From Ontario County Journal 12 January 1894

Clifton Springs, N. Y. -
The annual election of officers of Citizens' Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1, of this place, was held at the truck rooms Tuesday evening, and resulted as follows:

President - Clifton A. Briggs
Vice-pres. - John Cowley
Foreman - Thomas Joyce
1st asst. foreman - Thomas Gilbert
2d asst. foreman - Jesse Mather
Sec. - Charles F. Murphy
Treas. - Lewis M. Bement
Trustee, 3 yrs. - C. Wilson
Trustee to fill vacancy - William Tobin
Janitor - Walter M. Barry

From Ontario County Journal 6 April 1894

The Merrill Hose Company on Tuesday evening elected officers as follows:

Foreman - Walter G. Smith
1st asst. foreman - George A. McGreevy
2d asst. foreman - E. G. Bounds
President - Perez H. Collins
Vice-president - John Raines, Jr.
Secretary - William A. Brown
Treasurer - A. H. Adams
Trustees - G. G. Smith, Dr. H. N.
Holmes, A. B. Parmele

From Ontario County Journal 9 November 1894

Ontario Hose Company, No. 3, have elected these officers:

President - James Bradburn
Vice-president - William C. Watson
Secretary - N. Watson Thompson
Treasurer - Frank Johnson
Foreman - Linus McCabe
Asst. foreman - Martin Kohman
Steward - John Lindner
Trustee, 3 years - Thomas Dowens

From Ontario County Journal 16 November 1894

The Mutual Hook and Ladder Company elected these officers last Thursday evening:

President - D. C. Melvin
Vice-president - E. G. Rogers
Secy/Treas. - Seymour Clark
Asst. Secy/Treas. - John Mayers
Foreman - Chapin H. Smith
1st asst. foreman - John N. Willys
2d asst. foreman - Charles Hayes
Trustees - Chapin H. Smith, John
and Weldon Kearshaw

From Ontario County Journal 14 December 1894

The Erina Hose company, at a recent meeting, chose these officers to serve one year:

President - William Harrigan
Vice-president - John Young
Secretary - Thomas Bagley
Treasurer - William Murray
Foreman - B. Meath
1st asst. foreman - Daniel O'Brien
2d asst. foreman - F. Doyle
Trustees - W. D. Powers, John Hogan
and T. McDonald

From Ontario County Journal 5 April 1895

The Merrill Hose company elected these officers Tuesday evening:

President - W. A. Brown
Vice-president - Leonard A. Parkhurst
Secretary - John Raines, Jr.
Treasurer - Alexander Adams
Foreman - George G. Smith
1st Assistant - A. B. Parmele
2d Assistant - George Sterling
Trustees - Gorham Benedict, Ferdinand G. Hulse, H. H. Lane

From Ontario County Journal 15 November 1895

The new officers of Ontario Hose company are as follows:

Foreman - Linus McCabe
1st Asst. - E. Droney
2d Asst. - Jesse Dudley
President - James Bradburn
Vice-President - M. Kohman
Secretary - Wm. C. Watson
Treas. and janitor - F. Johnson
Fire wardens - Isaac Dudley, Daniel Scandlin

From Ontario County Journal 13 December 1895

Erina Hose company has elected the following officers:

President - M. D. Dugan
Vice-president - J. Reynolds
Treasurer - William Murray
Secretary - Thomas Bagley
Foreman - Benjamin Mead
1st assistant - Daniel O'Brien
2d assistant - P. Doyle
Trustees - Thomas O'Brien, Timothy
McDonald, M. L. Lally

From Geneva Daily Times 6 February 1896

The Folger Hook and Ladder company, at their annual meeting, elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

President - A. L. Buchholz
Vice-president - W. G. Henderson
Secretary - S. H. Taylor
Treasurer - F. W. Coe
Foreman - James W. Burton
First Assistant - Edward Ludlow
Second Assistant - Walter Curtis
Trustees - J. P. Hill, C. H. Darrow
and George Neil

From Ontario County Journal 10 April 1896

Tuesday night Merrill Hose company elected these officers:

Foreman - George G. Smith
1st Assistant - M. L. Frone
2d Assistant - Eugene A. McArthur
President - W. A. Brown
Vice-president - F. G. Hulse
Trustees - Edwin Perego, Henry
Mutschler, Will P. Blanchard
Fire wardens - A. B. Parmele,
Walter G. Smith

Secy-Treas. - Ellie D. Cooley

Mutual Hook and Ladder also elected John H. Daly, president, and George Merritt, vice-president; vice D. C. Melvin and R. J. Coyne resigned. Fire wardens were elected in the place of Frank McMillan and Robert F. Shay.

From Geneva Daily Times 19 September 1896

A new hose company has been organized in the Torrey Park district, and promises to be a valuable adjunct to the fire department of Geneva. It will be welcomed. The following constitutes its officers:

President - D. W. Hallenbeck
Vice-President - James R. Vane
Secretary - Chas. E. Young
Treasurer - H. A. Goble
Foreman - M. J. Waite
Asst. Foreman - Thomas Wood
2d Asst. Foreman - William Kane
Trustees - J. M. Smelzer, Wm. Van
Tassell, John Beard, Geo. F. Licht,
M. F. Blaine

From Ontario County Journal 20 November 1896

Ontario Hose company, No. 3, has elected these officers:

President - James Bradburn
Vice-president - Martin Kohman
Secretary - Wm. C. Watson
Treasurer - Frank Johnson
Trustee, 3 yrs - E. Cushman
Foreman - Linus McCabe
Assistants - Isaac Dudley, Wm. Sanney
Janitor - Adrian Cushman

From Ontario County Journal 11 December 1896

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - 
On Thursday evening, Dec. 3, occurred the annual meeting of the Foster Hose company. The following officers were elected:

President - A. Bosshart
Vice-president - W. A. Lewis
Foreman - J. P. Sheehan
1st asst. foreman - M. J. MacMaster
2d asst. foreman - C. E. Peachey
Secretary - H. J. Van Dyne
Treasurer - F. S. Bradt
Janitor - D. Carmichael
Trustee - Dr. H. Foster

From Geneva Daily Times 2 February 1897

Chas. J. Folger Hook and Ladder Company met in the rooms of their hose house last night and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows:

President - A. L. Buchholz
Vice President - S. H. Taylor
Secretary - F. W. Coe
Foreman - E. E. Ludlow
First Assistant - S. T. Lusk
Second Assistant - Chas. Darrow
Trustees - James P. Hill and
Fred G. Seibel

From Ontario County Journal 9 April 1897

The Merrill Hose company has elected these new officers: President, Ferd G. Hulse; vice president, Ed Perego; secretary, H. I. Dunton; treasurer, Ellie D. Cooley; foremen, G. G. Smith; first assistant foreman, M. L. Frone; second assistant, Henry Mutschler; trustees, W. G. Smith, P. H. Collins, Charles Kleinle.

From Ontario County Journal 18 June 1897

Phelps, N. Y. -
The new officers of the Redfield Hook & Ladder Co., which were elected last week, are as follows:

President - Fred Severance
Foreman - Chas. A. Lane
1st asst. foreman - L. H. Cary
2d asst. foreman - F. E. Champion
Secretary - Henry Dodge
Treasurer - James Youngs
Trustees - W. H. Dillon and H. C. Bussey
Delegate - W. C. Edmondston
Alternate - Dr. W. A. White

From Ontario County Journal 12 November 1897

Ontario Hose company, No. 3, has elected officers as follows:

Foreman - William Sanney
1st asst. - Thomas O'Brien
2d asst. - George Ames
President - James Bradburn
Vice president - Martin Kohman
Secretary - William C. Watson
Treasurer - Frank Johnson
Trustee - Ark Kohman
Janitor - Frank Johnson

From Ontario County Journal 10 December 1897

At the regular meeting of Erina Hose company last week Thursday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President - Frank J. Kinsella
Vice-president - Daniel W. Scantlin
Secretary - Gilbert M. Burke
Treasurer - Wm. Sweeney
Foreman - Michael J. O'Brien
1st asst. foreman - Thomas Flynn
2d asst. foreman - Fred D. Chisholm
Trustees - Frank Burke, Frank
Smith, John Dowens

Tuesday evening the Mutual Hook and Ladder company held its annual election of officers as follows:

President - Frank O. McMillan
Vice-president - Percy C. Parker
Secy & Treas. - Arthur T. Dougan
Foreman - William Townsend
1st assistant - Charles Parmele
2d assistant - Harvey G. Hayes
Trustees - George Merritt, Seymour
and Herman Ahrens

From Ontario County Journal 17 December 1897

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - 
At a recent meeting of the Foster Hose company, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President - A. Bosshart
Vice-president - John Daily
Foreman - J. P. Sheehan
1st asst. foreman - M. J. MacMaster
2d asst. foreman - Gregory Lindner
Secy. and librarian - H. J. VanDyne
Treasurer - F. S. Bradt
Trustees - Frank VanDyne, Sr. and
D. Anderson

From Ontario County Journal 14 January 1898

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - 
The Citizens' Hook and Ladder company elected the following officers on Tuesday evening of last week:

President - S. J. Flack
Vice-president - Geo. Madden
Foreman - G. A. Durkee
1st asst foreman - C. B. Wright
2d asst foreman - Geo. Lamon
Secretary - A. Hatz
Treasurer - J. H. Wicks
Trustee - M. V. Hunt
Janitor - F. R. Tomlinson

From Geneva Gazette 4 February 1898

Nester Hose Co. -
The election of officers of Nester Hose Co. was held Tuesday evening last; the following were chosen:

President - Samuel K. Nester
Vice-President - Thomas A. Kane
First Vice-President - Matthew J. Rogers
Second Vice-President - Michael F. Broderick
Recording Secretary - James C. McCarthy
Financial Secretary - John Jones
Treasurer - Edward J. Broderick
Foreman - Frank G. Hennessey
First Assistant - Patrick P. Toole
Second Assistant - John L. Quinn
Trustees - John F. Toole, John Deviney,
John S. O'Conner

Delegate to State Convention - Thomas Corcoran
Alternate - John S. O'Conner
Delegate to C. O. S. Y Convention - Henry C. Manley
Alternate - John L. Quinn

From Geneva Daily Times 10 February 1898

The first meeting relative to the organization of the Hydrant Hose Company was held Monday evening, Dec. 20th, 1880, although final organization was not completed until the following February. The first officers of the company were:

Foreman - S. Sloman
1st Assistant - R. C. Rappleyea
2nd Assistant - H. K. Winnie
President - J. C. Rose
Vice-Pres. - Dr. E. G. Flood
Rec. Sec. - A. B. Wader
Cor. Sec. - F. A. Malette
Treas. - Charles E. Smith
Trustees - O. J. C. Rose, C. R.
Mellen, J. S. Van De Bogart,
C. E. Coon, Joseph M. Hill

From Ontario County Journal 8 April 1898

At the annual meeting of the Merrill Hose company on Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected:

President - F. G. Hulse
Vice-president - Edwin Perego
Secretary - H. I. Dunton
Treasurer - E. D. Cooley
Foreman - M. L. Frone
1st asst. foreman - Henry Mutschler
2d asst. foreman- W. P. Blanchard
Trustees - Charles Kleinle, W. A.
Brown, E. Levy

Wardens - A. C. Cappon, P. H.

The village fire companies have elected wardens and delegates as follows:

Erina Hose - wardens, Gilbert Burke, Martin Hogan; delegates, William Sweeney, Thomas Bagley and Daniel O'Brien

Merrill Hose - wardens, P. H. Collins, A. C. Cappon; delegates, F. G. Hulse, W. A. Brown and Edwin Perego

Ontario Hose No. 3 - wardens, Robert Cox and W. C. Watson; delegates, W. C. Watson, Robert Cox and Thomas Downs

Mutual Hook and Ladder Company - wardens, William Barker and Max Thaler; delegates, F. W. Hollis, Seymour Clark and Charles Parmele

The delegates met last evening and elected officers as follows: Chief engineer, James M. McCabe; first assistant engineer, Thomas Murphy; second assistant engineer, John Daly.

From Ontario County Journal 17 June 1898

Phelps, N. Y. -
At the annual meeting of the Redfield Hook and Ladder company last week, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

Foreman - Charles A. Lane
1st assistant - Floyd Champion
2d assistant - Wm. Groat
President - Henry E. Dodge
Secretary - John Clark
Treasurer - E. B. Steele
Trustee, 3 years - Henry C. Bussey

From Ontario County Journal 11 November 1898

Last week, Ontario Hose, No. 3, elected officers for the ensuing year as follows:

Foreman - William Sanney
1st asst. foreman - Thomas O'Brien
2d asst. foreman - George Ames
President - William C. Watson
Vice-president - Isaac Dudley
Secretary - James Bradburn
Janitor - Christopher Lindner
Pipemen - Edward Miller, Ark Kohman
William C. Watson

Hydrant men - Robert Cox, Christopher

From Ontario County Journal 9 December 1898

At the annual meeting of the Hook and Ladder company on Tuesday evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - Robert Shay
Vice-president - William Tracy
Secretary-Treasurer - F. Sick
Foreman - Charles Parmele
1st assistant - Harvey Hayes
2d assistant - P. Johnson
Assistant secy-treas - Charles Baldwin
Trustees - Seymour Clark, W. H.
and George Merritt
Janitor - George Meritt

From Ontario County Journal 24 March 1899

In looking over some old documents the other day, Frederick McGough, a well-known Canandaiguan, found an original roster of the old Ontario Hose company, No. 3, of Canandaigua, with a list of officers for the year 1843, as follows: Foreman - F. B. Hahn; Assistant foreman - A. Fairbanks; Secretary and treasurer - John S. Bates; Steward - Chapin Wilson. A list of the original members, as printed on the roster is as follows, containing the names of many old residents, long since passed away, with a few who are yet alive: F. B. Hahn, A. Fairbanks, John S. Bates, Chapin Wilson, Daniel Wright, George O. Sheldon, Augustus L. Dwight, William Kennedy, Robert Saul, Samuel Brockelbank, Hugh McVeigh, Moses Cleveland, B. S. Billings, D. C. Crofut, John B. Clohacy, James Service, A. J. Hayward, Hezekiah Jarvis, John McHugh, Michael Coyle, William Jeudevine, Jr., C. B. Ackley, N. C. Foster, Albert Cleveland, C. L. Huntley, H. Stevens, George Nelson, H. Hayward, Jr., Chauncey Root, A. P. Howell, Silas Pierce, Joseph Tompkinson, Jacob Ashley, Jonathan Fiske, Gideon Granger, Mathew Carroll, Austin Persons, Porter Carson, Martin White.

From Ontario County Journal 7 April 1899

At a meeting of the fire department on Wednesday evening, officers were elected as follows: Chief engineer - James M. McCabe; 1st assistant - Thomas E. Murphy; 2d assistant - William Townsend. The following wardens have been elected: Hook and Ladder Company - Seymour Clark and Horace Harris; Ontario Hose Company - Andrew Brady and George Williams; Erina Hose Company - Gilbert Burke and Martin Hogan.

From Ontario County Journal 6 April 1900

The new officers of the Merrill Hose company, elected Tuesday evening, are:

President - Edwin Perego
Vice-president - John Kinde
Secretary - Roy Conyne
Treasurer - Elilc Cooley
Foreman - M. L. Frone
1st Asst. - John Kershaw, Jr.
2d Asst. - Alex. Caven
Trustees - W. A. Brown, A. C.
Cappon, M. E. Levy

Fire wardens - A. P. Williams,
Arthur Sterling

From Ontario County Chronicle 7 November 1900

At the annual meeting of Ontario Hose Company held last Thursday evening officers were elected as follows:

President - Andrew Brady
Vice-president - Andrew Bissett
Secretary - James Bradburn
Treasurer - Frank Johnson
Foreman - John A. Brown
1st Assistant - John W. Droney
2d Assistant - Robert J. Raney
Trustee - Ark Kohman
Janitor - John Stirner

James Power, Daniel Dempsey, Jr., Thomas Scantlin, John Gleason were elected members.

From Ontario County Chronicle 19 December 1900

Clifton Springs, N. Y. -
Foster Hose Company has elected the following officers:

President - A. Bosshart
Vice-president - J. Dailey
Foreman - C. E. Peachy
1st Asst. foreman - M. J. McMaster
2d Asst. foreman - Frank Giles
Secretary - J. J. Van Dyne
Treasurer - Frank S. Bradt
Trustee - F. Van Dyne, Sr.

From Ontario County Chronicle 9 January 1901

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - At a regular meeting of the Citizens' Hook and Ladder Company, held in their rooms on Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President - F. W. Wells; Vice-president - J. W. Burke; Secretary - G. A. Lindner; Treasurer - J. H. Wicks; Trustee for 3 years - W. Figensher.

From Geneva Advertiser 5 February 1901

The Folger Hooks -
The annual election of officers of the Folger Hook and Ladder Company was held last night.  The following were elected for the ensuing year:

President - F. W. Hadlow
Vice-president - John Fletcher
Secretary - Walter Curtis
Treasurer - Louis Monroe
Foreman - Charles M. Osborn
First Assistant - Thomas Greenway
Second Assistant - William Hennessey
Trustees - Augustus Bucholtz, Charles
and Geo. Haskins

Charles Steinbocher was elected delegate to the C. O. S. Y. S. convention.  After the election a banquet was served. Louis Klopfer was toastmaster.  Fifteen toasts were responded to.  The affair ended at 1 o'clock.

From Ontario County Chronicle 27 March 1901

Phelps, N. Y. - The Edmonston Hose Company has elected the following officers:

President - Thomas J. Dear
Secretary/Treasurer - Fred Cook
Foreman - Roscoe A. McMullen
Asst. foreman - C. H. Louden
Trustees - George Bartholomay,
John Greenwood
and C. H. Louden

From Ontario County Chronicle 3 April 1901

At the annual meeting of the Merrill Hose last evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

Foreman - John Kershaw, Jr.
First Asst. - John Kinde
Second Asst. - James Porter
President - Edwin Perego
Vice-President - Alex. Cavan
Secretary - R. J. Conye
Treasurer - E. D. Cooley
Trustees - W. A. Brown, M. E. Levy, A. C. Cappon
Fire wardens - A. A. Sterling, Henry Weisenbeck
Delegates to dept. conventions - W. A. Brown,
Edwin Perego, E. D. Cooley

From Ontario County Chronicle 10 April 1901

Phelps, N. Y. - The Redfield Hook and Ladder Company held its annual meeting Wednesday evening and elected the following officers:

President - James Padger
Secretary - George Curtiss
Treasurer - Fred Hatch
Foreman - Harry Vincent
Second Asst. Foreman - W. D. Phillips
Trustee - Henry E. Dodge
Wardens - J. H. Dorn and Fred Severance

Phelps, N. Y. - The officers of the White Hose Company elected Tuesday evening are:

President - C. H. Burt
Secretary - Frank Holbrook
Treasurer - H. B. Whitney
Foreman - E. F. Bussy
Second Asst. Foreman - John Hewett
Trustee - Dr. W. H. White
Drill master - Charles H. Burt

From Ontario County Chronicle 18 December 1901

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Officers recently elected at this place of Foster Hose Company are as follows:

President - A. Bosshart
Vice-president - John Daily
Secretary - H. J. Van Dyne
Treasurer - F. S. Bradt
Foreman - Charles Peachy
Assistants - John Donovan and
M. J. McMaster
Trustee - Gregory Lindrus

From Ontario County Chronicle 15 January 1902

Clifton Springs, N. Y. -
At the annual election of officers of the Protective Fire Company held last week the following were elected:

President - J. D. Cox
Vice-president - William Harmon
Secretary - Charles B. Jones
Treasurer - D. M. Wells
Foreman - J. E. Case
1st Asst. Foreman - F. Lindner
2d Asst. Foreman - W. J. Graves, Jr.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 February 1902

The annual election of officers of the Folger Hook and Ladder Company was held last night at the company's rooms in Seneca street.  Preceding the election, reports of all the officers on the year's work were read.  The company is in a fair financial condition.  A committee was appointed to secure prices on some refitting and repairing of the rooms.

The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows:  
President - F. W. Hadlow; vice-president - John Skinner; secretary - Elijah Wright; treasurer - Walter Curtis; foreman - Charles R. Osborn; first assistant - L. A. Monroe; second assistant - John Olschiwicke; trustees - A. L. Buchholz, John Castle and L. D. Evans;
Following the election of officers, the firemen sat down to an informal banquet.  Twenty-five were present.  Speeches were made by John Castle, C. R. Osborn, Augustus L. Buchholz, Thomas Greenway, George Haskins, Jr., Elijah Wright and others.  A smoker followed the banquet after which several zither solos were rendered by John Castle. Two vocal selections were rendered by C. R. Osborn.  The event concluded at 12 o'clock.

From Ontario County Chronicle 7 May 1902

The Canandaigua fire department has a new and welcome addition. We refer to the Lisk Actives organized last week by the election of the following officers:

President - B. J. McAniff
Vice- president - Howard J. Brown
Secretary - W. A. Raymond
Treasurer - William Martin
Trustees - George Brundage, Thomas McCarthy
and Richard Kinsella
Captain - Thomas H. O'Brien
Lieutenant - Thomas W. Bagly

It is announced that the Lisk company is to fit up nice quarters, including a gymnasium.

From Ontario County Chronicle 12 November 1902

At a regular meeting of Ontario Hose Company No. 3, held Thursday evening the following officers were elected:

Foreman - Andrew Brady
1st asst foreman - Gurney Engert
2d asst foreman - Jas. Power
President - Chas. Hill
Vice-president - Daniel Dempsey, Jr.
Secretary - Chas. S. Droney
Treasurer - Andrew Bissett
Trustee - John E. Egan
Fire wardens - Edward Dempsey and
John Conroy
Chaplain - P. J. Kelly

From Ontario County Chronicle 17 December 1902

The newly elected officers of the Erina Hose Company are as follows:

President - John W. Downs
Vice-president - Frank W. Burke
Secretary - Charles T. Murphy
Treasurer - Thomas Flynn
Foreman - Peter Mack
1st Assistant - Thomas D. Sweeney
2d Assistant - Daniel Kelly
Trustees - John Fanning, Frank Walsh
and P. B. Downs
Steward - William Harrigan

From Ontario County Chronicle 8 April 1903

At the annual meeting of the Merrill Hose Company last evening officers were elected as follows:

Foreman - John Kershaw, Jr.
1st Asst. - John Kinde
2d Asst. - James Porter
President - M. T. Powell
Vice-president - Alex. Cavan
Secretary - Howard J. Moore
Treasurer - Henry Weisenbeck
Trustees - A. C. Cappon, E. P.
Perego, A. A. Sterling

Fire wardens - A. L. Penoyer, M. M.

Delegates to fire dept. meeting - A. C.
Cappon, E. P. Perego, A. A. Sterling

From Ontario County Chronicle 18 November 1903

Ontario Hose Company, No. 3, has elected the following officers:

Foreman - James Powers
1st assistant - Gurney Engert
2d assistant - Albert Kohman
President - Andrew C. Bissett
Vice president - Edward Dempsey
Secretary - John Egan
Treasurer - Louis Hilborn
Trustees - Charles Droney, Daniel Dempsey, John Conroy

From Geneva Daily Times 11 December 1903

Canandaigua, N. Y. -
The following officers have been chosen by Erina Hose: 

President - John W. Downs
Vice-President - Frank T. Burk
Secretary - Charles Murphy
Treasurer - Thomas Flynn
Foreman - Peter Mack
First Assistant foreman - Thomas D. Sweeney
Second Assistant foreman - Daniel Kelly
Trustees - P. B. Downs, John Fanning and Frank Welch

From Geneva Daily Times 14 December 1903

Clifton Springs, N. Y. -
Foster Hose Company have elected the following officers:

President - A. Bosshart
Vice-president - J. Daily
Secretary - H. J. VanDine
Treasurer - F. S. Bradt
Foreman - John Donnevan
Second assistant foreman - James Ryan
Drillmaster - M. J. McMaster
Trustee for three years - F. Van Dine, Sr.

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