News of Ontario County

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 1 January 1868

As Mrs. Margaret Clayton of Farmington, was driving down Main street Monday forenoon, some part of the wagon broke, throwing the thills on the horse's heels, frightening him so that he dashed down the street at a furious pace, throwing Mr. C. out, injuring her arm and side, and completely demolishing the wagon.

From Ontario County Times 22 January 1868

An accident of a painful, though not serious nature, occurred in South Bristol on Friday. As Mr. John Ryans was drawing timber from the woods, the tugs confining the horses to the timber broke, and the stick slipping back, struck Mr. Ryans on the leg. The blow broke his leg, but he managed to reach home without assistance. Dr. Templar of South Bristol is attending him and he is doing well.

From Geneva Courier 11 Mar 1868

James Webster,
a veteran of eighty-six years, went from his residence, Oaks' Corners, to Phelps, on Tuesday of last week, to deposit his ballot for the Republican ticket.  The deep snow and the bitter cold could not deter him.  This is the sixtieth election at which Mr. Webster has cast his ballot, never having lost his vote in sixty years.  Were all republicans as faithful as he, there would have been no Democratic victory in Ontario this Spring.

From Ontario County Times 15 April 1868

We learn that Mr. Patrick Grogan, of East Bloomfield, was severely bitten and otherwise injured by a horse which he had recently purchased on Wednesday last. Mr. Grogan's injuries are very serious, and it was thought at one time, that he could not survive. We have since learned, however, that he is recovering. The animal was previously supposed to be perfectly docile, and the occurrence was therefore very unexpected.

From Ontario County Times 29 April 1868

A sad accident occurred in Bristol on the evening of Monday, the 20th ultimo. It appears that the horses attached to a wagon driven by Mr. James Flinn, took fright on the premises of Mr. Sylvester Wheeler, and by their becoming unmanageable and running away, Mr. Flinn was thrown from the wagon. The unfortunate man was thrown with great violence to the ground, and his head striking against a stone, he was very severely injured. His wound was dressed on the following morning by Dr. Murphy, of East Bloomfield, who was obliged to remove between two and three inches of the skull bone over the right eye, thus completely exposing a portion of the brain. Notwithstanding the severity of the injury, we understand that on Monday last, the 27th, Mr. Flinn was doing well.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 29 April 1868

Last Thursday forenoon as Capt. Standish and Mr. Herbert Brown, of this village, were inside one of the wheels of the steamer Ontario, regulating some of the machinery, the steam was accidentally let on turning the wheels around several times, carrying them with it, through water and all, bruising them severely. Luckily the engine was stopped in time to save them from broken limbs, and perhaps death. This is, we believe, the third time that these two gentlemen have narrowly escaped drowning together.

From Geneva Gazette 29 May 1868

On Thursday last, Allen Paine, his two sons, and a man named Brooks, were arrested on the charge of being engaged in the illicit distillation of whiskey in Farmington, in this county.  Mr. Paine is said to be a wealthy farmer in that section, and is the owner of about seven hundred acres of land.  The distillery is said to have been carried on in the cellar of the house occupied by Brooks, and the place is said to be particularly favorable for such a purpose.  The suspected parties were taken before Commissioner Dusenberre, of Geneva, when the examination was adjourned until Thursday, at which time it will be held in this village.  Times.

From Geneva Gazette 5 June 1868

On Monday evening, at the Mansion House in this village, Mr. S. H. Sill attacked Mr. W. F. Cook with a cane, striking him on the head and cutting him severely.  We could not learn the cause of the attack.  Mr. Cook is obliged to keep closely confined.  Both parties reside on Washington street in this village.  Courier

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 10 June 1868

Last Friday evening, as Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wisewell of Rushville were out riding, they stopped their horse about 2 1/2 miles west of that place, for the purpose of watering it. As Mr. Wisewell stepped out of the buggy to uncheck the horse, it became frightened and started up the road at a furious pace, throwing Mrs. Wisewell out, breaking her neck, and almost instantly killing her. Mr. Wisewell was also badly injured, by being thrown to the ground by the starting of the horse.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 17 June 1868

Last Friday P. M., a colored boot black of this village, named William Moore, but commonly called "Eph," fell off the cars, near Clifton Springs, while sitting on the rear platform of the train. He was seen to fall off by some, other boys, and bound like a ball, striking his head on the rail, and rolling into the ditch. He was picked up and brought to this village. He was severely injured about the head but is expected to recover.

From Geneva Gazette 12 June 1868

OUTRAGES IN PHELPS - Mr. Wiley Eighmy,
on the Simmons farm, in the town of Phelps, about four miles from Geneva, is the object of peculiar and malignant persecution.  On Monday night of last week some person or persons entered his barn and destroyed five sets of harness by cutting them into short pieces.  On last Thursday night they went to his shed and cut into short pieces the belts attached to his threshing machine.  A remarkable circumstance connected with this affair is that a good watch dog was chained to the machine, but gave no alarm.  This would indicate that some person familiar with the dog perpetrated the outrage, or that the guilty person must be one who has some peculiar influence over dogs.  About a month ago two sets of tools used in making fence were stolen from Mr. Eighmy.

We have heard of nothing to provoke these wrongs.  It is probable that somebody will find himself in difficulty before long. Such offenses are very serious, and the law deals with them as such.  Such conduct must be severely condemned by ever decent citizen.  Mr. Eighmy is a good citizen and kind and obliging neighbor; is unconscious of word or act towards any human being that should provoke such a malicious and wanton destruction of his property.  He is therefore unable to fix suspicion upon the perpetrator of such outrages.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 8 July 1868

An affray occurred at Clifton Springs on the fourth instant, in which Barney Smith, of Victor, was dangerously stabbed by Charles Connors of the former place. The difficulty between the parties had its origin at a dance at Canandaigua, several years since, and a continual feud has existed between them from that time, resulting, on three different occasions, in violent quarrels and fighting. Two years ago, the parties met at Clifton Springs, when their quarrel was resumed, in which Connors came off second best, and one year ago Connors and one of his brothers gave Smith a second beating, but a few yards from the spot where the stabbing occurred on the fourth. There are various and conflicting rumors as to the commencement of the quarrel which resulted in the stabbing, and although there were numerous eye-witnesses to the affair, scarcely two of them agree in their statements. From the most reliable, however, it appears that Smith came from Victor on the morning of the fourth, to celebrate, and Connors, who owns a small farm near Clifton, came to the depot to meet a relation. After this, Connors drove up near the barn of the Clifton Springs Hotel, and tied his horse. As soon as he had tied his horse and started from his wagon, Smith approached him and said, "How are you, Connors? Are you as good a man as you was two years ago, when you and your brother whipped me?" Connors thereupon picked up a stone, and requested Smith to go away, whereupon Smith caught hold of Connors and insisted upon his laying down the stone, and finally wrenched it from his (Smith's) hands. Immediately thereupon, Connors drew his knife and stabbed Smith, first near the left temple, and then in the neck, and a third time in the bowels, and Smith staggered a few yards, with blood gushing from his wounds and covering Connor's clothes, when he was seized and carried into the hotel. Doctors Wear and Peltier were immediately on the spot, and at once proceeded to dress the wounds of the injured man. They found them of the most frightful and dangerous character, and he is now lying in a most critical condition. An officer was on hand, and at once attempted to arrest Connors, but the latter threatened to stab any one who should approach, and immediately ran down the hill, through the grove, and thence eastward on the railroad track, at full speed. Messrs. Payne and Harmon at once started in pursuit, with a horse and buggy, and succeeded in capturing him about a mile west of Clifton, where the rail road crossed the highway, and returned with him to the depot, whence he was conveyed to the jail at Canandaigua, where he remains awaiting the injuries of Smith.

From Ontario County Times 15 July 1868

Two men were badly injured on Thursday evening last Geneva, while firing a salute in honor of the Democratic nominations, by the premature discharge of the gun. Their names are Lewis Miller and Patrick Higgins. Miller had his right arm shockingly mangled, rendering amputation above the elbow necessary. Higgins was more fortunate, losing only three fingers of his left hand. The victims of this accident are represented to be hard-working, industrious men, each having a family to support. The party in whose service they were injured, owes them a debt which we fear will not be paid soon.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 29 July 1868

Mr. John Bouter, a farmer residing about one-quarter of a mile east of Rushville, while laboring under a derangement of the mind last Wednesday, cut his throat, nearly severing his windpipe. He is expected to recover.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 12 August 1868

Yesterday forenoon an Irishman named Peter Burnett, residing near the Lake, while under the influence of liquor, commenced quarreling with his wife, about some petty affair, and ended it by severely beating her. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and Constable Hulse, going to his house, found not only Burnett drunk, but a whole household in the same condition. Procuring a hack, Hulse had them conveyed to the "cooler", there to remain until the "benzine" had spent its force, when they will have their examination before Justice Hemenway.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 26 August 1868

We are informed that a distressing accident occurred in the town of Phelps, last Wednesday afternoon, on the occasion of the annual picnic of the Unionville School. A four horse team, carrying about thirty of the scholars, in crossing a small bridge which spans the creek near the residence of Cooper Sayre, Esq., it gave way, the wagon upset and precipitated the load into the bed of the creek. All of the party were more or less injured. Among the most seriously injured, were Mrs. Anna Lane, bad scalp wound; Miss Cartwright, arm broken above the elbow; and Mrs. J. Spoor, badly injured about the head.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 16 September 1868

Yesterday afternoon, a team of horses attached to a lumber wagon, belonging to Mr. Zebina Lucas, of Cheshire, and in charge of two young men, became frightened in some manner, and started rapidly down Main street. Near Coy street they ran into a lamp post, throwing one of the young men, named Cook, out, striking on his shoulders and neck, injuring him severely.

Last evening, about 6 o'clock, Mr. James Christie, about seventy years of age, residing three miles south of Rushville, went into the loft of his barn, to get feed for his horses, when one of the boards broke through, letting Mr. C. to the ground. In falling he struck on his head, fracturing his skull so badly, that it is feared he will not survive.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 23 September 1868

Monday afternoon, Mr. Charles Ellis, of this village, while at work painting in McKechnie's new block, stepped upon a thin plank, which broke with his weight, and precipitated him to the ground, a distance of about thirty-five feet, injuring him about the head and shoulders severely.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 30 September 1868

One Thomas Fox, living near Hopewell, met with a quite a serious accident on Wednesday evening last. While in his barn taking care of his horse, being up stairs for that purpose, he made a misstep when about descending the stairs, and fell head foremost down, striking his head against a projecting spike, cutting a large gash in it, and receiving other injuries. He has reason t be thankful in escaping without more serious injury, as such a fall often breaks a man's bones, or maims him for life.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 7 October 1868

We are informed that on Saturday last, while a Mr. Simeon Smalley, of Orleans, was coming up from Palmyra, he met with a serious accident. The circumstances are these: He was travelling in a buggy, a loose horse following behind him, and in coming to a steep hillside, the animal following took a trail on the upper side of the road, and meeting with some obstruction, attempted to turn around, but in doing so missed his footing and fell headlong into the road in front of the horse driven by Mr. S. This gave the buggy horse such a fright that Mr. S. found he could not avoid falling over a steep bank, and in attempting to save himself by jumping from the buggy, his foot caught in the reins, and man, horse and buggy were hurled down a steep bank, a distance of several feet. Mr. S. had his thigh badly fractured, and two or three ribs broken. The buggy was a total wreck; but the horse sustained no serious injury.

Geneva Gazette Oct 9 1868 #41 Page 3 Column 2

CIDER MILL - Our friend HUGH FULTON has added greatly to his facilities for making cider.  He is now enabled to
make one hundred barrels per day. Orders for custom work receive his prompt attention.  Farmers will do
well to call at his establishment, opposite Dixon’s Tile Works on the Waterloo Turnpike. Mr. Fulton has the thanks of all hands in our office for a bountiful supply of the delicious beverage.

Donated by Ernie Fulton

From Ontario County Times 30 December 1868

Facts about Naples -
Naples contains twenty-one thousand one hundred and twenty acres of land, purchased March 20, 1789, at the cost of $1056, currency, or twelve cents per acre.

Zaddock Hunn preached the first sermon there in 1792. The first choir was composed of Isaac Watkins, Stephen Watkins, Submit Clark and Lydia Clark. The first couple, married in 1775 (sic) were Benjamin Clark and Thankful Watkins. The first child born in town was Phineas P. Lee, now a resident of Branch county, Michigan, hearty and healthy.

The first Justice of the Peace in the town was Colonel William Clark, grandfather of the present Sheriff. The first school teacher in town was Miss Susannah Parish, in 1792. At the first ball in town, the managers wore cues, and the company ate on bright pewter plates. Elder Lacy was the first Methodist minister, and the opposition to him was so great that he could find but one house to preach in. How different now? The Indian name of Naples was "Koyandaga," meaning "head of the lake."

From Ontario County Times 6 January 1869

On Thursday morning last while Mr. E. Olmstead, of Seneca Castle, was riding in his cutter, his horses became frightened and ran away, overturning the cutter and throwing him against a hitching post with such force as to crush his skull, probably injuring him fatally. He now lies in a critical condition, and no hopes of his recovery are entertained.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 20 January 1869

Saturday afternoon, Mr. George Ellis, while at work on a house on Coy street, made a misstep and fell from a ladder, breaking his arm just above the wrist.

Mr. Charles Quithel,
residing near Clifton Springs, had his left hand caught in a threshing machine, and so badly mangled as to render the amputation of three fingers and a thumb necessary.

From Geneva Gazette 26 February 1869

SENT TO JAIL - Mrs. Matilda Dunham,
of Orleans, was arrested and arraigned before Justice Warner, on Tuesday of last week, charged with receiving and secreting stolen goods, of which offense she was found guilty and sentenced to thirty days confinement in the County Jail.

The goods secreted were those taken from the house of Mrs. Short by on Frank Haskins, whose arrest we noticed a couple of weeks ago, and who has since been sent to the Auburn Prison for a term of three years and three months for burglary.

Developments, which indicate the existence of a regular gang of burglars and thieves, have been made and several more arrests are to follow.  That community has long been troubled by depredations of thieves, but heretofore they have eluded the vigilance of the officers.  We trust they may soon be relieved of these offenders.  Times.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 10 March 1869

On the 1st inst., a servant girl named Helen Hayes, in the employ of Dr. S. W. West, of Allen's Hill, made an attempt at suicide, by eating some of a preparation of arsenic, which she knew to be poison. prepared for rats. She refused to take any antidote, but the doctor by means of chloroform subdued her, and poured an emetic down her, which saved her life. She refuses to give any reason for the attempt at self-destruction.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 31 March 1869

We are informed that as Mr. Robert Burns of Bristol was on his way home last Monday night, his wagon in some manner turned over, near the residence of Mr. Stephen Tate, about three miles west of this village, and fell on top of him. Being unable to extricate himself, he was compelled to lie there until about 2 o'clock yesterday morning, when he was discovered by a passerby, lying insensible and very severely injured. He was conveyed to Mr. Tate's house, where he now lies in a very critical condition.

From Ontario County Times 21 April 1869

Last Thursday afternoon, Messrs. Frank Harris and David Kirk were riding in a lumber wagon belonging to the former, and turning the corner of Gorham and Wood streets, the seat of the vehicle became misplaced, throwing the two gentlemen out into the road. The horse being frightened, commenced running and kicking, and when nearly opposite the residence of Mr. S. D. Tillotson, collided with a horse and buggy driven by a lady, but happily without doing serious injury to the latter. Mr. Kirk escaped with a few trifling bruises upon his face and head, whilst Mr. Harris was more severely injured, having his head badly gashed, and being otherwise considerably hurt. He is yet confined to his house, in a very uncomfortable condition, but we hear he is rapidly recovering from the effects of his fall.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 21 April 1869

We are informed that Mr. Hiram Bloodgood of Victor, had a very narrow escape from death one day last week. In attempting to cross the railroad track, in that town, his wagon was caught in some manner in the rails, just as a train of cars was rapidly approaching. With the assistance of a couple of men, the horses were unhitched, and the train dashed by, smashing the wagon to atoms.

From Geneva Gazette 30 April 1869


April 14 - Dr. Hawley and wife of Canandaigua were thrown from their wagon when the horses were running away, and seriously hurt.

April 12 - J. B. Wheelock of West Bloomfield was thrown from his horse and so injured that he died soon after.  Same day, Hiram Bloodgood had a narrow escape in crossing the railroad track at Victor.

April 15 - Frank Harris and H. C. Kirk of Gorham were thrown out of their wagon while the horses were running away, and seriously hurt.

April 16 - Nathaniel Smith of Gorham was seriously injured in his back and arms in jumping from a wagon near the Catholic Church in Canandaigua.

April 17 - Wm. Davis of Bethel had one of his legs broken in two places below the knee, and foot badly crushed, in turning over a sawlog for the purpose of slabbing at Stokie's mill.  He is a poor man, and has a family dependent on him for support. Isaac Phillips generously directed the physician to take proper care of him, volunteering to pay the expense.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 19 May 1869

Mr. Orson Allen,
a brakeman on the New York Central Railroad, in attempting to jump upon a locomotive, just back of the Female Seminary, missed his footing, and the wheels passed over his left leg, crushing it. He was brought to this village and removed to the Niagara House, where Dr. Smith, assisted by Drs. Swart and Hayes, subsequently amputated the limb, and now the patient is as comfortable as circumstances will permit. Mr. Allen resides at Centerfield, in this county, and had only commenced to work on the Central road last week Monday. He formerly kept the Waverly cigar store in Rochester.

Last Thursday afternoon, as Mr. Jesse Cost and son were passing by the Court House, on the way to their residence on Fort Hill, some part of their wagon broke, frightening the horses, who started rapidly up Gorham street, throwing both of the occupants out, Mr. Cost striking the ground face downwards, his son falling heavily upon him. Dr. A. G. Coleman, who witnessed the accident, had Mr. Cost removed to his office, and his wounds washed and dressed, when he was found to be severely injured about the head and face, and his wrist badly sprained. His son happily escaped injury and started in pursuit of the runaway team, and found them at his residence patiently waiting to be unharnessed. 

From Geneva Gazette 18 June 1869

Attempted Suicide -
A young woman named Maggie McRedmond, keeping house on Main street between Seneca and Castle, attempted suicide on Monday last by taking poison.  An inmate of the same house suspected the cause of her ailing, speedily summoned a physician, who administered an antidote by which her reckless purpose was thwarted.  It is the "old, old story" of "loving not wisely," &c.  It seems that Maggie had formed a strong attachment for a young man of our town, who had for a few years past favored her with more or less of his company and attention.  But from the very nature of things (we need not be more explicit, ) she could not expect the closer relation with him of marriage.  Yet she had hoped he never would form a matrimonial alliance with another.  Such hope however was doomed to be blasted.  Last week he led to the altar a worthy, respectable young lady; on receiving intelligence of which the misguided girl it is stated was fairly overcome with emotion, and then lapsed into a brooding melancholy, from which she sought relief in the deadly draught.  Her purpose being thus thwarted, she subsequently takes a more rational view of the situation, and submits to fate with reasonable composure.

From Geneva Gazette 25 June 1869

 A serious accident befel a colored man, named John Newport, Tuesday morning.  He was standing on an elevated platform in Raplee & Scoon's coal yard, where the workmen were engaged in hoisting coal from a boat by means of a swinging bucket.  As he was standing there, the bucket, full of coal, on its way up, swung around and hit him, knocking him off the platform.  His head struck the top of a spike or post, and then, turning, he fell to the dock below, striking on his side. Blood gushed from his mouth, and he was taken up insensible. Dr. Avery, who happened to be near, examined him, and accompanied him home, where he was conveyed on a cart.  It was ascertained that no bones were broken, although he had apparently sustained severe internal injuries.  His life was at first despaired of.  This morning, however, his condition had greatly improved, and hopes of his recovery are entertained.  Courier

From Ontario County Times 28 July 1869

The Citizen records that on Saturday, the 17th instant, as Mr. Patrick Hamilton was operating a mower and reaper on the Dillingham farm, three miles east of Phelps, he fell through the whiffletrees while adjusting something on the horses, when one of them started, running over him, and injuring him very severely.

From Geneva Gazette 30 July 1869

RUNAWAY - Brave and Thoughtful Action by One of our Citizens -
Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Bunge left a wagon on Seneca street with three of his children in.  Mr. Bunge had hardly entered a store to transact some business before the horse restive and started.  The horse went round the corner and down Water street at a fearful gait, the children screaming. As they crossed the railroad track, Mr. Ostrander endeavored to seize the horse by the rein, but failed, escaping however without injury.  Meanwhile Mr. J. S. Cornue caught the rear of the wagon, got in, lifted the children out one by one safely, and then succeeded in stopping the horse before any injury was done.  It is worthy of remark that as the runaway crossed the railroad track the smallest of the children fell off the seat, and was just going out under the wheel, when it was drawn back by another of the children.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 4 August 1869

Mr. John Crittenden, while driving a young mare last Wednesday, about a mile west of Oaks' Corners, near his place of residence, gave her a touch with his whip, whereupon she kicked, striking his left leg just below the knee breaking it square off, and otherwise severely bruising him. It is feared that he received internal injuries which may yet develop a serious case, if not fatal.

Later ---- We hear that Mr. Crittenden's life is despaired of. His injuries prove to have been of a far more serious character than was at first supposed. The print of the horse's foot has shown itself on his breast, and several severe bruises showing internal injuries have been developed. Everything is being done for him - he lies in a delirious and critical condition. Phelps Citizen

From Geneva Gazette 24 September 1869

Daniel Wooden
was seriously injured by the bursting of a cylinder of a threshing machine while feeding on the farm of Mr. Powell, a few miles south of Geneva.  A piece of one of the bars struck him on the side of his face, knocking out three teeth and cut a deep gash in the tongue.  Other pieces struck him on the temple and head, which it was at first thought had broken the skull.  He was attended by a skillful physician and is now probably out of danger.

We hear of many such accidents occurring almost daily, and men should use more caution while at work with such dangerous machinery.  Another case happened a week or two since, in which, had it not been for the rotten shoddy clothing worn at the time, the person would have been killed instantly.  In less time than it takes to tell the story, he was stripped completely of his clothing -- leaving nothing but his boots and stockings.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 3 November 1869

We see it stated in the Rochester papers that a man named Joseph Boyd of this village, while walking with his wife on Monroe Avenue in that city, on his way to the residence of his brother, was followed by two men. Just before arriving at his destination Boyd said to his wife that he would see what the men wanted, and stepped over to them on the opposite side of the road. Soon after one of the men came to Mrs. Boyd and said he was a detective, and his friend, who was also an officer, had business with Mr. Boyd. Mrs. B., supposing all was right, walked on to her brother-in-law's, expecting her husband to follow. Mr. B. not making his appearance, his brother went out to meet him, but could find nothing of him. The police were notified of the transaction, and an unsuccessful search was made after the missing man. Nothing of his whereabouts has been learned, and his friends are considerably alarmed for his safety.

From Ontario County Times 10 November 1869

A sad accident occurred at Seneca Castle one day last week. Mr. Samuel Ottley, a well-known farmer of that locality, was the victim. Whilst walking in the loft of his barn, directly over a threshing machine, then in operation on the floor below, a board gave way, and he was precipitated upon the revolving cylinder of the machine. His foot became entangled, lacerating it in a shocking manner, and he was thrown violently to the ground. He was taken to the house, surgical aid immediately summoned, and the mangled foot was amputated just above the ankle. He was doing well at last accounts.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 8 December 1869

The Phelps Citizen says that last Monday forenoon, Mr. Chas. W. Ray, son of Wm. Ray, was engaged in making a stall for a horse to stand sheltered from the weather, underneath a shed in the lumber yard of Wm. Lovell, Esq., in this village. The loft of the shed was filled with lumber, the height of the story underneath was not what was desired, and the lumber in a body had been raised up about eighteen inches, and was supposed to have been securely stayed by proper supports, but they gave way letting about three thousand feet of lumber down upon Mr. Ray, striking him first on the head -- his presence of mind prompted him to straighten himself if possible, and not be doubled up underneath the ponderous weight. But the time was so short and instantaneous that he was crushed and pinned to the ground, the greatest weight and blow being inflicted about the hips and lower stomach. His cries made known his frightful situation. He was promptly relieved, but probably five minutes elapsed before he was extricated. He was conveyed at once to his home and medical assistance and untiring friends have been faithful in their watchings with him since. The injury is all internal, and the worst is feared, yet recovery is not hopeless.

From Ontario County Times 8 December 1869

James Whipple
of Farmington, was severely injured last week by a fall from a wagon. He was driving out of his yard, on a good trot, when one wheel of his wagon caught against the gate post, throwing him out head first on to the frozen ground, badly bruising his head and face. He was confined to the house for several days from the effects, but is now able to be around some. With good care he will soon recover from his wounds, but will carry the scars of his encounter with mother earth while his face remains.

From Ontario County Times 29 December 1869

Mr. David Clark,
of Victor, met with a serious accident Christmas morning. Accompanied by his daughter, he was returning from the village with two horses and democrat, one of the horses being a colt, which kicked over the tongue of the wagon, breaking it, and running into the fence. Mr. Clark was drawn over the dashboard by the lines, but succeeded in stopping the horses. His daughter was thrown between the wagon and the fence. No bones were broken, but they were both considerably bruised.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 5 January 1870

Patrick Henahan of Victor, was severely injured by the premature explosion of a blast while at work in the plaster quarry of Mr. Adams, last Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Ball attended the sufferer and has hopes of his recovery.

Mr. Clark Gillett of Victor was seriously injured last Thursday afternoon by being kicked by a horse. He was driving along the road, when a man passed him with a team, leading a horse behind. As he went by Mr. G., the lead horse kicked at him, striking him on the side of the head near the temple. The injuries are very severe and probably he may not recover.

On Tuesday morning last, Mr. Henry Mason, a farmer residing about three miles from this village, while coming to town in a wagon, was upset, and in trying to save himself, he fell to the ground and broke his right arm just above the elbow.

From Ontario County Times 12 January 1870

Victor, N. Y. -
We hear of two quite serious accidents which occurred in Victor on the 23d ult. Mrs. Henry Bement, sister-in-law of Morgan Bement, of this place, while carrying a kettle filled with boiling water, from the kitchen stove to an adjoining room, hit one of her feet against something which caused her to fall. As she struck the floor her left hand was immersed in the hot water, and thereby shockingly burned the injury extending upward nearly to the elbow. Happily the lady received no other injury from the fall and at last accounts was rapidly recovering from the effects of the burn. The same afternoon, Mr. John O'Niel, accompanied by his sister, started from home in a buggy, with the design of going to the village. On the way the horse took fright at something by the roadside, turned partly around and jumped into the ditch, capsizing the vehicle and throwing the gentleman and lady violently to the ground. Both were badly bruised but foruntately had no bones broken and were not otherwise permanently injured.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 12 January 1870

The Geneva Gazette says: On Thursday forenoon last, Mrs. Charlotte Fowle, while replenishing the fire in her sitting-room stove, met with a severe accident, by the sudden caving in of the brick hearth on which she was standing, precipitating her into the cellar below, a distance of between four and five feet. Owing to the substantial manner in which the stove was put up, it was prevented from falling upon her by the pipe -- the stove being rested upon one standard only, the other three having fallen with the hearth. Mrs. Fowle was picked up in a senseless condition, and a physician immediately summoned, who at the time, feared she might have sustained some internal injuries. Happily his worst fears were not realized, and at this writing, though suffering considerably from bruises, Mrs. Fowle is able to be about the house, looking forward to her speedy and complete recovery.

From Geneva Gazette 21 January 1870

Serious Accident -
A young man named John H. Proudfit, son-in-law of George Baker, residing on Lake st., met with a painful accident on Monday last, which threatens to destroy the sight of one eye.  He was engaged in casting bullets, and while holding the ladle, a child accidentally ran against his arm.  A portion of the molten lead was spilled, and a drop falling into a bowl of water, spurted back and lodged on one of his eye-lids, burning severely into the flesh. He was almost crazed with the intense pain from which he suffered.  The two Drs. Covert were promptly summoned, and found it necessary to put him under the influence of chloroform to remove the lead and allay his pain.  His condition was comfortable yesterday, but his eye remains bandaged, and the full nature of the injury as affecting sight cannot yet be determined.

From Geneva Gazette 4 February 1870

Milton Warner,
an enterprising democratic farmer of Hopewell, harvested from 12 acres last season 420 bushels of barley, and picked from the same field 400 bbls. of marketable apples, mostly greenings and Baldwins, and 300 bushels for cider and culinary purposes -- making it a very productive field.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 23 February 1870

On Wednesday night last, between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock, two young men, named John Doyle and James Potter, met with a serious accident, which will probably prove fatal to one or both persons. From what we can learn, the parties were out riding, and the horse taking fright at something, ran away, upsetting the buggy, and precipitating the occupants to the frozen ground. Young Potter made his appearance at the Ontario House, his face being cut and covered with blood. He requested Mr. Benham and others to go to the assistance of Doyle, who was found lying near the town pump, on Main street, in a state of insensibility. He was conveyed to the office of Dr. Bennett, where surgical aid was promptly rendered, but for some time they supposed life was extinct. He was afterwards removed to his residence on Phoenix street, where he has lain in an unconscious state, except at slight intervals. His skull is fractured, and there is not the slightest prospect of his recovery. Young Potter is seriously (supposed internally) injured, and his friends entertain serious doubts of his recovery. The horse became detached from the buggy, and was stopped in front of the Canandaigua Hotel, just in time to save him from being precipitated over the stairway leading to the railroad track. The buggy was found on Main street bottom side up, having been drawn in that position for some distance.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 6 April 1870

Mrs. Cynthia Collins, residing near Fisher's Station, in the town of Victor, met with a serious accident last week, by falling into the cellar and fracturing her hip. Mrs. Collins is nearly eighty years of age, which renders the accident more serious than if happening to a younger person. At last accounts she was as comfortable as the circumstances would admit -- the fracture having been reduced by a skillful surgeon. Mrs. Collins is the mother of Dr. John Collins of Rochester. She came to Western New York with her husband in 1809 and settled in Henrietta. In 1853 they removed to the town of Victor, where they have since resided. The husband feels sadly over the accident which has befallen his wife and friend for so many years.

From Ontario County Times 6 April 1870

The Phelps Citizen records a most frightful accident which befell Mr. Francis Lynch, (brother of Alex. Lynch, one of the proprietors of the Lawrence House in that village) on Wednesday morning last. He was employed in the saw mill of Snyder Brothers. It seems that a wedge from a large circular saw dropped out, lodging in a crevice in the floor, and going below for the purpose of recovering the wedge, his head came in contact with the revolving saw, which projected a foot or more below the floor. A fearful gash, extending from temple to temple, up and across the fore part of the head, exposing about four inches of the brain, was the consequence. He was attended by Drs. Vanderhoof and Howe. He is now at the Lawrence House, and is being generously provided for by the members of Phelps Post, G. A. R. He is a married man, a member of the M. E. Church and a former resident of Seneca Falls.

From Ontario County Times 15 June 1870

Main street was the scene of a very exciting row on Saturday evening last about six o'clock, growing out of the endeavors of Constables Day, Dwyer and Fox, to arrest a man named John Mason, of East Bloomfield, a strong, burly fellow, with large fighting propensities, and a little the worse for liquor. It took several officers to handle him, but he was finally overpowered, placed on a cart and taken to jail. He was brought before Justice Hemmenway on Monday, upon four warrants, and after being fined for drunkeness and disorderly conduct, was held to bail in $1500 to keep the peace and appear before the next Circuit Court. The officers deserve credit for the manner in which they have done their duty lately in the way of making arrests among the rough ones, many of whom had begun to think our constables dared not attack them, and had some months ago begun to inaugurate an era of bloodshed, broil and insecurity disreputable and annoying to the community at large.

From Geneva Gazette 17 June 1870

Runaway and Horse Killed -
On Tuesday last, Mr. Thos. Stokoe of Seneca, came to town with a load of grain, and while unloading or standing at Field & Affleck's elevator, the team became frightened and ran away, dashing across the canal bridge and up Lake street at a furious pace.  At the Water street crossing, the wagon parted, and the horses continued their flight up Tillman street with only the fore wheels and tongue attached.  Coming into Geneva street, they dashed against a tree and fell, the concussion fairly stripping the harness from them.  By this collision, one of the horses had a fore leg broken and splintered near the knee joint, notwithstanding which injury, he got up and ran for a short distance on three legs.  The two being separated at this juncture, the other horse also ran a little further when he was caught by Mr. King of the American livery stables.  The injured horse being past cure was knocked in the head and killed.  It was a fine, large animal, valued at $300.

A little daughter of Chas. Alcock, about four years of age, while standing in front of their home at the time the horses were plunging past, was caught in the flying debris and thrown to the ground.  She was carried into the house and medical aid summoned in the person of Dr. N. B. Covert, who after careful examination found that no bones were broken, though several severe bruises had been sustained on the right leg between the ankle and knee joints. It is regarded as a very narrow escape. The little one is now doing well.

From Ontario County Times 27 July 1870

Yesterday Mr. Darwin Cheney, of this village, had occasion to got to East Bloomfield on business, and while there stepped into a blacksmith shop. Whilst setting on a saw-horse, on which a plank was balanced, he lost his equilibrium, and, falling backward, struck a large block of wood, with a projecting piece of board nailed thereto, and broke two of his ribs. Nothing daunted, he drove back to Canandaigua, where he was immediately attended to by Dr. Swart, and though injured considerably, yet hopes are entertained that he will be able to attend to business again in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile he has our entire sympathy in his misfortune.

From Ontario County Times 31 August 1870

The village of East Bloomfield was somewhat excited Monday forenoon over a personal encounter between two of its citizens, Mr. Jasper P. Moon and Mr. Samuel Seeley.  The difficulty grew out of a dispute concerning a watering tub, and the right of using it, Mr. Moon claiming that the tub is on his premises, and forbidding Seeley to water his horses there. On the morning in question, Seeley brought his horse to the tub, when Moon repeated his injunction, and ordered him off the premises. Some abusive language was indulged in by Seeley, when Moon approached the tub and endeavored to frighten the horse away. The action of Moon was resented by Seeley, who began throwing water on Moon, and the latter, in the excitement of the moment, pushed Seeley with an axe, which he happened to have in his hand. The injury done by the axe, although on Seeley's face, was nothing very serious, but it caused him to fall, and in falling he struck his head upon a stone, and received quite a serious injury. Moon was arrested on a warrant issued by Justice Porter, and had his examination yesterday, and was held to await the action of the grand jury. The examination was attended by Mr. Harwood in behalf of the prisoner, and Mr. Gardner on the part of the people. This whole affair is an unfortunate one, and is one of those things of which the least said is the soonest mended.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 7 September 1870

Last Saturday afternoon as Mrs. George W. Brundige and daughter, living about three miles from the village, were on their way home, their horse became frightened at a flock of turkies and in turning into a lane tipped the buggy over, throwing the occupants heavily to the ground. Mrs. B. had one rib broken and two fractured; her daughter had an ankle broken.

From Ontario County Times 7 September 1870

The fact may not be generally known to our readers, that Yankee Robinson, the world-renowned showman, is a native of this county. He was born in the town of Richmond. There his boyhood days were passed, and there, we believe, his aged father still resides. He has long been in the habit of visiting his old home, at least once every year. In accordance with this custom he was there on Monday last, when he caused to be erected, in the cemetery at Honeoye, a monument to mark his mother's grave. The occasion was solemnized by appropriate ceremonies, which were witnessed by a large concourse of citizens, and some eloquent and very impressive remarks were made by the Rev. S. M. Day. Mrs. Robinson died several years since, but her son has not ceased to honor her memory.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 14 September 1870

Last Saturday night, a man named James Scantling, residing in the northern part of the village, attempted suicide by cutting his throat. He had been down town during the evening drinking pretty freely, and became engaged in a fight, getting the worst of it. He went home, procured a razor, and drawing it across his throat, made a terrible gash. Medical assistance was procured, and the fellow is now in a fair way of recovery.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 21 September 1870

Yesterday afternoon as Mr. George Gates, Road Master of the New York Central Railroad, and a resident of this village, was riding on a hand car,  about two miles west of the town, a wood train struck the car, throwing it off the track, and injuring Mr. Gates about the head so badly that is is supposed he will not recover.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 28 September 1870

Early on Thursday morning last, Mr. James McB. Gillett of Hopewell, started from home, accompanied by his wife and two other ladies, in a double wagon, drawn by a span of spirited horses, with the intention of coming to this place. Before proceeding far one of the bolts by which the wagon tongue was fastened to the axeltree appears to have worked out of place, when the horses became unmanageable and commenced running. Soon one of the wheels broke down, the wagon was capsized, and the occupants all thrown with great violence to the ground. Fortunately the accident was witnessed by Walter Marks, Esq., near whose residence it occurred, and who hastened to the relief of the sufferers. Mr. Gillett was found lying upon the ground in an insensible condition, with several bruises about the head and face, but happily without any wounds that were considered dangerous. He was speedily restored to consciousness, and at last accounts reported to be fast recovering from the effects of his injuries. Mrs. Gillett had her left ankle broken and was otherwise much injured. Her wounds were exceedingly painful, although not of a character to endanger life. The other ladies, whose names we did not learn, were also somewhat bruised, but had no bones broken. One of the horses after freeing himself from the wreck, ran against the fence, and a piece of board penetrated his breast to the depth of several inches, inflicting a wound which will probably spoil him.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 19 October 1870

Morrison Parks of Naples, while on the road to Bloods, had his horses run away, a few days since, injuring his wife very much, and bruising him some. A tug unhitched, which caused the horses to start, and the tongue of the wagon dropping, while they were running, plowed into the ground and raised the front of the wagon, suddenly throwing them to the ground.

From Ontario County Times 26 October 1870

Yesterday afternoon an aged lady named Mrs. Sylvester Lewis, of Gorham, over 80 years of age, had the misfortune, while descending some steps of the Webster House, to fall down, breaking both her wrists and suffering some bruises about the head. Dr. Simmons was immediately summoned to her relief, and so far ameliorated her condition as to enable her to return home. The poor woman's sad plight enlisted for her the active sympathies and services of Mr. Chamberlain, who did every thing in his power, and also of many passers by. Her case is a sad one.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 14 December 1870

A rather disagreeable and serious fracas occurred on Thursday evening last, at the Garlinghouse settlement, town of Naples, the aggressor being one Merritt N. Moose, a quiet, inoffensive, industrious man, and the victim's name is Richard Lanning, living in the same neighborhood. It seems that Moose had cause to suspect Lanning of taking improper liberties with his (Moose's) wife, and so enraged did he become at the discovery that he determined on vengeance and satisfaction for his ruined reputation and happiness. On the evening in question he encountered the man Lanning, as he was about to beat a hasty retreat from the premises, and, as he was passing out of the door, he levelled his shot gun at him, and the rascal received a charge of shot in his arm. Moose was arrested, and, after a preliminary examination, gave bail in the sum of $500 to await the action of the Grand Jury in February. The defendant feels confident that he was justified in the course he pursued, and he is willing to be tried for his offence. It is not his intention, we believe, strange to say, to put in a plea of insanity, either before, after, or during the commission of the deed, but will boldly and fairly meet his accuser, and be judged according to the laws of the land. Lanning is not seriously hurt. Everybody will say, "What a pity !" and so do we.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 14 December 1870

The family of Mr. Harrison Nutt, residing in the town of Canadice, have met with a sad affliction in the death of four of its members within a few days. About three weeks ago Mrs. Nutt was taken suddenly and violently ill, and in a few days died. Immediately following, a little daughter, aged about six years, died. Some relatives from the eastern part of the State were summoned to attend the funeral, and a little girl, ten years of age, was taken ill, and died in about four days. A young lady who had been taking care of the last-named, also succumbed to the fearful malady, and was buried on Saturday, the 3d inst., making the fourth person thus swiftly hurried into eternity. Our informant states that at the same time three others were in a very critical condition from the same mysterious cause, and not expected to live. The doctors pronounce it as being inward inflammation, caused they know not how; but it is surmised that these ravages were produced by impure water, and that something poisonous had got into the well. Mr. Nutt is certainly to be commiserated and condoled with in his misfortune and sad affliction.

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