(Daniel Lefever, b. 28 Jan 1771, probably in Lancaster Co, PA, d. 6 Aug 1856 in Hopewell; married Ann Margaret Sulser, 4 Jun 1796 in Frederick Co, MD; both buried Chapman Cemetery, Hopewell)
Vol L Pg 642 Record of Daniel Lefever’s will
The last will and testament of Daniel Lefever of the town of Hopewell in the county of Ontario and State of New York. I, Daniel Lefever, aged 84 years the 27th day of April A.D. 1588 being desirous to discharge the duty which every man owed to his family by making such provision for the distribution on of my property as shall be just and equitable do make publish and declare this my last will and testament.
First: I direct that the expenses of my last sickness and of my funeral be paid in preference to any devise or legacy herein contained.
Second: I give unto my wife Anna Margret the use during her natural life of all my household goods, beds, bedsteads, bedding and all my other furniture and in case of her death, then I direct that the same shall be sold by my executors and the awais? Of such sale shall become a part of my personal estate.
Third: as to the residue of my personal estate, I will and direct the same be loaned out or vested in bonds and mortgages in real estate or in some public stocks in the names of my executors or personal representatives.
Fourth: As to my real property of which I shall be possessed or entitled to devise at the time of my death I will and direct that the same shall be leased or rented out by my executors or personal representatives for and during the natural life of my said wife Anna Margrett and out of the rents to maintain, cloth and otherwise to pay for clothing and all necessary bills for her health and comfort and to take care of my said wife Anna Margrett in sickness and in health and also to pay her from time to time any sum or sums of money for her use and as her necessities may require as in the judgement of my executors she may need or would be for her health or comfort for and during her natural life and also to pay her funeral expenses and the remainder or residue of the rents or income of the said real property which shall be loaned out in Bond and mortgage or otherwise let out on interest until the death of my wife Anna Margrett
Fifth; at the death of my wife Anna Margrett, I will and direct that my executors or the person or person who shall administer on this will shall sell all the real property of which I shall be possessed or entitled to devise at the time of my decease at public or private sale altogether or in separate parcels and may son be to them and or such sale to make and execute deed or deeds of conveyance as fully and amply as I could if living and out of the purchase money for said real estate together with the residue of my personal estate and the balance of rents and interest after paying all my debs and needful and necessary expenses for my wife and otherwise. I direct that my executors erect or cause to be erected a suitable set of gravestones at my grave and a set of grave stones at the grave of my wife Anna Margrett say both sets to be worth $50. I also will and direct my executors to erect a set of gravestones at the grave of my son Joseph Lefever, deceased wroth twenty dollars and the residue or remainder I direct my executors to divide the same among my 10 children or the descendants of such of them as shall have died viz. To my daughter Anna Thatcher wife of Joseph Thatcher, to my son Christian Lefever, to my son George Lefever, to my grandson George Bowerman and my granddaughter Elizabeth Ann Mellen children of my daughter Sally Bowerman deceased. To my daughter Catherine Cough, the wife of Samuel Cough To my grandsons Jasper Lefever, George Lefever, David Lefever and my granddaughter Mary Scott the wife of Amos Scott, children of my son David Lefever deceased. To my daughter Margrett Stephens the wife of Ruleff Stephens To Marquis D. L. C Lefever my grandson son of my son Joseph Lefever deceased. To my daughter Elizabeth Cornell, the wife of Aaron Cornell, to my son Daniel Lefever the same to be divided equally except to my grandson Marquis D L C Lefever son of my son Joseph Lefever decease who I direct shall be charged with the sum of $327 for money and other property advanced by me to his father Joseph Lefever and wife and direct that my said grandson Marquis D L C Lefever shall be charged with the said sum of $327 which sum shall be deducted from his share and proportion. And I further will and direct that the share or proportion that I have devised my said grandson Marquis D L C Lefever is on this express condition that if he should died and leave no heir of his own body be for he made arrive at the age of 21 years then in such case his share or proportion shall be equally divided amongst my nine children or their heirs.
Lastly, I appoint my friends Thomas Ottley and Isaac W Runyan executors of this last will and testament.
In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 28 day of February in the year of 1855.
Daniel Lefever (his mark)
Witnesses: Thomas Ottley residing in Seneca, Ontario Co
Moses Cook residing in Hopewell, Ontario Co