From Ontario Messenger 6 October 1852

Fire Department Notice - Canandaigua, Oct. 5, 1852 -
At the annual meeting of the Fire Department of this village, held at the Town House on Monday evening, Oct. 4th, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, the following officers were elected:
George W. Bemis - Chief Engineer
Thos. M. Howell - Assistant Engineer
Wm. Jeudevine, A. H. Howell, N. G. Chesebro, Thomas B. Lyon - Fire Wardens
W. G. Antis - Secretary

From Geneva Gazette 25 May 1866

At a meeting of the friends and members of Steam Fire Engine No. 2, held at the Engine House on the evening of the 21st inst., a Hose Company was organized to be attached to said Steamer, and the following officers were elected:
Wm. Alcock - Foreman
Wm. Livery  -
J. T. Savage - Secretary
Andrew Campaign - Treasurer

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 15 August 1866

Hose Co. No. 1 -
This Hose Company has recently been reorganized under the name of "Young America Hose Company No. 1." It is to be independent in all things, the members having full control of the Hose Carriage, Hose, &c., and the members paying all expenses. No one is to be admitted to the Company unless they have heretofore served their time as Fireman. Mr. H. Brown, the newly elected Foreman, has organized several companies in this place, and with success. The following officers have been elected:
Foreman - Herbert Brown
1st Asset Foreman - Frank M. Spencer
2d Asset Foreman - Thos. G. Orville
Sec's and Treas. - Edward Lampman

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 13 December 1871

At an annual election for officers of Steamer No. 1, held at their Session Rooms, last Thursday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President - Thomas H. Bennett
Vice-President - O. N. Crane
Secretary - H. B. Ferguson
Treasurer - F. O. Chamberlain
Foreman - L. P. Thompson
Asset Foreman - Dan. M. Hulse
Steward - Henry Squiers

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 11 December 1872

At a regular meeting of Steam Fire Co. No. 1, held at their rooms, last Thursday evening, the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year:

President - O. N. Crane
Vice-President - Dan. M. Hulse
Secretary - H. B. Ferguson
Treasurer - Z. Lucas, 2d
Foreman - L. P. Thompson
Ass't Foreman - Tho's G. Wyvill
Steward - Henry Squiers

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 8 October 1873

At a regular meeting of the Canandaigua Fire Department the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year:
Chief Engineer - Thomas H. Bennett
Asst. Chief - Thomas Herrington
Secretary and Treasurer - H. B. Ferguson
Fire Wardens - Geo. M. Chapman, John Etts,
John Raines, William Hildreth

From Geneva Gazette 8 May 1874

Fire Department - Geneva NY

The Department is organized as follows:
Chief Engineer - W. P. Hayward
Ass't Engineer - A. A. Campion


Foreman - Thos. Coursey
Engineer - D. Catchpole
Stoker - Wm. George
Robert Smith, Henry Veit, Albert Leonard, James Smith, Jacob Wheeler, Chas. Cole


Foreman - James Morrison
Engineer - M. Easterbrook
Stoker - Geo. A. Inman
L. S. Meeker, John Hassan, S. Young, Wm. Mensch, D. Van Nostrand, A. Van Dyne


Foreman - John Dennison
B. W. Keyes, Jr., J. B. Moore, Ed. Merritt, Wm. Beatty, Frank Phillips, Patrick Brian, Thos. Cawfield, John Seabury, N. J. Briggs, N. Elliott, J. S. Burns, Thos. Turner, John Fink, H. C. Harvey, Sam'l Baso, James Turner, Jas. Dempsey, Rich'd Glanville, Wm. Tane, Wm. Chipperfield, H. H. Holman, D. H. McCoy, A. J. Swallow, A. Stotenbur

From Ontario County Journal 15 January 1875

STEAMER FIRE CO., No. 1 - The following are the names of the officers elect of Steamer Fire Company No. 1, for the ensuing year, 1875:

President - O. N. Crane
Vice-Pres't - D. M. Hulse
Foreman - Thos. G. Wyvill
Asst. Foreman - W. F. Bunnell
Secretary - R. L. Beecher
Treasurer - H. N. Grimes
Steward - H. S. Squires

From Geneva Gazette 16 April 1875

The board of Trustees of the village of Geneva at their regular meeting on Tuesday evening made the following appointments in the Fire Department viz:

W. P. Hayward - Chief Engineer
A. A. Campion - Asst. Engineer
Thos. Coursey - Foreman No. 1
John Hassan - Foreman No. 2
D. Catchpole - Engineer No. 1
M. Easterbrook - Engineer No. 2
Wm. George - Stoker No. 1
George Inman - Stoker No. 2

Members No. 1

Jas. Smith
R. Smith
Chas. Cole
A. Leonard
Henry Veit
Jacob Wheeler

Members No. 2

Sam'l Young
D. Van Ostrand
A. Van Dyne
Wm. Mensch
A. Stotenbur
W. F. Lane

Hook and Ladder No. 3
John Dennison
Nelson Elliot
B. W. Keyes, Jr.
P. Bryan
H. Harvey
Thos. Caufield
John Finch
Frank Phillips
Wm. Beattie
N. J. Briggs
R. Glanville
A. J. Swallow

Wm. Chipperfield
Thos. Turner
Edw. Merrit
John Seabury
J. B. Moore
Jas. Burns
Wm. Curtis
Theo. Beattie
John Wilson
Geo. Durkee
James Turner
Henry Holman

From Ontario County Journal 12 November 1875

This Company held their annual meeting for the election of officers on Tuesday evening, Nov. 2d, and made choice of the following gentlemen to fill the several positions for the ensuing year.

President - Boyd S. Billings
Vice President - Dr. W. T. Swart
Chaplain - Rev. Geo. Van Alstine
Foreman - Geo. McKechnie
Ass't Foreman - Benj. Swarthout
Second Ass't Foreman - E. W. McCabe
Secretary and Treasurer - John Johnson

From Ontario County Journal 12 November 1875

Annual Election -
Mosher Hook and Ladder Company of this place held their annual meeting for the election of officers, on Tuesday evening, November 2d.  The following were chosen:

President - R. S. Pierson
Vice President - J. Peter Faber
Chaplain - Rev. Chas. M. Nickerson
Foreman - Warren Parrish
Ass't Foreman - Ed. Oatman
Second Ass't Foreman - Chas. Paul
Sec'y and Treasurer - Will Hildreth
Steward - Joseph Taylor

From Ontario County Journal 10 December 1875

Protection Hand Fire Engine Company No. 2, held their regular meeting for the election of officers, at the Town House Tuesday evening, when the following were duly elected for the coming year:

President - Z. B. Davis
Vice President - T. C. Vanderhoff
Secretary - C. Forshay
Treasurer - John Johnson
Foreman - James L. Rockwell
1st Ass't Foreman - Geo. R. West
2nd Ass't Foreman - Henry Ackley
Steward - William Benson
Pipemen - Charles Jackson, Wm. Benson

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 4 October 1876

The annual meetiing of the members of the Canandaigua Fire Department took place on Monday evening. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:


Chief Engineer - O. N. Crane
Asst. Chief - George Warren
Sec'y and Treas. - H. B. Ferguson
Fire Wardens - Thos. Harrington,
Chas. Fisher, Albion Ellis, John Etts


Foreman - R. Parrish
1st Assistant - E. Oatman
2d Assistant - Chas. Paul
Sec. and Treas. - W. A. Hildreth
President - E. S. Pierson
Vice Pres. - P. Faber
Chaplain - Rev. J. M. Lee


Foreman - George McKechnie
1st Assistant - Y. B. Swartout
2d Assistant - Geo. McCabe
Sec. and Treas. - W. Johnson
President - B. S. Billings
Vice President - W. T. Swart

Foreman - Thos. G. Wyvil
1st Assistant - Wm. Blanchard
2d Assistant - D. C. Haire
Secretary - H. H. Lay
Treasurer - H. N. Grimes
President - R. L. Beecher
Vice President - H. P. Booth
Chaplain - Rev. J. B. Ford


Foreman - J. L. Rockwell
1st Assistant - G. R. West
2d Assistant - Henry Ackley
President - U. L. Davis
Secretary - J. Forshay


President - Albert King
Vice President - Frank Chamberlain
Secretary - Will Stannard
Treasurer - E. DeGraff
Foreman - Fred Hulse
1st Assistant - George Orr
2d Assistant - Thos. Schellenger

From Ontario County Times 13 December 1876

Protection No. 2 -
At a regular meeting of Protection Hand Engine Company No. 2, held Dec. 5, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President - T. H. Vanderhoof
Vice-president - James Spencer
Foreman - C. Forshay
2nd asst. foreman - Henry Singlove
Treasurer - John Johnson
Secretary - William Benson
Steward - Art. Frone
Pipemen - Wm. McGough, John Cornell

From Ontario County Journal 15 December 1876

Steamer Fire Co., No. 1 - At the regular meeting of Steam Fire Engine Company held Thursday evening, December 8th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President - R. L. Beecher
Vice-President - George Booth
Treasurer - H. N. Grimes
Secretary - H. H. Lay
Foreman - Thos. G. Wyvill
1st Ass't Foreman - Wm. Blanchard
2d Ass't Foreman - Ed. Masseth
Steward - H. S. Squires
Engineer - John J. Dwyer

From Geneva Gazette 27 April 1877

The Fire Department -
At the meeting of the Board of Trustees held last Tuesday evening, the following appointments of firemen were made:

Foreman - Thomas Coursey
Engineer - Daniel Catchpole
Stoker - William George
Members - Robert Smith, James Smith, Chas. Cole, Patrick Hickey, Albert Leonard, John Seabury


Foreman - Wm. Van Ness
Engineer - M. Easterbrook
Stoker - George Inman
Members - John Hassan, Harry Rice, Irving Alsop, W. C. Parker, Oliver Jeffries, Lawrence Grady


Foreman - John Dennison
Members - Wm. Beatty, John Wilson, B. W. Keyes, Jr., Patrick Brian, Samuel Base, N. J. Briggs, James Burns, W. H. Smith, Nelson Elliott, John Fink, Richard Glanville, H. H. Holman, Henry C. Harvey, J. B. Moore, Edward Merritt, Albert Stotenburg, A. J. Swallow, Wm. Dennison, M. M. Andrus, Geo. Durkee, John Proudfit, Wm. Lane, Chas. A. Boyd

From Ontario County Journal 9 November 1877

At the regular meeting of Ontario Steamer Co. No. 3, on Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President - Dr. W. T. Swart
Vice-President - J. D. McKechnie
Foreman - G. W. McKechnie
1st Assistant Foreman - Benj. Swarthout
2nd Assistant Foreman - Ed. W. McCabe
Secretary - Jas. Balson
Treasurer - C. W. Butler

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 14 November 1877

The Mutual Hook and Ladder Company, at its annual meeting held last Tuesday evening, elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

President - E. S. Pierson
Vice President - Benj. Dingley
Chaplain - Rev. J. H. Lee
Foreman - Ed. Oatman
First Ass't - Charles Paul
Second Ass't - Peter Faber, Jr.
Sec'y and Treas. - Will Orr
Steward - William Thaler

From Ontario County Times 12 December 1877

At a regular meeting of Steamer Company No. 1, held at their session room Thursday  evening, December. 6, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year:

President - R. L. Beecher
Vice-president - John VanArsdale
Secretary - Will M. Spangle
Treasurer - H. N. Grimes
Foreman - Ed. Masseth
2nd ass't foreman - D. Willis
Steward - H. S. Squires

From Ontario County Times 6 November 1878

At the annual meeting of the Mutual Hook and Ladder company of this village held last evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - E. S. Pierson
Vice-president - E. C. Church
Chaplain - Rev. Wm. Adams
Secy-treas. - Chas. W. Hicks
Foreman - Benj. K. Dingley
1st asst. foreman - J. Peter Faber
2nd asst. foreman - Morris Bowens
Steward - Wm. Thaler

From Ontario County Journal 8 November 1878

Ontario 3 -
The regular monthly meeting of Ontario Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 3, was held at their rooms on Tuesday evening, Nov. 5th, at which time the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: 

President - Dr. W. T. Swart
Vice-President - J. D. McKechnie
Foreman - Geo. W. McKechnie
1st Assistant Foreman - E. W. McCabe
2d Assistant Foreman - James Balsam
Secretary - James Bradburn
Treasurer - C. W. Butler

From Ontario County Times 11 December 1878

At a regular meeting of Steamer Co. No. 1, held at their session room Thursday evening, December. 5th, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year:

President - J. VanArsdall
Vice-president - Charles Schlick
Secretary - Will M. Spangle
Treasurer - A. Eagan
Foreman - Wm. Blanchard
1st asst foreman - D. Willys
2nd asst foreman - J. W. Pierce
Steward - H. S. Squires

From Ontario County Times 10 December 1879

At the annual meeting of the Mutual Hook and Ladder company of this village, held last evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - E. S. Pierson
Vice-president - F. C. Church
Chaplain - Rev. W. R. Benham
Secy - Treas. - A. S. Cooley
Foreman - J. P. Faber
1st Asst. foreman - Geo. W. Burling
2nd Asst. foreman - James H. Chamberlain
Steward - Wm. Thaylor

From Ontario County Journal 12 December 1879

At the annual meeting of Steamer Co., No. 1, held on Thursday evening of last week, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:  

President - John Van Arsdale
Vice-President - Charles Slick
Secretary - Stanley C. North
Treasurer - Andrew Egan
Foreman - John Etts
1st Asst. Foreman - Will M. Spangle
2nd Asst. Foreman - O. L. Claudius
Steward - H. S. Squires

From Ontario County Times 10 November 1880

The following officers of Steamer Co. No. 3 were elected for the ensuing year at a regular meeting held on Tuesday evening, the 2nd inst.: Geo. H. Warner, president; James Batson, vice-president; Geo. W. McKechnie, foreman; Wm. McGreggor, assistant foreman; L. S. Rockwood, second assistant foreman; James Bradburn, secretary; Alex. McKechnie, treasurer.

From Ontario County Journal 10 December 1880

At a regular meeting of Protection Engine Co., No. 2, held at their session rooms, Phoenix St., Tuesday evening, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year:

President - D. Powelson
Vice-president - J. Wicks
Foreman - H. Senglaub, Jr.
1st Assistant Foreman - J. Powelson
2d Assistant Foreman - M. L. Frone
Secretary - H. Bates
Treasurer - T. Boyle
Trustees, J. Claudius, J. Cornell, P. Saxton

From Geneva Gazette 28 January 1881

Volunteer Hose -
This new and spirited company met Wednesday evening last in the Trustees room, village building. After adopting constitution and by-laws, (which are very strict in interest of sobriety and decorum), the following officers were elected:

O. J. C. Rose - President
Dr. Geo. E. Flood - Vice President
A. B. Wader - Rec. Sec'y
Fred Malette -
Cor. Sec'y
Chas. H. Smith - Treasurer
S. Sloman - Foreman
R. C. Rappleyea - 1st asst.
H. K. Winnie - 2d asst.
Trustees:  O. J. C. Rose, C. R. Mellen,
J. S. VanDeBogart, C. E. Coon, J. M. Hill

The Company adopted carmine as its color. A committee was appointed to confer further with the Silsby Manufacturing Co. of Seneca Falls, on the subject of a hose carriage. We append a full muster roll of the company:

A. B. Wader
Frank R. Hoult
Thomas H. Chew
Henry B. Graves
B. C. Wolverton
S. Sloman
O. J. C. Rose
C. R. Mellen
James T. VanRensselaer
F. A. Mallette
H. K. Winnie
R. C. Rapplyea
Geo. E. Flood
J. S. VanDeBogert
Thomas Dunn
J. M. Hill
Fred T. Savage
Daniel Becker
W. H. Yates
C. E. Coon
C. E. Lewis
R. R. Fulston
F. E. Baird
J. T. Proudfit
G. W. Goodwin
E. S. Andrus
N. G. Smith
James H. Taylor
C. E. Smith
D. D. Nester
C. W. McDougal
G. D. Harrington

From Geneva Gazette 15 April 1881

The Board of Trustees at its regular meeting on Tuesday last, made the following appointments of officers and members of the Fire Department, as recommended by Chief Engineer Hayward:
Button Steam Fire Engine No. 1

Foreman - Thos. Coursey
Engineer - D. Catchpole
Stoker - Wm. George
Al Leonard
Patrick Hickey

Geo. Bennett
James Smith
Geo. Devine
Christopher Carroll

Col. Sherrel Steam Fire Engine No. 2

Foreman - Wm. VanNess
Engineer - J. L. Turner
Stoker - M. M. Andrus
Harry Price
H. Underhill

E. Alsop
Joseph Gerue
Frank Callahan
John Slattery

Rescue Hook and Ladder Co. No. 3

Foreman - John Dennison
Wm. Beattie
B. W. Keyes, Jr.
N. J. Briggs
N. Elliott
Theo. Beattie
J. B. Moore

John Inman
A. J. Swallow
Wm. Price
A. Robison
E. J. Rogers
Wm. Gardner
John Wilson

P. Bryan
Jas. Burns
John Fink
Wm. Lane
Edward Merrett
A. Stotenbur
Lum Siglar

E. J. Siglar
B. Webster
H. Rigby
H. J. Beattie

From Ontario County Times 2 November 1881

At the annual meeting of the Mutual Hook and Ladder Company of this village held last evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - Charles F. Milliken
Vice-president - Theo. Perkins
Secy-Treasurer - Frank Watson
Foreman - Wm. Crowley
1st asst foreman - Wm. Anderson
2d asst foreman - W. S. Townsendb
Steward - Wm. Thaler

From Ontario County Journal 9 December 1881

Steamer Company No. 1, of this village, on Thursday evening of last week elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

President - D. S. Willys
Vice-president - A. S. Knapp
Secretary - Harvey Day
Treasurer - Andrew Egan
Trustee - Bradley Ellis
Foreman - John H. Etts
1st Assistant Foreman - Will M. Spangle
2d Assistant Foreman - George Booth

From Ontario County Journal 13 January 1882

The Protections -
Protection Company No. 2, of the Canandaigua Fire Department, held its annual election of officers on Thursday evening. The following were chosen:

President - J. Wicks
Vice-President - J. Larkins
Secretary - H. Bates
Treasurer - John E. Powelson
Foreman - H. Senglaub, Jr.
First Asst. Foreman - Wm. Hilyer
Second Asst. Foreman - J. Boyle

The following committees were appointed:
Financial Committee - John Powelson, Morgan L. Frone, J. Boyle

Relief Committee -
M. Tuttle, A. Frone, P. Senglaub

Membership Committee - J. Powelson, H. Senglaub, Jr., M. Frone

From Geneva Gazette 9 June 1882

Hydrant Hose -
On Tuesday night elected their officers for the ensuing year as follows:

President - O. J. C. Rose
Vice-President - A. B. Wader
Treasurer - C. R. Mellen
Recording Secretary - H.  B.Graves
Corresponding Secretary - W. G. Hemiup,
Trustees - S. Sloman, F.H.McDonough, F.M.Baird, S. H. Remington, C. E. Coon
Foreman - F. A. Malette
1st Asst. Foreman - F. T. Savage
2nd Asst. Foreman - J. S. Vandebogart

From Ontario County Journal 4 August 1882

Steamer Companies Nos. 1 and 3 and Engine Company No. 2, of this village, will take part in the grand parade at the Rochester convention on the 18th of August. New uniforms are being made for Nos. 2 and 3. No. 1 will take their steamer along and be accompanied by the Naples Cornet Band. Delegates to the convention have been appointed as follows:
No. 1 - Mr. John Vanarsdale;
No. 2 - Mr. Henry Senglaub, Jr.;
No. 3 - Mr. James McCabe;
Mutual Hook and Ladder Co.; Mr. Chas. F. Milliken
Alternate - Mr. Frank Watson.

From Ontario County Journal 10 November 1882

The Mutual Hook and Ladder Company of this village held their annual meeting for the election of officers on Tuesday evening, and chose the following for the ensuing year:

President - Charles F. Milliken
Vice-President - Thos. Johnson
Secretary and Treasurer - Frank Watson
Foreman - W. S. Townsend
First Asst. Foreman - Will Anderson
Second Asst. Foreman - Seymour Cooley
Steward - Walter Rogers

From Ontario County Journal 5 October 1883

At the annual meeting of the Canandaigua Fire Department, held Monday evening, the following officers were elected:
Chief Engineer - O. N. Crane
Assistant Chief - Jas. Rockwell
Secy. and Treasurer - H. B. Ferguson
Fire Wardens - Upper District, James Bostwick;
Middle District, G. R. West and O. M. Wilcox;
Lower District - Chas. Fisher

From Ontario County Journal 16 November 1883

The Mutual Hook and Ladder Company of this village, at their recent annual election, made choice of the following officers for the ensuing year:

President: Charles F. Milliken
Vice-President - Theodore Perkins
Secy. and Treas. - Frank Watson
Foreman - Alexander Greves
First Assistant - Thomas Johnson
Second Assistant - Frank Bates
Steward - Walter Rogers

From Ontario County Journal 16 November 1883

At the most recent annual election of officers for Ontario Steamer  NoCompany. 3, the following were chosen:

Foreman - Geo. W. McKechnie
First Assistant - Geo. H. Warner
Second Assistant - Jas. McCabe
President - Jas. Balson
Vice-President - Jas. Parsons
Secretary - Jas. Bradburn
Treasurer - Alex McKechnie
Steward - Linus McCabe

From Ontario County Journal 1 February 1884

Protection No. 2 -
At the meeting of this Fire Engine Company, held Thursday evening, Jan. 24th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

Foreman - J. Boyle
1st Asst. Foreman - P. Saxton
2d Asst. Foreman - Wm. Hildreth
President - Henry Senglaub
Vice President - John Powelson
Fin. and Rec. Secretary - Henry Bates
Steward - David Levy

From Ontario County Journal 28 November 1884

At a meeting of Ontario Steamer Co. No. 3, held Nov. 20th, the election of officers resulted as follows:

President - Will McCabe
Vice-President - W. S. McKechnie
Secretary - James Bradburn
Treasurer - L. S. Rockwood
Foreman - Geo. W. McKechnie
1st Ass't - James McCabe
2d Ass't - James Parsons
Steward - Horace Mills

From Ontario County Journal 12 December 1884

At a regular meeting of Protection Engine Co. No. 2 held at their house on Phoenix street, Thursday evening of last week, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

Foreman - John Boyle
1st Asst. Foreman - William Hillyer
2d Asst. Foreman - David Levy
President - Henry S. Bement
Vice President - John Powelson
Rec. and Fin. Secretary - Henry Bates
Treasurer - Peter Senglaub
Steward - Wm. Bement
Trustees - F. Goldsmith, Wm. Handley,
Thomas Kennedy

From Ontario County Journal 19 December 1884

Steamer Co., No. 1, at the regular meeting held in their rooms Thursday evening of last week, elected the following officers for the ensuing year:

President - J. J. Dwyer
Vice-President - Andrew Lynch
Secretary - Thomas Murray
Treasurer - Andrew Eagen
Foreman - Wm. McClarey
1st Asst. Foreman - J. A. Johnston
2d Asst. Foreman - Jas. A. Cavan
Trustees - Thos. O'Brien, John Kelley,
and Wm. Howley

From Geneva Gazette 5 June 1885

Hydrant Hose Co.
held its annual election of officers last Tuesday evening.  The following were chosen:

Foreman - Chas. E. Coon
1st Assistant - Geo. C. Fairfax
2d Assistant - Chas. Riley
President - S. Sloman
Vice President - W. G. Hemiup
Secretary - Fred Pierce
Treasurer - E. A. Walton
Lieutenant - C. W. Fairfax
Trustees - M. F. Blaine; D. F. Attwood;
F. A. Green

Thirty-five members participated in the election.

From Ontario County Journal 14 August 1885

The following delegates represent the Canandaigua Fire Department at the State Firemen's Convention in Syracuse: Steamer Co. No. 1, Wm. McClarey; Steamer Co. No 2, Will McCabe; Merrell Hose Company, Fred Bryan; Mutual Hook and Ladder Company, Alex. Grieve.

From Ontario County Times 4 November 1885

At the annual meeting of the Mutual Hook and Ladder Company of this village, held on Friday evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - C. F. Milliken
Vice-president - Frank DeGraff
Secy-Treas. - George B. Cooley
Foreman - Alex. Grieve
1st Asst. foreman - Thomas Johnson
2d Asst. foreman - Frank Pierce

At the annual election of Steamer Company No. 3, held in their rooms last Thursday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President - Will McCabe
Vice-president - Henry M. Duffey
Foreman - George W. McKechnie
1st asst foreman - Robert Houston
2d asst foreman - Horace Mills
Secretary - James Bradburn
Treasurer - W. S. McKechnie
Steward - Horace Mills

From Ontario County Times 16 December 1885

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year at the recent annual election of Morgan Hook and Ladder Company of Naples:

Foreman - Charles L. Granby
Asst. foreman - B. T. Reed
Secretary - George Peck
Treasurer - D. H. Maxfield
Steward - Grant Lee

From Ontario County Journal 16 April 1886

At the annual meeting of Merrill Hose Company, of this village, on Thursday evening, April 1, the following officers were elected:

Foreman - Fred. W. Bryan
1st Asst. Foreman - Alvin L. Higley
2d Asst. Foreman - G. H. Richmond
President - Ed. W. Simmons
Vice-President - Fred. W. Kinde
Secretary - H. H. Lane
Treasurer - A. W. Crittenden
Trustees - C. N. Brundage, Samuel F.
and P. H. Collins

From Ontario County Times 16 June 1886

At the annual meeting of the Redfield Hook and Ladder Company in Phelps on Wednesday evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - F. R. Hoag
Foreman - F. A. Baker
1st asst.foreman - Charles Myers
2d asst. foreman - Charles H. Burt
Treas. and Secy. - Dr. W. A. White

From Ontario County Times 29 September 1886

The Canandaigua Fire Department is one of the oldest organizations of the character in Western New York, the records showing that as early as the year 1816, the citizens of the village adopted concerted measures for protection against fire. On the 22d of April in that year "Engine Company Number One" was formed by authority of the trustees, the membership being made up as follows: John W. Beals, Charles Underhill, Walter Hubbell, Punderson B. Underhill, Ebenezer Ely, Spencer Chapin, Nicholas G. Chesebro, Charles Hill, Manning Gooding, Joseph Bull, George H. Boughton, George Clark, James Lyon, Mark H. Sibley, Simeon T. Kibbe, Hiram T. Day, Jeremiah F. Jenkins, William M. Jenkins, John Clark, and Abraham H. Bennett. It will be seen that these early firemen included the leading young men in the village, and from that day to this the personnel of the department has been exceptionally strong. Most of our prominent business man have at one time or another been enrolled as members of the different companies, and today they take a pardonable pride in the good fame of the department . . . . . .

From Ontario County Times 17 November 1886

At the annual meeting of Ontario Hose Company No. 3, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - Charles Farnham
Vice-president - George Bisset
Secretary - James Bradburn
Treasurer - W. S. McKechnie
Foreman - Geo. W. McKechnie
1st Asst. - Robert Houston
2d Asst. - Sherman Cooper
Steward - Geo. Welfare

At the annual meeting of the Mutual Hook and Ladder Company, held on Thursday evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - Charles f. Milliken
Vice-president - Frank A. Degraff
Secy-treas. - Charles W. Lee
Foreman - Alex. Grieve
1st asst. foreman - Frank Bates
2d asst. foreman - Harlow Dean
Steward - William B. Clapp
Trustees - R. R. Scott, Charles Sacket
and A. Grieve

From Ontario County Times 13 April 1887

At the meeting of the Merrill Hose Company last evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - E. W. Simmons
Vice-president - J. Raines, Jr.
Secretary - H. H. Lane
Treasurer - A. W. Crittenden
Foreman - F. W. Bryan
1st asst. foreman - A. L. Higley
2d asst. foreman - P. H. Collins
Trustees - A. L. Higley, Seth Wheaton,
W. F. Stannard

Delegate - F. W. Bryan
Alternate - J. Raines, Jr.

From Ontario County Times 9 November 1887

At a regular meeting of Ontario Hose, No. 3, held November 3d, the following officers were elected:

President - C. J. Farnum
Vice-president - Horace Mills
Foreman - G. W. McKechnie
1st Asst. foreman - Robert Houston
2d Asst. foreman - Sherman Cooper
Treasurer - W. L. McKechnie
Janitor - Frank Johnson

From Ontario County Journal 2 December 1887

At the annual election of Steamer Company No. 1, held at their rooms last evening, the following officers were chosen:

President - C. S. Eighmey
Vice President - Wm. Murray
Secretary - John Doyle
Treasurer - John Kelly
Foreman - James Bennett
1st Asst. Foreman - Wm. Howley 
2nd Asst. Foreman - Thomas P. Coyle
Trustees - Brad Ellis, John Kuppens,
and Joseph O'Brien

From Ontario County Times 11 April 1888

At the annual election of Merrill Hose Company held in its rooms in this village, on Thursday evening last, officers were elected as follows:

President - John Raines, Jr.
Vice-president - E. P. Gardner
Secretary - H. H. Lane
Treasurer - A. W. Crittenden
Foreman - F. W. Bryan
1st asst. foreman - A. L. Higley
2d asst. foreman - James W. McCabe
Trustees - E. W. Simmons, W. G.
Smith, W. F. Stannard

Delegate - F. B. Merrill
Alternate - Perry Collins

From Ontario County Journal 8 June 1888
Clifton Springs is to have an organized fire department. At a special meeting of the board of trustees the following appointments were made: Chief engineer, Geo. W. Kingsbury; first assistant, W. W. Miner; second assistant, Frank Van Dyne. Almost 40 persons have expressed a wish to join a hook and ladder company.

From Ontario County Journal 23 November 1888

The Mutual Hook and Ladder Company has elected these officers:

President - Lewis H. Wynants
Vice President - Harlow Dean
Secy & Treas. - Charles W. Lee
Asst. Secretary - John Bates
Foreman - Alexander Grieve
1st Assistant - Frank Bates
2d Assistant - Frank Field
Trustees - Alexander Grieve,
Charles C. Sackett, W. D. Newman

From Ontario County Journal 14 December 1888

Officers Elected - Erina Hose Company:

President - Wm. Murray
Vice President - M. D. Dugan
Secretary - John E. Doyle
Treasurer - John H. Kelly
Trustees - John Colmey, Joseph B.
O'Brien, James Fogarty
Foreman - James B. Bennett
1st Asst. Foreman - Wm. D. Powers
2d Asst. Foreman - Thomas McCarthy

From Ontario County Journal 15 November 1889

Ontario Hose Company No. 3, at its annual meeting last week Thursday evening, elected officers as follows:

President - Charles J. Farnum
Vice-president - Linus McCabe
Secretary - Thomas Kelly
Treasurer - Frank Johnson
Foreman - James Bradburn
1st Asst. - Robert Houston
2d Asst. - Sherman Cooper
Steward - Frank Johnson
Trustees - George Bissett and
N. Watson Thompson
Torch Boys - Ashley Fountain,
James Farnum, John Lindner
Martin Kohman

From Ontario County Journal 24 January 1890

At the annual meeting of the Citizens Hook and Ladder Company of Clifton Springs held on Tuesday evening of last week, the following officers were elected:

President - J. H. Stephens
Vice-President - L. Raymond
Secretary - Will Cooley
Treasurer - F. Lindner
Foreman - E. Dalton
1st Asst. Foreman - Will Case
2d Asst. Foreman - Albert Derr
Trustee - J. R. Bostwick

From Ontario County Journal 25 April 1890

At the adjourned annual meeting of Merrill Hose company last week Thursday evening, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

President - E. P. Gardner
Vice president - W. A. Brown
Secretary - A. Sackett
Treasurer - A. H. Adams
Foreman - A. L. Higley
First Asst. Foreman - James M. McCabe
Second Asst. Foreman - Morgan L. Frone
Trustees - E. W. Simmons, John Raines, Jr.,
and W. G. Smith

From Ontario County Journal 12 December 1890

Erina Hose Company, No. 1, has elected officers as follows for the ensuing year:

President - Thomas O'Brien
Vice President - P. P. Turner
Secretary - John E. Doyle
Treasurer - M. D. Dugan
Trustees - John Colmey, John Murphy,
and Jos. Reynolds
Foreman - W. D. Powers
First Assistant - Thomas E. Murphy
Second Assistant - John Mack

From Ontario County Journal 10 April 1891

At the annual meeting of Merrill Hose Company last week Thursday evening, officers for the ensuing year were chosen as follows:

President - H. H. Lane
Vice-president - Perez H. Collins
Secretary - Augustine Sackett
Treasurer - Alexander H. Adams
Foreman - James McCabe
1st Asst. Foreman - M. L. Frone
2d Asst. Foreman - Walter Gay Smith
Trustees - Edward W. Simmons, W. H. Fox and Leonard Parkhurst

From Ontario County Journal 21 August 1891

A new fire company called "The Protectives" has been organized in Geneva with the the following officers:

Foreman - Lipman Holtz
1st Asst. - Albert G. Leonard
2d Asst. - Louis Stauff
General Secy. - W. H. Sanders
Financial Secy. - John Allsop
Treasurer - H. E. Sheldon
Trustee - five years - John McGrain
Trustee - four years - H. E. Sheldon
Trustee - three years - Chas. Becker
Trustee - two years - John Allsop
Trustee - one year - Samuel Warth, Jr.

From Ontario County Journal 27 November 1891

The officers of the Mutual Hook and Ladder Company elected for the ensuing year are as follows:

President - Frank Castle
Vice-president - Chapin H. Smith
Secy. & Treas. - C. W. Lee
Asst. Secy & Treas. - George Sterling
Foreman - Alexander Walker
1st Assistant - Frank Runyan
2d Assistant - John A. Partise
Trustees - Charles C. Sackett,
Charles H. Smith, Maynard N. Clement

From Ontario County Journal 24 June 1892
A volunteer fire department has been organized at Shortsville with these officers:

President - F. S. Bidwell
Vice-president - J. M. Stoddard
Secretary - L. L. Brown
Treasurer - William Gilligan
Financial Secretary - James Wisner
Foreman - James Brophy
First Asst. - George Baker
Second Asst. - John Flynn
Trustees - C. E. Brown, Charles Mason, Allen F. Power, C. C. Maier and W. J. Felton

From Ontario County Journal 14 April 1893

The Merrill Hose Company last week elected the following officers:

President - H. H. Lane
Vice-president - P. H. Collins
Secretary - A. Sackett
Treasurer - A. H. Adams
Trustees - L. A. Parkhurst,
George Smith, John Harkness
Foreman - W. G. Smith
1st Asst. Foreman - W. A. Brown
2d Asst. Foreman - E. T. Bounds

From Ontario County Journal 24 November 1893

The following officers were elected at a meeting of the Mutual Hook and Ladder Company Thursday evening of last week:

President - Ellic D. Cooley
Vice-president - D. Melvin
Secy & Treas. - F. W. Hollis
Asst. secy. and treas. - Seymour Clark
Foreman - John Partis
1st asst. foreman - Lewis Allen
2d asst. foreman - John N. Willys
Trustees - Chapin H. Smith, Charles C.
and Maynard N. Clement
Steward - Fred Grimble

From Ontario County Journal 15 December 1893

The Erina Hose Company last week elected officers as follows:

President - Wm. Harrigan
Vice-president - John Youngs
Secretary - Thomas Bagley
Treasurer - William Murray
Foreman - Thomas E. Murphy
1st Asst. Foreman - Bernard Meath
2d Asst. Foreman - Daniel O'Brien
Trustees - W. D. Powers, T. McDonald
and William Melvin

From Ontario County Journal 29 December 1893

Clifton Springs, N. Y. -
At the annual election of Foster Hose Company, the following members were elected to serve during the ensuing year: Foreman, L. D. Fisher; assistant foreman, D. Carmichael; president, A. Bosshart; vice-president, J. Hanlon; secretary, M. G. McMasters; treasurer, J. Sheehan.

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