From Geneva Daily Times 17 June 1909

Of the class of 24 young people who will be graduated from the High School next week, fifteen have already decided to continue their education, while the remaining members will either remain at home or have not made plans for the future. Those who will remain at home are Gladys L. Millard, Marie Chamberlain, Marguerite Hannum, Frances Murphy, Anna McNamara and Matilda E. Huber. H. Elizabeth Young and Jennie B. Johnson have not decided whether they will continue their education. Most of the others will go to some educational institution. Mabel A. Dilman, Mary Doran and Harriet Smith will take post graduate work at the High School. Albie Reed and Louise Peet will take a business course at Barclay's Business Institute. Frank Olmstead intends to work a year and then enter the University of Michigan. Harry Frautz will enter business with his father. John E. Farwell and Louise E. Springstead expect to go to college, but have not decided upon the institution. The places where the others will go are as follows: Mechanics Institute, Rochester, Helen E. Mead; Geneseo Normal, Mary F. Carrigan; University of Michigan, H. Mills Doyle; Cornell University, Charles T. Oaks and Francis H. Lockwood; University of Syracuse, G. Edwin Schumann and Clarence T. Harvey.

From Geneva Daily Times 21 June 1909

The annual commencement exercises in connection with the close of the year's work at St. Stephen's parochial school were held in St. Stephen's church last evening. The graduating class this year was composed of ten members, five boys and five girls, as follows: Clarence Joyce, William Murphy, Vincent Welch, William Paulack, Lawrence Thornton, Catherine Delaney, Elizabeth Deane, Margaret Loman, Norrine Manley and Mary Welch.  The gold medal given to the member of the graduating class having the highest average in the preliminary Regents' examinations, was won by Clarence Joyce.

The other prizes, consisting chiefly of books and other smaller articles, were awarded as follows: For the most perfect examination papers in Christian Doctrine, Clarence Joyce, Vincent Welch, William Paulak and Elizabeth Deane; for the best specimen of English composition, Norrine Manley; for the most regular attendance, William Murphy, Margaret Loman and Mary Welch; for having the greatest number of perfect weekly reports, Catherine Devaney; for application, Mary Welch; for thoroughness in all subjects, Lawrence Thornton.

The award of prizes to those having the highest standing in the grades was then made as follows: Eighth, Margaret Carrigan, with a standing of 98 percent; Seventh, Edward McDonough, standing, 96 percent; Sixth, Catherine McCann, 93 percent; Fifth, Ignitus Lanaza, 94 percent; Fourth, John Lyon, 92 percent; Third, Mary Barron, 98 percent; Second, Mary Glynn, 98 percent.

From Geneva Daily Times 13 June 1910

The annual commencement exercises of St. Stephen's Parochial School were held last evening in the church when a class of eighteen was graduated with fitting ceremonies. The D. E. Moore gold medal was awarded to Margaret Carrigan as the girl having the highest average in her work during the year; while the Mrs. William Thornton medal was awarded to Edward McDonough as the boy securing the highest average. Prizes for securing a standing of 100 percent in Christian doctrine were awarded to George Kelleher, James Lyons, Francis McDonough, Nora Dannahe, Margaret Carrigan, Margaret McCarthy, Florence Murphy. For politeness a prize was awarded to Mary Thornton, for application to Nora Dannahe and for regular attendance to John Sline, George Kelleher, Francis McDonough, Margaret Carrigan, Helen DeVaney and Nora Dannahe. The members of the graduating class were as follows: William DeVaney, George Kelleher, Patrick Kenny, James Lyons, Francis McDonough, Leo McCann, Lester McGuire, John Sline, Thurston Steen, Edward McDonough, Raymond McDonald, Margaret Carrigan, Nora Dannahe, Margaret McCarthy, Helen DeVaney, Florence Murphy, Helen Sawyer and Mary Thornton.

From Geneva Daily Times 21 June 1910

The list of those who will graduate from the High School this year has been prepared by Supt. Truesdale as follows:

Lillian Marie Ansley, Annie Lucy Bevier, Helen Mae Brown, Laura Isabelle Brown, Laura Avanell Casler, Mary Catlin, Sarah Anne Cumming, Elma Irene Dilman, Christine Mossenia Ford, Helen Lenore Gaylord, Katherine Elizabeth Gracey, Edith Adelia Guile, Julia Aloysia Hickey, Nina Hazel Hollenbeck, Elizabeth Agnes Kane, Maud Louise Little, Anna Euprhrasia McDonald, Susan Harriet Moore, Carrie Morrison, Isabel Gladwin Newton, Mary Arvilla Ottley, Helen Amelia Palmer, Florence Lorena Petteys, Kathleen Rattray, Edith May Reigel, Marian Rolph, Iva Louise Salisbury, Bessie Margaret Stevens, Mary Elizabeth Toole, Ethel Augusta Turner, Hazel Mary Van Huben, Margaret Rossmond Wallace, Dudley Alleman, Hugh Ray Black, James Andrew Chartres, John Frederick Furman, Jr., Alfred Nelson Hall, James Hosmer Howell, Lewis Hurd Jolley, Arthur Lewis Kendall, James Ashton Moore, John Paul O'Hora, Lester Francis Pettys, William Henry Skinner, and Everett Steer.

From Geneva Daily Times 21 September 1910

Nearly all the members of last year's graduating class at the High School have now decided which college or school they will attend and already a number of the former seniors have left for the various higher institutions of learning. The following girls will attend William Smith College: Lucy A. Bevier, Katherine Gracey, Susanna Moore; Helen M. Brown; Fredonia Normal School, Helen M. Brown; Cook Academy, Laura I. Brown; Oswego Normal School, Laura A. Caster, Ethel A. Turner ; Boston Conservatory of Music, Christine M. Ford; Geneseo Normal, Elizabeth Kane, Anna E. MacDonald; Waterloo Training Class for Teachers, Helen Palmer; Rochester Business Institute, Kathleen Ratray; Barclay's Business Institute, Margaret M. Wallace. Those who are teaching are Sarah Cummings, Carrie Morrison, Iva Salisbury, Mary E. Toole, Ethel L. Turner. Those who are pursuing post graduate work at the local High School are: Alma Dilman, Nina Hollenbeck, Edith Reigel and Bessie Stevenson at Canandaigua. The girls who will remain at home are: Lillian Ansley, Mary Catlin, Helen L. Gaylord, Edith Guile, Julia Hickey, Maude Little, Isabelle Newton, Mary Ottley, F. Lorena Petteys, Marion Rolph, Hazel Van Huben.

The boys at Hobart are: James A. Chartres, William H. Skinner, Arthur Kendall; Trinity, James Moore; Cornell, James Howell, Dudley Alleman; Springfield Y. M. C. A. Training School, Harold E. Steer. The boys who are in business are: H. Ray Black, Lewis H. Jolly, Lester F. Petteys and John P. O'Hora.

From Geneva Daily Times 1 November 1910

A meeting of the members of the Senior class was held yesterday afternoon at the close of school for the purpose of perfecting the organization of the class and for the election of class officers. The following students were elected officers of the class of 1911; Hugh Reynolds, president; Francis Anderson, vice-president; Katherine Frautz, secretary; John Larsen, treasurer. Ruth Yerkes was also elected as editor-in-chief of the High School News.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 November 1910

The members of the Junior class held a meeting yesterday afternoon for the purpose of electing the class officers for the ensuing semester: President, Harold Ranf; vice-president, Regina Sweeney; secretary, Jennie Barden; treasurer, Robert Thorn. Robert Patterson acted as temporary chairman of the meeting.

From Geneva Daily Times 28 November 1910

This morning Vincent Mulvey, the star end of the High School team, who was injured about three weeks ago, returned to school.

From Geneva Daily Times 1 December 1910

Vincent Welch,
who was elected captain of the basketball team for the season of 1910-1911, has also been appointed acting manager. Capt. Welch has begun work on his schedule and expects to have it completed within a week or ten days.

From Geneva Daily Times 5 December 1910

This morning Supt. Truesdale received the following list of names as persons entitled to regents diplomas as a result of the last regents' examinations held in June 1910. The students are as follows: Classical diplomas: Elma Irene Dilman, Katherine Elizabeth Gracey, Anna Euprasia McDonald, Mary Elizabeth Toole; Academic diplomas, Lillian Marie Ansley, Sarah Anne Cumming, Nina Hazel Hollenbeck, James Ashton Moore, Carrie Morrison, Isabel Gladwin Newton, Florence Lorena Petteys, Marion Rolph, Harold Steer, Ethel Louise Turner, Hazel Mary Van Huben, Margaret Rosamond Wallace.

From Geneva Daily Times 7 December 1910

Supt. William H. Truesdale has announced the lists of the honor students for the month of November in the various grades of the four grammar schools of this city. The honor rolls in the grammar schools are as follows:

CORTLAND STREET SCHOOL - Perfect attendance, Kindergarten: William Davie, Paul Foster, Gordon Kinney, William Lytle, Paul Maney, Thomas McParland, Norman Schnirel, Thomas Williamson, Paul Vogt. First grade: Elmer A. Coryell, Lloyd S. Dodge, Earl Hartman, William F. Humphrey, Arthur Hyatt, Edward McMurds Silver, Joseph A. Wilson, Bertha M. Morgan, Sarah J. Keyes, Mary E. Runyan. Second grade: Francis A. Bishop, Seth F. Black, Franklin Leroy Dodge, Philip T. Flaxman, Arthur W. Oastler, Philip W. Skinner, Leamon E. Wall. Third grade: George H. Chapman, Leonard Clark, William C. Foote, Albert A. Johnson, Carill A. Kenney, Gustave F. Klube, Harold S. Ritchie, Karl F. Weber, Ethel L. Breger, Anita Carrell, Irene B. Coryell, Marjorie Van Buren Cuer, Allen E. Harvie, Louise D. Olchewske, Grace A. Patrick, Rosalind M. Reynolds, Lillian G. Wilson. Fourth Grade: Harry J. Baeder, Martin C. Bennett, Max H. Borg, Kenneth Borroughs, Herman M. Chapman, Clarence A. Goodelle, Oakleigh W. Janncey, Donald Laskowske, Charles Victor Legg, Alan L. Oastler, Howard E. Seager, George Wilson, Helen W. Schnirel, Sabin A. Underwood. Fifth grade:  Edgar S. Albro, Willis Baldridge, James H. Clark, Frank H. Fisher, William B. Goodelle, Gardner H. Harrington, Max Laskowske, William H. Meyers, George E. Phillips, Harold W. Vogt, Ruth M. Brown, Lillian H. Delamarter, Myrtle Hartman, Harriet F. Humphrey, Margaret H. Kelly, Violet E. Mackintosh, Ruth W. Olchewske, Mary Eliz. Stevens, Georgene K. Underwood. Sixth grade: Irving H. Buchholz, Herman F. Kenney, Frank A. Ritchie, Vernon F. Smith, Francis D. Wallace. Seventh grade:  Samuel D. Behrens, Ralph D. Brown, Lester T. Fay, Christian M. Hansen, Fredrick H. Hyatt, Lawrence C. Kenney, Frieda A. Berg, Florence M. Flaxman, Christine McKay, Althea B. Reid.

Scholarship - Kindergarten: Gladys Berry, Ethel Buchholz, Dorothy Harrington, Dorothy Meacham, Wilma Robbins, Lulu Rose. First grade:  Lloyd S. Dodge, Earl Hartman, Arthur Hyatt, Edward McMurdo Silver, Joseph A. Wilson, Bertha M. Morgan, Mary E. Runyan. Second grade:  Franklin Leroy Dodge, Philip T. Flaxman, Philip W. Skinner, Leamon E. Wall. Third grade: Gustave F. Klube, Dean W. Newell, Harold S. Ritchie, Esther A. Flaxman, Alice E. Harris, Rosalind Reynolds. Fourth grade:  Harry J. Baeder, Kathleen M. Clow, Mary Eliz. Wyckoff. Fifth grade: Leroy Chas. Hughes, William H. Meyers, Ruth M. Brown, Lillian H. Delamarter, Ruth M. Harvie, Alice M. Smith, Ruth G. Stevens. Sixth grade - Beulah N. Anable, Martha B. Arnold, Elsie G. Berg, Clara L. Bleck, Helen L. Gay, Frieda M. LaBuff, Alice Marion Legg, Marion L. Oastler, Francis J. Stevens. Seventh grade: Donald D. Harrington,
Frederick H. Hyatt, Frieda A. Berg, Bernice M. Hughes, Althea B. Reid.

HIGH STREET SCHOOL - Perfect attendance - Kindergarten: Earl Brown, Harold Clue, Howard Tills, Willson Wright, Mildred Clark, Elizabeth Hadlow, Lucile Heist, Margaret Lathrop, Louise Covert. First grade: Harold Raymond Benedict, Lloyd Edward Garrison, Edward Otto, Hartman, Lewis Emerson Walker, Harold William Mortensen, Mabel Frances Bagshaw, Lulu Eudora Barger, Ruby Mae Benedict, Laura Elizabeth Lockwood, Elizabeth Heist, Ethel Phillips, Mildred McDonald, Robert Perkins, Luther Cary. Second grade: Gladys Gasper, Eloise Dawson, Helen Cracknell, Dorothy Grant, Doris Ely, Arthur Taylor, William Anderson, George Hardy. Third grade: Thomas Brow, Arthur Blood, Clarence Lawyer, George Ely, Annie Anderson, Lucy Hartman. Fourth grade: Vernon Alexander, Arthur Benedict, Ralph Graves, Fred Hartmann, Howard Marsden, May Estey, Laura Garrison, Rachel Lincoln, Mabel Linzy, Ella Steward, Chas. Mortensen, Chas. Whittaker. Fifth grade: Chas. Phillips, Maynard Ungerer, Isabel Hadlow, Ethel Henderson, Helen Wright, William French, Oliver Harris, Harold Switzer, Eleanor Hoefler, Lois Htuchoison, Nellie Merry, Alfred Brow. Sixth grade:  Kenneth Alexander, George Brow, Hamilton Ellis, Joseph Gillman, Wm. Goodwin, Aaron Hymes, Marion Lawyer, Earl Chambers, Chas. Beach Hartman, Fritz Mortensen, R(xx) Gates, Hazel Rosella Hazel, Florence Mary Mason. Seventh grade:  Hobart Baker, Robt. Raymond Bridges, William B. Levet, Janet Carey, Henrietta Ely, Hazel Baker, Marion Hadlow, Edna Lach, Laura Raaft, Emily Rippy, Clarence Edmonston, Harland Stewart, Howard Gray, Lewis Gasper, Adelbert Dusinberre, Kenneth Boyd. Eighth grade:  Julia Clow, Minnie Linkner, Florence Meyers, Leah VanNostrand.

Scholarship - 1st grade:  Lloyd Edward Garrison, Harold William Mortensen, Hermine Stewart, Elizabeth Marguerite Heist, Laura Elizabeth Lockwood. 2nd grade - Clarence Carey, Harold Merry, Robert Bagshaw, Kenneth Weber. 3rd grade:  Lester Phillips, Albert Reitman, Harriet Pearce, Margaret Steele, Mildred Wright, Carolyn Wright, Ella Wise. 4th grade: Harry Fox, Ralph Graves, Laura Garrison, Edith Linkner. 5th grade:  Edna Hines, Lena Cleveland.
6th grade:  Kenneth Alexander, Edwin Ambrose Bevier. 7th grade: William Levet, Laurenz Armstrong Taylor.

PROSPECT AVENUE SCHOOL - Perfect attendance - Kindergarten:  Clyde Gorton, Claude Gorton, Derwin Laws, William Schneider, Frank Schoonfelt, Marjorie Gilkie, Mary Hastings, Frederica Hauck, Mary Holland, Gladys Magraw. First grade - Mary Van Houton, Louise Wittwer, Elizabeth Wilson, Roby Woodcock, Floyd Anstee, Arden Dadson, Donald Harrington, Henry Landguard, Charles Wilson, Harold Johnson, Harrison Johnston, Alton McDuffie, Francis Flaght, Edward Ralston, Allen Terrill. Second grade: Marjorie Henry, Margaret Monie, Anna Terborg, Alice Winneck, Stella Weaver, Doris Troutman, Doris Smith, May Rose, Marion Reid, Emma Cooley, Laura Thompson, Pauline Scott, James Hillick, Charles Johnson, Magaheld Moen, William Johnson, William McAdams, Antonia Paone, Ida Wittwer.  Third grade: Arthur Albro, Leola Armstrong, Kenneth Bowen, Paul Johnson, Elmina Lock, Charles Mearns, Anna Ralston, Atla Shoenfelt, Marion Urquhart, Russel VanDeventer, Lena Yost, Thomas Holland, John Monle, Harold Updike. Fourth grade: Lester Eighmey, Arthur Emig, William Everts, Paul Kidd, William Martin, Helen Althoff, Leone Ellis, Mildred Johnson, Mary Willower, Ray Rogers, John Willower, Leslie Dadson, Carl Hibbard. Fifth grade:  Verna Coombs, Helen Hanck, Gladys Hicks, Marjorie Wortman, Clifford Loomis, Charles Peck, Frank Ralston, Leo Springer, Clayton Vreeland, Arthur Moen. Sixth grade:  Deane Henry, Fred Ayers, Donald O'Neil, Edna Conde, Mary Williamson, Philomena Monle, Lillian Walters, Erla Rogers, Hart Vreeland. Seventh Grade:  Maurice Johnson, Leo VanDeventer, Albert Dixon, C(xx)l Decker, Mabel Dekay, Vivian Armstrong, Gretchen Bradshaw, Dorothy Case, Edna Waite, Hazel Shoenfelt, Hazel Vreeland, Delbert Fisher, Irl Johnson. Eighth grade:  Dorothea Henry, Iola Smith, Marion Smith, Hugh Hillock.

PROSPECT AVENUE - Scholarship - First grade: Frances Helms, Dorothy Humphrey, Leslie Brunskill, Hart French, Harold Johnson, Harrison Johnston, Alton McDuffie, Harold Shalansky, Frances slaght, Edward Ralston, Allen Terrill, Francis Balistrere, Andrew Gamer, Arden Dadson, Frederick Laws. Second grade: Marjorie Henry, Anna
Terborg, Charles Johnson, Doris Trautman, Marion Reid, Antonio Paone. Third grade: Elmina Lusk, Kenneth Bowen, Paul Johnson, Ida Gorton, Peter Lundguard, Arlene Magraw, John Monie, Harold Updike. Fourth grade: Helen Althoff, Leon Ellis, Arthur Emig; Mildred Johnson, Howard Trautman. Fifth grade: Helen Hauck, Gladys Hicks, Consuelo Luck, Louise McAdams, Marjorie Wortman. Sixth grade:  Erle Rogers. Seventh grade:  Vivian Armstrong, Dorothy Case.

LEWIS STREET SCHOOL - Perfect Attendance - Kindergarten: Arthur Richard Clark, Thomas William Coursey, Willard Irwin, William Lewis Packard, John Carter Packard, Philip Grant Porter, Marion Smith Cook, Helen Sylvia Curtis, Christine Elizabeth McCumber, Ruth Stevens. First grade:  Herman Breitfield, Lewis Knickerbocker, Lester Naragon, Clifford Nester, Bernard Pontius, Harold Sniffen, Francis English, Marie Epler, Doris Fitton, Sarah Rogers, Marion Baker, Florence Herman, Clifford Aunkst, Moses Brown, Max Dunham, Maynard, Dorby, Robert Kennedy; Gulon Roland, Howard VanDevere, Patsey Fehr, William Sumerville, Maude Curtis. Second grade:  Ralph Yost Trautman, Carl Chapin Williams, Alice Louise Austin, Eloise Susanna Baker, Fredericka Andress Burton, Hester Mary Brennan, Ethel Mildred Clark, Elsie Leontene Phillips, Anna Susie Reid, Irene May Somerville, Frances May VanDever. Third grade:  Theodore Millard Brower, Theodore Andrews Curtis, Theodore Isaac Davis, Samuel Carr, Harry Francis McDonald, Harold Jesse Peck, Charles Lester Ward, Gertrude Elizabeth Barth, Alice Idla Engle, Blanche Viola Phillips, Gladys Ethelyn Gray, Elizabeth Margaret Klopher, Viola Dean Loomis. Fourth grade: Gordon Baxter, William Frolich, Stanley Huff, Graham Johnston, Harry Ring, Henry Hall, Christina Brooks, Eleanor Smith, Louise Cook, Beulah Furman, Hazel Graves, Irene Galley, Florence Baker, Olive Baker. Fifth grade: Thomas Baroody, Clarence V. Black, Chester D. Bowers, William H. Chilson, Walter F. Foreman, Henry U. Hopkins, Harry R. Johnson, Arden D. Phillips, John B. Powers, Harold G. Simmons, Earl E. Trickler, George H. Schell, Frank Shankwiler. Sixth grade:  Fred Albert Breitfield, Arthur Brower, Maynard Lewis, Charles L. Peck; Ernest Vawn Ring, Genevieve Burton, Ruth Dean, Martha Newman, Louise Newton, Flossie Snyder, Marian Stone. Seventh grade:  Elizabeth Alleman, Mildred M. Bucklin, Capitola E. Davis, Alice M. Hopkins, Ella T. Hall, Minnie R. Newman, Mary J. Reynolds, Sarah L. Saxton, Mary A. Johnston, Stanley B. Easter, Frederick S. Emmett, Charles C. Fairfax, Hanford G. Harvey, Leigh L. Kennedy, Frederick H. McMaster, Walter E. Merrick, Earl C. Peachey, Cyril B. Simmons, Alvah Jolley. Eighth grade:  George Ashley Bucklin, Edward Cullen Kennedy, Homer Sidney Lewis, Neil Albert Stillman, Franklyn Miller Weller, Benjamin Henry Merry, Frank Campbell Reynolds, Henry Sinclair Winnie, Irene Marie Larsen, Mildred Christina McDuffie, Margaret Florence McMaster, Carrie Louisa Parish, Inez Margaret Phillips, Esther Orrenda Wood.

Scholarship - First grade:  Herman Breitfield, Neal Dusenbury, Charles Fryer, Lewis Knickerbocker, Lester Naragon, Bernard Pontius, Harold Sniffen, Harold Schram, Harry Thompson, Marie Epler, Doris Fitton, Ursula Limpert, Sarah Rogers, Dorothy Schroeder, Ruth Yanney, Helen Bennett, Maida Curtis, Florence Herman, Clyder Van Wie, Edward Webster, Albert Supplee, William Somerville, Patsey Fehr, Donald Watson, Howard McDonald, Moses Brown, Maynard Derby.  Second grade:  Karl Breitfield, Theo. Roosevelt Beales, Walter Oliver Bennett, Hester Mary Brennan, Charlotte Bostwick Hopkins, Persis Adelaide Kohler, Roberta Evelyn Long, Sarah Elizabeth Merselis, Elsie Leontine Phillips, Irene May Somerville, Ellen Van Ostrand. Third grade: Theodore Millian Brower, Theodore Isaac Davis, Samuel Barr; Alice Idla Engle, Blanche Viola Phillips, Gladys Ethelyn Gray. Fourth grade:  Eleanor Smith, James Bishop, Graham Johnston. Fifth grade:  Clarence Black, Henry Hopkins, Othneil Williams. Sixth grade:  Fred Albert Breitfield, Erwin Emmett, Maynard Lewis, Charles Peck, Ernest Vawn Ring, Thomas Abbott, John Ward Hall, Mildred Frances Burton, Mabel Dorman, Ruth Allen Newman, Phyllis Rutledge, Ruth Dean, Louise Newton. Eighth grade:  Carl Elmer Scheider, Irving Henson Woolley, Ethel Viola Brewer, Estella Irene Fonda, Mildred Christina McDuffie, Margaret Florence McMaster, Inez Margaret Phillips, Esther Orrenda Wood.

From Geneva Daily Times 17 December 1910

Among those who have returned and others who are expected from various schools and colleges for the Christmas holidays are Charles VanTassel from the University of Indiana; Lee Dilman from Wellesley; Ethel Dilman and Ruth Williams from Vassar; Harry Dilman from Culver Military School, Ind.; Gerrit Wood and Paul Dove from Garden City, Long Island; John and James Moore from Trinity; Gladys Millard from New Haven, Conn.; Christine Ford from Boston Conservatory; Jack Farwell from Amherst.

From Geneva Daily Times 19 January 1911

The members of the Junior Class of High School will hold a dancing party in the High School Assembly Hall tomorrow evening. The members of the class have been working hard for the past week in preparation for the affair and from present indications it will be a greater success than any school dance that has ever been given. The class of "12" is the largest class in the history of the school. The hall has been decorated for the occasion with the class colors, purple and white. Evergreens will also be employed in the decorations. Music will be furnished by Bolin's Orchestra. The committee in charge of the affair consists of Messrs. George Eggleston, Clinton McDougall, Robert Patterson and Misses Gladys Stoke and Misses Parker and Burchard; and Mrs. William Truesdale.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 June 1915

Several members of the class of 1915 at the High School have already decided what they are going to do next year. Catherine Hedrick will attend Michigan Agricultural College at East Lansing, Michigan. Margaret McMaster will enter Wells College at Aurora. Phyllis Watson, Mary Durfee, Isabelle Creedon and Leora Lusk will enter William Smith College in the fall. Arta Sherman will go to Alfred University at Alfred. Irene Fonda will probably enter the University of Rochester in September. Helen Smith will go to the Fredonia Normal School at Fredonia. Marjorie Williams expects to take a post-graduate course at Geneva High School. Minnie Darrow will enter the Skidmore School of arts at Saratoga Springs. Florence Myers will go to the Buffalo Normal School. Grace Phillips will probably go to Barclay's Business Institute in this city. William Cook is going to study photography in Indiana. John Barnes will assist his father at home for a year, then will probably take a college course somewhere. Clarence Rupert and Edward Baumgartner are going to take the agricultural course at Cornell University. Milton Harman will go to Michigan Agricultural College at East Lansing, Michigan, where his two brothers have attended college for two years. Franklin Weller, Thomas Lydon, Lewis Gracey and Lawrence Reed will enter at Hobart. Leon Jones and Wilson Buchholz will go to Syracuse University at Syracuse. Fred King will go to Hobart for a year, then he will probably go to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan. John Greene will go to Union College at Schenectady.

From Geneva Daily Times 10 October 1916

A reorganization of the old Junior class into a Senior class was held last night after school in the Assembly room. The following offers were elected for the school year 1916-1917: President, Lester Fay; vice-president, Fannie Fordon; secretary, Mildred Bloodgood; treasurer, Deane Henry.

From Geneva Daily Times 16 October 1916

The complete list of Seniors for the school year 1916-1917 is as follows: Misses Pauline Adams, Beulah Anable, Hazel Baker, Ruth Baldridge, Mildred Bloodgood, Genevieve Burton, Anna Combs, Edna Condit, Marion Creedon, Nina Cuddeback, Ruth Dean, Fannie Fordon, Marion Hadlow, Maude Harris, Zayde Johnston, Anna Lightfoote, Catherine Loman, Alice O'Malley, Agatha Rogers, Rheta Rothrock, Mellenia Sorg, Marion Stone, Marion Taylor, Helen White; Messrs, David Affleck, Edwin Bevier, Charles Blood, Ford Cornish, Coleman Dailor, Clifford Duell, Hamilton Ellis, Newton Farwell, Lester Fay, George Flint, Harold Gaylord, Wallace Grosh, Dean Henry, Joseph Hogan, Thomas Kane, Lee Kennedy, Ralph Kinney, Ray Newell, Harvey Ottley, Charles Peck, Lynn Reed, Earle Rogers, H. Serven, Ralph Stewart, Laurens Taylor, Raynor Thomas, Francis Wallace.

From Geneva Daily Times 1 February 1917

Preliminary certificates completed in the Examinations June, 1916. are as follows:

Annie Anderson, Donald Angevine, Wilber Callender, William Foote, Mabel Glanville, Margaret Jenkins, Lina Lewis, Harold Merry, Grace Patrick, Mae Rahn, John Rechsteiner, Rosalind Reynolds, Albert Putnam, Margaret Steele, Estelle Wadsworth, Karl Weber, Mildred Wright.

From Geneva Daily Times 24 April 1917

More of the High School boys left school today to enlist in the farm service. Among them are Raymond Thomas, Erle Rogers, Joseph Hogan, Newton Farwell, Harvey Ottley, Carl Ottley, Wallace Grosh, Albert Allison, Lynn Reed, Willard Davie, Harold Soper, William Goodelle, Willis Baldridge, Harold Peck, Wilson Gasper, Edgar Jones, Ashley Otterson, Graham Johnston, Spencer Cuddeback, Paul Reed, William Foote and Clarence Carey. Others among the boys are leaving today or tomorrow. Sadly depleted ranks of physical drill is evidence of their departure.

From Geneva Daily Times 25 April 1917

Among the boys to leave school for farm service yesterday were Coleman Dailor, Stanley Easter, Harold Vogt, Frank Fisher, Stuart Brooks, Arthur Benedict, Earl Serven, Harold Warner and Talcott Powell.

From Geneva Daily Times 7 June 1921

A spelling contest in which students representing the seventh and eighth grades of the four grammar schools will participate will be held this evening at 8 o'clock at the High School. Those who will participate in the event are as follows:

Lewis Street School, Eight A - Elizabeth Stubbs, Beulah Shankwiler; Eight B - Dorothy Doxsee, Donald Rippe; Seven A - Ottalie Dadson, Florence Barth; Seven B - Alma Emmons, Howard Maney.

Cortland Street School - Seven A - Edith Metcalf, Zelma Pries; Seven B - Winogene Kettle, Dorothy Rhodes.

High Street School - Eight A - Charlotte Stewart, Mary Skinner; Eight B - Ellen Withee, Fred Clise; Seven A. - Martha Stead, Gladys House; Seven B - Jennibelle Estey, Wallace Mangan.

Genesee Park School - Eight A - William Connell, Martha Haddad; Eight B - Ethelwynn Lusk, Gertrude Hadley.

Prospect Avenue School - Seven A - Edward Moggs, Archer Rogers; Seven B - Irene Harvey, Donald Reid.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 December 1921

Geneva young men who are home from Notre Dame University are: Frank D. Connolly, Thomas Hanlon, James Jones, Paul DePaolis, Paul A. Mulcahy, Joseph Linehan, John P. Lynch, John Traynor, William Merrimen, Joseph Scalise. The following girls have arrived home from St. Elizabeth's College; Miss Pauline O'Malley, Miss Anna Mulcahy and Miss Kathryn Neary.

From Geneva Daily Times 27 April 1922

Alan Leamy
of Goodelle Terrace, while practicing the high jump during the recess at the Lewis Street school yesterday morning, fell and fractured his right arm. He was attended by Dr. T. W. Maloney who had an X-ray picture of the boy's arm taken.

From Geneva Daily Times 26 June 1923

Commencement exercises for the Class of 1923, Geneva High School, will be held on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the Smith Opera House. Sixty-five members make up this year's class, one of the largest to be graduated from the school. Following are the members of the Class of 1923:

Dean James Bennett, Gladys Elliott Berry, Mildred Louise Blood, John Curtis Bowyer, Doris Buckholz, Raymond Robert Burtch, Clifford Newton Campbell, Arthur Richard Clarke, Kenneth Martin Collins, Margaret Elizabeth Collins, Marian Smith Cook, Rosalyn Margaret Creedon, Irene Jane David, Clifford Huntington Daykin, Lucille Marian Esty, Albert Carl Fox, Harold Henry Frolich, Gertrude Mae Fuller, Gladys Gasper, Sarah Elizabeth Hadlow, John Vincent Harding, Abeline Frances Heins, Florence Louise Huff, Elmer S. Jorgensen, Elliot Kaplan, Kathleen Ketcham, Bernice LaRue King, Harold Ellis Klue, Mildred Marie Lawrence, Clarissa Joy Lewis, Mildred Elizabeth McDonald, Rena Edith McKinney, Harold Grove Meyers, Harry Clifford Nester, Howard Winthrop Newell, Mildred Grace Oswald, Edna Johnson Parker, Bernard Oscar Pontius, Margaret Emilie Pyne, Loretta Margaret Rash, Sara Josephine Rogers, Ruth Nellie Schenck, Harold Donald Shalansky, Arthur George Smith, Harold Mason Sniffen, Leon Gibson Soper, Francis Lansing Stebbins, Ruth Spencer Stevens, Hermine Stewart, Catherine Sophronia Stillman, Helen Elizabeth Stolp, Elizabeth Thalman, Una Susan Troutman, Eugene Ellis Truslow, Ella Mae Ure, Harold Kenneth Van Tuyle, Paul Edward Vogt, Glerethyl Mary Wann, Bessie Metcalf Washburn, Donald Aubrey Watson, Mildred Grace Webb, Mildred Marie Weisel, Sarah Ellen Withiam, John Harold Wyatt, Walter James Wyatt.

From Geneva Daily Times 11 March 1926

The High School honor roll for the past month has just been announced as follows: Dorcas Aldrich, Loretta Bryan, Alma Dolan, Harriet Dorsey, Alma Emmons, Gertrude Hadley, Kathryn LeGan, Gertrude Lain, Alice Loveless, Maude Marks, Jessie Ottley, Wilbur Rankin, Iris Trump, Elinor Ware, Louise Wiederhold, Virginia Williams.

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