Ashe, Marguerite | Future: Business |
Baldwin, Blanche | Usher; Future: Business |
Ballantyne, Dorothy | V-Pres. Sr. Class; Sr. Council; Finance Committee; Annual staff; Candy table; Future: William Smith |
Bennett, Lottie | Future: Business |
Berryman, Mildred | Future: Business |
Bird, Mildred | Finance Committee; Future: Geneseo Normal |
Boucher, Jay | Jr.-Sr. Play Contest; Sr. Play; Operetta; Oratorical Contest;
Future: Hobart |
Boyd, Eleanor | Future: Undecided |
Bryan, Hazel | Future: Hairdresser |
Buchan, Helen | News staff; Future: Albany State College |
Bullock, Gladys | Class Day Officer; Annual staff; Future: Syracuse University |
Campbell, Frank | Future: Oswego Normal |
Covert, Mary | Business Mgr. of Annual; News staff; Cheerleader; basketball; Future: William Smith |
Cummings, Florence | Future: Business |
Cummings, Wilma | Future: Business |
Craig, Elsie | Future: Business |
Day, Helen | Future: Ithaca Conservatory of Music; |
Day, Margaret | Future; Undecided |
Decker, Gertrude | Annual Staff; News staff; Future: Undecided |
Densmore, Charles | Annual staff; Class Day Officer; Future: College |
Eaton, Laverne | Future: Undecided |
Estey, Jenniebelle | Future: Undecided |
Fairfax, Kenneth | Treas. Sr. Class; Pres. Athletic Assn; varsity basketball;
varsity lacrosse; Mgr. of football; member Athletic Council; Jr.-Sr. Play Contest; Sr. Play; Future: Cornell |
Fillingham, Robert | Jr.-Sr. Play Contest; Operetta; Sr. Play; Future: Undecided |
Fish, Donald | News Staff; Future: College |
Flint, James | Sr. Play; Sec'y Athletic Assn.; varsity lacrosse; Future: Colgate |
Gasper, Richard | Varsity football; varsity lacrosse; Captain basketball; Pres. Athletic Council; Future: Boston College |
Harris, May | Annual staff; News staff; Usher; Future: Mechanics Institute |
Hershey, Sara | Future: Undecided |
Hoag, Florence | Future: College |
Hodge, Muriel | News staff; basketball; Future: William Smith |
Hornbeck, Gordon | Annual staff; Future: Undecided |
Johnson, Howard | Future: P. G. at G. H. S. |
Jorgensen, Doris | Future: Undecided |
Kenny, Thomas | Future: Undecided |
Kettle, Winogene | Sec'y Sr. Class; Jr.-Sr. Play Contest; Annual staff; News staff; Class Day officer; Future: Wilson College |
Kipp, Harry | Sr. Play; Future: Oswego Normal |
Larrison, Kenneth | Pres. Sr. Class; Captain lacrosse; varsity football; varsity basketball; Jr.-Sr. Play Contest; Sr. Play; News Staff; Future plans: Colgate |
Legg, George | Jr.-Sr. Play Contest; Sr. play; Future: College |
Loveless, Alice | Jr.-Sr. Play Contest; Class Day Officer; Annual staff; Future: Librarian |
Lusk, Evangeline | Future: Practical Bible Training School |
Milliman, Dorothy | Future: Undecided |
Moore, George | Annual Staff; Future: University of California |
Mowers, Mary | Future: Mechanics Institute |
Nielsen, Arlona | Annual staff; basketball; Future: William Smith |
Padgett, Pauline | Future: College |
Purdy, Frances | Future: College |
Quick, Allis | Class Day Officer; Future: Undecided |
Rhodes, Dorothy | Editor-in-Chief of Annual; News staff; Usher; Future: Undecided |
Rickels, Dorothea | Usher; Future: Undecided |
Riegle, Mildred | Annual staff; News staff; Future: Washington |
Robinson, Mary | Business Manager of News; Usher; Future: Undecided |
See, Pauline | Sr. Play; Future: undecided |
Sharpe, Marian | Future: Syracuse |
Shalansky, Eunice | Basketball; Future: Undecided |
Sherwood, Elizabeth | Vice-Pres. Athletic Assn.; Sr. Play; Jr.-Sr. Play Contest; Oratorical Contest; News staff; Candy table; Future: William Smith |
Smith, Harry | Manager of lacrosse; Future: Hobart |
Smith, Hazel | Usher; Future: Business |
Stahl, Eldred | Future: College |
Stengle, Charles | Future: Undecided |
Utzman, Gladys | Annual staff; News staff; Sr. Play; basketball; Future: Undecided |
Wiederhold, Louise | Editor-in-Chief of News; Oratorical Contest; Future: William Smith |
Wertman, Helen | Future: Eastman School of Music |
Wheat, Beverly | Manager of football; varsity lacrosse; Annual staff; News
staff; Chairman of Finance Committee; Class Day Officer; Future: Hobart |
Whyte, Arch | Future: Undecided |
Witter, Barbara | Sr. Play; Jr.-Sr. Play Contest; Operetta; Class Day Officer; Annual staff; Future: Williams School of Expression and Dramatic Art; |
Witter, Jack | Sr. Play; Class Day Officer; Future: Business |
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