People of Phelps - There is no need of Your Going Out of Town to Buy FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS J. A. Frazer in Gibson Block keeps a complete stock and his prices are as low as good articles can be sold anywhere. |
New Goods purchased from First Hands for Cash at J. H. Condit's Goods arriving all the time so that our stock is kept complete and you are sure to get BOOTS AND SHOES THAT FIT AND PRICES THAT SUIT |
Buy your peanuts of Mr. Henry Barlow, at the Post-Office corner. |
FREE - FREE Trial Bottles of Dr. Taft's Asthmoline for the permanent cure of Asthma, can be had at Drug Store of Dr. C. Mudge, Phelps |
DRESSMAKING MRS. C. R. LOVEJOY Has resumed business, and is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS and CLOAK MAKING in the latest style. Satisfaction guaranteed and charges reasonable. She would be glad to see her former customers. Nearly opposite Methodist church, West Main Street, Phelps, N. Y. |
Dr. W. A. White, DENTIST Having permanently located in Phelps, may be found at his Dental Rooms adjoining Dr. Mailler's Office, where all operations pertaining to Dentistry will be performed and warranted, on the most reasonable terms. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. |
W. P. Ashton City Barber and Hair Dresser In Odell's Block, Phelps, N. Y. |
Jas. R. Snow, Dentist Office at Residence near Band Stand |
W. A. Wheeler, M. D. Homeopathic Physician Office in Residence of A. L. Boyden First Door East of Ross Block |
Dr. S. M. STATES' INVIGORATOR The Greatest Medicine of the Age is daily accomplishing wonderful cures. It can always be had at Hoag's store in Phelps, or at the residence of Mrs. Ann Starkweather, Agent, Phelps, N. Y. |
JOHN C. FARRER'S BAKERY Breads, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Biscuit, etc. Confectionery & Nuts, Ice Cream in Season Carpenter Block, Phelps, N. Y. |
PIGS for sale. Inquire of S. E. Gifford |
I am ready to do teaming, early and late and at reasonable charges. Please give me a call. George Conklin |
NELSON & BOWKER Undertakers East End Stone Bridge Phelps, N. Y. |