"E" to "El" Obituaries
From Ontario County Chronicle 1 May 1901
Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Elizabeth Eadus, aged 90 years and 6
months, died Friday morning of dropsy. She leaves one daughter, Mrs.
Helen Middaugh, with whom she resided.
From Ontario County Journal 6 May 1892
Honeoye, N. Y. - Jacob Eardle, of Bristol, whose ill health was
in last week's Journal, died on Thursday, April 28, aged 82 years, and
buried in the new Catholic cemetery on Saturday, Rev. Father Hendricks
From Geneva Daily Times 17 February 1946
Mrs. Louise S. Earl died last night at her home, 179 Genesee
street, after an extended illness. Surviving are her husband, Guy H.
Earl; two daughters, Mrs. Richard Brignall, Mrs. Bernard Cooper,
Geneva; one son, Clinton L., at home; two brothers, Arthur H. Lynd,
Shortsville, and Donald D., Canandaigua; five sisters, Mrs. Fred Mann,
Mrs. Bert VanBlarcum, Geneva; Mrs. Lawrence Larsen, Waterloo; Mrs.
Howard Taylor, Hamburg; Mrs. Charles Holt, Windsor, Calif.; and several
nieces and nephews. Funeral will be held at the Corwin Funeral Home.
From Geneva Daily Times 24 May 1910
Frank E. Early, aged 55 years, died last evening at 7 o'clock at
the family resident on Colt street. He had been ill only since last
Friday with an attack of acute indigestion. Mr. Early was sexton of the
First Baptist church and caretaker of the Elks playgrounds. He is
survived by his widow, one daughter, Mrs. H. Phillips and three sons,
Carl T. Early, Howard M. Early and Harold J. Early, all of this city.
The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
house. Rev. W. K. Towner, pastor of the Baptist church, will officiate.
From Shortsville Enterprise 9 September 1915
Mrs. Jane Early died suddenly on Friday evening of heart trouble,
in her home in Farmington. A few years ago she was very ill of
pneumonia, and had not been strong since. Mrs. Early leaves five
daughters and five sons, Mrs. Kate Schwartz of Farmington,Mrs. Hannah
Bloomfield of Honeoye Falls, Mrs. Mary Nolan and Miss Beatrice
Early of Farmington, and Mrs. Leonard Curphey of Lansing, Michigan;
John Early of Syracuse, James Early of Rochester, Edward Early of
Macedon, Martin Early of Lansing, Michigan, and Cecil Early, who
resides at home. Her daughter, Miss Beatrice Early, who has cared for
her mother for many years, is seriously ill in her home in this town.
From Geneva Daily Times 19 November 1903
Phelps, N. Y. - Marcus
Early died Tuesday morning. He was eighty years of age and for the
past thirty years had been a resident of this town. The funeral will be
held tomorrow afternoon, Rev. Waugh officiating. Burial will be at
From Geneva Gazette 20
September 1889
MRS. SARAH EASTER - This estimable townswoman passed away
Monday morning at the advanced age of 86 years, more than half of which
of her existence she resided in Geneva. Her husband was a worthy
minister of the M. E. Church, and her first great sorrow came through
his sudden and tragic death. He was one of the two ill-fated
victims who were killed by an accidental explosion of fireworks on the
night of July 4th, 1842, the other being Joseph Fulton, at that time a
well known butcher. Mrs. Easter leaves one son, Rev. John Easter,
and two daughters. She was a lifelong and devout member of the
same church in which both husband and son faithfully and zealously
labored in the ministry. Her funeral held at the M. E. Church
last Wednesday, was largely attended. Another saint has been
gathered into the heavenly fold.
From Geneva Courier 1 July 1874
Died - On Tuesday evening June 30, at the residence of Mr.
Parlett, Geneva, Mrs. Jane Easterbrook, aged 66 years. Her
funeral will take place at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the M. E.
From Geneva Courier 13 June 1877
Mrs. Mathew Easterbrook died on Saturday morning last, of
paralysis, at the family residence, Washington street. Some of
the circumstances of her illness and death make the case an unusually
sad one. She was stricken first on the absence of her husband at
church, on Sunday, the second instance, without the least
premonition. Indeed, she had been in better health than usual
this spring; and on the day when she was stricken her conversation was
more sprightly than usual; and Mr. Easterbrook lingered so
long that in order to be at his place in the choir of the Methodist
church he was obliged to run. Shortly after the service opened,
word was conveyed to him of his wife's sudden illness, and he hastened
home, but to find her in a state of unconsciousness. She did not
recover from the shock til Tuesday; and then
was immediately stricken again, and died on Saturday morning
at half past ten o'clock -- exactly six days after the first
attack. Mrs. Easterbrook, formerly Miss Hawks, and an
only daughter, came to this country when about 5 years old.
Mr. Easterbrook, then a lad, was here. Both were born in
England. Their union was thus not only natural, but a happy
one. Mrs. Easterbrook was for more than thirty years, we
believe, a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church; a lady
of retiring habits, and of fine mind and tastes; very highly esteemed
for her many excellent qualities of head and heart. Her husband
and other relatives will have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire
community in their bereavement.
From Geneva Daily Times 3 May 1922
Charles Henry Eastman, age 43, died this morning at 11 o'clock at
his home, 117 Cherry street, after a long illness. He is survived by
his wife, Mrs. Freeda E. Eastman; one son, Charles R.; his mother, Mrs.
Edith L. Eastman of Boston; one brother, Walter F. of Buffalo. The
funeral will be held from his late home at two o'clock, Friday
afternoon, the Rev. Bruce E. Pierce, pastor of the First Methodist
church will officiate.
From Ontario County Times 21 April 1875
Shortsville, N. Y. - Mr. George Eastman died of consumption, at
the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. E. D. Derr, week before last.
From Geneva Gazette 16 September 1892
OBITUARY - Mr. Henry Easto, a long-time resident of Seneca,
and a veteran of the late war, died at his residence Tuesday evening
last, in the 82d year of his age.
He was by birth an Englishman, and although he long since
renounced allegiance to his mother country and became in all things
essentially an American, even to fighting for the preservation of his
adopted country, yet he ever retained a tender feeling for the land
which gave him birth. He returned from the war impaired in health
by its vicissitudes, and a grateful government rewarded him with a
liberal pension. He was in all respects a worthy citizen, helpful
neighbor and kind friend. He was buried yesterday in the cemetery
No. 9 Church. By his death we lose another old and steadfast
From Ontario County Journal 17 July 1896
Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Amey Eaton, wife of the late A. H. Eaton of
this village, died at her home on West Main street last week Thursday,
aged 72 years. Only one sister, Mrs. J. G. Fergus, survives. Mr. and
Mrs. Fergus have resided with the deceased the most of the time since
the husband's death, which occurred four years ago. The funeral
services were held from the residence Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
Rev. Mr. Fish of the Baptist church officiating. The burial was made in
the family plot in the Phelps cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 23 July 1906
The funeral of Frank E. Eaton took place this afternoon at the
home of his parents, No. 84 Genesee street. In the absence of Dr. N. B.
Remick, Dr. L. M. Sweet, of Canandaigua, officiated and the burial was
in Glenwood. The bearers which were his intimate boy friends were John
Harmon, Charles Ayres, William Reed, Clarence Sperry, Lee Ormiston, and
Jay Barth of Syracuse. Frank was 13 years old and died of diabetes
Saturday afternoon at 4:20 o'clock. He had a twin brother, Wallace, who
died two years
ago of this same disease. Frank was a popular young lad in school and
will be greatly missed by his many friends. He is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Eaton, one brother, Rolfe and a sister,
From Ontario County Journal 14 April 1876
Miller's Corners,
N. Y. - Death has called one of our worthy neighbors, Benjamin
Eckler. After a long suffering from lingering disease, he
died last Tuesday morning.
From Geneva Gazette 8 February 1901
Mrs. Emma J.
Eddington died Wednesday night at the family residence, north of
this city, aged 45 years. The funeral will take place from the
house at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Interment will be in the
Dobbins cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 12 April 1904
Hannah Eddington, wife of John Eddington, died at 3:30 o'clock
this morning at her home, three miles north of the city, aged
seventy-two. The deceased had lived in the vicinity for fifty years.
She is survived by two sons, James and William Eddington, and two
daughters, Mrs. Mary L. Booth and Mrs. Isabella Gittens, all of
whom live in the vicinity.
From Geneva Daily Times 11 August 1909
John Eddington, aged 85 years, died at 4 o'clock this morning at
the home of his son-in-law, F. A. Booth, who lives about three and
one-half miles from this city on the Lyons Road. He leaves two
daughters, Mrs. F. A. Booth and Mrs. Jackson Giddings; and two sons,
James and William Eddington. The funeral will take place Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the house. Interment will be at Salisbury
From Ontario County Journal 14
January 1887
Flint Creek, N. Y. - Mrs. Eddington died at her home on Friday
morning last and was buried on Saturday afternoon. The deceased had
lived with her husband, Phillip Eddington, in this vicinity for many
years, and both were nearly ninety years of age. Mr. Eddington is
almost helpless and probably will live but a short time.
From Ontario County Journal 24 February 1888
Naples, N. Y. - Mr. Chas. Eddy, a
young married man of 26, died of consumption on Tuesday last.
He was a son of the late Eleazer Eddy, of South Hill, Middlesex,
and came to this place a few months ago. He had been gradually failing
for two years, but still hoped to recover, until a few days ago before
his death. He married Lillie Wilkins, of this village, and died at her
father's home.
From Geneva Daily Times 23 November 1910
Mrs. James Eddy, aged 90 years, died last night at 7:30 o'clock at
her home on the Carter Road about one mile east of Oaks Corners. She is
survived by one daughter, Mrs. L. Mason; and one son, Andrew Nowland of
Ann Arbor, Mich.
From Ontario County Chronicle 22 April 1903
The remains of Charles Edgerton, whose death occurred in
Buffalo on the 16th, were brought to Shortsville on Saturday and placed
in Brookside cemetery. Mr. Edgerton was for a number of years a
merchant in Shortsville. He sold his business to Messrs. Wise and
Bidwell about fifteen years ago. He was postmaster during the Hayes
administration. A wife and son and three daughters survive him.
From Geneva Daily Times 2 December 1905
Laura E. Edie, seventy-six years of age, and widow of A. S. Edie,
died at 11:30 o'clock last night at her home in Hall's Corners, after a
protracted illness. The deceased has lived in Halls for twenty-five
years. She is survived by two son, James A. Edie, of Baltimore, and
David W.
Edie, of Halls Corners. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon from the house, Rev. A. B. Temple of Number
Nine Presbyterian church, officiating.
From Canandaigua Chronicle 4 December 1907
Naples, N. Y. - The death of J. Wesley Edson occurred
Sunday at his home with his son, Sherman Edson. He was 80 years of age
and was born in West Italy but came as a young man to Naples where he
has since lived, and has been a thrifty, successful farmer and
substantial citizen of this town. He was for many years a member of the
Methodist church. He married Miss Anna Gillett by whom he had four
children, Seymour and Sherman Edson of Naples, Mrs. Myron Smith of
Prattsburgh and Mrs. Chauncey Shattuck of Atlanta. He is survived also
by a brother, Mortimer Edson of Naples and two sisters, Mrs. Lillie
Tead of Cadillac, Michigan, and Mrs. Livonia Clark of North Cohocton.
Funeral services will be held at the family home Tuesday, Rev. James
Moss of the Methodist church officiating.
From Geneva Daily Times 18 July 1910
Naples, N. Y. - Mortimer J. Edson, a veteran of the Civil War,
aged 69 years, died at his home in Naples, three miles north of this
village, Friday night, after a prostration of eleven days by paralysis.
Born and reared in Steuben county, when a young man he went West and
enlisted in the Thirteenth Michigan Infantry. For the last thirty years
he had resided in Naples. He leaves three children, one son, Arthur;
and two daughters, Mrs. Noah Struble and Miss Alma Edson, all of
Naples. His wife died ten years ago.
From Ontario County Journal 8 February 1895
North Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mrs. Esbon Edmonds, who has been in poor
health for some time, died at her residence Thursday afternoon at 1
o'clock. She leaves two daughters and one son to mourn the loss of a
loving mother. Funeral services were held at the house Sunday afternoon
at 2:30, Rev. L. D. Watson of Honeoye Falls and Rev. J. P. Eastman, of
this place, officiated. Burial at the village cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 15 November 1895
Phelps, N. Y. - George Edmonston, who has been critically ill for
several weeks with typhoid fever, died last Sunday night, aged 32
years. A wife and two young children survive. The funeral services were
held at the residence on Walnut street, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock, Rev. M. Shaw of the M. E. church officiating. Interment was
made in the Phelps cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 4 December 1896
Phelps, N. Y. - Johanna Edmonston, wife of Milton Edmonston, of
this village, was found dead in her chair early last Friday morning by
her daughter, Mrs. Ada Crozier. The deceased had been in feeble health
for some months, caused by heart trouble, and during the latter part of
her life was unable to lie down, but slept sitting in her chair. She
seemed no worse the day previous, and when her daughter administered to
her wants about 2 o'clock that morning, she seemed in her usual health.
On going to her room about half-past three, she found her dead in her
chair. Her age was 71 years. A husband, one son and three daughters
survive. This has been the first death in the family in 40 years; quite
a remarkable circumstance. The funeral services were quite largely
attended from the late residence on Ontario street last Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. R. D. Fish, pastor of the Baptist church,
of which she was a member, officiating. Interment was made in the
Phelps cemetery. The deceased was the mother of ex-Supervisor Wm. C.
Edmonston of this village.
From Geneva
Gazette 12 April 1901
Milton C. Edmonston, aged 84 years, died Saturday morning last as
the result of old age. Mr. Edmonston was one of the
pioneers of the town of Phelps, coming there in its early days and has
always been one of its most active citizens, being for many years
engaged in business.
From Geneva Daily Times 5 December 1907
Naples, N. Y. - The funeral of the late J. Wesley Edson was
Tuesday afternoon. He had lived eighty years, sixty in
Naples, and had been one of the leading farmers of the town. He died
on the farm on which he had spent his mature life. In his father's
there were five children, of whom remain Mrs. Lettie Tead, of Cadillac,
Mich.; Mrs. Livonia Clark, of North Cohocton, and Mortimer J. Edson, of
Naples. He was twice married. Two sons, Sherman and Seymour of Naples,
two daughters, Mrs. C. Quincey S. Lattuck of Atlanta, and Mrs. Myron
of Prattsburg, are living. He had been for fifty years a member of the
Church of Naples, and his pastor, Rev. James Moss, officiated at his
From Geneva Daily Times 17 August 1897
Mrs. Lucinda M. Edson died at 2:30 o'clock this morning at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. Nelson
Elliott, on Castle street, aged 79 years. The deceased was well
known in Geneva. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock Thursday
afternoon. Interment will be at Prattsburg.
From Ontario County Journal
3 July 1885
Naples, N. Y. - Mrs. Wesley Edson died on Saturday last, of
pneumonia. She had been ill with dropsy for some time, and was supposed
to be improving, but taking cold she soon passed away. She was a most
estimable woman.
From Ontario County Journal 4 January 1889
Hopewell, N. Y. - The death of Geo. S. Edwards, which
occurred last Wednesday, cast a gloom
over his many friends. He was buried on Friday, attended by a
host of friends from the surrounding country.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 25 November 1868
Died, in Shortsville, the 7th inst., after a painful and protracted
illness, borne with admirable fortitude, Mrs. Nettie Edwards, aged
years. The deceased was the youngest daughter of Stephen A.
Brewster, Esq., one of the oldest settlers of this region. Only a
over a year ago, she was a happy bride. How truly do we all "fade
as a leaf."
From Ontario County Times 10 July 1872
DEATH BY LIGHTNING - During the hard thunder shower which occurred
here on the afternoon of the 27th ult., a man by the name of Anthony
and a horse belonging to David Clark, were instantly killed.
Egan was a laboring man, and worked for Mr. Clark by the month,
occupying his tenant house. It seems that Egan took refuge under a
butternut tree during the storm, with the horse, being engaged in
cultivating a piece of corn on some land belonging to Mr. Jerry
Hawkins, planted by Mr. Clark. The only marks on him was a red streak
down the side of his neck and across the top of his right shoulder. The
horse was struck just over the eye. The man and horse were found by one
of Mr. Clark's daughters, who gave the alarm and called for some help
from the neighbors, Mr. Clark being absent from home at the time. A
large crowd of people were soon gathered to view the remains. Egan
leaves a wife and three small children. A coroner's inquest was held at
the village in the evening, after examinations had been made by Drs.
Bull and Draper, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the
above stated facts. The horse which was killed was valued at about two
hundred dollars. A few years ago a flock of sheep was killed by
lightning in the same field but a few rods from where the man and horse
were struck. Victor, July 1st, 1872.
From Victor Herald 25 January 1901
Edward Egan, a former resident of this town, died in Rochester
last Saturday. The remains were brought to this place Monday afternoon.
Funeral services were held in St. Patrick's church, Rev. J. J. Donnelly
officiating. Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery.
From Victor Herald 27 October 1899
The death of Mrs. Thomas Egan occurred at her late home,
beyond the New York Central depot, in this village, on Tuesday night at
12 o'clock. Mrs. Egan had been in poor health for several years, but
was confined to her bed only a short time.
Paralysis was the cause of death. Mrs. Egan was formerly Miss Nora
McMahon, and was born in Ireland 58 years ago, coming to this country
when a young girl. She later married Thomas Egan, of this town, who
survives her, as do also four sons, John and Thomas of Rochester,
of Philadelphia, and William of this place; three daughters, Mary and
Nora, of this town, and Mrs. Julia Toole of Geneseo, and two brothers,
Michael and Timothy McMahon of this place. Mrs. Egan had always been
a hard-working woman and seldom went away from her home except to
help others and render assistance to some one in trouble. She was a
kind mother and worked hard that her children might receive the best
educational privileges. Mrs. Egan was an obliging and thoughtful
neighbor and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. The
family have the sympathy of the community in the loss of a lovable wife
and mother.
The funeral was held Friday morning at nine o'clock at St. Patrick's
and was very largely attended. Interment in the Catholic cemetery in
From Ontario County Journal 22 January 1909
Mrs. Mary Collins Egbert, wife of Alonzo Egbert, expired suddenly
at the family home on Gorham street on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
She had been ill for a number of weeks from heart trouble. She was 56
years of age and had resided here for the past ten years. She is
survived by her husband. The funeral will be held from St. Mary's
church tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. She is survived by three
brothers, John Collins of Centerfield, and M. G. and E. C. Collins of
Canandaigua, and three sisters, Mrs. Susie Green and Mrs. Elizabeth
Baily of South Lima, and Mrs. Margaret Sheehan of Clifton Springs.
From Geneva Gazette 27 July 1900
Mr. Moses Eggleston died very suddenly at his home near East
Bloomfield on the 19th inst., aged 82 years. He leaves three
sons, one of whom - Hiram Eggleston - is a resident of this city.
In his boyhood days he was a classmate of Stephen A. Douglas, and
like him was a lifelong Democrat.
From Ontario County Journal 2 September 1898
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - The funeral services of Mrs.
Moses Eggleston were held at her late home in this place on Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. B. F. Hitchcock officiated. Mrs. Eggleston
was born in Lyons, and since her marriage, about fifty years ago, had
lived in this place. She was much esteemed by all who knew her. She
leaves, besides a husband, two daughters, Maria and Mrs. Albert Hope,
of this place; three sons, Silas and George, of this place, and Hiram
of Geneva; one sister, Mrs. Lelander Forsythe, and two brothers,
Charles Quick of this place, and Frank Quick of Illinois.
From Geneva Daily Times 22 February 1908
Mrs. Caroline Eichhorst, widow of the late Frederick Eichhorst,
died this morning at 5:10 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Peter A. Sawyer of 125 Lake street. She was 77 years old, was born in
Germany but came to this country and to Geneva about 27 years ago. She
is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Philip Schelansky, Mrs. Matilda
Hein and Mrs. Peter A. Sawyer of this city, and Mrs. Augustus Buchholtz
of Utica. The funeral will take place
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the house. Rev. J. Heid, pastor of
German Lutheran church, will officiate and burial will be made in
From Ontario County Journal 3 December 1897
Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Elizabeth C. Eighmey, one of the oldest
residents of this town, died at Oaks Corners, Nov. 24, aged 80 years.
Several children survive. The deceased was the widow of the late Wiley
Eighmey. The funeral was held last Friday afternoon and burial made in
the Armstrong cemetery at Oaks Corners.
From Ontario County Journal 19 February 1909
George Eighmy, a veteran railroad employe, died at his home on
Bristol street on Saturday morning. The end came suddenly. He had made
ready to drive downtown, as was his usual morning custom, with his
friend, Thomas Townsend, but not feeling quite well, decided to remain
at home. He removed his coat and hat and was helped to his bed by his
son, George Eighmy, who had come from Buffalo the night before for a
brief visit with his parents. Within ten minutes he had breathed his
last. Mr. Eighmy had been retired from active employment for eight
years, but aside from lameness he had been comparatively well and there
had been nothing to indicate that the end was so near. Mr. Eighmy had
been a lifelong resident of Canandaigua. He was a son of George and
Amina Allen Eighmy. He passed his 78th birthday on June 16. He was in
the employ of the railroad for 48 years and was retired on a pension by
the Northern Central company when he reached the age limit, 70 years.
His railroad service began as a brakeman on the Niagara Falls and
Jefferson railroad, Jefferson being what is now known as Watkins. Later
he was employed by the Erie as baggageman, with a run between
Canandaigua and Elmira, and he continued it when the road became the
property of the Northern Central company. Upon relinquishing this
position he was given the post of flagman at the Pleasant street
crossing and this he held for three years, when he was retired. Mr.
Eighmy had performed his work with faithfulness and fidelity and when
he retired, he took with him the confidence and respect of his
employers and his associates. Full of years he had earned his rest. He
is survived by his wife, one daughter, Miss Nellie Eighmy, and two
sons, George Eighmy of Buffalo and Charles Eighmy of this village. The
funeral was held from the home on Monday afternoon and the interment
was in Calvary cemetery.
From Geneva Gazette 8 December 1893
Wiley Eighmy, an old time resident of Oaks Corners, died last
Sunday of blood poisoning, aged 83 years. He leaves a widow and
several children. The later years of his life were clouded by a
great sorrow -- the capital crime of his son, Charles, who suffered the
extreme penalty imposed by law.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 August 1907
Naples, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Eliza Eldred
occurred Tuesday morning. She was the wife of John Eldred, and
was nearly 70 years old. Saturday, while picking berries, she engaged
in a contest with some others, and possibly over-exerted herself. She
was seized with a hemorrhage so violent that she was soon prostrated.
Mrs. Eldred married first in Rochester, N. Y., Richard Gardner, who
was later a soldier in the Civil war, and who died about 1870, leaving
her with eight young children. In a few years, she married Mr. Eldred,
whom she leaves. She also leaves most of the children, four of whom,
Frank, William, and John Gardner and Mrs. Daniel Eldred, reside near
also one sister, Mrs. William H. Davis.
From Ontario County Chronicle 20 May 1903
Canadice, N. Y. - Ellen Eldredge, wife of Thomas Eldredge, died at
her home in this town Tuesday evening. She leaves besides her husband,
a daughter, Mrs. Emma Doolittle of Springwater, and a son, William of
this place. She was known and loved by the whole community. She was 66
years of age.
From Geneva Daily Times 13 August 1907
Naples, N. Y. - The funeral of Jeremiah Eldredge, late of
Garlinghouse, in this town, was held Sunday. Mr. Eldredge was the
youngest son of Thomas and Mary Agard Eldredge and was born in 1848, in
Naples, where he has always lived. He was a prosperous farmer and
a thoughtful, conscientious citizen. He was one of the pillars in the
Baptist church of Garlinghouse, and its clerk for thirty years. He
in 1870 Miss Edna Doty, who survives him; also, one daughter, Mrs.
Mitchell of Naples; two brothers, both Civil War veterans, Caleb and
Eldredge of Naples; Rev. W. H. Haines, his pastor, and E. E. Jones of
North Cohocton Methodist church, officiated at the funeral.
From Ontario County Journal 11 May 1883
Canadice, N. Y. - Died, on the 4th inst., Emma, wife of
Harrison Eldridge, aged 24 years. A husband and one child are
left to mourn her loss.
From Geneva Daily Times 8 May 1907
Rushville, N. Y. - Jerome Eldridge died Monday night of
paralysis from which he had been suffering for the last three years. He
had been nearly helpless for six months and was
confined to his bed four weeks. Rev. Halsey King of the Methodist
church will officiate at the funeral, and the burial will be at Gorham,
where Mr. Eldridge formerly lived. Mr. Eldridge was born in Vermont
in 1828, coming to this state when he was six years old and had always
lived in this vicinity. He leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter:
Eugene, living at Penn Yan, John, at Gorham, and Oliver W. at Fairport;
the daughter, Mrs. Minnie Lizette, at Empire on the Hudson. Burial
Gorham Cemetery
From Ontario County Journal 7 February 1890
Naples, N. Y. - Mr. Thomas Eldridge, an old
resident of the south part of the town, died on Saturday at the
home of his son, Jerry, at nearly four score years of age. One son,
Barber Eldridge, lives in our village and is noted as the veteran
who was severely shot four times, but who managed to serve out his
term, and has been an industrious citizen since.
From Ontario County Journal 20 August 1909
William Burch Eldridge, for over 50 years actively engaged in
business in Canandaigua, and an honored citizen for more than 70 years,
died on Tuesday evening, following an illness of nearly half a year's
duration. Born at Trenton, N. J. on May 31, 1825, he came to
Canandaigua with his parents when eight years of age. At the age of 21
years he engaged in the meat business, which he conducted with
different partners and alone for over 50 years. He was long in
partnership with William A. Husbands, but retired from all business
activity about 10 years ago. During his long, active life here, Mr.
Eldridge held the respect and esteem of the business community and of
the people generally.
He leaves a widow, Mrs. Mary Eldridge; three children, Edwin E.
Eldridge of Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Willis R. Mixer of Syracuse, and
Mrs. J. C. Fredenburg of Brooklyn; and one sister, Mrs. Robert
Schellenger of Phelps, who is the last survivor of the family of eight
children. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon
from his home on Clark street and will be private. Burial will be in
West Avenue cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 23 May 1890
Rushville, N. Y. - Mrs. A. D. L. Ellas died on Friday, May 16,
aged nearly 72 years. The funeral was attended
on Tuesday afternoon at the residence, Rev. A. W. Taylor officiating.
She was a member of the Congregational Church and a daughter of the
late Judge Loomis. Mrs. Frank Wisewell, of Phelps, and Chas. Ellas, of
Bath, are her surviving children. The remains were taken to Bath
for burial.
From Ontario County Journal 5 February 1909
Rushville, N. Y. - The death of George Ellick occurred at
the home of his niece, Mrs. Joseph Stevens, on January 27, after a
lingering illness due to tuberculosis of the lungs. The deceased has
been confined to his bed for three years. He was the son of Henry Batus
Ellick and was born in New Jersey on September 5, 1819, moving to this
state when three years of age. He was twice married, his second wife
being Aramina Stevens. Two children survive him, one daughter living in
the west, and a son, Adelbert Ellick of Rushville; also a sister,
Elizabeth Curtis of Michigan, and a brother, Jacob Ellick of Rushville.
The funeral services were held from the Joseph Stevens residence Friday
afternoon, Rev. R. L. Smith officiating. Burial was in the cemetery at
Pine Corners.
From Ontario County Times 4 June 1884
Shortsville, N. Y. - Casina A. Elliott died at 6 p.m. on
Decoration day, from the result of the injuries received two weeks
previously. Up to Thursday he was considered better, and his brother
from Michigan returned home, thinking him out of danger. The funeral
was held from the Baptist church on Tuesday afternoon.
From Ontario County Journal 1 January 1892
Albion Ellis, a very well-known resident of this village, died at
his home on Charlotte street Wednesday afternoon of apoplexy after a
very short illness. Mr. Ellis had been subject to apoplexy but previous
to Monday he was in fairly good health. On Monday he was severely
attacked and grew steadily worse until the end came Wednesday. He was
about sixty-five years of age, and leaves a widow and three children,
Captain Eugene A. Ellis, of
the U. S. Army at Fort Yates, North Dakota, Edson C. Ellis of North
Attleboro, Conn., and Miss Carrie A. Ellis of this village.
From Ontario County Journal 27 June 1884
Victor, N. Y. - Mrs. Betsey
Ellis, who died in Victor last week, was the mother
of Mrs. Henry Brown. Her age was 75 years. The funeral took place last
From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 6 July 1905
An insane man at Canandaigua was shot and killed by a police
officer on the 4th of July. In resisting arrest, the man approached
the officer brandishing an axe. The officer fired one shot from his
revolver, not intending to hit, but to frighten the man. The shot took
effect in the breast, severing the carotid artery and he bled to death
in twenty minutes. The officer was Adelbert Fisk, and the victim Edson
Ellis, aged 37 years, married and has a son seven years old.
The racket began at his home when he drove his family outdoors, smashed
the stove, furniture, and his wife went to the police for help. She
holds Fisk entirely blameless.
From Geneva Daily Times 24 February 1902
The remains of
Maj. Eugene A. Ellis, of the 13th U. S. cavalry, who
died Saturday at Hot Springs, Ark., are expected to arrive here this
afternoon or tomorrow. The body will be taken directly to the
receiving vault at Glenwood
cemetery, where a brief service will be conducted by Rev. Dr.
J. A. Leighton, chaplain of Hobart college. Maj. Ellis's family
has resided in Geneva for some time. The deceased was born at
Canandaigua. He received his military education at West Point
military academy and was graduated from that institution in 1876.
He was first stationed at Fort Clark, Texas, and
afterwards served at various military posts in Nebraska until
1897. In 1898 the deceased went to Puerto Principe. His
last position was that of custom officer at Guantanamo, Cuba.
Maj. Ellis came to Geneva last summer. He was in poor health and
last November went to the army and navy hospital at Hot Springs,
Ark., for treatment. Everything was done for the major that human
skill could do for such cases, but to no avail. He gradually grew
worse and expired Saturday. Mrs. Ellis was with her husband
when the end came. The deceased is survived by his wife and by
two sons, Eugene Alexander and Hamilton Payton Ellis of this city, by
one daughter, Mrs. T. H. Truslow, of Guantanamo, Cuba; by his mother
and one sister, Miss Caroline Ellis, of Canandaigua.
From Geneva Gazette 16 October 1896
Frank Ellis, a highly respected citizen of Canandaigua, died
suddenly October 11th. He carried an accident policy for $10,000
which it is claimed will be
due and payable inasmuch as his death resulted from a fall and injuries
sustained a few weeks before his death. Deceased leaves a widow.
From Ontario County Journal 3 June 1910
George W. Ellis, son of Captain Ellis, a pioneer Canandaiguan, and
one of the first to answer the country's call in the war of the
Rebellion, died at his home on Chapin street on Sunday morning, aged 76
years. Deceased was born in this village on December 15, 1834. When the
Civil war broke out, he enlisted in Company G, 18th New York
Volunteers, the first company that left this section for the front.
Completing his service in that regiment, he re-enlisted in the Second
New York Cavalry, and became first lieutenant in the latter company.
August 25, 1866, he married Miss Margaret B. Burke of Chapin, who, with
one daughter, Mrs. Bessie Vincent of Chicago, Ill.,; and two sons, John
B. Ellis of Bloomfield, N. J. and Warner Ellis of this village,
survive. One sister, Miss Mary Ellis, of this village, and one brother,
Walter Ellis of Muncie, Ind., also survive. Rev. Livingston L. Taylor
officiated at the funeral services on Tuesday afternoon and burial was
in Woodlawn.
From Ontario County Journal 16 March 1888
In this village, March 9, Mrs. Lucinda Ellis, widow of the
late Daniel H. Ellis, aged 72 years, 10 months and 25 days. The
deceased was the mother of two sons
and one daughter, Mr. A. J. Ellis of New York, and Mr. Frank Ellis and
Mrs. O. E. Brockelbank of this village.
From Geneva Daily Times 24 March 1915
Naples, N. Y. - Monday morning in the Geneva City Hospital
occurred the death of Mrs. Minnie Cornish Ellison, aged 44
years. She had been in poor health for several years and had recently
undergone an operation in the hospital where she died. She was born in
South Bristol, the daughter of Samuel and Salome Cornish and leaves,
besides her mother, five brothers, Allen of South Bristol; Albert of
Gasport; Charles, Edward and Frank of Naples; two sisters, Mrs. Scott
Niece of Battle Creek, Mich., and Mrs. Fred Getsinger of Halls, N. Y.
The remains were brought to Naples on the morning train and the funeral
was held from the home of her brother, Frank, today at 2 o'clock.
Interment in Rose Ridge Cemetery.
From Victor Herald 22 March 1907
West Bloomfield, N. Y. - Last Friday morning occurred the
death of Mrs. James Elton at her home after a short illness.
Mrs. Elton was a beautiful Christian character and was greatly beloved
in the community where she had spent her life. The deceased was nearly
fifty-nine years of age and leaves, besides her husband, one son,
Raymond, and two daughters, the Misses Carlotta and Leila Elton; and
three brothers, Myron Shepard and Elton G. Shepard of this town, and
George M. Shepard of Rochester. The funeral, which was very largely
attended, was held from her late home Monday afternoon, Rev. Newton W.
Bates officiating. The interment was in Rural Cemetery. The floral
offerings were beautiful.
From Ontario County Chronicle 2 October 1901
Naples, N. Y. - Coroner Henry D. Weyburn of Geneva held an
inquest in Naples Thursday to inquire into the cause of death of
the late Clark Elwell. Seventeen witnesses were sworn, but no
proof of assault could be found. The following is the verdict of the
"Clark Elwell came to his death Monday, September 23, 1901, as the
result of an accident, the evidence produced at the inquest held by me
at Naples, September 26, 1901, revealing that on the morning of
September 21, the said Clark Elwell fell from a window on the second
floor of the Granby building in Naples, he being at the time in an
intoxicated condition; receiving injuries which resulted in his death."
From Ontario County Journal 24 January 1890
Cheshire, N. Y. - Dyre Elwell, who lived one-half mile west of
this village, died last week Thursday, after an illness of two weeks.
He leaves a wife and one son besides a large circle of other relatives
and friends to mourn his loss. Funeral services
were held at the church here on Saturday, Rev. J. M. Langworthy
conducting the services.
From Ontario County Journal 16 July 1897
Reed's Corners, N. Y. - Another of the old and respected
citizens passed away on Thursday of last week, in the person of Stewart
He had been an invalid for about 20 years. The funeral was
held from the Congregational church on Saturday afternoon. Interment at
Reed's Corners cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 29 March 1895
Naples, N. Y. - A sad death occurred in Gulick, town of South
Bristol, on Monday. It was that of a noble young wife and mother, Mrs.
Elwell, third daughter of I. W. Wilcox. She was 33 years
old but leaves nine children whose ages range between 1 and 12 years.
She was ill only 10 days, and was supposed to be recovering when new
complications caused speedy death. She leaves also her parents, four
sisters and one brother. Mrs. J. W. Cribb of this village is a younger
sister. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church here at
1 p.m. Thursday. Rev. Eugene Anthony officiated.
From Geneva Daily Times 3 December 1906
Funeral services over the remains of Miss Frances E. Ely, whose
occurred Thursday
morning at the residence of F. O. Kent on South Main street, were
held yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the house. Rev. Frank Hill of
Victor, officiated, assisted by Rev. W. W. Weller. The
body was taken to Hanover, N. J., last night, where interment was
made today. Miss Ely and her surviving sister, Mrs. M. E. Plant have
made their home with Mr. Kent for some years.
From Geneva Daily Times 24 July 1907
Mrs. Sarah J. Ely, widow of the late Delos Ely, died yesterday
afternoon at about 2 o'clock at her home, No. 78
Grove street. She was 57 years of age, was born in Tioga county,
Pennsylvania, and came to this city twelve years ago. The survivors
are: one son, Frank Ely; one daughter, Mrs. Anna Nicklaus; two
brothers, William H. Smith of Scranton, Pa., and Charles Smith of
Antrim, Pa.; one sister, Mrs. Margaret Brill, of Wellsborough, Pa.; and
a father, Harvey R. Smith, who has resided with his daughter here. The
funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock from the
residence. The pastor of the Methodist church will officiate and burial
will be in Glenwood cemetery.
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