FISHER, Christian, Jr., Will of
Surrogate Court of Ontario Co., NY, Bk 6, p.1
Written  2 Mar 1810 - Proved 25 Jun 1812:

    The people of the state of New York by the grace of God Free and independent To all to whom these presents shall come or may concern send greeting. 
Know ye that the town of Canandaigua in the county of Ontario on the twenty-fifth of June before Reuben Hart Esquire surrogate of our said county the last Will and Testament of Christian Fisher deceased a copy whereof is hereunto annexed was proved and is now approved and allowed of by as and the said deceased having whilst he lived and at the time of his death goods chattels or credits, within this state, by means whereof the proving and registering the said Will and the granting Administration of all and singular the said goods chattels and credits and also the auditing allowing and final discharging the account thereof, doth belong unto us, the administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased, and any way concerning his will is granted unto Rachel Fisher, Christian Fisher, Junior and Coenradt Bush executors in the said Will named.  In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed.  Witness Reuben Hart Esquire Surrogate of the said county at the town of Canandaigua aforesaid the twenty-fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve and of our independence the thirty-sixth.   (Signed) Reuben Hart

    In the name of God, Amen, I Christian Fisher being weak in body but of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say Imprimis: 
    It is my Will that immediately after my decease, that my body shall be Decently intered, and all my just debts be paid.
    Item 2nd.  I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Rachel all my personal property (excepting one set of Blacksmith tools) to have an enjoy the same during her natural life, and further it is my Will that so much of the personal property as shall be in her pofsefsion at the time of her death shall then be divided equally between such of my children as shall then be living, excepting Rebecca Sweney my third daughter.
    Item 3rd.  I give and bequeath until Christian Fisher Junior my eldest son the sum of one hundred dollars.
    Item 4th.  I give and bequeath unto John Fisher my second son one set of Blacksmith tools to be delivered to him within three months after my decease.
    Item 5th. I give and bequeath unto Rebecca Sweney my third daughter the sum of two dollars and fifty cents to be paid unto her within three months after my decease.
    Item 6th. I give and bequeath unto my second daughter, Catherine Goodrich so much of my freehold or real estate as (together with fifty dollars value of land which I have already given her) will amount to one seventh part of all my real or freehold estate, the whole into seven equal parts to be divided quantity and quality relatively considered to have and to hold the same to herself and her heirs and afsigns forever.
    Item 7th. I give and bequeath all the remainder of my real or Freehold estate to the following persons being my children (that is to say) Esther Holiday my eldest daughter, Christian Fisher Junior my eldest son, Maria Fisher my fourth daughter, John Fisher my second son, Jane Fisher my fifth daughter and Elizabeth Fisher my sixth daughter, to be divided between the last mentioned persons in the manner following (that is to say) to each of them one sixth part of the remainder of my freehold estate Last mentioned, the whole into six equal parts, to be divided quality and quantity relatively to be considered, to have and to hold a sixth part as aforesaid to each of the last mentioned persons severally and to their heirs and afsigns forever.
    Item 8th. It is my will and intention that the one hundred dollars above devised to my eldest son, Christian Fisher Junior, shall be taken out of my Real or Freehold estate before the same is divided among my children as above directed.
    And Lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife Rachel my executrix and my eldest son Christian Fisher Junior and Coenradt Bush my executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former Wills by my made.
    In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten.  (Signed) Christian Fisher
    Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Christian Fisher to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnefses in the presence of the testator and of each other the day and year above written -- James B. Goodrich, Samuel Goodrich, David Hotchkifs
    Ontario county/s Be it remembered that on the twenty-fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve personally appeared Before me Reuben Hart Esquire Surrogate of the county of Ontario James B. Goodrich who being duly sworn did depose and say that he the deponent saw Christian Fisher late of the county of Ontario deceased sign and seal the within instrument then shown unto him of which the aforegoing is a true copy purporting to be the last will and Testament of the said Christian Fisher deceased bearing date the second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten.  That at the time thereof the said Christian Fisher was of a sound disposing mind and memory, to the best of the knowledge and belief of him the deponent and that the deponent and Samuel Goodrich and David Hotchkifs subscribed their names as Witnefses to the said will in the presence of each other and in the present of the Testator.  (Signed) Reuben Hart.

Many thanks to Lyn Wilson for this donation.

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