From Ontario County Journal 15 July 1910
Decrees of divorce of Bert Ball of Naples from his wife, Cora
Ball, and Lizzie Davis from Walter Davis, were
this week filed in the county clerk's office. Mrs. Davis is a daughter
of Mrs. Ball and was married when 14 years of age.
From Ontario County Journal 29 January 1892
An action for separation has been brought by Mrs. Phoebe Barber
Frank J. Barber, both of Phelps. On Monday an order was granted
Mrs. Barber an alimony of four dollars per week and fifty dollars
fee. Hon. Edwin Hicks of this village, appears for the plaintiff, and
Miller, Esq., of Newark, for the defendant.
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 18 May 1893
Mrs. Phoebe Barber has been granted a limited divorce from her husband, Frank J. Barber, with alimony of $5 a week, besides a judgement of $127, which Barber was ordered to pay last year.
From Geneva Gazette 19 November 1880
Edgar V. Benham of Canandaigua, has been granted a decree of
divorce from his wife, Altha L. Benham.
From Geneva Daily Times 26 December 1907
Phelps, N. Y. - Maud Dennis Bissell has applied for a divorce from
her husband, Lorenzo Bissell, formerly of Phelps, but who
resides at Detroit. The decree is asked for on statutory grounds and
From Geneva Daily Times 28 July 1908
Phelps, N. Y. - Testimony in the divorce action brought by Maude
Dennis Bissell against her husband, Lorenzo Bissell, was
taken before a referee at Rochester yesterday. The divorce is asked for
on statutory grounds. The plaintiff was represented by Attorney Lapham
of Geneva.
From Ontario County Journal 9 January 1914
A decree of divorce has been granted Mrs. Margaret Blair, of Canandaigua, from F. K. Blair, of Williamsport, Pa., in Lycoming courts of Williamsport, Pa.
From Geneva Daily Times 4 August 1910
Affidavits which alleged out-of-the-ordinary means taken to secure
a divorce were presented at a hearing before Justice Sawyer at
Canandaigua yesterday. The action is one brought by Jack L.
Bouslack, a Geneva Italian against May L. Bouslack, who
now claims to reside in Albany. The hearing yesterday was upon an
application made by the defendant to have an order commanding the
plaintiff to pay her $10 per week during the pendency of the action and
also counsel fees amounting to $250. H. J. Crawford of Albany, attorney
for the defendant, was represented by George L. Morse of Pittsburg. P.
H. Leahy represented the plaintiff. After hearing the argument Justice
Sawyer ordered Bouslack to pay the defendant $35 within ten days as
counsel fees. In the affidavits alleging the fraud in connection with
the case, it is alleged that Bouslack tricked Samuel Lemma, a
Canandaigua Italian, into certifying before an Albany notary that he
had served a copy of the summons and complaint in the action upon the
defendant. After swearing to this fact, Lemma alleges that he
discovered the trick and demanded the summons of Bouslack so that he
might serve it. He alleges that Bouslack told him that he never
intended that the summons be served as he did not want the woman to
know that the action was pending so that he could secure his divorce by
default. Lemma then alleges that he informed the notary of the facts
and also told Mrs. Bouslack. Mrs. Bouslack then demanded and received a
copy of the papers and it is declared that she will fight the case. The
action is brought on the grounds that the woman had another husband
living at the time of the marriage to Bouslack. In her answer the woman
admits this but alleges that she secured an absolute divorce from her
first husband. The present action will heard in Ontario County.
From Geneva Daily Times 3 February 1902
A divorce was secured Saturday by Charles T. Brown, formerly
an attache of the U. S. Express Co. in this city, from his wife, Laura
Halliday Brown. The decree was granted the plaintiff by
Justice James W. Dunwell, in the special term of supreme court held at
Lyons. T. Elliott Truesdale was the attorney for Mr. Brown.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 May 1909
The case of Burrill against Burrill, the only action on the Equity
calendar for the term of Supreme Court, which convenes at Canandaigua
on Monday, is expected to reveal an interesting matrimonial tangle
which the parties are endeavoring to straighten out. Both the parties
are well known in Geneva, where they have resided. Charles Burrill is
a printer and was formerly foreman at the plant of the Geneva
Independent. According to his story he was married on November 6,1889,
to Elizabeth F. Shanks. He continued to live with his wife for
a number of years, during which time two children, a boy and a girl,
were born. Trouble then appeared on the Burrill marital horizon and as
a result, Burrill claims that two years ago he applied for a divorce
from the woman and that he employed Attorney Lyman J. Baskin to
prosecute the action and secure the necessary papers.
Mr. Baskin promised to secure the divorce and it is claimed that the
parties appeared before a court and gave their evidence. The decree,
for some reason or other, it is claimed, was not handed down but acting
on the fact that the attorney had told him that the divorce would be
granted, Burrill went to Niagara Falls, Ont., and married Mrs.
Charles Clark of Geneva. This was on the 28th of March two years
ago. The Burrills have been living in Canandaigua and Burrill claims
that his former wife came to Canandaigua some time ago and took her two
children away from him and as he desires to clear up matters so that
his second marriage will be legal, he has now started an action to
clear the case up. The case has been noticed for trial at the term of
court which convenes at Canandaigua on Monday when it is expected the
court will determine which woman he is married to and just what steps
he will have to take to straighten out his matrimonial tangle so as to
conform with the law.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 July 1915
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Sophia D. Catlin of Geneva has been granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from Henry H. Catlin, to
whom she was married in Geneva on October 12th, 1908. Plaintiff is
given the right to resume her maiden name of Sophia Day. Justice S.
Nelson Sawyer, who granted the decree, reserved decision as to the
custody of the Catlin's son, Roger, until application for a final
decree is made three months hence.
From Victor Herald 2 May 1902
Bristol, N. Y. - Mrs. Lena Caulkins has been granted an absolute
divorce from her husband, E. Kirby Caulkins.
From Geneva Daily Times 26 February 1904
A. R. Chapman of East Syracuse, formerly of Phelps, has been
granted a divorce from his wife, Julia Carr Chapman, at the
special term of Supreme court last week. The father was granted
the custody of their child, a daughter. Mrs. Chapman was formerly Miss
Julia Carr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Carr of this village.
From Ontario County Journal 4 July 1902
Justice Davy has granted a decree of absolute divorce to Nellie Mapes Craft from her husband, Dr. Byron L. Craft, a former well-known physician of Stanley and Gorham. Lucy Howard, a
pretty servant girl, who lived near the Crafts, is named as the
co-respondent. Craft, who left the section soon after the exposition of
his actions, put in no answer in the divorce proceeding, and his
whereabouts are unknown.
From Geneva Daily Times 14 August 1916
A final decree of divorce was entered today in the case of Fred W. Decker against June R. Decker, East
Bloomfield parties. Affairs of the Deckers were aired in a divorce
trial in supreme court here about a year ago. A jury found both guilty
of adultery and the trial went to a draw. The interlocutory decree was
taken by Decker against his wife last April, it being granted by
Justice Clark.
From Clifton Springs Press 7 March 1912
Phelps, N. Y. - A final decree of divorce has been granted to Alice Mott Dillingham in her action against Myron H. Dillingham. By the terms of the decree, the petitioner is allowed to resume her maiden name.
From Geneva Gazette 29 December 1893
Mrs. Wm. R. Dryer of Palmyra has obtained a divorce from her
husband on the statutory ground. The couple were married in 1875
and separated in 1887. Mr. Dryer formerly hailed from Victor, and
we believe is a son of the late Wm. C. Dryer.
From Geneva Gazette 14 October 1898
At a special term of supreme court, held at Auburn, Saturday, Frank
G. English, of Waterloo, obtained a decree of divorce on statutory
grounds, from his wife, Anna D. English, of Geneva.
From Geneva Gazette 10 August 1894
A $20,000 Windfall - The following is communicated to the
Rochester Herald from Havana: In the fall of 1883, Mrs.
Alice E. K. English made application for a divorce from her
husband, Hezekiah English, both being residents of Victor,
Ontario county. Hon. William H. Adams of that village was
appointed referee. There was one child, an invalid daughter, and
pending the referee's decision, Mrs. English was awarded $8 per week
for the care of herself and daughter. Mr. English swore that he
was only worth $4,000, and the referee gave his decision awarding
$2,500 to Mrs. English. The family at once separated, Mrs.
English and daughter moving to Havana, while Mr. English went to Ithaca
and secured a position as a school teacher. Mrs. English learned
about June 1st, last, that her husband had died at Flushing, L. I., and
his remains had been brought to Ithaca for burial. She informed
ex-Senator Hicks and the latter at once began an investigation which
developed the fact that Mr. English had not re-married and had died
without making a will. As a result the invalid daughter was the
sole heir. He continued the work of closing up the estate and
last week paid to Miss English the sum of $21,102.33, the amount which
he recovered for her.
From Geneva Daily Times 14 August 1916
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Justice George A. Benton has signed an interlocutory decree of divorce in the action of George F. Fisher against Satie Fisher, Geneva, parties who were married in Canandaigua on August 20, 1911.
From Shortsville Enterprise 17 February 1916
A decree of interlocutory divorce was granted by Justice Benton in
Supreme Court at Canandaigua on Tuesday in the action of Harry W.
against his wife, Mae E. Frazer, both residents of
The Frazers were married at Clifton Springs during the year of 1909 and
have a 4-year-old daughter. Disposition of the child will be taken up
Judge Benton at a later date. John Goodwin of this village was
a co-respondent in the case. Arthur H. Smith represented Mr. Frazer,
Mrs. Frazer made no appearance.
From Geneva Gazette 8 August 1879
Notice -- Whereas my wife, Rosina, has left my bed and board
without just cause or provocation, this is to forbid all persons
harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her
contracting after this date.
Henry S. Freshour, Geneva, August 6, 1879
From Geneva Daily Times 19 April 1897
A Syracuse newspaper yesterday has this account of Genevans who are
seeking a divorce in that city:
Love has soured with advancing age in the case of the Gambees, and now,
in the thirty-third year of their married life they find themselves in
the divorce court. John H. Gambee is not accused of an
overfondness for either wine or women, alleged cruelty and abandonment
being the grounds set forth in Charlotte D. Gambee's petition
for divorce. John is a coachman who for a long term of years has been
in the employ of the Gerrit S. Miller estate of Geneva. Charlotte is at
present living with one of their four
children in this city. Yesterday her attorney, John R. Collins, went to
Utica and before Justice Scripture asked for an allowance of attorney.
Raymond Cobb opposed the motion. Incidentally the whole story was out.
sets forth in her complaint that she was married to John on November
1861, at Waterloo. Until August 4th, 1894, they lived together and then
left. It was a cold case of abandonment, according to Mrs. Gambee, and
was left without ample means of support. Cruelty in various forms is
set up in the complaint. But John has put in an amended answer, which
Charlotte a few better. In public and in private, says the coachman,
Gambee's conduct toward him has been abusive, brutal and inhuman. An
and vicious temper characterizes her says John, and frequently she has
threats upon his life. In fact, he declares, she became a menace to him
to the vicinity in which she lived. Of course, Charlotte indignantly
the truth of this arraignment. In the motion made before Justice
Scripture yesterday, one of the affidavits read was that of Mrs. Gerrit
S. Miller,
the defendant's employer. Mrs. Miller substantiates John's counter
of cruelty in some instances. Justice Scripture allowed $40 counsel
$20 a month alimony and referred the issues to Joseph Bondy of Syracuse.
From Ontario County Journal 30 October 1896
Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Sarah Harmon has secured an
absolute divorce from Frank Harmon and has been allowed the
privilege of assuming her maiden name, Sarah Aldrich.
From Geneva Daily Times 19 July 1915
Manchester - Mrs. Mae Heacock of Manchester, was granted an
interlocutory decree of absolute divorce against Louis C. Heacock at
the recent special term of Supreme Court, held in Buffalo. The divorce
was granted by Justice Marens, and provides that the final decree be
entered on September 12th. According to the decision, Mrs. Heacock is
at liberty to marry at any time, but Mr. Heacock cannot marry during
the lifetime of Mrs. Heacock.
From Ontario County Journal 15 September 1893
Elizabeth Heins against Theodore F. Heins - This case was brought
on for a final hearing upon the proofs, at the Special Term, held at
the court house, on the second day of the present month, and was argued
and submitted by E. W. Gardner, Esq., counsel for the defendant, and S.
Gooding, Esq., counsel for the plaintiff. Judge Adams handed down his
decision on Saturday last, dismissing the plaintiff's complaint with
costs, and granting to the defendant, Theodore F. Heins, an
absolute divorce against his wife on the ground of adultery, and
awarding the custody and control of the two children to him. The case
has created a good deal of interest in the village, as the parties were
well known here. The action has been pending for over a year, having
been commenced in July, 1892. The action was originally commenced by Elizabeth
Heins against her husband for a separation, on the alleged ground
of cruel treatment. Mr. Heins, in his answer, denied absolutely all of
these charges, and then, as the law permitted him to do, set up in his
answer an affirmative cause of action, charging the plaintiff with
adultery with Morgan L. Frone, of Canandaigua, and one John
Livingston, of Rochester. The court holds that the proofs fully
sustain the charges. . . . The hearing before the referee was
commenced in December last, and before any evidence was given, the
plaintiff withdrew and abandoned her alleged cause of action against
defendant for a separation and the trial proceeded upon the issue as to
the adultery of the plaintiff. . . . .
The case in many respects is a very sad one. The defendant, Mr. Heins,
is a man of irreproachable character. He is a German by birth, and is a
florist and gardener by profession, having for many years had charge of
Mrs. A. McKechnie's extensive greenhouses and gardens. He owns and
occupies a comfortable home on upper Main street. His family consists
of his wife, the plaintiff, and two bright daughters, over whom he has
always exercised the utmost care. In August last year on his return
home from an excursion to Keuka Lake with some German friends, he found
his wife gone and his house stripped of his household goods. The woman
temporarily stopped a short time on Chapin street, and then moved to
Elmira, taking the two daughters with her, where she has since resided.
Mr. Heins succeeded in reclaiming a portion of his property, but the
children have been kept away by plaintiff, and Mr. Heins has not had an
opportunity to see them for more than a year. The court having now
awarded their custody to him, it is hoped they will return home, where
they will receive the kind care and supervision they need, and which
when there they have never failed to get.
From Geneva Daily Times 12 June 1918
County Court Rulings - An order was issued directing the service by publication of a summons and complaint in the divorce action of Harry Herman against Ruth A. Herman. They
were married in Shortsville in 1916. Mrs. Herman is alleged to have
left the home of her husband on March 18, 1916 and is now residing at
Jersey Shore, Pa.
From Ontario County Journal 22 March 1901
It took only a few minutes for George W. Hermon to secure an absolute divorce from his wife, Minnie B. Hermon, before
Justice Dunwell, of Lyons, sitting in equity court in this village on
Monday afternoon. Hermon took the stand and told his story. His case
was conducted by Robert F. Thompson, of the firm of Christian &
Thompson. The defendant made no appearance or answer to the charges of
unfaithfulness and the court tore asunder the bonds between them.
Hermon is a young farmer and resides at Foster's Point on the west side
of the lake. His wife was Minnie B. Wyckoff, a resident of this
village, and they were married on June 26, 1896. The action for divorce
was commenced in February of the present year.
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 14 February 1922
Bertha Hess was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce today from her husband, Howard Hess. The parties resided at Geneva.
From Geneva Gazette 6 May 1892
Mrs. Mary E. Hoefler has begun an action for divorce
from her husband, John C. Hoefler, both of Geneva. The
plaintiff is at present in Rochester. The case has been referred
to A. P. Rose, Esq. to take testimony and report his opinion thereon
to the Supreme Court. During the pendency of such action it is
also decreed that the defendant must pay plaintiff $4 per week and $25
for counsel fees and disbursements, without prejudice however to the
plaintiff's right to apply to the court upon the coming in of the
for an additional allowance of costs and alimony. The referee
is authorized to take testimony in Geneva and in Rochester. The
defendant is one of Geneva's mail carriers.
From Geneva Daily Times 19 November 1900
A decree of absolute divorce has just been granted by Justice John M. Davy in supreme court to Carrie A. Horton, of this city, against Lewis J. Horton.
From Ontario County Journal 16 November 1900
A divorce has been granted George N. Horton, of this village, from his wife, Nina L. Horton.
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 1 April 1912
Canandaigua, N. Y., April 1 - An interlocutory
decree of annulment of marriage has been granted and entered in the case of Iona
Johnson against Leon Johnson, both of whom formerly resided in this village.
Mrs. Johnson was allowed to resume her maiden name of Iona Bush and both parties
will be allowed to marry again after the entry of final judgment in about three
months. The woman sued her husband for an annulment of the marriage upon the
ground that they were both married when only about 16 years of age and had not
resided together since they became 18 years of age.
From Ontario County Journal 11 February 1910
Naples, N. Y. - An absolute divorce has been granted to Mrs.
William Karnes and she now resumes her maiden name, Miss
Elizabeth Kallenbach.
From Ontario County Chronicle 16 April 1902
Cora Kinsman, of Farmington, has been granted a divorce from her
John Kinsman.
From Geneva Gazette 15 December 1899
It is reported that Hiland C. Kirke, late of Phelps (where
his wife now resides) has instituted proceedings against her at
Washington D. C. for divorce on the ground of desertion and
abandonment. Mr. Kirke is well known as an educator and inventor
of the balance thermometer. The couple estranged are well along
past middle life.
From Geneva Daily Times 8 October 1910
A divorce decree signed by Justice Sawyer at a special term of the
Supreme Court in Lyons has just been filed in the county clerk's office
in the case of Bertha T. Lovejoy against Arthur Lovejoy of
Geneva. The plaintiff is granted an interlocutory decree and is given
permission to assume her own name and to marry again.
From Ontario County Journal 3 December 1897
At a term of the supreme court at Lyons on Tuesday, Justice Dunwell
granted an absolute divorce on statutory grounds to Mrs. Ella Lucas
from her husband, Zabina Lucas. The parties were married
in Auburn in January, 1877, and lived together in Canandaigua until
last spring. The plaintiff alleged that her husband committed acts of
infidelity early in this year and named as one of the correspondents
Lillie Adams. The plaintiff, who now lives in Lyons, was given custody
of the minor son, Fred Lucas.
From Ontario County Journal 12 February 1897
A divorce was granted Charles Mack at Supreme Court by
Judge Nash, Wednesday. Mack was also given custody of his child. There
was no defense. Mack is a resident of South Bristol. The Tracy House
register was called into play as evidence showing that Rosa B. Mack
and one Monks, occupied a room at that house last fall
during one night.
From Shortsville Enterprise 14 January 1921
Justice Robert F. Thompson, of Canandaigua, has granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Mrs. Grace Manly, of that city, a former resident of Shortsville. Her husband was Floyd Manly, whose present place of residence is now known.
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 7 October 1897
It is expected that the divorce suit of Mrs. Alex. McConnell against her husband will be tried at Canandaigua next week. Several Neapolitans have been subpoenaed as witnesses.
From Geneva Daily Times 13 July 1895
Buffalo, July 13 - Mrs. Mary McDonald, wife of Detective Frank
McDonald, who has brought an action for divorce from her on the
grounds of alleged adultery, has filed a motion for alimony counsel and
Some sensational developments are expected when the case comes up.
Mrs. McDonald was a Geneva girl. Her name was Mary Fahey.
She was married to McDonald at Geneva about four years ago.
was then engaged by the State to detect lepredators who were
interfering with experiments at the State Farm, by destroying plants,
etc. Mrs. McDonald was at that time a waitress at the Kirkwood
Hotel where McDonald was stopping. It was there that he became enamored
of her.
From Geneva Gazette 10 June 1887
Catherine A. McGonegal, who has been engaged in the
business here in the past few years, has obtained an absolute divorce
her husband, Chas. H. McGonegal, for principal cause.
The Referee decided in favor of plaintiff, which was confirmed by Judge
McComber in last special term. She was represented by Seward
French of Rochester.
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 31 July 1929
Canandaigua, N. Y., July 30 - A final decree of divorce has been granted to Andrew C. Mincer in his action against Katherine J. Mincer, Canandaigua
residents, in an order issued by Justice Clyde W. Knapp of Lyons and
filed at the county clerk's office here. They were married at
Canandaigua on Sept. 24, 1927, and have one child.
From Geneva Advertiser 29 October 1889
Henry O. Morey of
this village has commenced proceedings against his wife for divorce for
the extreme cause. We believe he is a commercial traveler or canvasser,
and much of his time has been spent away from home. We have heard she
would not contest the case, but the courts in this state require that
the case shall be proved beyond question of a doubt. It came up in
equity term last week and Judge Adams appointed P. N. Nicholas, Esq.,
Referee. We hope and believe the case will be conducted with closed doors.
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 18 June 1885
Mrs. Mary Mosher, well-known in Canandaigua, has been granted a decree of absolute divorce from her husband, Howell Mosher, who was an official in the defunct Exchange Bank of this village.
From Ontario County Times 5 June 1889
Information was received here last week from Atlanta, Ga., to the effect that an action for divorce had been begun by Mrs. Geo. A. Moss, against
her husband, on the alleged ground of improper intimacy on his part
with other women. A notice is said to have been published in the
Atlanta papers forbidding all persons paying money due the millinery
firm of which Mrs. Moss was a member to Mr. Moss or the other members
of the firm. Mrs. Moss has also sent directions to her friends here not
to allow her husband to get possession of her property in this town.
The family removed from this village to Atlanta about two years ago,
where Mr. Moss went to assume the southern agency for the Hitchcock
Lamp Company, and where they have since resided.
From Geneva Daily Times 3 April 1931
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Eliza T. Oughterson of Geneva has been granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from Clarence H. Oughterson, a
former resident of Geneva, now residing in Philadelphia. Justice Benn
Kenyon of Auburn granted the divorce. The couple were married in 1912.
From Phelps Citizen 25 September 1913
J. Arthur Phillips was recently granted a divorce from his wife, Neva Jones Phillips,
at Battle Creek, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips separated about two years
ago while residents of this town. Shortly after the separation, Mr.
Phillips went to Michigan to reside.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 April 1910
A final decree of divorce has been entered in the action brought by
Clara Radder of Lewis street against Albert Radder. The
parties were married on May 26, 1891, at Brockport by Rev. Mr. Colburn,
pastor of the Methodist church at that place. The interlocutory decree
in the case was granted at a term of Supreme Court held in Cayuga
county on November 26th last and the final decree was entered in
Ontario county on March 19th. The plaintiff in the proceedings was
represented by Attorney L. K. R. Laird of Auburn. The parties have not
lived together for the past eight years and Mr. Radder has not been
heard from in the past four years.
From Ontario County Journal 29 December 1911
Mrs. Gertrude Sabin of Waterloo has instituted proceedings for a divorce from Edwin H. Sabin, formerly of Naples, at which place the couple were married in 1907. The grounds stated are that Sabin has another wife living.
From Ontario County Journal 20 February 1903
The trial of the case of Mary Elizabeth Short against Joseph Warren Short, an
action for divorce was commenced on Wednesday afternoon, E. A. Griffith
appearing for the plaintiff, with John Colmey as counsel, and W. C.
Ellis for the defendant and R. F. Thompson as counsel. The acts on
which the complaint is based were alleged to have been committed in
1898-1900, and three co-respondents are named. The parties reside in
the town of Manchester, were married Dec. 31, 1890, and have three
children. At 8:30 o'clock last night the jury returned a verdict giving
plaintiff a judgment of divorce.
From Ontario County Journal 22 March 1901
E. W. Gardner argued a motion for counsel fees for the defendant in the divorce case of George W. Simons vs. Mary A. Simons, of
this village. The court ordered that the husband provide his wife with
$100 with which to defend her suit, within 60 days. The parties were
married on Dec. 5, 1897, and the proceedings for divorce were first
instituted in February, 1899. Willis H. Coons and Spencer Gooding
appeared for the plaintiff, and the former read lengthy affidavits from
a number of witnesses in an attempt to strengthen his application for a
From Ontario County Journal 22 November 1901
Yesterday afternoon Judge Davy granted an absolute divorce to John Stirner from his wife, Annie Stirner. E.
W. Gardner, his counsel, had a large number of witnesses on hand, but
it was necessary to swear only three. The woman made no appearance,
having left town some time ago.
From Ontario County Journal 7 July 1911
An interlocutory degree of divorce has been granted Ola M. Stone, of Naples, against Frank Stone, to whom she was married July 29, 1899. The plaintiff is given custody of their 11-year-old son.
From Neapolitan Record 19 August 1880
Mrs. Florence Stratton, daughter of J. B. Lyon, has succeeded in obtaining a divorce from G. H. Stratton; it
is absolute in its character, allowing her to marry again but
restricting him; she also obtained a reasonable amount of alimony and
control of the two children. C. S. Lincoln was the referee, and N. W.
Clark was attorney for the plaintiff.
From Geneva Daily Times 20 October 1909
Rushville, N. Y. - Millie L. Torrey, of Honeoye Falls, has been
granted a decree of divorce from S. Holden Torrey, Jr., of
Rushville by Justice Beaton in special term, in Rochester. James M.
Heath appeared for Mrs. Torrey.
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 31 July 1929
Canandaigua, N. Y., July 30 - Clarence Turck of Geneva is given an interlocutory decree of divorce from Ursula Turck, recently of Hornell, in an order granted by Justice Knapp. They were married at Canisteo Aug. 20, 1921, and have two children.
From Geneva Advertiser 12 February 1901
In court last week a divorce was granted Wm. VanGelder from
his wife, Cora S. VanGelder. They are reported as Geneva
parties, but we hear that the woman is in Michigan, and put in no
answer to the pleadings.
From Ontario County Journal 2 May 1879
In the year 1877, one Charles D. Warren came to
Canandaigua from the East, and engaged with Johnson Tillotson as a farm
hand in the south part of this town. At the time, Miss Harriet
Hendershot, daughter of Benjamin Hendershot, was employed as a
domestic in the same family. An intimacy soon sprang up between them,
which developed the fact that the
young lady had loved "not wisely but too well." Shortly Warren left for
parts unknown. Miss Hendershot soon after procured a warrant of A.
Esq., for the arrest of Warren, charging him with seduction under
of marriage, which resulted in the arrest of Warren by officer Charles
Tate, his incarceration in Ontario Co. jail and subsequent marriage of
the couple. But "the course of true love never did run smoothly," and
a month after the marriage ceremony had been performed, Warren again
his leave. Shortly afterwards a summons and complaint was served upon
unfortunate wife for a divorce, the action being commenced in the city
of New York. Avery Hemenway, Esq., appeared for the wife and Mr. Tubbs,
a lawyer of New York, for the plaintiff. The trial was to have taken
on the 17th of April last in New York city. In the meantime, the wife
Warren procured a warrant of Delos Doolittle, Esq., of this place, for
the arrest of her truant husband as a disorderly person, for abandoning
his family. The warrant was placed in the hands of officer L. T.
who proceeded to the city of New York, and arrested the truant husband
as he left the witness stand, where he had just been testifying against
his wife on the divorce suit. Officer Sheldon had no little difficulty
bringing his prisoner away from the city, even with the aid of a
detective, as his friends made desperate efforts to restore him on writ
of habeus corpus. The divorce sought appeared to be one of the "patent"
kind, in which witnesses can be bought to swear to anything, and the
injured wife has no chance
for defense. He was brought to this place, and lodged in jail last
Thursday. The examination was commenced before Esquire Doolittle on
Friday, and adjourned to Tuesday of this week. On Tuesday the
prisoner was required to
give bail for his good behavior for one year, and pay his wife $50 and
court costs, which was readily acceded to. After the money had been
and the prisoner discharged from custody, his injured wife approached
and clasping her arms about his neck, and with a voice choked with
and with burning tears streaming down her cheeks said, "Dear Charles,
me if you will, but for God's sake do not forget your rosy-cheeked boy,
for he bears your name and image. Charley is a dear, lovely child.
Charley, Adieu!" During all this time not one dry eye was discernible
the court room.
From Ontario County Journal 29 June 1906
Dan Cupid took possession of county court chambers on Monday morning
and for a little time made a pleasant break in the dull routine of
legal matters, calling upon Judge Knapp to perform his first marriage
ceremony, and to remarry Adaline Monier and Samuel A. Welton, of Naples, after they had been divorced for nearly 34 years.
The circumstances briefly told are these: The parties resided at Naples
and were married on June 22, 1870, and one child was born to them. In
1873 the wife secured a decree of absolute divorce. Welton left Naples,
and save for an occasional visit, had severed entirely relations with
his former home. Recently he returned and meetings with his former wife
awakened the old love -- and the past was forgotten and the two decided
to remarry. Upon the advice of a clergyman, they sought Judge Knapp in
order that the ceremony might be performed in accordance with the
statute. A very happy couple left the judge's chambers for their home
in Naples.
From Geneva Gazette 25 June 1897
Love's young dream experienced a rude awakening in the supreme
court, Hon. James W. Dunwell, justice, present, last Saturday in this
village (Lyons) when Lillie M. Wright of Geneva instituted
divorce proceedings against Charles G. Wright, asking for
allowance for counsel fees and alimony pending trial of the action.
Mrs. Wright is an infant in law and appeared by her guardian, W.
C. Reed, but in reality she is a full grown, bright appearing and
attractive young woman. The husband, it appears, is also an
infant. He was represented by George F. Ditmars guardian ad
litem. The wife alleged the statutory offense. Infant marriages
are often disastrous. Wayne Democratic Press
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