News of Ontario County
From The Expositor Geneva NY Wednesday 17 June 1807
The dwelling house & lot of land of the late John Johnston,
Esq., deceased, situated in the village of Geneva. For terms
apply to A. DOX.
Those who wish to have their wool carded in the best manner, will
please apply to the subscriber, who is now erecting in the the Town of
Phelps, on the Canandaigua out-let, opposite to the farm of J. D.
Robinson, a double machine of the best kind; also a picking
machine. He has employed a man to superintend the machines who
has been regularly bred to the business, and will carefully execute all
orders in his line. It is expected that the coarsest of filth
will be taken from the wool, and the grease will be kept separate from
the wool. The terms of carding will be usual. Wool may be
left at F. Barnard's Clothier's Shop, Geneva. CEPHAS
Notice is hereby given, that the subscribers, by mutual agreement, have
dissolved partnership. All persons indebted to them are requested
to make settlement by the 1st of November next, to avoid the trouble of
seeing a Constable ----- it is thought a hint to the wise will be
sufficient. JOEL PRESCOTT; ROBT. W. ASHLEY, Phelps;
The house, lot and stable lately advertised in this paper by Robert
Norris, is now again offered to be let. For a description of
the premises, see Mr. Norris advertisement -- and for further
particulars, inquire of Mrs. Mizner, by whom the house is now
occupied. Geneva.
Strayed from the subscriber (at Boughton Hill) Bloomfield, on the 10th
of May, a bay gelding horse, 7 years old, white hind feet, star on his
forehead, clear trotter. Said horse was seen near Ebenezer
Lewis' in Lincoln, on the 11th of May, and is supposed to have gone
towards Jerusalem or the Cayuga Bridge. Whoever will return said
horse, or give information where he may be found, shall be
handsomely rewarded, and all reasonable charges paid by BENJAMIN
A. PARSONS. Bloomfield.
The subscriber has opened a House of Entertainment in the village of
Hopeton, and has provided himself with the best liquors and good fare,
and will use every effort in his power for the accommodation of those
who will favor him with their custom. The road passing through
Hopeton is from its situation, the driest, best and most direct for
those who are travelling from Geneva to Bath or the head of Seneca
Lake. THO. HOWARD. Hopeton.
From the Geneva Gazette Wednesday 14 March 1810
Ran away from the subscriber, on Tuesday the 27th ult. an apprentice to
the Hatmaking Business, named LEVI PHILLIPS, about 19 years of
age, 5 feet 7 inches high; had on a suit of dark brown clothes.
Whoever will return said boy, or give information where he is, shall
receive the above reward. All persons are
forbid harboring or trusting him on account of the subscriber. THOMAS
SMITH. Geneva.
All persons indebted to the subscriber for clothier's work, are
requested to make payment to him by the first day of April next, as
accounts of six months standing at that date, will, without fail, be
put in suit. LEUTHER ROOT. Phelps.
From the Geneva Gazette Wednesday 8 July 1812
GEO. H. NORTON having taken the stock of goods belonging to A.
& G. L. DOX, offers them for sale. The assignment is a
very generous one, and
will be disposed of for Ready Pay only. Geneva.
AMOS WILMOT, respectfully informs his friends and the public,
that he has re-commenced his business in the village of Geneva, three
doors south of Maj. Colt's Store, and directly opposite Maj. Cook's,
where he intends to furnish all kinds of work in his line, consisting
saddles, harness, bridles, caps, holsters, &c. Those who
favor him with their custom, may depend on having their work done on
the shortest notice and in the best manner. Geneva.
The subscriber having obtained a patent right for his invented, window
spring, presumes to say that for its durability, cheapness, and
convenience, it will meet the approbation of the public. Any
person willing to see one in operation, will please to call at the
house lately occupied by Mr. D. S. Murray, and nearly opposite
Goodwin and Ellis' Apothecary Store. JAS M. PRESCOTT. Geneva.
N. B. A few boarders will be taken as above, where satisfaction
shall be given.
The trustees having taken pains to procure an approved preceptor, are
happy to announce that in Mr. Ransom Hubbell, a graduate of
Union College, they have succeeded to the wishes. He comes highly
recommended by the Rev. Eliphalet Nott, President of Union College, as
a gentleman of good moral character; of very respectable literary
acquirements, and that he has for some time been successfully engaged
in the business of instruction. This academy is now open for the
tuition of youth in all the branches of literature usually taught in an
From Ontario Gazette and Western Chronicle 19 October 1814
Phelps, Oct. 14 1814; At a General Court-Martial, of which
Lieut. Col. Hooker Sawyer, was President, held at
the house of Asahel Banister, in Phelps, on the 13th inst., was
tried Capt. JOHN VAN AUKEN, of the
71st Regiment NY Infantry, on a number of charges exhibited against him
-- the two following of which he was found guilty, viz.
"Not making proper Returns at Company training on the 5th September
last, nor at Regimental training on the 9th
of the same month."
"Not swearing his non-commissioned officers on the return of the
warrants or Battalion training on the 26th Aug. last; nor at Company
training on the 5th Sept. following; nor at Regimental training on the
9th of the same month."
The Sentence of the Court is that the said Capt. John Van Auken, be
publicly Reprimanded by the General in such manner as he may think will
most conduce to the benefit of the militia service, and the good of the
HOOKER SAWYER, Lt. Col., 11th Reg't NYI, President
R. Hogarth, Judge Advocate
The Brigadier General approves of the above sentence and directs the
same to be published in the Geneva Gazette. The General
Court-Martial is hereby dissolved.
Brig. Gen. 24th Brigade NYI
From Geneva Gazette 9 February 1826
A son of Mr. Homer Case, of Canandaigua, aged about 5 years,
was holding a horse at a watering place in that village, on the 28th
ult. with his hand
through the noose of the halter, when the horse started and ran,
dragging the boy over the rough earth, by which his head was dreadfully
bruised, and in leaping a fence drew his arm from his body !
From Geneva Gazette & Mercantile Advertiser 7 July 1830
The creditors of ELIJAH T. WHEATON, a resident of the town
of Seneca, in the County of Ontario, are notified to show cause, if any
they have, before Charles Butler, Esq., Supreme Court Commissioner, at
his Office in Geneva, in said County, on the twenty-seventh day of July
next, at ten o'clock A. M. why an assignment of the said insolvent's
estate should not be made, and his person be
exempted from imprisonment, according to the prayer of this
petition. Dated May 25, 1830.
From Geneva Gazette 24 January 1838
The scandalous and vulgar conduct that is laid to the charge of Mr.
Pullen, the account of which is reported to have been circulated by me,
I pronounce to be false, and without any foundation.
Geneva, Jan. 24, 1838
From Ontario Messenger 5 May 1841
Mysterious - We learn from a notice in the Naples
Neapolitan, that Mr. Ezra Cole of that town, left his
residence suddenly and mysteriously, on the 7th of April, and has
not since been heard of. He is said to be a man of sober and
industrious habits, and his sudden departure has caused much
uneasiness, from the fact that he was subject to fits of insanity.
A general search has been made by the inhabitants in the vicinity
but without success. Mr. Cole is about 40 years of age -- nearly
6 feet in height. His dress was of brown homespun cloth, and a knit
woolen cap. He is the owner of a good farm in Naples, and is said
to be in easy circumstances. Any information respecting him may
be addressed to B. K. Lyon, P. M. Naples.
From Geneva Courier 15 March 1842
Bankruptcy Applications filed:
Stephen H. Ainsworth, of the town of West
Bloomfield, March
Josiah L. Yeckley, Gorham, March 24.
Samuel F. Norton, Oliver B. Ford, Wm. J. Hooker and John
Watson, late of the firm of Norton Ford & Co., Vienna, March
John Bannister, Phelps, March 28.
Oliver Miller, Geneva, March 28.
John Dixson, Richmond, in his individual capacity, and as a
member of the firm of Chas. G. Hammond & Co., March 31.
David S. Hall, Geneva, March 31.
Anson Lamphire, West Bloomfield, and Othniel J. Gilbert, late
of West Bloomfield, but now of Monroe co., in their individual
capacities, and as partners under the firm of Lamphire & Gilbert,
at West Bloomfield, April 4.
Wm. E. Hall, West Bloomfield, April 4.
George Linendoll, Geneva, April 4.
Thomas U. Bradbury, Canandaigua, April 4.
From Geneva Courier 22 March 1842
Reynold Knowles, Victor, April 5.
Albert Ball, Victor, April 9.
Daniel Tibbets, Phelps, April 11.
Alexander Gillespie, Seneca, April 15.
Phineas W. Dickey, Phelps, April 18.
Benjamin F. Stagg, Geneva, in his individual capacity, and as
a member of the late firm of H. & B. F. Stagg,
April 13.
Samuel Tripp, Geneva, April 15.
Joseph J. Seidmore, Geneva, April 15.
James Bogart, Geneva, April 18.
Lodewick Vandemark, Phelps, individually and as one of the
late firm of L. Vandemark & Co., April 18.
From Geneva Courier 5 April 1842
Mrs. Betsa Mann, Geneva, individually and as one of
the late firm of Mann & Hastings, at Syracuse, April 30.
Almarzon Clark, of West Bloomfield, April 26.
From Geneva Courier 12 April 1842
Francis Windsor, Phelps, April 30.
Sylvester Alderman, Naples, April 30.
S. V. R. Bogert, Geneva, May 7.
Carlos A. Hawley, East Bloomfield, May 7.
Joseph Clement, Geneva, May 7.
John McComb, Jr., Geneva, individually and as of the late
firm of Ogden & McComb, of the city of New York, May 7.
Lorenzo Hathaway, Farmington, individually and as of the late
firms of Clapp & Hathaway, and Clapp, Hathaway & Moore, May 10.
From Geneva Courier 19 April 1842
Ery A. Northrop, Canandaigua, May 23.
William W. Sutherland, Canandaigua, May 23.
From Geneva Courier 24 May 1842
Jedediah W. Palmer, Phelps, May 23.
Samuel D. Burnett, Bristol, May 23.
From Geneva Courier 14 June 1842
Warren Mills, Manchester, July 6.
Edward White, Canandaigua, July 6.
Wm. H. Lamport, Gorham, individually and as of the late firm
of Holmes & Lamport, July 6.
Stephen W. Stanley, Geneva, individually and as of the late
firm of O. W. May & Co., Merchants at Tyre, Seneca county, July 6.
James Williams, Canandaigua, July 7.
Donated by Ernie Fulton
- thanks, Ernie
Page 3 column 1
List of letters remaining in the postoffice at Geneva, September
5th 1843.
Fulton, James M.
From Geneva Gazette 29 May 1846
Shocking - A little boy, aged about three years, a son of Mr.
Francis Carroll, confectioner, of this village, yesterday morning
fell into a
kettle of boiling sugar and was most shockingly scalded. We
understand that the child is not expected to survive.
From Geneva Gazette 12 June 1846
Mr. John Wetherly, of the town of Phelps, has presented us
with a fine bunch of Radishes -- one of which measured 4 1/2 inches in
circumference, and 10 inches in length. Good eating ! Beat
this who can.
From Geneva Courier 20 April 1847
ACCIDENT - On Saturday morning last, as some workmen were engaged
upon one of the 3 story houses in Seneca St., one of them named Thomas
Crouchen fell from the roof to the ground. Fortunately the
shingles which had been stripped from the roof lay loosely upon
the ground, so that the fall was broken. None of his limbs were
injured, and we are happy to say that he is doing
well. His escape was almost miraculous.
Geneva Courier Wed September 8 1847 Page 3 Column 3
The Firm herefore existing under the name of MERRELL & FULTONS,
consisting of Geo. Merrell, James M. Fulton, and Wm. Fulton,
is at the date herewith, dissolved by
mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by Geo.
Merrell and Wm. Fulton. April 1, 1847.
Donated by Ernie Fulton
From Ontario Messenger 25 July 1849
Information Wanted - Henry S. Schoonoven left the home of his
father, who then resided in the town of Wantage, Sussex co., Pa., and
came to this village. He stayed here some two or three years, and then
removed to Alleghany county, in this State, since which time his
parents have had no tidings of his whereabouts. He was a miller by
occupation. Any information calculated to disclose his present place of
residence, will be thankfully received by his aged father, Jonathan
at Phelps, Ontario co., N. Y.
From Ontario Messenger 22 May 1850
Attempted Suicide - Mr. Thomas Van Gieson, of this village, made a
bold and well-nigh a successful attempt to destroy his own life on
Thursday last, by discharging a pistol at his head. The weapon was
loaded with shot, and it is supposed that it was held obliquely to his
right ear - the charge blowing off the ear and tearing away a portion
of the skull, so that a part of the brain was discharged. His life was
for a long time despaired of; but yesterday afternoon he had so far
recovered as to be able to sit upright in bed, and converse with those
about him, and there is no doubt of his recovery. Many surmises are
afloat as to the cause of the rash act. He has been very wealthy, but
squandered his means in inebriety save a moiety secured for his family
- a wife and three children. He has several times threatened
self-destruction -- but his threats have been treated with ridicule, no
one ever dreaming that he had the hardihood or courage to carry them
into execution. That this providential escape from a suicide's death
will exert a salutary reform in him, is our earnest wish - as it will
be of his many friends. Geneva Gaz.
From Ontario Messenger 8 January 1851
Bloody Affray - On Friday night last our village was the
scene of a most bloody and horrible affray. According to our
Alex. Benham, a lad of some 14 or 15 years, Wm.
and ______ Blanchard, each about 18, were at Morgan's
office playing cards and drinking. From some unexplained motive whilst
Benham was in the act of raising the "fire water" to his lips,
struck the glass from his hand; Benham immediately returned the blow,
this led to a fight between them. Knickerbacker interfered and
to separate them, when Blanchard turned upon him; but K. refused to
in the office. B. then dared him out into the street, intimating at the
same time that he would "give him something that he couldn't buy." K.
accepted the challenge, and after a few rounds in the street, K.
B. down and jumped upon him. Blanchard then drew a dirk knife,
a most horrible gash across K.'s side and back, and stabbed him
in several places. On feeling himself "knifed", K. gave the alarm and
rushed to his assistance, when he too received a severe cut in the
K. is yet alive but in very critical condition. Blanchard was forthwith
and is now in jail awaiting the result of his anger and folly. He is
a stranger in this place, but bore the character of a hard case. The
were not regarded as particularly vicious or quarrelsome.
From Geneva Gazette 22 August 1851
Rail Road Accident - On Monday night, a man named John Neal, a
resident of Geneva, was at this place and intended to return by the one
o'clock train. Being a little too late, he attempted to get on
the Cars while they were under way, and was thrown on the track.
Some of the cars passed over his left arm, rendering amputation
necessary above the elbow, which was performed by Dr. L. Welles.
Seneca Observer
From Ontario Messenger 10 March 1852
Among the graduates of the State Normal School on the 5th inst., we
notice the names of Miss Hannah M. Dickson
of West Bloomfield, and Miss Mary J. Dorman of Geneva.
No gentleman from this county graduated at the close of the
From Geneva Gazette 2 April 1852
Hall's Corners, March 25th - At the annual meeting of the
Association for apprehending Felons in the town of Seneca, held Jan.
31, 1852, Edward Dixon was chosen Chairman.
The Trustees audited the accounts of the Treasurer and found the amount
of money in his hands to be one hundred and thirty dollars and forty
five cents. The following members were elected officers:
Trustees: William Foster, Edward Dixon, Paul F.
Bill; Thomas Vartie, jr., Captain; Thomas W. Hall, Lieutenant.
Riders: Edward Turnbull, Paul F. Bill, John Wheadon, Edward
Dixon, James Beattie, John Robson, 2d. J. C. Wilson was appointed
Secretary, and Thomas Vartie, Jr., Treasurer.
George Renwick paid one dollar for admission, and became a
member of the Association.
From Geneva Gazette 28 May 1852
Distressing Casualty - A serious and nearly fatal accident
occurred on Monday , inst.near the village of Gorham. While Mr.
O. J. Rice, a much esteemed citizen of that town was rolling logs
down a declivity into his sawmill, he was caught by one, which rolled
entirely over
him, mangling him in a fearful manner. His legs were broken in
several places; one of them so badly crushed that amputation was
immediately necessary. The injuries to his chest and head, it is
hoped will not prove fatal. The amputation was performed by Dr. H. A.
Potter, which his usual masterly skill, assisted by Doctors Rhoades and
Deane. Hopes are entertained of his recovery.
From Geneva Gazette 30 July 1852
A Narrow Escape - A few days since, as the wife of Mr. John
Ackley and two children, with her mother, Mrs. Havens, were
riding on Castle street, after a spirited horse, he became entirely
unmanageable. Owing to some defect in the harness, the carriage
came against his heels, causing him to run at a frightful speed.
He soon brought up against a tree, throwing all the party from
the carriage on to the side-walk with great force. Those who
witnessed the catastrophe supposed they would all be dashed to pieces;
but strange to say, they all escaped with a few slight bruises.
From Geneva Gazette 26 November 1852
Sad Accident - Mr. N. Denton, the deaf mute who recently purchased
and now resides on the "Godfrey farm" near this village, met with a
serious accident on Saturday last. He hitched up three horses in
"tandem" style, before a light carriage, and was coming into town for
the purpose of taking out some friends to assist at a "raising".
When not far from home, the leader became unmanageable -- turned
short around, and
in so doing broke the pole. The third horse was sent home, and
the damage repaired sufficiently to reach town; but on descending the
hill at the head of Seneca st., the pole got unfastened, the
carriage came upon the heels of the horses, and they ran. Unable
to manage them with the reins, and from his infirmity, to soothe
them by words, they flew down the street at a furious rate. When
opposite Mr. Kidder's Banking office, Mr. Denton leaped out, and broke
one of his legs in the fall. The runaways coming in
contact with teams hitched at the side of the street, their progress
was stopped, but resulting in the wreck of the carriage, and of two
others, with which it came in collision. One of the horses had a
leg broken, and being rendered worthless was killed. It
was one of a pair for which Mr. D. gave $800.
Mr. Denton was taken to the office of Dr. Rhodes, where the broken limb
was set, and he was conveyed home upon a litter. At the present time he
is doing well. He has the sympathy of our entire community, and
their ardent wishes for a
speedy recovery.
From Ontario Messenger 26 January 1853
Surgical Operation - A surgical operation of great magnitude, and
one of deep interest among the profession, was performed by Doct.
Potter of Bethel, on Monday of this week at Reed's Corners, on the
person of a young lady by the name of Miss Sarah Tozer, in
presence of and assisted by Dr. Swart of Reed's Corners, Dr.
Dean of Bethel, Drs. Hahn and Pratt of
Canandaigua, and Drs.
Smith & Gage of Bellona. The operation was for Scirrhus or
of the breast. The tumor had grown very rapidly for several of the last
weeks, involving the whole of the left breast and extending under the
arm pit. It was one of those complicated operations much dreaded by the
profession. The patient was put under the influence of chloroform and
quietly during the whole operation, which occupied (including the
about one hour -- although the main tumor was removed in about 37
Several smaller ones were removed from the arm pit, of different sizes.
The principal tumor weighed 5 1/2 pounds. The operation was very
performed by Doct. Potter, and the patient thus far is doing well.
From Ontario Messenger 28 September 1853
As Mr. Frederick Alverson was riding with his lady along
Bristol street, near the foot of the hill, on Saturday evening last,
his horse took fright and sheared around, upsetting the buggy, and
breaking it pretty well into pieces, throwing them both out, bruising
and injuring Mrs. A. considerable, though not seriously.
From Ontario Messenger 5 October 1853
Union Agricultural Society - The inhabitants of Manchester,
Hopewell, and Phelps, convened at the Clifton Springs House, kept by
M. Parke, on Monday afternoon, Sept. 16th, and organized the
named Society by choosing the following named gentlemen for its
President - Amos Jones; Vice Presidents - Andrew J.
Manchester; Jacob Wormly, Hopewell; Robert J.
Phelps; Treasurer - Lyman Crane, Manchester; Executive
- J. J. Coats, Hopewell; Henry Cost, Manchester, Wm.
From Geneva Gazette 27 January 1854
county Tyrone, Ireland. When last heard of, was in the employ of
the widow of the late Gideon Lee, Esq., at Geneva, Ontario county, N.
Y. Any information of or from him will be thankfully received by
his distressed mother. Please address to Geo. Hick, 180 Fulton
street, New York.
From "The New York Teacher, Vol. II." Albany: J. Munsell, Printer,
May, 1854
Resident Editor's Department.
GORSLINE, of Ontario county, N.Y., has accepted a situation at Fenn's Bridge,
Jefferson county, Georgia She is a worthy young lady, and will do much for the
locality in which she is engaged. We hope to have from her pen a description of
Georgia schools [page 252]
Thanks to Martha Magill for this contribution.
From Geneva Gazette 16 June 1854
ACCIDENT - On Monday last, as Mr. Wm. R. Powers was
driving into town with a pair of high spirited horses, they became
frightened and unmanageable, and dashed furiously down Main street.
As they approached the head of Seneca
Street from the south, they shied on to the side walk. Two little
boys -- one a son of P. A. Britton, only 5 years of age, and a
son of Mr. O'Brien, teacher -- saw the team approaching and
sought refuge under an apple stand located on the west side of Mrs.
Beatty's Millinery Store. It however, afforded but a poor
protection, for the horses ran directly upon
it and over it. Mr. Britton's son had his collar bone broken,
and his head and face severely lacerated. The other boy was
also badly bruised, and taken up insensible. Medical aid was
immediately procured, and under good treatment both the sufferers will
soon be restored to health. No one blames Mr. Powers for the sad result
of the runaway. It was one of those untoward accidents which
occasionally will happen, and which human foresight cannot prevent.
From Ontario Messenger 6 September 1854
AFFLICTING - John McFarlin of the town of Hopewell has buried, in
the short space of two weeks, his wife and two sprightly little boys,
they all having died of dysentery. We also learn that Charles Perry
of the same town has lost two children within that time, and that
wife now lays dangerously sick with the same disease, which is
to a considerable extent in that town.
From Geneva Gazette 19 January 1855
A sad and well-nigh fatal accident befell Mr. John Baxter of
this village on the evening of the 16th inst. He had been out
a-gunning and was
returning on the railroad track. Upon crossing a bridge
on the premises of Mr. Burrall, which he had to do by passing from one
cross-tie to another, he stepped short and fell between
them, striking his head against the timber, which fractured his
skull in a shocking manner. He also broke an arm in the fall.
In this pitiable condition he made his way across the fields
to the 1st toll-gate on the Phelps Plank Road, almost exhausted from
the loss of blood. The humane keeper, Mr. Sam'l Carey, provided
for his immediate necessities and as soon as circumstances would allow,
conveyed him home. Although in a critical situation, it is thought he
will recover.
From Geneva Gazette 21 December 1855
Two "young men of the town," Henry Snelling and David
Jackson, were arrested yesterday morning on a warrant issued by
Justice Walker, for stealing wool from Messrs. Lawrence, Seelye, and
Lewis. The amount purloined at various times is said to be about
300 lbs. The warehouse where it was stored was entered through a
window. The examination of the parties took place yesterday
afternoon, when
they made full confession of the theft. They had sold the wool to
a Mr. Hayes of Waterloo, divided the money between them,
amounting to about $80, and disposed of the greater part of it.
They were sent up to await trial at the next Oyer and Terminer.
From Geneva Courier 27 February 1856
Samuel Butcher, Jr. - This boy, some 15 years of age, who stole
the paper weight at Prof. Carling's glass blowing last winter, and was
kicked out of Britton's auction room a few evenings since for stealing
a bunch of suspenders, was on Friday
last, arrested for setting fire to the barn which which was
burned on Tuesday, the 19th inst., near the Canal bridge. This is
another of a very bad gang of boys who infest our village.
He was examined before Justice Horton, and bound over to
await his trial at the next Court. On his examination, he
admitted entering the barn, and firing a match, at which time he
heard a noise, when he dropped the match and ran off, but soon
heard the alarm of fire which proved to be the barn. He further
admitted that his business since living in Geneva, had been stealing.
Stolen property from the bookstore of Prince, Axtell &
Miller was found in his possession. He can be set down as one
of the b'hoys.
From Geneva Courier 12 March 1856
Horse Killing -
Last Wednesday evening we observed quite a crowd collected on the
Post Office corner, who seemed to be
discussing some subject with a great deal of animation. On
enquiry we learned that a valuable horse belong to Mrs. Dey had been
driven to death by a young man named Horace Cowles. It
appears Cowles obtained the horse for
the avowed purpose of riding about town. And after driving up and
down some of our streets at a furious rate, he drove the then tired
horse to Waterloo, a distance of seven miles,
in 28 minutes, at which place the horse was left standing without being
cared for. While on the return home, he dropped and died almost
immediately. Any person who is so dead to all sense of humanity,
as to abuse so noble a creature as the horse, deserves to be punished
in the most severe manner which the law provides, and we hope this
young scape-goat will be taught a lesson he will never forget.
From Geneva Courier 23 April 1856
Rum and Rowdyism
- A man from the country, by the name of David Wilkie, visited
our village on Saturday last, bringing with him a load of oats which he
sold for the money. After disposing of his oats he made a
purchase of $15 or $20 worth of groceries and then got beastly drunk.
While in a
state of intoxication, his team was bought of him by G. Page
and I. B. Pike, a pair of loafers who are not responsible, it
is said, for five dollars. While in this state of
inebriety, his groceries and all his money was stolen from him, by some
of the night ruffians who infest our village.
As near as we can learn there are quite a number interested in this
transaction. The team has been taken from the village, and we
learn that Page and Frank Featherly have been
arrested for the same, and lodged in the Yates county jail, where they
will be waited upon by constable Dey.
Men are not to be pitied who will come to our place and get so drunk
that they are not capable of attending to their business, if they do
meet with some punishment, but it should not be inflicted by a set of
lawless rowdies who infest every hole
and corner of our town watching for opportunities of this character.
We have a law to punish men for getting intoxicated, and it
should be thoroughly enforced. And those characters who are
carousing about our streets by night and by day, should
be more severely dealt with than has heretofore been the case. It
is said that all connected in this game of fraud are members of the
Hindoo Lodge in this place. Whether it
is a part of their creed to commit such depredations, we are not
From National New Yorker and Ontario Repository 11 June 1856
A Runaway - On Saturday morning last, a team belonging to Thos.
Ottley of Castleton, broke loose from the hitching post at the
corner of Main and Seneca streets, and ran down Seneca street, at a
most rapid rate, breaking and tearing in pieces everything with which
they came in
contact. Wheels from several buggies were literally smashed, axeltrees,
&c., were broken, and several lives barely escaped. We often wonder
are so few runaways in Geneva, when we see the condition of our
in the way of loose paper which is permitted to be scattered around,
horses to take fright almost everyday.
From National New Yorker and Ontario Repository 9 July 1856
Geneva, N. Y. - On Thursday last, Mr. James Owen was
holding his horses, seated in a small lumber wagon, near the Franklin
House, and the horses being frightened by some boys who were firing off
crackers, started at full speed, kicking, jumping and leaping. The leg
of the horse caught in the dashboard, but using the remaining three
very dexterously, he keeled himself over on the sidewalk, opposite the
Express office, with no small percussion. The excitement being over, no
apparent damage was done, except that one shaft was broken and the
dashboard somewhat mutilated. Boys in the
street ought to be more careful.
From Geneva Courier 11 March 1857
A disturbance occurred in the saloon of H. Ramsey, on
Water street, on Thursday night last, caused by a drunken man named John
Morrison, who made sundry unpleasant gyrations with a knife,
declaring his intentions to stab somebody. Coming rather close to William
Gilbert, he (Gilbert) knocked him down, and soon after left the
store. Morrison started after him, and having more sail than he
was able to carry, he slipped on the curb stone, and fractured his arm.
Poor pay that, for imbibing too much bad liquor !
From Ontario Messenger 20 May 1857
An alarm of fire was raised in our streets
on Saturday evening last. It was occasioned by the burning out
of a chimney at the head of Main street. An alarm of this description
is an occurrence of such uncommon nature here, that it very speedily
had the effect to bring out the "crowd." Main Street, for about an
hour, was unusually active, and "confusion worse confounded," had
undisputed sway. We regret to learn that Mr. Ruel Davis, a
member of Engine Co. No. 1, met with a very serious accident in
returning from the fire. It appears that he was assisting in drawing
the engine, and while proceeding down the street at a rapid rate, he
was by some means thrown down, and the engine passed over him. One of
the wheels passed over his face diagonally, crushing his nose, and
shockingly mutilating the flesh. His injuries are said to be of a very
serious character, and such as will be likely to confine him to his
house for several weeks. This is the more unfortunate by reason of the
circumstance that he is a man
of limited means, having a family dependent upon his labor for their
support, and can ill afford the loss of time which must be occasioned
by his injuries. We are informed that a subscription is in circulation
for his relief and we think we do not misjudge the character of our
in assuming that they will, with characteristic generosity, contribute
liberally toward so commendable an object.
From Geneva Courier 13 May 1857
Disgraceful Row - One Man Shot - On Tuesday night, the 5th inst.,
a gang of drunken rowdies gathered at the Grocery of Patrick Roach,
on Water street, in this village -- commenced quarrelling with the
inmates -- and the affair wound up in a regular fight. Roach came
of the spree considerably bruised, and severely cut about the head.
The assailing party then left, but returned shortly, and renewed
the assault. Roach, no doubt by this time considering his life
was in danger, prepared himself with a
Revolver, and fired once at the assailants but without effect. He
then advanced towards the door, and fired the second time, at, as he
supposed, one of the party, but which proved to be his own
brother-in-law, James Kennedy. The ball entered
immediately under, and at the out edge of the cheek bone --
passing along under the surface of the skin, directly through the ear,
and lodged in the back of the neck. The victim fell, and had it
not been for the arrival of a physician, (Dr. Maxson), when he did, it
is supposed he would have bled to death.
We understand that the wound is not a dangerous one, and that the
unfortunate man will soon recover. He is now under the care of
Dr. Stevens. Harvey Butterfield, C. Ostrander, and A.
J. Davenport, have been arrested by Constables Dey and Alsop, as
belonging to the gang of assailants. Mr. Roach, who admits that
he shot Kennedy, has been examined before Justice Walker, who will not
decide upon the guilt or innocence of the defendant, until the
examination of the other parties for riot.
This disgraceful outrage is the direct result of Rum drinking, and Rum
selling in our village, and before it is ended will cost the tax-payers
of Ontario county from one to two thousand dollars. There is one
thing which presents itself to our mind as a fact and that is this:
If Mr. Roach did not keep a rum hole, it is altogether probable
that his house and its inmates would not have been disturbed by the
drunken rioters he had to contend with.
If he will keep and sell an article that makes men mad, and
deprives them for the time being, of their right mind, he is not to be
pitied, if the reward of their Bachanalian revels is
lavished upon him, instead of some innocent person.
It is hoped that the whole gang engaged in the riot, will be detected,
and made to feel the bitter end of the law. Some of them are old
offenders, and we doubt if justice can be done them, this side of
Auburn Prison.
From Geneva Courier 8 July 1857
A fight occurred between Charles Dorchester, John Annan and
Thomas Baxter, of this village,
three dreadful hard cases, of the first part, and
a boat captain, whose name we did not learn, and a young man named
Conklin, from Bluff Point, Yates Co., of the second part. The
fracas commenced on Sunday morning, before daylight, on Rock St. near
the Canal bridge, and terminated in a complete threshing of the parties
of the first part,
which they have deserved for some time. We understand that young
Annan's head was pounded almost to a jelly. These three
customers, headed by Mr. Dorchester, have been in the
habit of knocking down people in this village, whenever it suited
their fancy, and it is rather refreshing to hear that they have
got for once, what they bargained for. They consider themselves,
and have been, the bullies of this village, not from any merit,
but because they are desperate characters, perfectly void of principle
and humanity, which have caused respectable citizens to stand in fear
of their lives.
Conklin, a young man about 20 years of age, threshed the whole three,
and no doubt could have doubled the number and performed the same feat,
although he says it is the first fight he ever had. It seems that
he performed the job much better than green hands generally do.
From Geneva Courier 2 September 1857
In Phelps, a few days since, two boys named Charles Dowd and
Hiram Pratt, got into a quarrel, when the latter drew a knife,
and stabbed Dowd in three
places, one taking effect in the back, another in the leg, and a third
in the throat. The knife used was a common single blade
jack-knife, and very dull. An examination was had, and the
offender sent to the House of Refuge, Rochester.
From Ontario Messenger 3 September 1857
Serious Accident - On Friday afternoon last, our neighbor, George
L. Whitney, Esq., of the Repository, in company with a young lady
of this village, started out for a trip to Clifton Springs. After
proceeding on the plank road about a
mile east of the village, one side of the shafts became detached from
the buggy and striking the heels of the horse, he made tracks at a
desperate speed. In attempting to engineer his way through the toll
gate, the buggy came in contact with the building, and both the
occupants were violently precipitated upon the ground some twenty feet
in advance. The soil being of the "hard shell" variety, the shock was
tremendous. Our neighbor was not, however, seriously disabled --
minus divers and sundry scratches and bruises, he was a good as new.
His companion, however, was less fortunate. Aside from being very badly
scratched and torn, she received a very serious injury in the head. Her
situation is very critical and such as to furnish serious apprehension
to her friends as to her ultimate recovery.
From Ontario County Messenger 17 September 1857
A man by the name of Louis Linder, the keeper of a Bowling
Alley, was arrested yesterday and lodged in jail, in this village, for
discharging a gun at a young lady, (a Miss
Latting,) as is supposed with the intention of taking her life.
She was quietly passing along the street, in front of Linder's, when
he stepped to the door and deliberately fired at her, several shots
striking her in the shoulder and back, causing an immense deal of alarm
and considerable of a wound to the young lady. No cause is assigned
for the rascally deed. We understand his conduct for some time past
has been strange and suspicious, and it should now be fully
From Geneva Courier 23 September 1857
POISONING CASE - On Monday morning of last week, an attempt was
made, by some person unknown, to poison the whole family of Mr.
Christian Fisher, of Gorham, in this county.
When the tea-kettle was filled in the morning, for breakfast purposes,
the water in it presented a whitish appearance, which was not accounted
for by any of the family. It was again emptied, rinsed, and
filled, without any suspicion of poison, on the part of the family, who
used it for breakfast. Soon after they had done breakfast, the
whole family, ten in number, were taken with severe pains, cramps, and
vomiting, which indicated that they had all been poisoned. A
Physician was immediately sent for, and antidotes as the case seemed to
require, administered. We learn that the family have so far
recovered as to be beyond danger.
The water in the tea kettle, upon being analyzed, was found to be
strongly impregnated with arsenic. The unprincipled wretch who
committed this act should undergo some process of punishment, that is
more severe than States Prison, or even hanging, for the latter would
dispose of its victim in too short a time.
From Ontario Messenger 4 November 1857
RUNAWAY - On Monday morning last, as the carriage of Mr. Wm.
Jeffrey, containing his wife and children, was coming down Gibson
street, when near the residence of Dr. Carr, the horses took fright at
a passing load of wood, and ran furiously towards Main street.
Immediately after they started, some portion of the harness gave way,
which prevented the driver from controlling them. They dashed across
Main street to the railing in front of Gen. Granger's office, when the
carriage was upset and badly smashed up. The driver, Mr. H.
McGregor, was precipitated upon the ground striking on his head,
and was seriously injured. In some mysterious manner the residue of the
occupants escaped injury, and aside from a very uncomfortable fright,
came out as good as new. The horses fortunately cleared themselves from
the carriage as it upset, or the result might have proved much more
serious. Mr. McGregor was picked insensible, and it was some time
before he was restored to consciousness. We learn, however, that he is
now rapidly convalescing. It was certainly a very frightful runaway to
witness, and
we are gratified that the results attending it are so favorable to life
and limb.
From Geneva Courier 3 February 1858
A man named Burton Ham, residing in Bristol, in this
county, while riding on horseback one day last, was thrown from his
horse. His foot caught in the stirrup, and his horse becoming
frightened, ran, dragging him over the frozen ground for a distance of
forty rods. Fortunately his coat was drawn backward, which
his head and side and possibly saved his life. His foot was only
extricated from its entanglement by being drawn out of the boot.
Strange as it may seem, he escaped with only a few bruises -- so
says the Ontario Times.
From Geneva Courier 17 March 1858
son of L. B. Garlinghouse of Canandaigua, a boy of ten years,
becoming unruly at school one day last
week, Mr. Miller, the teacher, gave him a whipping, whereupon the
father of the lad procured a horsewhip, and when Mr. Miller was passing
along the street, proceeded to chastise him; not being satisfied with
this, he procured
a warrant for Miller, and after an investigation of the case, the Jury
concluded that the boy deserved the flogging, and justified Miller in
administering it. It is now Mr. Miller's turn to take Mr.
Garlinghouse for an assault.
From Geneva Courier 24 March 1858
Another shooting affair occurred in Victor on Sunday the 14th inst.
The parties concerned are Nathaniel C. Mead, his son,
and a German laborer named Joseph Weismitter. The parties
were neighbors but from some
cause a feud had long existed between them. On Sunday they met,
when a violent altercation took place. Weismitter started toward
his home and was followed by Mead, who drew a double-barrel pistol and
deliberately fired it at
Weismitter, the ball penetrating below the right shoulder blade, and
passing upwards. Mead was arrested, and after an examination,
lodged in Jail, to await the result
of the wound inflicted. He is said to be a man of desperate
From Geneva Courier 7 April 1858
Rochester Democrat says that Elijah Maffet of Phelps,
owns 13 oxen, whose aggregate weight is 24,700. The heaviest
weighs 2,239, and the average weight is 1900. This is certainly
an extraordinary herd, and worth of public mention. We are assured that
of the herd are only three years old.
From Geneva Courier 23 June 1858
A grave yard in Bristol, in this County, was visited by
resurrectionists last week, and the body of Mrs. Caleb Brocklebank,
who died in Canandaigua about two weeks since, was stolen.
The Times says that a quack doctor named Weed, together
with A. R. Simmons and J. J. H. Graves have been arrested, charged with
the offence and held to bail in the sum of $500 each for Oyer and
From Geneva Gazette 6 August 1858
Mrs. Barzillai Slosson met with a serious accident on Wednesday of
last week. Returning home from a visit to one of her country
neighbors on the Lake road, with a little daughter in the buggy with
her, the breeching of the harness gave way when the horse became
frightened and unmanageable, and ran away. As they approached the
premises of Mr. H. G. Otis, Mrs. S., fearing the consequences of a ride
down Mile Point hollow at such a furious pace, reined the animal up to
Mr. Otis' gate, through which he dashed as if it had offered no
obstruction whatever. But inside the ground the buggy came in
contact with a tree when it
was literally dashed to pieces. Mrs. Slosson was hurled to the
ground with great violence, and one of her limbs broken between the
knee and ankle. Her daughter miraculously escaped injury.
Under prompt and skillful surgical treatment, the unfortunate
lady is doing well.
From Geneva Gazette 8 October 1858
Mr. J. Todd, Proprietor of the Clifton Springs Hotel, who is a
live Rhode Island Yankee, has inaugurated an old-fashioned eastern
"ClamBake and Chowder Party," to come off on the 13th inst. This
affair being quite a novelty with the people of this region, will
attract many to a participation in it. It will close with a
dance in the spacious hall of Mr. Todd's hotel.
From Geneva Courier 29 December 1858
Painful Accident - We learn from the Ontario Times that a
small party of gentlemen and ladies were skating on a pond at the
village of Manchester in this county on the 22d inst. when the ice gave
way, and a young man by the name of Henry L. Howland, and a
daughter of Mr. Ezra Pierce of that place, were let into the
water, which was about eight feet deep, and before sufficient
assistance could be given, Mr. Howland was drowned. Miss Pierce
was rescued by the assistance of others of the party who threw her a
and pieces of wood which she held to and was drawn out, but with much
difficulty as the ice gave way as she came in contact
with it.
From Ontario Messenger 31 March 1859
DISGRACEFUL AFFRAY - Last Wednesday afternoon, our Main street was
the scene of an outrage as unparalleled as disgraceful to the principal
actor. A young man named Thos. Peck, a school teacher of
Hopewell, called at the Franklin House for some purpose, and was
invited by George Lyon, of this village. to drink.
Peck declined, which gave offence to Lyon, who applied a harsh epithet
to Peck. He indignantly retorted and left the house, followed by Lyon,
who attacked him (Peck) in the street, knocking off his hat and
violently kicking him. The Times tells the remainder of the story as
"Becoming more and more excited, he (Lyon) finally drew from his pocket
a large dirk knife, and opening it, ran after Peck with the apparent
intention of stabbing him. Peck ran for dear life, and finally sought
protection in the office of Mr. Justice Metcalf. The Justice was
absent, however, and the affrighted man ran around a
table in the centre of the room and escaped into the street again --
pursued by his assailant. As the pursuer emerged from the office, he
met by Constable Newman, who succeeded in disarming him of the knife,
then unfortunately allowed him to escape. Mr. Peck then proceeded to
office of Mr. Justice Brown, and swore out a warrant, which was
placed in the hands of Sheriff Hildreth for service; but in the
Lyon had disappeared and could not be found. It is probable, however,
that the Sheriff will soon effect his arrest. We certainly hope so for
the credit of our village. Such outrages should neither go unrebuked
unpunished. They are becoming of quite too common occurrence."
Lyon, we understand, has not yet been found. Considerable indignation
is expressed because Const. Newman did not arrest him, as it was
clearly his duty to do. Perhaps he may have some good
excuse for allowing so quarrelsome and dangerous a character to escape
merited punishment, but whether he can justify himself before the
community remains to be seen.
From Geneva Gazette 27 May 1859
SHOOTING MATCHES WITH RIFLES - Our townsman, Wm. G. Tuttle, whose
reputation as a rifle shot is scarcely excelled by any
man in the world, left for Buffalo on Monday last, in company with a
few friends and backers, to test his skill in a match with a Mr.
Bradley for $200 a side, and another with a Mr. Lincoln, for $50 a side.
Our sportsmen all feel confident that the Genevan will come out
victorious, and we hope to be able to record such a result before going
to press. The distance is 40 rods -- three strings of 20 shots
each with Bradley, and a single string of 30 shots with Lincoln.
From Geneva Courier 1 June 1859
Mr. Frank Ward, a notorious character in this village, was brought
before Justice Dusinberre, on Saturday last, for stealing a watch worth
forty or fifty dollars, from Mr. James Thom, of Geneva.
He plead guilty to the charge and was sent to Canandaigua to
await the action of the next Grand Jury. It being the
second offence, he could not be tried before a Justice of the Peace.
He will no doubt have to serve another term in the State
From Ontario Messenger 8 June 1859
Accident - George Shurtliff, employed as hostler at the
Franklin House, was kicked by a vicious horse on Wednesday last,
breaking his leg and otherwise injuring him. Docts. Cheney & Carson
were in attendance, who dressed his wounds. They pronounce him
From Geneva Courier 20 July 1859
Thomas Cunningham and Wife, of Canandaigua, are charged with
attempting to drown one of their children -- a little girl four years
old. It seems they put the child in the cistern to punish it, as
they assert, while others think to kill it. Probably they were
angry, and not conscious of how they were acting. They were held
to bail to appear at the next court.
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