"Ru" to "Rz" Obituaries
From Geneva Daily Times 16 April 1909
Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Florence Rubens, wife of Joseph Rubens,
of Manchester, died of blood poisoning Tuesday after an illness of
eight weeks. Her maiden name was Miss Florence Van de Velde and she was
born in Holland 33 years ago. When 22 years of age she came to the
United States, living first in Irondequoit, then four years in
Farmington and the last three years in Manchester. She leaves her
husband, Peter Rubens; four children, Peter, Andrew, Edmund and Edith;
one brother Peter Van de Velde of Greece, and two sisters, one in
Irondequoit and one in Newark.
From Shortsville Enterprise 7 April 1943
We learn that Max Rubenstein, 81, of Holcomb, died in his
home last Wednesday evening. Mr. Rubenstein was well-known in
Shortsville, having dealt in numerous pieces of local real estate in
past years. He leaves his wife and two sons, as well as a number of
grandchildren and cousins and two sisters. Obsequies were held from his
late home on Sunday afternoon, with burial following in the East
Bloomfield Cemetery.
From Clifton Springs Press 4 May 1916
Mrs. Mary Decker Rubert, wife of John B. Rubert, died at her home
on Dewey avenue, in this village, on Saturday, April 29th. She had been
in poor health for a long time, and during the past three weeks had
gradually failed. Mrs. Rubert was born in Chapinville on June 8, 1846,
and had always lived in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Rubert were married
in Canandaigua 52 years ago, the ceremony being performed by the Rev.
M. D. Buck. They had lived in Clifton Springs since 1879. Mrs. Rubert
had long been a member of the Clifton Springs M. E. Church. She was
also a charter a member of the Women's Relief Corps, which was
organized on May 2 1889, and for the past 25 years had been Conductress
of the Corps. She is survived by her husband, and one daughter, Mrs.
Wm. H. Mather of this village; a brother, Wm. H. Decker, of Bath; amd a
niece, Mrs. Chauncey Michaels of Yonkers. The funeral was held from the
home on Monday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Rev. H. B.
Reddick, pastor of the M. E. church, assisted by the Rev. Dr. S H.
Adams. Burial was made in the family lot in the Clifton Springs
cemetery. Members of Gordon Granger Post, G. A. R., and the Women's
Relief Corps attended the funeral in a body.
From Geneva Daily Times 17 September 1904
Phelps, N. Y. - The funeral of Mrs. Catherine G. Rubery, who
Thursday, was held at St. Francis church this morning. Mrs. Rubery
was born in Ireland but for the past fifty years she lived in Phelps.
She was 70 years of age and is survived by three sons, Michael of
Phelps, John of Geneva, and Thomas of Michigan; also one daughter, Mrs.
Thomas Joyce of Clifton Springs.
From Phelps Citizen 2 August 1934
Michael H. Rubery, 70, died Sunday night, at his home on West Main
street following a brief illness. Surviving are his widow, Anna
O'Malley Rubery; a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Balanney of Philadelphia; two
sons, Joseph and Paul of Phelps; four grandchildren; and a sister, Mrs.
Thomas Joyce of Clifton Springs. Funeral services were held in St.
Francis church yesterday morning with burial in Rest Haven cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 1 November 1907
Bristol Center, N. Y. - Mrs. Hannah L. Rudd, whose death occurred
last week, was born at Bath nearly 85 years ago. Left a widow 44 years
ago, she came to Vincent, where her mother and step-father lived, with
her four children. She taught school at Vincent and did practical
nursing for a good many years. She was a devoted mother, a good
neighbor, and a gentle and kind woman, respected by all.
From Ontario County Journal 9 September 1910
Victor, N. Y. - The death of C. Adelbert Rugg occurred
an early hour Sunday morning. Mr. Rugg had been a traveling salesman
for the International Seed company of Rochester for some years. For two
years he had been in ill health. Mr. Rugg was 58 years of age and had
spent nearly his entire life as a resident of this town where he was
highly esteemed. He was a son of the late Cyrus Rugg and was born in
Potter, Yates county. Mr. Rugg leaves his wife and two sons, George of
Rochester and Louis A. Rugg of this village; one sister, Mrs. William
Ransom of East Rochester; and two brothers, Melvin L. Rugg and Elmer
Rugg, both of this town.
From Oswego Palladium 24 February 1942
Wolcott, Feb. 24 - Louis A. Rugg, 61, husband of Mrs. Ethel Sours
Rugg, died Monday at his home at Victor. Mrs. Rugg is a former Wolcott
resident. Surviving, besides the wife, are a daughter, Miss Lucille
Rugg, a son, Gordon Rugg of Rochester; and a grandson, Robert Rugg,
also of Rochester. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock at the home, with burial in Boughton Hill cemetery, Victor.
From Geneva Daily Times 17 December 1910
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - At the Rulison Farm two and one-half miles south of this village yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock occurred the death of Mrs. John N. Rulison, after
an illness of several years. Mrs. Rulison was 77 years old last June.
She was born in New York state and was a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. John
E. Booth. Mr. Booth a Methodist minister. On New Year's Day, in the
year 1953, Miss Susan R. Booth was married to Mr. Rulison at
Springwater, N. Y. Mr. Rulison died on August 11, 1910. Mr. and Mrs.
Rulison came to the Sanitarium farm from Canadice in 1871. Mr. Rulison
was the superintendent of the farm for three years. At that time the
farm contained 150 acres and 50 acres were kept. There are now over 300
acres and many more cows are kept. They moved from there in 1875 to the
Harmon farm located one mile south of the village and there they lived
one year. This farm was owned for several years past by the Crandall
estate. They bought the Cook farm in April 1876 and it has since been
the family home. Mrs. Rulison had two daughters and five sons. One
daughter died at the age of four years and the other lived to be
twenty-seven years old. She is survived by her sons, John F. Rulison,
M. D., of Toledo, Ohio; Henry L. Rulison of Springfield, Mass., N.
Charles Rulison of Rutherford, N. J., Grant C. Rulison, Wyncote, Pa.,
and George H. Rulison, of Clifton Springs. On Tuesday afternoon,
December 20th, at two o'clock at her late residence will be held the
funeral services. The Rev. DeWitt Hooker, pastor of the local Methodist
Episcopal church, will officiate. The burial will be made in the
Clifton Springs cemetery next to her husband.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 September 1910
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock,
at his home about two miles south of this village, occurred the death
of John N. Rulison, after an illness of about two months. The
deceased had been a resident of this vicinity for the past 35 years,
having during that time resided on his farm on the Orleans road. Mr.
Rulison was born on November 12, 1829, at Herkimer, N. Y., and was a
son of John and Betsy Stauring Rulison. Fifty-five years ago he was
married to Miss Susan R. Booth. The ceremony was performed at
Springwater, Livingston County. The deceased leaves his widow, five
sons: J. E. Rulison, M. D., of Toledo, Ohio; H. L. Rulison of
Springfield, Mass.; C. E. Rulison of Rutherford, N. J.; Grant C.
Rulison of Wyncote, Pa.; and George Rulison of Clifton Springs. His
twin sister, Mrs. William Conselus, lives in Dansville, N. Y. He is
also survived by another sister, Mrs. Alonzo Viely, who resides in
Pennsylvania. Mr. Rulison was a well-known farmer in this vicinity,
where he had lived for so many years.
From Geneva Gazette 27 December 1826
The propriety of an obituary notice upon the death of the
late Mrs. Gertrude Rumney, does not arise from any remarkable
circumstance attending it; nor from an incident of her life
extraordinary to require publication; but from her character alone.
She was born in the year 1796, in the Island of Curacao, where her
the late Mr. Anthony A. Rutgers, of New York, was residing with his
(a daughter of Mr. Hugh Gaine) and family, for commercial purposes, in
which he was extensively engaged. After the decease of Mr. Rutgers,
took place in New York, Mrs. Rutgers and the family came into the West
country. Mrs. R. died in Geneva in 1818, a short time after the
of her daughter with the husband whose loss now excites the unfeigned
sympathy of an extensive circle of relations, friends and neighbors.
Rumney left four children, whose infancy, by her decease, is committed
to the sole care of a watchful and affectionate father, who, with the
invoked upon his task by so many friends, will, we trust, "bring them
in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."
From Ontario County Journal 10 April 1896
North Bloomfield, N. Y. - The funeral services of Mrs. J. B.
Rumsey were held at the residence on Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. She died after a long illness. Burial was at the village
From Ontario County Times 26 October 1885
Schuyler G. Rumsey, a well-known resident of Shortsville,
died suddenly at his home in that village on Saturday. His daughter,
who kept house for him, on returning from a call at a neighbor's, found
him lying dead upon the kitchen floor, where he had evidently fallen
and expired from from hemorrhage. He was about sixty-two years of age
and had been suffering from consumption for the past year. Coroner
Jewett, of this village, was called, but did not deem an inquest
From Ontario County Times 16 November 1881
Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Schuyler Rumsey of this place died
suddenly of heart disease at her daughter's residence in Palmyra,
Thursday evening, Nov. 10th, in the 54th year of her age. Her remains
were brought here for interment. Services were held in the Presbyterian
church Sunday afternoon at 1:30, Rev. C. C. Thorne officiating.
From Geneva Gazette 20 Mar 1847
Melancholy Accident - A little girl, aged about nine years,
the oldest child of Mr. David H. Runyan, of Rushville, in this
county, was so badly burned on the 6th inst. by her clothes taking
fire, that she lived but about thirty-six hours after the
accident. She was in the room with two younger children, and was
unable to give any account of the manner in which the accident
occurred. Her mother had left her but a few moments before, and
although the fire was extinguished almost immediately by a hired girl,
who was within hearing, she was so much injured, that all efforts to
preserve her life proved ineffectual.
From Geneva Daily Times 27 June 1908
George E. Runyan, a former residence of Seneca Castle, died
Thursday night at his home in Portland, Me. He was 61 years old and was
a brother-in-law of the late Augustus R. Wright of Portland, Me.,
formerly of Geneva. The deceased was the last of a family of five
brothers and one sister, and his only living relative is a nephew, C.
C. Runyan, of Seneca Castle. The remains will be brought here tomorrow
and then taken to Seneca Castle and burial will take place in Whitney
From Ontario County Journal 4 May 1888
The remains of the late Isaac P. Runyan arrived in Geneva
Thursday evening from Los Angeles, Cal. The funeral services were
held at Seneca Castle, the former home of the deceased, Friday
afternoon. Mr. Runyan was widely and popularly known throughout the
eastern portion of the county, and his death brings sadness to the
hearts of many devoted friends.
From Geneva Gazette 31 March 1871
announced the sudden and alarming illness of Isaac W. Runyan, Esq.,
but expressed the hope that under the treatment of most skillful
and experienced physicians who had been summoned to his bedside, he
would recover. Alas, the fond hope proved vain. He expired
at 5 o'clock of the day
of our publication. Death came to him literally as to one "who
wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down
to pleasant dreams."
On the afternoon of Thursday, Mr. Runyan retired for a few hours' rest
and sleep -- at the time in his usual state of health -- not, it is
true, in sound physical condition, yet not ailing to such a degree as
to create alarm in his own mind or to
excite fear in the family circle. Sleeping longer than usual and
breathing somewhat heavily, an attempt was finally made to awaken him,
when the family were grief-stricken by the discovery that he had lost
consciousness and was apparently dying. It verily proved to be
"the sleep that knows no waking" this side of eternity.
Mr. Runyan was a native of our neighboring town of Fayette, but at
an early
day removed to this town, settling at Seneca Castle, where for many
he carried on business as a merchant, miller and farmer -- at times
all three enterprises simultaneously. His dealings with his
men were marked with genuine frankness, scrupulous integrity,
dignity and courtesy. He was a self-educated man, of good native
and well cultivated by much reading and close observation. His
and political principles were formed at an early age, held to with the
of life itself, and on all proper occasions was ready to defend them
intelligence and ability. We cannot forbear speaking of him as a
friend of the Gazette as opportunity afforded contributing to its
by his pen, his influence and his patronage. Of a warm heart and
temperment, he was born for friendship and fond of genial society.
was highly valued as a counsellor by his neighbors, and hailed as the
and beneficent friend of the poor. He died as we have reason to
without a personal enemy; and the community among whom he dwelt so long
by whom he was so highly honored, have in deed sustained an irreparable
He reared a large family -- of whom six are sons, grown to men's
estate; the eldest a clergyman of the M. E. Church, of which deceased
was a devoted member -- and the others reflect no discredit upon their
worthy parentage. An only daughter, upon whom were centered
his fondest affections, died about a year ago -- an event that produced
depression of spirits in Mr. R., and from which he never wholly rallied.
At our late town meeting, Mr. Runyan was the democratic candidate
for Justice
of the Peace, and although his ticket generally was defeated, he was
by a majority of nearly 150 -- a fact to which we allude as attesting
well-deserved popularity. "An honest man's the noblest work of
and such was Isaac W. Runyan. The funeral took place on Monday
with services at the M. E. Church, Seneca Castle, the pastor passing an
eulogy upon the life and character of the deceased, in presence of a
concourse of sorrowing friends.
From The Shortsville Enterprise, November 2, 1889, Vol. 7, No. 44,
page 3.
Miss Julia Runyan, youngest daughter of Isaac Runyan of this
place, died at her home on Monday morning, aged 20 years. She had been
a great sufferer for many weeks, and death proved a welcome visitor to
her. Poor girl, she had experienced her full quota of sufferings, but
in the anguish of one who, bowed low under more than her share of
earthly sorrows, she sought relief through the mediation of her
Heavenly Father; and with that confidence in Him who has said: "come
unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest," - she
confidently placed her hand in His and bade good-by to earthly trials
and tribulations. May the tears that unbidden start in remembrance of
her life's trials tend to soften each and all of our calloused hearts,
and cause us to more diligently seek Him who has promised all a home
with Him on high who faithfully serve him - a home where all is peace,
joy and happiness! Julia's funeral was held from her late home on
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. D. D. Davis officiating. The
remains were interred in the new cemetery. An aged father and mother
besides three brothers and a sister mourn her loss. We extend to them
our sympathy in their sorrowing hour.
Thanks to Martha McGill for this donation.
From Geneva Advertiser 8 April 1902
Vincent L. Runyan died at his home near Seneca Castle last Friday
afternoon, April 4th, at one o'clock. He had been ailing for some
time, kidney and bladder difficulties, but bore his sufferings
patiently. He was conscious up to the last hour. His brother,
George E. Runyan, now the sole survivor of the family, came up from
Boston that morning and was fully recognized by Vin., who talked with
him for quite a spell. It was a great consolation to both to so
be together at the last.
There were few better known farmers in Old Ontario than Vincent L.
Runyan. Although but 59 years of age, his activity in
agricultural matters, at State, County and local fairs, brought him
always to the front. He was a Democrat of the old Tilden,
Seymour, Flower school. No isms could swerve him from the path of
true democracy. We cannot recall that he ever held any
important office, but he was a worker who could be depended upon.
And he was well posted on all public matters. He was
a warm friend of the Agricultural Experiment Station from its inception
to the present time, and hoped for still better things from it.
He is survived by his wife and one son, Charles. In his death
we have lost a friend whom we have known and highly esteemed for more
than forty years, as we well knew and esteemed his good old father,
Isaac Runyan. His bereaved family and the lonely brother have the
deep sympathy of all. The funeral was held from the house
yesterday morning at eleven o'clock, and the interment was in the
Whitney cemetery. It was attended by a large number of old
friends and neighbors
among whom he was born, reared and had lived all his life.
From Ontario County Chronicle 2 September 1903
Shortsville, N. Y. - The death of Isaac Runyon, one of
Shortsville's oldest and most respected residents, occurred at his
residence on East Main street at 10 o'clock Friday morning, after a
lingering illness. He was an active man, although he had reached the
age of 83 years and was always at his place in the shops of the Empire
Drill company until within a few months. Mr. Runyon was born August 1,
1821, being one of a family of eight children, all of whom lived to be
more than 60 years old. When the gold fever was at its height in 1851,
Mr. Runyon went to California, going by way of the Isthmus, which was a
six weeks' trip. He remained in California five years, and suffered
greatly with Panama fever during that time. His wife was Miss Julia
Ferguson of Orleans, who died two years ago.
Coming to Shortsville in 1864 he entered the employ of the Empire Drill
company, where he was a faithful workman for forty years. Two sisters
survive him, Mrs. Elsie DeMott of Owensville, Ind., who is 78 years of
age, and Mrs. Hannah Capps of Nashville, Tenn. He leaves one daughter,
Mrs. Zadoc W. Warfield of this village, and three sons, John of
Orleans, Frank of Buffalo and George of Shortsville. The funeral
services were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by the Rev.
C. E. Fegles, pastor of the Shortsville Methodist church, of which Mr.
Runyon was a lifelong member. Interment was in Brookside Cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 26 December 1916
Mrs. Catherine Lee Rupert, widow of the late William P. Rupert,
died at the family home in Seneca, Sunday morning. The deceased, who
was 86 years of age, has been an invalid for the past year and a half.
The survivors include in addition to Dr. T. D. Rupert of this city, the
following sons and daughters: Eliza Robson and Mrs. Robson of Hall;
Phillip G. Rupert of Seneca; T. W. Rupert of Canandaigua and Frank E.
Rupert of Seneca. The funeral was held from the family home at 2
o'clock this afternoon, Rev. A. H. Temple officiating. Burial was made
in the No. Nine cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 24 August 1914
Justus G. Rupert, aged 72 years, died at his home, south of Geneva,
Sunday morning at 8:45 o'clock. He is survived by his wife and one
daughter, Agnes B. Rupert; one sister, Miss Mary Elizabeth Rupert, of
Dallas, Pa. Funeral services will be held from his late home on
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. A. B. Temple, pastor of
Number Nine church, officiating. Burial will be made in Glenwood
Cemetery, Geneva.
From Geneva Daily Times 6 January 1930
Mrs. Clara C. Rupert, aged 74, widow of the late Dr. Theodore D.
Rupert, died this morning at 7:45 o'clock at her home, 164 Genesee
street, following a long illness. She is s by two sons, F. Everett
Rupert of Washington, D. C., and Theodore J. Rupert of Jamestown; five
grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. D. E. Barnes of Geneva, R. D.
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 16 March 1929
Stanley, N. Y., March 15 - Phillip G. Rupert, 76, died Wednesday at
the Geneva City Hospital after a brief illness. He leaves his widow,
Mrs. Hattie Rupert; one son, Clarence E. of Geneva; two brothers, Frank
of the Town of Seneca, and W. T. of Rochester; two sisters, Mrs. Belle
Robson and Mrs. Eliza Robson of Hall. Rupert served as member of the
board of assessors of the Town of Seneca for a number of years and was
a member of Number Nine Presbyterian church, Town of Seneca. Funeral
from the home of his brother, Frank, Saturday at 2:30 o'clock. Burial
in Number Nine Cemetery.
From Geneva Advertiser 22 April 1902
William P. Rupert died at
his home in Seneca, near the Church, last Wednesday evening, April
16th, at a little after five o'clock. We had known of his illness
and his condition for weeks preceding his death, and were aware that he
would not long survive. He was one of the best known farmers in
the county -- not only a farmer, but an extensive nurseryman, fruit
grower and dairyman, conducting the business with his son, Frank.
It was on account of their
extensive nursery interests that the postoffice at Seneca was not
discontinued. He was a progressive man, and we may say now that
it was he who said he would give $1000 toward the construction of an
electric railroad between Geneva and Halls Corners. He was one of
the foremost workers in the Seneca Church and Sunday School,
and a generous contributor, besides giving frequent talks in other
churches. Mr. Rupert's age was 73 years. Besides his wife,
he is survived by four sons and two daughters, Dr. T. D. Rupert
of Geneva, W. Thomas of Canandaigua, Frank E. and Philip G. at
home, and Mrs. Dr. Robson and Mrs. Orson Robson of Halls. The
funeral was held on Saturday afternoon at three o'clock in Seneca
Church, interment in the Seneca cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 3 December 1903
William P. Rupert, nineteen-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Rupert, of Seneca, died yesterday
at the home of his parents, after a protracted illness. The deceased
is survived by his parents. The funeral will take place at 1:30 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon from his late home. Rev. A. B. Temple will
officiate. Burial will be in No. 9 cemetery.
From Geneva Advertiser 29 April 1902
In another place is announced the death of Mrs. Annie Rush, the
of Charles Rush, who died at her home on Geneva street at six
o'clock on the morning of last Saturday, April 26th. She leaves
no children, only one brother surviving, John Annan and three cousins,
William Whitwell, Mrs. A. Robinson, and Mrs. Geo. A. Fordon, all of
this city. She was born in Geneva, and it has always been her
home. She was of genial, kindly disposition, never so pleased as when
making others happy. Years ago there was quite a party of married
people of about her age who assembled occasionally for an evening's
enjoyment, but only two couples remain here that we can recall, so
rapidly do they pass away. The funeral will take place this
Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock from the house, Rev. J. B. Hubbs
officiating. The interment will be in Washington street cemetery.
From Geneva Gazette 14 May 1886
A Sad case of Suicide - About half-past five o'clock last
Saturday afternoon, the startling intelligence was circulating from
mouth to mouth that Charlie Rush had just shot himself.
Investigation proved it to be only too true, the little single barrel
pistol aimed by a steady hand had sent the leaden ball straight through
the heart of a brave
man causing instant death.
It seems that Mr. Rush left the counting office of his employer, Mr.
S. Southworth, at the usual time
for dinner and went home. After partaking of the midday meal he
said that he guessed he would not go back to work right away, but that
he would lie down on the lounge and take a short rest. His wife
said that if he desired to obtain an uninterrupted sleep he had better
lie down on the bed, this he agreed to do while she performed a few
It was not until Mrs. Rush had departed and he had taken to the bed
that the demon of self destruction
seized him. For some cause he resolved to end his days, and the
true motive of his sudden and insane action will probably never be
known until the "last great day." Certain it is however that he
obtained the pistol, placed the muzzle directly over
his heart and then deliberately pulled the trigger. A flash, a
sharp report, a quiver of the muscles and the spirit of Charles H. Rush
had departed never more to return. About five o'clock Mrs. Rush
returned home and as she entered the house she saw her mother lying on
the lounge. She then passed into the bedroom where she supposed
her husband was sleeping. She went to the bedside and printed a
kiss on his forehead and judge of her surprise when she found that his
head was cold. She felt of his hands and they were also
cold. Hastily turning down the coverlid, she saw
blood on his breast and the horrible conviction seized her that her
husband was dead.
The neighbors were summoned and Coroner Hemiup sent for, who upon an
examination thought that as everything showed that Charlie had
committed suicide no inquest was necessary.
The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon and were largely
attended. Hydrant Hose Company, Nester Hose Company, the paid
department and the Charles J. Folger Hook and Ladder Company (of which
he was a member) attended in a body. Messrs. E. Harris, M.
Jenkinson, S. H. Remington, Ed. Spendlove, Levi Canfield and S.
Southworth acted as bearers. He leaves a wife, one sister and a
Mr. Rush was born in England, and resided there until about twenty
years of age, when he resolved to seek his fortune in the "new country
beyond the sea." He landed in Canada and finally brought up at
Toronto when upon advice of friends he came to the States. It
seems that he had relatives living at or near Penn Yan and as his funds
were growing low he started immediately for that place. Upon
reaching Canandaigua his last penny was gone and he started off on foot
through the snow, it being winter time, and about night he reached
Rushville, tired, almost famished and well nigh exhausted. He
entered the hotel kept by Lyman Loomis and took a seat by the
stove. Mr. Loomis asked him if he did not want supper and he
replied that he thought a good supper would taste like new life to him
as he had eaten nothing since morning, but said Charlie, "I have not a
cent to pay for it." That is all right said Mr. Loomis, and in a
few minutes he had prepared a supper, which tasted like a sumptuous
banquet to Mr. Rush. After he had satisfied the inner man, Mr.
Loomis gave him a good cigar and then invited him to stay all night,
and gave him the best bed in the house. For this act of kindness
and generosity, Mr. Rush was deeply grateful and he always looked upon
Mr. Loomis as a prince among men. The next fall he came to Geneva and
entered the employ of Schell and
De Lee and he was identified with that house, which finally came into
the hands of Mr. S. Southworth, until the day of his death. Mr. Rush
was not only a perfect gentleman in every sense of the
word, but
he was a thorough accountant and thoroughly conversant with the laws
principle of insurance. He was considered the best posted
insurance man in Geneva. Honest and upright in all his dealings,
he commanded the confidence and respect of his employer and never a
breath of suspicion as to the correctness of his accounts was ever
raised, despite the assertions of certain unscrupulous or misinformed
sheets to the
contrary. The past cannot be undone. Charlie had his faults
like all men, but they were so overbalanced by his virtues that they
sank out of sight, and only the true gentleman, the faithful husband,
the loving brother and companion and the upright business man will
abide in the memory of his family, friends and acquaintances.
From Geneva Courier 2 April 1879
Death of Russell M. Rush - Russell M. Rush, of Manchester,
died suddenly on Monday, March 24th. He was found dead in
bed. He was one of the oldest citizens of Ontario county, being
about 82 years old at the time of his death. His funeral took
place from his late residence, about two miles north of Manchester
village, on Saturday at 2 p.m., a large number of friends and relatives
being present. He was a man noted for his fair dealing, honesty
and liberality, and his death will be universally regretted. A
lover of horses, cattle, and live stock in general, he came into
possession of some of the finest live stock in Ontario and adjoining
counties. Standing among the first it was his privilege to carry
away many prizes from his
competitors, hardly a fair passing without his securing one or more
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 19 August 1897
Farmington - After a long illness, Lewis Rushmore died
Saturday evening. His funeral will be held at the residence this
afternoon; interment in South Farmington Cemetery, Rev. McLaughlin, of
Macedon, officiating.
From Victor Herald 26 October 1895
Farmington, N. Y. - Another well-known resident of Farmington
has passed on. Mrs. Lewis Rushmore died last week of typhoid
fever. The funeral services were held at the South Perinton meeting
house, Rev. L. W. McLaughlin of Macedon officiating. A husband and one
daughter, Mrs. Henry Sawyer, survive her.
From Geneva Daily Times 17 October 1906
Naples, N. Y. - The funeral of Anthony Rusinger, one
of Naples' leading vineyardists, was held from the Catholic church
yesterday. He died at a Rochester hospital Monday. Having acquired a
fine property here, he purchased last year a fruit farm near Rochester
known as "Forest Lawn," and moved thereto with a part of his family,
leaving a son to look after his interests here. The venture proved too
much for even his indomitable energy and strength, and he gave way
physically. He came to Naples early in life and married here Miss
Caroline Biehl. She, with three sons and one daughter, survive him. One
son, Charles, is in business in Rochester.
From Geneva Daily Times 11 March 1904
Shortsville, N. Y. - Silas S. Russ, seventy-two, died suddenly of
heart failure at his home in Manchester, at 6:45 yesterday morning. He
was born in Albany, and had lived in Manchester over thirty years. By
trade he was a wagon maker, but had not been actively engaged in this
business for many years. He is survived by his wife, one brother,
William of Deposit, and three sisters, Mrs. R. Jones and Mrs. J. Jones
of Oak Hill and Mrs. Persis Russ of Worcester, Otsego county. The
funeral will be held at the home at two Saturday afternoon, Rev. C. E.
Herman of the Clifton Springs M. E. church officiating. Burial will be
in Shortsville. Mr. Russ was one of the largest men
in this section, his weight being over 300 pounds.
From Geneva Daily Times 15 June 1907
Manchester, N. Y. - Miss Adelia Russell of this village died at
her home Thursday night at the age of 77 years. She was born in
Shortsville in the year 1830, and resided there until about thirty
years ago, when she removed to Manchester. She suffered a stroke of
apoplexy a few months ago. She is survived by four brothers, Charles E.
Russell of Manchester, James Russell of Fairport, Wilber Russell of
Streator, Ill., and Edgar Russell of Oaks
Corners, N. Y. Burial Brookside Cemetery
From Ontario County Chronicle 31 December 1902
Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Albert Russell passed to her final rest
Christmas night at 8 o'clock. She was much beloved by all who knew her.
She leaves a husband, one son and a daughter to mourn her loss. She was
buried Saturday afternoon.
From Geneva Daily Times 14 January 1904
Rushville, N. Y. - The funeral of Mrs. Bloomfield Russell, who
Saturday of Bright's disease, was held at her late home south of
this village this afternoon, after which the remains were taken to
Hartford, Conn., for burial. Mrs. Russell was sixty-two years of age
and had been a great sufferer for several years. Besides her husband,
one daughter and three sons
survive her.
From Geneva Daily Times 27 June 1904
Charles Russell, seventy-two years old, a "49er," died at his
home, No. 24 Main street, this morning of a complication of diseases.
He was born in the town of Geneva, and but for the few years in the
west and several years spent at Watkins, he has resided in this
section. He was a harness maker by trade, but for a long time has led a
retired life living with his wife at the family home. Beside his widow,
he is survived by two brothers, one at Providence, R. I., and the other
in California. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 3 o'clock from the
house, Rev. Dr. J. B. Hubbs officiating. Burial will be at Glenwood.
From Ontario County Journal 27 October 1911
Manchester, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Charles E. Russell occurred
at her home in this village on Saturday morning. On Jan. 2, 1884, she
suffered a stroke and since has been unable to walk. Mrs. Russell was
born in Manchester on Nov. 14, 1831, her maiden name being Mary Hart.
She was united in marriage to Charles Russell of Manchester. Her whole
life has been lived in this township. The 62d wedding anniversary was
celebrated on Oct. 18 last. Besides her husband, Mrs. Russell is
survived by one daughter, Mrs. Alice LaBounty of Manchester; two
grandsons, Frank Russell, of this village; and Charles LaBounty of
Rochester; one granddaughter, Mrs. Clarence Reed of Cato, Wayne county;
one brother, Albert Hart of Oregon; and one sister, Mrs. Laura Lockwood
of Pittsford, Mich. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon,
interment being in Brookside cemetery.
From Shortsville Enterprise 24 November 1911
The death of Charles E. Russell of Manchester, occurred at
his home in that village on Sunday evening last, after an illness of
ten days. He was aged nearly 85 years. His wife, Mrs. Mary Hart
Russell, died on October 21st last. Mr. Russell was born on December
29, 1826, and was a son of the late William and Margaret Russell. His
entire life had been spent in the township of Manchester. In his youth
he had acted as drover and often drove cattle, hogs, turkeys, etc.,
from Buffalo to Albany. He also conducted a planing mill, making
various kinds of wooden specialties including axe helves. He leaves one
daughter, Mrs. Alice LaBounty of Manchester; three brothers, Egbert
Russell of Oaks Corners; James Russell of Fairport, and Wilbur Russell
of Wisconsin; also three grandchildren, Mrs. Clarence Reed of Savannah;
Frank Russell of Manchester and Charles LaBounty, of Riverside, Cal.
From Geneva Courier 24 May 1882
Mr. Edward Russell, whose death is noted in the usual place, was
born in Herefordshire, England, in 1789, emigrated to Geneva in 1825,
and has lived here for 53 years. His principle business has been
farming. For the last 20 years he has lived a quiet and retired life
made necessary by his increasing infirmities, and now leaves the world
respected and beloved by his fellow men, to join his aged partner, a
notice of whose death was published in this paper about fifteen months
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 8 January 1938
Newark, N. Y. - Mrs. Elizabeth VerSluys Russell, 78, wife of Dennis
Russell of Port Gibson, died in her home yesterday. Born in Holland,
she had lived in and near Port Gibson the past 44 years. Surviving are
her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Edward DeWeaver of Newark and Mrs.
Andrew Bodine of Clifton Springs RD; three sons, Hellis and Dennis, Jr.
of Port Gibson, and Isaac of Rochester. Services will be held in the
home at 2 p.m. Monday. Burial will be in Port Gibson Cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 1 February 1918
Mrs. Emily Wright Russell, a lifelong resident of Victor, died
Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Myron Merson, with
whom she lived. Mrs. Russell was the daughter of Elisha Wright, a
prominent physician of earlier days, and was born at Palmyra, Sept. 18,
1835. She married Dr. Allen S. Russell. They lived for a short time in
Battle Creek, Mich., and as Dr. Russell was stationed at Fort Baker, in
Washington, during the Civil war, they moved there. She was there at
the time of the assassination of Lincoln and heard his last speech. She
leaves three children, Asa Russell of Rochester; Mrs. Arthur Loomis of
Rochester, and Mrs. Myron Merson of Victor; also a number of
grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Knapp of Missouri; and a half sister,
Mrs. Welthy Hill of Clifton Springs. The funeral was held from the home
on Wednesday afternoon. Rev. C. J. Oxley, of the Baptist church,
From Geneva Courier 5 January 1848
Sad Accident -- Frederick Russell, a young man residing
about a mile east of this village, on
the line of the Railroad, was run over on the morning of January 1st,
while returning home, and expired soon after. We understand that
the train passed over his thigh, nearly severing it from his body, and
broke one of his arms.
From Geneva Gazette 8 January 1848
Fatal Accident - Frederick Russell, a young man living about
mile east of this village, was run over by the downward train on Friday
last and was so horribly mangled that he survived but a short
time. From the indications near the spot where he was found, he
must have been
dragged several rods by the locomotive; still the train passed on, and
a person on board was aware of the dreadful accident which had befallen
the unfortunate victim. The mangled body of Russell was
by a Mr. Lane, before life was extinct; but he expired before he was
From Ontario County Times 2 December 1874
Shortsville, N. Y. - Mr. John H. Russell, as noticed in the Times
last week, died on last Wednesday morning at about 2 o'clock. He had
been sick just three weeks, of typhoid fever, and until the Thursday
preceding his death was doing well, and hopes were entertained of his
recovery. At that time under the influence of strong excitement, he
suddenly began to grow worse, and kept slowly sinking till death
ensued. He had been a resident of our village for nearly two years, and
by his uprightness and honorable dealing won the confidence and esteem
of his fellow townsmen. He leaves a wife and three children, the eldest
but four years old, to mourn his loss. The funeral was held at the
Presbyterian church on Friday, the 27th at 2 o'clock, Rev. J. Delarme
of Chapinsville preached the discourse. A large number of people
attended the funeral and paid this last sad tribute of respect to the
memory of our departed friend. The family thus bereaved and left in
somewhat straitened circumstances, have the full and friendly sympathy
of our entire community.
From Geneva Gazette 29 September 1876
Capt. L. C. Russell, an
old and prominent business man of Port Gibson in this county, died on
the 20th inst. injuries received from a fall a few days previously. He
was accidentally precipitated from a bridge used to take (can't read)
into his warehouse, a descent of about 12 feet, and though no bones were
broken he received internal injuries that have thus proven fatal. Mr.
Russell was known as a sterling and (can't read) bureaucrat and a man of
the highest integrity and principles.
Source: The Palmyra Courier, October 19, 1888, page 2 [a Wayne
County NY newspaper]
Lawrence Russell, of Shortsville, employed in the Penfield paper
mill, was injured last week by his left hand being drawn into the
drying machine. He was taken to his home at Shortsville. Lock-jaw
resulted from his wounds and he died Tuesday.
Thanks to Martha
McGill for this contribution.
From Geneva Daily Times 5 July 1910
Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Mary Ann Russell, who has been a
resident of this village since 1874, died at her home on Ontario
street, Sunday morning, aged 76 years, 5 months and 13 days. She had
been an invalid for several years. Mrs. Russell leaves her husband,
Matthew Russell, of this village; two sons, John A. Russell of Oil
City, Pa., and Frank Russell of Phelps; two daughters, Miss Kate
Russell of New York City, and Miss Anna Russell of Shortsville; one
brother, Patrick McQuillan of Ireland; one sister; Mrs. Patrick O'Keefe
of Canandaigua; and three grandchildren, Howard and James Russell of
Oil City, Pa., and John Russell of Phelps. Mrs. Russell was a member of
St. Dominic's church, Shortsville, from which the funeral will be held
Wednesday morning.
From Shortsville Enterprise 15 October 1914
In the death of Matthew Russell, which occurred at his
home in Ontario street on Tuesday afternoon shortly before one o'clock,
Shortsville loses one of its oldest residents, both in point of age and
length of residence here. The deceased had been in poor health for
about two years, but had been about the streets a few weeks ago. His
age was 76 years. Matthew Russell was born in the town of Stane, County
Meath, Ireland, on February 3, 1838. His parents were late James and
Katherine Coralin Russell. His wife was formerly Miss Mary McQuillan,
with whom he united in Ireland on October 2, 1857. They came to America
to reside on May 1, 1859, and located first in New York City. Later
they removed to Jersey City, N. J., and in October, 1874, came to
Shortsville to reside, making their home here since that time. Mrs.
Russell's demise occurred on July 3 1910. Eight children,six sons and
two daughters were born to them, but four of the former have since
passed to the Great Beyond. The survivors are two daughters, Miss
Catherine Russell, of New York, and Miss Anna Russell, of Shortsville ,
and two sons, Frank B. Russell of Phelps, and John E. Russell of Oil
City, Pa.; also four grandchildren, John and Francis Russell of Phelps,
and Harold and James Russell of Oil City. The funeral obsequies will be
held from St. Dominic's Catholic church in this village, of which the
deceased was a faithful member, on Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock. The
interment will be made beside the remains of his wife in Calvary
Cemetery at Canandaigua.
From Ontario County Journal 28 November 1884
Miss Rachel Russell, an elderly lady, committed
suicide at her residence in Geneva last Friday night, by hanging.
It is thought that worry over business matters impelled her to the
deed. She owned considerable railroad stock and the recent fluctuations
worried her greatly. Coroner Maynard held an inquest Saturday.
From Geneva Gazette 22 January 1864
We regret to announce that Mr. Wm. Russell, of Seneca
Castle, who was accidentally caught in the tumbling rod of a threshing
machine about two weeks since, bruising him terribly, died from the
effects of his wounds on Saturday last. He leaves a wife and
several children in destitute circumstances.
From Ontario County Journal 15 February 1901
Allen's Hill, N. Y. - Mrs. Agnes Ryan died at her home in
Honeoye on Sunday afternoon, aged 60 years. Funeral services were held
from the M. E. church of this place, of which she was a member, on
Tuesday afternoon. She left four sons, Wallace, of this place; Ernest
of Canadice; Herbert and Edward; and one daughter, Miss Etta Ryan of
From Ontario County Journal 12 August 1892
Naples, N. Y. - The funeral of Mrs. Anna Ryan, wife of
Michael Ryan, was held at the Presbyterian church on Monday. Mrs. Ryan
left her home here some two months since to try the cooler air of the
Prattsburgh hills, and died at the home of her brother, Mr. Dearlove,
in that town, of consumption, aged about 38 years.
From Victor Herald 11 July 1902
Mrs. Bridget Ryan died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James
Driscoll, on Covill street, Tuesday evening. Heart trouble was the
cause of death which came very suddenly. The deceased was 68 years of
age and is survived by five sons and two daughters, none of whom, with
the exception of Mrs. Driscoll, reside here. The funeral was held this
morning at 8:30 at St. Patrick's church, Rev. J. J. Donnelly
officiating, and burial at Palmyra.
From Victor Herald 20 November 1903
Edward Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan, of Farmington, met
with a terrible death while in the performance of his duties as
brakeman on the Lehigh Valley railroad, at Rochester Junction, at 8
o'clock Wednesday morning. Ryan was coupling cars, and in some manner
fell under the wheels. Two cars passed over his body before he could be
rescued from the track. Although every effort was made, even to the
equipping of a special train to hurry the injured man to medical aid,
he died just before the city was reached. A homeopathic hospital
ambulance had been summoned, but the body was removed to the morgue by
Coroner Kleindienst. Mr. Ryan had an exemplary reputation in this
section, and was highly esteemed wherever known. His death caused
universal sorrow here. Mr. Ryan was about 25 years of age. He leaves
one brother, James Ryan, of Victor, and four sisters, Mrs. E. J.
Gouldrick, also of Victor, Sadie and Anna, who are at home, and Nellie,
who is employed in the Bell Telephone office in Rochester. Funeral at
St. Patrick's Church tomorrow, Rev. J. J. Donnelly officiating.
From Victor Herald 23 January 1903
Edward J. Ryan died suddenly at his home near West Bloomfield,
Monday, January 12, aged forty-four years and six months. The deceased
is survived by his wife, three sons, James, William and Raymond, and
one daughter, Jennie E., his mother, Mrs. Ann Ryan; one brother,
William H.., of Victor; four sisters, Mrs. Andrew Burns of Coburg,
Ontario; Mrs. Karl J. Thompson and Miss Theresa Ryan of San Diego,
Cal.; Miss Agnes Ryan of Rochester.
From Geneva Daily Times 23 April 1909
Phelps, N. Y. - Edward P. Ryan, a hotelkeeper of this place, died
last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. P. Doherty in Syracuse.
Mr. Ryan left here Saturday to visit his daughter, and while there was
stricken with paralysis shortly after noon Tuesday. Mr. Ryan was the
oldest son of the late Captain and Mrs. James Ryan, who came to the
village of Phelps with the early settlers. The deceased was born here
and had spent his entire life in this community. He was in the 57th
year of his age. Mr. Ryan had been in the hotel business in this
village for nearly 35 years, and had conducted the Cottage Hotel a
quarter of a century. He retired from active business last February. He
leaves a wife, one daughter, Mrs. C. P. Doherty of Syracuse; three
sons, Frank J. of New York, Edward P., Jr., of Rochester, and Paul of
Syracuse; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Cahill of Irvington on the Hudson, and
Mrs. John Mason of Rochester; and one brother, Emmett J. Ryan of Seneca
From Geneva Daily Times 4 March 1909
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan took place this morning
at 9:30 o'clock at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Patrick Cass,
No. 34 Clinton street, and at 10 o'clock from St. Francis DeSales
church. Interment in St. Patrick's Cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 30 July 1909
West Bloomfield, N. Y. - On Monday morning occurred the death of Mrs.
Ryan at her home in this village. Mrs. Ryan was born in
Neuagh, Ireland, 86 years ago, coming to this country when quite young;
59 years ago the deceased was united in marriage with Michael Ryan of
this village, where they had since resided. Mrs. Ryan was highly
respected and will be greatly missed in the home, where she was the
object of much love and affection. The children who survive are:
Michael of Detroit, Mich.; William of Rochester; Mrs. Morgan Flynn of
Lima; Mrs. Jerry Collins of LeRoy; Mrs. James Crowly, of Union City,
Pa.; Mrs. William Welch, Miss Kate Ryan, Miss Margaret Ryan and Thomas
Ryan, all of this village. Three sisters, all of whom are over 80 years
of age, also survive: Mrs. Holland of Minnesota; Mrs. Fox and Mrs.
McClemens of Michigan. The funeral was held from St. Joseph's church on
Wednesday morning and was largely attended. Rev. Father FitzSimmons
officiated, assisted by Rev. Father Keenan, of the Cathedral, and Rev.
Father Iscler of Caledonia. Six grandsons acted as bearers. The floral
offerings were beautiful. Interment was made in St. Rose's cemetery at
From Shortsville Enterprise 11 May 1933
Mrs. Esther Ryan, 41, wife of William S. Ryan, died yesterday at
8:30 a.m. at the home in West Main street road, after a long illness.
Mrs. Ryan came here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Johnson, from
Nebraska, in 1914. She was a member of Parlor Village Rebekah lodge.
Besides her husband, she is survived by one son, Charles; and one
daughter, Dorothy; two sisters, Mrs. Earl Perryman of Farmington, and
Mrs. Carl Carlson of Holdredg, Neb; one brother, Carl W. Johnson of
Holdredg, Neb. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 2:30
p.m. from South Farmington chapel, the Rev. L. L. Swarthout, pastor of
the Manchester Baptist church, officiating. Services in charge of
Parlor Village Rebekah lodge. Burial in South Farmington cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 14 December 1900
Victor, N. Y. - Mrs. James Ryan, an aged lady residing in
Mertensia, died at her home on Monday. The funeral was held from St.
Patrick's Catholic church on Wednesday. She is survived by a husband,
one daughter and four sons.
From Ontario County Times 10 March 1880
Last week Tuesday, election day, a sad accident occurred at the
Town House in the town of South Bristol, by which James G. Ryan, a
esteemed young man of that town, met his death. Young Ryan was
challenged by one Murrell to a wrestling contest, and in the struggle
he was thrown forward on his head, Murrell falling heavily on his body,
in such a manner as to produce a fracture and dislocation of the spinal
column just below the nape of the neck. This was immediately followed
by paralysis of the whole body below the fracture. He was attended by
Dr. J. T. Smith of this village, and Dr. Templar of Bristol, but
medical skill was of no avail, and he lingered until Thursday night at
6 o'clock, when he died. His remains were interred in the cemetery at
East Bloomfield on Saturday.
From Geneva Daily Times 21 February 1907
Gorham, N. Y. - Mrs. Jane Ryan was found alone in her home
between Gorham and Hall's one of the severe days of last week, by
in a helpless and freezing condition, after having suffered from a
shock, she did not recover consciousness and died Tuesday about noon.
Her husband died about a year ago. She is survived by one son, Frank
DeWitt, who lives in the west part of the town. Funeral took place
today at 1 o'clock from her late home. Interment in Gorham cemetery.
From Victor Herald 21 September 1895
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - The remains of John Ryan, a
former resident of South Bristol, were buried in the Catholic cemetery
Monday noon.
From Geneva Daily Times 27 September 1906
Gorham, N. Y. - The death of John Ryan, a man of about
70 years
of age, occurred at his home a short distance southeast of this
village, Monday morning. Mr. Ryan was among other laborers
who came here about thirty years ago to do the first work upon the
Middlesex Valley railroad. He married Miss Jane DeWitt and remained a
citizen of the place. He had been in poor health during the last few
months, but was only confined to the bed for two or three weeks. He is
survived by his wife.
From Ontario County Journal 15 October 1915
Victor, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. John Ryan occurred
on Friday at her home about three miles east of this village. Mrs. Ryan
had been ill about two weeks, and the sudden change for the worse came
shortly after noon on Friday. She was 62 years of age and had lived her
entire life in this locality and most of her married life had been
passed in the home where she died and where she made many friends. She
leaves, besides her husband, John Ryan, two daughters, Mrs. Maria
Guinan of Mertensia, and Miss Lillie Ryan, for nine years a teacher at
North Tonawanda; three sons, Owen, William and Joseph Ryan, of
Mertensia; one sister, Mrs. Margaret Clark of Scranton, Pa.; and one brother, Owen
Patterson, who resided with his sister at the family home. The funeral
services were held on Monday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Patrick's
church in Victor. A nephew, Rev. Francis T. McCrone, of Owego, sang the
Requiem mass, assisted Rev. J. J. Donnelly, pastor of the church.
From Ontario County Journal 23 March 1917
John L. Ryan, aged 49 years, was found dead in bed at his home on
Hubbell street on Wednesday evening by his wife who had just returned
from Victor, where she had been visiting since Monday. He was last seen
alive on Tuesday
morning. Coroner H. M. Smith pronounced death due to natural causes.
Deceased had resided in Canandaigua since last fall. He was a native of
Victor and was well-known. He leaves his wife and two children; also
three sisters and two brothers, Catherine Anna and Edward J. Ryan of
Victor; Mrs. Bernard Coniff of Rochester, and William Ryan of
Shortsville. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning.
Interment will be at Victor.
From Geneva Daily Times 9 April 1908
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Joseph Ryan, who has been a great sufferer
rheumatism and heart trouble for the past ten years, died at his home
South Main street Tuesday evening at the age of 57 years. He is
by his wife and a daughter, Grace A. Ryan, also by a sister, Mrs. John
who resides at Geneva. Mr. Ryan formerly worked in the Locke works at
The funeral will take place tomorrow morning from St. Mary's church.
From Ontario County Journal 26 August 1898
Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Judith Ryan of this place, who received a
severe shock of paralysis at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Mason
of Rochester, died in that city on Sunday morning last, shortly after 1
o'clock. She is survived by two sons, E. P. Ryan of this place; and
Emmett J. Ryan of Seneca Falls; and two daughters, Mrs. Mason and Mrs.
Mary Cahill. The remains were brought here Monday afternoon, and the
funeral was held from St. Francis church Tuesday forenoon at 10
o'clock, and interment made in the Phelps cemetery. Rev. A. M. O'Neil
officiated at the funeral, assisted by Rev. Father Nelligan. The
remains of the husband of the deceased, who was buried at Canandaigua
over 30 years since, are to be brought to Phelps later and interred
beside those of his wife. This was her wish, expressed to her relatives
before her death.
From Geneva Courier 12 April 1876
The funeral of the late Margaret B. Ryan, relict of the late
Michael Ryan, which took place at the Church of St. Francis de Sales,
on Saturday morning last, was attended by a vast concourse of
people. Mrs. Ryan, with her husband, were among the older
inhabitants of Geneva, and here they reared to manhood and womanhood a
large family, five of whom survive. To her children and
grandchildren Mrs. Ryan was strongly attached, and they in return were
equally obedient and filial. Her death leaves a gap in the
church, which it will be hard to fill. For many years, Mrs. Ryan
has been among the most zealous in the promotion of
her church, and has tried to see it grow, from the smallest of our
churches edifices and congregation, to be the largest church building
and the most numerous congregation in Geneva.
From Geneva Daily Times 27 October 1897
Mrs. Margaret Ryan, wife of Thomas Ryan, died at her residence
in this city at 1 o'clock yesterday morning, aged 25 years. The funeral
will take place from St. Francis de Sales church at 9 o'clock tomorrow
morning. Father McPadden will officiate. The deceased is survived by
her husband, seven brothers and two sisters. She was an estimable lady
and came to Geneva about one year ago with her family. Margaret was
married to Mr. Ryan two years ago. She was a devout Catholic, and
highly respected by all who knew her. Burial St. Patrick's Cemetery.
From Geneva Gazette 7 April 1876
Mrs. Michael Ryan died at her residence in this village
yesterday morning, aged 67 years. She was a woman of wonderful
vitality and energy, scarcely knowing a sick day until the occurrence
of an accident last winter - suffering from a severe fall. This shock
resulted in a fatal illness. Mrs. Ryan, as an old resident, and
an active and zealous leader in all movements for the promotion of
Church interests (Catholic), became well-known to and highly respected
by all classes and sects in our community. She reared a large family,
of whom but four survive, and they occupy honorable stations in
society. Her husband, alike honorable and upright in his life of
half century among us, passed away but a brief year or so ago,
sincerely mourned of a wide circle of acquaintances. The earlier
emigrants like Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, had severer trials to encounter and
difficulties to surmount in efforts to earn even a common sustenance;
when therefore we revert to those who accomplished much more, became
liberal benefactors to their Church, and afforded their children an
accomplished education, fitting them to become educators and for the
higher ranks of business life, such parents of the pioneer age are all
the more entitled to public respect and honor, and surely faith in our
common Christianity will accord to all such the Divine blessing and
eternal rest under His sacred promises.
From Geneva Daily Times 23 October 1907
Canandaigua, N. Y. - In a sad accident near Chapinville, in the
town of Hopewell, Michael Ryan, a well-known farmer, met his
death yesterday. Mr. Ryan, who lives about a mile east of Chapinville,
went to the home of a friend, Daniel O'Brien, near Shortsville,
yesterday afternoon to get a corn
harvester. When the team reached a place in the road about a half-mile
Ryan's home, they were noticed by two of Mr. Ryan's neighbors, named
to be trotting along quite rapidly without a driver. The men stopped
horses and discovered Mr. Ryan's body lying among the cogwheels of the
They extricated the body, but there was no evidence of life in it, and
removed it to the Ryan home, where Coroner F. P. Warner of Canandaigua
summoned later. In the absence of any eye-witnesses of the tragedy, he
the cause of death to have been accidental. The chest and side were
crushed, and death was probably instantaneous. Mr. Ryan was 62 years
and leaves a wife, three daughters, Mrs. John Dyer of Rochester, and
Zetta and Mary Ryan of Hopewell; two brothers, John Ryan of Mertensia,
Patrick Ryan of Farmington, and a sister, Mrs. Patrick Carney of
From Geneva Daily Times 17 June 1907
Manchester, N. Y. - The funeral of Mrs. Michael Ryan of
was held from St. Dominic's Catholic church at Shortsville
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Father Gefel officiating, and the
remains were taken
to Palmyra for burial. Although 72 years of age, the death of Mrs. Ryan
unexpected and is sincerely mourned. She is survived by her husband,
and three sons, William Ryan of Manchester, and James and John Ryan of
and one daughter of Lima; a brother, James Curran of Manchester, and a
sister, Mrs. Michael Brown of Michigan.
From Geneva Daily Times 4 January 1905
Phelps, N. Y. - Patrick Ryan, eighty years old, who lives
southwest of Phelps, near Orleans, died Monday evening. He leaves one
son, John Ryan, of Orleans.
From Geneva Daily Times 15 March 1909
Shortsville, N. Y. - Patrick Ryan, a well-known resident of
Farmington , met with a fatal accident Saturday afternoon between 5 and
6 o'clock. With a friend named Daniel McCrone of Boston, he had spent
the afternoon in Canandaigua. He arrived at his home, about one mile
north of Farmington station at 5 o'clock. He went to the barn to
unharness and attend to his horse, and when, after a half hour had
passed, he failed to come in the house for supper, his daughter, Miss
Anna Ryan, went to the barn to find the cause of the delay. She found
her father lying on the floor dead. He had evidently been putting down
hay for the horse when he fell from the loft to the barn floor, a
distance of only four feet, and struck on his forehead in such a way
that his neck was broken. Coroner Daniel A. Eiseline of Shortsville,
who was summoned, pronounced death accidental. Mr. Ryan's age was 72
years and 4 months, and he was born in Ireland, a son of Michael Ryan.
About forty-eight years ago he came to this country. He resided first
in Herkimer county, and then came to the town of Farmington, where he
married and had since lived. The deceased leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary
Ryan; one son, James Ryan of Lima; four daughters, Miss Anna Ryan, of
Farmington; Mrs. Edward Gouldrick of Victor, and Miss Nellie Ryan and
Miss Sarah Ryan of Rochester; one brother, John Ryan of Mertensia; and
two sisters, Mrs. Peter Mernaugh of Utica, and Mrs. Bridget Carney, of
From Geneva Daily Times 1 November 1916
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Yesterday morning in the Sanitarium Annex occurred the death of Patrick Ryan, one
of the old residents of this village and vicinity. Mr. Ryan was born in
Ireland seventy-six years ago and came to this country at the age of 25
years, moving to a farm north of this village where he remained until
about fifteen years ago, since which time he has made his home with his
children, spending a large part of the time in this village. In 1868,
he married Miss Bridget Hayes, who came from their native home in
Ireland shortly before the ceremony. Mrs. Ryan died about twelve years
ago. He leaves nine children. The funeral will be held on Friday
morning at 9 o'clock from St. Felix church.
From Geneva Daily Times 26 September
Victor, N. Y. - Thomas Ryan, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Ryan of Mertensia, was killed by
the cars on the New York Central tracks a short distance from
Victor station, at an early hour this morning. Just how he met
his death is not known, his body being found soon after daylight by
Richard Riley, who was walking along the tracks. From the appearance of
the body, Ryan had been dead for some hours. Coroner Warner was
notified and later viewed the remains. Ryan's head was badly
cut, and his neck and one arm broken. The remains were taken in
charge by Undertaker Case of this village, and removed to the home
of the family, near Mertensia. Ryan had, early in the evening, visited
at the home of his uncle about midway between his home and Victor, and
it is thought that after leaving there he came to the village, and
on his way home endeavored to catch a ride on a passing train but
his hold and was killed. He was about thirty years of age, and is
by his parents, three brothers and three sisters, all of whom reside
at Mertensia.
From Shortsville Enterprise 9 April 1936
Manchester has lost another esteemed resident in the passing of Mrs. Thomas Ryan, whose
death occurred at the family home last Thursday morning, at the age of
75 years. She had been ill only a short time. Mrs. Ryan was a native of
Ireland, having been born on December 26, 1860. During the year 1879
she came to America and settled at South Perinton. She was united in
marriage to Thomas Ryan in 1882, and they located in Manchester during
the year 1902, where they have since continuously resided. She was a
devout member of St. Dominic's church, Shortsville. "Ma" Ryan, as she
was affectionately known to most people, possessed a most pleasing
personality and was loved by all, being held in the highest esteem by
both young and old alike. She was a devout Catholic and her Christian
life was a fine example for everyone. Her passing leaves a vacancy that
will always remain, connected with the pleasantest of memories. The
survivors are her husband; three sons, Postmaster Andrew E. Ryan and
Raymond Ryan of Manchester and Jerry Ryan of Fairport; two daughters,
Mrs. Marie Galbraith and Mrs. Lynn Fish of Manchester, twenty-three
grandchildren; and one great-grandchild; also several nieces and
nephews. The funeral, one of the largest held here in a number of
years, took place Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at the home and at 9:30
at St. Dominic's church. Solemn high mass was held, with the pastor,
Rev. John E. Napier, celebrant; Rev. Edward Lyons of Rochester, a
nephew of the deceased, as deacon and Rev. John J. Ganey of Newark as
subdeacon. Rev. Leo Pulling of Lancaster was in the sanctuary. The
remains were tenderly laid at rest in St. Rose cemetery, Shortsville.
From Geneva Gazette 13 May 1892
Found Dead in Bed - Timothy Ryan, an aged and well known house
painter, formerly and for many years employed by Mathew Wilson, was
found dead in bed at his residence in Park Avenue last Tuesday.
Mr. Ryan has been a sufferer from rheumatism for some time past,
at length incapacitating him for work, and the ailment evidently
reached his heart with the fatal result chronicled. His aged wife
was very ill at the same time. Coroner Wright, after
investigating the case, concluded that it was unnecessary to hold an
inquest. The deceased was in every sense a good and useful
From Ontario County Journal 26 February 1886
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. William Ryan died very suddenly last
Friday, aged 59 years. His remains were taken to Canandaigua for
interment on Saturday.
From Shortsville Enterprise 10 February 1922
William Ryan, of Shortsville, occurred at the Memorial hospital in
Canandaigua on Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock, following a long illness.
His age was 62 years. He had been confined to the hospital for a month.
The survivors are his wife, three sons and two daughters, Louis, Emmett
and Miss Cecilia Ryan, of Shortsville, Augustus Ryan of Canandaigua,
and Miss Gertrude Ryan of Rochester; also three sisters and brother,
Mrs. Mary Coniff, of Rochester, Misses Anna and Kate Ryan and Edward
Ryan of Victor. The funeral services were held in Victor.
From Geneva Daily Times 24 September 1903
Mrs. William Ryan of Victor, mother of John Ryan of William
street, died at her home Tuesday after an illness of four days. Death
was due to paralysis. The deceased was sixty-nine years of age and was
born in Limerick, Ireland.
She came to this country in 1853. Besides her son in this city, she
is survived by her husband, three daughters, and two sons; Catharine
and Anne of Victor, Mrs. Conniff of Rochester, and E. J. and William
of Victor. Also one sister, Mrs. Catherine Heagerty of Little Falls.
The funeral will be held from St. Patrick's church, Victor, Friday
morning at 9:30 o'clock with a solemn requiem mass. Burial will be
at Victor. Mass will be said by Rev. Father Francis McCrone of Elmira,
a nephew of the deceased. Mrs. Ryan was widely known and greatly
beloved by all for her many commendable qualities of mind and heart.
The whole
community extends sympathy to the sorrowing family.
From Victor Herald 25 September 1903
Mrs. William Ryan died Tuesday morning, from the effects of a
stroke of paralysis, at her home near Mertensia, aged 69 years. Mrs.
Ryan had been ill but a few days. Her widowed husband, and six children
remain, Anna, Katharine and Edward, who are at home, Mrs. Mary Coniff
of Rochester, John Ryan of Geneva, and Will Ryan of this place. The
funeral was held from the family home this morning at 9 o'clock and
later from St. Patrick's church, Rev. J. J. Donnelly officiating.
Interment was made in the church cemetery here.
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 1 February 1928
Shortsville, N. Y., Jan. 31 - Funeral services will take place from the home Thursday for William Ryan, 52,
who died in Thompson Memorial Hospital at Canandaigua last Monday as
the result of injuries received the same day while engaged as switchman
for the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company at the freight transfer at
Manchester. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen,
Court Harlow Lodge; was the first president of the lodge and gave the
lodge its name. He was also chairman of the grievance committee of the
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen for the term. He had been in the
employ of the Lehigh Valley Railroad for thirty-six years continuously.
He was also a member of Canandaigua Council, Knights of Columbus, Holy
Name Society of St. Dominic's Church of Shortsville; and a member of
the Lehigh Valley Railroad Veteran Association.
He leaves his wife, Teresa Ryan; one son, Albert; one sister, Mrs.
James Ryan of Oakland, Calif; two nephews, Edward Ryan of Oakland,
Calif., and Lester Ryan of Rochester; and one niece Helen Ryan of
Rochester. Funeral from the family home at Shortsville Thursday at 9
a.m. and 9:45 o'clock at St. Dominic's Church, Shortsville with solemn
requiem mass celebrated by Rev. John Napier of Shortsville, Rev. J. J.
Carney of Newark and Rev. Leo Pulling of Buffalo. Burial in St. Rose's
cemetery, Shortsville. The local lodge of the Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen will attend in a body. Ryan was a locomotive fireman for some
years on the Lehigh before transferring to the switching department.
From Geneva Gazette 2 October 1885
Charles Ryder, a farm laborer living in the outskirts of
Naples, early Wednesday morning had some words with his wife and it is
alleged struck her. He then left as she supposed for his work,
but going to Stoddard's drug store purchased a quarter of a dram of
strychnine, which he took on his way back. On reaching his home
he sat down and in a few minutes fell to the floor and died in half an
hour. Let this prove a solemn warning to every husband -- never
to lay hands on the partner of his bosom save in token of kindness and
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 25 July 1921
Geneva, July 24 - The death of Mrs. Tamer Ryder, widow of
William O. Ryder, occurred yesterday afternoon at her home, No. 67
Sherrill Street. The cause of Mrs. Ryder's death was exhaustion from
the excessive heat. She was in her usual good health yesterday morning
but just before noon was overcome by the heat and died during the
afternoon. She had been a resident of this city for more than seventy
years. She is survived by two daughters, Miss Carrie E. Ryder and Mrs.
Frank S. Smith, and five grandchildren. The funeral will be held from
the family home on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. Harold
Griffith of the First Baptist church officiating. Burial will be in
Washington Street Cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 19 July 1897
William Ryder died at his home on Sherrill street at 9:30
o'clock this morning, aged 66 years. The deceased had been in the
employ of
the New York Central railroad for a period of 38 years. He was
baggagemaster at the Geneva station for 25 years. Mr. Ryder was one of the best-known railroad men in Geneva. He severed
his connection with N. Y. Central company 6 years ago. The
deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. F. R. Smith and Miss Carrie
E. Ryder, both of this city. The immediate cause of death was liver
Burial Washington Street Cemetery.
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