From Geneva Gazette 5 January 1894

List of Jurors -
The following named persons have been drawn to serve as jurors at a term of the Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer, to be held at the Court House in the village of Canandaigua, beginning on Monday, January 15:

Timothy Granby - Naples
Patrick H. Toomey - Victor
Charles C. Goodale - Canandaigua
Robert W. Robson - Seneca
Jesse P. Warner - Phelps
Quincy A. Smith - Bristol
Allen B. Welch - East Bloomfield
Miller C. Adams - Phelps
Dell Sebring - Phelps
Charles Cuddeback - Phelps
Ernest R. Reed - Victor
Henry D. Dox - Geneva
Edward W. Smith - Manchester
John W. Baker - Geneva
James Worthington - West Bloomfield
Charles Peck - Phelps
John Maltby - Naples
Charles R. Johnson - Canandaigua
William J. Sisson - Canandaigua
Lewis T. Sutherland - Canandaigua
Chester Dean - Geneva
James Flynn - East Bloomfield
Frank H. Ingraham - Canandaigua
Meyer Jacobs - Geneva

Tobias Stotenburg - Hopewell
Horace B. Case - Bristol
O. E. Thorpe - East Bloomfield
Oscar Randall - Farmington
Frank Slingerland - Canadice
Charles P. Johnson - South Bristol
Henry Clark - Geneva
Adelbert H. King - Manchester
Wallace Hill - Victor
Seymour W. Edson - Naples
Wesley Holcomb - Naples
G. Emmett Stetson - South Bristol
William Roach - Victor
Harlan M. Fisher - Bristol
Oscar G. Cummings - East Bloomfield
Henry Kellogg - Manchester
William C. McNally - South Bristol
John H. Stephens - Manchester
Alvin H. Dewey - Manchester
William E. Power - Farmington
Henry L. Hatch - South Bristol
Thomas R. Baker - Farmington
J. George Stacey - Geneva
Charles M. Clark - Manchester
Henry C. Trafton - Bristol
D. Clark Mead - Seneca
Richard M. Gage - Gorham
James Barber - Phelps
Ambrose Ford - Victor
Ambert T. Lane - Victor
Herbert Graham - Naples
William H. Holcomb - South Bristol
Jesse P. Warner - Phelps
Charles F. Boughton - Victor
James Houston - Victor
Charles H. Randall - Farmington

From Geneva Gazette 2 February 1894

List of Jurors -
The following were drawn last Thursday to serve as trial jurors at the County Court and Court of Sessions to be held beginning Monday, February 12:

Henry F. Barringer - Phelps
Levi Redfield - Manchester
A. L. Sweet - Geneva
Charles Burgess - Phelps
Albert Warrillow - Farmington
Clayton T. Bradley - Phelps
Henry B. Whitney - Phelps
William Hankinson - Gorham
Charles Springstead - Naples
Charles W. Snyder - Manchester
Willis H. Robinson - Seneca
Isaac Killinan - Victor
I. Jay Barden - Seneca
Dennis Seymour - West Bloomfield
Ira P. Cribb - Canandaigua
Burnett Thomas - Gorham
Richard Preston - Seneca

Thomas Dixon - Canandaigua
James Seymour - West Bloomfield
James Collins - Canandaigua
Elmer B. Halliday - Manchester
William Petty - Farmington
Byron Johnson - Manchester
Charles W. Herendeen - Farmington
William Bristol - Seneca
Enos Booth - Canandaigua
Joseph Goodman - Seneca
Oscar Bailey - West Bloomfield
Geo. B. Ayers - West Bloomfield
Henry C. Osborne - Farmington
John Sanford - Gorham
Thomas H. Sweeney - Geneva
Thomas E. Turnbull - Seneca
Othello H. Hamilton - Richmond

From Geneva Gazette 4 May 1894

List of Jurors -
Drawn to serve at the Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer to begin at Canandaigua, Monday, May 14:

Benjamin E. Rouse - Geneva
William Pulver - Gorham
John Gainey - Victor
Spencer D. Short - Richmond
George Blanchard - Canandaigua
Frank P. Sherman - West Bloomfield
Vincent L. Runyan - Seneca
Horace D. Bennett - Geneva
Frank F. Holcomb - South Bristol
Leslie G. Loomis - Victor
Daniel P. Allen - South Bristol
J. Carlan Squires - Seneca
Mark A. Case - Bristol
James E. Brown - Geneva
Rudolph Shultz - Geneva
James A. Carpenter - Canandaigua
Charles N. Janes - Gorham
Albert E. Smith - Canandaigua
Frank D. Spring - Victor
Enos Booth - Canandaigua
Charles B. Johnson - Gorham
Joseph Jones - Canandaigua
Thomas B. Tallman - Seneca
Orson S. Robson - Seneca
James A. Carpenter - Canandaigua
Newton H. Rogers - Cheshire
Sylvester Gardner - Farmington
Rupert R. Conkling - West Bloomfield
John B. Allen - Richmond
Frederick Dillman - Phelps
Frank L. Marshall - Seneca
Fred White - Phelps
Frederick Sawyer - Farmington
F. K. McMann - East Bloomfield
Elmer Lucas - Cheshire
Henry Bennett - Gorham
John M. Dixon - Seneca
James T. Sweeney - Phelps
James M. Mills - Phelps
William Allen Reed - Canandaigua
Charles Jeffrey - Manchester
Conrad Neider - Phelps
Charles Wilbur - Gorham
Daniel M. Ketchum - Phelps
John McGrevy - Naples
Frank Jeudevine - Canandaigua
Charles K. Scoon - Geneva
Louis M. Johnson - Cheshire
John McClelland - Manchester
Harry Pimm - Victor
George Procens - Victor
Henry J. Peck - Phelps
Henry Shaddock - West Bloomfield
Howard E. Merrell - Geneva
Almon B. Cooper - Victor
Charles J. Smith - Naples
Sidney Pelling - Seneca
George W. Baker - Geneva
Charles Ridley - Phelps

From Geneva Gazette 1 June 1894

List of Jurors -
Drawn to serve at a term of the County Court and Court of Sessions to be held at Canandaigua beginning June 11th:

Thomas Campbell - Seneca
Albert H. Tibbals - Canadice
Walter G. Mason - Manchester
Clark Fairbanks - Canandaigua
Lewis J. Ross - Canadice
A. Jackson Bray - Richmond
Richmond C. Beach - Richmond
Henry Olmstead - Bristol
Alonzo O. Maxfield - Naples
James Worthington - West Bloomfield
Elisha Estes - Gorham
Henry B. Burtis - Phelps
Julian Patridge - Manchester
Walter Bridgbank - East Bloomfield
Edward D. Hawks - Richmond
William L. Crothers - Phelps
William H. Wayne - Manchester
Chester A. Baggerly - Phelps
Charles Sawyer - Manchester
John H. Damm - Naples
Homer R. Steele - East Bloomfield
John Litzendorf - Richmond
James Tate - Manchester
Archie F. Hotchkiss - Naples
George McCann - Victor
Charles E. Fox - Manchester
John Roat - Gorham
Clarence Green - Victor
F. A. Barth - Geneva
Orson Raymer - Gorham
John Clubb - Seneca
Edward R. Wheeler - Centerfield
Stephen D. Dye - Bristol
James Caward - Seneca
Charles Olmstead - Richmond
Egbert G. Ross - Phelps

From Geneva Gazette 8 June 1894

United State Court -
A term of the United States Circuit Court will be held in Canandaigua during the week beginning June 19. The most important case on the calendar is that of the People against Jasper Logan, an Indian, who is indicted for murder.  The list of jurors is as follows:

Miller C. Adams - Phelps
Thos. W. Barker - Manchester
John Bolles - Naples
James A. Carpenter - Canandaigua
John P. Coons - Naples
George Drummond - Manchester
Almeron Dunham - Manchester
James Flynn - East Bloomfield
Joseph M. Francisco - Canandaigua
Jason B. Gates - Hopewell
Loren E. Gifford - Phelps
Hiram A. Goodrich - Naples
George Hatch - Naples
Edward W. Herendeen - Geneva
Henry L. Higley - South Bristol
Wm. A. Higginbotham - Victor
H. L. Howe - Canandaigua
Egbert G. Howland - Manchester
Austin Huntley - Canandaigua
Chas. N. James - Gorham
Frank W. James - Naples
J. H. Kelly - Canandaigua
Henry Kellogg - Manchester
Otis W. Kellogg - Manchester
R. J. Leland - Phelps
Leslie G. Loomis - Victor
George Mott - Phelps
Henry C. Osborne - Farmington
M. L. Parkhurst - Canandaigua
Andrew Pomeroy - East Bloomfield
James M. Pulver - Seneca
Alex. M. Purdy - Manchester
Oscar F. Ray - Canadice
Edward Reynolds - Manchester
Charles H. Rogers - Manchester
George W. Sampson - Manchester
Charles S. Sawyer - Manchester
Charles R. Simmons - Bristol
John M. Skuse - Geneva
Charles W. Smith - Geneva
Homer R. Steele - East Bloomfield
W. E. Stubbs - Geneva
Henry L. Sutherland - Geneva
Spencer J. Sutherland - Canandaigua
Thompson Sutherland - Canandaigua
Amos L. Sweet - Geneva
Caleb Taft - West Bloomfield
Allen B. Welch - East Bloomfield
George Wilkie - Geneva
Wm. H. Whitney - Seneca

From Geneva Gazette 5 October 1894

List of Jurors -
The following named persons were drawn yesterday to serve as grand jurors at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, to be held at the Court House in this village, beginning Oct 15:

George E. Proceus - Victor
Henry L. DeZeng - Geneva
George Pierce - Phelps
William H. Whitney - Seneca
Otis W. Kellogg - Manchester
Aby Rogers - Farmington
McLouth, Charles G. - Farmington
William Cass - Geneva
Weston Archer - Hopewell
T. Spencer Vandervoort - Phelps
George Hatch - Naples
Milo A. Benham - Hopewell
Charles R. Simmons - Bristol
Neenan, Daniel - East Bloomfield
Arthur Styles - Manchester
Frederick Douglass - Canandaigua
John H. Bump - Manchester
Hezekiah E. Townsend - Canandaigua
Henry C. Osborn - Farmington
Smith Johnson - Gorham
Charles Snyder - Gorham
Leman Glimpse - Phelps
Charles W. Smith - Phelps
Skuse, John M. - Geneva

Charles Gardner - Gorham
Leslie G. Loomis - Victor
George A. Mays - Victor
Joseph R. Fish - Seneca
Robert Johnson - Farmington
Christopher Helmer - Phelps
James Fitz Gerald - Victor
George B. Rowley - Victor
Dennis C. Archer - Manchester
Tiramano Noviss - Phelps
Alonzo Walters - Gorham
George W. Patterson - Richmond
Charles Penn - Phelps
Irving D. Wilson - South Bristol
Darwin McClure - Hopewell
Ransom Wood - West Bloomfield
Harrison H. Reed - Richmond
James Patterson - West Bloomfield
Martin Vosburg - Phelps
Andrew Brizzee - Hopewell
Russell Carr - Phelps
David Donnelley - East Bloomfield
John Gainey - Victor
Isaac Hall - Gorham
William S. Warner - Gorham
Melville Baker - Hopewell
Thomas H. Densmore - Seneca
Frank Isham - Cheshire
Frank H. Coykendall - Canadice
William I. Bonnett - Geneva
David Oughterson - Geneva
Edward Shanley - Geneva
J. Bryon Aldrich - Farmington
Joseph M. Francisco - Canandaigua
Hamilton H. Curtis - Richmond
Jay Jones - Seneca

From Geneva Gazette 2 November 1894

County Court Jurors -
The following named persons have been drawn to serve as trial jurors at a term of the County Court and Court of Sessions, to convene November 19:

Geo. K. Keeler - Phelps
Stephen J. Smith - Farmington
Marion Reed - Phelps
James Goodman - Phelps
Thomas Ryan - Victor
Charles A. Curtis - Richmond
Walter Ashe - East Bloomfield
Levi W. Totman - Bristol
Frederick Francis - Canadice
Roswell M. Lee - East Bloomfield
Frank H. Bumpus - Victor
Henry D. Hale - West Bloomfield
G. Washington Reed - Richmond
James R. Hanford - Geneva
John B. Haskins - South Bristol
D. H. Henry - Geneva
Geo. Miller - South Bristol
Charles S. Preston - Farmington
H. D. Bennett - Geneva
John I. Simmons - Bristol
Eugene Heath - Hopewell
Frank A. Seeley - Gorham
Lewis T. Sutherland - Canandaigua
Hyland Hopkins - Canandaigua
John Helfer - South Bristol
C. P. Whitney - Phelps
Edwin A. Adams - Farmington
Herbert B. McMahon - Centerfield
Truman V. Fox - Manchester
F. D. Short - Richmond
Wm. Wadsworth - Hopewell
Henry G. Higley - South Bristol
Wm. W. Hall - Phelps
Arlington Mapes - Gorham
Mark S. Pomeroy - Farmington
Miles Kingsley - Hopewell

From Geneva Gazette 11 January 1895

Grand and Petit Jurors for the January Term of Court -
On the 4th inst. the following jurors were drawn to serve at a term of Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer to be held at Canandaigua the week beginning January 1st.

Merritt D. Cole - Gorham
John Laws - Geneva
John Goundry - Naples
Wm. R. Cole - Manchester
Clark Crosley - Seneca
James E. Howard - Canandaigua
Almeron Dunham - Manchester
Abel Haskell - Canandaigua
Alfred M. Hollis - Canandaigua
Edmund S. Spendlove - Geneva
Willis H. Tuttle - Canandaigua
Wilson Black - Geneva
Ed. F. Bussey - Phelps
Asa D. Jones - Victor
Hezekiah E. Townsend - Canandaigua
James Burgess - Hopewell
Alderbert King - Manchester
Lewis T. Sutherland - Canandaigua
John Smith - Phelps
Robert F. Hart - Manchester
Francis W. Hopkins - Canandaigua
Maurice Phillips - Bristol
Allen B. Welch - East Bloomfield
Theo. J. Smith - Geneva

John Rexnor - Canandaigua
James Elton - West Bloomfield
John Ragan - East Bloomfield
George Detro - Gorham
Henry S. Vrooman - Phelps
Franklin D. Woolston - Victor
Frank Arnold - Gorham
Frank Munson - East Bloomfield
Emory L. Van Wormer - Canandaigua
Cuyler S. Arnold - Gorham
William W. Dunham - Bristol
S. S. Bell - Gorham
Charles H. Gates - Phelps
Martin Ganey - Victor
Wilber E. Winch - Canadice
James P. McJannett - Academy
Thomas Wells - Manchester
Martin H. Smith - Geneva
Albert Hunton - Hopewell
William A. Mallory - Phelps
Hide C. MacDonald - Seneca
Herman D. Green - Victor
Edwin Washburn - Gorham
Henry Percy - Phelps
Joseph J. Berry - Farmington
Wells G. Ermale - Victor
Fletcher C. Helmer - Phelps
John C. Parker - Manchester
Wm. A. Merritt - Geneva
G. W. Elwell - Gorham
David H. Townsend - Manchester
Walter W. Knapp - Hopewell
John Ross - Geneva
William H. Edmonston - Farmington
Seth W. Armstrong - Phelps
Achilles Warner - Phelps

From Geneva Gazette 8 Feb 1895

List of Jurors -
The following named trial jurors were drawn last Friday to serve at a term of County Court and Court of Sessions to be held in Canandaigua beginning February 11th:

William Allen - Richmond
William J. Barron - Geneva
George W. Beeman - South Bristol
Lyman A. Berner - South Bristol
Frank E. Briggs - Bristol
Elihu Briggs - Bristol
Hiram DeBow - Farmington
James Curran - Richmond
Jefferson T. DeBow - Farmington
Smith H. Crocker - Farmington
Barber Eldridge - Naples
John Gams - Naples
A. H. Herendeen - Geneva
George Hatch - Naples
Timothy Hayes - East Bloomfield
D. W. Hallenbeck - Geneva
Daniel Greenwood - Phelps
Albert J. Gilbert - Richmond
Charles C. Gates - Seneca
Charles B. Johnson - Gorham
Epenetus T. Lamb - Phelps
Frank A. North - Victor
Samuel L. Olmstead - Phelps
William Newhall - Seneca
Israel M. Powell - South Bristol
Frank D. Pulver - Gorham
William Randall - Farmington
James A. Pierce - East Bloomfield
Andrew Robson - Seneca
Elias L. Richardson - Victor
John D. Thompson - Gorham
Willard O. Weeks - Phelps
Othello A. Short - Richmond
Arthur Stiles - Manchester
Frank T. Van Dusen - Phelps

From Geneva Gazette 3 May 1895

List of Jurors -
The following named persons have been drawn to serve as Grand and Trial Jurors at a term of the Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer, to be held in Canandaigua, beginning Monday, May 13.

T. S. Hubbard - Geneva
Daniel W. Oakley - Naples
John T. Watkins - Phelps
Charles R. Mellen - Geneva
Wm. J. Barron - Geneva
Charles W. Smith - Geneva
John W. Overacker - Manchester
Geo. W. Peel - Geneva
S. Jerome Merrill - Naples
John Reznor - Canandaigua
Hiram W. Freer - Canandaigua
Willis W. Holcomb - South Bristol
Edson Rowley - Bristol
Watson F. Stubbs - Geneva
Gilbert Turner - Victor
Michael Hughes - Hopewell
Sumner J. Ferguson - Phelps
John Wolvin - Phelps
Rudolph Schultz - Geneva
Frank S. Hunn - Canandaigua
Charles L. Granby - Naples
Elon G. Shepard - West Bloomfield
George Blanchard - Canandaigua
George Simonds - Victor

Edward McMaster - East Bloomfield
Nathan R. Razey - Naples
Christopher Tilden - Manchester
Edgar M. Barnes - Geneva
Henry S. Schoonmaker - Seneca
Horace D. Outhouse - Cheshire
Ernest R. Reed - Victor
Edward Murray - Bristol
Cornelius Loudon - Gorham
Addison Wheeler - East Bloomfield
David W. Cone - Hopewell
Thomas Pardington - East Bloomfield
Joseph E. Brizzee - Hopewell
Frank Bidwell - Manchester
Sidney D. Jackson - Manchester
Thomas J. Berry - Canandaigua
Jacob Widner - Naples
Seth McDonald - Gorham
Frank Woodward - South Bristol
Charles C. Wilcox - Canandaigua
John C. Berry - Farmington
George Batchelor - Geneva
Philip G. Rupert - Seneca
Francis M. Pierce - Bristol
Thomas B. Wilson - Seneca
Winfield S. Cone - Hopewell
Charles E. Onderdonk - Seneca
Quincy A. Smith - Bristol
Myron C. Sutherland - Seneca
Rhodes Trickey - South Bristol
Mark M. Ansley - Phelps
H. C. Mapes - Gorham
Frank Stoddard - Phelps
Melvin L. Rugg - Victor
Richard Manchester - Geneva

From Geneva Gazette 31 May 1895

County Court -
A term of this court will be held at Canandaigua beginning Monday, June 10th.  The following jurors have been drawn to serve thereat:

Benjamin F. Kean- Seneca
LaFayette Johnson - South Bristol
Michael Driscoll - Manchester
Albert Sharpsteen - Canadice
Charles Peck - Phelps
Colvin Brownell - Phelps
Thomas W. Barker - Manchester
D. M. Warner - Hopewell
Harry Davie - Geneva
George E. Lapham - Farmington
Wm. H. Pierce - Canandaigua
Lewis J. Hyde - Canadice
Christopher H. Abenshine - Manchester
Willard Burgess - Phelps
Harvey N. Short - Manchester
Edwin Burnett - Phelps
Henry D. Hopkins - Phelps
Irving Corwin - Geneva
Newton Wetherley - Geneva
Winfield S. Power - Farmington
James Flannigan - East Bloomfield
Jacob W. Vanderhoof - Manchester
Charles Huie - Seneca
George Warner - Farmington
Edward Lindner - Manchester
William Young - West Bloomfield
Michael D. Cranley - Victor
Theodore Clint - Cheshire
Frank G. Gage - Gorham
Charles J. Wilder - Victor
Amos L. Symonds - Richmond
D. Willard Beam - Canadice
J. Garrett Dixon - Seneca
D. P. Nelson - Geneva
Edwin A. Wright - Canandaigua
John Button - Hopewell
John W. Porter - Naples

From Geneva Gazette 14 June 1895

Jurors for the U. S. Court -
The following petit jurors have been drawn to serve at a term of the U. S. Circuit Court to convene at the court house in Canandaigua June 18th:

Bristol:  Lewis J. Reed.
Canadice:  John M. Hicks.
Canandaigua:  Wm. Blanchard, Lyman Gage, Geo. Gunnison, Thaddeus Munson, Albert E. Smith, Martin Snyder, Chas. C. Wilcox.
East Bloomfield:  Richard W. Appleton, Oliver Emmons.
Farmington:  Chas. G. McLouth.
Geneva:  Ebenezer Cole, Chas. McIntyre, Jas. A. Ross, Rudolph Shultz, Benj. P. Wooden.
Gorham:  Chas. G. Chapman, Chas. Middaugh.
Hopewell:  G. Granger Benham, Geo. R. Henry.
Naples:  Addison Hawley, Levi Strong
Phelps:  M. S. O'Brien, Chas. Peck.
Richmond:  Joseph Gilbert.
Seneca:  Chas. B. Post, Thos. B. Wilson.
South Bristol:  W. R. Holcomb, W. E. Lincoln.
Victor:  Wm. B. Gallup, Hart R. Gillis, Michael McMahon.
West Bloomfield:  H. B. Marble.

From Geneva Gazette 24 April 1896

List of Jurors -
Drawn to serve at a term of the Supreme Court to convene at Canandaigua Monday, May 4:

Grand Jurors:

Bristol - Lee B. Smith
Canandaigua - E. C. Church; Joseph Jones; George Blanchard; John Reznor; Ira P. Cobb; Albert E. Smith; Willis H. Tuttle
East Bloomfield - Andrew Pomeroy
Geneva - Wilson Black; John Wilson; John C. Ainsley
Gorham - John Turner; Geo. W. Chapman; Arlington Mapes
Manchester - Chas. E. Rogers; Edgar D. Mather
Naples - H. E. Seamans
Phelps - Oscar King
Seneca - Aaron C. Rippey
Victor - Michael E. McMahon; Geo. Simonds
West Bloomfield - Patrick O'Leary; Chas. H. Hopkins


Canadice - Frank Doolittle; John Caskey
Canandaigua - C. C. Sutherland; Floyd N. Hutchens; Jas. Davidson, E. O. Smith
Farmington - Henry B. King; Dennis Keefe, Jr.; Wilson Record; Gustavus McClouth
Geneva - Chester Dean
Gorham - Wm. D. Thompson; Joseph Pybus; O. D. Witter
Hopewell - Jeremiah Maley; Henry C. Sheckel; Horace Greenleaf
Manchester - Thomas B. Titus; Robert F. Hart; Chas. H. Rogers
Naples - Leonard Warner; Thomas Reisenger
Phelps - Lee Vosburgh; Ira P. Rockfeller; Albert Miller; Bert Garratt; Wm. W. Gates
Richmond - Carlton Sleight; Byron Davis; Edgar W. Swan
Seneca - J. Albert Evered
South Bristol - M. J. Randall; Geo. Stempel
Victor - Chas. M. Webster; Patrick Welch
West Bloomfield - Curtis C. Parker

From Geneva Gazette 5 June 1896

U. S. Jurors -
To serve at a term of the U. S. Circuit Court to convene in Canandaigua, June 16th:

Enos Booth - Canandaigua
Charles Burgett - Phelps
Edward Burnett - Phelps
Frank O. Chamberlain - Canandaigua
Homer Chase - Canandaigua
Gillman Church - Geneva
Robert Coons - Naples
Joseph S. Crawford - Canandaigua
Harlan N. Fisher - Bristol
A. C. Hathaway - Bristol
Charles M. Hicks - Gorham
Francis W. Hopkins - Canandaigua
James Houston - Victor
Frank H. Ingraham - Canadice
Melancthon Kenney - Geneva
Frank S. Lapham - Manchester
Enoch O. Marsh - Phelps
Lucius C. Mather - Canandaigua
Charles H. Means - Geneva
William O. Moody - Seneca
Frank W. Page - East Bloomfield
Emory W. Parker - Hopewell
William J. Pollock - Hopewell
Frank Powell - Victor
Edmund Reynolds - Manchester
Edward H. Rice - Seneca
Vinson L. Runyon - Seneca
Winfield Scott - Geneva
Charles W. Smith - Geneva
Porter D. Smith - Farmington
Edward K. Stephens - Richmond
Scott R. Sutton - Naples
Oliver S. Titus - Manchester
Gilbert Turner - Victor
Thaddeus R. Wheeler - Canandaigua
William H. Whitney - Seneca

From Geneva Gazette 6 November 1896

Jurors for County Court -
The following named persons have been drawn to serve as trial jurors at a term of the County Court to convene in Canandaigua, November 9th;

William H. Falkey - Phelps
Henry C. Severence - Phelps
Milo A. Benham - Hopewell
Chauncey Crittenden - Seneca
John Condon - East Bloomfield
W. H. Thornton - Geneva
William B. Gallup - Victor
John Olmstead - East Bloomfield
Franklin Miller - South Bristol
Robert Gelder - South Bristol
John Durrant - West Bloomfield
Thaddeus F. Mussleman - Phelps
J. Albert Evered - Seneca
Earl W. Humphrey - Phelps
Frank G. Hawkins - Victor
Vergil Smith - Gorham
Myron C. Sutherland - Seneca
Irving Corwin - Geneva
Lewis J. Hyde - Canadice
Henry Wright - East Bloomfield
James H. Davidson - Canandaigua
Egbert G. Howland - Manchester
Adelbert H. King - Manchester
Charles Bowman - Victor
William C. Snyder - Victor
Charles H. Mead - Geneva
Henry C. Warner - Phelps
Howvin Wilbur - Victor
Walter Blair - Canandaigua
Amasa Gage - Gorham
William Washburn - Seneca
A. Bristol Hathaway - Farmington
Charles Edwards - Hopewell
Charles Andrews - Hopewell
Timothy Coomey - Richmond
J. Fulton - Seneca

From Geneva Gazette 8 January 1897

Grand and Trial Jurors -
The following persons have been drawn to serve as grand and trial jurors at the term of the Supreme Court to convene in Canandaigua next Monday, Jan. 11:

Miller O. Adams - Phelps
Edward Burt - East Bloomfield
Wm. J. Barron - Geneva
Charles Chapley - East Bloomfield
B. L. Clark - Geneva
W. H. Doyle - Bristol
Frank Fisher - Geneva
Charles S. Goodale - Canandaigua
Salem Hatch - Naples
Robt. W. Henson - Geneva
Gilbert Haskell - Canandaigua
Simeon H. Lyon - Naples
Thomas P. Murray - Canandaigua
W. G. Potter - Geneva
E. E. Rigney - West Bloomfield
J. Grove Rippey - Geneva
A. Judson Short - Manchester
George Stemple - South Bristol
Albion G. Sheldon - Farmington
Chas. Thompson - Gorham
R. L. Wheat - Phelps
Chas. Washburn - Gorham
Wheeler, Edward R. - Canandaigua

George Ashley - Richmond
John Adams - East Bloomfield
Thos. F. Ashe - East Bloomfield
A. R. Beal - East Bloomfield
Henry Bennett - Gorham
Wm. H. Barden - Seneca
W. K. Bennett - Geneva
Stillman R. Doolittle - Canandaigua
Jacob Denise - Hopewell
M. Lucius Doolittle - Canadice
Wm. N. Edson - Phelps
Frank Farnsworth - Richmond
Geo. A. Fordon - Geneva
Richard Manchester - Geneva
Wm. R. Marks - Canandaigua
Edward Mason - East Bloomfield
R. M. Peck - West Bloomfield
Byron Pierce - Naples
Joseph Popenhusen - Farmington
F. Marion Reed - Phelps
James C. Roat - Gorham
Stephen Seamans - South Bristol
Joseph F. Salisbury - Phelps
Frank I. Simmons - Bristol
Geo. W. Southerland - Seneca
Winfield S. Stryker - Phelps
Spencer J. Sutherland - Canandaigua
Robt. B. Simmons - Richmond
Lester Thatcher - Hopewell
Orlando H. Thord - East Bloomfield
David Thomas - East Bloomfield
Samuel D. Young - Farmington
Leonard Warner - Naples
Orsemus Wemett - Canadice
Oscar Wheeler, Jr. - East Bloomfield
James W. Williamson - Phelps

From Geneva Gazette 29 January 1897

Trial Jurors -
The following named persons have been drawn to serve as trial jurors at a term of the Ontario County Court to convene in Canandaigua, Monday, February 8:

Oscar Longyear - Victor
Melvin N. Wood - South Bristol
Jacob W. Vanderhoof - Manchester
Ambrose C. Ford - Victor
James A. Mahar - Victor
Fred Furman - Geneva
Charles F. Boughton - Victor
Charles Gifford - Canandaigua
Hart Gillis - Victor
LaFayette Johnson - South Bristol
Peter Neenan - East Bloomfield
William Petty - Farmington
Charles Acheson - South Bristol
Lyman Parish - Phelps
Edwin Gooding - South Bristol
John S. Burnham - South Bristol
Myron H. Pierson - Seneca
Edwin A. Adams - Farmington
Marcus A. Francis - Bristol
Henry Katkamier - Farmington
William Cassort - Canandaigua
George Dinehart - Gorham
James Purdy - Canandaigua
James A. McCarrick - Seneca
Albert Powell - Naples
Alonzo O. Maxfield - Naples
John Risser - Canandaigua
Clinton C. Benham - Hopewell
Horatio VanAuken - Phelps
John C. Parker - Manchester
Charles H. Herendeen - Farmington
Clinton Spangle - Hopewell
F. C. Hoffman - Geneva
Godfrey Getsinger - South Bristol
William M. Barnum - Canandaigua
Victor Paviak - Geneva

From Geneva Gazette 23 April 1897

Supreme Court Jurors -
The following named persons have been drawn to serve as grand and trial jurors at a term of the Supreme Court to convene in Canandaigua, May 8:

James R. Worthington - West Bloomfield
John Wilson - Geneva
Herman F. Fox - Geneva
Austin C. Huntley - Canandaigua
Fred Francis - Canadice
James E. Howard - Canandaigua
O. J. Cooley - Canandaigua
Chas. Gardner - Hopewell
Carlton Davis - Canandaigua
Truman V. Fox - Manchester
John F. Erdle - South Bristol
Chas. W. Simmons - Richmond
Thomas Rupert - Seneca
H. C. Severance - Phelps
George G. Atwood - Geneva
Malcolm M. Wheeler - Naples
O. Clark Reed - Richmond
George B. Sheppard - Phelps
James Ransom - Victor
Hart R. Gillis - Victor
Levi Strong - Naples
Thomas Coursey - Geneva
A. B. Welch - East Bloomfield
J. W. Nellis - Naples

Edwin M. Mott - Farmington
Michael E. McMahon - Victor
Patrick H. Toomey - Victor
E. Darwin Reese -Hopewell
Benjamin Mason - East Bloomfield
Darwin Tyler - Naples
Herbert Beattie - Seneca
Levi Strong - Naples
Chas. W. Herendeen - Farmington
Frank Vosburg - Phelps
Louis M. McLouth - Farmington
Wm. H. McClure - Richmond
Almond H. Rowley - East Bloomfield
Thomas Wells - Manchester
John Lee - Seneca
John Litzendorf - Richmond
Hinman Smith - Manchester
W. E. Stubbs - Geneva
Oscar Youngs - West Bloomfield
Hiram C. Case - Richmond
Frank Spears - Canandaigua
Henri Wells - Geneva
H. E. Sperry - Geneva
Daniel Crowley - Manchester
Leonard M. Stokoe - Seneca
Andrew Anderson - Gorham
William Welcher - Gorham
James Nighan - Richmond
George Covert - South Bristol
Joseph Hirschfield - Geneva
Cornelius L. Vosburg - Seneca
Guy Baldwin - Canadice
Eben M. Benham - Hopewell
John Williams - Farmington
John Kaner - Phelps
Frank H. Carpenter - Victor

From Geneva Gazette 29 October 1897

County Court -
Petit jurors have been drawn to serve at a term of the County Court beginning November 8.

Robert H. Wheeler - East Bloomfield
Clarence Edgett - South Bristol
Charles H. Garlock - Phelps
Vincent Reed - Phelps
E. S. Thatcher - Seneca
J. Edmund Lyon - Naples
Orma Witter - Gorham
Henry H. Peck - Seneca
John H. Stephens - Manchester
Reinhard F. Meyer - Naples
Alvin H. Dewey - Manchester
William Crough - Phelps
John Ringer - Gorham
William H. Cornford Jr. - Phelps
Frank H. Ingraham - Canandaigua
James Petit - Hopewell
Milton A. Smith - Farmington
John P. Abbey - Richmond
Edward Smyth - South Bristol
Charles Buttles - Richmond
Thompson Sutherland - Canandaigua
Isaac N. Kimber - Bristol
Frank Nudd - East Bloomfield
Thomas W. Barker - Manchester
Alvin Phillips - Gorham
Charles O. Jacobs - Victor
Henry J. Vandenbergh - Victor
Henry Morley - West Bloomfield
William A. Chapman - Manchester
John S. Hamlin - East Bloomfield
Willard D. Caskey - Canadice
Lewis M. Johnson - Canandaigua
Michael McNamara - Gorham
Charles W. Burnett - Phelps

From Geneva Gazette 28 January 1898

List of Jurors -
At the court house at Canandaigua last Saturday the following grand and petit jurors were drawn to serve at a term of the Supreme Court to be held next month, commencing February 7.

Walter Ashe - West Bloomfield
Orville Bentley - Bristol
George Ketchum - Victor
J. P. Peck - Manchester
John T. Watkins - Phelps
Lewis J. Hyde - Canadice
Thomas B. Ottley - Geneva
William Burton - Geneva
Herman L. Lee - Bristol
Charles Bean - Geneva
Herman Onderdonk - Seneca
John Kent - Bristol
Lawrence H. Howe - Canandaigua
Willison Spangle - Hopewell
Thomas Butcher - Geneva
David Thomas - East Bloomfield
Henry L. Slosson - Geneva
Thomas Kerr - Hopewell
George Hill - Victor
George B. Sheppard - Phelps
Marvin Gage - Gorham
John Wilson - Geneva
Enoch O. Marsh - Phelps
H. D. Dox - Geneva

Charles F. Turner - Geneva
John E. Carr - Gorham
James M. Lester - Phelps
James Worthington - West Bloomfield
Charles Frazer - Victor
Philenzo P. Bliss - Bristol
Charles Hopson - East Bloomfield
Alva Reed - Richmond
Gerome Gillis - Victor
Samuel L. Tozer - South Bristol
William H. Graves - Phelps
William W. Gates - Phelps
Andrew Mertz - Manchester
Fred Stotenberg - Phelps
Henry J. Peck - Phelps
J. Milton Munson - Canandaigua
Dennis Keefe, Jr. - Farmington
Eugene Henry - Canadice
Stalham Crittenden - Phelps
John Briggs - Naples
William G. McPherson - Seneca
Charles Vanvicten - Victor
John F. Erdle - South Bristol
Salem Haskell - Canandaigua
William Bridgland - East Bloomfield
William Morrow - Richmond
George Kingsbury - East Bloomfield
Charles Rose - Victor
E. J. Broomfield - Farmington
John Foltz - Naples
Charles L. Simonds - Victor
James H. Steele - East Bloomfield
Richard Ringer - Gorham
Dell Debring - Phelps
W. J. Barron - Geneva
Frank Burgess - Phelps

From Geneva Gazette 25 February 1898

Jurors for the County Court -
The following jurors have been drawn to serve at a session of the County Court to convene at Canandaigua Monday, March 7:

Milton P. Grow - Phelps
George W. Hewson - Seneca
Oliver Y. Wells - Phelps
Charles Case - Canandaigua
Richard M. Green - Phelps
James H. Chapin - Hopewell
Miles H. Green - Canandaigua
Thomas B. Ottley - Geneva
William E. Briggs - Farmington
Joshua Van Sluys - Manchester
Joseph R. Fish - Seneca
Chris. Weigert - Farmington
Frank Bougless - East Bloomfield
William F. Phillips - Bristol
James P. McJannett - Canandaigua
Peter Baggerly - Manchester
E. Eugene Helmer - Phelps
A. L. Fowle - Geneva
H. Joel Rice - Seneca
William E. Lincoln - South Bristol
William Randall, Jr. - Farmington
George N. Neyhaway - Canandaigua
Patrick Fitzgerald - Gorham
Charles Hopkin - West Bloomfield
John C. Briggs - Richmond
Henry Warner - Manchester
Frank L. Adams - East Bloomfield
Oliver S. Snyder - Gorham
Warner J. Simonds - Canandaigua
E. N. Squires - Geneva
Isaac White - Hopewell
George W. Patterson - Richmond
Charles Fox - East Bloomfield

From Geneva Gazette 22 April 1898

Supreme Court -
The following panel of grand and petit jurors was drawn to serve a t term of this court to convene at Canandaigua on Monday, May 2d.

Edward D. Hawkes - Richmond
A. M. Hollis - Canandaigua
Thomas Costello - Canadice
J. C. Squires - Seneca
Daniel Sisson - Bristol
William K. Edson - Phelps
O. J. Cooley - Canandaigua
John M. Ladd - Victor
Charles Jeffrey - Manchester
Hart R. Gillis - Victor
James Houghton - Victor
Egbert G. Howland - Manchester
Quincy Smith - Bristol
Elia A. Bronson - Geneva
John W. Crozier - Seneca
Spencer J. Sutherland - Canandaigua
William Crothers - Phelps
Frank Jones - East Bloomfield
J. W. Nellis - Naples
Henry L. Howland - Manchester
Lewis J. Reed - Bristol
Edward Rigney - East Bloomfield
Wilson M. Black - Geneva
Melancthon Kinney - Geneva

James W. Lewis - Gorham
Menzo Calman - Hopewell
George S. Brown - Richmond
Augustus C. Post - Phelps
Willis H. Tuttle - Canandaigua
Thomas Beard - Geneva
Millard H. Parmele - East Bloomfield
Thomas Costello - Canadice
Albert H. Stevenson - Farmington
R. G. Springstead - Geneva
Simon Spangle - Hopewell
John White Jr. - Phelps
Charles Thompson - Gorham
H. E. Wheeler, 2d - East Bloomfield
William Curran - Richmond
Fred S. Cooley - Canandaigua
Thomas Fitzmorris 2d - East Bloomfield
William Severance - Phelps
Milo F. Webster - Victor
Milton Pruyn - Phelps
George Simonds - Victor
John O'Shaughnessy - Gorham
DeForrest Reed - Gorham
E. H. Randall - South Bristol
Frank L. Parshall - Seneca
Lewis Gates - West Bloomfield
Charles Coolidge - Phelps
John Gams - Naples
George Warner - Farmington
William M. Frank - Naples
Stephen Van Voorhis - Victor
Frederick Mink - Manchester
Michael O'Neill - Victor
James Murry - Farmington
Thomas Tease - Gorham

From Geneva Gazette 27 May 1898

List of Jurors -
The following jurors were drawn at Canandaigua Saturday, to serve at a term of county court, to be held the week of June 18th:

Myron Tallmadge - Victor
William Lyon - Manchester
Henry B. King - Farmington
Charles P. Johnson - South Bristol
Ward Bogart - Seneca
Elias J. Gooding - Bristol
George R. Granby - Naples
Dewitt C. Sears - Seneca
Charles M. Ferguson - Gorham
Lyman A. Berner - South Bristol
Edgar N. Fisher - Bristol
Lyman Bowerman - Farmington
Edwin N. Decker - Richmond
Frank P. Spangle - Hopewell
Charles Williams - Seneca
Albert Case - Canadice
Edwin S. Whitaker - Gorham
V. L. Runyan - Seneca
Edward B. Wheeler - Canandaigua
George Carson - Gorham
David J. McNutt - Manchester
Gralette Aldrich - Farmington
Marion B. Nichols - Seneca
William Bristol - Seneca
James Youngs - Gorham
Jesse W. Ketchum - Canandaigua
William E. Power - Farmington
Valentine Stokoe - Seneca
Charles Cornish - Naples
William S. Buchan - Hopewell
Ely J. Springsteen - Bristol
John Dillman - Phelps
Willis D. Newton - Victor
Fred Wehrlin - Farmington
George B. Sheppard - Phelps
Henry M. Booth - Manchester

It is a singular circumstance that the name of Marion B. Nichols of Seneca should be placed in the list of jurors at this term of court, where Mr. Nichols is to be tried on an indictment charging him with the crime of forgery.

From Geneva Gazette 30 September 1898

Grand and Trial Jurors -
The following jurors have been drawn to serve at a term of Supreme Court to be held in Canandaigua, beginning October 10th:

James Ransom - Victor
J. R. Roenke - Geneva
Herman Fox - Geneva
James P. Hill - Geneva
Richard M. Green - Phelps
William A. Judd - Clifton Springs
John Trembly - South Bristol
Henry Dieteman - Geneva
George R. Granby - Naples
Charles Green - Gorham
B. L. Black - Geneva
Eugene Webster - Seneca
Edward K. Stevens - Richmond
Albert E. Smith - Canandaigua
Charles Johnson - Gorham
Lewis M. Johnson - Gorham
William B. Gallup - Victor
John A. Legerwood - Seneca
Peter Neenan - East Bloomfield
Charles Russell - Geneva
Walter S. Throop - Manchester
John J. Miller - Phelps
S. S. Williams - South Bristol

Conrad Neider - Phelps
Henry C. Bussey - Phelps
Leroy A. Mitchell - Richmond
William Allen Reed - Canandaigua
Dudley M. Warner - Hopewell
John Butler - Canadice
Justus W. Gurney - Manchester
Charles Johnson - Gorham
Frank B. Ingraham - South Bristol
Elias L. Richardson - Victor
Willis E. Hill - Victor
Nelson Gelder - Seneca
John W. Parker - Manchester
Nathan R. Razey - Naples
Charles G. McLouth - Farmington
Samuel Woodhouse - Phelps
Milo F. Thorpe - Canadice
Harlan M. Fisher - Bristol
Thomas Jones - Naples
Joshua Durrant - West Bloomfield
Charles H. Randall - Farmington
Eben T. Brizzee - Hopewell
Charles Hicks Martin - South Bristol
James Hennessy - Phelps
Fitch R. Barnard - Richmond
Lewis M. Johnson - Canadice
Gilbert Kirkpatrick - Hopewell
Henry A. Housel - Naples
Charles Ross - Gorham
Edward D. Hawks - Richmond
Samuel Cuddeback - Phelps
Thomas Rupert - Seneca
Hiram Johnson - South Bristol
Charles B. Gates - Phelps
Thomas C. Bloodgood - Farmington
John F. Holmes - Canadice

From Geneva Gazette 4 November 1898

List of Jurors -
The following jurors were drawn last Saturday to serve at a term of County Court to be held at Canandaigua beginning November 11:

William P. Wisewell - Naples
William Page - East Bloomfield
William Mosey - Seneca
William Allison - Canadice
Frank Foster - Gorham
Charles R. Johnson - Canandaigua
William Patten - Phelps
Melvin L. Rugg - Victor
Harrison H. Reed - Richmond
Oscar F. Fletcher - Bristol
Nicholas H. Case - Bristol
John Kane, Sr. - Geneva
John Harvey - Gorham
Michael Cavanaugh - West Bloomfield
William T. Scoon - Seneca
Elisha Eslis - Gorham
Carman R. North - South Bristol
Andrew Brizzee - Hopewell
John Klinefeller, Sr. - East Bloomfield
Henry B. Burtis - Phelps
Fayette Coykendall - Canadice
Thomas Coursey - Geneva
Judson Padden - Phelps
John H. Boughton - Victor
Frank Senn - West Bloomfield
Willard B. Ross - Canadice
Arlington Mapes - Gorham
Seymour North - East Bloomfield
Edson Updike - Geneva
B. Frank Phillips - Bristol
Charles A. Moore - Manchester
James Flynn - East Bloomfield
Omar A. Olney - Naples
Frank H. Bumpus - Victor
Daniel McWilliams - East Bloomfield
Frederick Schrader - Victor

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