Abstract from History of Ontario County; W. H. McIntosh; Philadelphia, Everts, Ensign & Everts; 1876

 Business Interests Of Today

A synopsis of Canandaigua of today gives us a place whose population in 1875 is seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine.  There are now four dry-goods stores, two fancy stores, five hardware stores, four drug stores, fifteen groceries, one crockery, two book, four jewelry, two candy, and three hat stores.  There are five meat markets, three bakeries, three furniture stores, seven gentlemen's furnishing and clothing stores, one sash and blind and one paperware factory, one steam-mill, two planing-mills, a hub and spoke factory, a brewery, four banks, and six hotels.

A brief history of the hardware trade is given.  Thomas Channing was the first merchant to conduct a distinctive hardware business in the village.  He occupied a frame building on East Main, north of the entrance to Anderson's livery-stables, with a not over-extensive stock, as early as 1820.  About 1834, Jacob S. Woodruff came from Corning's establishment, in Albany, and located where a meat market was recently established.  He was followed, at the same pace, by Messrs. Parrish & Pierson, and afterwards by Messrs. Howell & Parrish, in the same store.  Alexander H. Howell and Stephen Parrish discontinued in 1856.  In 1841, Myron H. Clark and Elijah S. Gregory opened a hardware store in the old Bull block, where Edwin Lines later had a shoe store.  M.H. Clark & Co. moved, in 1844, to the Phoenix block. In 1857, Clark sold to his partner, who conducted the business alone until 1859, when he sold out to Messrs. Morse, Antis & Pierce.

James S. Cooley commenced business in company with Frank Gage, in February, 1851.  The firm opened "Agricultural Hall" in the building occupied by S. V. Lines & Sons, boot and shoe dealers, and William Hayton, harness dealer, and gave attention to the sale of agricultural implements.  In the fall, Mr. Cooley bought his partner's interest, and soon admitted N. N. Cooley, his brother, to partnership.  The firm continued as S. Cooley & Co. until January, 1867, when J. S. Cooley became sole proprietor, and has so continued to date.  In April, 1859, stock was removed to the north store in the Phoenix block, which was then purchased by the firm.  Three stories are fully occupied by the business, and a number of mechanics find constant employment.

Henry S. Pierce conducts a business which originated in 1851.  The original firm was composed of J. H. Morse, R. H. Pierson, and L. Phelps.  They occupied a store in the Bull block, which was situated on West Main, north of Bristol Street.  In the spring of 1858, William G. Antis bought the interest of Pierson, and the firm name continued until 1855 as Morse, Antis & Phelps, when sale was made to E. S. Gregory.  In the spring of 1856 stock was moved to the Hale block.  In 1859, Messrs. Morse, Antis & Pierce bought out Gregory's stores in the Phoenix and the Hale blocks.  Morse retired in March, 1862, and Antis in 1869, leaving Pierce sole proprietor of a popular store.

John Rockwood, next door south of Cooley, has been in the hardware trade for twenty-five years.  The firm of Rockwood & Reed was formed in 1869, in the present quarters.  In 1870, Frank Reed sold his interest to William Gorham.  The firm dissolved partnership in March, 1875, and Rockwood remained sole proprietor of a general hardware store.

Mrs. P. H. Rose controls a business established by her husband in 1849.  His entire attention was given to the stove trade.  He had ten or twelve men engaged in peddling his wares.  His business enlarged, and, in 1853, he moved to Jobson block, on Main Street.  He died recently, and the business, as said, is owned by his widow.

Hudson & Brother began business in 1865, on West Main, in the south store of the Linnell block.  In 1870 they moved to new quarters in the old Antis block, and there continued till March, 1874, when that building was destroyed by fire.  A new building was erected September, 1875, and J. G. Hudson, reopening alone, conducts a safe and growing business in stoves and tinware.

Mrs. C. M. Mattice carries on a business begun by M. M. Mattice, her husband, on East Main, within a building then located where now stands the McKechnie block.  The business was removed during the same year, 1865, to its present location.  Mr. Mattice died January, 1866, and it is continued by Mrs. Mattice.

A hardware store was opened in 1867 by Henro Kelly, who, dying in 1874, left the business to his brother, John Kelly, who has been successful, and has done a large business in buying paper rags through employees placed upon the road.

Dry-Goods Trade

George B. Anderson, in the Hubbell block, West Main, is known as "the first dry-goods store below the railroad."  Has maintained a large stock and is a liberal advertiser.

Hubbell & Gillett are successors to John C. Draper in a growing and well-established trade.  They are reputed honorable dealers, and well-worthy the patronage extensively bestowed.

T. A. Ehrlich is a pioneer of a large trade in fancy articles.

Ellis & Parmalee occupy the store north of the National Bank.  They deal heavily in fancy and staple dry goods of all descriptions.

The New York store, of which Simon S. Vorreuter is proprietor, makes a specialty of millinery and fancy goods of all descriptions.

The Boston store, a few doors above the Webster House, is owned by J. D. Patterson, dealer in dry goods.  His store is resorted to by people from the farming districts, who find it to their advantage to bestow upon him their patronage.

The Grocery Trade

Is heavily carried on in the village. Mention is made of some of those engaged in the business.

S. B. Gaylord, in Bemis block, West Main, a grocer of over twenty-five years' experience.

N. Grimes & Son is a firm conducting one of the most extensive and one of the oldest grocery houses in town.

Warren Fake, Evander Sly, J. S. McClure, George Moss, Davis & Dewey, successors to J. J. Sidway, on the corner of Main and Beeman Streets, C. & T. Coyle, and John Crowley are individuals and firms in the grocery trade.  Joshua Tracy, A. S. Lincoln, and Jacob Corson are old and well-known traders.

 Clothing And Furnishing Stores

Frederick Maggs is one of the oldest and most prosperous merchants.

I. Danziger & Co. is one of the largest firms in the village, and deals in ready-made clothing.

D. Shafer & Co. confine themselves to a custom trade.  Shafer is well and favorably known among the oldest business men, and his partner is an energetic, popular man.

L. S. Sprague, Thomas O. Grady, Jr., Frederick Leiser, C. Y Supplee, and E. Weisenbeck are engaged in this business. Messrs. Potter & Slingerland are popular dealers, and deserve the trade received.  The latter has become well known as the leader of the Canandaigua Cornet Band.

The "Great Wardrobe" is conducted by Messrs. Burch & Curtiss.  They are the heaviest clothing dealers in the place.  Their stock is varied and extensive; their sales are made at small margins, and their goods are of superior quality to those usually found in ready-made clothing stores.

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