"Fot" to "Foz" Obituaries
From Geneva Daily Times 15 May 1909
Mrs. Alice Fothergill, widow of the late William Fothergill, died
this morning at about 10 o'clock at the home of her son, Edward B.
Fothergill of No. 60 North Genesee street. The deceased had been
slightly ill for about a week but this morning she became rapidly worse
and died within a short time. She recently returned from a visit with
her daughter in Belmont. Her survivors are two sons, E. B. Fothergill
and William Fothergill; and one daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon of
Belmont. Burial Washington Street Cemetery.
From Geneva Gazette 22 February 1901
Mrs. Bridget Fothergill, aged 69 years, died at her late
residence, two miles west of this city, Saturday last. She is
survived by her husband, one son and four daughters. The funeral
took place from St. Francis de Sales church at 10 o'clock Monday
morning last. Interment was in St. Patrick's cemetery.
From Geneva Gazette 8 March 1901
Fothergill died at the family residence about four miles north of
this city at 10 o'clock Sunday night, aged 73 years. The cause of
death was grip, of which
the wife of the deceased died two weeks ago. The deceased is
survived by one son, Thomas Fothergill, and three
daughters, Mrs. Ringer, Mrs. Morris Cahill and Mrs. Cooper of this city.
From Geneva Daily Times 19 December 1930
Mrs. Julia R. Fothergill, aged 77, widow of the late Edward B.
Fothergill, died at her home, 60 North Genesee street, at 11:50 o'clock
this morning following an illness of nine weeks. She is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Frank Spohn; one sister, Mrs. Emma A. Dobson, both of
Geneva and six grandchildren, three of Geneva and three of Detroit,
Mich. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock from her
late home on North Genesee street with
the Rev. Alexander Thompson of the North Presbyterian church
Interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
From Geneva Courier 12 February 1873
We are pained to announce the death of Wm. Fothergill, whose
accidental fall from the roof of a house and severe injury we noticed
in our last issue. Mr. Fothergill died at 1 o'clock P. M.
yesterday. At the time of the accident, he was on the roof of Mr.
Broderick's house on Grove
street, and was in the act of marking with a chalk line
for a course of shingles, when he slipped to the eaves of the roof,
where was a gutter some four inches in height, over which he fell to
the ground, a distance of about twenty feet, and was picked up in an
insensible condition and remained in an unconscious state so that he
was unable to converse with his family at all. He sustained a
compound fracture of the right femur or thigh bone, so that the bone
protruded through the flesh and was injured internally, injuries
consisting of concussion, effecting particularly the viscera of the
abdomen, the brain and the nervous system generally.
From the first no hopes were entertained of his recovery, although all
that medical skill could do, and watchful and devoted attention of
loving hands and hearts, were lavished upon him.
He steadily failed, suffering terribly, until mortification
became fully seated and death claimed all that was mortal of a devoted
husband and loving father and a good and valuable citizen.
Mr. Fothergill was born in Skelton, England, near Yorkshire, in the
month of June, 1827, and was in the 47th year of his age. He was
married in England and came to this country in 1850. He leaves a wife
and four children, the eldest a daughter, a married lady, and the
youngest a lad of twelve years. Mr. Fothergill was an active, energetic
man and an excellent mechanic. Our village has been very much
beautified and improved by the residences and public buildings which
were created under his direction. Among the monuments of this
kind of his skill and ability which adorn the town we may mention the
Geneva Classical and Union School, the residence of Wm. Affleck, Esq.,
the residence of Col. F. W. Prince, and the residence of Mr. Fothergill
himself, all of which are first class buildings and reflect great
credit upon the builder. Mr. Fothergill's funeral will take place from
the M. E. Church, of which he was for many years a member, tomorrow
(Thursday) at 2 o'clock P. M.
From Geneva Gazette 19 September 1890
Mrs. Charlotte Fowle died at her residence on Geneva street
Tuesday after a long and painful illness,
aged 64 years. Deceased had been a lifelong resident of our
village, highly esteemed by neighbors for her kind and sympathetic
nature and amiable Christian character. She was the mother of
five children who owe their all to her faithful nurture and teachings,
and all have proved worthy of such a good mother. She was a sister
of Mrs. John Dove, lately deceased, and of Mrs. Harriet E. Price of
New York. Her sons are Alonzo Fowle of Milwaukee, Albert of Geneva,
and G. W. of Detroit. An only surviving daughter is the wife of a
Mr. Barnes of this town. The funeral of Mrs. Fowle took place yesterday
afternoon from the M. E. Church, Rev. J. C. Nichols officiating. The
bearers were Messrs. M. W. Hemiup, J. O. Seymour, J. H. Nichols, Geo.
Taylor, D. W. Hallenback and S. H. Parker. The casket was adorned with
several beautiful floral tributes -- a pillow inscribed "mother", an
anchor, wreath, crescent and crown. Rev. Dr. Buck in his brief
paid a fitting tribute to the departed as a faithful, loving Christian
mother. The children were present except one -- G. W. Fowle who is
in Europe. The body was placed temporarily in the receiving vault at
Glenwood, and will eventually be interred in that beautiful home of the
From Geneva Gazette 14 November 1879
The funeral of Nellie Fowle took place last Sunday from
the residence of her mother on Geneva street, a large number of
sorrowing and sympathetic friends of the family being present. Rev. Dr.
Hogarth and Rev. Mr. Brownlee of the M. E. Church officiated, the
former in conveying the comforts and consolations of religion to the
afflicted mourners in fitting remarks - the latter in earnest prayer
that this dispensation would not be without a salutary lesson to the
living. The devoted brothers, Geo. W. of Detroit and Alonzo of
Providence, R. I., came on and were here several days to comfort the
dying sister by their presence in her last hours. This is the first
rupture in the family circle, and the bereavement is most
deeply felt by the survivors.
From Geneva Daily Times 13 March 1905
Anna A. Fowler, thirty-five years old, died at 10:30 o'clock last
night at her home, No. 471 Exchange street, of tuberculosis after a
lingering illness. She had been a resident of this city for ten years,
and is survived by her husband, James Fowler, and one daughter of this
city, her mother, Mrs. Richard Dillon; four brothers, John, Thomas,
Daniel and Joseph Dillon and
two sisters, Mrs. Paul Huygt and Elizabeth Dillon, all of Wilkes-Barre,
From Geneva Gazette 14 August 1863
David Fowler, of this town, a member of Co. D., 148th N. Y. V.,
died in hospital at Norfolk on the 11th inst. The sad
intelligence was received here by telegraph on the following morning.
Measures have been taken by comrades of the deceased to send the
body home for interment.
Simultaneously with this announcement of the death of the son, we also
make that of the death of the father -- John Fowler -- an old
veteran of the war of 1812.
From Geneva Gazette 24 November 1882
A Sudden Death - Mrs. John Fowler, a widow of 78 years, died very
suddenly at the residence of her son-in-law, Linsley French in Phelps,
on the 15th inst. Mrs. Fowler had appeared in her usual good health
during the day, assisting her daughter in household work, and partaking
of her evening meal with usual relish. At about 6 1/2 o'clock she
complained of excessive warmth and a sensation of faintness. Mr. French
assisted her to an upper room, but as the change did not seem to revive
her, he returned with her immediately to the sitting room, where she at
once became unconscious and soon passed away. She probably died of
heart disease. Deceased leaves a
family of seven, sons and daughters. She was a communicant of the
Protestant Episcopal Church and a regular attendant at the North
in the service and welfare of which she manifested great interest.
Her funeral took place at the house of Mr. French last Saturday, and
her remains were interred in Powers' cemetery, near Cromwell's hollow.
From Geneva Gazette 7 September 1866
Distressing Suicide - On Monday last the body of Ira Fowler was
recovered from the basin adjoining his coal-yard, and a few rods South
of the steamboat dock. The deceased was missed by his
family early in the morning; and as he had for a few day previously
acted very strangely, discontented and dissatisfied with certain
business arrangements, it was suspected that he had purposely left town
in a secret manner. Inquiries failed
to discover any trace of him since the night preceding, when he locked
himself up in his room over the coal office. About
12 o'clock, a wood-sawyer discovered Fowler's hat behind a pile of wood
at the edge of the dock. Search was at once made in the basin directly
opposite, and the body of the desperate man found within twelve feet of
the dock. A band of iron weighing 18 lbs. encompassed the body, brought
under one arm and resting on the opposite shoulder.
An inquest was held by Coroner Young and a jury. Facts regarding his
state of mind, and the additional fact that he had been seen the day
previously coming up the tow-path carrying the identical iron band
which was found upon his body, were elicited, showing it to have been a
deliberate and premeditated case of
suicide. Deceased had been largely engaged in the grain trade at
Starkey, and at one time was the possessor of a considerable fortune;
but reverses followed which
swept it nearly all away. A comparatively small pittance only was saved
and secured to his family. It is stated that there is a policy of
insurance upon his life for $10,000, for the benefit of his wife. The
fact of suicide proving
a species of insanity and the cause of death, will, it is
claimed by those who pretend to be posted, make the policy good against
the Company issuing. it. Mr. Fowler's remains were conveyed to Starkey
on Wednesday for burial.
From Ontario County Journal 14 April 1876
Mrs. Sibyl Fowler, whose maiden name was Sibyl Sawyer, died at her
residence, in the town of Gorham (between Rushville and Reed's
Corners), on Tuesday, April 4th, 1876. She was born in Stafford,
Conn., on the 25th of May, 1782. When eight or ten years old, she
removed with her father and mother to Windsor, Mass., where she
remained until she was about twenty-one years of age, when she removed
to Middlesex, N. Y. She was married to Reuben W. Fowler in the
year 1806. The year following she removed with her husband to her late
home in Gorham, where she resided until her death. They had seven
children, four of whom are now living; the other two died when quite
young. She united with the First Congregational Church, in
Rushville, in the year 1815, of which she continued an exemplary
member. She was very faithful and devoted in her attendance upon
the public means of grace up to within a few years of her death.
Death found her prepared and ready to be taken to the Rest of the
Saints. She was a woman of more than ordinary industry and
frugality, and was respected and beloved by all who knew her.
When she died she was 93 years, 10 months and 10 days old.
Her end was peace. The sermon was preached by the pastor of the
church, Rev. Geo. Stasenburgh. Her remains were removed from her
late residence and laid beside those of her husband, on Friday, April
From Geneva Daily Times 23 May 1905
Wealthy A. Fowler, seventy-four years of age, died at five o'clock
this morning at the home of her granddaughter,
Mrs. A. E. Wheeler, No. 349 Exchange street. As the result of an
attack of the grip last fall, the deceased had been in feeble health
throughout the winter, but was not confined to her bed until yesterday.
She was born in Oneida county and in her childhood moved to Sodus with
her parents. After her marriage deceased lived for a short time in
Aspenwall on the Atlantic side of the Isthmus of Panama. She returned
to the states in 1862 and lived at Junius until she came to this city
twenty-five years ago. The deceased is survived by two granddaughters,
Mrs. A. W. Richards and Mrs. A. E. Wheeler, both of this city. The
funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at two o'clock from the home
of her granddaughter, Mrs. Wheeler. Rev. J. B. Champion, pastor of the
the First Baptist
church, will officiate. Burial will be in Glenwood cemetery.
From Victor Herald 8 April 1904
William Perry Fowler, for thirty-five years a popular and
respected citizen of this town, died at his home near Fishers village,
Wednesday, April 6th, at the age of sixty-two years. Mr. Fowler had
been in poor health for some time and died from an attack of pneumonia
which in his enfeebled condition he was unable to combat. He was a
genial, companionable man whose friends throughout this section are a
great host, and the news of his death is received with genuine sorrow.
For some years he was engaged in the milk business in Mendon and
Fishers. He leaves a wife and one son, George, who lives at home.
services will be held Saturday afternoon at one o'clock at the house,
and at two o'clock at the Mendon Baptist church. Interment will be had
in Mendon cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 8 May 1891
Mrs. Caroline Fox, wife of Christopher Fox, of Naples, died Sunday
evening, aged 42, leaving seven young children. She was ill but a few
hours. The remains were taken to Cohocton for burial.
From Geneva Daily Times 10 November 1905
Canandaigua, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Charlotte A. Fox, wife
of William H. Fox, of Howell street, yesterday about noon, came with a
shock to her many friends as the reports of her
condition yesterday and last night were very favorable. Mrs. Fox began
having hemorrhages about ten days ago, and septicemia developed. She
was aged about 45 years, and leaves, besides her husband, who is the
manager of the New York office of the Lisk Manufacturing Company of
this village, five daughters. Her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Reed, also
From Canandaigua Chronicle 15 November 1905
Mrs. Charlotte Reed, wife of William H. Fox, died at her
home in Howell street Thursday morning after a short illness of two
weeks. Mrs. Fox's condition was not thought alarming until two days
before her death when septic poisoning became evident. She was born in
Gorham 43 years ago and was the daughter of Silas and Mary Reed and
spent most of her life in Canandaigua. Her sudden death comes as a
great shock to her family and the many friends which her charming
personality, admirable character and friendly manner won for her. Her
devotion to her family was an evidence of her lovable nature and her
activity in church circles was an evidence of her high ideals and
helpful nature. Her life was spent in unselfish service for others and
her gentle nature carried a beneficent influence wherever she went. She
is survived by her husband, five daughters, Mrs. R. W. Wisner, Misses
Charlotte, Jennie, Mary and Margaret Fox; her mother, Mrs. Mary Reed,
and two brothers, Sherman and Ezra Reed. The funeral was held from the
residence in Howell street at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Rev. Lewis
T. Reed officiating. The floral pieces were many and beautiful as a
last tribute from her many friends by who she was so dearly beloved.
From Ontario County Journal 3 November 1893
Naples, N. Y. - One of the oldest inhabitants of Naples, Chauncey
W. Fox, died suddenly of neuralgia of the heart, on Tuesday
morning, aged 79 years. He retired from active business life some years
ago. His wife and one son, Charles O. Fox, of Muncie, Indiana, survive
From Geneva Daily Times 27 April 1905
Ernest R. Fox, twenty-three years of age, died at 6 o'clock last
night at the home of his uncle, Herman F. Fox, No. 140 William street.
The deceased was born in this city and has lived here throughout his
life. He is survived by one sister, Miss Ruby Fox. The funeral will
take place from the house Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev.
George Cross Biner officiating. Burial will be in Glenwood cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 8 September 1903
Ernest William Fox, 86 years of age, died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Lena A.
Fink, No. 58 Geneva street, this morning at 7:30 o'clock. Deceased was
born in Gara, Saxony, and came to America in 1848, locating at once in
Geneva where he worked at his trade as mason. Five children survive.
These are Herman F. Fox, Mrs. Lena A. Fink, Mrs. George Gilbert, Miss
Louisa Fox and Mrs. William Sipple. Burial Glenwood Cemetery.
From Victor Herald 31 July 1903
The body of Frank Fox, who died in Owosso, Mich.,
Wednesday, was brought here for burial in Boughton Hill Cemetery, this
morning. Mr. Fox had reached the age of 68 years. He was born in Victor
and was quite well-known here. One son, Frank Fox of Fairport, and one
daughter, Mrs. William A. Williams of Owosso, Mich., survive.
From Ontario County Journal 31 December 1886
The people in the vicinity of Miller's Corners were greatly
startled and shocked on Sunday morning to learn that the wife
of George D. Fox, had committed suicide by drowning herself in
a water tank. She had been out of health for some time and had shown
occasional indications of aberration of mind. Though nothing so serious
as has occurred was apprehended, a close watch was kept by her family
and friends. Late Saturday evening she placed a shawl about her head
and remarking to her husband that she would be back in a few minutes,
left the house. After she had been gone a few minutes Mr. Fox became
alarmed and began searching for her. He aroused his son, John, and
together they searched about the house and out-buildings. Not finding
any traces of her Mr. Fox started for son Marion, and John went toward
a water tank which stands near a barn, some distance from the house. In
this tank he was horrified to find his mother's body. Although a large
fleshy woman, she
had forced herself through a hole only sixteen inches square. Life was
when she was found as the tank was nearly full of water. Mr. Fox is an
and esteemed correspondent of the Journal. He and his family have the
sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. Fox was a faithful wife, a
mother and a kind and beloved neighbor. Her remains were taken to
Wayne county (her former home) for interment.
From Ontario County Journal 18 October 1878
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. Henry Fox died Sept. 15, 1878. Mr.
Fox was born in Massachusetts in 1802, and moved to this town when a
small boy. It is seldom we see a man of his age so active as he was
until a short time before his death. Many are the friends and relatives
that will miss him, and in his family there is a vacant place that can
never be filled. During his sickness he was very patient, and toward
the last when man could use no remedy to prolong life, he lay quietly
waiting until the death angel came to carry him across the dark river.
The busy hands are forever quiet, and the kind heart, that was so ready
to help others, is forever at rest.
From Ontario County Chronicle 25 November 1903
Hicks Point, N. Y. - Henry W. Fox died at his home near here of
typhoid fever, aged 33 years. He was beloved by every one who knew him.
He leaves besides his wife and little son, his father, Joseph Fox, Sr.,
two brothers, John and Joseph Fox of this place, and three sisters,
Mrs. George Covert, Mrs. Ed. Middlebrook, and Mrs. Harry Lacey of this
place. Burial at Coye cemetery. Rev. McKensie preached a very
impressive sermon at the church at Bristol Springs. His wife and little
boy will make their home at her former home in Canandaigua with her
mother at 54 West Avenue.
From Geneva Daily Times 23 April 1907
Phelps, N. Y. - The death of James Fox occurred at the
home of Jesse Brignal near Orleans, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Fox has been
confined to the house for the past two years, suffering with paralysis
but the direct cause of his death was a cerebral hemorrhage. Mr. Fox's
was at Cohocton, where the remains will be taken for burial. He was 61
years of age and leaves a widow and one son. He was a member of the
lodge at Cohocton.
From Ontario County Journal 7 May 1883
Mr. James F. Fox, best known as Frank Fox, died very suddenly of
heart disease, at his residence on Gorham street in this village, last
Sunday night, aged about 56 years. Mr. Fox had not been in robust
health for some time, owing to trouble from
heart disease, but was able to attend to his business affairs. He had
been to Livonia Station where he has an interest with a brother in the
hardware business, and returned from that place Sunday afternoon,
in his usual vigor and strength. At about 8 o'clock in the evening he
complained of severe pain in the region of the heart, and a physician
was summoned, Mrs. Fox meanwhile fixing some stimulant for him, but he
died before the physician arrived. He leaves a wife and an adopted
also a brother and two sisters. The funeral services were held
From Geneva Daily Times 31 March 1905
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Yesterday afternoon occurred the death of James
M. Fox, aged about 60 years. Deceased had been in poor health for
sometime, but his death was rather
sudden, and was due to Bright's disease. Deceased was well and
favorably known in Canandaigua, where for many years he had been a
popular chef and caterer. Surviving members of his family include his
wife, one daughter, Miss Elizabeth Fox, and one son, James B. Fox.
From Ontario County Journal 26 November 1886
Last Friday night Lewis Fox, a German grape grower of Naples
committed suicide by hanging himself to a cherry tree in his yard.
Grief at the loss of his wife who died recently is supposed to have
been the cause.
From Victor Herald 29 April 1904
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Mary Bartlett Fox, wife
of John Fox, occurred at the Rochester City Hospital Wednesday
afternoon, April 20th, at one o'clock, following an operation for
appendicitis, performed on Saturday. The remains were brought to the
home on the Remer farm Saturday. The deceased was 41 years of age and
leaves her husband; a niece, Edna McGuire, for whom she cared since the
death of the child's mother a few years ago; her father, Richard
Bartlett; two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Simmons of this town, and Mrs.
George Worden of Bristol Center, and one brother, George Bartlett of
Canandaigua. Mrs. Fox was a most estimable woman, well beloved by a
large circle of friends and acquaintances. She will be sorely missed
from the home, and the family have the deep sympathy of the community.
The funeral was held from the Universalist church at 11 o'clock.
Interment was made in Evergreen cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 17 June
Died, on Thursday
morning, the 9th inst., at her home near Wheeler's Station, East
Bloomfield, occurred the death of Mrs.
Mary H. Fox, wife of Henry Fox and sister of Mrs. Robert
Wheeler. The deceased was 43 years of age. She was beloved and
respected by all who knew her. She has been a sufferer for some time,
her death resulting from Creeping Paralysis.
The funeral services held at her late residence, were conducted by Rev.
Mr. Dobson, of East Bloomfield, and the interment in East Bloomfield
cemetery. She leaves a husband and one son to mourn her loss, beside a
large circle of relatives and acquaintances.
From Geneva Daily Times 30 August 1909
A girl who went under the name of Anna Cook was found dying in a
little hall bedroom over an Italian saloon at the corner of Lafayette
and Division street in Auburn Saturday night. It is supposed from the
evidence in the case that the girl's death was the result of a dose of
poison. A physician was called immediately after her condition was
discovered, but she died within a short time. Investigation of the case
here this morning shows that the correct name of the dead woman is Mary
J. Fox, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bullock, who reside a
short distance outside the city. The girl, who is 21 years of age, was
married to a young man named Joseph Fox several years ago. Their
domestic life was not happy, however, and it is said that they
separated. The present whereabouts of her husband, who was a son of
Joseph Fox, a Geneva saloonkeeper who was killed in Exchange street a
number of years ago as a result of a blow which he received while
attempting to put a man out of his place, is unknown to the local
authorities. Two children survive. These children, it is stated, are at
present being cared for by the grandparents of Mrs. Fox. A third child
died last week. The cause for the woman's act is believed to have been
despondency caused by illness.
Mrs. Fox was about Geneva for the past few years. She moved to this
city after her marriage to Fox and had resided here most of the time
since. She was known to the authorities and it is said that the police
were looking for her last week in order to compel her to take care of
an infant child. About this time she was wanted, however, she
disappeared from the city and an Italian saloonkeeper named Jack
Bouslack is reported to have sent her to Auburn. Mrs. Fox was at the
City Hospital a week or so ago. A few days afterwards, the police were
looking for her and went to see Mr. Bouslack, who was reported to know
where she was. Bouslack told the police that the woman had gone to
Rochester. It appears from the reports from Auburn, however, that
Bouslack accompanied her to Auburn on August 17th and left her at an
Italian saloon kept by an Italian woman named Anna Deffert.
The report of the case from the time Mrs. Fox reached Auburn to the
time of her death is that she suffered continually from her operation.
She seemed despondent and would sit in a corner and cry. She repeatedly
asked her employer to furnish her with a piano with which to amuse
herself, and she seemed to take great pleasure in the announcement that
one would be brought to the house this week.
The girl appeared about the streets with Mrs. Deffert and spent
Thursday at Lakeside Park with her. Friday she did a washing and
Saturday morning was spent in ironing, after which she prepared the
noonday meal for the family. In the afternoon she was restless and went
to her room several times, but did not remain more than a minute at a
time. She did not prepare the supper as usual at 6 o'clock, and when
asked by Mrs. Deffert when the supper would be ready, she said she
didn't know and that she didn't want any. She again went to her room
and remained there about five minutes, when a scream was heard and Mrs.
Deffert went to her room, where she lay moaning on the bed. A physician
was telephoned for. Dr. Day responded and administered an antidote, but
the girl died in a few minutes. Coroner O'Neil was called and the body
was removed to the Meagher undertaking rooms.
The girl was a good "dresser" and her clothes were carefully folded and
packed in the drawers of a commode and those that hung on the wall were
carefully covered with a cloth to keep them from the dust.
The girl had gone under the name of Anna Cook at Auburn but when the
report of the case was shown to Chief Kane of the local department this
morning, he immediately recognized the woman as Mrs. Fox. Up until noon
no report of the case had officially been received from the Auburn
department, but Chief Kane went to the Bouslack place and interviewed
him in regard to the matter. After being questioned closely, Mr.
Bouslack admitted that the girl was Mrs. Fox and that he had taken her
to Auburn. He stated that he had told the police that the woman had
gone to Rochester owing to a promise that he had made her to keep her
identity and whereabouts secret.
From Ontario County Journal 11 December 1896
Bristol Springs, N. Y. - Mrs. Sarah Fox, wife of Joseph Fox, Sr.,
of the lake shore, died on Friday morning, Dec. 4, aged nearly 73
years. Mrs. Fox came with her husband and family from England soon
after the war, and they have occupied their present home most of the
time since. It can truthfully be said of her she was a patient,
consistent Christian.
From Ontario County Journal 9 October 1896
Naples, N. Y. - Mrs. Susan Fox, wife of Christopher Fox of
this town, died October 5, aged 48 years. Burial at Coye cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 26 March 1897
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Wm. Fox, one of the oldest
inhabitants of this village, died on March 22. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. J. E. June on Wednesday.
From Geneva Daily Times 6 February 1909
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - The residents of this village were deeply
shocked yesterday afternoon to learn of the death of William A.
Fox, which occurred shortly afternoon at his country home about
two miles south of this village. Although he had been in poor health
for the past three years, his death came as a great shock to his family
and large circle of friends in this village and vicinity. Mr. Fox was
aged 86 years, and was one of the early settlers of this vicinity, and
was one of the best known and progressive farmers in the Town of Phelps
in which his farm was located. Although a farmer he had always taken a
great interest in this village and its growth and affairs. The deceased
is survived by a widow, two daughters, Miss Lulu, who had always made
her home with her parents, a daughter who resides in the West, but was
at the family homestead on a visit at the time of the death; and three
sons, Sylvester, Truman V., and Edward, all of this village. The
funeral services will be held at the family residence tomorrow
afternoon, at 2 o'clock, and the interment will be in the Pioneer
From Ontario County Journal 5 November 1909
Honeoye, N. Y. - On Oct. 22, at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Ella Howcroft, after an illness of ten days duration, occurred the
death of Edward Foye, Sr. He was born in Belfast, Ireland, in
1830, and during the early part of his 79 years few saw greater
hardships or saw more of life. At the age of 18 years he entered the
English army, serving nine years. He served in the "Flying Artillery."
At the time of enlistment the company was 300 strong. Three times
during their service were they reinforced to the original number. Upon
their return at the close of the Crimean war, there were just 17 men
spared who marched in single file before Queen Victoria, who personally
pinned a "Death and Glory medal" upon the coat of each soldier. Mr.
Foye was an eye witness of the charge of the Light Brigade. He was also
present at the taking of Sebastipool. He was confined in the hospital
at Scutari and was nursed by Florence Nightingale. At the close of the
war in 1858, Mr. Foye was married in Liverpool to Miss Rose MacCaren.
Immediately after the service, they took passage for America. Arriving
in New York City, he worked at the trade learned in his boyhood. Later
they came to Ontario County and for the past 45 years Honeoye had been
their home, with the exception of the last nine winters, which, since
the death of his wife, he spent in Washington, D. C., at the home of
his youngest daughter. He is survived by six children: four daughters,
Mrs. Ella Howcroft of Honeoye; Mrs. Minnie Nighn, of Livonia Center;
Mrs. Rose Andrews and Dr. A. Frances Foye of Washington, D. C.; two
sons, Edward Foye of Honeoye, and Frank Foye, of Cleveland, O. The
funeral was held from St. Mary's church in this village, of which he
was a devout member, on Monday forenoon, Rev. Father Garvey of Livonia
officiating. In slight variation of the regular custom, "Nearer My God
to Thee" was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Mary Doolittle, as the casket
was borne from the church. Interment at the Honeoye cemetery.
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Updated 28 May 2009