Will of Jacob Isenhour

From Ontario County, New York Record of Wills, Vol W, 1866-1875, pp 641-644:

Jacob Isenhour of Hopewell Twp.  Wife:  Mary (commonly called Polly).  Sons:  Leonard, Newman E, and Abraham B. Daughters:  Mary w/o I N Holmes, Elizabeth w/o Henry Fox, Susan w/o Peter Russel, Mary Jane (adopted).  Mentions:  1) payment of all my just debts and funeral expenses; 2) give and bequeath to my wife Mary all of my real estate during and for her natural life and also the use and enjoyment of all my personal estate during her life to have and to hold all my estate real and personal, as long as she lives.  3) all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the town of Seneca in the County of Ontario and State of New York conveyed to me by Nathan Whitney and Thankful his wife by Deed dated the twenty sixth day of February 1835 containing fifty eight acres and 33/100 of an acre of land (to son Leonard); the sum of five hundred dollars; unto my daughter Elizabeth, now the wife of Henry Fox, to be paid by Leonard Isenhour within one year after he becomes in possession of the land (revoked by Jacob 17 Apr 1873);  4) all the rest and residue of my real estate being so much of my farm upon which I reside conveyed to me by William Brands and Hannah his wife by Deed dated the tenth day of February 1819 containing forty seven acres and twelve rods of land, and the same land conveyed to me by William Brands and Hannah his wife by Deed dated the 4th day of January 1825 containing fifty acres of land, and also all of my right title interest and estate in thirteen acres of land in lot number seventy in Township number ?? in the second range of said Township in Ontario County, as conveyed to me by Deed from Levi Shoemaker dated the 4th of March 1854 and by Deed from Rebecca Shoemaker and Anne T Wild dated the 6th of March 1867 (to be shared by sons Newman E and Abraham B);  5) the sum of one thousand dollars to my daughter Mary Ann, now the wife of I N Holmes, to be paid by Newman E and Abraham B Isenhour within one year after they become in possession of the land; the sum of five hundred dollars (amended to one thousand dollars by Jacob 17 Apr 1873) 6) to my daughter Elizabeth, now the wife of Henry Fox, and the sum of five hundred dollars to my adopted daughter Jane Isenhour within two years after they become into the possession of said lands; 7) the sum of one thousand dollars to my daughter Susan, now the wife of Peter Russel within three years after they become in possession of the said lands; 8) all the rest and residue of my estate whether real or personal not herein disposed of (to be shared by sons Newman E and Abraham B).

 Executor: Leonard Buckholder of Seneca. Witnesses: Calvin Walker and W F Edington.

 Will dated 17 Dec 1869, amended 17 Apr 1873. Will proved 26 Oct 1874.

This will donated by Shane Chism; many thanks, Shane.

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