"Cro" to "Croz" Obituaries

From Victor Herald 28 September 1900

Death of Mrs. Anna Cobb Crocker -
The residents of this town were both surprised and saddened on Tuesday morning by the intelligence of the death of Mrs. S. B. Crocker, which occurred at St. Mary's hospital, in Rochester, at 12:30 o'clock, Monday night. Mrs. Crocker had been in the hospital a week, and on Thursday, she underwent a critical operation, from which she never rallied. Hopes for her recovery were entertained, however, until Monday, when word was received by the family in this village of her serious condition. Anna Cobb was born in Penfield fifty-four years ago. She later lived in Clifton Springs, and in the early seventies, was married to Stephen B. Crocker, of this village, and has since that time resided here. Mrs. Crocker was a good and faithful wife, a loving mother and a kind neighbor and friend. She was an active member of St. Paul's Universalist church in this village and was a constant and untiring worker for the best interests of her church. She was always ready to help those in any trouble, and often forgot herself in her great love to help others and alleviate their sufferings. Mrs. Crocker will be greatly missed in both church and social circles, and her loss is deeply felt by the whole community, who extend their heartfelt sympathy to the husband and children. She is survived by her husband and one son, Will, of Rochester, and two daughters, Mrs. Lee Wilbur and Miss Gertrude Crocker, both of this town, and four sisters, Mrs. Amelia Thompson, of Clifton Springs; Mrs. Lottie Aldridge of Patterson, New Jersey; Mrs. Gertrude Pickett, of Rochester; and Mrs. Kate Huptrz of Idaho City, Idaho; and two brothers, Frank E. Cobb of this village, and Cullen R. Cobb of Newark. The funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon at the Universalist church, Rev. S. G. Ayres officiating. The floral offerings were both many and beautiful, and consisted of pieces sent by the ladies of the church; the Y. P. C. U.; the Masonic order of this village, of which Mr. Crocker is a member; the girl friends of Miss Gertrude, and many other friends in Rochester and this village. Interment was made in Boughton Hill cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 8 September 1908

Margaret Crockett,
aged 48 years, died at the City Hospital Sunday night. Death was due to pneumonia. The deceased has been a resident of this city for the past 28 years. She is survived by her husband, David Crockett; one son, Charles, and one daughter, Ruby, all of this city. The funeral will take place from the family home, 36 State street, at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. Burial will be made in Glenwood Cemetery.

From Ontario County Chronicle 18 June 1902

Gorham, N. Y. -
The funeral of the late Silas Croft was conducted at the house on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Schultus officiated. Burial was in Gorham cemetery.

From Ontario County Times 20 April 1887

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -  Mrs. Patrick Crogan
died on Easter day at 5 p.m., and was buried from the Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday morning.

From Ontario County Journal 19 April 1878

East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. Daniel Cronan
departed this life Friday, April 12th, aged 82 years.  Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at St. Bridget's.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 October 1904

Canandaigua, N. Y. -
The funeral of Michael Cronin was held from St. Mary's church yesterday morning. Deceased was 72 years old, and for many years a resident of this village. He moved from here to Madison, N. J., where he has since lived with his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Totty. The remains reached here Wednesday and were taken to the Cronin home on Granger street. Deceased is survived by a wife and two daughters, Mrs. Totty and Mrs. Fred Y. Newman, of this place.

From Geneva Daily Times 31 December 1909

Yesterday, at noon, Abram Cronk, a well-known resident of the Town of Geneva, died at his home four miles south of the city. Mr. Cronk has been an invalid for many years. He was in his 80th year, and is survived by his widow, Amelia T. Cronk. The funeral will be held at his late residence tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.

From Victor Herald 18 August 1899

Louis W. Cronk,
of this village, died this morning at about five o'clock. Mr. Cronk was eighty years of age, and had been a resident of this town since his birth. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, in the grove at the residence of the deceased. Rev. T. Whiffin of Oswego will conduct the services.

From Ontario County Chronicle 30 July 1902

East Bloomfield, N. Y. -
On the morning of July 24, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Carrie Crooks passed away at her home in this village. She was the widow of the late Dr. Crooks, who formerly lived at Honeoye. The remains were taken to Buffalo for cremation.

From Ontario County Journal 19 December 1884

Richmond, N. Y. - Mr. David K. Crooks
died at his late residence in this town, Sunday, Dec. 14. He was one of the oldest citizens in this town, having been born in the year 1800, and was highly esteemed as a man of sterling integrity.

From Ontario County Journal 5 November 1897

Honeoye, N. Y. - 
Died, early on Saturday morning, Oct. 30, after an illness of about 2 years, Mrs. Ellen B. Crooks, wife of Tompkins A. Crooks, aged 70 years. One year ago they intended to celebrate their golden wedding but poor health prevented. One daughter and two grandchildren are left, beside the husband; one granddaughter, Mrs. Leta Leech, died early in the autumn. A sister, Mrs. Sophronia Wheeler, of Adrian, Mich., had been making Mrs. Crooks an extended visit and intended to remain during the winter. Mrs. Crooks was of an amiable disposition and was loved by her friends. Her beautiful home had been the scene of many festive gatherings, the latest witnessing the marriage of her youngest granddaughter nearly 2 years ago. The funeral services were held from that home on Monday, Nov. 1, Rev. S. M. Day being the officiating clergyman. The burial was in the cemetery near where the Crooks family lie buried.

From Ontario County Journal 25 September 1896

Canadice, N. Y. - Elizabeth Dalrymple,
wife of Richmond Crooks, died on Sunday afternoon. The deceased was 44 years old and leaves besides her husband, six children, and a father to mourn her loss. Mrs. Crooks was a devoted wife and mother, and her short illness and sudden death was a sad blow. Interment took place in the Evergreen cemetery at Springwater. Rev. I. B. Bristol officiated.

From Ontario County Times 6 July 1864

DIED - On Sunday, June 5th, of wounds received in his country's service, at West Point, Va., Wm. D. R. Crooks, a Corporal of Troop K, 1st Regt., N. Y. Mounted Rifles. A reconnoisance from West Point by a squad of Cavalry from the above-named Troop and Regiment was in progress, when, about three miles from the Point, the force, numbering ten men, ran into an ambush of thirty rebel infantry. Choosing the alternative of battle instead of surrender, they drew the enemy's fire, which resulted in the loss of three man; one killed as above; one, Aaron Manchester from Berlin, N. Y., wounded severely; and one Henry F. Culver, from Palmyra, N. Y., taken prisoner. After nearly two years of faithful service in the ranks of his country's defenders, our comrade has fallen. His honest, patriotic devotion to the cause he enlisted to serve, made his life as a soldier truly valuable, and his uniform kindness of temper and fidelity in every social relation endeared him to all of his acquaintances, and rendered his companionship unusually agreeable.

He died at the age twenty-two. Though so young, his life was the key to the happiness of whole family circle. Four sisters and one brother, residing in Ontario Co., N. Y. are, by his death, deprived of their chief support, of mere physical support we do not speak, but of that moral strength which a father, a most devoted brother, or a faithful counsellor ever afford to a family. We mourn his loss as that of a loved comrade, while we tender his afflicted friends our sincerest sympathy in their loss of earth's dearest treasure.

From Geneva Gazette 27 August 1897
Alfred D. Crosby,
an old and prominent resident of the village of Phelps, died about 7 o'clock Tuesday morning of old age, in the ninetieth year.  The deceased has lived in the town of Phelps the greater part of his life, and had been quite prominent as a business man.  A wife and one daughter, Mrs. Emily J. Pond, survive.  An older brother, Theodore, 93 years of age, resides at Canandaigua.

From Geneva Gazette 15 February 1889

A startlingly sudden death occurred in Phelps last Friday evening, the particulars of which are thus related in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle:  When Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe McMullen returned to their home from prayer meeting, they found Mrs. Augustus Crosby, the mother of Mrs. McMullen, lying on the floor dead.  When they left her to go to church she was washing the supper dishes, and when found she had a cloth in one hand and a basin in the other, indicating that she must have died very soon after the departure of the daughter, probably from heart trouble.  She was a widow about 50 years of age and leaves only one daughter, Mrs. McMullen.  The funeral was held Monday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Wheeler of the M. E. Church officiating.

From Geneva Gazette 4 May 1900

Fred D. Crosby
of Phelps died in the city hospital at Rochester last Tuesday after undergoing an operation for appendicitis. His age was 23 years.

From Geneva Daily Times 15 April 1907

Phelps, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Mary E. Crosby occurred at her home on South Wayne street Saturday afternoon. She had been ill but a short time with brain trouble and for a week remained unconscious. Mrs. Crosby, who was born in Albany county, came here at an early age and has lived here practically all her life. She was the widow of the late H. H. Crosby, a prominent produce merchant of this village. She was 63 years of age. Her survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Milton Gerow and Mrs. Grant Burnette, and one son, William Crosby, all of Phelps. The funeral will be held from her late residence Tuesday afternoon, the services being conducted by Rev. C. E. Gregory of the Presbyterian Church.

From Ontario County Journal 10 June 1898

Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Sarah Crosby,
wife of the late Clark Crosby of this town, who had been seriously ill for some time, died at her home, two and one-half miles south of this village, Tuesday afternoon, about half past five. The deceased was in the 75th year of her age. Two sons survive. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence. Rev. A. J. Waugh will officiate and interment will be made in the Phelps cemetery.

From Victor Herald 8 December 1899

Theodore Crosby
of Canandaigua, aged almost ninety-eight years, died at his home in that village, Tuesday evening. Mr. Crosby was born in Putman, Dutchess county, November 7, 1802, and continued to reside there until he was eleven years of age, when he removed with his parents to this county. He was married in 1829 to Miss Malinda Crane of Hopewell, and in 1858 settled with his wife in Canandaigua. Mrs. Crosby died in 1885.

From Ontario County Journal 8 December 1899

Theodore Crosby, the oldest resident of Canandaigua, died at his home on Main street Tuesday evening of apoplexy. He had been in his usual health and spirits throughout the day, and there had been no evidence of the fatal attack. During the evening, his granddaughter, Mrs. A. L. Beahan, came in, and was conversing with him, when he complained of a severe pain in his head, which was soon accompanied by nausea. The family assisted him to a couch and Dr. Beahan was summoned, but within a few minutes he had breathed his last, his sufferings having scarcely a half hour. The announcement of Mr. Crosby's death was received with feelings of deep sorrow by the entire village, as no one was better known or more highly esteemed than he. His figure was a familiar one upon the streets almost daily. On Saturday, he mad his usual visit to the hospital, where he was wont to sit part of the afternoon, but the weather of the following days had been too unpleasant for him to venture out. On Monday evening he enjoyed his usual game of whist, and played without the use of his glasses. He was also in the habit of reading part of day without them. Since his 97th birthday, which he celebrated on Nov. 7, Mr. Crosby had been unusually well. Seldom is it permitted a man to enjoy life as had Mr. Crosby. His mental faculties were unimpaired, and he possessed the vigorous constitution of one many years younger. His remarkable age was the source of great pride to the beloved old gentleman, and he had often expressed the wish that he might complete the century, and had it not been for the weakened heart, this wish might have been gratified. His interests in the men and in affairs about him were as strong on the last day of his life as they had been in his early years. He was a man of large sympathies, and wherever he went he went, he made friends. The greater part of his life he had been a stock buyer. And by reason of this, he had acquired a large circle of acquaintances throughout this portion of the state. His business career, which was closed only two years. ago, was notable not only on account of its length but for the honesty and excellent judgment by which it was conducted. At the age of 65 Mr. Crosby met reverses, which would have disheartened most men, but with his tireless energy he worked on, and regained his fortune.

Mr. Crosby was born in Southeast, Putnam county, which was then a part of Dutchess county, this state, on November 7, 1802, and was one of twelve children. At the age of 11, he came with his parents to the town of Phelps. He married Melinda Crane of Hopewell, when 23 years of age, and their married life extended throughout a period of 60 years. Five years of this life were spent in Rochester, after which they returned to Hopewell and there they remained until 1858, when they came to Canandaigua. Since the death of Mrs. Crosby in 1885, Mr. Crosby has resided with his daughter, Mrs. Marietta Hopkins. Besides his daughter, he is survived by two granddaughters, Miss M. Linda Hopkins and Mrs. A. L. Beahan of this village. The funeral will be held from the house this afternoon, and the services will be conducted by Rev. C. H. Dickinson, pastor of the church of which the venerable old gentleman was a member.

From Geneva Daily Times 17 October 1904

Adam Crosier,
one of the oldest and most respected farmers of this vicinity, died at his home near Stanley Saturday, aged eighty-one years. The deceased has been practically a life-long resident of this vicinity. He is survived by his widow and two daughters, Mrs. Watson, who lives in the old homestead and Mrs. W. C. Squires, who lives this side of Stanley on the Flint Creek road. The funeral will take place at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning from the house.

From Geneva Daily Times 2 August 1906

Henderson Crosier, aged 79 years, died yesterday afternoon at 5:00 o'clock at his home in Seneca. Besides his wife he is survived by four sons, Clark H. and John W. of Halls Corners, Charles L. of Gorham and Myron D. of Norfolk, Va; and two daughters, Mrs. William Phillips and Miss Mercy B. Crosier of Seneca; one brother, T. W. Crosier and a sister, Mrs. Isabella Dixon of Halls Corners. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. The Rev. A. B. Temple will officiate and burial will be in Union church.

From Ontario County Chronicle 3 July 1901

Hall, N. Y. - A Northern Central extra passenger train, carrying General Manager, J. B. Hutchinson, Superintendent C. A. Preston and other officials, at 8:15 o'clock Thursday morning at the third crossing south of Hall's Station, struck a buggy driving by Jefferson Crosier, of that place, killing Mr. Crosier instantly, also the horse he was driving and completely demolishing the wagon. Mr. Crosier was an old man, 78 years of age, and very deaf, which probably accounts for the terrible accident. Mr. Crosier was born within one mile from Hall's Corners, and spent the greater part of his life in the immediate vicinity. He was a member of the Baptist Church of Gorham and was a highly respected citizen. He leaves, besides his widow, one daughter, Mrs. J. S. Whitney, who resides with her parents, and two sons, William and Frank Crosier, both of California; also three brothers, Adam, Henderson and T. Wilson Crosier, and one sister, Mrs. E. S. Dixon, all of Hall's Corners.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 September 1925

Mrs. Matilda Fiero Crosier,
aged 86 years, widow of the late Thomas W. Crosier of Seneca, died last night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Starr, 167 Main street, this city, following a long illness. She is survived by one son, William H. Crosier of Geneva and one daughter, Mrs. Ella C. Whitney of 99 Aldine street, Rochester; one brother, Oliver Fiero of Geneva; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

From Geneva Daily Times 25 July 1908

Thomas W. Crosier,
a prominent retired farmer of Halls Corners, died last night at 10 o'clock at the family residence. He was 77 years old and had lived at Halls Corners all his life. Besides his widow, he leaves one son, W. H. Crosier; one daughter, Miss Ella G. Crosier; one sister, Mrs. Isabella Dixon, all of Halls. The funeral will take place Monday at 2 o'clock from the home. Rev. A. B. Temple will officiate and burial will be made at Seneca.

From Geneva Daily Times 11 September 1907

Phelps, N. Y. - The death of Miss Adelaid E. Cross occurred Monday afternoon at her home on Church street. Miss Cross had been ill nearly a year. Miss Cross was the eldest daughter of the late John and Martha Cross who came to this town from Maryland with the early settlers and located at Oaks Corners. She was born at the Cross homestead at that place and lived there always until two years ago when she came here with her sister, Mary, and took up their residence at the Vandermark home on Church street. Miss Cross was an artist of rare ability, her specialty work being wax and oils. The exhibits of fruits and flowers sent by the New York State Experiment Station to Paris, Philadelphia, Chicago, which were of wax, were prepared by Miss Cross. The deceased was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian church at Oaks Corners. She was 62 years of age and leaves two sisters, Mrs. Burnett Pierce of Billsboro and Miss Mary Cross of Phelps. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at her late home, the Rev. Mr. Sutton of Oaks Corners, officiating. The remains will be buried at the Phelps cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 29 June 1895

Cyrus Cross, aged 79 years, died on Monday, the 24th inst., at his home in Stanley.  He leaves a brother and sister living in Stanley.  The funeral services were held on Wednesday.

From Ontario County Journal 28 June 1895

On Monday occurred the demise of Cyrus Cross of Stanley, aged 79 years and 6 months. Mr. Cross was born in Schoharie county in 1816. In 1860 he came to Hopewell, this county, and united with the Canandaigua Baptist church. For many years past Mr. Cross had been a deacon in the Baptist church, and was one of its oldest members. The deceased is survived by a brother and sister, both living at Stanley. Dr. H. C. Townley assisted in the funeral services Wednesday.

From Ontario County Journal 22 December 1893

Flint Creek, N. Y. -
Many of the people of this place attended the funeral of Mrs. Cyrus Cross, who died at Stanley on Sunday last. Mrs. Cross was highly respected by all who knew her. She lived in Hopewell for many years, and was a member of the Baptist church in Canandaigua.

From Ontario County Chronicle 6 May 1903

Thursday, at her home on North Pleasant street, occurred the death of Mrs. Edward S. Cross, aged about 68 years. Death was due to complication of diseases, from which deceased had suffered for some time past. Survivors are the husband and quite a large family of children.

From Shortsville Enterprise 16 September 1915

The death of Fred Cross, one of the best known Manchester township farmers, occurred at his home northeast of this village on Tuesday morning, at the advanced age of 85 years. Mr. Cross was a native of England, but came to make his home in America when a mere boy. For over 60 years he had lived in this township. He devoted his life to raising garden truck and succeeded  to such an extent that the products of his toil were usually given preference in the stores and by the consumers. The survivors are four daughters, Miss Elizabeth Cross, of Manchester; Mrs. Charles Southworth of Canandaigua; Mrs. George Hickmott of Geneva, and Mrs. Anna Springer of Albany; also two sons, Albert and Fred D. Cross, of Manchester. The funeral services will be held from his late home Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. W. W. Lane, pastor of the Manchester M. E. Church, officiating. 

From Geneva Gazette 31 October 1884

Mr. John Cross
of Oaks Corners died very suddenly on Sunday morning last.  His wife was awakened by his heavy breathing, and endeavored to arouse him, but he had passed into unconsciousness and in a few moments had breathed his last.  He had labored very hard on Saturday in delivering and shipping potatoes, and it is inferred that such over-exertion produced some trouble of the heart.  Mr. Cross was a most estimable man, deservedly enjoying the respect of a multitude of acquaintances.  He was an old and esteemed patron of the Gazette, whose loss we deeply regret, and extend sympathy to the bereaved family.

From Geneva Gazette 20 May 1892

Mrs. John Cross
of Oaks Corners died on the 23d inst. after an illness of several months.  She leaves three daughters -- Misses Addie and Mary Cross and Mrs. Burt Pierce of Billsborough.  By her death we lose a long-continued and valued patron.

From Ontario County Chronicle 19 June 1901

Clifton Springs, N. Y. - The funeral of Mrs. Samuel Cross, of Rochester, was held at the M. E. church on Wednesday afternoon. She was formerly Miss Lottie Garrison of this place. She leaves a husband and two children. Interment in the Gypsum cemetery.

From Geneva Courier 7 October 1874

Robert Cross,
an old citizen of this County living about four miles North of Geneva on the Lyons Road, died on Friday at his residence about noon, aged sixty-six years, under the following circumstances.  Mr. Cross left his house on Wednesday morning and went to his barn.  He did not return during the day and his family supposed he had gone away on business.  The night came on and passed and in the morning on going into the barn, he was found lying on his face, having fallen across a small box, his head upon the floor, insensible.  He was removed to the house but remained unconscious until his death, which occurred on Friday noon.  His funeral took place on Sunday and was largely attended.  Rev. Dr. Van Rensselaer preached the funeral services.

From Geneva Gazette 25 November 1881

Mrs. Robert R. Cross
was struck by a train of cars and instantly killed about six o'clock last Wednesday evening, near her home on the Lyons road, about four miles north of Geneva. We are told that it was her custom to go to a neighbor's after milk every evening, by the railroad. She was on this errand Wednesday evening. As the train approached from behind, she stepped one side, but continued forward at a rapid gait, apparently desirous of reaching the crossing a short distance ahead. Before she could reach the crossing, however, the train overtook and struck her. The engine was quickly stopped and the unfortunate woman was found with her left arm thrown around the flagstaff, but already lifeless. The other arm was broken in two places and the head was somewhat bruised, but not severely enough to cause death. She was undoubtedly killed by the shock. The general theory held in regard to the accident is that her dress was blown into the forward part of the engine by the wind, which was very brisk at the time, where it caught and she was drawn in front and struck, as above related. Deceased was a widow and lived with her daughter. She was a life-long communicant of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and one of the leading members of St. Paul's Church. The funeral service will be held tomorrow at one o'clock, Dr. Rankine officiating.

From Ontario County Journal 6 May 1887


Gorham, N. Y. - A terrible accident occurred at Stanley on Wednesday afternoon of last week. J. J. Cross and Willis E., his son, a young man in his 22d year, were engaged in sawing. Willis attempted to lift a long slab, heavy at one end, flexible in the center, over the great circular saw six feet in diameter, which was running very rapidly. The slab caught in the saw, and jerked him on to it, severing his body diagonally from the left shoulder, also cutting off one leg in an instant. The father stood on the opposite side of the saw from the son, managing the machinery. He had spoken to Willis a moment before, and had just turned around and stood with his back to him. He heard the saw strike the slab and in an instant the severed head and trunk were at his feet. A terrible shock indeed. Mr. Caward who was at work in the mill, with a younger brother of Willis, who showed great presence of mind and nerve, put the severed body together. The news spread rapidly and the whole community was surprised and shocked. The funeral services were attended at the Baptist church of this place, of which the deceased was a member, on Friday afternoon following his death. A large and deeply sympathetic audience was present. Rev. Mr. Forth, pastor of the the church, took charge of the service, assisted by Rev. Mr. Temple of Seneca, and Rev. Mr. Balthorp of Hopewell. Each of the reverend gentlemen made an appropriate and excellent address paying high compliments to the deceased, who was a young man of irreproachable character, and an active Christian, as well as speaking words of comfort to the heart stricken mourners, and of warning to the people.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 June 1897

O. A. Crothers,
one of Phelps' most influential citizens, died yesterday morning of apoplexy. He was in poor health for some time past but was not thought to be dangerously ill. He was in his 79th year and is survived by a wife and four children, William L. Crothers, Mrs. McCoy of Syracuse, Mrs. Dr. Haslett of Waterloo and Miss Nellie Crothers of Phelps. Mr. Crothers was extensively engaged in the malting business here and some years ago erected the block which bears his name and which is one of the best business blocks in Phelps. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from his late residence on East Main street, Rev. A. J. Waugh officiating.

From Geneva Daily Times 5 February 1908

Naples, N. Y. - John Crouch
died at his home Saturday at 6 p.m., aged 50 years. He was operated on for appendicitis about two years ago and had never been well since. He was an Odd Fellow, a Maccabee, the first commander of the Sons of Veterans, an N. P. L. member and was much respected. The funeral took place from the Presbyterian church at 2:30 p.m. Monday. Max Rich, an Odd Fellow and personal friend, was present from Geneva. Mr. Crouch leaves a wife and mother.

From Geneva Gazette 15 November 1895

William Crough,
an old resident of Phelps, died at his home, two miles northeast of the village, Monday, of heart disease, aged 84 years.  A wife and several children survive.

From Geneva Daily Times 23 July 1906

Mrs. Nellie E. Crowe, aged 25 years, died this morning at 4:15 o'clock at her home, No. 31 Hallenbeck avenue. The cause of death was peritonitis. Besides her husband, John Crowe, she is survived by one son; by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Danahe; two brothers, James and Daniel Dannahe. The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock from the house and at 10:00 o'clock from St. Francis de Sales church.

From Geneva Daily Times 30 March 1915

Word comes from New York of the death on Monday, in that city, of J. Foster Crowell, consulting engineer who assisted in laying out the grounds for the Philadelphia Exposition in 1876. He was 67 years of age. Death came after an operation which was performed about two months ago. Mr. Crowell was well known for his work in the United States, Canada, Central America and the West Indies. He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Whiting of New York; two sons, John Whiting Crowell and Frank Crowell. Mrs. Crowell was the daughter of John N. Whiting and Sarah Sutherland, both of Geneva. The body will be brought to Geneva early Thursday morning for interment in Glenwood Cemetery.

From Victor Herald 11 May 1906

wife of John Crowley, died at the home of her son, William, on East Main street, this village, Sunday, May 6th, aged seventy years. Mrs. Crowley was born in Ireland and the early years of her married life were spent in England. Forty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Crowley and three children came to this country and until two years ago resided in the town of Farmington. Seven children survive, Mrs. Martin Mulheron of Fishers; Miss Mary Crowley, who lives in the eastern part of this state; Daniel, James and Patrick of Duluth, Minn.; Michael G. and William, of Victor. The funeral services were held at St. Patrick's church Thursday morning, Rev. John J. Donnelly celebrating mas. Interment was made in the Catholic cemetery at Macedon.

From Ontario County Journal 28 June 1895

Miller Corners, N. Y. - Michael Crowley
died Monday night after a short illness at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hiram Jenkins, aged 80 years. He is survived by five daughters and two sons. The funeral service was held in the Catholic church at West Bloomfield Wednesday with burial at East Bloomfield.

From Victor Herald 17 August 1906

On Sunday, August 12th, at her home three miles southwest of this village, occurred the death of Mrs. Abigail Crowly, aged seventy-three years. Mrs. Crowly came to this country forty-nine years ago and lived in the home where she died for forty-one years. Her death was not unexpected as her sickness covered a space of nearly eight months. She bore her sickness with a Christian fortitude. One daughter survives who lived with her mother. Funeral services were held at St. Bridget's church, East Bloomfield, Tuesday morning, and interment made in the church cemetery.

From Ontario County Times 15 January 1879

Readers will be pained to learn of the death of Mr. John Crowly of this village. He was rapidly recovering from the effects of his recent dangerous sickness, and was considered out of danger, when on Friday night, he was suddenly attacked with bilious colic. He was already so weakened by disease, that he was unable to withstand this renewed attack, and on Tuesday morning expired. In his death the community loses a good citizen and a kind neighbor.

From Geneva Courier 29 January 1873

at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Edward S. Dixon, at Hall's Corners, Seneca, Ontario Co., N. Y., Jan. 10th, 1873, Mr. George Crozier, aged 89 years and 17 days. Deceased was born in the north of England Dec. 25th, 1783, came to this country in 1801, with his father and his family of six children. The family settled upon the farm three-quarters of a mile south of Hall's Corners, where the deceased has resided until about two and half years ago. Since that time he had made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Dixon.

He was married Dec. 9th, 1820, to Miss Abigail Crawford, of Saratoga Springs. She died June 18th, 1870.  He leaves six children living, two having died -- Elizabeth, wife of John W. McMaster of Benton, and George W., his youngest son, who died July 7th, 1865, from disease caused by exposure and overwork while in the army. He leaves twenty-four living grand-children, five having deceased. One brother and three sisters survive him, two brothers having died before him. Not possessing a robust healthy constitution, being rather frail in appearance, he has lived and endured the trials and hardships of a new country unto a good old age. His remains were followed to the grave Jan. 12th, by a large number of relatives, friends and neighbors. Funeral sermon by Elder A. C. Mallory, of Benton Centre; text:  "What is man that thou art mindful of him."

In the year 1801, about the last of May or first of June, several families sailed from Glasgow in Scotland, for America. Among them was Adam Crozier, the father of George Crozier, deceased.  They landed in New York, July 14th 1801, having been about seven weeks on the water.  They took a boat to Albany, then a kind of stage or public conveyance to Schenectady, where they again took a boat and wended their way slowly toward Geneva.  The manner of propelling was taking long poles, placing one end on the bank or bottom of the stream putting the other to the shoulders and then pushing while they walked from the bow to the stern of the boat.  In this manner they passed up the Mohawk river and Wood creek. When passing from Wood creek to Oneida lake it became necessary to use other means.  The stream was dammed and the water kept back was permitted to rush out and the boat with it, and so they would float down until another dam was reached.  In this way they reached the lake.  In crossing the lake a sail was used, and here they came near losing their lives, a storm striking them while passing over and their sails giving way; but they finally gained the shore in safety.  They then followed the outlet to the Oswego river, then up that and the Seneca river.  At Seneca Falls they had to unload the boat and push and draw it up the rapids, when they re-loaded and made for Geneva, where they landed after about three weeks' voyage from Schenectady; having made the trip from Glasgow, Scotland, to Geneva by water, with the exception of the short distance between Albany and Schenectady.

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