Source: "Boyd's New York State Directory, 1872, 1873, 1874,"
by Andrew Boyd. Syracuse, N.Y.: Truair, Smith & Co., Printers. 1872.

Allen's Hill, Ontario Co.

Gates W. J. & Co., grist mill and barrel factory
Lambert Thomas & Son, blacksmiths
Lee George C., grocer
West John, blacksmith
West S. W., physician
Worthy Marion P., general store

Baptist Hill, Ontario Co. (in Town of Bristol)

Carpenter & Co., general store
Francis G., general store
Thomas David, mill
Wheeler Sylvester H., general store

Bristol Centre, Ontario Co.

In the town of Bristol.

Allen Mrs. C. A., milliner
Carpenter J. A. & Co., country store
Case A. G., country store
Codding & Son, millers
Cudworth John D., boots and shoes
Doty William, blacksmith
Francis Gilbert, country store
Gaines Henry, boots and shoes
Gardiner Harvey, blacksmith
McMaster Robert, wagons
Pomroy, Luther, wool
Reed William A., speculator
Simmons John M., ins. agent and jeweler
Standish William R., hotel
Thomas David, grist and saw mill
Tiffany George A., groceries
Wheeler S. H., country store

Canadice, Ontario Co.

Bristol J. P., saw mill
Stillman E. A., manfr. staves

Canandaigua, Ontario Co.

Is situated at the outlet of Canandaigua lake; and an important station on the N.Y.C.R. R., 223 miles from Albany and 98 from Buffalo. Population about 5,000. It contains 2 newspapers, several churches, 2 banks, a gas light company &c. The name of Canandaigua is a corruption of "Gan-a-dar-que" - "a chosen spot"- named by the Seneca Indians. It is equally distinguished for the picturesque beauty of its situation and the elegance of its buildings. The Ontario Female Seminary, Mr. B. Richards, principal, is pleasantly located here.

Ackley B. H. Mrs., grocer, 105 Main
Allen Rev. B. F., congregational, Gibson
Amblar Stephen F., boots and shoes, 138 Main
Anderson J. B., dry goods, Hubbell Block
Baker E. M. Mrs., hair jewelry, 280 Main
Banks J., carpenter
Bates Frank, carpenter
Bates H. D., yankee notions, Main
Beeman Paddock, attorneys at law, Main
Belknap A. C., agent U. S. express, Main
Bennett H. F., physician, Court
Bennett Thomas F., lawyer
Berry M., harness, Main
Binksk W.H., hair dresser, 197 Main
Blakely M. J., restaurant, 174 Main
Boswell Daniel, painter
Brace A. B., justice of the peace, Main
Brigham Hall Lunatic Asylum, Dr. George Cook, treas.
Brown A. A., grocer, 118 Main
Brown Thomas F., com. merchant, 138 Main
Broyer E., cigars, 101 Main
Brush Henry, lawyer, Main
Buckley O. S., millinery, 139 Main
Burgher Sidney S., sash and doors
Callester J., lawyer, Main
Canandaigua Academy, N. T. Clark, Ph. D. principal
Canandaigua Hotel, John H. Sherman, R. R. depot
Carman M. R., dentist, Court
Carson M. R., physician, Main
Cassous Mary Miss, milliner, 167 Main
Chesbro H. O., lawyer, Atwater Block
Claudius Z., segars, Draper's Block
Coe John S., lawyer, 1 Atwater Hall
Coe Wm. W., real estate and insurance ag't, Main
Coleman A. G., dentist, Court
Comstock & Bennett, attorneys at law, Main
Cook George Dr., physician
Cooley James S., agricultural implements, 161 Main
Coy C., harness, &c., 157 Main
Coljle C. & T., grocers, 143 Main
Crandall Charles E., blacksmith
Crane O. R., undertaker, 116 Main
Crowly John, flour and feed, 200 Main
Dailey E. M. Mrs., milliner, Main
Danziger M., clothing, 160 Main
Decker J. J., blacksmith, 102 Main
Dennis M. O., insurance, 182 Main
Downing W., paint shop, Coy
Draper John C., banker, Main
Drury L. M., lawyer, Court
Earl E. M. & Co., confectionery, 200 Main
Ehrlich Louis A., dry goods, 170 Main
Eighmy H. H. Mrs., milliner, Phoenix
Eldridge Austin, farrier, Chapin
Ellis D. B., carpenter
Ellis J. A., gunsmith, 117 Main
Ellis W. D., jewelry, 163 Main
Ellis & Parmele, fancy goods, 190 Main
Exchange Bank, Main
Faber & Martin, carriage makers, jail
Fake W., grocer, 152 Main
Farrington D. C. Mrs., milliner, 163 Main
Fanrot J. P., lawyer, Atwater Hall
Ferguson H. B., real estate agent
Ferguson J. H., insurance ag't, Main
Finley & Sons, photographers, 11-2 Main
First National Bank of Canandaigua, Main
Fitzgerald C. D. Miss, dress maker, Chapin
Flannigan J., saloon, Main
Flint H., dress maker, Main
Flint & Lightfoot, milliners, Main
Foster & Eldridge, meat market, 2 Hubbell Block
Francis J. B., furniture, 119 Male
Freer Charles, carpenter
Freer George, painter
Freer Martin, boots and shoes, Buffalo
Fuller S., carpenter
Garber Jacob, carpenter
Gardiner E. W., lawyer, Main
Gardner Elisha W., Atwater Hall
Garlinghouse Chas. A., liquors, 137 Main
Garlinghouse L. B., liquors, Main
Gaylord & Co., grocers, 184 Main
Gillette John jr., lawyer, Main
Gooding S., lawyer, 174 Main
Gorham & Sly, wool
Granger J. A., lawyer, Bank Block
Graves Randford D., blacksmith
Green & Buckley, dealers in milk
Greene C. C. Mrs., milliner, 123 Main
Gregory S. W., silver plater, 169 Main
Grimes N. & Son, grocer, Main
Hawley J. A. & F. C., physicians, 16 and 17 Hubbell Block
Hawley J. W., agricultural implements, 111 Main
Hayes J. B., physician
Haynes L. E. & C. S., sewing machines, 1 Hubbell Block
Hayton W., harness, 169 Main
Hemenway Avery, lawyer, Atwater
Henesy B. Mrs., boarding house, Main
Henley J. C., meat market, 123 Main
Herrington E. P., carpenter
Herron David, lawyer, Atwater
Herron J., lawyer, Atwater
Herron & Hubbel, lawyers, 5 Atwater
Hicks Edwin, lawyer
Hill A., boots and shoes, 185 Main
Hills A., jeweller, 160 Main
Hoff J., boots and shoes, 109 Main
Holmes E. B., physician, Bristol
Howell A. H., lawyer, Main
Howell T. M., lawyer, Atwater Hall
Hubbell Walter S., lawyer, Atwater Hall
Hudson & Bro., stoves, &c., Main
Hulse Daniel M., salon, 151 Main
Jahn J., furniture, 133 Main
Jewett Henry, physician, Main
Jobson Charles, printing office, Berris' Block
Johnson D. C., carriage maker, Chapel
Johnson John, lumber, R. R. ave
Kelly Henry, tinsmith, 99 Main
King JOhn, carpenter
Kinyon & Donivon Mrs., hair dressers, 194 Main
Lapham & Adams, lawyers, Main
Lawrence T. A., auctioneer
Lewis James, carpenter
Lincoln A. S., grocer, Main
Lines E., boots and shoes, 171 Main
Loomi J. J., marble works, Main
Lynch D. Mrs., hair works, 202 Main
Maggs F., hats and caps, 178 Main
Mallory D. Taylor, lawyer, Atwater Hall
Mason J. & Co., leather, 120 Main
Mamsseth E., propr. Niagara House
Mattice C., tinware, 183 Main
Mattison J. J. & son, proprs. and editors of the Ontario Repository and Messenger
McClure J. S., grocer, 132 Main
Metcalf & Rankine, lawyers, 176 Main
McGinnis ___, architect
McKechnie J. & A., brewers, Buffalo
Millman J. H., photographer, Hubbel Block
McNeilly Wm., ticket agent, N.Y.C.R.R.
Meek W. C., stationer, 190 Main
Metcalf Hiram, lawyer
Metcalf & Field, lawyers, Main
Milliken N. J., proprs. and editors Ontario Co. Times
Moore J. & H., dry goods, 196 Main
Moran Michael, carpenter
Morse & Wells, lawyers, Atwater Hall
Murray A. G., postmaster, Main
Murray J. B. & Sons, cider mill, 48 Main
Mutschler, Louis, meat market, 149 Main
Neaple H. E., marble cutter, 115 Main
Newman A. S., druggist, 186 Main
Newman Siras, sewing machines, 157 Main
O'Brien Mary Miss, milliner, 8 Pleasant
O'Brien William, carriage maker, Burns
O'Grady M., clothing, 128 Main
Ontario County Times, N. J. Milliken, editor and prop. Main
Ontario Female Seminary, B. Richards, principal, Main
Ontario Repository and Messenger, J. J. Mattison & Sons, props. Main
Padelford O. P., tile manfr., Main
Page E. Ransom, ins. agt., 196 Main
Palmer J. M., furs, 174 Main
Parcell I. R., lawyer, 3 Atwater
Parkhurst Chester P., produce, 221 Main
Patterson James D., dry goods, Hubbell bl'k
Paul A. Duncan, druggist, 148 Main
Perhamus J., tailor, 174 Main
Persons Austin, carpenter, 17 Pleasant
Pierce Wm., painter
Pierson & Benham, drugs, Main
Pitcher Frank Mrs., milliner, 112 Main
Powell E., spoke manfr., ft. Main
Raines J., ins. agent, 176 Main
Rand C. W., druggist, 198 Main
Rankine J. jr., lawyer, Atwater
Raymom W. D., building mover, 44 Main
Reardon J., grocer, 128 Main
Richards B., prin. Ontario Fem. Seminary, Main
Richardson Henry, saloon, 124 Main
Richardson, Hubbell & Gillett, dry goods, Main
Robinson J. S., machine shop, Main
Robinson R. & Son, leather, 135 Main
Rockwood & Gorham, hardware, 159 Main
Rogers Henry, grocer, 153 Main
Rose Philip H., stoves, 123 Main
Rowlen & Nolan, grocers, 131 Main
Seamans L. F., Ontario House, Jail c. Court
Seelye G. H., dry goods, 182 Main
Schafer D. & Co., tailors, 54 Main
Sheffield H. G., flour, 145 Main
Sheldon L. T., grocer, Main
Shephard H. E. Mrs., sewing machines, Main
Simmons E. W., physician, Main
Sidway J. J., grocer and produce, c. Main and Beeman
Skidmore T., boots and shoes, 176 Main
Sly, Evander, grocer, 136 Main
Sly Wm. P., lawyer
Smith E. K., carpenter
Smith I. B., crockery, Main c. Beeman
Smith James C., justice supreme court, Main
Smith J. T., physician, Gibson
Smith L. M., carriage maker, 90 Main
Smith O. H. & O. M., produce 122 1-2 Main
Smith Thomas, boots and shoes, Main
Smith Wm. H., lawyer, Main
Sprague L., clothier, 155 Main
Squires J. F. & Co., dry goods, 150 Main
Stark J. F. Co., dry goods, 150 Main
Stark T. F., lawyer, 174 Main
Stebins J., baker, 173 Main
Stevens B., dentist, 190 Main
Stupplee Charles Y., hats and caps, 181 Main
Swart William T., physician, Main
Tate S. & W., produce, Main
Taylor H., clock repairer
Tillotson S. D., sign painter, 185 Main
Tozer J. B. Mrs., milliner, Main
Tozer Wm. & Son, boots and shoes, 3 Main
Tuttle Edmond, blacksmith, Main
Tyler & Ferguson, books, 1 Main
U. S. Pension agency, L. M. Drury agent, Court
Vance Louisa Mrs., dress maker, Main
Voak J. B., physician, Bemis Block
Webster House, Frank O. Chammberlain prop., Main
Weisenbeck, clothing, Main
Weitman Alois, tailor, 114 Main
White Martin, carpenter
Widmann John, shoemaker, Main
Williams A. L. & Son, jewelers, 192 Main
Williams & Remington, bankers, Main
Willson R. P., lawyer, Atwater Block
Wilson Robert, carpenter
Wilson S. A. Mrs., milliner, 112 Main
Wood John J., restaurant
Woodworth R. S., tailor, 125 Main
Young James, painter
Zantzinger Wm. S., physician
Zimmermann Louis, hair dresser, 142 Main

Chapinville, Ontario Co.

Chapinville Grist Mill, Haviland, Robinson & Co.
Mulson J. L., stove makers
Wood D. R., tree agent
Wood H. S., tree agent

Cheshire, Ontario Co.

Curtis & Gilberlt, country store
Gilbert G. B., grocer
Hutchins J. S. & Co., steam mill
Wilber C. H., produce

Clifton Springs, Ontario Co.

On the N. Y. C. R. R., 109 miles from Buffalo. There are several springs here, which are resorted to by health seekers.

Balcom Miss Mary, milliner
Briggs N. B., drugs
Brown George, boots and shoes
Bunnell Chas., furniture
Caldwell Mrs. Wm., drugs and fancy goods
Clifton Springs Hotel, and Air Cure
Clifton Springs Water Cure Co.
Cline & Helmer, millinery
Copp & Parsons, grocers
Crain Wm., billiard saloon
Foster Wm., physician
Hall F., silversmith
Harris Robert, boots and shoes
Hollett & Huke, country store
Hotchkiss L. B. & Co., hotel and air cure
Kingsley Simon, country store
Klees Phillip, barber
La Due Jas., coal
Lawrence H. E., boots and shoes
Lee Frank, boots and shoes
Lindner Frank, butcher
Lisk D. A., hardware
McDonald M., drugs
Moore James, hotel
Page Ezekiel, livery
Neighbor J. W., pub. Clifton Springs News
Patridge G., flour and feed
Payne M. A., livery
Prince John, grocer
Ramsey John, barber
Shaw Edward, blacksmith
Shaw John, lumber
Shepard E. M. Miss, milliner
Stevens Cornelius, cattle
Storer ____, photographer
Warfield E. J., country store
Warfield Thomas, builder
Wilson & Rogers, boots and shoes
Wright D. B., carriages

Coonsville, Ontario Co.

Gerard & Budd, grocers

East Bloomfield, Ont. Co.

Is a station on the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., 8 miles from Canandaigua.

Ashley E. H., stoves, tin, &c.
Bradley O. L., groceries, &c.
Burrill Geo., miller
Carroll E. A., grain speculator, &c.
Chapin O. C. & Son, fruit
Cummings Thomas, blacksmith
East Bloomfield Academy, E. W. Plumb
Emmons Egbert, miller
Gardner R., agent for wife, hotel
Griffith H. E., grist mill
Hamlin H. W., wool
Hayes M., carriage maker
Higinbotham & Shepard, groceries and dry goods
Hobart Emma Miss, milliner
Jones Charles H., blacksmith
Kellogg T. H. & Co., dry goods
Leet C. L., nursery
McGreevey P., shoes
Mariner & Brunson, wool
Mason Wm. R., hops
Mayo S., wagon maker
Moon Jasper, speculator
Munson Edward, painter
Murphy & Perkins, drills and reapers
Page Charles, grapes and hops
Rowley S., coal and grain
Sage George B., blacksmith
Saxby George, hops, &c.
Seeley E. D., news dealer
Seeley S., grocer
Shanks & Beach, lumber
Spitz A. E., harness
Webster Daniel T., physician
Willis W. C. S., country store
Wright George, wool speculator

Farmington, Ontario Co.

Hathaway & Woodruff, stock dealers
Herendien & Mason, agricultural implem'ts
Lumbert ____, wagons, blacksmith and agricultural implements
Nicols ____, country store
Wisner James T., agricultural implements, &c.

Fisher's, Ontario Co.

Angevine Nelson, grocer
Bent Martin, hotel
Brownell Clinton, miller
Colins & Parker, staves, &c.
Cutting John, miller
Gifford Joseph, groceries, &c.
Priestly Isaac, miller
Rowley Jerry, farmer and produce
Van Vorst Milton, speculator
Wiley Asa, blacksmith and wagons

Flint Creek, Ontario Co.

Bassett Philander, produce
Burgess H., wagon maker
Eisenhour Newman
Coller Chester, grist and saw mills
Schermerhorn Alonzo, blacksmith

Geneva, Ontario Co.

One of the most beautiful places in the country. It lies on the left bank of Seneca Lake, near its foot - a charming site, commanding a view of the whole of that fine sheet of water and the surrounding country, which is distinguished alike for fertility and picturesque beauty. The main street of the village runs parallel with the shore of the lake, and many of the handsome residences of the wealthy citizens have gardens attached, which are terraced down to the shore, a declivity of nearly a hundred feet. The most interesting feature of the village is the Hobart Free college. Steamers connect Geneva with the upper ports upon Seneca Lake. Population about 6,000. There are two newspapers, a bank, gas light company, Hygienic Institute, and many fine stores in the village. It is 200 miles from Albany, and 121 from Buffalo.

Affleck David, flour, feed and grain, Water c. Castle
Allcock & Higgins, butchers, 64 Seneca
Allen G. C., doors, sashes and blinds, 185 Water
Allen G. W., barber, Water
Alsup Thomas, hotel, Lake
American Hotel, 146 Water, J. K. Chipps, prop.
Ansley Alanson, agricultural implements, Water
Ansley A., hardware, Water
Atkins & Neele, millinery goods, 15 Seneca
Avery J. A., physician, 28 Seneca
Ayres & Thomas, dry goods, 26 Seneca
Backenstose D. B., lawyer, 3 Seneca
Backenstore F. T., insurance agent, 3 Seneca
Baird D. W., carriage manuf., Castle
Baker G. W., grocer, 162 Water
Barber Wm., undertaker, 142 Main
Barth F., barber, 150 Water
Baxter Sarah, dress maker, 49 Seneca
Beach Jacob L., furniture, Water
Beach R. B., boots and shoes, 134 Water
Bean John E., lawyer, 7 Seneca
Bennett George, grocer, Main c. Seneca
Betz & Nester, maltsters, Lake
Bischoff A. C., lager beer, 122 Water
Bolles J. T., pianos, 28 Seneca
Bronson, Herendeen & Co., nurseries, 23 Seneca
Brown G. W., grocer, Water
Brown J. W., hair goods, Castle
Burns John, grocer, 143 Main
Burrill E. J., insurance agent, 10 Seneca
Burton William, hotel, 27 Seneca
Bush M., fancy goods, 61 Seneca
Carroll Francis, grocer, 124 Water
Catchpole A., steam engines and boilers, Water c. Lewis
Chipps Willialm, Geneva House, Water
Clark Charles, grocer, Water
Clark C. W. & Co., tailors, 156 Watr
Close H. & Son, grocers Main c. Castle
Cobb S. S., wool broker, 25 Seneca
Cogswell & Potter, marble works, Water
Colvin D. W., express agent, 13 Seneca
Conger & Mackay, lumber, Lake
Corbert Nelson, physician, 139 Main
Corey Jane, dress maker, 91 Main
Culver P. A., millinery, 63 Seneca
Daken E., coal, Castle
Dawkins J. W., photographer, 19 Seneca
Demming S. W., millinery goods, 49 Seneca
Dempsey J., blacksmith, 83 Main
Dennison H., boots and shoes, 32 Seneca
Desky Jacob, clothing, 174 Water
Dey D. P., Supt. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co.
Donnelly John, grocer, 135 Main
Dorchester & Brother, hardware, 12 Seneca
Dorsey G. C., grocer, 171 Water
Duff Samuel, boots and shoes, 100 Water
Dunn Thos., furniture, Castle
Dunning Wm. B., engine and boiler manufr., Water n. Railroad
Dusenberee B., lawyer, 19 Seneca
Eastman H. M., physician, 137 Main
Easto E., dressmaker, 84 Main
Edington Wm., dentist, 28 Seneca
Ernst Hermann, harness maker, 126 Water
Fahly John, stationer, 22 Seneca
Fenn N., barber, 176 Water
Fields G. W., maltster, Water c. Castle
Fields P. H., produce, Water
First National Bank of Geneva, A. L. Chew, pres. W.T. Scott, cash., Water c. Seneca
Flynn D., grocer, 158 Water
Flynn S., barber, 110 Water
Folger C. F., lawyer, 182 Water
Fox H. F., cigars, 170 Water
Gasper George W., grocer, Main c. Castle
Gaylord P., builder, Bradford
Geneva Courier, R. L. Adams & Son, 186 Water
Geneva Gazette, S. H. & E. Parker, 7 Seneca
Geneva Classical and Union School, W. H. Vrooman, prin.
Geneva Medical College, J. Fowler, M. D. Dean
Geneva National Bank, S. H. VerPlanck, pres. M. S. Sandford, cash., Water c. Seneca
Gleggits B., barber, Water
Graham J. S., physician, 151 Main
Green W. A., butcher, 154 Water
Grieve J. R. & Co., druggists, 141 Water
Guile A. A., cigars, 7 Seneca
Haigh M. C., jeweler, 6 Seneca
Hallenbeck & Co., grocers, 43 Seneca
Harris E., jeweler, 14 Seneca
Hayes & Tompkins, hardware, Water
Hebard A. S., milliner, 42 Seneca
Heminup G. M., grocer, Water
Herendeen & Van Dusen, nurseries, 19 Seneca
Herrick John T., engineer, 25 Seneca
Hietzcholt H., boots and shoes, 130 Main
Higging J., liquors, 86 Water
Hinckley A. S., photographer, 10 Seneca
Hipple George, clothier, 161 Water
Hobart College, Rev. J. E. Rankin, Pres.
Hoefler Geo. confectionery, 168 Water
Howard & Blair, stoves and tinware, 155 Water
Hurd E. H., 23 Seneca
Hyatt S., billiards, Water
Ide Edward, blacksmith, Lake
Ide John A., blacksmith, 187 Water
Jacobs Meyer, clothier, Water
Jammison J., dyer, 114 Water
Jones S. L., lumber, Bradford
Kent Enos, clothier, 172 Water
Keppel Charles, carpenter, 73 Castle
Keyes B. W., carriage manuf., Castle
King A., dress maker, 52 Seneca
Kingsland E., land agent, sheet music, &c., 175 Main
Kipp Charles, china and glass, 30 Seneca
Klube Gustave, harness maker, 160 Water
Knight R., grocer, on Canal
Knight W., grocer, 118 Water
Lee Nathan, cigars, 5 Seneca
Lefferts E. B., blacksmith, Lake
Lentz John, saloon, Water
Lewis J. S., farmer, 25 Seneca
Lines S. V. & Sons, Boots and shoes, 164 Water
Long P. W., butcher, 78 Water
Loomis & Fisbie, coal, Bradford
Lozier W. G. & S., carriage manufs., 82 Main
Mahan John, grocer, on Canal
Mallory S. S., hotel, Water
Mason Francis O., lawyer, 182 Water
Maynard & Laning, druggists, 24 Seneca
McCarty G., photographer, 9 Seneca
McCurdy T., livery, Water
McDermott M., tailor, 156 Water
McDonald & Rose, lawyers, 19 Seneca
McNicol James, tinsmith, 114 Water
Mead Lewis, boots and shoes, Castle
Mead Lewis, harness manuf., 81 Main
Merrell & Coleman, nurseries, Lewis c. Main
Mitchell R., boots and shoes, 20 Seneca
Monroe John, confectioner, 130 Water
Moore D. E., doors, sash and blinds, Castle
Nash A. H., insurance agent, 13 Seneca
Nelson D. P., harness maker, 140 Water
Nichols & Bodle, tailors, 3 Seneca
O'Reily Patrick, grocer, Water
Orman H. C., fish dealer, 106 Water
Owen T., insurance agent, Lake
Page J. M. & Son, patent medicines, 5 Seneca
Page J. M., toys, 5 Seneca
Parker S. H. & Co., publishers Geneva Gazette, 7 Seneca
Patterson A. H., harness maker, 19 Seneca
Payne John, grocer, 131 Main
Pearce John, blacksmith, Castle
Peel Joseph, variety store, 120 Water
Persons J. F., carpenter, 83 Main
Pickett J. H., hats, caps and furs, 17 Seneca
Picot H. M., physician, Main
Potter S., cooper, Bradford
Prince F. W., insurance agent, 19 Seneca
Ramsey H., liquors, Water
Richards A. B., harness maker, 136 Water
Riley R. S. & J. C., furniture, Water
Rogers N. V. & Co., confenctioners, 41 Seneca
Rose M. H. & Co., brewers, Lake
Savage Jesse, boots and shoes, 34 Seneca
Savager H., millinery goods, Water
Schooner & Crane, butchers, 34 Seneca
Scott B. W., picture frames, 21 Seneca
Seelye G. E., dry goods, 10 Seneca
Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co., D. P. Dey, sup't., Castle c. Bradford *
Shanley Peter, grocer, 103 Main
Shufelt H. L., flour and feed, Water
Sill T., lawyer, 3 Seneca
Sill Wm. E., lawyer, 3 Seneca
Simpson M. K. & E. S., wagon makers, Lake
Skilton R. M. & T. J. & Co., hardware and seeds, 149 and 151 Water
Smith A. B., physician and surgeon, 10 Park Place **
Smith, J. W. & Co., dry goods, 28 Seneca
Smith W. & T., nurseries, Washington
Smith W. N., druggist, 8 Seneca
Smith T. & Co., spoke manufs., Water
Smith C., fancy goods, 25 Seneca
Smith A. L., optician, 21 Seneca
Smith W. H., stationers, 21 Seneca
Snyder, Mitchell & Co., furniture, 36 Seneca
Snyder R., hardware, 1 60 Water
Southworth T., insurance agent, 180 Water
Spengler J., boots and shoes, Water
Sperry A., boots and shoes, 157 Water
Stroup G., bill poster, 100 Water
Suydam H. L., International Hotel, 176, 178 and 180 Water
Taylor George, baker, 132 Water
Teall James, flour and feed, Water
Thalman Jacob, saloon, Water
Tileston C. H., millinery goods, 23 Seneca
Tompkins B. P. & Son, toys, 7 Seneca
Tompkins I. G., hotel, Water c. Lewis
Tuthill A. X., tailor, 178 Water
Van Nostran John, flour and feed, 40 Seneca
Van Tiles John, butcher, 107 Main
Wadley F. J., sewing machines, 176 Water
Warth S., grocer, 138 Water
Wells & Allen, hair goods, 120 Main
Weyburn E., physician, Water
Whitney E. F., pump manuf., 88 Main
Wilkie David W., hats, caps and furs, 160 Water
Williams M. A. Mrs., millinery, Lake
Wilson M., picture frames, 15 Seneca
Wood & Hall, nursery and seedsmen, 34 Seneca ***
Wright W. W., canal commissioner, 25 Seneca
Young Men's Christian Association, 23 Seneca
Young, Wm. L., jeweler, 11 Seneca
Zobrist & Patridge, druggist, 4 Seneca
Zoebrist John, butcher, 116 Water

* Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Company,
Steamers Onondaga & Schuyler.
Leave Geneva and Watkins on arrival of
morning Trains from East and West, on N.Y.
Central Road at Geneva, also from Watkins
via Northern Central Railway, with morning
trains bound North. Returning connect with
Express trains in the evening and afternoon
on N.Y.C. and N.C. Railways.

** Hygienic Institute
No. 10 Park Place, Geneva,
Dr. A. B. Smith,
Chief Physician and Proprietor.

*** Edward A. Wood, William S. Hall
Wood & Hall
Importers & Dealers in all kinds of
Nursery Stock, Seeds, Bulbs,
Horticultural Goods.
Geneva, Ontario Co., N.Y.

Gorham, Ontario Co.

Allen J. H., physician
Blodgett J. C., auctioneer
Cook Geo. B., drugs, patent medicines, &c.
Delancy & Co., grist and saw mills
Dickerson F. Mrs., milliner
Dickinson F. D., boots and shoes
Disbro Chas., blacksmith
Edwards Thomas, millwright
Faulstich Geo., spokes and staves
Fresch Peter, mason
Gannon Jacob, house painter
Gorham Mill Co., flour
Horrington Geo., blacksmith
Johnson Chas., blacksmith
Loud J. E., prop. Gorham Hotel
McItire S. Miss, milliner
Lowden Cornelius, miller
McComb John, carpenter
Manchester R. & Co., hotel
Millspaugh Homer, wagon maker
McIntire Wm., blacksmith
Montgomery John, blacksmith
Morgan D., blacksmith
Parsons Martin W., grocer
Perkins B. H., house painter
Phinney L. M., physician
Pulver J. M., wood, &c.
Pulver Wm., country store
Richards Lewis, harness
Ridly William, carpenter
Sohwerchkard G., stave factory
Southerland D. A., auctioneer
Stokoe W. E., sawmill, &c.
Thompson B. H., painter
Valentine Jacob, wagon maker
Wheeler Charles, mason

Hall's Corners, Ont. Co.

Burch Joel, carriages
Dixon E. S., country store
Renwick Geo., country store
Spraggan G. & J., wagon makers

Honeoye, Ontario Co.

Arnold C., turning
Arnold & Hanson, cabinet makers
Arnold & Knapp, planing mill
Bartlett Wm., boot and shoemaker
Batchellor F. C., painter
Batchellor P., painter
Batchelor Geo. E., harness
Beardsley G. W., carpenter
Bentley J. D., painter
Bentley J. D. Mrs., dress maker
Bishop A. C., boots and shoes
Brown Oliver B., carpenter
Durgan Daniel, physician
Franklin A., country store
Gilbert E. W., dry goods
Gilbert Bros., hardware
Gregory M. M., drugs and groceries
Kennedy Peter, sash, doors and blinds
Knauer Rudolph, blacksmith
Moon Ira, boots and shoes
Patterson D. C., blacksmith
Patterson & Son, wagons
Plympton Frank, wagons
Seward Isaac, blacksmith
Smith Samuel B., photographer and dentist
Stevens & Heazlitt, saw and grist mills
Stout P. J. & Son, drugs and groceries
Vanburen, John, foundry
Watrous & Bartlett, washing machine
Watrouse Frank, shoemaker
Wilbur L. F., physician
Wilson John G., boot and shoemaker
Yewmans De Witt, cooper
Yewmans S. Mrs., milliner

Manchester, Ontario Co.

Bradley & Smith, country store
Cooper Peter, blacksmith, &c.
Gerris F., manuf. hubs
Herald M. N., blacksmith
McComber M., saddler
Paine W. J., hotel
Pratt J. R., physician
Prestiss E. D., wood worker
Sheffield H. G. & Co., flour
Uilson Robert, miller, Manchester Center
Wilson & Allen, country store

Naples, Ont. Co.

On the Canandaigua Inlet, 4 miles from the Lake. Population 1,000.

Caulkins R. P. & Bros., native wines and brandy
Clark Joseph W., produce, &c.
Connaughty J., agent for H. Connaughty, country store
Covel James, grist and planing mills
Covel Bros., millers
Deyo Ira, drugs
Deyo S. L., printer
Ferenden O. & sons, grape boxes
Fessenden H., printer
Fox C. W., tailor
Granby Bros., country store
Griswold E. A., saw mill
Hickley Mrs., fancy goods
Hinckley E. Mrs., milliner
Hoecker Frederick F., vineyard
Housel Henry, woolen factory and clothier
Jaqua Carlton S., tavern
Johnson Charles W., box maker
Kimber George C., country store
Levalley O. W., hats, &c.
Lavalley E. S. & Son, drugs, &c.
Lewis & Lyon, country store
Luther Dana, miller, &c.
McNair G., grocer
Marks Wm., dry goods and groceries
Maxfield H., produce broker, &c.
Naples Wine Co.
Nelson A. T., hardware
Parkinson Thomas, grocer
Peck David, watches, &c.
Pierce Wm. H., shoemaker
Porter Josiah, books, &c.
Porter R. T., builder and vineyard
Reed M. B., merchant tailor and vineyard
Richardson John, stage line, &c.
Smith E., vineyard
Standish W. R., hotel
Stoddard A., drugs, &c.
Storey J. & L., boots and shoes
Sutton Myron C. & Son, yankee notions
Tobey L. & Son, country store
Watrouse H. H., country store and postmaster
Wells & Chesebro, furnaces and hardware
Wilber S. J., butcher

North Bloomfield, Ont. Co.

Barnhart W. W., country store

Oak's Corners, Ontario Co.

Baxter J., blacksmith

Orleans, Ontario Co.

Aukempaugh Jerome, blacksmith
Blythe J. A., grist mill
Blythe Joseph, jr., saw mill
Chappell H. P., boot and shoes
Densmore Zorah, butcher
Early Mark, blacksmith
Goodale Elijah, hotel
Kirk David, blacksmith
Lamb E. T., harness maker, &c.
Lamb W. A., carriage maker
Lombard Lewis R., dry goods and groceries
Spear J. P. & Co., grocers

Phelps, Ontario Co.

On Flint Creek, near its junction with the Canandaigua outlet, and has four churches, numerous stores and manufactories; is 113 miles from Buffalo. It has a weekly newspaper, private bank and manufactory of essential oils. Population about 1500.

Babcock & Miller, engines, Main
Benedict & Frisby, hardware, Main
Bowker Simon K., carriage builder, Main
Boyden A. L., hardware, Main
Brooks O. R., blacksmith, Main
Brooks Wm. R., photographer, Main
Burt J., physician, Main
Carey H., gloves, &c., Main
Carpenter E. G., physician, Church
Carpenter & Rice, harness, Main
Cline Marvin, maltster, Main
Cole J. M. & Co., carriage makers, Main
Condit G. A., boots and shoes, Main
Cooley A. D., boots and shoes, Main
Erlich E. M. Mrs., cigar manuf., Main
Finch Wm. H., dry goods, Main
Foster G. R. Rev., Presbyterian Church
Frazer H. H., drugs, Main
Grant Joseph, fish market, Church and Main
Green R. M. & A., grocers, Main
Holmes J. B., insurance agent, Main
Hotchkiss L. B., real estate, farmer and manufr. of essential oils, Main
Hotchkiss T. O., successor and son of L. B. Hotchkiss, banker, Main
Howe J. G., physician, Main
Hawks C. S., dry goods, Main
Kelly M., grocer, Main
Lawrence Hotel, N. H. Clark, prop., Main
Lyman Thos. J., dry goods, Main
McTeer M., watchmaker, Main
McLeod Augustus, jeweler, Main
McWilliams M., dressmaker, Main
Nelson J. M., undertaker, Main
Padgett & Welsh, milliners, Flint Creek
Phelps Hotel, J. H. Tickner, Main
Pond George, boots and shoes, Main
Pritchard T. D., physician, Main
Pruyn A. B., druggist, Main
Seager & Spier, grocers, Main
Spring F. D., news depot, Main
Stephenson D., lawyer, Main
Thomas S. N. Dr., patent medicines, Main
Titus Anson & Son, founders, Main
Tuft Henry B., cigars, Main
Vanderhoff T. D., physician, Main
White J. E. & Co., tinsmiths, Main
White & Roy, clothing, Main
Whiting S. A. Mrs., W. U. Telegraph operator
Whiting S. A., clothier, Main

Port Gibson, Ontario Co.

Brown G. J., shoes and tanner
Brunson M. & Co., maltsters
Cone & Garlock, manufs. sashes and blinds
Hoff Wm. C., hotel
Knickerbocker B., wagons
Liner J. L., boots and shoes
Parker J. W., groceries and furnishing
Piper A B., boots and shoes
Russell L. C., storing, commission and grocer
Smith George W., country store
Snyder Geo. S., staves
Salpaugh A. R., harness
Terry C. C. & Co., wagons
Wilson Geo. B., blacksmith

Seneca, Ontario Co.

McCarthy & Post, wool

Seneca Castle, Ont. Co.

Dougan A. & A. J., boots and shoes
Schoonmaker H. S., country store
Youngs H. & I., custom and flouring mill

Shortsville, Ontario Co.

Brown Adams & Co., manufs. grain drills, &c.
Browning J. H., country store and coal
Crane M., wagon maker
Cuir J. J., boots and shoes
Darling Bros. & Co., binding works, spokes, &c.
Duncan S. D., woolen mill
Egerton Charles, grocer, &c.
Herendein & Mason, ag'l impl'ts
Jessup Frank & Geo., ag'l impl'ts
Johnson James, blacksmith
Jones James, manuf. paper
King A. B., saw mill
Peacock Isaac, blacksmith
Sheffer R., agent for wife, foundry
Sheldon E. C., tavern
Smith Lucas, miller
Starr Paper Co.
Van Vleet P. P., physician
Woodruff Charles, blacksmith

South Bristol, Ont. Co.

Allen Elias, builder, &c.
Kaufman M., country store
Simmons David, nursery
Smith S. L., country store
Standish William R., hotel

Stanley's Corners, Ont. Co.

Cameron James, harness
Coony L., hotel
Crost Judson J., carpenter and builder
Delancy Yates, grist and saw mills
Howard John, blacksmith
McCauly T. A. & Co., country store, nursery &c.
Miller George B., nursery
Parks E. W., shoes
Stanley Seth, coal and lumber
Youngs Wm., grist and saw mills

West Bloomfield, Ont. Co.

Ainsworth S. H., nursery
Ayres B. & Son, wagon makers
Baker & Metcalf, country store
Burt H. P., harness
Clemens Ira, wagons
Clemens Ira Mrs., milliner
Crandall H. H., cabinet maker
Griffith J. C., shoemaker
Harvey Barnard, blacksmith
Hendee C. M., country store
Peck Vinton, wool
Pillsbury Bros. blacksmith and wagons
Rimes J. C., tinsmith
Webb H. B., blacksmith, &c.
Wood C. H., physician

Rushville, Yates Co.

10 miles from Canandaigua.

Anderson Mary Miss, milliner
Beers R. F., photographer
Brownell M., stave factory
Buzell C. H., painter
Case M. L. & E. F., grocer and dry goods
Catlin & Wisewell, drugs, &c.
Conway Wm., blacksmith
De Witt G. C., harness
Fairchild F. C., blacksmith
Fisher J. N. & Son, boots and shoes
Flinn & Wilson, hardware
Green N. H., tailor
Halbut A. T., hotel
Hewey W. S., painter
Howell George, boots and shoes
Hunt James W., dry goods
Jones Samuel J., grocer
Kelsey William, blacksmith
Kethel L. B., wagon maker
La Boyteaux D., dentist
Lasey Wm. H., painter
Legg Joshua, blacksmith
Loomis Edgar, harness
Loomis L., livery
Loomis R. & E., wagon maker
Pitcher R. B., saloon and grocers
Riddout & Son, furnace
Robinson George, blacksmith
Sabin L., carriage painter
Seeley George B., physician
Smith Henry, blacksmith
Stearns & Bearman, grocers
Sterling M. E. Miss, milliner
Sterling S. L. & Co. Marble
Thomas John C., cabinet ware
Thomas Peleg, miller
Van Epps J. H., mason
Watkins, Bassett & Co., hardware

All spellings are exactly as in the original.

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