seneca Castle last Monday. The aged couple were surrounded by their
children, Mr. Stephen T. Reed and Mrs. Wm. Dunham, Chas. A. and David
Boyd and their wives, both the latter daughters of S. T. Reed and their
children, making four generations present. Quite recently this same
family mustered one of a still older generation--Mrs. Chase, mother of
Mrs. Nathan Reed. The father of the elder Mr. Reed was a patriot of the
revolution and one of the earliest and most honored settlers of this
From Ontario County Journal 29 December 1876
An Unpleasant Affair - Mr. John Wynkoop, a respected citizen of
Hopewell, chose the better part not many days ago by taking to himself
a wife. He returned to his home after the nuptial ceremonies had
been performed, and in the evening some of the boys of the vicinity,
for fun you know, instituted a "horning bee," and proceeded to serenade
the newly wedded couple. Mr. Wynkoop noted for his hospitality, called
boys in and treated them to popcorn, apples and cider, and for a time
went merry as a marriage bell. "Hush ! did ye not hear it?
'twas but the wind," &c. Soon after partaking of the
the boys, hastily expressing their thanks, betook themselves to the
of the outer world. Some thought the cider, to be more palatable,
had been "medicated" with croton oil. There may have been some
between this and what followed two or three nights after, when three
horses belonging to Mr. Wynkoop were mutilated by shearing off their
and tails. Of course, Mr. W. could not quietly submit to this, and he
the case in the hands of officer Tate, who proceeded to work it up,
he did so vigorously, that a day or two later he arrested Herbert
charged as principal in disfiguring the horses, and two or three
young men were arrested as particepi criminis. An
was held one day last week before Justice Hemenway, and Evered was held
bail of $500 to await the action of the Grand Jury in the case.
whole matter is unfortunate, and we fear will breed unpleasant
animosities which it will require long years to heal.
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