"Mo" to "Moq" Obituaries
From Geneva Gazette 19 July 1895
Died Away From Home - Edward Moaw of Geneva died at Ulysses, Pa. on
Sunday last of typhoid fever. He was an express manager running
on the Fall
Brook railroad. Formerly he was a local messenger in Geneva, at
which time he was a member of the 34th Sep.
Co.; was also a member of Old Castle Lodge, I. O. O. F. He
was very highly esteemed by all his associates within and without such
organizations. His body was brought home for burial,
the funeral taking place Tuesday afternoon last which was attended by
the Odd Fellows in a body and by a large number of other sorrowing
friends. His age was about 48 years.
From Geneva Daily Times 6 January 1900
Mrs. Mary Moaw died at her late resident, 112 Hamilton street, at
9:40 o'clock this morning, aged 79 years. The cause of death was
pneumonia. She was taken ill Wednesday morning. Mrs. Moaw was a
resident of Geneva for over 50 years. She was an earnest worker in
Trinity church of which she was a member. She was noted for her
charitable and motherly qualities. She is survived by one daughter,
Miss Clara Louise Moaw, and one daughter-in-law, Mrs. Louise Moaw. The
funeral will take place from Trinity church at 3 o'clock Monday
afternoon. Rev. C. O. S. Kearton will officiate. Interment will be in
From Geneva Daily Times 15 October 1906
Mrs. Rosa Moaw, of 121 Pulteney street, died this morning at
11:15 o'clock of heart trouble. She was 67 years of age and has resided
in this city for the past 22 years. Her only survivors are her husband,
Robert Moaw, and one daughter, Mrs. H. J. Sprague
of Manchester. The funeral arrangements will be announced later. Burial
Glenwood Cemetery.
From Geneva Courier 11 September 1878
Sudden Death in Seneca - Thomas Moaw
, a well known citizen of Seneca and a member of
the firm of Moaw & McCarty, died very suddenly on Monday at his
home in Seneca. He was doing his chores, and had just thrown some
hay over the fence to his cows, wiped his forehead, and fell
dead. The cause of death is supposed to have been heart
disease. Mr. Moaw came from England about 30 years ago. He
was about 70 years of age. He leaves one son.
From Geneva Gazette 13 September 1878
Mr. Thomas Moaw of Seneca died very suddenly on Monday
afternoon last, supposed of heart disease. Attended by a little
granddaughter, he went out to the field to cut fodder for the cattle.
After working for a
while he stopped for a moment to wipe the perspiration from his brow,
when the stroke of death fell upon him with the suddenness of the
lightning's flash, and in less than ten minutes he was a corpse.
Deceased was aged about 71 years. He was a native of
Yorkshire, England, emigrated to this country about 45 years ago.
He became a hard-working, practical farmer, and by industry and
economy attained a competence for his old age. He married Ellen,
a daughter of a former employer, Robert Straughan, and aunt of Levi
Stainton. These were among the earliest settlers of this region.
Mr. Moaw had but three children, who with the widow still survive
to mourn their sudden and great bereavement. The children are
Robert, who owns an adjoining farm, Mrs. Thomas Henson of Geneva, and
Mrs. ____ McCarthy, who with her husband made their home with the old
people. The funeral took place yesterday from the residence of
the deceased, when the remains were followed by relatives and many
sorrowing friends and neighbors to their last resting place in
the cemetery near the Seneca Church. In the death of Mr. Moaw
we are admonished of the frail tenure of the thread of life, even with
one apparently so hale and hearty as he; and a wide circle of friends
mourn the loss of a kind and sympathetic neighbor, one scrupulously
honest and upright in all his dealings.
From Geneva Daily Times 3 November 1920
Adoph Moen died yesterday afternoon at 5:15 o'clock at his home on
the Carter Road. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Magnhild, a
son, Arthur, by his father in Norway; a sister, Judith Moen of this
city and by a brother and sister in Canada. The funeral will be held
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late home. Burial will be in
Glenwood cemetery.
From Geneva Courier 24 January 1877
Miss Alice Moffat, aged eighteen years, died of consumption,
at the residence of her father, on the night of Friday the 12th
inst. Her funeral was largely attended upon Monday, which
considering the inclemency of the weather, and the almost impassible
condition of the roads, was a marked tribute of respect not only to the
deceased, but also to the bereaved family. She was a native of
Harwick, Scotland, and emigrated to this country about two years
ago. She was a young lady of excellent Christian character, and
before her departure from this world
gave good proof though her "earthly house of this tabernacle be
dissolved, she had a building of God, a house not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens."
Stanley, N. Y. Jan. 20, 1877
From Geneva Gazette 3 June 1892
Died in Seneca on the 31st May inst., of pneumonia, Mr. John
Moffatt, a native of Scotland -- aged 59 years.
From Ontario County Times 27 August 1884
Victor, N. Y. - Mrs. Ruby Moffitt, wife of Mr. T. T. Moffitt
of this place, died at the home of her sister in Fowler, Ohio, on
Tuesday evening, August 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt had just returned
from a tour of the lakes and stopped at Fowler to visit her sister when
she was taken seriously ill. The deceased was a very estimable woman
and beloved by all who knew her. She was a member of the Congregational
church and deeply interested in church and missionary work. She was
also vice-president of the Ladies Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian church, and ever evinced a willingness to do what her
hands found to do. Her presence will be missed, but the memory of her
Christian life will ever be precious to her family, the church, and the
community. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. W. Backus,
pastor of the Presbyterian church of this place, at Cleveland, Ohio, on
Friday afternoon.
From Geneva Daily Times 13 October 1908
Mrs. Barbara Keller Mogge, widow of the late William Mogge, died
yesterday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock after a long illness. She was 66
years old, was born in Chippewa, Canada, and for the past ten years has
resided in this city. She is survived by five sons, Charles Mogge of
Buffalo, John Mogge of Rochester, Ernest Mogge of Evansville, Ind.,
Frank and Fred Mogge of this city; three daughters, Misses Anna and Ona
Mogge and Mrs. Louis Klopfer of this city; three sisters, Misses Carrie
E. and Hannah Keller of Chippewa, and Mrs. F. C. Whitelock of Davidson,
Saskatchewan, Canada; and one brother, George Keller of Chippewa. The
funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family
residence, No. 19 Cherry street. Rev. David H. Craver, pastor of the
North Presbyterian church will officiate and burial will be in Glenwood
From Geneva Daily
Times 2 May 1902
Lawrence Mohan died suddenly at 1 o'clock this morning, at the
family residence, 209 Exchange street, aged 70 years. Mr. Mohan retired
about 9 o'clock last night, feeling in his usual good health. At
1 o'clock Mrs. Mohan was awakened by groans from her husband. She
arose and hastily secured a light. When Mrs. Mohan turned
to the bed again her husband was dead. Mrs. Mohan was alone with the
dead man. She dressed and summoned a neighbor, Mrs. Martin
Claffey. Coroner H. D. Weyburn was sent for. He arrived at the
Mohan home at 2 o'clock. After an examination he issued a
certificate of death due to convulsions. The aged couple had
resided in the same house for 44 years. The deceased was one of
the pioneer residents of Geneva. He was at one time considered
the best judge and trainer of horses in Western New York. Mr.
Mohan trained the trotter, Geneva, long since passed away. The
deceased was in the employ of Cobb & Lewis and the late Judge
Folger for many years. The deceased is survived by a wife and
three sisters, Miss Kathryn Mohan of Ovid; Annie Mohan of California,
and Mary Mohan of this city, and by one brother, John Mohan, of Ovid.
The funeral arrangements are not yet completed. Burial St.
Patrick's Cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 14 March 1940
Raymond Moll of 70 Maxwell Avenue died at his home this morning
following a short illness. He leaves his wife, Beatrice; one daughter,
Joyce; two sons, Rex and Richard of Geneva; three sisters, Mrs. Wray
Lawrence of Louisville, Ky., Miss Fay Mill of Berkeley, Calif. and Mrs.
Vera Begfasus, Warren, Ill. Mr. Moll, a resident of Geneva for about
two years was head baker at the Market Basket Bakery.
From Ontario County Journal 12 March 1909
The death of Mrs. Mary Molloy, widow of Michael Molloy,
occurred at the home of Edward Collins, Tillotson street, at a late
hour on Wednesday night. She was about 80 years of age. Three daughters
survive. The funeral will be held from St. Mary's church tomorrow
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 23 July 1938
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Mrs. Helen O'Connor Monaghan, wife of
John Monaghan, wife of John Monaghan, died yesterday in the family home
in Fort Hill Avenue. Surviving are the husband, three daughters, Mrs.
Michael E. Morrissey and Mrs. William T. Cross, Canandaigua; and Sister
Miriam, Order of St. Joseph, Rochester; also eight sons, Leonard, Frank
and Emmett, Canandaigua; John, William, and Frederick, Washington, D.
C.; Assistant District Attorney George P. Monaghan and David Monaghan,
New York City; three sisters, Misses May and Lillian O'Connor, Mendon;
and Sister Teresa Maria, dean of Nazareth College, Rochester; and one
brother, William O'Connor, Mendon.
From Geneva Daily Times 9 August 1905
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Monday night at the home of her son, Eugene
W. Monagle, Main Street South, occurred the death of Mrs. Elizabeth
Marks Monagle, aged 80 years. Most of her
life was spent in Gorham. Her husband was William Monagle. Two
children, Eugene and George of Geneva, survive.
From Ontario County Journal 25 November 1892
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Nathaniel Monahan, a well-known citizen
of East Bloomfield, died Monday, Nov. 14, aged 84 years. The funeral
took place on Wednesday, Nov. 16, services being held in St. Bridget's
church and the interment in the Romanist cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 24 January 1890
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. Patrick Monahan died at Ovid on
Monday last, aged 72 years. His remains were brought here for interment
last Tuesday.
From Ontario County Chronicle 19 June 1901
Rushville, N. Y. - The funeral of Marshall Monegal was
attended from his late residence on Tuesday, June 11, by a large number
of friends and neighbors. He was a member of the 148th regiment, and
the G. A. R. Post attended the funeral in a body. He leaves a wife, one
son, Henry Monegal, and one daughter, Mrs. Anna Graham.
From Geneva Daily Times 16 July 1908
Naples, N. Y. - James L. Monier, aged 61 years, of one of the
oldest families of the town and the last of that name now living here,
died suddenly Monday evening. In his usual health he sat on the porch
of his home to read. Soon he fell to the floor, and was found dead by
neighbors, He had been living alone in the house for some time.
Apoplexy is the pronounced cause, and no inquest was held. Mr. Monier's
father was James L. Monier, for thirty years in the past the leading
and most wealthy business man of the town. The son was educated in
Geneva and at Peekskill Military Academy. His home had always been
here. While possessing talent and considerable energy, he did not
choose a profession nor any regular business. His leisure was given
much to reading and study of history. Mr. Monier married in 1873 Miss
Caroline Conaughty, of this town, who, with two sons, he leaves. Joseph
L. is a cotton broker in New York City and Millard lives in Rochester.
Three sisters, Mrs. Henry C. Fiske, of Buffalo; Mrs. Charles Young of
Bayonne, N. J., and Mrs. S. A. Welcon of Naples, are living. The Monier
estate is large, and is still unsettled, as the will forbids division
until the youngest grandchild shall become 21 years old, which will be
in three years.
From Ontario County Journal 17 November 1911
Bristol, N. Y. - James Monigan, Sr., died at the home of his son, James, on Saturday. The funeral was held on Monday. Mr. Monigan was advanced in years.
From Ontario County Chronicle 30 September 1903
Michael Monihan died yesterday morning at his home, 84 Gorham
street, aged 46 years. Death was due to pulmonary disease. He is
survived by a wife and five children. The funeral will be held from St.
Mary's church tomorrow, Thursday morning. Mr. Monihan was one of the
best known residents of east Gorham street.
From Ontario County Times 10 October 1888
Academy, N. Y. - Chas. Monks, who has been in poor health for the
past six months, died at his residence at Covel Corners, Sept. 20, at
the ripe age of 74 years. His funeral took place on the Saturday
following, Rev. S. A. McKay, of Canandaigua, preaching the sermon, and
his remains were buried in the Academy cemetery. Mr. Monks removed from
New Jersey to this place about eighteen years ago and bought the Wm.
Martin farm where he resided until a few years ago. He was a genial
friend and a good neighbor and will be much missed by the community.
From Ontario County Journal 26 December 1890
Academy, N. Y. - The funeral of Mrs. Johnathan Monks, of
Clifton, was held at her mother's, Mrs. Maria Trickey, in this place on
Monday. Mrs. Monks was a lady with a kind heart and gentle manners,
respected by all who knew her. Her poor mother is now bereft of her
third and last daughter.
From Ontario County Journal 17 May 1918
Bristol Center, N. Y. - Last week Thursday at his home in Bristol Center occurred the death of Matthias S. Monks. He
was born in Paterson, N. J., in 1849, a son of Charles F. and Phoebe
Freeland Monks. He was one of nine children, of which three brothers,
William Monks of Paterson, N. J.; Edward C. Monks of Academy, and J. J.
Monks, of Clifton Springs; and one sister, Mrs. Ella Randall, of
Clifton Springs, survive. Mr. Monks came to New York state 48 years
ago. In 1872 he married Mary Berry of Canandaigua town. The first year
of their married life they lived in Cheshire, where Mr. Monks worked
for William Hutchens as carriage maker. The next year they moved to
Bristol Center, where they have since lived. Two children were born to
them: a son, Charles E. who died 15 years ago, and a daughter, Nina
Belle, who survive. His wife and a grandson, Berry E. Monks, also
survive. Mr. Monks had been in failing health for about two years and
was a great sufferer, but in all that time he had never been heard to
make a complaint--always looking on the bright side. He was a kind and
obliging neighbor and a loving parent. The funeral was held from the
late home on Saturday afternoon, Rev. Alvord officiating. Interment was
made at Bristol Center. The floral tributes were many and beautiful and
spoke of the high esteem in which he was held.
From Victor Herald 23 March 1906
Ann, wife of John Monoghan, died at her home, west of
this village, early last Saturday morning. Mrs. Monoghan was born in
Ireland and was seventy-five years of age. She is survived by her
husband, who is employed by the Lehigh Valley railroad as gateman at
the Maple avenue crossing in the village, and four children: John, Jr.
of Canandaigua; Thomas of Victor; Anna and Rose of Rochester. The
funeral was held at St. Patrick's church, Tuesday morning, the Rev. J.
J. Donnelly officiating. Burial was made in the Catholic cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 April 1907
Mrs. Esther Jane Monroe, widow of the late John Monroe, died
yesterday afternoon at 4:40 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
William O'Hanlon of No. 11 North Genesee street. She was 74 years old.
She was born in Romulus and had lived there all her life until five
years ago, when she came to this city to reside with her daughter. She
is survived by one son, John N. Monroe, of this city, one daughter,
Mrs. William O'Hanlon; and one brother, Martie Allen, of Seneca Falls.
The funeral
will be held tomorrow morning, at 10 o'clock from Mrs. O'Hanlon's
Rev. N. B. Remick, pastor of the North Presbyterian church, will
The remains will be taken on the 11 o'clock train to Romulus for
From Geneva Daily Times 31 March 1904
H. Eugene Monroe, who with his
son conducted a billiard parlor at No. 529 Exchange street,
died yesterday afternoon at his home, No. 82 Elm street, aged
fifty-nine years. Although he had been a lifelong sufferer from
asthma, the cause of death was heart trouble. He was born in Jefferson
county, but he spent a considerable portion of his life at Pulaski,
N. Y. From Pulaski he went to Baldwinsville, where, after a twelve-year
residence, he came to this city eight years ago tomorrow. In
conjunction with his son he opened at that time a billiard parlor which
he still
conducted. The deceased is survived by his widow, his mother, Mrs.
Mariam Monroe of Pulaski; a son, Louis A., of this city; one daughter,
Mrs. Alice M. Brown of Pulaski; three brothers, Myron Monroe of
Watertown, Dennis Monroe of Lacona, Egbert Monroe of Minneapolis, Minn.
The funeral will take place at 10:15 Saturday morning from the
house, Rev. C. E. Jewell officiating. The body will then be taken to
Pulaski where the burial will be.
From Ontario County Times 5 March 1884
Port Gibson, N. Y. - Our community was shocked to hear of the
sudden death of Mrs. Mary Garlock Monroe, which
occurred Feb. 25. Having been visiting friends in Newark, she,
accompanied by her mother, came to her brother's, Geo. Garlock, at
whose house she died. About a week before Mrs. Monroe's death, a
brother, Dr. Alfred Garlock, of Grand Rapids, died of the same disease,
pneumonia. These are the first deaths in their large family of nine,
and they have the sympathy of the entire community.
From Naples Record 13 February 1918
Mrs. Emeline Montanye, aged 78 years, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Isham, at Cheshire, on Friday, Feb. 8, 1918,
following a long illness. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. John Tozer of
Powell Hill, and Mrs. Frank Isham of Cheshire; also two sisters, Mrs.
Melissa Goff, of Bristol, and Mrs. Carrie Hayes of Cheshire. Funeral
services were held from the Isham home on Monday.
From Ontario County Journal 7 February 1908
Cheshire, N. Y. - Mrs. Louise Deuel Montanye, wife of William
Montanye, passed away on Monday afternoon, after an illness of several
months' duration, aged 36 years. Mrs. Montanye was a lifelong resident
of the place. Besides her husband, she leaves one son, Melville
Montanye; an aged mother, Mrs. Jennie Deuel; and one sister, Mrs. Alex.
Hunn of Bristol; and two brothers, Frank and George Deuel of this
place. The funeral services, from the late home on Wednesday afternoon,
were conducted by Rev. Dr. J. H. France. Burial was in Pine Bank
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 21 March 1927
Canandaigua, N. Y., March 20 - Mrs. Mary Eliza Montanye, 73, died
Friday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. W. Case, in the
Bristol road in the town of Canandaigua. She was married to Mark H.
Montanye in December, 1874. He died more than a year ago. She was born
at Lysander, N. Y., March 11, 1854, and had resided in the town of
Canandaigua for many years. Mrs. Montanye leaves two daughters, Mrs. P.
W. Case and Mrs. Edith N. Case of Bristol Center; a son, Merton
Montanye, Canandaigua town superintendent of highways; two sisters,
Mrs. J. W. Case of Canandaigua and Mrs. B. W. Sweeney of Phelps; and a
brother, Willard Genet of Lyons. Funeral from the home at Cheshire
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Stephen M. Pratt of the Methodist
church here officiating. The burial will be made in Pine Bank cemetery
at Cheshire.
From Ontario County Journal 27 September 1907
Pasquale Monterossi, an 18-year-old Italian farm laborer, who had
been in this country about two months, was struck by a Lehigh Valley
engune in the yards at Geneva on Sunday morning, and died from his
injuries at the Geneva hospital a few hours later.
From "The Fourth Estate: a Weekly Newspaper for Advertisers and Newspaper
Makers, August 14, 1920."
ELIAS RIGGS MONTFORT, editor of the Geneva
(N.Y.) Herald and Presbyter, died suddenly at the home of his daughter at Oaks
Corners, near Geneva, at the age of 72 years. The body was taken to Cincinnati
for burial.
[page 29]
Thanks to Martha Magill for this contribution.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 October 1908
Gorham, N. Y. - The remains of George G. Montgomery, who
recently died at his home in Montour Falls, were brought here and
interred in the village cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Montgomery's
early life was spent in Gorham. He received his education at the
Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, N. Y., after which he entered the
mercantile business as clerk in the drug store of Geo. B. Cook. After a
time he joined his brother in the same business in Burlington, Iowa.
Returning to Gorham, he again engaged in the drug business with Dr. L.
N. Phinney. After a time he purchased the interest of the latter and
received into partnership George M. Phillips. Later on he removed to
Odessa, Schuyler county, and together with Jonathan Covert of this
place entered into the drug and grocery business at that place. After a
period of two or three years, he purchased Mr. Covert's share of the
business which he continued up to a few years ago, when he was stricken
with paralysis from which he was rendered partially helpless, and was
unable to actively engage in business as before. A few weeks ago he was
stricken with a second stroke which resulted in his death. About 25
years ago he married Miss Minnie Hershey of this place. After her death
several years ago, he married Miss Josephine Barnes of Montour Falls,
besides whom he leaves two daughters, Maxie and Maxine, about ten and
twelve years of age. Mr. Montgomery was about 65 years of age.
From Geneva Courier 27 December 1882
Mr. John Montgomery, after a long and painful sickness, died
at his home in Gorham, N. Y., Dec 17th, 1882, aged 80 years. Mr.
Montgomery was born in Ireland and came to this country with his
parents when a youth. Habits of industry and strict integrity
characterized him through life and as a neighbor and citizen he was
ever esteemed. In early manhood he became a Christian; coming
down to
die, he exclaims "Jesus Christ is precious to my
soul, I have no fear of death." A good and kind neighbor has gone
to rest. All that a loving heart and willing hands could do to prolong
his stay was cheerfully done by his daughter, who mourns his decease.
From Geneva Courier 12 September 1877
Mrs. Mary Downs, wife of John Montgomery, departed this life
in Gorham, N. Y., September 5th, 1877, aged 71 years. Mrs.
Montgomery with her husband was born in Ireland, and she came to this
country with her parents when but sixteen years old. In 1825 she
was married to her now bereaved husband, and after several moves and
changes came to Gorham in 1841. She was a woman of rare virtue,
sterling integrity, useful and greatly beloved. She was the
mother of six children, of whom three preceded her to the grave and
three remain to feel their loss. Mrs. William A. Squier of Seneca
is their only daughter. In 1874 Mrs. Montgomery met with a
serious accident in a fall, which has disabled her for walking ever
since. Her last illness was brief, worn out with much suffering,
she sank after but three days' confinement. She had
been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church since 1830.
From Geneva Daily Times 10 April 1899
The funeral of Mrs. Ida B. Moody, who died at the residence
of her father-in-law, Robert Moody, of Stanley, will take place at 2
o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Rev. Mr. Temple officiating. Interment will
be made in Seneca cemetery. The deceased is survived by one child, a
daughter 12 years of age, and two brothers. Interment in Little Church Cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 6 August 1909
Stanley, N. Y. - Mrs. Robert Moody passed away on Friday at her
home near this village, aged 79 years. Funeral services were held on
Sunday afternoon. Her pastor, the Rev. A. B. Temple, officiated. Mrs.
Moody possessed a strong character, and was much respected by all who
knew her. She was the daughter of William E. Stokoe of Seneca, one of
the early settlers in that town, and had lived all her life in this
vicinity, she being the last member of a family of five children. An
aged and invalid husband, and one son, Edward, of Rushville, and three
grandchildren survive. Her six nephews, Clarence, Charles, and John
Scofield, Vern Heck and Frank Beard and William Stokoe, acted as
bearers. Burial Union Church Cemetery
From Geneva Gazette 4 December 1891
Suicide in Seneca - Tuesday forenoon last a rumor was circulated
that a young farmer of Seneca had committed suicide by shooting.
The startling report of such a tragedy was too soon verified.
The victim of self-destruction was William Moody, son of
Hon. Robert Moody, ex-supervisor and ex-Member of Assembly. The
suicide resided midway between Hall's Corners and Stanley. His
age was about 30 years, married and had one child. His domestic
relations seemed to have been very happy, and
he was in easy circumstances. He arose that morning and with a
steady hand made his usual entry in his diary. Circumstances go
to show that he went to his barn
taking with him a Winchester rifle; that he seated himself on the
floor, held the weapon between his legs with muzzle to his forehead by
the left hand, and with the right pulled the trigger. Instantaneous
death followed the crash of the bullet through his brain. Coroner
Beam of Canandaigua was called
but on learning the facts did not deem it necessary to summon a
jury and hold an inquest. The tragic affair has caused profound
sorrow in the community and heartfelt sympathy for the family bereaved.
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 4 April 1877
Saturday forenoon, the 17th instant, while Abner Moon, living
near Ferguson's Corners in Rushville, together with his son Edward, was
felling a tree in the woods belonging to Charles Lloyd, a limb was
thrown back from an adjacent tree, which struck Mr. Moon on the head,
killing him instantly.
From Geneva Daily Times 19 June 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Edward Moon of Stanley, who died
Tuesday, will take place from the home of her sister, Mrs. J. J. Barden
at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Interment will be in Sand
Hill cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 7 December 1908
Phelps, N. Y. - James Moon, aged 82 yrs, died Saturday at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Mead, who resides on the Blount farm, near Oaks
Corners. Mr. Moon came here about a year ago from Penn Yan. His
survivors are his widow, three sons and one daughter. The remains will
be taken to Penn Yan for burial.
From Ontario County Journal 19 April 1901
Rushville, N. Y. - Edward Mooney died at his home south of
this village on April 11, aged 71 years. He had been a great sufferer
from consumption for many months. Besides a widow, he leaves three
children, John of this place; Mrs. Glover of Elmira; and Sarah of
Rochester. The funeral was held from St. Mary's church on Saturday
morning. Interment at Canandaigua.
From Geneva Daily Times 29 November 1907
Rushville, N. Y. - John Mooney of this village died at the home of
his son-in-law, Michael Brennan, Wednesday, being found dead in bed. He
was 77 years of age and came to this country when he was 20, having
in this vicinity ever since. His occupation has been farming. Dr. A. T.
Halstead, Coroner, did not think an inquest necessary, as Mr. Mooney
been suffering from heart trouble for the last year. He leaves two sons
and four daughters: Joseph of this village; James of Canandaigua, Miss
and Mrs. Charles Snyder of Rochester; Mrs. Homer Charlton of Naples and
Mrs. Michael Brennan of Rushville.
From Geneva Daily Times 6 April 1914
Rushville, N. Y. - Heart failure this morning at 7 o'clock caused the death of John Mooney, aged
51, who had resided all his life near this village. Mr. Mooney, who was
a carpenter by trade, started to work as usual this morning after
breakfast. Just as he was about to leave the house, his wife saw him
drop suddenly into a chair. Examination showed that he was dead. Mr.
Mooney was the only son of Edward and Mary Mooney. He is survived by
his widow; four children, Helen of Sayre, Pa., and Adrian, Dorothy and
Anna, of Rushville; his mother and sister, Mrs. Carl Mae, of
Wilkesbarre, Pa. The funeral will be held from the Catholic church at
Rushville Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Burial will be made in Canandaigua.
From Geneva Gazette 30 August 1895
THE CASE OF W. J. MOONEY - Coroner Wright Was Not Notified in Time to
Take Action - There are ugly rumors afloat in regard to the death
of twelve-year-old Wm. J. Mooney, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mooney, who died at the home of his parents on Wadsworth street last
Monday and whose body was taken to Auburn Wednesday for interment. It
is reported that the boy had been badly beaten by an older boy and that
death resulted from such injuries. It is also stated that a train
hand on the Middlesex railroad witnessed the assault.
Mr. Mooney appeared before Police Justice Smelzer yesterday at 11 A. M.
and made an affidavit to
the effect that his boy had been kicked and otherwise assaulted by a
boy named McCormack and another, and that such injuries led to his
death. Dr. Delaney, who attended
the boy, issued a certificate to the effect that death was caused by
appendicitis and peritonitis. Coroner Wright feels highly indignant
because he was not informed as to
the state of affairs in time to make an investigation. As the boy was
buried on Wednesday he feels that it is now too late to hold an inquest.
From Shortsville Enterprise 21 August 1913
The remains of Andrew Moore, a former well-known resident
of the Parlor Village, were buried in Calvary cemetery at Canandaigua
on Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. Moore's death occurred at the
home of his son, Frank Moore, at Bolivar, this State, on Thursday night
of last week. His age was 95 years. Funeral services were held at
Bolivar. The survivors are two sons, Martin Moore and Frank Moore, both
residing at Bolivar, and six daughters, all residents of Rochester.
From Geneva Daily Times 25 June 1901
Mrs. Annie Moore died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Tullett, three
miles east of this city, aged 75 years. The funeral will take place
from the house at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Rev. G. H. Haigh will
officiate. Interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
From Ontario County Chronicle 13 May 1903
Mrs. Betsey Ann Moore, a well-known resident of Phelps street who
died at her home on Saturday, aged about 60 years, was buried Monday.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Charles J. Clausen, rector
of St. John's church. Deceased is survived by two daughters, a
step-daughter and one son, the latter, John William Osborne, a resident
of Rochester, where he is engaged in the employ of the Martin Piano
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 7 February 1877
Shortsville, N. Y. - We record with sorrow this week the death of Bridget,
wife of Andrew Moore. This
sad event occurred after a few hours illness, on the morning of
February 3d. Deceased leaves a husband and eight children, four of whom
are of tender years, to mourn her loss. Mrs. Moore was a constant
friend, a faithful wife, a loving and dutiful mother, and to crown her
virtues, a conscientious Christian. The stricken family have in this
their hour of affliction, the deep, heartfelt sympathies of the entire
community. Her remains, followed by a large number of her friends, were
taken by train to Canandaigua on Monday for burial. The last sad rites
were performed there, in St. Mary's church, her pastor, the Rev. Father
Lee, officiating.
From Ontario County Times 24 February 1864
Died in Canandaigua, on Thursday, February 18, Charles Moore, in
the fortieth year of his age. It was only as late as the preceding
Sunday that he was taken alarmingly ill, from a difficulty of some four
years standing, and on Monday underwent a surgical operation, on which
mortification ensued. His death was a surprise to this community, in
which he was well-known as an active businessman, and kindly esteemed
as a friend and neighbor. He was born in Nappa, near Westport, Ireland,
and came to this country in 1847, since which time he has resided
mostly in this village, employed, in the drygoods business, in
connection with two brothers (one of them Capt. Henry Moore) and Mr.
Judge. He left other brothers and sisters also in this country, and in
his native land, where his aged mother survives him; and his sorrowing
widow, esteemed and
beloved among us, yet more tenderly mourns so sudden and severe a
He was an affectionate husband and brother, and a most devoted friend
several young persons connected with his family, particularly a little
nephew under his care. It is pleasant now to remember also that, though
not a communicant in any church, he was a regular attendant at the
of God, a studious reader of the Scriptures, and deeply interested in
doctrines, and was able to resign himself to the prospect of his speedy
departure with blessings and prayers in behalf of the dear kindred that
with him have formed a happy household.
From Ontario County Chronicle 9 November 1904
Victor, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Charles Moore occurred
at her home in Brownsville, northeast of this village, Sunday, October
30, She was 68 years of age, and is survived by her husband, five sons,
Albert, William and Alvah, of this town; John of Gorham; and George of
Canandaigua; and one daughter, Mrs. James Anderson of Farmington.
Burial was made in South Perinton cemetery last Wednesday afternoon.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 November 1907
Chapinville, N. Y. - The death of Charles A. Moore, residing
two miles north of this place at the late P. B. Chapman residence,
occurred Wednesday at the age of 72 years. Mr. Moore had been ill for
some time with heart trouble and had suffered greatly for the past few
months. He was
a lifelong resident of this section of the country and well known. He
lived on a farm near Shortsville for many years, then came to this
place and engaged in the grocery business for a while, moving from here
to Geneva. Of late
he had been employed by the New York Central Railroad until his health
failed. He leaves a wife and five children, Mrs. Charles Persons of
Canandaigua, Andrew of Geneva, John of Chicago, Margaret of this place,
and William of Canandaigua.
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 21 January 1874
Mrs. Charlotte Moore, one of the oldest residents of the village of Manchester, and commonly reported to be 96 years old, died last week.
From Geneva Daily Times 11 July 1918
Mrs. Charlotte A. Moore, aged
75 years, died this morning at her home, one and one-half miles south
of Hall. She is survived by her husband, Charles Moore; three sons,
Grove C. Moore of Hall, Charles Moore of Canandaigua, and Edward Moore
of Penn Yan; one daughter, Mrs. John Geisler of Hall. Funeral services
will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the residence, Rev. A.
B. Temple officiating. Interment will be made in Number Nine cemetery.
From Geneva Gazette 25 March 1870
Died in Geneva on the 22d inst., Cordelia A., wife of D. E. Moore, and
daughter of Michael Ryan, Esq., aged 34 years. The funeral took place
from the Church yesterday, and was attended by a larger concourse of
people than are usually present on such occasion. It is seldom our duty
to chronicle a more sad case than this. Married less than a year since,
entering upon the enjoyments of life under circumstances so favorable
-- he with a business now large and which for months has been steadily
increasing -- surrounded by a wide circle of long established and firm
friends whose attachments could cease only through death -- all
shattered by a single blow, and that so sudden as to startle even the
stranger. Alas, how vain are earthly hopes, how fickle life, how
certain Death.
From Geneva Gazette 23 September 1887
Death of Mrs. D. E. Moore - Mrs. Daniel E. Moore of Geneva
died in Rochester yesterday
morning, whither she went some weeks ago for hospital treatment in hope
of recovering health -- a vain hope as the sequel has proven.
She has been in a decline for two years or more, meantime every effort
being made which ample means and devoted affection could provide to
stay the hand of the destroyer. Mrs. Moore was a most estimable
lady, greatly beloved and esteemed by all who enjoyed her
acquaintance. She was a sister of the Rev. Father O'Connor,
formerly parish priest at Ovid, now of St. Bridget's, Rochester.
The deceased was the second wife of Mr. Moore, and bore him two
children both of whom died in infancy. None survive, either of
the issue by his first marriage, so that his home has been made utterly
desolate by this bereavement. We are sure that he will have the
earnest sympathy of his multitude of friends in his sore
affliction. The funeral will take place from the Church of St.
Francis de Sales tomorrow, (Saturday), at 10 o'clock a.m. The age
of Mrs. Moore was 41 years.
From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 8 March 1906
The Rev. David Moore, D. D., died at his home on High
street, Monday morning, at about five o'clock. He had not been well for
many months, but the end was not expected so soon. He was born in
Westmoreland, England, March 28, 1822, and took up his residence in
Geneva, October 1st, 1876,
at which time he became pastor of the Baptist church. That church has
many pastors, but none more beloved, more highly respected than he. He
well to do, and dispensed generously. Even when he should have remained
indoors, he went out to minister and comfort the sick, to officiate at
burial of the dead, and to supply the pulpit when it was vacant. He
the corner stone of the new Baptist church, even to the handling of the
trowel that laid the cement into which the large stone now rests. He
to a just reward at the advanced age of nearly 84 years, leaving a
and three children to mourn a kind husband and father.
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 10 June 1924
Canandaigua, June 9 - Mrs. Eliza Palmer Moore, 74 years old, died
at her home on the Geneva turnpike several miles east of this city
after an illness of two weeks. She was born at East Bridgeford,
Nottinghamshire, England, in 1850, and lived in Ontario county for
fifty-five years. Besides her husband, she is survived by two
daughters, Mrs. William A. Burgess of Gorham, and Mrs. Harlock T.
Cooper of Hopewell; six sons, William H., Thomas A., John H., Charles
F., Albert H., and Clarence A. Moore, all of Hopewell; a brother, Elias
Palmer of High River, Alberta, Canada; a sister, Mrs. Henry Sheppard of
Seneca Castle; eighteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held from the late home Wednesday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock with Rev. Harvey King, of Flint, officiating. Burial will
be at Sand Hill Cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 2 August 1905
Mrs. Emeline P. Moore, widow of James W. Moore, late of Orleans
county, died yesterday afternoon at the age of
eighty-three years, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newhall, one mile
north of Seneca Castle. The deceased was born in Orleans county
where she resided until a year and a half ago, at which time she came
to her present home. The funeral will take place at one o'clock
afternoon from the house. Burial will be in Orleans county.
From Geneva Daily Times 21 January 1908
Mrs. Emma J. Moore, mother of Mrs. F. A. Malette of this city,
died at her former home in Phelps Monday night. Mrs. Moore was 69 years
of age and had resided with her daughter, Mrs. Frederick A. Malette in
this city most of the time for a number of years. Mrs. Moore has been
suffering from nervous exhaustion for the past two years. Mrs. Moore
was the daughter of the late Dr. J. Burt of Phelps and is survived by
one daughter, Mrs. F.
A. Malette of this city; one son, George H. Moore of Rochester; one
Mrs. James Fanning of Auburn, and one brother, Charles Burt of Phelps.
interment will be in Phelps.
From Geneva Gazette 30 June 1882
GEO. C. MOORE of Oaks Corners died very suddenly in Waterloo
on Friday evening last. He was noticed to fall from his wagon,
and is supposed to have suffered from a stroke of apoplexy or heart
disease. Deceased was a well-to-do farmer, and enjoyed the esteem
of his neighbors and of all who knew him.
From Geneva Daily Times 19 July 1904
George E. Moore, who has been suffering with Bright's disease
since January, died at 4:50 o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home at
No. 579 Exchange street, aged forty-six years. The deceased was born in
Willard and came to this city twenty years ago. Until the beginning of
his illness, he had been a fireman at the works of the Herendeen
Manufacturing company. He was a regular attendant at First Methodist
church. He is survived by his widow
and two daughters, Urania T. Moore and Helen M. Moore. The funeral will
take place at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the house, Rev.
C. E. Jewell officiating. Burial will be in Glenwood cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 28 September 1906
Phelps, N. Y. - George W. Moore, a well-known cattle dealer and
horseman in this vicinity and throughout the county, died last evening
at his home on West Main street. He had been ill but a week with
Bright's disease. Mr. Moore was 72 years of age. He was born in
Dutchess county, this state, and had lived in Phelps for the past
twenty years. He is survived by his widow and one son, Burr W. Moore of
Boston. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon, the Rev. W. E.
of the M. E. church officiating. The burial will take place at Orleans.
From Geneva Daily Times 9 March 1915
Phelps, N. Y. - At his home in Park Place yesterday occurred the
death of Harry G. Moore, a resident of Phelps for the past
thirty years. The deceased had been in failing health due to diabetes
for a number of years but his condition did not become serious until
three weeks ago. Mr. Moore was born in Webster 58 years ago. He became
a resident of the town of Manchester in early life. Here he learned the
drillmaker's trade at the Shortsville Drill Works. In 1885 Mr. Moore
moved to Phelps where he has since lived, and during which time he had
been employed as a foreman and contractor at the Crown Drill Company's
plant. Besides his wife he leaves four sons, Ernest of Geneva, Harry D.
and John A. of Elmira, and Francis of Phelps; and two daughters, Mrs.
G. R.Tompkins of Wilberford, Ohio, and Miss Lila of Phelps. The funeral
services will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the house,
Rev. C. C. MacLean, pastor of the Presbyterian church officiating.
Burial will be in the Phelps cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 5 October 1903
The funeral of Miss Isabella
Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Moore of North
Genesee street, who died in Syracuse Saturday morning, was held from
the home of her parents at 9 o'clock and from St.
Francis de Sales church at 9:30 this morning. The members of
the class of the parochial school of which the deceased was a member
attended the funeral in a body and the bearers were also members
of that class. The requiem mass was said by the Very Rev. Dean W.
A. McDonald, and the music was by the children's choir. Burial was in
St. Patrick's cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 30 June 1905
Isabella Boyle Moore, wife of Michael Moore, an old resident of
the Town of Seneca, died at her home at 8:30 o'clock last night. The
deceased was seventy-four years of age. She is survived by her husband;
four sons, M. B. Moore of Geneva; Dr. B. S. Moore of Syracuse; M. G.
Moore of Chicago; T. F. Moore of New Jersey; and two daughters, the
Misses Susan and Mary Moore of Seneca. The funeral will take place at
ten o'clock Monday morning from St. Francis de Sales church. Burial
will be in St. Patrick's cemetery.
From Victor Herald 6 October 1905
The death of Jacob A. Moore at Vincent, Saturday, removed
one of the best known characters in the county. He had trapped wild
animals since 1826, and his knowledge on the subject was probably not
equaled by an local man's. He was especially noted as a mink and coon
hunter, and was an authority on all fur-bearing animals native to this
climate. He formerly lived in Victor, but since his wife's death, he
had resided with a daughter at Vincent. A son who is a Rochester
policeman also survives. Mr. Moore was eighty-two years old.
From Ontario County Journal 12 May 1893
Thursday evening of last week, at his residence on Gorham street,
occurred the death of James Moore, age the age of sixty-one
years. Mr. Moore was born and spent his early years in North Ireland.
As a youth, he became acquainted with the details of the dry goods
business by work in his native country. When still a young man, he came
with his brothers to this country, where they all established
themselves in business. Within a few years Mr. Moore had become
proprietor of the dry goods business on Main street now owned by Geo.
B. Anderson. He continued in that business until about eighteen years
ago, finally selling his stock to Mr. Anderson. Mr. Moore was
throughout his life a conscientious and wise business man and citizen.
During the leisure of his late years he took considerable interest in
politics, as an ardent Republican. He leaves him surviving one brother,
a wife and a young son. The funeral services were held Sunday
afternoon, interment being in Woodlawn cemetery.
From Geneva Gazette 15 November 1889
James B. Moore, one of our village teamsters, died Sunday
morning last after about one week's illness of paralysis. The
ailment first affected and rendered useless his lower limbs, then
extended to his arms. The brain was the very last to be affected,
hence he was conscious up to within a few hours of dissolution of his
critical condition. Deceased was a man of good habits, of a
genial nature, and died without an enemy. He was in the military
service during the late war, and a member of Swift Post, G. A. R.,
since its
organization. His comrades deeply feel their loss. His
household has been peculiarly afflicted with sickness for years
past. At one time his wife, two daughters and son-in-law were all
down with typhoid
fever, the younger daughter succumbing to the dread
disease. Post Swift in full ranks, Kanadesaga Steamer
Company in a body, and large delegations from all other companies of
the Fire Department attended the funeral, sorrowful mourners over the
loss of a worthy comrade and friend. Rev. Dr. Rankine officiated;
the interment was in Glenwood. The G. A. R. and the Fire
Department sent each a beautiful floral tribute, the former a scroll
with the letters G. A. R. interwoven, and the latter a pillow
containing the legend G. F. D.
From Shortsville Enterprise 14 February 1913
Farmington, N. Y. - The death of Joseph Moore, a lifelong
resident of this locality, occurred Sunday morning from pneumonia. For
many years Mr. Moore was a skilled farm worker and before the advent of
the reaping machine and the corn harvester, he was considered among the
best farmers, doing his work well and rapidly. In the corn field he was
almost invincible, as no one could cut more shacks or make them stand
firmer. Mr. Moore was born December 27, 1833. His first wife was Orpha
Troup of East Palmyra, to whom two children were born, Mrs. John
Williams of Victor and Mrs. Adrian Brulee of Shortsville. For his
second wife Mr. Moore married Margaret Lelong. One son was born to this
union, Lewis H. Moore of the township of Macedon. Mrs. Moore died three
years ago.
From Ontario County Journal 7 June 1895
Mrs. Katherine Moore, a widow, living on lower Ontario street,
below East street, was struck by a locomotive on the Northern Central
railway Saturday afternoon and instantly killed, while her daughter
stood a helpless spectator. Mrs. Moore had been in feeble health for
some time, and her daughter, Katherine, had come to take her to her
home in Rochester. They had left the house and had taken the railroad
tracks as a short route to the station. They had proceeded a short
distance when they observed the Central-Hudson passenger train
approaching on the track behind them. A number of cars were standing on
a siding, and under these they passed to get on the Northern Central
track. Train 15, engine 132, was approaching unseen on the latter
track. The old lady emerged from beneath the car, and was just about to
step upon the track as the beam of the engine struck her. She was
thrown against a freight car and then fell to the ground beside the
tracks. The horrified daughter hastened to her side, but life was
extinct. The train in the meantime had backed up and the body was put
into the baggage car and taken to the station. Coroner Hallenbeck was
called and shortly had the following jury empaneled: John Perhamus, M.
J. McPhillips, Levi Brown, C. W. Darling, M. L. Parkhurst, Lewis D.
Canfield, R. D. Paterson and B. K. Turner. It was found that both arms,
the neck and one shoulder were broken, and on the left side of the
head, behind the ear, the skull was fractured. The jury was then taken
to the scene of the accident, after which they adjourned until Monday
evening. The unfortunate woman was the widow of Martin Moore, who met
his death on the East street crossing in December, 1891, while driving
in a carriage across the tracks, the scenes of the accident being but a
few hundred feet apart.
Mrs. Moore was about 52 years old, and left a family of grown-up
children. They are Mrs. Edward Kimball and Frank, Martin and John, of
this village; and Mrs. Michael Mahoney, Mrs. Jeremiah Long and Misses
Maggie and Katherine Moore of Rochester.
From Geneva Daily Times 2 January 1915
Mrs. Leona D. Moore, wife of Clarence Moore, of Lewis Station,
died Thursday evening at the Thompson Memorial Hospital in Canandaigua,
following an operation. Mrs. Moore was 27 years of age and leaves
beside her husband, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Race,
of Phelps; one sister, Miss Ethel Race of Paterson, N. J.; and two
brothers, Lawrence and Gilbert Race of Phelps. Mrs. Moore was a
graduate of the Geneva High School in 1907, living at the time near
Flint. Funeral services will be
held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock form Emory Chapel at Lewis, and
interment will be made in the Sand Hill Cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 18 August 1911
West Bloomfield, N. Y. - Lillian, wife of Stephen Moore, Jr.,
passed away at her home in this village Sunday morning. About two
months ago Mrs. Moore underwent an operation for cancer and for a time
her friends were hopeful of her recovery. For six weeks she has been a
great sufferer which she bore without complaining. Mrs. Moore was born
at Allens Hill in September, 1872, and was the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Noah Lambert. Fourteen years ago she married Stephen Moore,
and about that time came to West Bloomfield to live. She was a devoted
wife and mother and the entire community sympathize with the husband
and three small children in their bereavement. She also leaves four
sisters, Mrs. Henry Killips of Honeoye, Mrs. Ralph Case of Bristol,
Mrs. Levi Tiffany and Mrs. Fred Decker of East Bloomfield; and a
half-brother, John Lambert of Honeoye. The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon from the Congregational church, Rev. Charles Hamblin
officiating, with interment in the Rural cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 August 1934
Mrs. Luella Moore, wife of Attorney W. B. Moore, died early this
morning at her home, 469 South Main street, after an illness of several
months. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. William Meredith of
Canandaigua; a sister, Mrs. E. H. Wilcox of Rochester; and two
grandchildren. Mrs. Moore had been a resident of Geneva for forty-three
years, and earlier in her life was active in civic and church affairs.
She was a charter member of the Geneva Women's Club. The funeral will
be held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence, and will
be private. Friends may call before the hour of the service. Dr.
Herbert Gaylord of St. John's Church, Canandaigua, will officiate.
Burial will be East Bloomfield cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 28 June 1938
Canandaigua, June 28 - Mrs. Mabel Burgess Moore, 65, wife of
William E. Moore, Aloquin, met death by drowning Sunday, Coroner Leon
A. Stetson, Canandaigua, reported today. Mrs. Moore's body was found in
a barrel of water near her home. Coroner Stetson has issued a verdict
of suicide while mentally deranged. Mrs. Moore was born in Hopewell,
the daughter of James and Ruth Evered Burgess. Surviving are the
husband, one son, Justice of the Peace Ward W. Moore, Aloquin, and two
sisters, Miss Alice Burgess and Mrs. George F. Adams, Canandaigua.
Private funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today in the home with
burial in Sand Hill cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 20 February 1907
Manchester, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Marian Moore, who
was for nearly fifty years a resident of this town and Farmington,
occurred at the home of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Pardee, in
Farmington, Monday, of heart failure. her age being 67 years. She had
been a member of the Methodist church in this village for a number of
years and was a regular attendant at services until sickness compelled
her to remain away.
She is survived by two sons, William Duncan of Manchester and R. E. of
Canada; one daughter, Mrs. Robert Magher of this village; two sisters,
John Beadon of Canada, and Mrs. Elizabeth Pardee of Farmington; two
Adam and S. E. Spears of Toronto.
From Ontario Journal 30 October 1874
Suicide - Mrs. Mary Moore, an old widow lady about 76 years of
age, residing on Coy street in this village, committed suicide by
hanging herself upon the door of her room, on Wednesday forenoon,
between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock. The most charitable
construction as to the cause of the act is to the effect that she has
at times exhibited signs of insanity and inclination to a similar act.
The manner in which the result was accomplished was by fastening
an article of clothing at the top of the door. She then got up in
a chair, and passing the cloth around
her neck, and kicking the support from under her, the act by which
her life went out was done.
Mrs. Moore came to this place from Geneva with her daughter about three
years since. We leave the evidence before the Coroner, and the
verdict of the Coroner's Jury to tell the balance of the sorrowful tale.
Examination of
witnesses produced, sworn and examined on the 28th day of October,
1874, before J. B. Hayes, one of the Coroners of the said county, and
F. W. Alverson, J. B. Howe, Caleb Brocklebank, J. B. Francis, G. A.
Finley, Jas. A. Ellis, and G. G. Henry, Jurors, good and lawful men of
the said county, duly summoned
and sworn by the said Coroner, to inquire how and in what manner, and
when and where Mrs. Mary Moore came to her death, and to make
true inquisition according to the evidence, or arising from the
investigation of the body.
Mrs. Mary Kerr
testified: I live in this house. I am the daughter of the
deceased. Her name is Mrs. Mary Moore. Her age is 76.
I last saw my mother alive I think between 9 and 10 this forenoon
in this room. She was found dead up stairs. I went up and
found her hanging
by the neck to the door. I don't know if she was dead. I
think between 9 and 10. This morning she said if she went down to
the lake and didn't come back, I needn't look for her. She
couldn't have been more than ten minutes gone from down stairs before I
found her. She has taken poison five years ago. She said
she was tired of living. Dr. Townsend was in the house
with me when she went out up stairs. I do not know any reason why
she hung herself. She has lived with me in this town three
years. She was in poor health, and has often said she wanted
to die. Dr. Townsend had been attending me since Sunday.
Dr. Geo. D. Wells testified: I live in this place. I am a
physician and surgeon. I knew the deceased by sight. I went
to Mrs. Moore's house this morning at twelve o'clock, and met Dr.
Townsend and several women in the house. I went up stairs and
found the deceased hanging to a door. She was hanging by a tippet
loosely knotted around her neck.
She appeared to be dead. She didn't move. I
took her down and found her dead. I think the deceased came to
her death by asphyxia or suffocation produced by hanging. There
were very slight marks upon the neck. It
does not seem to me that she had been hanging twenty minutes.
Five minutes in that position would produce death.
Hezekiah Townsend testified: I live in this place. I have
made practice of medicine my business a few years. I was
acquainted with Mrs. Moore. I was at her house this forenoon.
I went there about half past ten. The deceased came in soon
after I went in, and she and her daughter began to quarrel. She
was in the room ten or fifteen minutes and went out. I didn't see
her again 'till she had hung herself. I stayed after she went
out. I should think about half an hour. I left and had time
only to get across
the road to the brick house, when Mrs. Kerr called me back, and
I went up stairs and found her hanging by the neck. I found
Mrs. Moore was dead. I think this was at about half past eleven
From Geneva Gazette 2 October 1874
Obituary - Mrs. Mary Ann Moore was born in Burlington, Vt., May
19th, 1784, and died Sept. 9th, 1874, at N.
Denton's, Denton Place, Geneva, N. Y. Her maiden
name was Bostwick. In 1809, May 6th, she was married to Wm. M.
Moore whom she survived about seven years. They first came to
this State in 1816, and for a time located at Manlius Centre, Onondaga
county. Moving from thence
to Palmyra, where they made but a brief stay, they finally settled
near Lyons, not far from 1826. In 1854 the old people came to Geneva,
living from that date to the death of each of them with their
son-in-law, N. Denton. His kindness to them was as great as it
has been constant. After the death of Mr. Moore nothing was
withholden on his part that would in any way add to the comfort
happiness of "Grandma Moore."
She was the mother of seven children, all of whom are now living,
save one, William B. More favored than
many mothers, she saw all her children grow up
to manhood or womanhood, become Christians, and settle closely about
her. Harry was the first to remove any distance from her, and he
not until the May of 1872.
Mrs. Moore early became a Christian, and for many years
was a member of the Presbyterian Church. After her family were
converted and mostly joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, she also
became a member of the same Church. She was not demonstrative in
her religious enjoyments, but mild and reticent. Her old family Bible
was by her much and carefully read. From its truths she drew food
for intellect and heart, and on them
she builded her hopes of the life to come. She was remarkably
vigorous and strong both physically and intellectually. Every
mental faculty, even up to the final illness, retained its usual
energy and acumen. Her hands never seemed to weary of work. As a
consequence, she has distributed many a precious memento, delicately
wrought with her needle since she passed the three score years and
ten, among her circle of friends.
She often expressed the wish that she might not live till her
faculties were impaired by age, and she herself become a burden to
those who should care for her. God seemed careful of her wish,
for she came to her "grave in full age, like a shock of corn cometh in
his season." Her trust in God made her patient in suffering, and
her hope
of heaven made death a welcome visitant. Thus lived and died
a tender mother, a faithful companion, a consistent friend, and a
worthy Christian.
From Victor Herald 30 May 1891
The remains of Mary Ann Smith, wife
of Jacob A. Moore, were brought to Victor last Saturday. The
funeral was held from the residence of H. R. Brown, on Covill St.,
Sunday. Rev. Mr. Howell conducted the services. The burial was at
Boughton Hill. Mrs. Moore was born in this town, near the Powell mill,
about seventy years ago. She resided in this town all her life. About
two years ago it became necessary for her to have special care and
and she went to Ovid for that purpose. Besides her husband, she leaves
one son, Frank Moore of Rochester, and a daughter, Mrs. Mary Sullivan
of Canandaigua.
From Naples Record 5 March 1924
In the hospital at Sanitaria Springs, N. Y., occurred the death on Monday morning, March 3d, 1924, of Mary Case Moore, of
West Hollow, town of Naples. She had been seriously ill since last
November, and was taken to Sanitaria Springs for treatment seven weeks
ago. Mrs. Moore was the daughter of James and Anna Allen Case and was
born in the town of Bristol on September 1st, 1875. About thirty years
ago she was united in marriage with Ralph Moore, since which time they
had resided in Bristol, Canandaigua, and Honeoye, coming to the farm in
West Hollow three years ago. She was a member of the Canandaigua
Presbyterian Church and of the West Hollow W. C. T. U. Besides her
husband, Mrs. Moore is survived by three sons, Ralph Moore, Jr., of
Holcomb, and Warren and Allen Moore of Naples; two daughters, Mrs. Henry
Huntone, Jr., of Holcomb, and Hallena Moore of Naples; two brothers,
John Case of Canandaigua, and Fred Case of Rushville; and three sisters,
Sarah, Anna and Florence, all of whom are married and living in the
West. The body was brought to Naples on Monday and funeral services will
be held from Grange Hall, in this village today at 2 o'clock, conducted
by Rev. W. T. H. Bayford, and burial will be made in Lakeview cemetery,
From Geneva Daily Times 14 April 1908
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Mrs. Mary E. Moore, widow of the late
John A. Moore, died at her home on West Main street in this village
yesterday morning
after an illness of a couple of weeks. Mrs. Moore was a daughter of
and Lucy Hildreth and was born in Wayne county. She was 73 years old.
1864, in the village of Palmyra, she was married to Mr. Moore, whose
occurred on July 18, 1895. Mrs. Moore had been a residence of this
for the past 35 years and had a wide circle of friends and
acquaintances. Her niece, Mrs. John Skuse, who had lived with her since
her early childhood, has tenderly cared for her during her declining
years. She is also survived by her sister, Mrs. James Williams, of
Canandaigua; and one brother, Caleb Hildreth of Gypsum; also her
great-niece, Grace Hildreth Skuse. Mrs. Moore had been a faithful
member of the M. E. Church of this village for many years. The funeral
services will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock at the residence and
at 2:30 at the M. E. church. Rev. P. H. Reigel will conduct the
services, assisted by rev. Dr. S. H. Adams. The burial will be made in
From Geneva Daily Times 13 November 1909
Michael Moore, aged 84 years, died last evening about 6:30 o'clock
at his home near Seneca. He leaves two daughters, Susie and Mary, who
reside at home; and four sons, Maurice B., Michael G., Thomas E. and
Bernard S. Moore. The funeral will take place Monday morning at 10
o'clock from St. Francis DeSales church. Burial in St. Patrick's
From Ontario County Journal 6 May 1898
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mrs. Michael Moore, one of the old
and respected residents of this place, died at her home, Sunday
morning, May 1. The deceased was born in Ireland in 1819. After her
marriage to Mr. Moore, they moved to this place, where they have lived
for fifty-five years. They were one of the first Catholic families to
move here. Mrs. Moore was the mother of eleven children and is survived
by seven daughters, Mrs. Dennis O'Neill and Mrs. John Keating of
Victor; Mrs. J. Kenedy of West Bloomfield; Mrs. Wm. Burs, Rochester;
Mrs. Wm. McDonald and Mary and Elizabeth of this place. The
funeral, which was largely attended, was held from St. Bridget's church
on Tuesday morning, Rev. Father Garvey officiating.
From Victor Herald 13 April 1895
Robert Bruce Moore, after an illness of some months duration, at
the family residence on Boughton Hill, fell asleep at 2:30 a.m., April
12th, 1895. Mr. Moore was born May 2d, 1819, about one mile east of the
place where he died, and where, with the exception of three years spent
in the west, he always lived. His father, Asahel Moore, was one of
the earliest settlers in the town; a man respected in the community. Of
his fourteen children, eight girls and six boys, but two are living.
Moore, our townsman, and Mrs. Emily Hinds, of Santa Cruz, Cal. Mr. R.
Moore, was a carpenter by trade, many of the older dwellings in the
attesting his workmanship. A member of the Presbyterian church, firm in
his convictions, equable in temperment, living a quiet life, dying firm
the faith. We who knew him best will miss him most. Mr. Moore's first
was Almira Fisher who died leaving one daughter, Mrs. J. M. Hitchcock
Chicago. In 1855, he married Rachel Williams. Their life and service
a compliment of each other's being. She remains to mourn her loss,
the memory of a good husband, comforted in the consolation of God,
he comforted them who are in trouble. Two sons, Charles A. and William
Moore, and one daughter, Mrs. Gardner Thomas, of Livonia Station, abide
to share in covenant blessings. Heirs of a divine legacy secured upon
promises. The funeral will be held this Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 18 October 1928
West Bloomfield, N. Y., Oct. 17 - Stephen Moore, Sr., died Monday
at his home here. He leaves three sons and four daughters. Funeral from
the home at 2 o'clock Thursday. Burial in West Bloomfield Cemetery.
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 3
January 1866
Coroner's Verdict - In the matter of the
decease of Thomas Moore. At an inquest indented and taken
the 26th day of December, 1865, before J. F. Rogers, on of the
Coroners of Ontario county, the undersigned, jurors good and lawful
men of Ontario county, rendered the following verdict: We, the
undersigned, being sworn and charged to enquire how, and after what
manner, Thomas Moore came to his death, do say, upon oath, that he came
to his death by the effects of excessive drinking of alcoholic liquor,
acting on a constitution enfeebled by disease on the 23d of December,
1865, in the eating Saloon of John Reardon in the village of
And we are of the opinion that no blame is attached to the person on
premises he died. Jurors: J. B. Hayes, foreman; J. B. Francis, S.
Wm. Arnold, B. K. Turner, John Wolverton, A. T. Randall.
From Ontario County Journal 19 February 1886
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Mr. William Moore, an old and highly
respected citizen of this village, died at his home on Teft Avenue on
Tuesday last. He had been a terrible sufferer for months past from some
stomach difficulty, which at last caused his death.
The funeral will be held on Friday of this week at the Baptist church
in Orleans.
From Ontario County Journal 14 November 1890
Chapinville, N. Y. - William Moore died on Monday evening
at the residence of Charles H. Moore. He had been ailing for some time
and he was out around on Monday, in evening sat visiting in the store,
went into the house and laid down on the lounge a few minutes and
expired. Funeral was held in the church on Wednesday a.m. Interment at
Gorham village. He was 86 years of age.
From Geneva Gazette 3 October 1879
Mrs. Wm. C. Moore of Victor, while driving out Wednesday
afternoon, met with an
accident which caused her death. The horse ran away; Mrs. Moore was
thrown against an iron railing and so badly injured that she died about
10 o'clock the same night.
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