John H. Roy had a banking business in Phelps Ontario County NY. He is buried in the South Lyons Cemetery in Wayne County NY.
History of Ontario County, NY & Its People by Charles F.
Milliken Lewis
Historical Publishing Company NY 1911
Vol 1 page 443 Phelps;
The succession of supervisors has been as follows . . . . John H. Roy 1896-1905.
page 449;
In the year 1910 the village and surrounding country was severely strained through the collapse of its two old established banking institutions, that of William B. Hotchkiss & Co., established in 1857 by L. B. Hotchkiss, and that of John H. Roy & Co., established in 1883. The community weathered this latest storm, however, and now with the co-operation of a new financial institution, the Phelps National Bank, is looking forward to even larger and more substantial commercial prosperity than it has heretofore enjoyed. The village has a population at the present time of about 1500.
Lyons Republican, February 2, 1912 (from Dept of History and
Tourism, Lyons
NY- ROY file);
Last Friday morning at the Rochester State Hospital occurred the death of John H. Roy, for forty years one of the best known business men of Phelps. The funeral was held from the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. C. Deady in this village Sunday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Ostrander officiating. Internment was at the South Lyons Cemetery. The bearers were Charles W. Barrick, John Wolvin, Charles H. Gicker, George Musselman, George Sheppard and Frank Hornbeck.
Mr. Roy was born in Lyons seventy- four years ago and began his
business career as a clerk in the store of Deacon Finch at Phelps, he
having moved to that village when a young boy. In 1883 he
established the Roy banking business which he continued until June,
1910, when it failed. With
the destruction of his business his health rapidly gave way and in the
of that year he was taken to the hospital for treatment where he
remained til his death. In politics he was a Democrat. He
represented his town on the Board of Supervisors for ten years, from
1896 to 1906, and also served the village as president and on one
occasion was a candidate for Member of Congress. He was a
Mason. Surviving are his wife, one daughter, Mrs. S. C. Deady of
Lyons, one son, Wade H. Roy of Phelps, one
sister, Mrs. Electa Meade of Battle Creek, Mich.
Obits and Biographical Clippings of Syracuse, Onondaga County
& Adjacent
Areas of Central New York 1860-1926 (Syracuse Central Library LN48
548 Bdb
V.19) p 303;
Phelps Banker Dead January 28, 1912
John H. Roy was formerly Prominent in Business and Politics
Phelps Jan. 27. John H. Roy, former proprietor of
the defunct Roy private banking house of Phelps died yesterday at the
Rochester State hospital to which institution he was taken 18 months
ago. Mr. Roy was 74 years old. He was born in Lyons and
came to Phelps in the early years of his life. He began his
career as a clerk for Deacon Finch who conducted a general store here
many years ago. In 1883 Mr. Roy established a private banking
house and continued the business until June 1910. In his days of
prosperity Mr. Roy was closely identified with the political and
commercial interests of Phelps. He was a life long democrat and
as such represented the town of Phelps on the Board of Supervisors from
1896 to 1906. He also served a term as village president and in
the early nineties he was a candidate for member of Congress. In
his business transactions Mr. Roy was generous almost to a fault and it
is generally conceded it was this trait of character towards his
debtors that finally forced his business into bankruptcy. Mr. Roy
was a member of
Sincerity lodge, F & AM. His surviving relatives are his
widow and daughter Mrs. S. C. Deady, both of Lyons; a son Wade H. Roy
of Phelps and a sister, Mrs. Electa Mead of Battle Creek, Mich.
The body was taken to Lyons yesterday where the funeral services will
be held. Burial will be in the South Lyons Cemetery.
Isaac Roy is also buried in the South Lyons Cemetery.
From History of Ontario County, N. Y. Edited by George S.
Conover; compiled
by Lewis Cass Aldrich; Syracuse, N.Y.; D. Mason & Co. publishers
Page 338 Family Sketches;
Roy, Isaac, the only survivor of seven children of John and
Edna (Parrish) Roy, was born in Phelps November 22, 1817.
The father, John, was born in Scotland November 15, 1779. The
grandfather, Coll Roy, was born in the highlands of Scotland in
1750. He emigrated to this country in 1792, and settled on the
Mohawk. In 1803 he settled upon the Roy farm in the eastern part
of Phelps. He died from the effects of a fall in 1827. Edna
Parrish Roy, the mother, was born in Maryland March 31, 1773, she being
a daughter of Richard Parrish, the family coming to Phelps about the
year 1800. Isaac Roy when a mere boy was compelled to work on a
farm. By hard work and careful application of his
earnings, he has acquired a handsome property, a portion of which is
600 acres of the choicest land in Phelps. He takes delight in keeping
farm in a high state of cultivation, and the buildings upon his several
are exceptionally convenient and well kept. He is a prominent
of the banking firm of John H. Roy & Co. He is a close
of public questions, in which he has always been interested and is a
He is a philanthropist and generously supports every move that will
to benefit his native town.
The will of the Late Isaac Roy Filed for Probate- An Able Document
The last will and testament of the late Isaac Roy was filed for probate in the Surrogate's Court last Monday morning. The will bears evidence of careful forethought and precise dictation and seems to clearly express the
testator's wishes. The will was executed the second of last December, and Isaac Roy 2d is named as the sole executor.In the first clause the testator, after directing the payment of all just debts, bequeaths to Eliza Ann Albaugh and Hannah Albaugh as long as either of them shall live and remain on the place, the use and possession of his late residence on Maryland street, together with the furniture and household goods, the use of half the garden and all the fruit therein. To these legatees is also bequeathed Mr. Roy's driving horse and a cutter and provision is also made for the stabling and care of the same.
The next bequest gives to the testator's nephew, John H. Roy, the homestead farm containing 103 acres.
The third bequest gives to another nephew, Isaac Roy 2d, all of the testator's interest in the banking business and property of the firm of J. H. Roy & Co. subject to his proportion of the liabilities of said firm.
The next clause also gives to Isaac Roy 2d, the testator's burial plot in the Lyons Cemetery.
The sixth clause provided for numerous legacies the first of which is the sum of $1000 to Mrs. Belle Eaton, daughter of the testator's deceased niece, Mrs. Jane Hickox; also $1200 to be divided among the other children of Mrs. Hickox. Two nieces, Mrs. Electa Meade of Battle Creek, Michigan, and Mrs. Mary R. Durfee, of Newark, each receive $4000. Albert Roy of Kalamazoo, Michigan, receives $1500. Lyman Roy, of Lock Berlin, a nephew, receives $2500 and a like sum is to be divided among his children. A niece, Mrs. Ada Bockhoven of Lock Berlin, receives $4000 and Elmer Bockhoven of Clyde, $500. Bequests of $2000 each are made to Miss Eliza A. Albaugh and Miss Hannah Albaugh, $1500 to Lyman Parrish and wife, $1000 to Michael Welch, $400 each to to Mrs. Caroline Glimpse and Mrs. Charlotte Clause, $200 each to Prudence Albaugh and the late Mrs. Harriet Denny, the will providing in case of her decease that Reuben Heator be the legatee instead. The other legatees are Roy Claus, $300; Park Claus, $200, and John Busby, $400. The legacies are all to bear interest at 2% from date of testator's death until paid.
The executor is authorized to sell any and all real estate not specifically devised, at such times and on such terms as to him seem best, should it become necessary to do so in order to pay the general legacies, which power however is not to be exercised unless and until the executor is fully satisfied that the personal estate is insufficient to meet the legacies, and the testator expresses in the will his most earnest desire that his landed property shall remain unsold and continue to be carried on as it now is, unless the sale of some part of it should become necessary to carry out the terms of the will.
After the payment in full of the general legacies, all the rest, residue, and remainder of his estate and property of every name, kind and nature is given to John H. Roy, and Isaac Roy 2d, their heirs and assigns forever.
It is impossible at this writing to make an estimate of the value of the personal property, but it is very confidently assumed to be several thousand dollars in excess of the aggregate amount of the general legacies, and it is
known that the residuary devise covers the following land in the town of Phelps: The farm now occupied by Lyman Parrish, the farm occupied by Fred Claus, the farm occupied by Roy Claus, a pine lot of about eight acres, a house and lot in the village of Phelps, a piece of land on the road leading past Frank Bridger's residence, about two acres formerly owned by Leman Glimpse and others, whatever may remain unsold of several pieces of land formerly owned by William Chipps, as well as all other land owned by the testator in other localities.The will is witnessed by Dr. Vanderhoof and Leman Glimpse and a citation for probate has been issued for February 21st.
Handwritten date on the paper of Feb. 10, 1898.
Coll Roy is the son of Andrew Roy and is buried in the Rhea/Cuddeback Cemetery.
From Ontario County Will File box 120;
In the name of God Amen. I Coll Roy of the Town of Phelps in the County of Ontario and State of New York being weak in Body but of sound and perfect mind and memory considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being at this time in my sound mind blessed be Almighty God for the same. Do make and
publish this my last will and testament in the manner and form following,Firstly I order that my executors raise a sum of money out of my personal estate to pay off all my debts and my funeral expenses,
Secondly I give to my wife one third of my personal estate after paying off all my debts,
Thirdly I give and bequeath to my brother, James Roy, all my wearing apparel and house excepting and reserving my uniform suit,
Fourthly I give and bequeath to my wife's son named Andrew J. Roy five dollars out of my part of
the money that may be coming to me when my Father's estate may be settled and the reminder that will be coming to me I bequeath to Brother James Roy and my sisters so that it may be equally divided among them.
I hereby revoke all former wills by me made and also appoint James Roy of the Town of Galen County of Wayne and State of New York and Henry Towar of the Town of Lyons County and State aforesaid to be my Executors of this my last will.In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12th day
of Jan'y in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & Thirty Two.Signed Sealed published and declared by the within mentioned Coll Roy to be
his last will and testament in presence of us who have hereunto subscribed
our names in presence of the TestatorL. C. Grover Lyons Wayne Co
James Towar do
Also with will-
To Jared Miriam (?) Surrogate of Ontario County, New petition of
Susan Roy of
the town of Phelps in said county herewith,
That your petitioner is the widow of Coll Roy- deceased who died at
the Town of Phelps
aforesaid on the sixth day of February last < > leaving only one
Andrew J. Roy now about eight months old. That the said deceased
left a last
will and testament, appointing Henry Towar and James Roy his executors,
that the said Henry & James declined acting as such.
Execution as your
petitioner is informed and believes, and your petitioner therefore
that a citation may < > to the next of kin to attend the probate
of said
will, that the said being in the possession of the said Henry Towar,
petitioner also requests that a citation may < > to said Towar
to to produce
said will before the Surrogate aforesaid to be produce at said time
that may
be appointed for that purpose, and if the said Henry Towar & James
Roy that
decline to act as executors of the said will, in that case your
requests that she may be appointed administratress of the estate of the
deceased with this will annexed.
April 5th, 1832 Susan Roy
Ontario County C. Susannah Roy being duly sworn deposes and says
that the
facts stated in the above petition deposed by her are true.
James Roy is the brother of Coll. He moved to Warren County PA with his mother after Andrew died and she remarried.
From History of Warren County Warren County, PA 1887 (Central
Syracuse, NY- LP38 W25s)
Edited by J.S. Schenck Assisted by W.S. Rann Syracuse, NY D. Mason
& Co.,
p. 637
Roy, James, who was born in Phelpstown, Ontario County, NY on the
14th day of September 1822 is descended from a family bearing his
patronymic in Scotland. His grandfather, Cole Roy, came from that
country about 1788 or
1789 and settled in Phelpstown where he died about 1825. His son
Andrew, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Scotland
about 1785 and was the youngest member of a family of 5 sons and a
daughter. He engaged in farming near Phelpstown, NY until his
death in 1829. His wife, Margaret, was a native of east
Pennsylvania and was married to him as early as 1810. He took an
active part in the second war with Great Britain, serving at Black Rock
and along the Niagara Frontier. One
of his brothers, Charles Roy, was killed in action at Fort Erie. Andrew
Margaret Roy had a family of 3 daughters and 2 sons, of whom James is
to youngest and youngest of the sons.
Mr. Roy received the rudimentary portion of his education in Phelpstown, but in 1836 he came to Elk township in this county and attended school for a time after his settlement here. Before he had reached the age of 21 years he began engaging in agricultural and lumbering pursuits, clearing land in Elk township and shipping lumber down the river. From this early beginning until as late as 1883, Mr. Roy continued this twofold business and from a seemingly unpropitious start with little means and few friends, he wrought out by patient labor and sagacious management a well-deserved fortune. In 1883 he discontinued lumbering and besides the cultivation of his old farm and other land which he had accumulated in the years that are past, he has devoted himself assiduously to operations in oil. In all the business transactions of a long life he has manifested a mingled conservatism and energy which are sure prognostics of success. His landed interest in Warren county comprise about 1500 acres though the acres that he has owned and disposed of may not be reckoned.
Mr. Roy has not been a political aspirant; nevertheless he has accepted several township offices, and in 1880 was elected county commissioner of Warren county. During the war he supported the nominees of the Republican party; voted for Horace Greeley in 1872; and is now a member of the Greenback party.
On the 10th of September, 1851, he married Sophia, daughter of
William and Maria Shattuck, who were originally from Massachusetts, and
later became prominent in Elk township. Mrs. Roy died on 19th of
July, 1867. She left 7
children, all of whom are now living. The eldest, Helen Maria,
was born on the 28th of May 1853, Margaret born June 3, 1856 is the
of Glennie Meade of Warren; Franc, born June 17, 1858 is the wife of
F. Baker of Des Moines, Iowa; James, born March 27, 1860 married Saloma
of Warren; John was born March 20, 1862; Blanche was born September 24,
1863 and Josephine Adella was born March 7, 1865.
LXXXi (Brief Personals)
Roy, James, Warren p.o., Glade, was born in the town of Phelps,
County, NY, September 14, 1822; he is of Scottish descent. His
Coll Roy, came from Scotland in the year 1749. He settled in
Phelps, Ontario
County, NY, and was a blacksmith by trade. To Coll and Elizabeth,
his wife,
were born 7 children, of whom Andrew, the father of the subject of this
sketch, was the 4th child; he followed the life of a farmer and served
the War of 1812. In the year of 1809 he married Margaret Ray, by
whom he had
a family of 5 children, James being the 4th child. When James was
7 years of
age, his father died, and in 1836 he, with his mother, came to Elk
Warren county. At the age of 16 he was thrown upon his own
resources. He
prospered reasonably in all his undertakings, was extensibly engaged
in the
manufacture of lumber, and later in life he became engaged in the oil
business as a producer. In 1851 he married Sophia Shattuck, a
daughter of
William and Maria Shattuck, by whom he had a family of 7 children,
Helen M.,
Margaret, Franc, James, jr., John, Blanche and Josephine A.
(Shattuck) Roy died in 1867. Mr. Roy now resides in Glade, and
occupies a
beautiful residence on the banks of the Conewango. Politically
he has been a
Republican, Democrat and Greenback successively. He ran on the
Greenback and
Democratic tickets as a candidate for the office of county commissioner
was elected. Mr. Roy has never been identified with any church
From Old Times in Oildom by Geo. W. Brown 1909 Syracuse Library
pg 162;
James Roy
The following Obituary of James Roy is reprinted from a Warren paper
published at the time of his death. It is very appropriate.
In Memoriam.Since our last issue Warren county has suffered a very heavy loss in the death of Mr. James Roy, of Glade township. He was born in Phelpstown, Ontario Co., N. Y., on the 14th of September, 1822. He came to this state in 1836, locating in Elk township. For many years he was one of the most prominent lumbermen in this section of the state. In the various business enterprises which engaged his attention, farming, stock raising, oil producing or lumbering, he was ever known for his unwavering honesty and integrity. He was not a member of a church but his life would put to shame that of many who are judged by the test of the Apostle James:
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this:
To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself
unspotted from the world."What he knew to be right he did, and had no use for questionable methods of acquiring wealth by taking advantage of the necessities of others. His generosity was unbounded and his supreme happiness was in doing good. He died on Friday afternoon surrounded by his two sons and and five daughters. The survivors have the deepest sympathy of the community in their irreparable loss.
The following beautiful lines which appeared in print several years ago,
are, we think, very appropriate to our late esteemed and benevolent fellow
citizen, Mr. James Roy.
He left a load of anthracite
In front of a poor widow's door,
When the deep snow, frozen and white,
Wrap'd street and square, mountain and moor.
That was his deed;
He did it well;
"What was his Creed?"
I cannot tell.Blest "in his basket and his store,"
In sitting down and rising up;
When more he got, he gave the more,
Withholding not the crust and cup.
He took the lead
In each good task;
"What was his creed?"
I did not ask.His charity was like to snow,
Soft, white and silken in its fall;
Not like the the noisy winds that blow
From shivering trees and leaves' a pall
For flower and weed,
Dropping below.
"What was his creed?"
The poor may know.He had great faith in loaves of bread
For hungry people, young and old;
And "hope inspired kind words" he said,
To him he sheltered from the cold.
For he must feed
As well as pray.
"What was his creed?"
I cannot say.In words he did not put his trust,
In faith his words he never writ;
He loved to share his cup and crust
With all mankind who needed it.
In time of need
A friend was he.
"What was his creed?"
He told not me.He put his trust in Heaven, and
Worked ever on with hand and head;
And when he gave in charity
Sweetened his sleep and daily bread.
Let us take heed,
For life is brief!
"What was his creed?"
"What his belief?"
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