"Mat" to "Maz" Obituaries

From Geneva Gazette 28 September 1888

One poor family -- that of John Matheney living on LaFayette avenue -- has been sadly afflicted by the death of two children within five days.  On the 18th they lost a little girl aged 7 years, and on the 23d the next younger, aged 5 years -- both victims of diphtheria.  The appearance of this dread disease in that household is attributed to pure local causes -- the opening of an old sewer on the premises, a damp and foul cellar, and other surroundings anything but healthful.  The Board of Health adopted stringent measures for preventing the disease from spreading, which it is believed will prove successful, as no other cases are reported in the village.

From Geneva Daily Times 16 October 1906

Rushville, N. Y. -
Abram Mather, died Monday. He was born Sept. 22, 1822, in Middlesex, Yates county.  He married Elizabeth A. Lowe in 1852. He retired from active work in 1872 and moved to Rushville, purchasing the home where he died. He is survived by his wife, one son, Rufus A. Mather of Canandaigua, one daughter, wife of Professor Frank Smalley of Syracuse University. Mr. Mather's long life has been filled with good deeds. He was generous to a fault, a liberal giver for all causes that were for an uplift for mankind, and while not a member of any church was a liberal supporter of the church. The poor and unfortunate remember him with special gratitude.

From Ontario County Journal 10 May 1889

Richmond, N. Y. - Mrs. Abby Mather of East Bloomfield Sta., died after but an hour's illness at the residence of her nephew, T. Moon, Michigan, Sunday p.m., May 4th. The remains were brought back for interment. The burial was in the cemetery at Allen's Hill Tuesday p.m. Mrs. Mather was formerly a resident of this town. She was in her 77th year. A memorial service will be held in St. Peter's church, East Bloomfield Sta., next Sunday morning at the usual hour of service, Rev. David Moir officiating.

From Ontario County Journal 16 December 1892

Bristol, N. Y. - Elisha Mather,
an old resident, died Wednesday, the 7th inst., aged 86 years. Funeral services were held at his home Friday, at 11 o'clock. The interment was in Evergreen cemetery, Rev. C. C. Johnson, of East Bloomfield officiating.

From Naples Record 28 August 1878

Cheshire -
It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Mrs. George Mather, which occurred on Friday last; she had been in a decline for some time, and her demise was not altogether unexpected. The funeral services were held at the family residence, and seldom have we seen a larger concourse of people than followed her remains to their last resting place in the beautiful cemetery at Canandaigua. Mrs. Mather was a faithful and devoted wife, a kind and loving mother, a true and generous friend, tender and compassionate to those in want, faithful in the exercise of every christian virtue. She had the respect and esteem of all who knew her, cheerful and happy. Death to her had no terrors, for she was enabled today as one of old, "I have finished the work thou gavest me to do."

From Ontario County Journal 28 March 1902

George C. Mather
died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. G. Douglass, West Gibson street, yesterday, after a long illness from creeping paralysis. Deceased was born in Middlesex 76 years ago. He came to Canandaigua in 1859 and purchased the fine farm on the west lake shore, which was his home until a few years ago, when he came to live with his children in this village. Mr. Mather was a successful farmer and horse breeder. He took special interest in stock and owned the first Berkshire swine ever brought to this vicinity. He was an intelligent, kind-hearted and useful citizen, esteemed and respected by all who knew him. Mr. Mather was a Republican, and for 12 years was a member of the excise board. He also served as road commissioner. There survive him two sons and two daughters, C. R. Mather of this village; John L. Mather of Shortsville; and Mrs. F. G. Douglass and Mrs. Charles F. Robertson, of this village. A brother, Abram Mather of Rushville also survives. Mr. Mather's wife died in 1874. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the residence of F. G. Douglass. Rev. Dr. J. Wallace Webb will officiate.

From Ontario County Journal 4 April 1884

Richmond, N. Y. -
A terrible accident occurred at the saw mill formerly known as the Gates mills, on Wednesday, March 19th, in consequence of which a young man named John Mather lost his life. While at work in the mill he fell upon the saw, by which his right arm was terribly mangled from the wrist to the shoulder. The arm was amputated on Saturday last by Dr. Richmond, of Livonia Station, assisted by Drs. Sayer and Green, of Richmond. Although young Mather bore up well under the operation of amputation, he died the evening of the same day. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss, which is not theirs alone, since he was an estimable young and gave promise of future usefulness.

From Geneva Courier 11 June 1862

John O. Mather,
a resident of Richmond in this county, committed suicide on the morning of Sunday, the 1st inst., by taking poison.  He has been subject to fits of mental derangement for several years.

From Geneva Courier 18 June 1862

The statement made last week that Mr. John O. Mather, of Richmond, in this county, had committed suicide, proves to be erroneous, as is also the one that he had been subject to fits of mental derangement.  He died from Apoplexy.

From Perry Herald 24 August 1944

Death of Lucius Chauncey Mather, 94, one of Perry's oldest residents, occurred early Sunday morning at the home of his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Henry of 8 Benedict street, where he had made his home for the past 12 years. Since June he had been in failing health and confined to his bed. He was born at Academy, Ontario County, on Nov. 11, 1849, only child of Zachariah and Theodotia Adams Mather. He was brought up on his parents farm to which he succeeded upon their death and converted it to a fruit and stock farm on which he raised blooded Ayrshire cattle, Berkshire pigs and Brahma hens, as well as fruit. He was also a veterinarian of ability and in demand in that capacity, although his talents were the result of experience and home study. On Dec. 25, 1877, he was united in marriage to Jennie Elizabeth Green. They resided on the farm until 1897, when they moved to Canandaigua, where they resided until her death in 1925. He remained there until 1932 when he came to Perry to make his home with his daughter, who gave him tender care during his declining years. One other daughter, Mrs. Rhoda Hagan of Canandaigua, also survives.

He was the oldest living charter member of Ontario County Pomona Grange, in which he took an active interest, and was instrumental in forming many Granges throughout the county. He was a leader in the civic and religious life of the community in which he lived. A member of Canandaigua Lodge, F. & A. M., for 70 years, Mr. Mather was honored at gatherings in which he was in which he was first presented with a Masonic Bible and life membership after 50 years, later a 50-year medal, and subsequently a palm to signify 60-year membership. His life was squared with his religious convictions, which were sincere and deep. An illustration of his faith is found in an incident that occurred one Sunday when he went to church to prepare the Sunday School room for the morning service, according to his custom, accompanied by his daughter, then 13. A heavy snow storm had made the roads almost impassable and no one else arrived. Promptly at the appointed hour, Mr. Mather opened the services with only his daughter present, the two completing the full program of hymns, Scripture reading and Bible study, the same as if the Sunday School room had been filled.

Services were held from the Eaton Funeral Home on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. Cecil Wilson, former pastor of the Methodist church officiating. The remains were taken to Canandaigua where full Masonic services were held at the Kennedy Funeral Home, with Masonic ceremonies at the grave in Academy Cemetery.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 21 November 1906

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - 
At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clara Ford, in Newark, Saturday evening, occurred the death of Mrs. Martha Mather, of this village. Mrs. Mather had been visiting her daughter when she was taken ill and only lived a little over a week. She was 72 years old and moved here with her husband from Seneca Falls about twenty-five years ago. She was a member of the Methodist church here and a well-known and highly respected Christian woman. Her husband has been dead about eight years. She is survived by three daughters, Miss Mary Mather of Clifton Springs, Mrs. Clara Fork of Newark, and Mrs. Claude VanHueson of Rochester; and two sons, William Mather and Jessie D. Mather of Clifton Springs. Miss Reta Lisk of the Rochester Homeopathic Hospital Training school for nurses is her granddaughter, and has always made her home with her. The funeral services will be held at her late residence in Pleasant street on Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 1 September 1938

Canandaigua, N. Y. -  Mrs. Martha L. Mather,
72, died here yesterday in Memorial Hospital. Surviving are the husband, Charles R., who also is ill in Memorial Hospital; one son, George S., Canandaigua; and one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Burnett, Rochester. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the home, 39 Greig Terrace, with burial in Woodlawn cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 11 February 1898

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Albert Mathers,
a respected resident of this town, died at his home on Sunday morning, at the age of 63 years. He was stricken with apoplexy about three weeks ago, but had been much improved, and died from the effects of a relapse. The deceased had resided in this town about five years, having removed from Bristol. Besides a widow, one daughter, Mrs. Earl, of Gates, survives him. The funeral services were held from his late residence on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. M. L. Stimson officiating.

From Ontario County Journal 4 June 1897

Phelps, N. Y. -
The remains of George A. Mathews, who died of consumption at his home in Geneva last Friday, were brought here for burial in the Phelps cemetery on Sunday afternoon. The deceased was the son of Wm. and Ellen Severance Mathews and formerly resided here. He was 27 years of age, and was a member of the Independent battery of Geneva. A detail from the company accompanied the remains to this place. Rev. M. Shaw met the procession as it entered the village and offered prayer at the grave.

From Ontario County Times 23 June 1886

Chapinville, N. Y. -
On Thursday evening, the 17th instant, soon after the family had retired, Mrs. J. Mathews, who was but a wreck of her former self, escaped from her room and, according to all probabilities, purposely threw herself before the 9:38 train, and was found in the morning dead in the ditch by the side of the track. The Coroner was summoned, and the jury was drawn in the presence of the body. In the afternoon of the same day, the post mortem examination took place, and on Monday, the 21st instant, the inquest will take place. Mrs. Mathews was buried at Macedon at 1:30 of the same day.

From Ontario County Journal 31 May 1889

Matthew Mathews,
of Chapinville, aged about 55 years, committed suicide Monday evening by taking Paris green. He took the dose about four o'clock in the afternoon and shortly afterward he told his family what he had done. Doctors Hallenbeck, of Canandaigua, and Burroughs of Shortsville, were at once summoned, but were unable to save the man's life. Mathews told them that he did not want them to give him anything, and that he took the poison to put himself out of the way. He died at half past eight o'clock. Mathews had at one time been in the habit of going on sprees, and it is said that he had been drinking for awhile just before he took his life. No other reason can be assigned for the act, as he was supposed to be in good health. The deceased leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter.

From Ontario Repository and Messenger 9 April 1873

Mrs. Sally M. Mathews, died in Canandaigua, April 1st, aged 77 years, 1 month and 14 days. Mrs. Mathews had lived in Canandaigua during the last thirty years of her life. She had been for many years a helpless invalid, and for seventeen years had not been able to stand upon her feet. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church of Pultney, N. Y., and was enable to bear her great sufferings with christian patience and fortitude. Her funeral took place April 3d, from residence of her son-in-law, Moses Cleveland, on Pleasant street.

From Geneva Daily Times 18 June 1943

William Henry Mathews,
aged 68, of 120 Castle street, died this morning after a short illness at the home of his son, W. Harry Mathews, of 15 Milton street. Surviving are his wife, Elsie; two daughters, Myrna DelPapa of Waterloo, and Miss Harriet Mathews of Waterloo; three sons, Deederick Mathews of the U. S. Army at Harlingen Field, Texas; Louis of Attica, and W. Harry of Geneva; six grandchildren; two brothers, Willis of Seneca Falls and Harvey of Williamsport, Pa. Mr. Mathews had been employed at the Shuron Optical Company for fifteen years, and was a member of the Optical Workers Union.

From Ontario County Times 27 January 1864

Edmund T. Mathewson,
a private of Co. D., 126th Regt., N. Y. S. V., died in hospital at Richmond, Va., on the 14th day of November, 1863, aged 18 years. Young Mathewson was a noble and brave soldier, remarkable for his promptness and efficiency in the performance of his duties, and for his uniform and amiable disposition, which won for him the respect and confidence of his associates. He was with his company in action on Maryland Heights, Sept. 14 and 15, 1862, and at Gettysburg, through those terrible battles of the 2d, 3d and 4th of July. At White Plains, Va., on the the 25th of July last, while at a halt, with arms stacked, he, in company with the rest, improved the time in picking blackberries, when Mosby, with a few men disguised in our uniform, rode suddenly up and took him, with one or two others, and marched them off, prisoners of war. He was taken first to Libby Prison, then to Belle Island, where it seems he was taken sick and removed to a hospital, where death came as a deliverer, and young Mathewson became another sacrifice to this wicked rebellion, a martyr for his country.

From Geneva Gazette 31 May 1889

Matthew Matthews,
a blacksmith of Chapinville, committed suicide Monday evening by taking Paris green.  He told his wife he had taken poison to put himself out of the way.  Matthews has been in the habit of going on a spree occasionally, and it is said that he had been drinking some just before he took the poison.  No other cause for the deed is known.  He was about fifty-five years old and leaves a wife and three children.

From Ontario County Journal 23 April 1909

At her home, 98 Pleasant street, where she had resided for the past 54 years, on Monday morning at 6 o'clock occurred the death of Mrs. Cordelia Maria Mattice, widow of Morris M. Mattice. Mrs. Mattice had lived to the remarkable age of 86 years and 4 months. She had been an invalid for the past 14 years and he last serious illness was of about six weeks duration. Mrs. Mattice was a member of the Congregational church. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. M. E. Etts, of this village, and one granddaughter, Mrs. Fred K. Craver of Rochester. The funeral was held from the home on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev Livingston L. Taylor officiating. Interment was in the West Avenue cemetery.

From Ontario County Times 9 December 1868

One of the most horrible accidents it has ever been our duty to record, which resulted in the instant killing of one of our citizens, occurred in this place on Monday evening last. Mr. George Mattice, son-in-law and partner of Mr. Francis Shanks, lumber dealers and proprietors of a planing mill on Pleasant street, while engaged in adjusting some part of a steam engine, which was a little out of order, was caught in the fly wheel, which revolved very rapidly, and was literally torn and knocked to pieces. It appears that he had detected an irregularity in the motion of the engine, and descended from an upper floor into the engine room to see if he could discover what was the cause of it. An eccentric which had been out of order a few days before very naturally attracted his attention, and it is thought that while he was examining it, his clothes were caught in the wheel, it being very near, and in an instant he was whirling through the air with the rapidity of thought. His father-in-law, Mr. Shanks, who was in an adjoining room, heard an unusual noise, and attributed it to the scuffling of some boys overhead; but as the noise increased, and the motion of the engine was gaining rapidly, he decided that the commotion must proceed from that quarter, where he immediately repaired and shut off the steam. Just at this moment the belt ran off the fly wheel, and he began searching for the cause, when he discovered the body of the unfortunate man lying between the base upon which one end of the shaft rested and the wheel. What a horrible sight was there revealed ! There lay the body, or that portions of it which had not been torn apart, mangled and lifeless. It was hardly recognizable. The back part of the head was completely knocked away. Portions of his brains were strewn about the floor and upon the ceiling and sides of the building. Parts of his skull were found in different places, and his clothes had been torn from his body and rent into shreds. One of his feet had been torn from the leg, and not a space the width of man's hand but had been bruised and lacerated could be found. Blood was spattered over everything in proximity to the fatal scene.

The news of the accident which was so unusual in our quiet village spread like wildfire, and a crowd soon gathered about the premises. The body of Mr. Mattice was taken up and removed to his residence, where it was properly laid out and a Coroner's jury summoned.

Mr. Mattice was an upright and honest citizen, and was much respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and little child to mourn his untimely end.

From Ontario County Journal 25 October 1895

Clifton Springs, N. Y. -
On Thursday afternoon, October 17, a fatal accident occurred at the new Catholic church in this place, at about 2 o'clock, when the rafters, about one-half of which had been placed in position, were blown down by the strong wind which prevailed at the time. Edward Mattison, a carpenter, who was working on the main floor, was knocked down by the falling timbers, and caught between them and a pile of lumber, crushing his skull. He lived only about two hours after the accident. Seward Stone, Clay Wilson, and William Case, all carpenters, were also injured; Stone seriously, the others only slightly.

The funeral services of Mattison were held on Sunday afternoon from his late home on Broad street, Rev. O. M. Hilton of Auburn, assisted by Rev. S. H. Adams, officiating, and were more largely attended than any held here for many years. The Citizens Hook and Ladder company, Foster Hose company, and K. O. T. M., of all of which he was a member, attended in a body. The floral offerings were very fine. Mr. Mattison leaves a wife, and a daughter about three years old.

From Ontario Republican Times 4 September 1856

Died, in this village, on Saturday night last, of consumption, Elijah James Mattison, the 30th August, in the 33d year of his age. Mr. Mattison was by profession a Printer, and brother of the editor of the Ontario Messenger, of which establishment he had been Foreman for several years past. The writer of this notice had known him intimately for many years. Although long afflicted with the dreadful disease of which he died, his was such a marked case of submission and resignation as to produce a deep impression in the circle of his acquaintance. Sensible as he had long been of the dangerous and critical condition of his health, and of his rapidly approaching end, he preserved a manly cheerfulness. He was heartily devoted to his profession, and was an ornament to it. As he grew weaker day by day, his friends advised him to leave the office and seek the quiet of his home. But he philosophized upon it; he had spent half his days in a Printing Office; to be deprived of its excitement now, his system would sink rapidly. He always expressed the hope that he should not linger upon his bed, and on the Sabbath before his death, he remarked to the writer, "Well, my old friend, I am at last brought to my couch; but it will not be long -- I have lain down to die," and he smiled a pleasant smile, and seemed to be happy. There is high moral heroism in thus meeting death. Mr. Mattison had many friends who mourn his demise. He leaves a wife and two little children. God will protect her in her widowhood, and her children in their orphanage.

From Geneva Daily Times 18 February 1915

Rushville, N. Y. -
The death of Journano Mattison, aged 90 years, occurred in Canandaigua February 13th. He was a former resident of this place. The funeral was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Harrison in this village Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. Burial was in Overacre cemetery. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Reifstack.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 14 February 1915

Canandaigua, Feb. 14 -
One of the best known residents of Rushville, Jourman Mattison, died in the Canandaigua Health Home yesterday morning at 7 o'clock after a long period of feeble health. He came to the Health Home last June. Mr. Mattison was 90 years old. He leaves two daughters, from the home of one of whom, Mrs. Harrison, of Rushville, the funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. The interment will be in that village.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 October 1910

Rushville, N. Y. -  Mrs. Jourmain Mattison,
aged 80 years and 10 months, died at her home in Green street, this village, about 7 o'clock yesterday morning. Her illness was brief, lasting only a few days. She leaves her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Ambrose Harrison of this village, and Mrs. Reifstock of Clifton Springs; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock at the  house.

From Ontario County Journal 22 August 1913

Rushville, N. Y. -  Mrs. Lavina Werley Mattison
died on August 16, at her home in this village, after many months of intense suffering. Death was due to cancer. She was born in the town of Potter forty-six years ago, and was the daughter of Michael and Harriet Werley. On September 9, 1899, she was united in marriage to William Mattison, and they had always made their home in this vicinity. Two children were born of this union, one of whom died in childhood. She was a member of the Lutheran church in East Potter, was a kind neighbor and well esteemed by all. The funeral services were held from the M. E.church on Monday afternoon, Rev. M. E. Bowman officiating. Burial was at Rushville. She is survived by her husband, William Mattison; and one son, John, both of this village; one sister, Mrs. James Hatch of Potter; four half-sisters, Mrs. Caroline Voak of Gage, Mrs. Henry Melious, Mrs. Susan Fry, Mrs. Michael Burg of Potter; and two half-brothers, William Werley of Gorham and George Werley of California.

From Ontario County Journal 22 March 1878

Died -
We learn that Mrs. Mary Mattison, widow of the late Clarence Mattison, died at her home in this village at about 11 o'clock Wednesday night.  Mrs. M. was ill of consumption at the same time with her husband, and has been gradually failing since his death, peacefully passing away on Wednesday night.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 19 August 1913

Clifton Springs, Aug. 13 -
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Hairland Mattison, wife of D. Clinton Mattison, of Clifton Springs, was held this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The services were conducted by the Rev. H. B. Reddick, pastor of the local Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Rev. S. H. Adams, D. D., chaplain of the Clifton Springs Sanitarium. The burial was made in the Clifton Springs cemetery. Mrs. Mattison died suddenly at her home on Saturday. She had been a resident of Clifton Springs for many years. She leaves her husband, D. Clinton Mattison, and one granddaughter, Miss Mildred Mattison, of Clifton Springs.

From Ontario County Journal 23 April 1909

Mrs. Mary Robinson Mattison,
widow of Jacob J. Mattison, died at the home of her son, Dr. J. J. Mattison, on Center street, on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Mattison was 79 years of age. She had been seriously ill but a few days, having been confined to her home since Easter Sunday. Mrs. Mattison was born in Manchester, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. Her early years were spent in Albion. She returned and was married in Manchester and for a short time continued to reside there. About 50 years ago she came with her husband to Canandaigua and has since resided here continuously. Mrs. Mattison was one of a family of five children, one brother and three sisters, all having preceded her in death. Dr. Mattison is the only surviving member of her family. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, interment to be made in West avenue cemetery, Rev. J. S. Ebersole, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating.

From Geneva Daily Times 26 January 1915

Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Emma Mattoon,
age 67 years, died at seven o'clock last evening at her home in Mary street. she had been in failing health for a long time. The deceased was born in the town of Phelps and with the exception of several years residence at Chapin and Canandaigua, has always lived here. She leaves four sons, George of Baldwinsville, N. Y., William of Detroit, Mich., James and Charles of Phelps; two daughters, Mrs. Allen Sweet and Mrs. Homer Sweet of Phelps; a brother, James Northum of Cleksburg, Mich.; and four sisters, Mrs. Charles Toll, Mrs. M. E. Salisbury, Mrs. Solomon Wilson and Mrs. Louisa Ridley, all of the town of Phelps.

From Ontario County Chronicle 30 July 1902

Phelps, N. Y. - Miss Ida M. Mattoon,
aged 37 years, died at the home of her mother on West Main street, Tuesday. The deceased was a member of the M. E. church, and leaves, besides her mother, two brothers and two sisters. The burial was at Chapinville.

From Geneva Daily Times 18 May 1910

Mrs. Emily Mawney,
widow of the late Oratio Mawney, died this morning about 6 o'clock at her home, No. 225 Main street. She was about 70 years old. For many years she has made her home in this city but previously lived at Fort Edward. She was a member of the North Presbyterian church. She is survived by one brother, Albert Payne of Saratoga; and two sisters, Misses Jennie Payne and Joanna Payne of this city.

From Geneva Gazette 15 March 1889

Mr. H. B. Mawney,
an old and respected citizen residing on Main street, died this morning, after only a few weeks confinement to his house.  He is the person who was so brutally assailed and robbed by the negro Newton, who is now undergoing a long sentence at Auburn for the crime. Mr. Mawney has not seen a well day since he was thus cruelly stricken down with a bludgeon.

From Geneva Daily Times 16 March 1907

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Dennison B. Maxfield
died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank H. Eighmey, on Mason street yesterday after an illness of fourteen weeks of heart disease. He was born in the town of Canandaigua April 1, 1831, and had lived in Ontario county all his life. He came here from Chapinville. He was twice married, and is survived by his last wife, who was Miss Margaret Ness. Surviving children are Mrs. George McMillan of Canandaigua; Fred G. Davis of Richmond; Mrs. Emma Depew of Los Angeles, Cal.; Carleton A. Davis of Canandaigua and Mrs. Fannie Eighmey of Canandaigua.

From Ontario County Journal 18 March 1892

Naples, N. Y. -
The death of Mrs. Harriet Maxfield, relict of the late Elias Maxfield, occurred on Monday. She was one of the older residents of Naples, being nearly 78 years of age. She had owned and occupied with her son, Alonza, a fine farm west of the village, and had lived there about 45 years. The funeral was on Wednesday.

From Geneva Gazette 6 April 1900

Hon. Hiram Maxfield,
one of the most prominent citizens of Naples, died last Saturday after a brief illness said to be a complication of diseases, aged 77 years.  He spent most of his long life in Naples as an active, enterprising business man.  He was elected to the Legislature in 1875 when the Democrats elected both members in this county, and a Democratic Senator (Hon. S. H. Hammond) in this district.  Mr. Maxfield had John Raines as his republican opponent.  He was Supervisor of Naples for many years, and a trustee and President of the local board of school trustees which he held till his death.  He established and was President of the Bank of Naples, conducting the institution on a conservative, safe basis.  He was the owner of considerable real estate in the village and suburbs.  He is survived by his wife, one son (D. H. Maxfield) and several grandchildren.

From Geneva Advertiser 28 April 1903

Mrs. Mary Maxfield,
widow of Hiram Maxfield, late of Naples, died in that village on Thursday, April 10th, aged 75 years. Of her own family but one son survives, D. H. Maxfield, the well-known banker and vineyardist of Naples. We knew the elder Mr. Maxfield well; he was one of God's noble men, true as steel and scrupulously honest. We used to enjoy his frequent visits in our old den upstairs. Some of Mrs. Maxfield's early school days were passed in Geneva, when she was known as Mary M. Chesebro, but so long ago that perhaps none here can recall her now. That family has always been to Naples what Seth Stanley was to his town, one of the leaders of the go-ahead part of it.

From Geneva Gazette 4 February 1876

Distressing Case of Suicide -
Sometime after midnight of Sunday or Monday morning last, Mrs. Henry E. Maxwell stealthily arose from her bed, so quietly as to neither disturb her only daughter (aged about 15) who slept with her, nor her husband who slept in an adjoining and connected room, and passing out through the dining room and into the passage way leading to the cellar, hung herself to the doorknob, using a long knit scarf or "cloud" for a halter - the weight of her body upon the cloud as she stretched herself down the stairway producing strangulation.  The discovery was not made till about five o'clock in the morning, at which time life was utterly extinct.  Deceased has been an invalid for more than twenty years, symptoms of a disordered brain becoming manifest about thirteen years ago.  All that medical skill could do for her united with the most unremitting care, kindness and affection of her family, failed to cure the mind diseased, although at times, and no later than last Saturday, she brightened up and gave promise of improvement.  The last effort of her husband to benefit her was in a trip to Florida, whither, he accompanied her in December last, but the change proving unavailing they returned, arriving home January 12th.  Treatment at the Canandaigua Asylum had been previously and unavailingly tried.  With a home surrounded by all the comforts and luxuries which abundant wealth could provide, it was believed that if no cure to her disordered mind could be wrought by medical skill under such circumstances, then indeed was her case hopeless.  Many years ago and in the first stages of her derangement, eluding the vigilance of her family and attendants, at an early hour of the morning she wended her way to and precipitated herself into the Lake.  Fortunately the act was seen and her rescue effected, but only to endure the after years of suffering in body and mind.  Mrs. M. was aged about 50 years, leaves only one child above alluded too, but a host of warm, devoted and sorrowing friends, whose sympathies were strongly enlisted in her behalf by her long years of physical and mental ailment.  In her lucid and happier moments, Mrs. Maxwell manifested a very strong and lively interest in the affairs of the North Presbyterian Church of which she was a member, and particularly in the enterprise of erecting the new edifice, now so far advanced towards completion.  Alas, that her reason and life were not spared to behold the fulfillment of this grand work of Christian zeal and liberality.

From Ontario County Times 30  January 1889

Mr. Henry E. Maxwell,
of Geneva, died at Pilatka, Florida, Jan. 25th, agd 68 years. Mr. Maxwell was a member of the firm of T. C. Maxwell & Brothers, nurserymen, Geneva, and has long held an honorable and active position among the business men of that place. He was an office bearer in the North Presbyterian church, and with heart and hand was "ready to aid every good work."

From Geneva Gazette 9 March 1894

Died in Jail - James Maxwell,
a colored man, tried, convicted and sentenced to jail by Police Justice Smelzer for illegal voting at our late charter election, died in jail last Wednesday of typhoid fever.  A Canandaigua correspondent of the Rochester Herald alleges that Maxwell fell a victim indirectly to the brutality of Geneva's police officials.  The writer goes on to say that "last week Maxwell was forcibly removed from a sick bed at his home in Geneva, placed in a hack, and taken to the police station, where he was under medical care till Saturday, when he was sentenced to the county jail and the officers again placed him in a carriage, took him to the train and shipped him here.  His crime was alleged violation of election laws, it being claimed he voted in a wrong ward at the recent charter election in Geneva.  On reaching the jail he was so much worse Dr. Hallenbeck was called and has since been in regular attendance; but the fever was so far advanced and so greatly aggravated by the oft mentioned and continually increasing bad sanitary regulations of the jail that his life could not be saved. Maxwell was aged 26 years and was a respectable colored man.  He leaves a wife."

The charges against our police officials are manifestly unjust.  It is admitted that Maxwell was taken back and forth in a hack. Evidently he did not regard himself dangerously ill or he would have made the fact known, when a medical examination would have been at once instituted to ascertain his true condition.  Nobody ever before accused our policemen of brutality. They have hardly ever found it necessary to reduce a prisoner to tractability by using their clubs.  Poor Maxwell was a victim of ignorance in voting in the wrong ward.  He had before voted in the first, and naturally returned to the polls of that ward at our charter election although he had very recently removed into the adjoining 3d ward.  He ought to have been let off with an admonition.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 30 December 1911

Clifton Springs, Dec. 29 -
The death of the Rev. Joseph Maxwell,  of this village, occurred at the Clifton Springs Sanitarium this morning at 7 o'clock, after an illness of several months. Several weeks ago Mr. Maxwell was removed to the sanitarium from his home in Pleasant street. Mr. Maxwell was born in Ireland 78 years ago. He was a retired minister and had lived in this village for a good many years. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of this village, where the funeral services will be held on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Several ministers who were special of Mr. Maxwell will officiate. Among them Rev. S. H. Adams, chaplain of the sanitarium, and the Rev. Dr. Kelley. The burial will be made in Clifton Springs cemetery. Mr. Maxwell leaves his wife and one son, George Maxwell, of Watertown, Mass.

From Geneva Gazette 24 April 1885

William Maxwell,
formerly engaged in the livery business in Geneva, but for many years a resident of Canandaigua, died in that village last Friday, aged about 61 years.  His wife who was in feeble health, was prostrated to unconsciousness by the shock of her bereavement, from which she did not rally and died on the Sunday following.  The funeral of both who "in death were not divided" took place last Monday and presented one of the most saddening spectacles ever witnessed in Canandaigua.  Mr. Maxwell was a schoolmate in our later boyhood days, and was a prime favorite with the youth who wrestled with orthography, reading, arithmetic, grammar, etc. under the teachings of fathers Swift and Bartlett.  A fond adieu, "Billy".

From Geneva Gazette 8 October 1869

Last Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Pitt May, an old, highly esteemed citizen of the town of Hopewell, met with a sad accident which resulted in his death.  He had been paying a visit to the Salisbury Mineral Springs on the east side of the Lake, and was on his return home, when his horse became frightened at a pile of stone on the road side, and turning short around, tipped the buggy over throwing Mr. May out upon the stone.  In falling, it is supposed that he struck upon his head and side, injuring him severely.  He was conveyed to his residence, and medical assistance summoned, but he expired shortly. His funeral took place Sunday, and was attended by numerous friends.  Can. Mess.

From Ontario County Journal 7 June 1895

Victor, N. Y. -
The funeral of Mrs. William May was held at the house on Wednesday afternoon and the interment was at the Boughton Hill Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Bard, pastor of the Universalist church, officiated.

From Ontario County Journal 2 June 1911

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
The funeral of Alfred Maycock was held from the home of Edward Stein in the southwestern part of the town on Wednesday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. Edwin Johnson. Mr. Maycock was a former resident of Geneva, where he was a member of the carpenter's union. His death occurred at the home of Mr. Stein early on Sunday morning. He was born at Coventry, England, 47 years ago, and is survived by his wife and two children; one sister, Mrs. Frank Hacking of Perry; and two brothers, George Maycock of Perry and Joseph Maycock of Piffard.

From Livonia Gazette 12 June 1936

Mrs. Rose Maycock,
74, died at the home of her son, Howard Maycock, at Allen's Hill, Thursday, May 4. She had been ill for a long time. Mrs. Maycock leaves, beside the son, a daughter, Mrs. Ethel Ferris of Lisborn, N. J.; one sister, Mrs. John Harvey of Rush; three brothers, Edward and Lewis Steen of Rochester and Peter Steen of Hamburg. Funeral services were conducted Saturday at 9 o'clock from St. Bridget's Catholic church, the Rev. George W. Doud officiating. Interment in East Bloomfield cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 13 December 1897

The funeral of Mrs. E. M. Maynard, who died at 3:00 o'clock Friday morning, was held from her late residence on Castle street at 3:00 Saturday afternoon, with burial in Glenwood cemetery. The pall bearers were: Dr. A. L. Sweet, S. W. Hopkins, J. O. Seymour, T. S. Hubbard, W. E. Stubbs and C. H. Webster. Rev. Dr. Remick officiated.

From Geneva Daily Times 15 July 1903

This morning at 1:45 o'clock, Eli Melville Maynard passed away at his home on Castle street, after a brief illness of less than five hours. After a day of unusual health and activity, he was seized about 9 o'clock in the evening with a stroke of apoplexy, sinking soon into a state of unconsciousness from which he never rallied. Mr. Maynard was born in Potsdam, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., May 2, 1818. He received his early education at the St. Lawrence academy in his native town and in 1837 entered Amherst college. From 1840 to 1868 he was engaged in teaching, being principal of various academies in New York and Vermont, his longest connection being with the Trumansburg academy from 1860 to 1868, in which latter years he came to Geneva. In this city he engaged in the drug business, until advancing age and increasing feebleness compelled him to retire from active business life. At various times he held positions of public trust, the duties of which he discharged with rare faithfulness and conscientiousness. He was president of the board of health for six years, coroner of Ontario county for six years and for three years overseer of the poor. He was one of the earliest members of the North Presbyterian church, holding the office of deacon almost from its organization and an elder since 1892. He was most unselfish and devoted in his family, an active and faithful Christian worker, and a friend in whom the suffering and sorrowing never failed to find sympathy and help. The time for the funeral services will be announced later.  Burial Glenwood Cemetery.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 29 May 1917

Clifton Springs, N. Y., May 28 - John H. Maynard,
74 years old, died Sunday evening. He was born in the town of Hopewell and the greater part of his life had been spent in this vicinity. He leaves a daughter, Miss Grace F. Maynard, of Rochester; and one sister, Mrs. E. M. Brown of Rochester. Funeral services will take place at the late home on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Guy W. Raines. Burial in Clifton Springs cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 December 1940

Edward F. Mayo, 84, died last evening at the home of his son Frank, Woodbridge, N. J. Mr. Mayo was a resident of Geneva for over fifty years, but since the death of his wife in January, 1939, he had made his home with his son in New jersey. He was a member of the North Presbyterian church. Surviving are one son, Frank, Woodbridge, N. J.; two daughters, Mrs. Gertrude M. Cole, the Bronx, New York, and Mrs. Clarence Hewitt, Syracuse. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Bennett Funeral Home, 307 Genesee street, with Dr. Alexander Thompson of the North Presbyterian church officiating. Burial will be at East Bloomfield.

From Ontario County Chronicle 11 May 1904

Victor, N. Y. - George P. Mayo
died at the family home a short distance east of this village on Tuesday, May 3d, aged 67 years. Heart disease was the cause of death. Mr. Mayo was a man well known throughout this territory. In his early life he was engaged in business in East Bloomfield. A widow and four children survive; one son, George, Jr. and two daughters resided at the home here and another daughter, Mrs. Claud Kinsman, resides at Farmington. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon at the home, Rev. F. W. Hill of the Presbyterian church officiating. Interment was made at Boughton Hill Cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 17 September 1915

The funeral of Sparrow Mayo, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed citizens of the town, was held from the Methodist church, of which deceased was a member, on Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. F. L. Gosnell, pastor of the church. Interment was made in the village cemetery. Mr. Mayo came of old New England stock and was born at Orleans, Barnstable county, Cape Cod, Dec. 18, 1825. At the age of 11 years, he became cabin boy on a coasting vessel, making trips from Labrador to Port AuBlees. His life was a romantic one. Once he fished for five months off the coast of New Foundland, and as his family were seafaring men, he was expected to follow their vocation, but the boy longed for a different life. When he was 20 years of age, his father offered to buy part interest in a vessel and make him captain, but he could not be persuaded to give up his other plans. An older brother had came to Victor and young Mayo begged to  be allowed to join him. He bought his time of father and came to Victor, where he learned the carriage trade. In 1845, he came to East Bloomfield to work for Mumford Hayes, and in 1848 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Payne Talcott, of this town. For 60 years, Mr. Mayo has been identified with the best interests of the town. In business, politics, church, school and social life, he has served faithfully. Three time his shops, with large quantities of stock, burned to the ground and he met with heavy losses but each time he rallied and rebuilt. He was a painstaking workman, and for many years the carriages and wagons of the Mayo make sold readily and were of unquestioned quality. Although in his 90th year, Mr. Mayo retained his faculties to the last, and he never lost interest in affairs. About three months ago, he fell while trying to alight from a moving auto and fractures of the hip resulted. He suffered greatly, but was always the kindly, courteous gentleman as in health. About 20 years ago, many years after the death of his first wife, Mr. Mayo was united in marriage with Mrs. Lydia A. Burrell, who survives. He is also survived by two sons, Arthur Mayo, of Erie, Pa., and Edward S. Mayo of Geneva; three grandchildren, Mrs. J. C. Cole and Frank Mayo of New York, and Miss Mary Mayo of Geneva; and one sister, Mrs. Malissa Hurd of Orleans, Mass.

From Geneva Daily Times 16 October 1908

William H. Mazrole,
aged 67 years, died this morning at 4 o'clock at his home, No. 20 Elmwood avenue. Complications of diseases was the cause of death. The deceased was a veteran of the Civil War; he first enlisted December 28th, 1861, in Company H, 78th New York Volunteers, and was later with the 102d New York Volunteers. He was wounded in the Battle of Gettysburg and was with Sherman when he made his famous march through Georgia to the sea. For the past two years he had resided in this city. Besides his widow, he leaves one son, George Mazrole, who on July 7th last returned from the Philippines, where he served in the U. S. Army for ten years. Owing to ill health he returned home.

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