Photos of Ludlow burial stones
in Brookside
Cemetery - Town of Geneva Ontario County NY.
The following are a series of letters spanning
from 1841 to 1888 written from relatives in NY to relatives in
Arkansas, except
the 1888 letter, which is sent from Michigan.
The first is written by George Brown who I believe to be the brother of Mary Brown, married to William in Desha County, Arkansas. The penciled note at bottom says "Grandad's brs in laws - HHB, who I believe to be Henrietta Blackwood and Grandad would be William. The 1853 letter is from William, son of Thomas, to his Uncle William. The rest of the NY letters are written by Thomas and William, bros of William. The "Dear Cousin" letter of 1888, sent from Michigan is written by Rosetta Dean to Marvin, son of William. Rosetta is the daughter of Betsey Ludlow Dean Mead, sister of William in Arkansas. Marjorie Higgins Croninger |
Partial letter dated Mar 23 1841;
. . . . and this letter would have been written long ago, but I received a letter from Silas dated November 16th, stating that he should start the next day for Arkansas, and as I had just written him in relation to the Death of Devial1; I have been waiting to receive a letter from him in Arkansas, but I have as yet heard nothing from him since the letter above alluded to. Our friend who are scattered almost all over the face of the earth are well so far as they have written me since I received your letter. Mother has been living with me the past winter; and is now on a visit to Mr. Tipp's in Sandusky City. She enjoys her health as usual. The rest of us are in the enjoyment of tolerable health, with the exception of bad colds which has prevailed to a great extent in this country for several months past. Mother was very much overcome when she heard of the Death of Devial1and espouses an anxiety to come into that Country and visit our surviving relatives, as also the graves of our departed Father and Brother, and if Providence wills, she wishes to be buried by their side. We all think much of seeing Levi out here this spring, and our joy would be still increased could we once more behold you all. My design is still to spend next winter in Arkansas if Providence permit, and if devined will preach at such places as you may think best. There is but little market here at present, for any kind of Produce, owing partly to the great devangrement in money affairs, and the surplus of all kinds of grain. Nancy has a daughter 7 months old and Alvira has a son 5 months old. Some deaths have occured in Penn the past winter among whom are Rev. Axtel Morse, John Morse, top of next page missing . . . at present that will be of intres to you, but hope and pray that he whose tender mercies are over all his works will guide you all by his infinite Council into the ways of pleasantness and peace. In conclusion we subscribe our selves your affectionate relatives.
Geo. R. Brown To all our relations in Arkansas with salutations of love greeting. Green Creek. March 23rd, 1841 P. S. Be sure and write soon. |
May 29 1852
Dear Brother and children and friends if there is I received your letter baring date May 4th, 1852 with joy and pease and gladness to heare that you are all well and enjoying the Blessing of God and that is helth. Dear Brother what is better than helth in this life. Welth is not comepard to it omay God Bless you all and them that are bound you and sow may God Bless you All if that I could make as much money as you say you doo it cant bea for the want of it if that I could get enuff to I could work back and if you are dooing well we are all glad of it. Wea can't make money but wea can make a living and so on why my Dear Brother if that did think of us and wea doo of you all you would come if you cood. Thare is not a day pases but your name is up. Your sister Betssey was at my house 2 or 3 weeks agond and they are all well but not the best of doo as weel as they can. She wants to sea you but cant say much. I should like to sea you all but I cant tell when, if not on earth I hope in Heaven. Wea are getting into bondage. Wea cant bea a free people as long as sow maney compney of Plank Roads and Railroads Gates. Now frea Roads all fence up. I call it Heighway roberry compelling them to cell compney and secret societys is ondooing our country as fast as it can you aganst them. Whare is our fredum. I am reddy to gow give it Oh let us have fredum or death. William Ludlow Thomas Ludlow Amos Ludlow's wife has got a fine Boy - 9 weaks
John E. Ludlow Dount fail to wright as quick as you can. Doo as I have done. stop Doo Better and sow keep on. (Different handwriting) Our crops are all very good here we have just finished
corn. Wheat is $1 per bushel. Corn 50 cts; barley 60 cts;
81 cts; buckwheat 45 cts butter per pound 14 and 16
cts has been as high as two shillings; potatoes $1
and 12 shillings. Letter is sent to: William Ludlow, Esq. Notes: |
Seneca Dec 26th 1853
Dear uncle i take my pen in hand to write you a few lines to let you know that i am yet in the land of the living i feel thankful that i am spared to write and more to you in which i have neglected i will ask forgiveness don't neglect to answer this i have not neglected it because i have forgotten you for you have been on my mind often. i would be glad to meat you again on earth i can remember you the last time you was at our house. if we are not able to meat here on earth let us strive to meat in heaven my health is not very good i have not been able to do mutch for two months I got hurt shoeing a horse acrost the breast as i spit blood my health i think is on the gain. my wife is well for her is not very rugged at the best my little girl is well and quit healthy her name is Eleanor Eunice Ann after her two grand mothers she has good remembrance of her grand mother on her fathers side she was four years old last July the rest of us are as well as can man except Electtys family the children have all got the whoopping cough i dont think of any more to write excuse my poor writing Write to me as soon as you get this and i will
answer. Direct your letter to Bellona Yates Co. N. Y.
to you and your folks William Ludlow |
name could be Denial (Daniel?), Derial or Devial.
2This is
no doubt Geneva.
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