"Fa" through "Fe" Obituaries

From Ontario County Journal 16 December 1910

The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Faber occurred at her home on Chapin street on Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Faber was born in St. Wendel, Germany, 81 years ago. She came to Canandaigua in 1847 where she has since resided. In 1851 she was married to Peter Faber who died two years and 9 months ago. Mrs. Faber had been in feeble health for some years. Since suffering a slight stroke two weeks ago, she gradually weakened until the end came. Two sons, John P. Faber of Rochester, Albert H. of Schenectady and one daughter, Mrs. Harry C. Buell and one sister, Mrs. Peter Schlick of Canandaigua, survive. Several nieces and nephews and three grandchildren also survive. The funeral will be held from the home this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Livingston Taylor, pastor of the Congregational church, officiating. Interment will be at Woodlawn.

From Ontario County Journal 17 December 1909

Mrs. Minnie Savage,
wife of Albert H. Faber, formerly of this village, died at her home in Schenectady, late Wednesday night, aged about 46 years. Deceased had long been an invalid. She leaves her husband, formerly a mail carrier here, and two sons, Albert and Clarence Faber, her mother, Mrs. Henry Savage, two brothers, Albert Savage of Seneca Falls, and Charles Savage of Washington; and one sister, Mrs. John Burden of Buffalo. The remains will be interred in Woodlawn.

From Geneva Daily Times 3 April 1908

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Peter Faber, aged 80 years, for sixty years a resident of this village, passed away Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. He had occupied the house where his death occurred for 56 years. Mr. Faber was born in France, but came to the United States when a boy. He always followed the occupation of carriage maker. He maintained a shop here for a great many years, and still had one at the time of his death. Mr. Faber leaves a wife, with whom he celebrated the fiftieth anniversary in 1901, and three children, two sons, John P. Faber, of Rochester, and Albert C. Faber of Schenectady; and one daughter, Mrs. Harry C. Buell, of this place.

From Ontario County Journal 14 February 1913

At Victor, Wednesday night, Raefarlo Fafento, aged 30, a Lehigh Valley R. R. track walker, was killed when a train backed upon him. Coroner A. W. Armstrong investigated and will hold an inquest at the town hall here today. Fafento leaves a wife and one child in Italy.

From Naples Record 26 September 1934
From the home in Naples last Friday afternoon took place the funeral of Earl H. Fagan, 43, World War Veteran, and employee of the Veterans' Hospital, who died suddenly Tuesday night, September 18th, at the hospital of a heart attack. The Rev. F. E. Miller, pastor of the Naples Presbyterian church, officiated. Military honors were accorded by Canandaigua Post, and Commander L. W. Bassett of the Naples Post, was one of the bearers. Burial was in Rose Ridge cemetery. Mr. Fagan, who served with the Medical Corps at St. Agman Noyes, France, had been an attendant at the hospital for about eight months. He leaves his wife and two daughters; also a stepson and daughter, George and Gertrude Ryan, of Naples.

From Shortsville Enterprise 15 December 1943

Local people were deeply shocked on Monday to learn of the untimely death of Mrs. Florence Akerson Fair, wife of Russell L. Fair of Manchester, which occurred shortly after noon at the Memorial hospital, Canandaigua, following a week's illness from pneumonia. She had given birth to a daughter only the morning previous. Her age was 24 years. Mrs. Fair was born in Bedford, Missouri, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Akerson, now of Rochester. The family formerly resided in Canandaigua, where the deceased attended Canandaigua Academy. The survivors, besides her husband, are two sons, Roger and John, and the infant daughter, Nancy Lee; two sisters, Mrs. Woodgate of Palmyra and Miss Mildred Akerson of Rochester. Services will be held from the Kennedy Funeral Parlor in Canandaigua at 1:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The remains will be taken to Victor for interment in Boughton Hill cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 13 June 1879

North Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mrs. Andrew H. Fairchild
is dead. She had been an invalid a number of years and had lived much longer than was expected. Living here a number of years, she had gained many friends, who will miss her society very much. Her husband and four children still survive her. She had reached nearly the age of 64 years.

From Ontario County Journal 4 April 1890

Rushville, N. Y. - The funeral of Mrs. E. Fairchild was held at the home of Robert C. Monier on Saturday afternoon. Her death occurred March 26th. Her age was 65 years and 8 weeks.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 18 June 1917

Shortsville, June 17 -
The funeral of Frank H. Fairchild, for the past twenty a resident of Manchester, was held from the Manchester Methodist church at 4 o'clock yesterday, conducted by Parlor Village Lodge No. 88, I. O. O. F., assisted by Rev. Donald H. MacKenzie, pastor of the Shortsville Presbyterian church, and Rev. Edward Jarvis, pastor of the Manchester M. E. Church. Burial in Brookside cemetery, Shortsville. Mr. Fairchild who had not been well for the past three years, died at his home in State street, Manchester, at 7:30 o'clock Friday morning. He was born in Centerfield, a son of the late Samuel A. and Mary Worden Fairchild, December 7, 1866. His early life was sent in East Bloomfield, which town he left wen he was about 20 years of age, for Canandaigua, moving from that city to Manchester. He was married August 26, 1889 to Miss Mertie Van Duyne, of Manchester, who survives him. He was a Democrat in politics; a member of the Manchester Methodist church of Parlor Village Lodge No. 88, I. O. O. F., of Shortsville, and of the Protective Legion. The survivors are his wife; two sons, Raymond Fairchild and Clarence Fairchild of Manchester; three daughters, Mrs. Harry Sheets of Shortsville, Mrs. George Stail of Syracuse, and Miss Elizabeth Fairchild of Manchester; two grandsons, George Sheets of Shortsville, and John Howard Stail of Syracuse; two granddaughters, Myrtle Sheets of Shortsville and Lillian Fairchild of Manchester.

From Ontario County Messenger 11 June 1856

On the 4th ult., in this town where she was suddenly stricken with paralysis, Mrs. Olivia Fairchild, relict of Moses Fairchild, deceased aged 59 years.

From Shortsville Enterprise 14 March 1913

On Monday morning at the home of his son, Frank Fairchild, in the village of Manchester, occurred the death of Samuel A. Fairchild, a well-known contractor and builder, aged 78 years. He had been a sufferer from chronic heart trouble for several years, but his demise was hastened by a fall downstairs at the home of his son about two weeks previous to his death. Samuel A. Fairchild was born in the township of Arcadia on November 23, 1835, and was a son of the late Reuben and Phoebe Jenkins Fairchild. When a youth he learned the mason trade, and during his life assisted in the erection of many large buildings in this State, as well as in Michigan. He was married to Miss Mary Ann Worden, of Canaseraga, this State, during the year of 1858. Her demise occurred in 1902. For the past 35 years he had made his home in the village of Manchester. The survivors are one son, Frank Fairchild of Manchester, and one daughter, Mrs. John Nero of Tacoma, Washington; one sister, Mrs. Mary B. Spencer of Canandaigua; also seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The funeral services were held from the Fairchild home on Wednesday afternoon and the interment followed in Brookside Cemetery in this village.

From Geneva Courier 7 May 1873

Sudden Death -
We are pained to announce the sudden death of Mrs. George Fairfax, daughter of Thomas Dunn, Esq., of this village, who died on Friday evening last.  Mrs. Fairfax was about thirty-nine years of age and had lived in Geneva for many years, and was well known and universally respected and esteemed.  She was buried on Sunday last and her funeral was attended by crowds of friends who gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed. Her husband and a family of several children mourn her loss and will receive the sincere sympathy of the entire community in this sad and painful dispensation of providence.

From Geneva Daily Times 17 November 1903

George H. Fairfax,
79 years old, one of Geneva's oldest residents died at his home on Geneva street at 2:40 o'clock this afternoon after an illness of four weeks. He is survived by his wife and six sons, George H., Charles W., Franklin E., Alfred F., of Geneva; and Henry Fairfax of Duluth, Minn.; and William Fairfax of Pueblo, Col. Burial Washington Street Cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 8 February 1901

Gorham, N. Y. - 
On Saturday morning, after an illness of two days, occurred the death of Mrs. Carlton Fake, of Stanley. The cause given was diabetes and heart disease. She was 46 years of age. Funeral services were held from her late home on Monday at 1 p.m., and were largely attended. Rev. A. B. Temple officiated. Her husband and daughter survive; also an aged father and mother, one brother and three sisters.

From Ontario County Journal 13 October 1916

The funeral of George H. Fake, of Hopewell, was held from Rushville Congregational church on Sunday afternoon with burial in Rushville cemetery. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fake and was born and always lived in this village until moving to Hopewell about 10 years ago. He was 68 years of age and leaves his second wife, Frances B. Fake; one daughter, Inez Fake of Ovid; two sons, George Fake of Canandaigua, and Foster Fake of Stanley; two brothers, Carlton and Myron Fake of Rushville; three sisters, Mrs. Marvin Washburn of Middlesex; Mrs. Amasa Gage of Reeds Corners, and Mrs. Kinne of Ovid.

From Ontario County Journal 18 May 1894

Warren Fake,
an old business man of this village, died at his home in Rochester Monday afternoon, in the seventy-first year of his age. He was born in Gorham, and when a young man came to Canandaigua, where he was engaged as clerk in different grocery and crockery stores. In 1858 in partnership with a Mr. Reeves, he opened a grocery store. In a few years Mr. Reeves died, and Mr. Fake continued the business successfully until 1875, when he retired. For five years past he has been living in Rochester. He had been a sufferer from jaundice for some time, from which disease he finally died. He leaves a wife, but no children. The funeral services were held at his late residence Thursday morning, and the interment was made at Woodlawn cemetery Thursday afternoon.

From Geneva Daily Times 3 September 1937

Stanley, N. Y. -
Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Theresa's church for Frank Falandays, 44, who died Tuesday night. Surviving are his wife, one son, William; and two daughters, Josephine and (illegible), all at home. He also leaves brothers and sisters in Poland. Burial in St. Patrick's cemetery, Geneva, Rev. Edward K. Ball, pastor of St. Theresa's Church, officiating.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 30 August 1917

Holcomb, Aug. 29 - Silas G. Fales, who has been prominent in the business life of this community since 1908, died Sunday afternoon. He was born in Haverstraw, and for many years worked in the Rockland County Print Works, where be was manager of the color department, dying and printing cotton goods. In May, 1908, he came to Holcomb and engaged in business. He was a member of the Haverstraw club, Stony Point Lodge, F. and A. M., and Newbury Commandery, K. of P. He leaves his widow and three sons, Fred, of Rochester, Ernest and Frank Fales, of Holcomb. The funeral was held at his late residence Tuesday afternoon, Rev. K. E. Davis officiating. A delegation of Masons escorted the body to East Bloomfleld cemetery, where the ancient rites of the fraternity were performed and the body was buried.

From Geneva Daily Times 21 April 1916

The funeral of Mrs. Adelaide Falk will be held at her late home, Hofmann avenue, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Dr. C. M. Sills of Trinity church will officiate. At the cemetery the Eastern Star burial service will be said as Mrs. Falk was a member of Geneva Chapter, No. 83. Interment will be made in Whitney Cemetery at Seneca Castle.

From Ontario County Times 12 September 1888

Phelps, N. Y. -
The funeral of Mrs. William Falkey, who died last Friday, was largely attended at the M. E. church Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. Her pastor, Rev. G. S. White, selected for his text the 10th verse, 15th chap., I. Corinthian, and preached an appropriate and eloquent sermon that was very touching to the entire congregation. Mrs. Falkey left a husband and family of five small children, who have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction.

From Geneva Daily Times 1 April 1910

Phelps, N. Y. -
The death of William Falkey, a retired farmer of the Town of Phelps, who suffered a stroke of apoplexy ten days ago, occurred early Thursday morning. Mr. Falkey was 63 years of age. He was born in Columbia county and came to this section early in life. Mr. Falkey was first united in marriage to Miss Minerva Hosford of Lyons, whose death occurred fourteen years later. His marriage to his second wife, Miss Lillian M. Wagner, took place at Newark, October 22, 1891. The deceased was a consistent member of the  Phelps Methodist Episcopal church, which he joined 33 years ago. He was also a member of the local Grange. Surviving relatives are his wife, two sons, Luther and Elmer Falkey of Phelps, four daughters, Mrs. Wilfred Kelley of Cortland, and the Misses Hortense, Sarah and Isabelle Falkey of this village; two brothers, Anthony and Henry of Lyons; and four sisters, Mrs. Fred Fox of Wolcott, Mrs. Henry Studer and Mrs. Charles Oakfield of Lyons and Mrs. Joseph Schoenacker of Phelps. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon, Rev. W. H. York officiating. The services at the grave will be conducted by Wide Awake Grange.

From Geneva Daily Times 9 April 1909

Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Luther Falkley,
aged 26 years, died yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her husband and two children, also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hicks, six sisters and one brother, Perry Hicks, Mrs. George Salisbury, Mrs. Frank Horning, Lydia Hicks, Eva Hicks, Edna Hicks of Phelps and Mrs. Willis Holbrook of Clifton Springs.

From Geneva Daily Times 15 March 1915

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Paul Faller,
aged 56 years, was found dead in bed at his home in Clark street yesterday morning. Mr. Faller had been ill since last September. He was a native of Germany. He came to this country 32 years ago and for a time lived in Rochester. He had been a resident of Canandaigua a long time and conducted a cafe in Phoenix street. He leaves a wife, three sons and two daughters, Frederick, Leonard, Paul, Bertha and Helen Faller, all of this city; also a sister and a brother, Mrs. Mary Musser of this city and Bernard Faller of Germany. The funeral will be held Wednesday.

From Ontario County Journal 26 March 1909

Mrs. Katherine Hughes Fallon,
wife of Peter Fallon, of Wilsons Corners, near Rushville, died at the Memorial hospital in this village, yesterday morning, after an illness of about three months. Death was due to a complication of diseases. Mrs. Fallon was formerly Miss Katherine Hughes, daughter of Mrs. James Hughes, of Ontario street, and her entire life was spent in and around this vicinity. She was 33 years of age. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Margaret, who is three years of age; her mother, four sisters and one brother. The funeral will be held from St. Mary's church tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock, with interment in Calvary cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 30 December 1910

Mrs. Mary Hogan Fallon,
aged 78 years, widow of Thomas Fallon, died at her home in Hopewell, near Chapin, on Tuesday. Funeral services will be held at St. Mary's church this morning at 10 o'clock. Deceased is survived by five sons, James and Peter of Canandaigua; John of Gorham; Thomas and Michael of Hopewell; and three daughters, Mrs. Mary Thompson, Hopewell; Mrs. Frank C. Knopf of Canandaigua; and Mrs. L. J. Kelly, Rochester. Eleven grandchildren survive.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 26 April 1939

Canandaigua, N. Y. -  Peter Fallon,
73, died Monday night in his home, 20 North Pearl St. He was a native of Gorham and had lived her 14 years. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Haley Fallon; three sons, Frank Fallon, Canandaigua, Leo and Bernard, Rochester; and two daughters, Mrs. N. E. Lynaugh, Canandaigua, and Mrs. William Stansell, Rochester. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. tomorrow in St. Mary's Church here, with burial in Calvary cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 March 1907

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Thomas Fallon, a longtime resident of the town of Hopewell, living about a mile south of Chapinville, died suddenly yesterday afternoon about 1:30 o'clock, from a paralytic stroke. He was aged about 85 years, and had lived on a farm all his life, coming here in early life from Ireland. He leaves his wife, two daughters, Mrs. L. J. Kelly of Rochester, and Mrs. K. C. Kropf of Buffalo; and five sons, Peter and James Fallon of Canandaigua, John Fallon of Gorham, and Thomas and Michael Fallon of Chapinville.

From Ontario County Journal 23 July 1909

Daniel Falvey,
aged 28 years, died at the home of his father, Jeremiah Falvey, Bristol street, the direct cause of his death being a gun shot wound, which he received while serving in the American army in the Phillipines. While participating in an engagement with the natives in 1900, Mr. Falvey was struck by a bullet, which passed through one of his lungs. He was confined in a hospital for a long time, but finally recovered and resumed his services in the army. He was promoted to the office of sergeant, and about a year ago was transferred from the Phillipines to Fort J on Governor's Island, New York bay. Here his wound, which had never fully healed, began to trouble him. He was compelled to enter the military hospital on Governor's Island, but in April he came to his home here. He grew steadily worse until the end came on Sunday. Survivors are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Falvey of Canandaigua; eight brothers, John of Canandaigua; Patrick of North Dakota; Humphrey of Brooklyn; Michael of Jamestown; Frank of California; Jeremiah of Vermont; Paul of Geneva and William of Canandaigua; and two sisters, Mrs. Frank Feathers of Canandaigua, and Mrs. Edward Portley, of Trenton, N. J. The funeral services were held on Tuesday morning from St. Mary's church, Fathers Dougherty and Masseth officiating. Burial was made in the Roman Catholic cemetery at East Bloomfield.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 May 1910

Canandaigua, N. Y. - 
Death came suddenly to Mrs. Catherine Fanning, wife of Frank Fanning, residing at No. 19 Saltonstall street, in this village. Mrs. Fanning was found sitting on a horse block in front of the residence of Miss Elizabeth C. Phelps shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon by the motorman and conductor of a local street car. The woman arose as the car came near to her and made some signals to the car men, which they interpreted to meant that she was in some kind of trouble. They went to her assistance and got her on the car. As she appeared to be in distress, they backed the car down Main street for some distance until opposite the Thompson Memorial Hospital, when they took the woman into that institution, where she died in about five minutes after arriving there. The cause of death is believed to be heart trouble. Mrs. Fanning left her home on Saltonstall street about 2 o'clock in company with her sister, Mrs. James L. Ward, and together they went to an auction in Scotland road. Just how Mrs. Fanning came to be on Min street north of Scotland road is unknown, but it is believed that she felt ill, left the house where the auction was being held and, becoming faint, seated herself on the horse block. The deceased was about fifty years of age. She leaves a husband and several children.

From Ontario County Journal 6 May 1910

Death came suddenly to Mrs. Catherine Fanning, wife of Frank Fanning, Saltonstall street, on Tuesday afternoon. While on her way to the auction at Michael Murphy's house on Scotland road, she was stricken with acute indigestion. She was assisted on to a street car near the corner of Main street and Scotland road and soon afterward became unconscious. Mrs. Fanning was taken as quickly as possible to the Memorial Hospital, but died five minutes after she had reached that institution. Deceased was born in Ireland, but came to America when a young woman. Besides her husband, there survive five children, John, Frank, Catherine, Anna and William, all of this village; three sisters, Mrs. James J. Ward of this village; Mrs. Mary Winnie and Mrs. Theresa LaVaile, both of Monaghan, Ireland; and two brothers, James and Henry Duffy of this place. Mrs. Fanning was a devoted mother, an active member of St. Mary's church, and of the L. C. B. A. Funeral services will be held from St. Mary's church this afternoon, the pastor, Rev. James T. Dougherty, officiating.

From Ontario County Journal 15 April 1887

Died, March 30, 1887, at her residence in Rushville, N. Y., Catherine C. Fanning, aged 82 years. The funeral service was held from her late residence April 1st. Catherine Collins was born in Naples June 17th, 1805, and was married to Wm. Fanning, nephew of Mrs. Kibbe, at the residence of Mr. Edward Kibbe, February 12th, by Rev. Wm. Barrett. She, with her husband, went the same day to their home at Rushville, where she had since resided. Her life had been quiet and exemplary, and she was greatly beloved by all who knew her. She had long been a consistent Christian and was a member of the Congregational church of Rushville. She often recounted scenes of her childhood days in Naples. Her early history was one of toil and frugality; her late life had been one of peaceful quiet and comfort, though she retained her industrious habits until her last sickness folder her hands forever. The last week of her life was one of much suffering, but through it all she manifested a deep interest in her children and in eternal things, often expressing herself in half conscious prayer. Tuesday night, March 29th, came with its desolation out of doors, but the dawn of a beautiful day which followed brought rest to her from all earthly trials.

From Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 21 March 1924

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Frank Fanning,
64 years old, died last night at the home of his son, William Fanning, after a short illness with pneumonia. Mr. Fanning was a native of Ireland but came to Canandaigua to reside thirty-nine years ago, being engaged for many years as a cafe proprietor but of late years dealing in cigars, tobacco and soft drinks. He is survived by two sons, John Fanning and William Fanning, both of this city, and two daughters, Mrs. Edward Kenny and Mrs. James Reddy, both of Geneva. Funeral services will be held from St. Mary's Church at 10 o'clock on Monday morning. Burial will be made in Calvary cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 26 August 1910

West Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Mrs. Charles H. Farley
died at her home near this village on Saturday night after an illness of several months with heart trouble and Bright's disease, at the age of 40 years. She was Anna Rose, daughter of Stephen and Maggie Strapp Moore, and was born in Henrietta. She was married to Mr. Farley in West Bloomfield in 1892. Besides her husband, she leaves her aged parents of this place; and three children, Gertrude, Myrtle and Earl; four brothers, Stephen, Jr., George, Frederick and Charles Moore; and five sisters, Mrs. Catherine Harvey, Mrs. Ruth Harvey, Mrs. Lillian Thompson, Mrs. Amanda Covill and Miss Ruth Moore, all of this place.

From Ontario County Journal 8 January 1909

Naples, N. Y. - John Farley,
a very worthy man and citizen, died on the last day of the last year. He had been a resident here for about 35 years; was born in Ireland, found a wife in Scotland and came to America in 1862. He was 83 years old and up to a short time ago was a daily worker. His wife died four years ago, a daughter ten years ago, leaving him with one son, James, and a daughter, Mrs. Charles Duell, both of Naples.

From Ontario County Journal 30 September 1904

Naples, N. Y. - Mrs. John Farley
died September 21, aged 66 years. Mrs. Farley was of Scotch birth, coming to America with her husband in 1862, and to Naples in 1875. She was noted for her industry and frugality, and yet with her unceasing labor, she always found time to assist those in need. She leaves a husband and but two children of a family of nine; a son, James Farley, who lived at home, and a daughter, Mrs. Charles Deuel, of Naples. Rev. C. C. MacLean officiated at her funeral on Saturday.

From Naples Record 9 December 1931

Allen Farnsworth,
64, of Bristol Valley, died on Tuesday, December 1, 1931. Services were held from the home on Friday at 2 p.m. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Minnie M. Farnsworth; a daughter, Miss Lulu H. Farnsworth, of Canandaigua, and a brother, George D. Farnsworth of Geneva.

From Geneva Daily Times 25 February 1908

Manchester, N. Y. - Bird Farnsworth,
a prominent farmer living one mile east of this village, died suddenly in his chair at his home Sunday. He had just finished his breakfast and entered the sitting room, taking an easy chair. In a short time the family heard a strange noise and he was found dead. He had been suffering from the grip, causing heart disease, which resulted fatally. He was about 48 years of age and is survived by his wife, three sons, Roy of Geneva, Foster and Bird of Manchester; two daughters, Laura & Mildred; also three sisters, the Misses Viola, Ida and Olive Farnsworth, all of the town of Manchester. Burial Brookside Cemetery

From Canandaigua Chronicle 6 June 1906

Manchester, N. Y. -  Mrs. Elizabeth L. Farnsworth,
who resides on the Manchester Center road about one mile east of this village, died Monday evening, May 28, aged 72 years, having been seriously ill several weeks. She is survived by one son, Bird Farnsworth of this town; and three daughters, Ida and Olive who lived with their mother, and Miss Helen Westcott of Rochester. She was a woman much respected, in manner quiet and unassuming. The funeral was held at her late home Decoration day at 2:30 p.m., Rev. Joseph Weston officiating, with interment at Brookside.

From Geneva Daily Times 11 January 1915

Rushville, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Ella Farnsworth occurred at 4 o'clock Sunday morning at her home in this village after an illness of four weeks. She was 59 years old, a daughter of John and Hannah Van Epps. She was married to Joseph Farnsworth, who survives her, forty years ago. She leaves two children, a son, John, and a daughter, Mrs. Ella Goodrich, both of this place. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the house. Burial in Rushville Cemetery.

From Ontario County Chronicle 4 June 1902

Frank Farnsworth,
whose illness was mentioned in the Chronicle last week, died on Saturday evening, aged 46 years. His death was due to a complication of diseases. His wife died about four years since. There are no children. The deceased  was a brother of A. A. Farnsworth, the well-known travelling salesman of Bristol Springs. The funeral was held on Sunday, the interment being in Woodlawn.

From Ontario County Journal 29 July 1898

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - 
The death of Mrs. Frank A. Farnsworth, formerly of Honeoye, occurred at the East Bloomfield House on Monday, after an illness of about one week. On Saturday, Dr. Beahan of Canandaigua, assisted by Dr. S. R. Wheeler and Dr. Partridge, performed an operation for appendicitis which was successful, but other diseases had set in which were beyond help. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. B. F. Hitchcock officiating. Besides her husband, Mrs. Farnsworth leaves two sisters and one daughter.

From Geneva Daily Times 13 February 1904

Rushville, N. Y. -
The death of Mrs. George Farnsworth, aged about seventy-five years, occurred in a most peculiar and horrible manner at her home in this village, Wednesday. Mrs. Farnsworth for a number of years had been subject to fainting spells, and while about her work was suddenly attacked by one of these spells. She was working near the stove and when she fell her head and shoulders rested against the red hot stove. Her husband, who is quite deaf, was sitting in the same room reading, and did not hear his wife when she fell, for she made no outcry. Presently Mr. Farnsworth detected the odor of burning flesh and looked around to make the horrible discovery of his wife being roasted alive within ten feet of where he was sitting. He went to her assistance at once, but did not reach her until one ear was entirely burned off and one side of her face and shoulder roasted to a crisp. Medical assistance was at once called but Mrs. Farnsworth, on account of the severity of the burns and her advanced age, could not recover and died Wednesday. She is survived by her husband and two daughters. The funeral was held yesterday.

From Geneva Daily Times 5 July 1906

Rushville, N. Y. - Another serious railroad accident occurred near this place on Wednesday morning. George S. Farnsworth, who would have been seventy-seven years old next month, and who was totally deaf, was walking the railroad track. When near the residence of Mrs. Martz, where there is a curve in the track, he was struck by the morning train and instantly killed. Engineer Hoban, as soon has he discovered a man on the track, did all in his power to prevent the accident, but all attempts were in vain. Mr. Farnsworth lived with his daughter, Mrs. John Housel, who cautioned him as he left the house not to go up the track. His body, which was dismembered and horribly mangled, was brought to the station on the train and Undertaker Fisher then took charge of the corpse. A granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Perry, who witnessed the accident from her home, was prostrated. Besides Mrs. Housel, there are two other children, Mrs. Stewart, of Italy, and Joseph Farnsworth, of this place. The funeral was held this afternoon at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Housel. Interment at Pine Corners cemetery.

From Shortsville Enterprise 27 February 1930

Solomon C. Farnsworth
died at his home in Chapin on Tuesday morning at 1:30 o'clock, following a long illness. His age was 70 years. Mr. Farnsworth was born at Dansville, this state, on November 9, 1859, a son of the late Henry and Rosella Farnsworth. He was married to Augusta Lyon on September 4, 1889, and they made their home for many years in the township of Hopewell. He was a member of the Knights of Maccabees. The survivors are his wife; four sons, Herbert H. Farnsworth of Chapin, Albert A. Farnsworth of Shortsville, Lee K. Farnsworth of Canandaigua and Robert E. Farnsworth of Portland, Maine; four daughters, Mrs. William Chamberlain of Newark, N. Y., Mrs. Craig Baker of Buffalo, Mrs. Thomas Tulcheon of Chapin and Mrs. Mabel Mason of Portland, Maine; also two brothers, Allen A. Farnsworth of Bristol Center and George B. Farnsworth of Geneva; and seventeen grandchildren. The funeral services will be held from his late home this Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Ernest Warren, pastor of the Chapin Methodist church. The remains will be taken to Canandaigua for interment in the Woodlawn cemetery.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 25 April 1906

Rushville, N. Y. -  Thomas Farnsworth,
aged 74 years, died of Bright's disease on Monday at the Geneva City Hospital, where he was taken for treatment two weeks ago. He is survived by five children: William A. of Knoxville, Pa.; Miss Merna of Canandaigua; Ira E., Mrs. William Whitbeck and Mrs. Van Dyne of this place. The funeral, conducted by Rev. E. H. Hazeltine, was held on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whitbeck. Interment was in Reed's Corners.

From Ontario County Journal 8 February 1889

Cheshire, N. Y. -
A sad case of suicide occurred in this vicinity last Friday. A young man by the name of Warren Farnsworth, who resided near Reed's Corners, came on a visit to his father's last Thursday. Friday just before dinner, he went into the pantry and obtained a razor and went out of the house into the hop house on the place where his father resides. When dinner was ready one of the family went to call him and found him in the hop house with his throat cut and life nearly extinct. Drs. Bentley and Hutchens were summoned immediately but could render no assistance. He was said to have been a young man of exemplary character and no cause can be assigned for the rash act except the theory of temporary insanity. The remains were taken to Reed's Corners on Sunday for burial. The family have the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 21 March 1906

At 8 o'clock last Wednesday evening at his home in West Gibson street, occurred the death of Charles J. Farnum, who for the past fifteen years has acted as mail carrier on the village routes and was a useful and highly honored member of the community. Mr. Farnum has been ill for a week with a bad attack of quinsy which later developed into pneumonia, which caused his death. Had he lived he would have been 61 years of age on the 24th of next April. Mr. Farnum was born in Johnstown, Vermont, April 24, 1845, and in 1862, at the age of 23, he enlisted in Company H, Ninth Vermont Volunteer Infantry, this being the first regiment organized by command of the president to aid in saving the national capitol. He remained with his regiment throughout the war and was present at the engagements at Winchester, Newport Barracks, Harper's Ferry, Chapin Farm, Fair Oaks, and numerous other battles, being also present at the fall of Richmond. Mr. Farnum performed his duties creditably during his term of service and was honorably discharged June 13, 1865. Shortly after the close of the Civil War he came to Canandaigua and in 1870 married Miss Ella Van Arsdale of Chapinville, and to them were born four children, Jennie L., now deceased; Mrs. Roy Pierce and Mrs. Lillian Farnum of this place; and James H. Farnum of Buffalo. Mr. Farnum is also survived by his mother, an aged lady, who resides in Vermont.

Mr. Farnum was formerly for many years employed as engineer at the McKechnie brewing plant and upon the establishment here fifteen years ago of  the free mail delivery system, he became a carrier and performed the duties of the position faithfully and efficiently up to the time of his last illness. For several years back his health has not been of the best and he has used a horse and wagon in covering his mail route. This horse and wagon came to be as familiar a sight to the residents of the village as was Mr. Farnum himself. Mr. Farnum served for many years as a member of the fire department; also as town collector and was a member of Albert M. Murray Post, G. A. R., and of the National Protective Legion, which organizations were present at his funeral which was held from his late residence Friday afternoon at four o'clock and was very largely attended. The local mail carriers also attended as honorary pall bearers. Rev. Ward Mosher of the Methodist church conducted the services at the house and at the grave. Interment in Woodlawn cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 8 September 1916

The death of Mrs. Ella G. Farnum, aged 65 years, widow of Charles Farnum, occurred at the Canandaigua Health Home on Tuesday night. She was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps and Lady Maccabees. She leaves one son, James Farnum of Buffalo; two daughters, Mrs. Roy Pierce, and Mrs. Lillian Chaffee of Rochester; also four sisters, Mrs. Stuart Thompson, Mrs. Arthur Simmons and Mrs. David Hoag, of Canandaigua; Mrs. M. V. Hunt of Phelps; John VanArsdale of Auburn; George VanArsdale of Jackson, Mich., and Emaline VanArsdale of Rochester. The funeral services will be held at the home on West Gibson street this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment will be in Woodlawn.

From Ontario County Chronicle 11 June 1902

Mrs. James Farnum,
died suddenly yesterday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hulse, Gorham street, aged 29 years. About two months ago, Mrs. Farnum was taken suddenly ill at her home in Buffalo, and for several days there was but slight hope of her recovery. Her ailment seemed to baffle her physician, and finally an expert was called in council. With the aid of an X-ray he discovered that she was suffering from a serious attack of ptomaine poisoning, the result of eating canned salmon. Mrs. Farnum recovered sufficiently so as to be removed to the home of her parents in this village. There she continued to improve and on Monday evening she felt well enough to visit the home of Mrs. Allen, a nearby neighbor. While there she was suddenly stricken with severe pains in her head. She was removed to her home and Dr. Warner was summoned. Everything possible was done to alleviate her sufferings, but all efforts proved futile. She lingered through the night and died early yesterday morning. The immediate cause of death was hemorrhage of the brain. The deceased was born in Canandaigua where she was educated and grew to womanhood. As a girl she was bright and genial, characteristics which made throughout her life. Her death is a peculiarly sad one. She is survived by her husband, a son, six years old, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hulse, and two brothers, F. G. Hulse of Canandaigua, and W. Y. Hulse of Clifton Springs. Her funeral will be held from the home of her parents tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.

From Geneva Gazette 12 June 1891

Mr. Alonzo Farr
died at his home on the East White Springs road last Tuesday, aged about 70 years.  He had been diseased for many years, but was confined to his house only one short week.  It is sad to reflect that during the first three days of his confinement he was entirely alone, his wife having gone on a visit to relatives in Wayne county. Learning of his condition and loneliness, Mr. Geo. W. Nicholas called upon him, provided at once for his immediate necessities, and procured a nurse for him from the Church Hospital and other attendants, from which time until death ensued, he was well cared for. The deceased was the oldest son of the late Jacob Farr, who once owned and occupied the cobble-stone house and farm now the property of Capt. J. S. Lewis.  He subsequently removed to Phelps where he died and was buried. Alonzo Farr leaves five children widely scattered.

From Geneva Daily Times 14 July 1904

Fifty employes of the Herendeen Manufacturing company attended the funeral of Francis M. Farr, their fellow workman, who was drowned in the canal, Sunday afternoon. The funeral took place at 2 o'clock, from the home of the deceased's mother, Mrs. Ann E. Farr, of No. 25 Washington street. Rev. J. B. Champion of the First Baptist church officiated. Burial was in Glenwood cemetery.

From Neapolitan Record 23 June 1881

The death of Morgan L. Farr has not had the extended notice that the merits of the deceased really deserved. He was never sick until his final sickness which was of short duration. A life resident in our midst, fair and upright in his deal and the many virtues that his quiet manner possessed, has left a grateful, pleasant memory in the hearts of the entire community. The loss to his family is great. His age was about 76 years. Thus go down the old landmarks one by one.

From Ontario County Times 18 February 1885

Victor, N. Y. - 
On Tuesday evening of last week, Patrick Farrel attempted to get off from the 7 o'clock mail train from the east, as it was leaving the station. He fell and the train ran over his right arm. He was carried to the house of Milton Stafford. The arm was amputated on Thursday, and on Monday the patient died from his injuries.

From Ontario County Journal 29 May 1896

Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Patrick Farrel
died at her home in this village on Sunday morning. Funeral was held on Wednesday morning from St. Dominic's church. Interment in the Clifton Springs cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 15 March 1918

Victor, N. Y. - Mrs. Catherine Farrell,
for many years a respected resident of Victor, died on March 5, aged 79 years. For some time Mrs. Farrell had been in poor health. She was born in Ireland on September 6, 1839. In 1879 she came to America and for 39 years had resided in Victor. Her husband, Patrick Farrell, passed away in 1883. Mrs. Farrell is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Hyland, of Stanley, and Mrs. Eugene Wilkinson of Victor; four sons, Joseph of Victor, Michael of Canandaigua, Charles of Ovid; William of Holcomb; also a niece, Miss Nellie Hurley, to whom Mrs. Farrell had given a mother's care. Other surviving relatives are 12 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

From Ontario County Journal 12 May 1916

Mrs. Helen McCarthy Farrell,
aged 38 years, wife of Michael J. Farrell, passed away at Memorial hospital on Tuesday, following an illness of several weeks. Besides her husband, there survive one daughter, Elizabeth; her mother, Mrs. Mary McCarthy; three brothers, Thomas, James and William McCarthy, of Canandaigua; and two sisters, Miss Sarah McCarthy of Canandaigua, and Miss Katherine McCarthy of Toledo, O. The funeral services were held at St. Mary's church yesterday morning. Interment was in Calvary cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 12 July 1909

Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Julia O'Neil Farrell,
wife of Patrick Farrell of this place, died in St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Saturday, of apoplexy, aged 58 years. Mrs. Farrell had been employed at Scottsville the past several years. She made visits to the home of her husband and daughter, who live on the Farrell homestead, east of this village, usually a couple of times a year. She was prostrated with the fatal illness about three weeks ago and her only daughter, Miss Anna Farrell, had just closed her school for the summer vacation. She started immediately for the hospital to care for her but she did not recover consciousness enough to recognize anyone. The remains were brought here Saturday afternoon.  Burial St. Agnes Cemetery

From Geneva Daily Times 8 June 1907

Shortsville, N. Y. - Miss Mary Farrell, of East Main street, died very suddenly Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock. She was on her way to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Burns in Farmington, when she became ill, and she died half an hour after reaching their home. Coroner Daniel A. Eiseline of Shortsville was summoned and decided that death was due to organic disease. Miss Farrell was born in Ireland 54 years ago, and had lived in this country of the past forty years. She was a daughter of the late Patrick Farrell. She leaves one brother, Patrick Farrell of Toledo, O., one sister, Miss Bridget Farrell of Shortsville, and one niece, Miss Anna Farrell of Shortsville.

From Geneva Daily Times 20 February 1924

Michael Farrell,
aged 80 years, died this morning at 5:30 o'clock at the home of his son, Edward J. Farrell, 98 North Genesee street. Mr. Farrell was in his usual good health up to last Friday when he was stricken with pneumonia to which he finally succumbed. Mr. Farrell was a retired member of William H. Long Post, No. 486, of Penn Yan and served in the Civil War, first in the Navy for fourteen months. After receiving his discharge, he re-enlisted as a Landsman in Rochester and served until the close of the war. He leaves one son, Edward J. Farrell of this city; and one daughter, Mrs. James E. Cassarty of Providence, Rhode Island.

From Geneva Daily Times 8 May 1905

Shortsville, N. Y. - Richard Farrell,
a well-known resident of this village, died at his home yesterday morning, after a week's illness of pneumonia, aged 74 years. He was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1831, and in 1850 was married to Miss Margaret Lawler, who died in 18_1. With his wife he came to the United States in 1851, and settled in Farmington. Later he moved to Shortsville, where he has lived for over thirty years. He is survived by eight children: Mrs. Timothy Dailor, Robert Farrell, Mrs. Michael Keleher, Miss Mart Farrell and Miss Alice Farrell, all of Shortsville; Miss Margaret Farrell and Miss Katie Farrell of Rochester; and James Farrell of Canandaigua. Mr. Farrell attended the funeral of his brother, who also died of pneumonia in Macedon, a week ago Wednesday.

From Ontario County Journal 24 April 1891

Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Richard Farrell
died at her home in this place Thursday. She had been sick all winter and her death was not wholly unexpected. The funeral was observed Saturday morning. Her age was 59 years. The remains were interred at Palmyra.

From Shortsville Enterprise 16 July 1914

The death of Mrs. Robert Farrell, of Water street, occurred very suddenly at her home about 6:30 o'clock last Saturday morning, occasioned by heart trouble. She was stricken with her fatal illness on Friday night about 10 o'clock, but the seriousness of it was not realized at the time. At 9:30 o'clock that evening she had appeared on the village streets. Her age was 48 years. Mrs. Farrell was born in the town of Farmington, near the Yellow Mills, on June 25, 1866, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James O'Bryan. She was united in marriage with Robert Farrell, of this place, during the month of September, 1888. Her entire life had been passed in Shortsville and Farmington. The deceased is survived by her husband; four sons, William, Francis, Vincent and John Farrell, and one daughter, Miss Lorretta Farrell, all of Shortsville; her father, James O'Bryan of Shortsville; four brothers, James and John O'Bryan of Palmyra; Edward O'Bryan of Peoria, Ill., and three sisters, Mrs. Thomas Brophy, Mrs. Walter Archibald and Mrs. Martin O'Brien, all of this village. The funeral services were held from St. Dominic's Catholic church on Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Felix J. O'Hanlon, rector of the church. The interment followed in the Catholic cemetery near Clifton Springs.

From Geneva Daily Times 30 September 1925

Elwin Farwell,
aged about 60 years, a farmer living near Oaks Corners, was instantly killed at about 2 o'clock this afternoon on the Whitney farm, located directly across the road from Mr. Farwell's farm. Mr. Farwell, who is an uncle of John Eden Farwell, manager of the Geneva Permanent Savings and Loan Association, and who was very well-known in this city, was engaged in assisting his neighbor in the work of filling a silo. An ensilage cutter being used in the work suddenly broke and apparently flew apart. One of the moving parts, whirling at high speed and weighing about thirty pounds, struck Mr. Farwell directly in the head and fractured his skull, killing him instantly. The fragment which struck the man was a portion of a cast-iron part in the cutter. Coroner Flint, of this city, was notified and immediately left for the scene of the accident. After investigating the circumstances, the coroner announced that he would render a certificate of accidental death.

From Geneva Daily Times 14 October 1943

Mrs. Lydia Farwell,
widow of the late Elwin S. Farwell, aged 77, died at her home on South Main street, Phelps, last evening. She was a former resident of Geneva. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Craig of Newark, and Miss Winifred Farwell of Phelps; one son, Newton E. Farwell of Geneva; one sister, Mrs. H. P. Sanders of Richwood, Ohio; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held from the Corwin funeral Home, at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. F. L. Harper, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will officiate. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 20 March 1909

The funeral of S. B. Farwell of Oaks Corners, father of Attorney J. G. Farwell of this city, took place Tuesday afternoon from his late home on the Carter Road. He died Sunday. He was 77 years old, was born in Ischua, Cattaraugus county. For 29 years he had lived on the farm where he died. He is survived by his widow, who is seriously ill; three sons, two daughters, four sisters, and three brothers. The deceased was a member of the First Baptist church, was the eldest member of the Board of Deacons of the church, and had been a Deacon for many years.

From Ontario Messenger 21 March 1860

Died in this town on the 14th inst., John Faurot, in the 71st year of his age. Mr. Faurot was one of the oldest and most respected residents of the county, having moved into it when he was only fourteen years of age. He was born in the town of Cornwall, Orange co., N. Y., and served in the war of 1812.

From Ontario County Times 25 February 1885

Died in Canandaigua, Feb. 6th, 1885, Mrs. Louisa Fay, aged 87 years and 8 months, grandmother of Mrs. W. L. Foster and the late B. W. VanEpps. Her remains were taken to Fulton, N. Y., where she was a resident for fifty years. Her life was spent in well doing, and she died mourned by all who knew her.

From Penn Yan Democrat 16 October 1914

Hall, N. Y. -
Henry Feagles, who was injured last week Monday at Bond's sand bank, north of this village, when the bank caved in, burying him and a wagon so deep it took two teams to move the wagon. After half an hour's labor, Mr. Feagles was dug out of the sand and rushed to the Geneva hospital where Dr. Lytle attended him. It was found a broken rib had punctured his lung from which he died. He leaves a wife, five children, Charles, Arlene, Ruth, Marion, and Wesley, at home; three sisters, Mrs. Dalla Dennis and Mrs. Belle Mapes of Monterey, and Mrs. Dr. Towner of Savona; two brothers, George of Penn Yan; Guy of Elmira; and his mother.

From Geneva Daily Times 9 April 1937

Mrs. Maria Fedele,
wife of John Fedele, died this morning at the family home, 46 Wadsworth street, after a short illness. Surviving are her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Joseph Iannopollo of Geneva; and six grandchildren.

From Ontario County Journal 4 October 1901

Naples, N. Y. -  Mrs. Mary Federkile
died on Sunday. She had been feeble for several years. She was born in Germany, but had lived in Naples for about 20 years. Three sons, Nicholas, Peter and John, and one daughter, Katie, survive her. The funeral was at the Catholic church, Tuesday, Father Eugesti officiating.

From Geneva Daily Times 11 January 1902

Mrs. Anna Fee
died at the family residence in High street at 2 o'clock this morning, aged 65 years.  She had been a resident of Geneva nearly all her life.  The deceased is survived by a husband, one son, James Fee, and by a daughter, Miss Anna Fee. The funeral arrangements are not yet completed.  Burial Glenwood Cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 19 June 1913

James Fee,
of 15 West avenue, age 73 years, died at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by one son, James Fee, of Denver, Colorado; and one daughter, Miss Anna Fee, of this city; one sister in Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. Fee is well-known in Geneva, having been a truckman here for many years, but lately retired.

From Ontario County Journal 7 February 1896

Phelps, N. Y. - Smith Feek,
quite a prominent citizen of this place, died at his home on Ontario street, about midnight on Sunday, of pneumonia, after a very short illness, aged 55 years. Mr. Feek was one of the most widely known horsemen in this section. A wife and two sons survive. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the remains were taken to Fosterville this forenoon for burial.

From Geneva Daily Times 22 November 1935

Willard, N. Y. - Angelo Felice,
53, was imprisoned beneath several tons of earth yesterday afternoon when the tunnel connected with the new sewage disposal plant caved in. He lived at 26 North street, Geneva. He was unconscious when removed and died shortly after. Coroner John G. Gordon, Ovid, directed an autopsy. He said the man died from shock and suffocation. The autopsy also revealed compound fracture of the left lower leg and several fractured ribs. Coroner Gordon said the victim was unconscious when moved from the tunnel and died nearly an hour later on the hospital grounds where medical aid had been given him. He died without regaining consciousness. Dr. Harry Worthing, superintendent of Willard State Hospital, who assisted in the investigation said Felice had been working with a crew of laborers for the W. B. McCay Construction Company, contractors installing the sewage disposal plant at the institution. Felice was engaged in excavation work in the underground passage while the others were on top of the tunnel when the side caved in. Felice had been employed here several months. Coroner Gordon was undecided last night whether he will conduct an inquest into the Genevan's death. By order of Coroner Gordon, the body was removed to an undertaking parlor in Main street, Ovid, and will be removed today to his home in Geneva.

He is survived by his widow, three sons, Dominick, Anthony and Joseph; six daughters, Mrs. Rose Placito, Anna, Mary, Georgina, Aurora and Louise Felice; and two grandchildren. He was a member of Victor Emanuel Society and Sons of Italy. Funeral services will be Monday at 8:30 at his home and at 9 a.m. in St. Stephen's Church, Geneva.

From Geneva Daily Times 11 January 1938

Louis Felice
of 9 Humbert street died last night after a long illness. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Josephine diZillo Felice; five daughters, Mrs. Nicholas Delano, Mary, Rose, Lucy and Josephine Felice; three sons, Dominick, William and Louis, Jr.; his mother, Mrs. Carmella Felice, all of Geneva; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph DiZillo, also of this city, and Mrs. James Rago of Lyons; and one brother, Anthony of Geneva; also three grandchildren.

From Geneva Daily Times 9 October 1933

Philip Feligno,
aged 69, of 88 Center street, died Saturday at the Clifton Springs Sanitarium after a short illness. He is survived by two sons, Daniel and Anthony Feligno, of this city, and ten grandchildren. The funeral will be held at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday morning from his late home and 9 o'clock from St. Francis de Sales church. Burial will be made in St. Patrick's cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 29 January 1915

The death of Mrs. Caroline Peabody Fellows occurred at Memorial Hospital on Sunday, after a three weeks illness of pneumonia. She was born in Holland Patent, Jan. 18, 1840, and lived there for 45 years. On Dec. 26, 1879, she was married to Lorinus K. Fellows, who died many years ago. There survive a daughter, Mrs. Sophia Paterson, of Canandaigua; a son, Folger, of Walker; and a sister, Mrs. Harriet Fenn of Chicago, Ill. The funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Paterson on Wednesday, Rev. George E. Finlay officiating. The bearers were A. W. Stevenson, James D. Park, L. M. Baldwin, William Nichols, William F. Mullen and John Trembly. Interment was at Woodlawn.

From Naples Record 22 June 1872

Emma J. Fellows,
wife of Daniel G. Fellows, at the Covel Settlement, was buried on Monday last. She was 25 years old and left a child 3 years old and one only a few weeks old. The services were held at the Coye school house. The attendance was large.

From Ontario County Journal 11 June 1897

Bristol Springs, N. Y. - Mrs. Esther Fellows,
widow of the late Jos. E. Fellows, died on Tuesday, the 8th inst., from the effects of an apoplectic stroke on Sunday. Mrs. Fellows had suffered a slight shock before this one and did not regain consciousness after the last stroke before her death. Her age was 78 years, and hers, like the lives of most people of her age in this region, had been a life of patient toil and constant care for those around her. She had been a consistent member of the Presbyterian church at Naples for many years. She leaves two sons and several brothers and sisters to mourn her departure.

From Ontario County Journal 19 December 1890

Bristol Springs, N. Y. - Joseph E. Fellows,
whose illness we reported recently, passed quietly out of this life on Saturday, Dec. 13th; funeral at his late residence today, Monday, being largely attended. Rev. Millard paid an excellent tribute to the departed in his discourse, based upon a personal acquaintance with him. A character such as Mr. Fellows had established during his residence of forty-six years in this town, is a worthy example to those just beginning to form characters for themselves. He was a devoted and consistent christian. His age was about 72 years.

From Ontario County Journal 19 February 1892

Bristol Springs, N. Y. - Lorinas K. Fellows,
whose illness was mentioned in this column last week, was taken worse on Thursday morning and died on Saturday morning last, aged 47 years. Mr. Fellows has been an invalid for several years, having suffered two strokes of paralysis and in his enfeebled condition, could not endure the attack of la grippe, which was quite severe.Although stricken with paralysis in the prime of life, after having been an energetic, hardworking man, he was never heard to complain of his lot, and he has left those who survive him an example of patience seldom equaled. He leaves a mother, two brothers, a wife, and two children to mourn his loss, who have the sympathy of a host of friends. Mrs. Fellows takes this opportunity to publicly thank all those who have assisted her during the illness and death of her husband.

From Victor Herald 6 September 1901

After an illness of six weeks, during which she suffered very severely, Mrs. Amanda Felt entered into rest Thursday morning, September 5th, at the summer residence of her daughter, Miss Delia A. Felt at Thousand Island Park. Members of the family will accompany the remains to Victor, arriving here Friday afternoon. The funeral services will be held from the Methodist church Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, the Rev. Dr. Gracey of Rochester, officiating. Mrs. Felt is survived by three daughters, Mrs. W. H. Lothridge of Rochester, Miss Clara Felt and Miss Delia A. Felt of this village. All were with her during her last illness. For the past few years, Mrs. Felt had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lothridge, in Rochester, but she was for many years a resident of Victor, where her devoted Christian life and her kindly, generous treatment of all with whom she came in contact won her many friends who will sincerely regret her passing from earthly circles.

From Ontario County Journal 28 October 1887

Victor, N. Y. - Chauncey Felt, a well-known business man of this village, died on Thursday of last week. He was highly esteemed as a citizen and the bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.

From Ontario County Times 30 July 1884

Shortsville, N. Y. - 
Last Sunday morning, Josiah D. Felton died at his home in this village, aged 65 years. He had been suffering for several years from a paralytic affection but had been about the streets until quite lately. He was confined to his bed for a few days and the immediate cause of his death was paralysis of the stomach. Mr. Felton has resided here a number of years and was highly esteemed by his fellow townsmen. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity. He leaves a wife, two daughters and two sons. The funeral was conducted by Canandaigua Lodge F. & A. M. and occurred at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. A large concourse of friends gathered to pay a last tribute of respect. The floral decorations, comprising a cross of white roses, a wreath of daisies, a horseshoe of pansies, and Masonic emblems in white flowers and evergreen, were beautiful indeed.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 27 December 1905

Shortsville, N. Y. -
The death of Mrs. Juliana Lines Felton, widow of the late Joseph Felton, and one of the oldest residents of this town, occurred at the family home on Main street at four o'clock Tuesday morning. She had been confined to her bed during the past two months, so that sheer death was not unexpected. Mrs. Felton was a daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Marshall Lines, and was born in the town of Manchester near Port Gibson in 1820, and when about twenty years of age was married to Josiah Felton. After living in Canandaigua and Port Gibson, she moved to this place in 1871. She is survived by two sons, George W. Felton of St. Louis, Mo., and William J. Felton of this village; and one daughter, Mrs. Clemma Lockwood of Shortsville. The funeral was held from her late home, Main street, at two o'clock on Friday afternoon, the Rev. Thomas Melvin of Marion officiating. Interment was made in Brookside Cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 6 February 1907

Mrs. Katherine C. Fennell, aged thirty-three years, died early this morning at 12:30 o'clock at the family residence, No. 71 North Genesee street. She is survived by her husband, John E. Fennell; two daughters, Anna and Mary; a mother, Mrs. Ellen J. Walsh; two brothers, John C. Walsh of Michigan and Raymond M. Walsh of Manila, Philippine Islands; one sister, Mary of New York. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 11:30 o'clock from St. Francis de Sales church. Interment will be in Lyons.

From Corning Evening Leader 31 January 1930

Dundee, N. Y. -
Word has been received here of the death of Simon Fennell, of Geneva, a former resident of the town of Starkey. He is survived by his wife and one son, Francis; and a daughter, Margaret, all of Geneva; four brothers, P. B. Fennell of Watkins Glen; W. A. Fennell of Wedgwood; M. J. Fennell of Geneva; F. J. Fennell of Leroy; and one sister, Mrs. John A. Cassin of Dundee. The funeral was held Friday from the home in Geneva.

From Geneva Daily Times 20 December 1933

Rev. John Fenner,
aged 65, died yesterday at the Gibson Home, after a long illness. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Albert Lennon of Clifton Springs; one son, Floyd of Geneva; two sisters, Mrs. Frank Warren of Ulster, Pa., and Mrs. Carrie Ellis of Waverly, Pa.; two brothers, Robert Fenner of Sayre, Pa., and Charles of Towanda, Pa.; also ten grandchildren. Rev. Mr. Fenner was a minister of the Free Methodist church. His last charge was at Cattaragus, N. Y., about three years ago when due to ill health, he was forced to retire. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lennon, at Clifton Springs, with the Rev. H. W. Schwab of the local Free Methodist church officiating. Burial will be in Pioneer Cemetery, town of Manchester.

From Ontario County Journal 5 June 1874

Cheshire, N. Y. - Mr. James Fenton
died last Thursday.  The funeral was held at the Union Church on Saturday, at 11 o'clock.  Elder Beach conducted the services.  His place of residence was one-half mile south of Monteath's.  He was said to be ninety-four years old.

From Geneva Gazette 29 September 1899

widow of the late Jonas S. Fenton, died at the home of Alderman M. F. Blaine, No. 4 Genesee street, at an early hour Monday morning last, of apoplexy.  Her age was about 70 years.  She is survived by two sons and four daughters, neither of them residents of Geneva.  Mrs. Blaine is her niece, and Roy S. and E. J. Giddings nephews of the deceased.  Her funeral took place Wednesday morning last, Rev. Dr. Hubbs of St. Peter's Church officiating. Interment at Ovid.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 March 1904

L. H. Fergerson
died at 11 o'clock last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Wheadon, No. 49 Lafayette avenue, aged seventy-five. The deceased had been sick with pneumonia since Saturday evening.

From Ontario County Journal 26 October 1906

Rushville, N. Y. - 
The body of Adelbert Ferguson, who had been missing since Tuesday of last week, was found in the hay loft in William Dunton's barn, near Middlesex, on the following Thursday morning. Examination showed that he had taken his life by drinking carbolic acid. He leaves to mourn his untimely death a wife and two children. The funeral was held on Friday.

From Naples Record 5 April 1873

Rushville -
Died near this village on Thursday morning, April 3rd, 1873, Mrs. Eliza Ferguson, aged 52 years. Funeral at the M. E. Church at 11 a.m. Sunday.

From Geneva Courier 20 June 1883

Death of J. S. Ferguson -
Mr. J. S. Ferguson, of Ferguson's Corners, died on Saturday last, after a lingering illness of about two years.  Mr. Ferguson was well known in this region, his acquaintances extending for miles around.  He was liked by all who knew him.  Honest and upright in all his dealings, he will be greatly missed in the community.  About two years ago he lost his wife, and since then he has been gradually failing.  He possessed considerable property and was a very prominent man among his associates.  His funeral took place at his late residence on Monday afternoon, and was very largely attended.  Rev. A. B. Temple, of Seneca, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiated, preaching a very eloquent sermon.  Mr. Ferguson was 78 years of age.

From Ontario County Times 19 February 1890

Clifton Springs, N. Y. -  Mr. Levi B. Ferguson,
an old and well-known citizen of Clifton Springs, who has been ill for a long time, died Sunday night. Mr. Ferguson has been for many years a member and steward of the M. E. Church here, and a very earnest and devout worker for Christ.

From Ontario County Journal 29 October 1897
Rushville, N. Y. - 
The funeral services of Mrs. Lucy Ferguson, aged 86 years, were held at the M. E. church on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. She had for years been in poor health, but not seriously ill until quite recently. She leaves four sons and two daughters. Mrs. Halstead lives in Kansas and was not present; Mrs. Kilpatrick, who lives in Michigan, came a few days before her mother's death, too late to be recognized. The burial was at Pine Corners.

From Geneva Daily Times 19 February 1907

Mrs. Mary J. Ferguson, aged 70 years, died yesterday morning at her home near Stanley. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock from the residence. Rev. A. B. Temple, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Number Nine, will officiate and burial will be in Union church cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 21 February 1907

Gorham, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Mary Ferguson, who resided with her sister near Ferguson's Corners, occurred on Monday. Mrs. Ferguson was found in the farmyard of her home one day last week after having fallen from an attack of apoplexy. Her sister, Mrs. Skinner, was her nearest relative; she also leaves one niece, Mr. John Pye of Poughkeepsie. The funeral was held from the home at 2 o'clock today. Burial at Little Church cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 6 February 1911

Owen T. Ferguson,
aged 61 years, died suddenly Saturday morning at 11 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. Curtis, in Auburn. The deceased went to Auburn a week ago to visit his sister and on Wednesday suffered a stroke of paralysis. He leaves his widow, four sons, James A., William J., Lawrence and John T.; and two daughters, Mary and Margaret, all of this city. The remains were brought to this city yesterday afternoon on the 12:17 train and taken to his late home, 204 William street, from where the funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 8:30 o'clock, and at 9 o'clock from St. Stephen's church. Interment will be in St. Patrick's cemetery.

From Ontario County Chronicle 13 November 1901

R. B. Ferguson died Friday morning at his home in Orleans. He was in his eightieth year and is survived by two sons, S. J. and E. W. Ferguson, of Orleans, and three daughters, Mrs. Clarence Ottley and Mrs. Marshall King, both of Seneca, and Miss Margaret Ferguson, one of the faculty of Wellesley College.

From Geneva Gazette 25 December 1896

Mrs. Sarah Ferguson
died of heart disease on the 19th inst., at the home of her grandson, E. A. Dennison, aged 74 years. Funeral held Tuesday, Rev. Dr. Moore officiating. Interment in Glenwood.

From Geneva Gazette 9 December 1886

Died, near Hall's Corners, Dec. 9th, Mr. Smith Ferguson. Deceased was born in Newburgh, Orange Co. June 9, 1798, making his age 88 years and 6 months.  He moved into the adjoining town of Seneca 35 years ago, and following the occupation of a farmer was reasonably prosperous.  He leaves a widow and five children out of a family of seven.  One trait in his character was his sterling Democracy, taking a deep interest in political affairs and never failing to vote "straight" in accordance with his conscientious views.  His funeral will take place at the house next Sunday at 2 p.m.

From Ontario County Journal 25 November 1881

Rushville, N. Y. - Mr. Stephen Ferguson,
of the town of Gorham, west of this place, near the lake, after many weary weeks of suffering, died on Wednesday, Nov. 16th, 1881, age 83 years. The funeral was held from the M. E. church Friday, Nov. 18th. He was one of the oldest citizens of this vicinity, always very active and persevering.

From Geneva Daily Times 2 February 1898

The death of Mrs. Albert Fermaud, wife of Prof. Fermand, of Hobart college, occurred at 4:30 o'clock this morning. Heart failure is said to have been the cause. Mrs. Fermaud had been unwell for over a year, but only recently had been confined to the house. Monday night at about 11 o'clock, Mrs. Fermaud had been taken violently ill, and had not improved since that attack of illness. She was constantly attended by Dr. J. H. Stebbins, but in spite of all efforts, Mrs. Fermaud grew no better and gradually sank until the fatal attack of heart failure came. Her husband and three children, Laura, Hypolite and Cordias, the oldest of whom is 11 years of age, survive. The deceased, whose maiden name was Helen M. Sisson, was 42 years of age, having having been born June 18th, 1856. Mrs. Fermaud formerly lived in the town of Ledyard, Cayuga county, but on her marriage with Prof. Fermaud, moved to Geneva, where she had since resided. The deceased was beloved by a large circle of friends, and her death is a great blow to all who knew her. The funeral will take place Saturday.

From Geneva Gazette 19 July 1901

Mrs. Martha M. Ferner,
aged 74 years, died yesterday morning at the family home in Stanley, where she was esteemed for her philanthropy.  The deceased is survived by five sons:  Charles R. Ferner of Marshall, Mich.; Dr. J. Ferner of Lima, N. Y., S. D. Ferner, of Shortsville; S. A. Ferner of Stanley, and F. E. Ferner of Rushville; also two daughters, Mrs. Pierson of Flint Creek, and Mrs. A. F. DeLand of Hall's Corners.

From Geneva Daily Times 20 October 1905

Hopewell Center, N. Y. - Mrs. Charles Fero
died yesterday morning after a long illness. Mrs. Fero was born and brought up in this place and lived here all her life with the exception of a few years. She leaves a husband, an aged mother and an adopted son, who was called home yesterday from Rochester, where he has employment. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 March 1926

Mrs. Anna M. Ferris,
widow of the late George W. Ferris, died this morning about 4:20 o'clock at her home, 97 North Street, following a long illness. She is survived by one son, Frederick C. Ferris; and one daughter, Mrs. Edward Wilson, both of Geneva; and five grandchildren. Also four sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Ellsworth Turner, Seneca Castle, Mrs. Michael Broderick, Mrs. John Brennan, Miss Pheobe Hennessey, George and Thomas Hennessey, all of Geneva.

From Ontario County Journal 17 April 1896

While Cornelius Ferris, a tenant on the W. Scott Parrish farm, north of the village, was attempting to harness a nervous horse last Monday morning, the animal kicked him squarely in the abdomen, inflicting fatal internal injuries, from which he died on Wednesday. No marks were found on the body, the blow having struck the harness first, driving the hand against the stomach. The deceased was 54 years of age. The funeral will take place from the residence of J. Vandenburgh at 11 o'clock this morning.

From Ontario County Journal 11 February 1916

Mrs. Helen V. Ferris
died at the home of her son, E. H. Ferris, at Geneva, on Saturday. She is survived by a son; a grandson, Floyd Ferris of Geneva; and a granddaughter, Mrs. L. Bayles of Naples. The funeral services were held on Tuesday morning, with interment in Woodlawn cemetery.

From Ontario County Chronicle 2 September 1903

Sunday occurred the funeral of Mrs. Lily May Ferris, wife of Erliss Ferris of this place, who died on Friday, after a severe attack of pneumonia. Deceased was aged about 37 years and left besides her husband, one son, Floyd, and a daughter Fannie G. Ferris. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brownell of Middlesex, also survive. Death came when Mrs. Ferris was thought to be on the road to recovery and was a shock to her many friends.

From Ontario County Journal 17 March 1911

Naples, N. Y. -  Alonzo T. Fessenden
died after a brief illness on Tuesday, aged 73. He had been out attending to his official duties as overseeing the poor only a few days before and but few knew of his illness. He was a native of Naples and had always lived here, a son of Otis Fessenden. He had been a busy man most of his life, a box and basket maker on a large scale, but for many years had been feebler and unable to do much manual labor. He had served as overseer of the poor faithfully for five years or more and had given satisfaction. He was honest, faithful and kind, a good man and for 50 years active in church work. He leaves only one daughter, Miss Elmina. A niece, Miss Conklin, was a member of the family, also her adopted son, Purl Conklin.

From Ontario County Journal 23 November 1894

Naples, N. Y. - Mrs. Caroline Fessenden
died on Thursday, aged 60 years. She was the wife of A. T. Fessenden. Her maiden name was Conklin and she leaves four brothers, all residents of Yates county, one daughter, a niece adopted by her when an infant, and her husband are left grief stricken.

From Naples Record 21 November 1894

Mrs. Caroline E. Fessenden
was born in Jerusalem, Yates Co., N. Y., October 18, 1834, and died at her home in Naples, Nov. 15, 1894. In 1860 she was united in marriage with Mr. Alonzo T. Fessenden, with whom she lived in the sweetest conjugal affection 34 years, to the time of her death. By this union two children were born: George Cole, who died in his third year, in 1864, and Elmina L., who remains to comfort her stricken father. She has also been a mother, indeed, to her niece left to her care in early infancy. It is seldom that a mother is found who loves a foster child equal with her own; but she did. The loss of such a mother to these dear girls is difficult to estimate; it cannot be told in words. She had a remarkably affectionate disposition and lavished a wealth of love on her family. She was a model wife; wife; a cheerful, tender and devoted companion; a brave and indefatigable helper in bearing life's burdens. Her removal is a crushing sorrow to the bereaved husband. Her home was a Christian home, and she delighted in making it pleasant and happy, and had trained her daughters in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

Mrs. Fessenden was full of the most generous impulses, and to do good was the law of her life. She possessed a warm and sympathizing nature and was unselfish in a remarkable degree. No one was ever made uncomfortable by her words. Her life, though quiet and retired, has been that of a faithful Christian wife  and mother. She was of that rare type of Christian character that quietly, yet nevertheless, patiently performed its work. She was true everywhere and assuming and pretentious nowhere. We speak of these good qualities as natural endowments of her character, but unquestionable they were matured by the culture of grace.  She was converted in her native town in her eighteenth year and united with the M. E. church, and has ever remained a faithful member.

Her final sickness was of short duration and without suffering. Her end came as peacefully as if gentle sleep had lulled her weary frame to rest. All that constant, loving care can do was done for her, but death claimed her at last. To her husband and loving daughter; also her brother, Charles, who was with her during her sickness. Her death shocked and almost slayed their hearts. It seemed like the sudden shutting in of a night upon a brighter day. It cannot be explained, but they must trust the wisdom and goodness of God, and wait until it shall become plain. Besides her own immediate family, four brothers are left to mourn her death. Her father, mother, sister and son have preceded her to their Heavenly home. Her funeral services were held at her residence on Main street, conducted by her pastor, Rev. L. G. Piper. Burial Fairview Cemetery, Naples.

From Ontario County Journal 30 March 1894

Naples, N. Y. - Mrs. Mary E. Fessenden,
aged 73, died on Monday night at the home of Alonzo t. Fessenden, her step-son. The deceased was the widow of Otis Fessenden, one of the substantial and well-known citizens of Naples. She was his third wife, marrying him 25 years ago. She had no children, but Mrs. Lyman Tobey, Jr., was her adopted child. She was highly respected.

From Ontario County Times 25 July 1888

Naples, N. Y. - 
Yesterday the funeral of Otis Fessenden was attended from his late residence on Water street. His age was 84, and his health for some months had been feeble. He was an active and respected business man for many years, a member of the M. E. church also.

From Ontario County Journal 30 December 1898

Phelps, N. Y. - George A. Fetzer,
aged 74 years, died last Sunday morning at the home of his son, Henry Fetzer, west Main street. The deceased had been in poor health for some time and was cared for by the son. The funeral services were held from the residence on Tuesday afternoon.

From Geneva Daily Times 14 January 1909

Phelps, N. Y. -
The death of Henry N. Fetzer occurred at his home on Clifton street yesterday. He had been suffering for a long time with a cancerous growth on his face. Mr. Fetzer was 58 years of age, was born at Newark and for the past fifteen years had lived in Phelps. For a number of years he had acted as janitor of the Phelps High School. Near surviving relatives are three daughters, Mrs. Irving Gilkey of Lyons, Mrs. Charles Donnelly of Phelps and his widow and daughter, Miss Millicent Fetzer, who reside at home, and one son, George Fetzer of Canandaigua. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon and will be conducted by Rev. C. C. MacLean, pastor of the Presbyterian church.

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