"Da" through "Das" Obituaries

From Geneva Daily Times 9 September 1902

Aged Colored Man Who Helped Runaway Slaves to Escape - EMANUEL ALEXANDER DADE,
colored, one of the characters of Geneva, and long a familiar figure in Seneca street, died in the Soldiers' home, Bath, Sunday morning last, aged 66 years.  He was buried there at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon.  He was taken ill several months ago and was removed to the Geneva City hospital some time ago, as has been stated.  He was removed to the soldiers' home about six weeks ago.  

Mr. Dade was born in Maryland, it is supposed.  His mother had been a slave, but was free at the time of his birth. He afterwards moved north to Ithaca, and is believed to have had much to do with piloting escaping slaves along the "underground railroad" in that part of the state.  When the war broke out he enlisted in Company G, Eighth United States colored troops, and went to the front.  It is known that he was in several engagements, the names of which could not be learned today.

From Geneva Daily Times 14 June 1909

George W. Dadson,
aged 53 years, died Saturday afternoon at the family residence, No. 26 Hallenbeck ave. Mr. Dadson was stricken with paralysis about five years ago, from which he never fully recovered. He was born in Junius and for the past 17 years had lived in this city. He was a carpenter by trade and was a member of the local Carpenters' Union. He is survived by his widow, two sons, Wallace W. and Claude S. Dadson, and three sisters, Mrs. William Baker and Mrs. William Cook of this city, and Mrs. John Masten of Clyde. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the house. Rev. David H. Craver will officiate and burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. Son, John, which was ommitted was corrected in the burial notice in a later newspaper.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 20 March 1907

Mrs. Ann Daffy,
widow of John Daffy, died Wednesday at the home of her son, Henry J. Daffy, Phoenix street. She was aged about 77 years. Besides her son, she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank Kelly. The funeral was held from St. Mary's church Saturday morning.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 27 November 1907

Mrs. Catherine Daffy
, wife of Henry J. Daffy of Phoenix street, died at the family home on Saturday morning after an illness of several weeks, at the age of 42 years. She is survived by her husband and one son, John Daffy, of this village;and her mother, Mrs. Mary Burke of Galway, Ireland; one sister, Miss Mary Burke of Boston, Mass.; two brothers, Michael of Boston, Mass., and John of Galway, Ireland. The funeral services were held at St. Mary's church Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Interment in Calvary cemetery.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 9 August 1905

Bristol Springs, N. Y. - 
The death of Mrs. Jacob Dagen occurred on Friday, the 4th inst. The funeral was held at the house on Monday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Dagen was one of the most respected citizens, and the whole community sympathizes with the husband and children in their great loss.

From Geneva Gazette 13 July 1894

Miss Mary Daggett
committed suicide at the Canandaigua hotel last Thursday night.  She was the daughter of Rev. O. E. Daggett, formerly a Congregational minister of that place.  She arrived that afternoon from Clifton Springs, and from her inquiries evidently intended to go up the lake, but the last boat for day had departed.  Hence she took a room.  The following note was found beside her body.

Dear Lea Ellsworth:  I cannot live any longer; my brain is a blank or on fire.  I suffer tortures and shall never sleep again.  I cannot endure this life.  God, I believe, will forgive this deed in this home of my happy childhood.  MARY DAGGETT -- And let me work around to Father and Mother.

An inquest was held and verdict rendered of suicide by taking chloral.  It appears that she had lately been taking treatment at the Clifton Springs Sanitarium, which place she suddenly left on the day she went to Canandaigua.

From Geneva Gazette 7 February 1896

Jeremiah Dailey,
whose death occurred Feb. 3d, was one of Geneva's old timers.  Some years ago he bought the old "public pound" lot on Lewis street.  Erecting thereon a small but cozy home, he made it his dwelling place to the close of his life, raising meantime a large family, all boys.  One of these, John B., took to boating on Seneca Lake, and eventually went to New York where in that line of business, he rose to the rank of Captain which he still holds.  For several years he commanded one of the Erie line ferry boats, subsequently being employed in running one of the Starin line excursion steamers to and from Glen Island, a summer resort.  Poor old Jerry, a hard working, inoffensive, courteous and polite neighbor, will be greatly missed in his neighborhood.

From Geneva Daily Times 18 April 1917

Captain John B. Dailey,
aged 61 years, died yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at his home, 120 Lewis street, following an illness of several weeks. He is survived by his widow; one daughter, Mrs. M. F. Kandel of Chicago; three brothers, Daniel Dailey of Grand Rapids, Michigan; Jeremiah Dailey of Brooklyn; and Cornelius Dailey of Geneva. While making his home in this city, Captain Dailey has for a number of years had charge of the New York Central Railroad boat that did its transferring in New York Harbor. Funeral services will be held at the house Friday morning at 9 o'clock and at St. Francis de Sales church at 9:30 o'clock. Interment will be made in St. Patrick's cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 22 February 1915

Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Sarah A. Dailey,
aged 89 years, died at the home of her son, William Dailey, in Eagle street, Saturday afternoon after a brief illness due to the infirmities of advanced age. Mrs. Dailey, who was born at Lodi, January 1, 1826, was the daughter of George and Margaret Beard Himrods, pioneer settlers in the village of Himrods from whom that place received its name. Mrs. Dailey had been a resident of Phelps about a year, coming here from Elkland, Pa., where she had spent most of her life. She leaves four sons, George of Jacksonville, Fla., James of Nelson, Pa., Wesley of Washington, D. C., and William Dailey of Phelps, and one daughter, Mrs. Emma Gee of Middlebury, Pa. The remains will be taken to Elkland, Pa., tomorrow and the funeral services will be held in the Presbyterian church at that place Wednesday afternoon.

From Geneva Daily Times 5 April 1910

Ellen Dailor,
aged 80 years, died Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at her home about 2 and a half miles south of Stanley. She is survived by one son, William Dailor, of Stanley. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from the house and at 10 o'clock from the church at Stanley. Interment at Stanley.

From Ontario County Journal 15 January 1875

West Farmington,
Jan. 14, 1875 - A young man, named James Dailor, who lived about three miles northeast of here, committed suicide yesterday morning by cutting his throat. He had been ill for several days with mumps. Yesterday, quite early in the day, he drove to the depot at this place; was there but a short time; but his strange actions and conversation caused the remark that he was "crazy". Immediately upon his return home he took a razor, saying he would shave himself. His mother and sister, alarmed at his manner, tried to dissuade him and to get the razor from him, but he, with his sister still holding his arm, stepped outside the door, and with one stroke nearly severed his head from his body. Deceased was an unmarried man living with his father, Patrick Dailor.

From Geneva Gazette 26 May 1893

Patrick Dailor,
an old resident of Farmington, aged 84 years, died on the 24th inst.  He leaves six children, one of whom is Miss Mary Dailor of Geneva, housekeeper for Mr. and Mrs. L. Herendeen.

From Geneva Gazette 20 November 1896

Philip Dailor,
of Shortsville, died Nov. 17th of paralysis -- a second attack.  He was aged about 34 years, and leaves a sorrowing widow and two young children.  A sister of deceased, employed in Geneva at the home of S. H. Parker, was summoned by telegraph to his bedside Saturday afternoon and filially responded.  Another Geneva relative is Miss Mary Dailor, housekeeper for Mr. and Mrs. L. Herendeen.

From Geneva Gazette; 19 June 1885

Bartholomew Daily, an estimable young man, a native of Geneva, died in Jersey City at the residence of his brother, Capt. J. B. Daily, yesterday morning.  His remains arrived today, and the interment will take place today in the Catholic Cemetery.  Deceased was in his 24th year of his age.

From Geneva Gazette 4 March 1881

Mrs. Ellen Daily,
was buried last Sunday, her funeral taking place from the Church of St. Francis de Sales, with a large congregation in attendance. Her two sons, John B. and Jerry, and the wife of the former, came up from New York to attend the funeral, and will not return till next week.

From Geneva Gazette 10 March 1893

Obituary - Mr. Elbridge Dakin,
after an illness of about two years - the result of infirmities incident to old age - died at his home on Colt street Saturday last.  He was born in Concord, Mass., in October, 1803, making his age 89 years and four months.  He came to Geneva in 1828 and engaged afterwards in business as a storage and forwarder. Later on in about the year 1860, he opened a coal yard and continued in that business till his death. He was the oldest member of the Masonic fraternity in Geneva, and held the office of Treasurer of Ark Lodge for 30 years. In religious faith he was a Presbyterian - in political leanings a whig and republican, though not an "offensive partizan." In fact he was the most tolerant of men towards those with whom he differed.  It is not believed that he ever uttered an unkind word of or to a fellowman. He literally lived up to the injunction of Christ's second commandment, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." He was blessed to an extraordinary degree with physical health and strength until he passed his 87th year, and until that time was daily at his office desk. His eyesight remained remarkably good until the last, never requiring the need of spectacles. He leaves surviving him three children -- Mrs. Dean of Buffalo, Miss Mary and W. O. Dakin. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon last, his employees tenderly handling the remains of their revered employer. The following old Masons officiated as pall-bearers:  B. W. Keyes, Sr.,  W. E. Hayes, J. O. Seymour, S. H. Parker, W. E. Stubbs, Thos. Butcher.

From Ontario County Journal 28 May 1909

Naples, N. Y. - Patrick Daley,
an old one-armed soldier, died at the soldiers home in Bath on Friday last. He had formerly lived at Rushville and Cheshire. His wife and daughter and Mrs. Fred Prouty, of this place, attended the funeral at Bath on Monday. He was 72 years old.

From Ontario County Journal 28 January 1898

Canadice, N. Y. - Asa Dalrimple,
an old and much respected resident of this town, died at the home of his daughter in East Mendon on the 23d inst. His remains were brought here on the 25th, and services were held in the M. E. church. Interment took place in the Evergreen cemetery at Springwater.

From Ontario County Journal 3 August 1883

Canadice, N. Y. - Mrs. Jane Dalrymple,
an esteemed and highly respected lady, died on the 18th inst. Her funeral services were held at the Christian church in Springwater, on Friday, the 20th, Rev. Damon, pastor, officiating. She leaves a husband and three daughters, who have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.

From Geneva Daily Times 12 November 1910

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - 
Yesterday morning at her home, on Stephens street, in this village, occurred the death of Mrs. Mary Dalton, wife of Michael Dalton. Mrs. Dalton's death was sudden although she had not been in good health for several years past. Of late she had seemed to be much improved. Friday morning she attended mass at the St. Felix Catholic church, of which she had been a member for many years, and as has been her custom when able. She came home in good spirits and seemed to be quite well for her, when, as she was taking off her wraps, she became unconscious and lived only a few minutes. Mrs. Dalton was born in Ireland about 64 years ago, and had lived in this country for the past 42 years. Five years ago she moved with her family to their present home in this village from their farm in the Town of Hopewell, near here. Mrs. Dalton leaves her husband, one son, John B. Dalton of Pittsburg, Pa.; six daughters, Sister Anthony of St. Mary's Convent of Rochester; Mrs. Frank Hennessey, Misses Margaret and Julia Dalton of Buffalo; Mrs. David O'Keefe and Mrs. Michael Toban of Clifton Springs; also two sisters, Mrs. John Donovan and Mrs. Michael Cosgrove, Clifton Springs.

From Ontario County Journal 9 August 1895

About 9 o'clock Tuesday morning, Joseph Daly met with a fatal accident while engaged with others in the removal of the horse chestnut trees in Atwater park. Mr. Daly had climbed a tree and placed a rope about it and was descending when he stepped upon a decayed branch and fell to the ground 15 feet below. He was dazed by the fall, and in this condition was taken to the his home on West Avenue. Dr. Hallenbeck was summoned and found the man suffering from injuries of a serious nature. In falling he had struck upon his shoulder and the back of his neck, breaking the breast bone and causing internal injuries. The injured man had been under the physicians' care almost constantly since the accident, but it was apparent that his injuries would result fatally. Yesterday morning Mr. Daly grew worse until death relieved his suffering about eleven o'clock. He was 65 years of age, and leaves a wife and three children, John and Ella Daly and Mrs. Henry Fox of Hick's Point. Mr. Daly had been an employee of the village for several years past.

A peculiar incident in connecting with Mr. Daly's last hours was the marriage of his daughter, Minnie, to Henry Fox. The date of the wedding had been planned and arrangements for the occasion were under way when the unfortunate accident occurred. It had almost been decided to postpone the wedding, but the father asked that the ceremony be performed. Yesterday was the time set for the wedding, and about 9 o'clock, at the bedside of the dying man, Rev. C. J. Clausen performed the ceremony. George Miller, Jr., acted as best man and Ella Daly, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. The funeral of Mr. Daly will be held tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2 p.m. Rev. C. J. Clausen will officiate.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 April 1971

Joseph Damico,
77, of 19 Cherry St., Geneva, died last night at the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Bath after a long illness. Funeral services will be at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the Bennett Funeral Home, Inc., and at 9 a.m. in St. Francis de Sales Church. Mr. Damico was a member of the Winnek Post American Legion, the Moose Club of Geneva and the VFW. He was a World War I veteran. He is survived by two sons, Joseph Damico, Jr., of Canandaigua and Herbert Damico of Geneva; two daughters, Mrs. Seward (Marian) Youngs of Geneva and Mrs. Eugene (Evelyn) Rice of Rochester; 12 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

From Geneva Daily Times 9 November 1896

An Italian laborer, Tony Damiono by name, about 25 years of age, was found dead this morning in a shanty, west of the Torrey Park station, sitting in his chair at the breakfast table. A little Italian girl, entered the room at 9:30 o'clock and found him with his head and body inclining over the side of the chair, the back of which was partly gone. She called her mother who notified James Kelly and Peter Peck who went to the place. Dr. McCaw was called, who made the examination of the man and concluded that he had died from the effects of heart failure. Borgman's ambulance was summoned and the body was taken to the morgue, whereupon Coroner Wright, who was in Canandaigua, was notified and upon arrival took the remains in charge. The deceased was the proprietor of the place and is spoken of highly by his companions. The little girl who found him, Giovannena Rainone, was his niece. The case is in the hands of Fred Dominico, the Italian interpreter. 

From Geneva Daily Times 29 June 1895

Gideon Damm, a resident of South Bristol, died at the Rochester city hospital last Monday.  He was 23 years old.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 August 1904

William Hibbard Dana,
twenty-three years of age, a linotype operator employed by the Geneva Printing company, died at 2 o'clock this morning at the Geneva City hospital after a ten days' sickness with typhoid fever. The deceased was one of the six persons who contracted typhoid from the well at the rear of the boarding house run by Mrs. Alice R. Owen at No. 42 Colt street. Mr. Dana was born in Rochester and lived there until a year ago, when he secured a position as an operator in Flint, Mich. From Flint he came to this city four months ago. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. L. E. Dana, who was planning to come to this city to live with her son, and one sister, Mrs. Charles S. Lewis of Flint, Mich. Frank Allen, sergeant of Rochester police force is an uncle of the deceased. The body was taken to Rochester on the 2:06 o'clock Central train this afternoon, where the funeral will be held.

From Geneva Daily Times 10 August 1907

James H. Danahee, aged 52 years, who was suffocated yesterday in the cellar of the pumphouse of the Inter-Urban Gas Company at Railroad Place, will be buried from his late residence, 52 Wadsworth street, Monday morning at 7:30 o'clock. The funeral services will be held at St. Francis de Sales church and interment will be made at St. Patrick's Cemetery. Mr. Danahee was a well-known and respected citizen of this city, having lived here for the past ten years. He is survived by his wife and two sons, James of this city and Daniel of Rochester.

From Ontario County Journal 1 June 1877

Frost Town, N. Y. -
On this Thursday morning, May 24th, Ezra Daniels, one of our oldest and most respected inhabitants departed this life quite suddenly.  He worked hard all day on Saturday last setting hop poles.  He was near ninety years of age. He leaves a wife and a large family of children, with hosts of friends, to mourn his loss.  He had not an enemy in the world. All spoke well of uncle Daniels.  He has lived with us up here nearly 25 years.

From Ontario County Chronicle 1 May 1901

Hopewell, N. Y. - Mrs. Catherine Dannehe, wife of Daniel Dannehe, Sr., died at her home in Hopewell, Monday, April 22, aged 67 years. Death was due to general debility. Mrs. Dannehe was born in Ireland, County Latrom. She came to this country when a girl, 18 years old, where she spent the remainder of her days. Mrs. Dannehe had a wide circle of friends, and as a neighbor will be missed, as she was always willing to give a helping hand when in need. She is survived by her husband, and seven children: Mrs. Frank McCarrick, Mrs. Michael Carney, John, James, Daniel, William and Jerry M. The funeral took place Wednesday morning at St. Francis De Sales Church, Geneva, N. Y., Rev. M. C. Wall of Stanley officiating. Burial in Geneva.

From Geneva Daily Times 31 May 1904

The funeral of Daniel Dannahe, who was found dead in bed Saturday morning, at his home three miles west of Seneca Castle, took place at 10:30 yesterday morning from St. Francis de Sales church. The deceased was seventy-five years of age, and died of heart failure.

From Ontario County Journal 8 September 1893

Naples, N. Y. -
The death of Mrs. Emma Danz occurred at the home of her mother, Mrs. C. Shepard, on Aug. 30. She was 33 years of age, and died of consumption. Her home had been in the town of Hopewell for many years. The burial was in Rose Ridge cemetery on Saturday.

From Shortsville Enterprise 17 February 1916

The death of Bernard P. Darling, one of the best-known and most popular men in the Parlor Village, occurred at his home in High street on Saturday morning about 7 o'clock following an illness of several months. He had been confined to his bed for only three weeks. His age was 71 years. The chiefest of Mr. Darling's ills was a broken heart caused by the accidental drowning of his grandson, Oliver Titus, in the pond at Littleville during the month of November, 1913. The boy had endeared himself wonderfully to Mr. Darling and since the sad accident he had mourned heavily. Bernard Pettit Darling was a son of the late Charles and Helen Pettit Darling, and was born in Hudson, Columbia county, on June 16, 1844. His boyhood days were passed on his parents' farm in Cayuga county near Auburn. His education was received at the public school in his home township and at Oakwood Seminary at Union Springs. During the late '60s he removed to what is known as the Tiffany farm, just south of this village on the plank road leading to Canandaigua. Shortly after coming here he found his life partner in the person of Miss Augusta Booth, a daughter of the late Danforth and Sarah Morgan Booth. At one time Mr. Darling, in company with his brother, William Darling, became owner of a wheel factory then located in Littleville. In later years he represented the Garlock Packing Co., of Palmyra, as a salesman, his territory being in the South and West. For several years past he had been retired, occupying his time with doing small jobs of repairing and carpentering about the village. In the death of Mr. Darling, Shortsville surely loses a man of sterling worth and the highest integrity. He was a most patient, unassuming character, yet he was ever ready to defend the principles of right and to recall his past life readily shows that he lived a life that corresponded fully with his belief. He was especially fond of children and it is needless to add that children in general cherished for him high regard and fast friendship. He leaves to mourn their loss a widow; two daughters, Mrs. Fred A. Titus, of Grove street, and Mrs. Louis J. Riggs, of Flint, Mich; three grandchildren, Miss Helen of Shortsville, and Marion and Bernard Riggs of Flint; three nephews, Harry Darling of Hopewell, and Kenneth and Reeve Darling of Los Angeles, Cal.; also four nieces, Mrs. H. M. Calhoun of Amsterdam, this State; Mrs. William Barney and Miss Pearl Darling of Buffalo, and Mrs. Robert Oliver of Rochester. The funeral obsequies were held from his late home on Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Donald H. MacKenzie, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The interment was made in Brookside cemetery in this village.

From Ontario County Times 25 February 1885

Shortsville, N. Y. -  Mr. Chas. A. Darling,
for several years a respected citizen of this village, died very suddenly from an apoplectic stroke, at his son-in-law's store in Trumansburg, last Tuesday morning. The news came with a shock to his relatives and friends here, who, remembering his distinguished presence and healthy appearance had no expectation of such a termination of his long and useful life. His age was 65 years. His relatives here have the sympathy of the community.

From Geneva Daily Times 14 November 1908

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Charles W. Darling
died at his home on Chapin street at 5 o'clock yesterday morning, after a long illness. Mr. Darling was in his 39th year and had been a resident of Canandaigua since the age of two years. He is survived by his wife, nee Florence VanWormer, his mother, Mrs. Maury, and an aunt, who all reside on Chapin street, this village. For the past 25 years Mr. Darling had been a newspaper correspondent and press writer, and was well-known in Western New York. He had been connected with the various Rochester, Buffalo, Syracuse, New York and Canandaigua papers, and had been a diligent and careful news writer. He had always taken an active part in promoting Canandaigua's welfare. He was a member of the Canandaigua Business Men's Club and a lifelong adherent of the Baptist faith. The funeral will take place from the Methodist church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, with interment at Woodlawn.

From Geneva Daily Times 7 December 1908

The funeral of Mrs. Esther Augusta Darrow, widow of the late Charles Darrow, took place this afternoon at 2:30  o'clock from the home of her son, Charles H. Darrow, of 118 Pulteney street. Rev. W. W. Weller, pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiated, and interment was in Glenwood Cemetery. The bearers were Messrs. S. D. Willard, D. H. Henry, T. E. Rippey, T. H. Rawlins, C. C Davison and C. Dye.

From Geneva Gazette 6 February 1847

Sudden Death - Mr. Nathan Daskam, an old and well-known resident of our village, dropped down on Wednesday morning at his house, and almost instantly expired.  He had been at work out of doors, but a few minutes before his death.  He had been in bad health for a long time, and has, for some time we believe, been suffering from dropsy in the chest.

From Geneva Courier 25 December 1872

Obituary - Hannah Daskom,
died at her residence on Monday forenoon last, at the age of 81 years and 5 months.  Mrs. Daskom has been a resident of Geneva since the year 1811.  At the time of her death she was the oldest living member of the Methodist Church in Geneva, having been connected therewith for more than 60 years.  She was a quiet, industrious woman, of deep and abiding piety, and, though not rich in this world's goods, her consistent, bodly life, proved a source of strength to the church which she loved and by its entire membership will her death be keenly felt and sincerely mourned.  In the death of old and prominent members, the Methodist Church of this village has been peculiarly afflicted during the past year, Judge Smith and Father Simpson passing away nearly at the same time, and to these is now added the name of Hannah Daskom, hardly less esteemed than either of the former.  The funeral of Mrs. Daskom will take place from the M. E. church on Thursday at 2 P. M.

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