Kane, Coleman; laborer; h North c Centre;
Kane, Daniel; laborer; bds North c Centre;
Kane, John; grocer 160 Exchange; h North;
Kane, John; laborer; bds North c Centre;
Kane, Patrick H.; laborer; h Centre n Toledo;
Kane, Thomas; bds Washington;
Kane, Thomas A.; clerk; bds North c Centre;
Kane, Thomas C.; clerk; bds North;
Keife, Thomas; laborer; h Castle ab Pulteney;
Keith, George; blacksmith; bds 33 Washington;
Keith, Nellie; physician; bds Main c William;
Kelleher, Daniel; laborer; h 61 William;
Kelleher, Jeremiah; laborer; h West c William;
Kelleher, John; laborer; bds Middle c Wadsworth;
Kelleher, Joseph; laborer; h Middle c Wadsworth;
Kelley, Benj.; carpenter; h Castle opp Pulteney;
Kelner, Charles F. D.; Rev, Hobart College; 14 Park Place;
Kellogg, A. W.; tinsmith; h 60 Washington;
Kellogg, George B.; clerk h 62 Washington;
Kelsey, Erastus S.; produce commission merch't foot Castle; h Elmwood place;
Kennedy, Clark H.; confectioner; h 7 Milton;
Kenney, Bryan; laborer; h Hamilton ab Pulteney;
Kenney, Daniel; laborer; h Bank alley;
Kenney, Elizabeth (widow); h West n William;
Kenney, Garret; laborer; h West;
Kenney, John; laborer; h Pulteney n Jay;
Kenney, William T.; cartman; h Grove n High;
KENT & SON; mer. tailors 202 Exchange;
Kent, Charlotte (widow Enos); h 17 Milton;
Kent, Frank O.; (Kent & Son); h 15 Milton;
Kent, William C.; cutter; h 26 N. Main;
Kentz, Charles P.; laborer; h Jackson n R. R.;
Kenyon, Rev. A. J.; h Main opp Seneca;
Keogh, James; book-keeper; h State n Centre;
Keough, James; teacher; h 10 Tillman;
Keppel, Charles H.; paint shop 19 Seneca; h Castle;
Ketchum, Abia; laborer; h 88 Exchange;
Keyes, B. W.; carriages Castle c Genesee; h 64 Genesee;
Keyes, B. W. Jr.; painter; h 7 High;
Keyes, William H.; wheelright; bds 64 Genesee;
King, Charles D.; grocer 47 Seneca; h Grove n William;
King, Elizabeth (widow William); bds Geneva House;
King, Frederick; teleg. operator; bds Castle opp Geneva;
King, Henry; livery Castle r American Hotel; h Castle opp Geneva;
King, James A.; driver; h 122 Exchange;
King, J. Silas; drayman; h 4 Tillman;
King, Robert; finisher; bds Exchange;
King, Theodore F.; carpenter; h 35 Pulteney;
King, William J. Jr.; h S Main n Jay;
Kingsland, Edward; pianos and music; agent for the estate of R. T. P. Pulteney 175 Main; h do;
Kipp, Charles; china and glass 30 Seneca; h 47 Genesee;
Kipp, Mary (widow N. N.); h 49 Genesee;
Kirby, Thomas; trackman; h Wadsworth c Middle;
Klingelhoelfer, Louis; saloon 70 Exchange; h Castle;
Klopfer, John; laborer; h Castle n Catharine;
Klopfer, Michael H.; harness Main n Castle; h Castle;
Klube, Henry J.; harness manuf. 231 Exchange; h do;
Knight, Isaac; laborer; h Clinton;
Knight, Patrick; laborer; h Lafayette n Main;
Knight, Richard; grocer 102 Exchange; h do;
Knight, Richard Jr.; grocer Exchange c Tillman; h 2 Tillman;
Knight, William; bottler; h 60 Genesee;
Krebbs, Christian; cabinet maker; h 1 Grove;
Kuhn, Joseph; cigar maker; bds International Hotel;
Kuehn, Julius; laborer; h Catharine; Laidlaw, Ann M.; h Howard c Union;
Laidaw, Walter; shoemaker; h 76 Pulteney;
Lain, William F.; painter; 278 Exchange;
Laird, Carrie (widow Daniel L.; bds 22 William;
Laird, Fred.; bds 22 William;
Lamont, Charles; boat builder 113 Exchange; h do;
Lamport, S. H. & Co.; coal; 20 Seneca;
Lamport, Samuel H.; (S. H. Lamport & Co.); bds International Hotel;
Laning, George A.; druggist; bds 63 Castle;
Larkins, ----; h North ab Wadsworth;
Larned, E. A.; agt. variety store 27 Seneca; bds 17 Park Place;
Larned, Fanny B. (widow Zebedee); h 17 Park Place;
Larzelere, Charles; machinist; bds Castle n Pulteney;
Lashier, Richard A.; brakeman; h 17 Jackson;
Lathrop, Delos; ticket agent; bds Franklin House;
Laverie, Adaline (widow James); h 98 Pulteney;
Laverie, William; laborer; h 87 Pulteney;
Lavery, Michael; laborer; h State n R. R.;
Laws, William; laborer; h North ab Wadsworth;
Lay, John; book-keeper and clerk 149 and 151 Exchange; h 143 Main;
Leake, Ella; bds 55 Genesee;
Leaman, Thomas; sexton; h Lewis n Genesee;
Lefferts, Edward V.; blacksmith Lake; h North n opp Genesee;
Legg, Charles H.; teamster; h Tillman n Geneva;
Leighton, Jonathan; butcher; h State c Centre;
Lentz, John; saloon 119 Exchange; h do;
Leonard, Albert G.; laborer; h 1 Tillman;
Leonard, Jane A. (widow Albert); h 58 Exchange;
Lerach, Preston; clerk; h 45 Pulteney;
Levy, John; wholesale butcher; bds 111 Main;
Levy, Nathan; clothier 10 Seneca ; h 18 Genesee;
Levy, Simon; clothier 188 Exchange; h Syracuse;
Levy, William; clerk; bds American Hotel;
Lewis, Clarence E.; grocer; h 12 Elmwood av;
Lewis, Joseph S. Capt.; wool merchant 39 Seneca; h 3 Park Place;
Lewis, Martha (widow); h 92 N Main;
Lewis, Mrs. (widow); h Hamilton c Pulteney;
Lewis, Mrs. (widow); h Lafayette av ab Genesee;
Lewis, Mrs. (widow); h 27 William;
Lewis, Thomas; florist; h Castle opp Smith's nursery;
Lewis, William; laborer; h Lake road;
Liberty, Edward; barber 138 Exchange; h Power's al.;
Lincoln, George; gardener; h West;
Lines, W. H. & S V.; boots and shoes 196 Exchange;
Lingle, David; carpenter; bds International Hotel;
Little, Robert H.; clerk; bds William;
Lockwood, Frank; laborer; h Lake road;
Lockwood, Julia (widow); h Madison;
LOOMIS & DOX; coal 12 Castle;
Loony, Patrick; laborer; h Catharine;
Loomis, Stephen T.; farmer; h William n Pulteney;
Loomis, William R.; (L. & Dox); h William n Pulteney;
Long, Robert; laborer; bds 275 Exchange;
Lothrop, William; book-keeper; bds American Hotel;
Love, D. J.; Hobart College student; bds 45 Washington;
Love, Esther; h Pulteney c Courtland;
Love, James W.; nurseryman 45 Washington; h do;
Lowthorp, Samuel; book-keeper; h 187 Main;
Loy, Harry J.; tinsmith; h John n Rose;
Lozier, Thomas; trimmer; h 32 Elm;
Ludlow, Henry; notary public over 3 & 5 Seneca; bds 33 Pulteney;
Lum, Sarah (widow D. B.); bds 22 William;
Lunnin, James; engineer; h Lafayette ab Genesee;
Lydon, John; laborer; h Genesee c North;
Lydon, William; laborer; h Centre n State;
Lynch, Cornelius; laborer; h North n R. R.;
Lynch, Dennis; laborer; h N Main n Lewis;
Lynch, Patrick; laborer; h Pulteney n Jay;
Lynch, Patrick; machinist; h 81 Exchange;
Lyons, John; laborer; h William n Grove;
Mackay, John; lumber yard and planing mill Lake; h Main c Lewis;
Mackeboy, Edward; laborer; h Lake Road;
Malay, Michael; laborer; h North n Rose;
Malette, Fred A.; foreman Geneva Courier; bds 8 High;
Malette, James; prop. Geneva Courier; h 8 High;
Malis, Mary (widow); h North n Main;
Mallory, Sidney S.; h Genesee ab State;
Manley, Matthew; laborer; bds 19 Exchange;
Manley, Michael; teamster; h 19 Exchange;
Mansion House; N. Harrington, prop. 43 Seneca;
Marcell, Mrs. (widow); h 27 Elm;
Marshall, Charles T.; clerk; h 14 Elmwood av;
Martin, Mrs. E. M.; bds 42 Washington;
Mary, Mary J. (widow Benjamin); h Union Place;
Mason, -----; clerk; h Elmwood av n Pulteney;
Mason, F. O.; lawyer; bds 186 Main;
Masten, Mrs. Dewitt; h Lake road;
Mawney, Horatio; h N Main ab Castle;
Maxwell, Henry E.; (T. C. M. & Bros); h Castle ab Catharine;
Maxwell, Joshua I.; (T. C. M. & Bros); bds Castle ab Catharine;
Maxwell, Thompson; C. & Bros. nursery Castle;
Maxwell, Thompson C.; (T. C. M. & Bros.); h Castle;
May, Bridget (widow); bds 3 Exchange;
May, Oliver T.; (C. A. Spencer & Sons); h Colt n Elm;
Maynard & Laning; druggist 36 Seneca;
Maynard, Eli M.; (M. & Laning); h 63 Castle;
McBlain, Thomas; (T. Smith & Co.); h North opp Clinton;
McCale, Richard; laborer; h Wadsworth;
McCardy, John; laborer; h Wadsworth;
McCartey, Mrs. A.; bds Castle;
McCartey, Cornelia; bds Castle ab Dorchester av;
McCarty, Dennis; laborer; h Wadsorth;
McCarthy, James; laborer; h 45 Exchange;
McCarthy, Jeremiah; laborer; h Hamilton ab Monroe;
McCarthy, John; laborer; h 47 Exchange;
McCarthy, Timothy; laborer; h 35 Exchange;
McCombs, Mrs.; h Genesee ab State;
McConnell, Minerva (widow Philip); h 62 Exchange;
McCormick, Robert; steam fitter; bds International Hotel;
McCoy, Francis; laborer; h N Main ab Colt;
McCoy, William; laborer; h 16 Hamilton;
McCurdy, Thos. R.; livery 195 Exchange; h 33 Geneva;
McDaniels, Joseph H.; Prof., M. A., Hobart College; h Main opp College;
McDonald, Wm.; blacksmith; h 85 Exchange;
McDonough, Frank H.; clerk; bds International Hotel;
McDonough, James; mason; h Catharine;
McDonough, John; mason; h Union Place;
McDonough, Margaret (widow); 12 Elm;
McDonough, Michael; h 15 Hamilton;
McDonough, Nicholas; mason; h William ab Grove;
McDonough, Philip; laborer; h 12 Elm;
McDonough, Thomas; laborer; h 12 Elm;
McDonough, Terrence E.; clerk; bds International Hotel;
McDougall, George C.; carpenter; h 53 Pulteney;
McEwen, Douglas; carpenter; h West c High;
McGinnis, John; laborer; h William c West;
McGloon, Mrs. Ann; boarding; h 87 Exchange;
McGloon, Anthony; laborer; h Centre n Toledo;
McGloon, John; laborer; h North n Centre;
McGloon, Patrick; laborer; h 1 Exchange;
McGloon, Patrick; laborer; h 87 Exchange;
McGonegal, Charles H.; drayman; h Lafayette ab Main;
McGonegal, Lottie; h Elmwood av c Union Place;
McGonegal, Louisa E. (widow H. W. ); h Elmwood av.;
McGrain, Daniel; laborer; h State n R. R.;
McGrain, Thos.; laborer; h State n R. R.;
McGregor, Mary (widow John); h Castle;
McGuire, Elizabeth (widow Henry); h 155 Main;
McGuire, William; prop. Fall Brook House Wadsworth n Lewis;
McKale, Bridget (widow Henry); h 65 Pulteney;
McKane, Samuel G.; clerk; h 45 William;
McKelvie, William G.; nurseryman over 3 and 5 Seneca, P. O. Geneva;
McKeon, John; mason; h Pine;
McLaren, Rev. D. C.; h 201 Main;
McLaughlin, John; laborer; h Lake road;
McManus, Rev. James T.; h Exchange n Jackson;
McMaster, George W.; emigration office 39 Seneca;
McNamara, James C.; meat market 56 Seneca; h do;
McNamara, Thomas; teamster; h 155 Main;
McNellis, Owen; laborer; h Jackson cor Centre;
McNerney, Patrick; laborer; h N Main n Lewis;
McNichols, John; laborer; h N Main n Lewis;
McNicol, James; clerk; bds 8 Washington;
McNierney, W. (widow Thomas); h 21 Exchange;
McRedmond, John; h State n Centre;
Mead, Austin; shoemaker 44 Castle; h 54 Lewis;
Mead, Charles H.; harness Castle n Genesee; h Pulteney;
Mead, Jemima (widow Amos); h 57 Lewis;
Mead, Lewis; laborer; bds 54 Lewis;
Mead, Lewis; shoemaker; h Catharine c Castle;
Mead, Lewis; shoemaker; h Pulteney n Castle;
Mead, Lewis L.; musician; bds Catharine c Castle;
Mead, William; printer; bds 54 Lewis;
Mehan, John H.; Street Commissioner; h 31 Genesee;
Mellen, James P.; nursery Castle; h do;
Mensch, Nancy J. (widow Christian); h 13 Geneva;
Mensch, William; painter; h High c Grove;
Merrell & Coleman; nursery Lewis ab Main;
Merrell, Andrew; (M & Coleman); h 31 N. Main;
Merritt, Edward D.; carpenter; h Elmwood av.;
Milan, Bryan; laborer; h 6 Jackson;
Milan, Bryan Jr.; laborer bds 6 Jackson;
Milan, Michael; laborer; bds 6 Jackson;
Miller, Mark; laborer; h John opp Rose;
Miller, Henry L. M.; (Kiley & Miller); h Main;
Miller, John H.; mason; h 54 Castle;
Miller, Lewis M.; fish market Dove's block; h Power's al.;
Miller, William; cartman; h Canal;
Mills, James; h 72 Seneca;
Mills, Jesse O.; farmer; h 26 Genesee;
Mills, John; sign painter; bds 1 Park place;
Minard, John; tailor; h N Main n Lafayette av.;
Mitchell, Anna E.; bds Castle n Pulteney;
Mitchell, John A.; boots and shoes 20 Seneca; h Genesee;
Mitchell, Robert; clerk; h 44 Genesee;
Mitchell, Rachel (widow); h Castle n Dorchester av.;
Mitten, Joseph; gardener; h 40 High;
Moaw, Mrs. Thomas; h 14 Hamilton;
Mohan, Lawrence; laborer; h 53 Exchange;
Mooney, John; laborer; h West n High;
Moore, Dr. David; pastor Baptist Church; h 13 High;
Moore, D. Eugene; sash and blinds 32 Castle; h do;
Moore, James B.; harness 132 Exchange; h 57 Genesee;
Moore, Matthew; bds 57 Exchange;
Morrison, Archibald B.; mason; h Castle c Dorchester av.;
Morrison, Charles; mason; h 35 Pulteney;
Morrison, Elizabeth (widow Samuel M.); bds 77 Pulteney;
Morrison, John B.; mason; h 66 Castle;
Morrison, James M.; mason; h 44 Seneca;
Morrison, Margaret D. (widow Thomas); h 75 Pulteney;
Morrison, Mary C. (widow Thomas); h 268 Exchange;
Morrison, William; mason; h 77 Pulteney;
Morrison, William H. H.; carpenter; h 35 Elm;
Morse, Kitty; h 144 Exchange;
Morse, William J.; clerk; h 19 Milton;
Moshier, Margaret (widow John M.); h 137 Main;
Mowry, Edward A.; clerk; bds 19 William;
Mowry, George P.; clerk; h 19 William;
Mulcahy, Patrick; laborer; h 59 Jackson;
Mulcahy, Timothy; laborer; bds 59 Jackson;
Mulcahy, Timothy H.; clerk; bds 5 Jackson;
Mulholland, Barney; boxmaker; h Seymour alley;
Mullen, Margaret (widow); h Seymour alley;
Mulligan, John; laborer; h Hulbert;
Munson, Abram; boatman; h Lake road;
MUNSON & HALLENBECK; gardeners North;
Munson, Mrs. J. C.; h 11 High;
Munson, Philander E.; (M. & Hallenbeck); h Genesee n North;
Murphy, Barney; laborer; h bet Madison and Poulteney;
Murphy, Cornelius; grocer 18 Castle; bds 111 Main n Seneca;
Murphy, Martin; laborer; h Middle n Wadsworth;
Murray, Martin; laborer; h Catharine;
Murrin, Henry; laborer; bds 258 Exchange;
Murrin, John; laborer; h 258 Exchange;
Muskett, George; blacksmith; bds 33 Washington;
Muskett, Wm. R.; mason h 4 Washington;
Myers, George H.; U. S. dept. marshall 40 Seneca; h 19 Tillman;
Nares, Ann (widow Frank); h 103 Main;
Nares, Frank G.; h 24 William;
Nares, Ralph W.; clerk; bds 24 William;
Narragon, Charles; laborer; h William n Grove;
Nary, Michael; laborer; h North n Wadsworth;
Naughton, John; laborer; h Pulteney n Hamilton;
Naughton, Michael; clerk; bds Pulteney;
Naughton, Michael; laborer; bds 111 Main;
Naughton, Nancy (widow Wm.); h State n R. R.;
Neele, William P.; medical student; bds 36 Pulteney;
Nelson, Mrs. C. J.; millinery 25 Seneca; h 36 Pulteney;
Nelson, David P.; harness manuf. 209 Exchange; h 36 Pulteney;
Nelson, Eliphalet; carpenter; h Elmwood av. n Union pl.;
Nelson, Rev. H. A.; Dr., pastor First Presbyterian Church; h 197 Main;
Nelson, Rev. Henry W.; rector Trinity Church; h Main n Trinity Church;
Nelson, Upton; painter; h 12 Tillman;
Nester, Samuel K.; malt. Lake; h Genesee & State;
Nevens, Richard; engineer; h Lewis n R. R.;
Newman, Charles; bar tender Franklin House; bds do;
Newton, Isaac; bookkeeper; bds American Hotel;
NEW YORK CENTRAL IRON WORKS; (William B. Dunning, prop.) Exchange c Warehouse;
Nichols & Bodle; clothiers 3 Seneca;
Nichols, James H.; (N. & Bodle) h 51 Genesee;
Nicholas, Mrs. John; h S Main cor St. Clair;
Nicholas, P. Norman; nurseryman; h 66 Washington;
Niland, Michael; laborer; h Centre n State;
Noland, Michael; laborer; h 284 Exchange;
Noonan, Ann (widow John); h Lake n Exchange;
Noonan, Thomas; clerk; bds Lake n Exchange;
Norman, Peter; mechanic; h 40 William;
Norris, Eliza C. (widow Adam F.); h Castle n Linden;
Norrish, Benj. F.; h 129 Main;
Noyes, N. Henry; engineer; h 65 William;
Nye, James J.; blacksmith Lake cor Bradford; bds Exchange;
O'Boyle, Thos.; laborer; h Grove n William;
O'Brien, John; laborer; h 96 Exchange;
O'Brien, John; laborer; h Jay ab Pulteney;
O'Brien, Patrick; laborer; h Middle n Wadsworth;
O'Brien, William; teamster; h 28 Elm;
O'Connor, Michael; laborer; h Lewis n Exchange;
O'Daniels, Miss Jane V.; nurse; h 130 Main;
O'Day, Edward; nurseryman; h Pulteney c Hamilton;
O'Day, John; laborer; h Castle;
O'Day, Mary; dressmaker; h 68 Castle;
O'Flaherty, Edward; laborer; h Middle c Herbert;
Ogden, James T.; clerk; bds International Hotel;
Ogg, George; baker; bds International Hotel;
O'Hora, James; laborer; h William ab Grove;
O'Laughlin, Bartholomew; laborer; h Catharine;
Olds, Caleb; laborer; bds 66 Genesee;
Olds, Dana E.; pump manuf. 110 Exchange; bds Geneva c Tillman;
O'Leary, Patrick; laborer; h William n West;
O'Malley, Bridget (widow Michael); h Middle n Wadsworth;
O'Malley, Jeremiah J.; grocer 140 Exchange; h North c Main;
O'Malley, John; blacksmith 234 Exchange; h 236 do;
O'Malley, John; grocer 142 Exchange; h North c Main;
O'Malley, Martin; laborer; h Catharine;
O'Malley, Michael; teamster; h Middle n Wadsworth;
O'Malley, Patrick; laborer; h Centre n Toledo;
O'Malley, William; trackman; h Hulbert;
Ombler, Mary (widow Henry); h 280 Exchange;
One, Charles; harness; bds International Hotel;
O'Neil, Albert; laborer; h Lafayette ab Genesee;
O'Neil, Mary; h Wadsworth n Middle;
O'Neil, John; boarding; h 82 Exchange;
Oppie, Rev. John; pastor Reformed church; h 3 High;
O'Riely, Patrick; grocer 191 Exchange; h Pulteney cor William;
Orman, James; teamster; h Lake road;
Orman, Richard; laborer; h Lake road;
Ostrander, Benj., teamster; h North ab Wadsworth;
Ostrander, Clement O.; hotel Lake cor Bradford;
Ostrander, Phoebe (widow David); h North ab Wadsworth;
Ostrander, William; laborer; bds North ab Wadsworth;
Owen, Theodore L.; collector; h 45 Genesee;
Page, Alfred; h 10 High;
Page, Augustus; pat. medicine; h 9 Grove;
Page, Edwin A.; tailor 14 William; h do;
Page, Frank D.; clerk; bds Ramsey's Hotel;
Page, Frederick; laborer; bds Castle opp Pulteney;
Page, Grannis; teamster; h Castle opp Pulteney;
Page, John A.; manuf. patent medicine 5 Seneca; h Grove;
Page, John M.; physician; h 9 William;
Page, Newton F.; farmer; h Colt n Main;
Page, William R.; laborer; bds Castle opp Pulteney;
Palmer, Florence (widow); h 64 Castle;
Palmer, George; h 16 Elm;
Palmer, Hannah (widow); h 16 Elm;
Palmer, Miss Helen M.; h 3 Washington;
Palmateer, Samuel; h 4 Elm;
Parker, Edgar; foreman Geneva Gazette; h 122 Castle;
Parker, Ira; Police Justice 59 Seneca; h Castle cor Pulteney;
Parker, John; mason; h Dorchester av;
Parker, Mary; h Madison n Washington;
Parker, Stephen H.; editor and proprietor Geneva Gazette 11 Seneca; h 31 N Main;
Parsons & Siglar; carpenters 85 Main;
Parsons, Anna; millinery 67 Seneca; bds Geneva cor Tillman;
Parsons, John; laborer; h Dorchester av;
Parsons, Martin w.; agt. sew. mach.; h Geneva c Tillman;
Persons, Solomon F.; (P. & Sigler); h Elmwood av;
Partridge, Mason S.; bookkeeper; bds Park Place;
Partridge, W. H.; Zobrist & P.; h 13 Park Place;
Patchin, Harvey D.; engineer; h 2 Elm;
Patterson, Mrs.; h Bank alley;
Patterson, George D.; foreman; h Main n Lewis;
Patterson, John; h St. Clair ab Pulteney;
Patterson, John; laborer; bds Main n Lewis;
Payne, John; saloon 133 Main; h do;
Peachey, Alfred H.; clerk; bds 3 Lewis;
Peachey, Henry P.; engineer; h Lewis n Exchange;
Pearce, Edward; laborer; h Lafayette n Main;
Pearce, John; blacksmith Castle n Elm; h N. Main;
Pearce, Winifred (widow Edward); h 9 Elm;
Pease, Richard H.; bds 22 Washington;
Peck, John; laborer; h Pine;
Peel, George A.; bottler 89 Exchange; bds 10 Geneva;
Peel, Joseph A.; bottler; h 10 Geneva;
Peet, William Y.; harness 16 Seneca; h Elmwood av n Union;
Pembroke, Edward; laborer; h Jackson n R. R.;
Pembroke, J & Son; groceries Main cor Castle;
Pembroke, John; (J. Pembroke & Son); h 54 Genesee;
Pembroke, Michael C.; (J. Pembroke & Son); h 54 Genesee;
Pestonery, Bridget (widow Stephen); h Lewis n R. R.;
Perkins, Erastus; h 182 Exchange;
Perkins, Ida; milliner; bds 182 Exchange;
Perry, Charles; teamster; h 2 Tillman;
Perry, William H.; real estate; h 50 Washington;
Persons, Solomon F.; carpenter; h 21 Elmwood av;
Peterson, Frank; laborer; h 88 Exchange;
Phealan; Hiram; h Lake road;
Phelps, Andrew; blacksmith; h 32 Grove;
Phillips, Amos; tinsmith 149 & 151 Exchange;
Phillips, John; laborer; h 2 Washington;
Philpott, James; carpenter; h Castle ab Dorchester Ave;
Pickard, John; laborer; h Madison n Courtland;
Pickett, Jas. H.; hats and caps 265 Exchange; h 4 High;
Picot, Folger; bds 194 Main;
Picot, M. H.; physician 194 Main; h do;
Pierce, Frederick W.; brakeman Clinton n State;
Pierce, Russel E.; conductor; h 5 Tillman;
Piltz, Fred.; barber; bds Main c Lewis;
Pine, Sarah (widow Patrick); h 155 Main;
Pinkerton, John S.; painter; h 10 Milton;
Plantz, Spencer; painter; bds 35 Geneva;
Plattman, E. Jane; boarding house; h Main n North;
Plumer, J. M.; loan agent 4 Seneca;
Plumer, Dr. John M.; h 51 Pulteney;
Plumer, William A.; h 181 Main;
Polk, Catherine (widow); h 31 High;
Pomeroy, Miss A.; bds 21 Pulteney;
Pomeroy, Mary J. (widow George); tailoress 51 Seneca; h do;
Porter, Miss Mary C.; h 34 Pulteney;
Post, Abram E.; physician; h 53 Washington;
Post, Adeline (widow John); h 21 Genesee;
Post, Clarence; h 21 Genesee;
Post, Electus B.; commercial trav.; h 17 Park Place;
Potter, Mrs. Hazard A.; Dr.; h 20 Washington;
Potter, Watson G.; marble and granite 121 Exchange; h 18 Geneva;
Powers, William G.; civil engineer; h 20 High;
Powls, Miss Louisa; h 173 Main;
Powls, Phoebe (widow George); bds 173 Main;
Pratt, Charles C.; nurseryman; bds Washington n Pulteney;
Prentice, Mrs. David; h 19 Park Place;
Price, Andrew J.; bookkeeper; h Main c Lewis;
Price, Hiram; painter; h Union Place;
Price, Joseph H.; painter; h Lafayette ab Genesee;
Price Lucretia J.; h Lafayette ab Genesee;
Price, William R.; carpenter; h Lafayette ab Genesee;
Primps, Joseph; laborer; h 41 Pulteney;
Primps, Joseph Jr.; laborer; h Courtland n Pulteney;
Prince, Frederick W.; U. S. Consul; h S Main n St. Clair;
Prince, George S.; bookkeeper Geneva Nat. Bank; h S Main;
Probasco, Charles; laborer; h Castle opp Maxwell's nursery;
Probasco, George; carpenter; h N Main n Colt;
Probasco, Julia (widow Christian); h Castle opp Maxwell's nursery;
Probasco, Rush; teamster; h 26 Grove;
Probasco, Seth T.; carpenter; h N Main n Lewis;
Proctor, George W.; teamster; h 81 Exchange;
Proudfit, John F.; clerk; bds 6 Tillman;
Prouty, Phineas; h Main n Hamilton;
Prue, Sarah; h N Main by brook;
Pyke, Volintine; laborer; h Pre-emption c North;
Quigley, Benj.; laborer; h Castle opp Maxwell's nursery;
Quigley, Margaret; h 31 Pulteney;
Quinn, Alice (widow Thomas); h Pulteney n Hamilton;
Quinn, Catherine (widow Hugh); h Wadsworth;
Ramsey, Charles H.; prop. Ramsey's hotel and restaurant 217 and 219 Exchange; h 239 do;
Ramsey, Henry; hotel; h 30 Genesee;
Ramsey, John L.; bds Ramsey's Hotel;
Rankine, James; Rev D. D.; h 13 William;
Rappleyea & Fulston; teas, coffees &c. 15 Seneca;
Rappleyea, Richard C.; (R & Fulston); bds American Hotel;
Raymond, John; shipper; h 30 N Main;
Reardon, Maggie; h 21 Tillman;
Reardon, Patrick; laborer; h 59 William;
Reals, William O.; steam fitter; bds International Hotel;
Rechlinghausen, Arnold; boots and shoes 114 Exchange; h 116 do;
Reddington, Patrick; laborer; h 27 Exchange;
Reddy, Luke; laborer; h North c Wadsworth;
Reddy, Michael; laborer; h Jackson n R. R.;
Reed, Barney; dentist 25 Seneca; h 147 Main;
Reed, Eliza (widow David); h 5 William;
Reed, James W.; teamster; h Lafayette n Main;
Reed, Mary A.; h Castle n Linden;
Reed, William; farmer; h 50 Washington;
Remington, S. H.; (Russ Coats & Co.); h Franklin House;
Reynolds, Andrew C.; clerk; h 4 Geneva;
Reynolds, Charles E.; clerk; bds 4 Geneva;
Reynolds, Seeley R.; dentist 38 Seneca; bds Franklin House;
Rhinehart, Mary (widow); h 9 Pulteney;
Rice, Catharine B. (widow Henry); h 92 N. Main;
Rice, Charles W.; hardware 155 Exchange; h 6 Milton;
Rice, Henry G.; carpenter; bds 129 Main;
Rice, Vincent; laborer; h Wadsworth;
Richards, Allen B.; harness 162 Exchange; h 16 Genesee;
Richards, Lewis; mason; bds 16 Genesee;
Richards, Mrs. John; h 41 Washington;
Richards, Peter; h S. Main n Jay;
Richardson, Edward B.; nurseryman 35 Seneca; h 201 Main;
Richardson, George M.; laundry 198 1/2 Exchange; h 8 Elm;
Richardson, Putnam; nurseryman; 167 Exchange; h 119 Main;
Rigby, Henry; cigar maker; h 14 Elm;
Rigney, Owen, cigar maker; bds Mansion House;
Riker, Frank; blacksmith; h 22 Milton;
RILEY & MILLER; furniture 175 and 177 Exchange;
Riley, Charles; clerk; bds 80 Lewis;
Riley, Jeremiah; laborer; h Catharine;
Riley, Patrick; laborer; h State ab Centre;
Riley, Robert S.; (Riley & Miller); h 80 Lewis;
Ringer, Mrs. Charles; bds Main n North;
Ringer, Mrs. (widow Jacob); h Pulteney n Castle;
Ringer, William; farmer; h 122 Main;
Ringer, Wm. H.; laborer; h Castle c Pulteney;
Roach, Michael; laborer; h Clinton n State;
Roache, Patrick; laborer; h Rose;
Roberts, Isaac G.; sawyer; h 64 Exchange;
Robertson, Elbert; grocer 199 Exchange; h 26 Washington;
Robinson, C. R. & Co.; bakers Seneca c Linden;
Robinson, Charles R.; (C. R. Robinson & Co.); h 42 Washington;
Robinson, George M.; laundry; h 30 Elm;
Robinson, Joseph; shoemaker; h Lafayette n Genesee;
Robinson, Warren; baker; bds International Hotel;
Robison, Abram; coal dealer 229 Exchange; h Genesee c State;
Robison, Sarah (widow S. D.); h 58 Genesee;
Rodney, Cornelius; laborer; h Jackson c Centre;
Roe, Sanford C.; physician 53 Genesee; h do;
Roe, Thomas J.; laborer; h Dorchester av;
Rogan, Hannah (widow John); bds Middle n Wadsworth;
Rogan, Mrs. James; h Canal path n Lake;
Rogan, John; laborer; h 79 N Main;
Rogan, Michael; laborer; bds Canal n Lake;
Rogan, Patrick; laborer; h Catharine n Castle;
Rogers, Adelia (widow Joseph); h Hulbert;
Rogers, Erastus J.; h 60 Pulteney;
Rogers, Hannah (widow Thomas); h 61 Exchange;
Rogers, Matthew; carpenter; bds 61 Exchange;
Rogers, R.; h St. Clair ab Pulteney;
Rogers, Thomas D.; cigar manuf. 32 Castle; h Exchange;
Rolan, Mary; h Castle ab Pulteney;
Roland, Patrick; laborer; h Clinton;
Romaine, Harry; wagon maker; h 53 Genesee;
Rooney, Patrick; laborer; h 282 Exchange;
Root, Mrs. E. G. (widow); h 208 Main;
Root, George; civil engineer; bds 208 Main;
Root, Lyman; bds 208 Main;
Rosa, Case Capt.; boatman Lake road;
Rose, Oswald J. C.; (Dorchester & R.); h 245 Main;
Ross, Charles; laborer; h Lake road;
Rudd, Frances (widow Darwin); h 7 Elm;
Rugglis, Nina B.; bds 13 Park Place;
Rush, Charles H.; bookkeeper 214 Exchange; h 8 Colt;
Rush, Deborah (widow Wm.P; h N Main n Colt;
Russel, Edward; h 53 William;
RUTHERFORD & HOWLAND; book binders Linden;
Rutherford, Arthur J.; (R. & Howland); h 25 Geneva;
Ryan, James W.; clerk Burton's Hotel; bds do;
Ryan, Martin; laborer; h 35 Exchange;
Ryan, Michael, h Lake road;
Ryan, Michael; blacksmith; h North n Wadsworth;
Ryan, Michael H.; blacksmith; bds Seymour av.;
Ryan, Timothy; painter; h Bank alley;
Ryder, William D.; baggage master; h Lewis n R. R.;
Ryerson, John G.; tel. operator; bds International Hotel;
Sage, Joseph E. laborer; h 39 Lewis;
Sanders, Elias; laborer; h Hurbert;
Sanders, John; laborer; h Dorchester av.;
Sanderson, Joel; shoemaker; h 23 Geneva;
Sanford, M. S.; cashier Geneva Nat. Bk.; h 15 High;
Savage, Frank W.; (Jesse Savage & Sons); bds 33 Genesee;
Savage, Fred T.; (Jesse Savage & Sons); bds 33 Genesee;
Savage, Jesse & Sons; boots and shoes 204 Exchange;
Savage, Jesse; (Jesse Savage & Sons; h 33 Genesee;
Savage, William; carpenter; h 10 Milton;
Saxton, Charles S.; clerk; bds 8 Milton;
Saxton, Nathaniel; h 8 Milton;
Schnell, Caroline M. (widow Thomas); h Main ab Castle;
Schnell, George C.; clerk; bds Main ab Castle;
Scheiflein, Sidney A.; h S Main ab Jay;
Schudennicht, Henry; laborer; bds 60 Genesee;
Schumann, Elmer C.; painter 110 Exchange; h 2 Dorchester av;
Schutt, Julia (widow Martin); h 10 Milton;
Scoon, John T.; butcher 66 Seneca; h 39 Geneva;
Scott, Albert M.; laborer; h Main n Colt;
Scott, Byron W.; newsroom 183 Exchange; h 47 Pulteney;
Scott, Gad; ship carpenter; h Main n Colt;
Scott, Henry; laborer; h Grove n High;
Scott, James B.; h N Main n Lafayette;
Scott, Wallace; painter; bds 47 Pulteney;
Scott, William T.; cashier First Nat. Bank; h William n Pulteney;
Seabury, George; boatman; h Main opp Colt;
Seabury, John; constable; h 18 Washington;
Seals, Henry J.; cook; h Grove n High;
Search, Erasmus N. M.; trav. agt.; h 24 Pulteney;
Sears, Henry & Co.; nursery N Main c Lafayette;
Sears, _____; (Sears, Henry & Co.); h Union Place;
Sears, James S.; (Sears, Henry & Co.); h N Main n Lafayette;
Seelye, Evline (widow Geo. E.); h 21 Pulteney;
Seelye, George C.; dry goods 29 Seneca; h 40 Genesee;
Segriest, Fred; barber; bds Main;
Seitz, Leonard; butcher; h 14 Exchange;
Seneca House; C. O. Ostrander, prop.; Lake c Bradford;
Sessen, William; nurseryman; h Courtland n Pulteney;
Seymour, James O.; (Anthony & S.); h 26 Genesee;
Shanley, Edward; laborer; bds 53 Castle;
Shanley, John; clerk; bds Main;
Shanley, Mrs. Peter; grocer 111 Main; h do;
Shannon, Irving; tinsmith; bds Castle;
Shay, Annie; bds John n Genesee;
Shean, John; cigar maker; h 51 William;
Shebley, Charles; stoves and tin 16 Castle; h N. Main n Castle;
Sheldon, Emily H. (widow Wareham); h 46 Washington;
Shewman, Christopher; h 10 Geneva;
Shewman, George; printer; bds 10 Geneva;
Shields, Emily (widow Richard); h 262 Exchange;
Shipman, Mary (widow); bds 10 Park Place;
Shreader, Henry; butcher; h 19 Washington;
Shullingbarbar, Elizabeth W. (widow Levi K.); h 207 Exchange;
Shutz, Rudolph; tallow manuf.; h Madison;
Sidway, Charles; h 14 Pulteney;
Siglar, Amos; carpenter; h 12 High;
Siglar, Edward t.; (Persons & S.); h 7 High;
Siglar, Lumis; carpenter; h 12 High;
Siglar, William; laborer; h Lafayette av n Genesee;
Sill, Samuel H.; h 73 Washington;
Sill, Theodore; lawyer; h 22 Washington;
Sill, William E.; h 227 Main;
Simmons, George S.; clerk; h 26 William;
Simmons, Jacob H.; clerk; bds 16 Pulteney;
Simons, James; h Main n student's church;
Simpson, E. S.; carriage manuf. Lake; h 14 Geneva;
Simpson, James; printer; bds Castle opp Pulteney;
Simpson, Marquis K.; carriages; h 32 Geneva;
Sippel, Albert O.; polisher; h Lafayette n Main;
Sippel, Catharine (widow William); h Lafayette;
Sippel, Edward; h Lafayette n Main;
Sippel, William F.; marble cutter; bds Exchange;
Sisson, Harriet A.; h 20 Pulteney;
Skeels, George; carpenter; h 13 Exchange;
Skilmer, Peter; trackman; h Middle c Wadsworth;
Skilton, T. J. & R. M.; hardware, stoves, tin, &c.; 149 and 151 Exchange;
Skilton, Timothy J.; (T. J. & R. M. Skilton); h Main;
Sliney, Alice (widow William); h Genesee c North;
Slocum, H. E.; (J. N. Slocum & Bro.) h 40 Washington;
SLOCUM J. N & BRO.; dry goods 26 Seneca;
Slocum, J. N.; (J. N. Slocum & Bro.); h 35 William;
Slosson, Henry L.; navy; h 52 William;
Smith, Amos B.; pro. and physician Geneva Hygienic Institute 10 Park Place; h do;
Smith, Andrew J.; engineer; h Lake c Preemption;
Smith, Andrew L.; optician; h Elmwood av;
Smith, Catharine (widow); h S. Main n Jay;
Smith, Chester A.; bookkeeper; h 1 Park;
Smith, Edmund H.; Prof. M. A., LL.B, Hobart College; h S. Main n Jay;
Smith, Edward; fruit grower; h 32 Genesee;
Smith, Frank; optician; bds 117 Main;
Smith, Franklin H.; fruit grower; bds 32 Genesee;
Smith, Fred L.; optician; h 56 Lewis;
Smith, Gerrit H.; h Jay ab Pulteney;
Smith, George, carpenter 28 Grove; h do;
Smith, Hamilton L.; Prof. M. A., LL.D, Hobart College; h S. Main n St. Clair;
Smith, James H.; expressman; h 24 Geneva;
Smith, John; engineer; h Lake road;
Smith, John; nurseryman; h Castle opp Smith's nursery;
Smith, John C.; Indian agent; h 24 Washington;
Smith, Mrs. J. W.; h 198 Main;
SMITH J. W. & CO.; dry goods 28 Seneca;
Smith, Martin H.; Justice of the Peace; h 42 Pulteney;
Smith, Nicholson; h 77 Castle;
Smith, Robert; drayman; h 53 Castle;
Smith, Robert H.; carpenter; h Tillman n Geneva;
Smith, S. H.; (J. W. Smith & Co.); h 191 Main;
Smith, Sarah; bds 46 Washington;
Smith, Sophia; bds 262 Exchange;
Smith, Thomas; (W & T Smith); h Castle;
SMITH T & CO.; spoke works 75 Exchange;
Smith, Thomas Y.; laborer; h Castle ab Main;
Smith, Walter; h 35 High;
SMITH W & T; nursery Castle;
Smith, William; (W. & T. S.); h Castle;
Smith, Wm. H.; books and stationery 35 Seneca; h do;
Smyth, Mary (widow Michael); h 64 Exchange;
Snelling, Henry; laborer; h Power's al;
Snow, Samuel C.; porter; h 95 Exchange;
Snyder, Richard; h Genesee c Lafayette;
Snyder, William; laborer; h 216 Exchange;
Sorber, Henry; carpenter; h Middle n Exchange
Southworth, Fred. R.; clerk; h N Main c Lafayette av;
Southworth, S.; banker, broker and loan agt. 29 Exchange; h Main opp Seneca;
Soverhill, James M.; h Main n Hamilton;
Spanford, George; laborer; h 68 Pulteney;
Spare, Charles M.; contracting agt.; bds International Hotel;
Spencer, Charles A. & Sons; microscope manufs. Linden;
Spencer, Charles A.; (C. A. Spencer & Sons); h Colt n Elm;
Spencer, Herbert R.; (C. A. Spencer & Sons); h 56 Lewis;
Spencer, Mary (widow Rush); h William n Pulteney;
Spendlove, Edmund S.; clerk; h 22 N Main;
Spendlove, Henry S.; farmer; h Main n North;
Spendlove, Jennie; bds 189 Main;
Spengler, John; boots and shoes 95 Exchange; h 93 do;
Sperry, A.; boots and shoes 168 Exchange; h 21 Geneva;
Spoor, William T.; carpenter; h Castle ab Dorchester av;
Springstead, Alonzo W.; carpenter; h Union Place;
Springstead, Benj. W.; carpenter; h North opp Genesee;
Springstead, Frank A.; carpenter; bds North opp Genesee;
Sproal, Jane; h 36 Castle;
Squire, Edward; clerk; h 16 Geneva;
Squier, Mrs. M. M.; millinery167 Exchange; h do;
Squire, Russel; bds 167 Exchange;
Staats, Beekman D.; carpenter; h 2 Grove;
Staats, Garret; bds 2 Grove;
Stacy, J. George; h 23 Pulteney;
Stagg, Howard; copyist; h 198 1-2 Exchange;
Stainton, Ellen; dressmaker; 46 Seneca; h do;
Stainton, Levi; machinist; h Castle opp Pulteney;
Stainton, Harry L.; bds Geneva House;
Stall, Lester M.; section agt.; h Tillman n Exchange;
Stapleton, Patrick; farmer; h St. Clair ab Pulteney;
Stauff, Louis; malster; bds American Hotel;
Stebbins, J. H.; physician 123 Main; h do;
Steele, Charles A.; station agent; h North n R. R.;
Steer, James H.; printer; h Main n opp Seneca;
Steer, Abel; wheelwright; h 82 Main;
Stewart, James; h 42 Pulteney;
Stewart, Lizzie; bds 72 Seneca;
Stiegelmaier, William H.; tobacconist 212 Exchange; h 17 Elm;
Stack, John; marble cutter; bds 129 Exchange;
Stockwell, Melotha M.; painter; h 14 Milton;
Stockwell, Myron H.; student; bds 14 Milton;
Stoddard, Miss Elizabeth R.; h 223 Main;
Stone, Laura; bds 53 Genesee;
Stotenbur, Elizabeth (widow John); h 4 William;
Stotenbur, John; sash and blinds; h 279 Exchange;
Stowell, Aaron; laborer; h 88 Exchange;
Stratton, Thomas J.; news and eating stand Geneva depot; h 3 Geneva;
Streaker, Howard; laborer; h Hamilton ab Pulteney;
Strong, Edwin; painter; h 55 William;
Stroup, George; bill poster; h Castle opp Geneva;
Stroyer, Case; boatman; h Lake road;
Stubbs, Watson; clerk; h Rose;
Sullivan, Daniel; grocer 190 Exchange; bds American Hotel;
Sullivan, John; laborer; h Jackson n R. R.;
Sullivan, Michael; laborer; h 101 Exchange;
Sullivan, Timothy; clerk; bds Tompkins House;
Sullivan, William; laborer; bds Jackson n R. R.;
Sutherland, Miss Grace; h 18 Park Place;
Sutton, David G.; wheelwright; h 55 Castle;
Suydam, Hiram L.; artist International Hotel; bds do;
Suydam, William H.; prop. International Hotel; h do;
Swallow, Albert J.; shoemaker; h 22 Seneca;
Sweeney, John W.; cigar manuf. 191 Exchange; bds International Hotel;
Sweeney, Maggie; h 162 Exchange;
Sweeney, Miles; laborer; h North c Wadsworth;
Sweeney, Thomas; clerk; h Main n North;
Swift, Joseph W.; h S Main opp Jay; Tallmann, Mrs. R.; h S Main c St. Clair;
Taney, Cornelius; mason; bds State n R. R.;
Taney, John; mason; h State n R. R.;
Taylor, Mrs.; h 80 Main;
Taylor, Charles E.; baker; h Castle n Pulteney;
Taylor, Darius C.; h 42 William;
Taylor, George; bakery 158 Exchange; h 87 Castle;
Taylor, James; clerk; bds Pulteney;
Taylor, James; brick maker; h 67 Pulteney;
Taylor, John; laborer; h Jay ab Pulteney;
Taylor, Thomas; laborer; bds 67 Pulteney;
Taylor, William; h 124 Exchange;
Teator, ______; milkman; h Union Place;
Teeney, James; laborer; h Main opp Colt;
Tennilian, Elizabeth (widow Thomas); h State c Centre;
Thalman, Jacob; fruit and conf. 197 Exchange; h do;
THE ASTEROID; (James Malette, prop.) Linden cor Seneca;
Thomas, Ann (widow Edward); h 32 Washington;
Thomas, George; laborer; h 12 Milton;
Thomas, Joseph E.; brakeman; h Clinton;
Thomas, Lowell; farmer; h 117 Main;
Thomas, William A.; town clerk 229 Exchange; bds 32 Washington;
Thompkins, David P.; 5-cent store 13 Seneca; h William;
Thorne, Charles R.; freight agent; h 28 N Main;
Thornton, Abram; teamster; h 273 Exchange;
Thornton, John; teamster; h 275 Exchange;
Tibbets, Lewis D.; clerk; bds 26 Washington;
Tierney, Patrick; laborer; h 17 Jackson;
Tileston, Mrs. C. H.; millinery 31 Seneca; h do;
Tillinghast, Mary; h Madison;
Tims, Cornelia; bds 43 Washington;
Tims, Ellen (widow); h Jackson c Centre;
Tindall, Lawrence; laborer; h 51 Exchange;
Tindall, Robert E.; h Castle c Linden;
Tolan, John; laborer; h 3 Exchange;
Tomlinson, Catharine; h 3 Union;
Tomlinson, Eliza; h 3 Union;
Tompkins, David P.; variety store; h 16 William;
Tompkins, Chas.; bartender; bds Tompkins House;
Tompkins, Charles; livery r Franklin House; h 237 Exchange;
Tompkins, Eliza; h Catharine n Castle;
TOMPKINS HOUSE; Ira G. Thompkins, prop. Exchange c Lewis;
Tompkins, Ira G.; prop. Tompkins House; h do;
Tomkins; Jennie; bds Lewis c Park;
Tompkins, Mrs. M.; 147 Exchange;
Tompkins, Spencer A.; trav. agt.; h 22 Elm;
Tompkins, Susannah (widow Benjamin); h Lewis c Park;
Tompkins, Vincent R.; clerk; bds Tompkins House;
Tool, John; laborer; h Rose n North;
Toole, Margaret (widow); h Catharine;
Toole, Michael; grocer; h Castle n Catharine;
Toole, Patrick; laborer; h Middle n Exchange;
Toole, Richard; laborer; h Catharine;
Torrey, Samuel; h North opp Genesee;
Towler, John; Prof, M. A. M. D. Hobart College; h 180 Main;
Townsend, Clarinda (widow Rev. E. G.); h 25 William;
Townsend, Julia A. (widow L. G.); h 52 Genesee;
Tracy, John; laborer; h Seymour alley;
Tracy, Thomas; laborer; h Wadsworth;
Turner, Isam; gardener; h 61 Pulteney;
Turner, James L.; engineer; h 124 Main;
Turner, Thomas; carpenter; h Washington n Pulteney;
Tuttle, Francis M.; artist; bds 215 Main;
Tuttle, Mrs. Persis (widow); h 215 Main;
Tuttle, William G.; saw patent; h 18 Washington;
Underhill, Charles; trav. agt.; h Lafayette n Genesee;
Underhill, C. H.; clerk; bds 41 Washington;
Underhill, George B.; bds Lafayette n Genesee;
Underhill, Howard; teamster; h 41 Washington;
Underhill, John K.; watchmaker 32 Seneca; h Genesee c Castle;
Urquhart, Donald; bag piper; h Pulteney c Jay;
Vail, Charles D.; Prof. M. A. Hobart College; h 186 Main;
Vail, E. Smith; h 11 William;
Vail, Jas. G.; photographer 4 & 6 Seneca; h 11 William;
Vail, John P.; photographer 40 Seneca; bds Washington;
Vail, Joseph; tel. operator; bds International Hotel;
Van Auken, Abraham; laborer; h Castle opp Maxwell's nursery;
Van Brunt; John; carpenter; h Hamilton n Pulteney;
Vance, James R.; boiler maker; h Clinton n State;
Van Debogart, John; carriage trimmer; h 185 Exchange;
Vanderbilt, Julia (widow Michael); bds Park Place;
Van Deren, David; h 10 Tillman;
Van Deren, David G.; plumber; bds 10 Tillman;
Van Dusen, Curtis L.; nursery 40 Seneca; h Preemption road;
Van Dusen, Thomas; laborer; h 68 Pulteney;
Van Duyn, William; teamster; h 72 Washington;
Van Dyne, Adelbert; carpenter; h William n Pulteney;
Vanetten, Joshua; carpenter; h 36 William;
Van Ghieson, Morrel; farmer 16 acres; h 75 Washington;
Van Houten, Edgar B.; clerk; h 55 Lewis;
Van Houten, Martha J. (widow Martin); h Elmwood av.;
Van Huben, P.; butcher 92 Exchange; h 41 Exchange;
Van Huben, John; butcher Castle n Genesee; bds American Hotel;
Van Liew, Catharine (widow H. J.); bds 107 Exchange;
Van Ness, William; police; h Castle n Pulteney;
Van Ostrand, David; milkman; bds 10 Elm;
Van Ostrand, John; h 10 Elm;
Van Ostrand, John P.; engineer; bds 10 Elm;
Van Rensselaer, C. S.; college student; bds 206 Main;
Van Rensselaer, Gratz; h 206 Main;
Van Rensselaer, Rev. M. - D. D.; h 234 Main;
Van Rensselaer, M.; bds 224 Main;
Van Sickle, Sarah (widow Moses); h 1 High;
Van Talsel, Fanny (widow Harvey); h Lake road;
Van Tuyle, Lansing; laborer; h Colt c Main;
Van Vranken, S. A. (widow William A.); bds 198 Main;
Veit, Charles; clerk 115 Exchange; bds 117 do;
Veit, Mrs. R.; grocer 115 Exchange; h 117 do;
Veit, Henry; blacksmith; h 117 Exchange;
Veit, Lewis; blacksmith; bds 117 Exchange;
Veit, Nicholas; porter American Hotel; h 256 Exchange;
Veit, Theodore E.; cigar maker; bds 117 Exchange;
Ver Planck, S. H.; pres. Geneva Nat. Bank; h S Main n Jay;
Ver Planck, William G.; bookkeeper Geneva Nat. Bank; bds S Main n Jay;
Vinn, John; boatman; h 146 Exchange;
Vinn, Maggie (widow Anthony); bds William n Pulteney;
Vredenburg, A. G.; shipping clerk; h 9 Tillman;
Vredenburg, Robert; shoemaker 18 Hamilton; h do;
Vrooman, William; h Howard;
Vrooman, William H.; h 19 Pulteney;
Wade, Amasa; h 35 Geneva;
Wader, A. B., bookkeeper; bds Franklin House;
Wader, Charles D.; artist; h Union Place n High;
Wait, Frank; teleg. operator; bds Tompkins House;
Walker, Calvin; lawyer 4 Seneca; h 67 Pulteney;
Walker, Calvin Jr.; justice 6 Seneca; bds 67 Pulteney;
Walker, Marquis; tree agent; h 9 Pulteney;
Warfield, Byron S.; laborer; h 40 Washington;
Warfield, John W.; h 40 Washington;
Warford, Edward; chair seater; h 20 Exchange;
Warner, Charles; farmer; h Grove n William;
Warnock, Charles W.; optician; h 1 Union;
Warnock, Hugh; farmer; h 1 Union;
Warth, John S.; bookkeeper; bds 22 Pulteney;
Warth, Samuel; grocer 164 and 166 Exchange; h 22 Pulteney;
Warth, Samuel C.; clerk; bds 22 Pulteney;
Waters, Ann (widow); h 64 Castle;
Watson, Eliza (widow William W.; bds 188 Main;
Watters, Charles P.; harness 65 Seneca; h 247 Exchange;
Webb, Sarah (widow George); h 27 High;
Webster, E. Bayard; h Main c Hamilton;
Webster, Charles H.; watchman; h 8 Milton;
Weeks, Newton R.; coachman; h Castle n Smith's nursery;
Weidman, David; h 19 Elm;
Weisbrod, William; shoemaker 136 Exchange; h 130 Main;
Welsh, Bridget (widow Edward); h North n Main;
Welsh, James; laborer; h Catharine;
Welsh, John; laborer; h Catharine;
Welsh, John; laborer; h Hamilton ab Monroe;
Welsh, John; laborer; h Hulbert;
Welsh, Patrick; trackman; h Hulbert;
Welsh, Thomas; trackman; h Hulbert;
Wentz, Warren D.; harness maker; h 18 Castle;
West, James; nurseryman; h Castle opp Maxwell's nursery;
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH; H. W. Stiegelmaier, manager; 212 Exchange;
Weyburn, Henry D.; physician 203 Exchange; h do;
Weyburn, Libbie; h 19 Geneva;
Whaling, Robert; bridge builder; h 244 Exchange;
Wheadon, George C.; blacksmith; h Lafayette av n Main;
Wheadon, George W.; flagman; h 4 Tillman;
Wheat, Corydon; pres. Optical Co.; h Main c Hamilton;
Wheeler, Mrs. (widow); h 88 Exchange;
Wheeler, Daniel; boat letting; h Long pier;
Wheeler, Henry; sawyer; h Jackson n Exchange;
Wheeler, Jacob; sawyer; h Jackson n Exchange;
Wheeler, Jacob Jr.; laborer; bds Jackson n Exchange;
Wheeler, Rebecca (widow Albert); h 14 Genesee;
Whitern, Henrietta; bds Castle n Pulteney;
Whittlesey, Joseph T.; laborer; bds 18 Geneva;
Whitwell, James; h 30 Geneva;
Whitwell, John; tile manuf.; h 24 Elm;
Whitwell, Mary (widow John G.); h 28 Elm;
Whitwell, William; carpenter; h 43 Washington;
Whitwell, William; clerk; h Colt n Elm;
Wilcox & Coon; shirt manuf. 28 Seneca;
Wilcox, Elijah A.; (W & Coon); bds 117 Main;
Wilkens, G. C.; meat market 115 Main; h 34 Washington;
Wilkie, David W.; hats & caps 200 Exchange; bds Castle opp Pulteney;
Wilkins, Charles P.; books and stationery 22 Seneca; bds Main;
Wilkins, David; blacksmith; h 57 Castle;
Wilkinson, George J.; tobacconist 13 Seneca; h Lewis ab R. R.;
Willard, Samuel D.; salesman 7 Seneca; h 39 William;
Williams, Charles H.; waiter; bds 10 West;
Williams, Emily (widow William); h 27 High;
Williams, George H.; grocer Lake; h 154 Exchange;
Williams, Sophia; bds 30 Genesee;
Willmann, Frederick; carpenter; h Rose;
Wilson, Anna H. (widow James); h 16 High;
Wilson, Jane; h 253 Exchange;
Wilson, John; laborer; h N Main c Lafayette av;
Wilson, John; painter; h 69 William;
Wilson, Mary (widow Edward); h 65 Castle;
Wilson, Matthew; wallpaper &c 19 Seneca; h 23 William;
Wilson, Nelson; clerk; bds 65 Castle;
Wilson, William; nurseryman Main c Lafayette; bds 25 Genesee;
Wilson, William; teacher; bds Pulteney c Howard;
Wilson, William D.; clerk; h 17 Seneca;
Winkler, Frederica (widow); h Dorchester av.;
Winnie, Henry K.; druggist Exchange c Castle; bds American Hotel;
Witter, James A.; laborer; h John n Rose;
Wood, T. H.; photographer; bds Geneva House;
Woolley, Charles; clerk; bds William;
Woolley, Nelson; clerk; h 26 William;
Wright, David; h Jay c Pulteney;
Wright, Moses C.; h 24 High;
Wright, Norman; janitor; h 13 Pulteney;
Wright, Sarah (widow Daniel G.); h 8 Washington;
Wright, Thomas J.; carpenter; h 24 Grove;
Wright, William W.Hon.; ex-can com. 37 Seneca; h North opp Main;
Yates, Norman S.; telegraph operator; bds International Hotel;
Yates, Walter H.; coal office 36 Seneca; bds American Hotel;
Yates, Walter K.; coal; bds American Hotel;
Yeomans, Charles; tailor; bds American Hotel;
Yeomans, Sophia; h 17 Tillman;
Youngs, Charles C.; miller; h 7 Washington;
Young, Charles E.; clerk; bds International Hotel;
Young, Edward S.; foreman 167 Exchange; h N Main n Lewis;
Young, George E.; carpenter; bds Madison c Courtland;
Young, John D.; carpenter; h 88 Castle;
Young, Samuel; carpenter; Madison c Courtland; h do;
Young, William B.; engineer; h 12 Elmwood av.;
Young, William L.; jeweler 21 Seneca; h 145 Main; ZOBRIST & PARTRIDGE; druggists 8 Seneca;
Zobrist, Henry A.; confectioner 184 Exchange; bds do;
Zobrist, J. A.; (Z. & Partridge); h 28 Washington;
Zobrist, John J.; h 7 Milton;