* Varian Austin * Edward Dear Floyd Barnes Martin Barnum William Barnum Darwood Bassett Bernard Beeman Robert Bellis Roy Brandon Marion Bunnell Helen Carlile Alvin Colf Walter Colf Robert Collins Sidney Cooley Francis Davis Lyle Davis William Dreesen Henry Druschel Charles Ellis Lewellyn Ellis |
* Marion Gilbert * Leonard Pierce Frederick L. Erb Albert Ferguson Elmer Ferguson Floyd Ferguson Laverne Gardner Robert Herendeen James Herrington Ralph Hotchkiss George Kay
Robert Mallory Charles McInerny Kenneth Montanye George Morris Gracia Musolino Theresa Musolino Herbert Nash Glenn Olmstead James Outhouse George Perris |
* Merle Reed * Harold Robinson Kenneth Pierce Sam Pressley Donald Reed Karl Reed Ellis Rogers Harold Rogers Stanley Sawnor Martin Smith Norman Smith
Roger Smith Edward Strokirk Joseph Strokirk Salem Swartz Eugene Tyson Kenneth Tyson Bernard Van Troost Alfred Wright Lester L. Johnston |
George Baily Johnson Baily Herbert Barnes Vincent Barnhart George Berry George Bigham, Jr. Elton Bliss Roy Brandow Clarence Carpenter John Carpenter Paul Chappell James Cole Harry Conlin John Cook Philip Dodge Whitney Dodge |
Daniel Dreesen
Glenn GoffCharles Ellis Robert Foster William Foster John Frederickson Warren Herendeen William Higley John C. Johnson Laverne Malotte Clifton Mason Leonard Meeks, Jr. Glenn Munger Donald Page Sam Pato Murray Pelton |
Ernest Presley
George SeelLewis Presley Harry Reynoldson Calvin Rossier Martha Rossier Frank Rouse Irving Saxby Justin Schaeffer William Schaeffer Jerry Schultz Vernon Smith John Strasenburgh John Wyffels Donald Yarger Frederick Zambito |
To Honor Charles E. Forbes, not listed, his name is added to the veterans of Cheshire. Charles is a veteran of the Korean War and was wounded in action. He is the father-in-law of Nila Repard who has kindly shared this information.
To Honor John Van Dusen, not listed, his name is added to the veterans of Cheshire. John is a veteran of the Korean War. He made his home in Cheshire since 1956. This information has been kindly donated by Jack Van Dusen.