"Ch" Obituaries
From Ontario County Journal 1 October 1897
Phelps, N. Y. - Henry Chace died at his home in the southeastern
part of the town last Sunday forenoon, aged 52 years. A mother and one
daughter survive. The funeral services were held from the Mission
church near his home on Tuesday forenoon, Rev. M. Washburn, D. D., of
Rochester, officiating. Interment was made in the Phelps cemetery.
From Ontario County Chronicle 30 July 1902
During the terrific electric storm of Thursday night, Edward
Chamberlain, of Cheshire, was struck by lightning and instantly
killed. The young man had been driving the cows in from the pasture and
stood in the barn door when killed. The hat which he wore had a hole
burned in the top of the crown and his head was also burned. The
deceased was aged 25 years and was a son of Milo Chamberlain.
From Geneva Daily Times 22 August 1905
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Yesterday at Cheshire, a
small village five miles southeast of this place, occurred the
death of George W. Chamberlain. Mr. Chamberlain and Frank
Olmstead, both of whom had been working under Highway Commissioner
Douglass during the summer, were at work on the highway one mile west
of Cheshire, having with them two horses. The men allowed the horses
the horses to graze by the roadside while they were not in use, and in
so doing the horses stirred up a bee's nest, were stung by the bees and
the horse owned by Mr. Chamberlain ran north along the highway with
Chamberlain in pursuit. The other ran west pursued by Mr. Olmstead.
Chamberlain chased his horse about a mile, but did not succeed in
the frightened animal, which ran in a roundabout way clear to Cheshire,
a distance of several miles. Henry Rossier, a farmer living on the
highway over which the horse ran, stumbled upon the body of Mr.
by the roadside and immediately notified Dr. John Hutchins at Cheshire
and Coroner MacDowell at Bristol Center, both of whom soon arrived at
the scene. An investigation lead the physicians to believe that the
death was caused by heart disease aggravated by the long run in the
heat. Mr. Chamberlain was a young man about 30 years of age, of
habits and well-liked and respected by all who knew him. At the last
election he was elected constable which office he held at the time of
his death.
From Ontario County Journal 6 February 1885
North Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mortimer F. Chamberlain died on the
11th, ult., aged fifty-seven years. He had been a great sufferer with
the asthma for several years. He was a soldier in the late rebellion,
and had been a pensioner a number of years. He leaves a wife and three
From Ontario County Journal 9 September 1898
Academy, N. Y. - Renssalaer Chamberlain, aged 64 years, of
Cheshire, died September 1, after several months' suffering from
nervous prostration. He was commander of Charles R. Lilly post, G. A.
R., and served in Company G of the 85th Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers,
during the civil war. Rev. H. W. Jones conducted the funeral services
at the church on Friday afternoon. The post members attended.
From Victor Herald 19 May 1905
The funeral of Joel S. Chamberlin, aged 49 years, who died
very suddenly on Wednesday evening of pneumonia, was held from his late
home Saturday afternoon. Rev. Newton W. Bates officiated. Mr.
Chamberlin had been agent at West Bloomfield depot on the N. Y. C. for
twenty years, and was a man with many friends and a good citizen. He
was a member of Tent 417, K. O. T. M., which took charge of the
services at the grave. Besides his wife, the deceased leaves five
children, an aged mother and one brother, Frank Chamberlin, of North
From Shortsville Enterprise 28 February 1913
Shortsville is in deep mourning over the death of one of its most
popular young men, Walter Andrew Chambers, which occurred at
his home in Booth st. shortly after two o'clock on Wednesday afternoon,
following a week's illness from blood poisoning. His age was 27 years.
Mr. Chambers, who was employed as a brakeman by the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Company, left his home last week Wednesday morning for his
usual run west on a freight train out of Manchester yards. When the
train reached Maxwell's station, he complained of illness and asked for
release from duty. He returned to his home on a passenger train during
the afternoon. At first it was thought he was suffering from typhoid
fever, but later developments proved it to be blood poisoning of the
worst type. He lapsed into unconsciousness Tuesday morning from which
he never came to. A strange fact is that his father died 23 years ago
at the same age from the same disease, being stricken on the same day,
Wednesday. The latter was ill but six days instead of seven as in the
case of his son.
Mr. Chambers was born in Huntington, Quebec, and came to this country
12 years ago. He located in Manchester and on his marriage 7 years ago
to Miss Isabelle Carpenter, of Shortsville, moved to this village. He
had been employed by the Lehigh Valley ever since his resident in this
country and was known as one of the most faithful and conscientious men
connected with the company. He was educated in the High School at
Cornwell, Ontario, Canada, and also held a diploma from a school of
marine engineering. He was a member of Parlor Village Lodge, I. O. O.
F. of Shortsville, and of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, No.
639, of Suspension Bridge. He was a Presbyterian in faith. In the death
of Mr. Chambers the people of Shortsville realize a deep loss. He was a
hard-working and promising young man and most popular with all who knew
him. As soon as the news of his serious illness became known, it was
the chief topic of conversation. Word from his bedside was anxiously
awaited and when the news of his most untimely demise became known, it
cast a gloom over the entire populace which will not vanish for many
Beside his wife, he leaves two children, a son, Robert, aged 10 months,
and a daughter, Myrtle, aged 6 yrs; his mother, Mrs. Thornton Craig of
Manchester; two brothers, Harold Chambers of Shortsville and Robert
Chambers of Manchester; also a step-father, Thornton Craig; one
half-brother, Earl Craig, and two half-sisters, Misses Currance and
Rebecca Craig, all of Manchester. The funeral services will be held
from his late home at one-thirty o'clock and from the First
Presbyterian church at two o'clock this Friday afternoon, and will be
conducted by the pastor, Rev. D. H. MacKenzie. They will be in charge
of the Trainmen's Lodge. The burial will follow in Brookside Cemetery
in this village.
From Geneva Daily Times 16 August 1895
Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Floyd E. Champion died Wednesday afternoon at
her home on West Main street. She
had been ill but a few days, peritonitis being the cause of
her death. She was a daughter of the Rev. McKendree Shaw, was 23 years
of age and had been married only five months.
From Geneva Gazette 27 March 1891
The death is announced of Mr. J. P. Champion, a well-known
retired farmer of Phelps, aged about 80 years. He at one period
of his life exhibited a creditable degree of inventive genius, and we
believe secured some patents on fence building which were as good as
any granted. It was at least 30 years ago that he gave us a crude
idea of how the old-fashioned hand printing press might be developed
into a rapid worker by suitable gearing and feeding from a roll of
paper instead of cut sheets. This idea was subsequently developed
in the Webb Perfecting Press -- a very expensive machine.
From Ontario County Times 10 April 1867
Died in Canandaigua, April 2d, Betsey Chapin, in the 77th year
her age. She was born in Hatfield, Mass., Sept. 16, 1790. In her early
childhood, her father, the late Israel Chapin, removed to Western New
York, and was among
the early settlers of Canandaigua, where he was one of the eighteen
members of the First Congregational Church, of which he was also a
twenty-three years, til his death in 1833. She died in the fiftieth
of her membership in the same Church. A more tender interest is now
with her gift of a silver cup inscribed to her father's memory and
used at the last Communion. For many years past residing with her
sister, Mrs. Greig, she has been well-known and universally esteemed in
community for her piety, benevolence, and worth in all the relations of
To a large circle of relatives and friends she endeared herself by her
and kindness. Inheriting more than a competence, she bore a liberal
in the missionary and charitable enterprises of the day, and the poor
her neighborhood partook largely of her judicious bounty.
From Geneva Gazette 26 July 1878
After a prolonged and painful illness of Bright's disease of the
kidneys, Mr. Daniel D. Chapin of this village died this
morning. He was the only son of Silas Chapin, an old merchant of
Geneva, whom he succeeded in business, but retired therefrom after a
few years. Of late years until forced by illness to give up all
business, he owned and ran a hack for public accommodation. He
prepared for the great change which has
at last occurred by a confession of faith, by holy baptism and by
confirmation as a member of St. Peter's church - he being one of the
last on whom Bishop Coxe "laid hands" just before his departure for
Europe. His age is 55 years, and we believe was a native of Geneva.
His funeral will take place on Sunday next at 3 p.m. from St.
Peter's Church.
From Ontario County Journal 13 October 1899
The death of Mrs. Eliza Dorman Chapin occurred at her home
on Gorham street on Monday night. Mrs. Chapin was the wife of the late
Robert Chapin, and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. William J. Coye
and Mrs. Frank W. Chesebro of this village. The funeral services were
held from the home yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. C. J.
Clausen officiating.
From Ontario County Journal 24 February 1899
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mrs. Frances M. Chapin, wife of the
late Oliver C. Chapin, of this town, died at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. C. W. Wilbur at Rochester, on Wednesday evening. She leaves three
sons, Frank S. of Bakersfield, Cal., Harry G. and Charles of this town;
and one daughter, Mrs. C. W. Wilbur of Rochester. The funeral services
will be held from her old home in this place this afternoon at 2
From Geneva Advertiser 3 February 1903
George V. Chapin, who died in Canandaigua last week of heart
disease, was formerly school commissioner of the Eastern district of
Ontario county, not the Western district as some of the papers have
stated. He served three terms we believe, and the last time he was a
candidate was defeated by John H. Stephens, the present efficient
Commissioner. It seems that the city of Geneva no longer has an
interest in that office, our schools coming under the direction of the
Superintendent of Schools. Geo. V. Chapin was a life-long Democrat and
a faithful officer wherever he was placed. He was a frequent visitor to
high school here for some years after his term of office expired, and
was a welcome guest at the homes of many of the teachers.
From Ontario County Journal 30 April 1909
Mrs. Helen M. Chapin, widow of Chauncey H. Chapin, died at the
home of her son, George D. Chapin, on Gorham street, on Monday morning
at 5:30 o'clock, after an illness that had extended through the entire
winter. Mrs. Chapin was 70 years of age. She was born in Auburn,
removing in her girlhood years to Syracuse, where most of her life had
been spent. Twelve years ago, she came to Canandaigua, and since that
time had resided here. She was a member of St. John's Episcopal church.
While taking a deep interest in everything that had for its object the
general uplift of society, Mrs. Chapin's life had been spent quietly
and unassuming, and she had found her greatest pleasure in a loving
devotion to her home and family. She is survived by one son, George D.
Chapin, and one granddaughter, Aura, of this village, and three
sisters, who reside in Syracuse. The remains were taken to Syracuse on
Wednesday morning and the funeral service was held from the chapel and
interment was made in Oakwood cemetery at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon.
From Geneva Courier 2 July 1873
Death of an Old Printer - In Geneva, on Friday, June 27th,
1873, at the residence of his
daughter, Mrs. Goff, Hezekiah Chapin, aged nearly 78 years. On
Friday morning of last week an old printer, a connecting link between
the present and the past, having performed well his part in a long and
industrious life, laid aside his burdens and "went up higher." Hezekiah
Chapin was born in Sangerfield, then Herkimer, now Oneida county, N.
Y., on the 13th of October, 1795, and at the
time of his death lacked but a few months of being 78 years of age.
In March, 1810, Mr. Chapin was apprenticed to Wm. Williams of Utica,
the publisher of a paper at that place, and served his time, four
years, with him. Immediately after leaving Utica, he went to New
York city in order to perfect himself in his trade. On arriving there,
however, he enlisted as a soldier from N. Y. city, and was sent to
Sackett's Harbor, serving in Capt. Burling's company until the close of
the war in Dec. 1814. He then returned to Albany and went to work
at his trade working in the same office with Thurlow Weed, who was then
a journeyman. He subsequently worked upon the Troy Budgel at
finally brought up
at Chicago working a spell upon the Chicago Tribune.
While employed there about fifteen years ago, he had a paralytic stroke
from which he partially recovered but not sufficiently to resume work.
He then received an appointment of some kind under the city
government which he held as long as his health permitted him to do so.
In politics he was a whig and subsequently a Republican. He
was a member of the Typographical Union and up to the last moments of
his life took the liveliest interest in all matters pertaining to the
A few days before his death, he seemed to realize that his end was nigh
and though in his usual health gave his directions for his funeral,
expressed his willingness to go and his confidence and trust in "Him
who doeth all things well". About twenty-four hours before his
death, though no sign of his speedy dissolution could be discovered by
his friends, yet he bade them
adieu and then sank quietly and gently to rest -- that rest which
remains for the people of God.
From Ontario County Journal 8 April 1881
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Mr. Oliver Chapin died at his residence
last Sunday morning, at 9 o'clock, after a protracted illness of
several months. His funeral took place at his late residence at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Chapin was an old resident of East
and leaves a large circle of friends and relatives who deeply
mourn his loss.
From Victor Herald 24 May 1907
West Bloomfield, N. Y. - Robert S. Chapin, a lifelong
resident of this town, was found dead by his brother, Erastus Chapin,
last Wednesday at about 6 p.m. The deceased had been living with his
brother the past two years. About 2 o'clock Erastus Chapin went away
from the house, leaving his brother lying on the couch reading a
newspaper. On his return at 6 o'clock he found him dead, seemingly as
if he had dropped asleep and never awakened. The funeral was held
Saturday afternoon, Rev. Newton W. Bates officiating. Interment was
made in the Rural Cemetery. The deceased was seventy-seven years and
four months old the day he died. He leaves a wife and three children
who reside in Rochester; and one brother and two sisters in this town.
From Ontario County Times 4 August 1886
West Bloomfield, N. Y. - Death, who visits each one alike, has
been in our midst again. A
large company of friends and relatives followed the remains of Mrs.
Robt. S. Chapin to the grave this afternoon. Several months since
Mrs. Chapin had a slight shock of paralysis and from that time has been
an invalid. Becoming rapidly worse within a few days previous to her
death, she passed quietly and peacefully away Saturday morning. Her
kindly and generous nature has made many friends by whom her loss will
be sincerely mourned.
From Geneva Daily Times 19 August 1907
Mrs. Anna M. Chapman, wife of Abraham B. Chapman, died
yesterday morning at 6:15 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Grove B. Watson, of No. 75 State street. Mrs. Chapman was 58 years old
and was the last
surviving child of Dr. Louis Post of Lodi, Seneca county. She was born
in Lodi and has resided in this city for the past twenty-two years. She
was a member of the North Presbyterian church, and took a great
in church affairs. Besides her husband, her only survivors are her
Mrs. G. R. Watson, and a granddaughter, Miss Phyllis Watson. The
will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. R. Watson on State street, and interment will be made in
cemetery. Rev. Louis M. Sweet, D. D., of Canandaigua will officiate.
From Canandaigua Chronicle 11 April 1906
Rushville, N. Y. - Mr. Charles Chapman, aged over eighty
years, died at his late home, two miles north of this village, on
Saturday, April 7. A short time ago Mr. Chapman fell, breaking his hip
bone, which accident indirectly caused his death. He is survived by a
son, Edwin, who lives on the old homestead, and a daughter, Mrs. Mylan
Ayers of Rock Stream.
From Victor Herald 3 August 1900
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - The funeral services of the late Jerry
who died at Hopewell last Friday, were held at Van Aken's
undertaking rooms, Sunday afternoon, the Rev. T. C. Carson officiating.
Mr. Chapman
had been sexton of our village cemetery, and in compliance with his
expressed desire, his remains were sent for and interred beside those
his wife. He was 97 years of age, and for the last year has been very
He was a native of England, born near Yarmouth, and emigrated to this
in 1850. He leaves an aged brother here, and a grandson, a resident of
From Victor Herald 18 October 1901
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - John Chapman died after a long illness
Saturday evening, at the age of 80 years. He was a native of England
from near Yarmouth, and resided here for twenty-eight years. He is
survived by his wife and a brother in England. The funeral services
were held at his late home Monday afternoon, Rev. H. B. Mason
Geneva Gazette 14 April 1876
Fatal Accident at Hopewell - On Wednesday evening of last week,
our community received the startling news of the injury by the kick of
a horse, of our old friend, Lewis W. Chapman, a lifelong
resident of the town of Hopewell, in this county. The circumstances of
the injury were these: On Wednesday at about 5 p.m., Mr. Chapman
went out to his barn to take care of his stock. Leading a young
to the spring to drink, he returned to the barn yard, and there, it is
supposed, the colt in a playful antic kicked or struck
him on the head just back of the ear, and fractured his skull.
But a short time after leaving the house, Mr. Chapman returned to
the house, when was met by his wife, who inquired "what ailed him." He
replied, "I can never tell," when he became immediately unconscious.
Friends and neighbors soon arrived, and Doctors Van Vleet of
Shortsville, and Crittenden of Clifton Springs, were
soon in attendance. Dr. J. T. Smith of this village was called
on Thursday, and performed an operation, but without avail. Mr.
Chapman lingered in an unconscious state until Friday morning.
The funeral of Mr. Chapman took place at the residence on Monday, at 1
p.m., and was attended by a vast concourse of friends and neighbors.
The services were conducted by Rev. E. Corbin, of Clifton
Springs, assisted by Rev. Dr. Saxe and
Rev. Geo. W. Montgomery, of Rochester.
Lewis W. Chapman, the deceased, was born on the same farm where he met
his death, on the 8th day of June, 1818. He was the son of Dennis
Chapman, one of the early settlers of the town of Hopewell, who died in
March, 1831. Lewis W.
was married to Rebecca Jones, daughter of Judge Amos Jones, March 28th,
1839. He leaves three daughters, Mary C., the wife of David
Thatcher of Oak Park, near Chicago, Lucy E., wife of Theodore Henry of
Abilene, Kansas, and Emily L., wife of Spencer Redfield, living upon
the homestead. Deceased leaves one brother, Philo B. Chapman of
Hopewell, and two sisters, Mrs. Austin Archer and Mrs. Nelson Henry of
Hopewell. The decease of Lewis Chapman has spread a deep gloom
over the neighborhood, as he was universally esteemed by all his
neighbors as a perfect man and a model farmer.
Canandaigua Repos.
From Geneva Daily Times 26 July 1907
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Philo D. Chapman, a lifelong resident of the
town of Hopewell, died at his home yesterday afternoon at the age of 82
years. He was an honored citizen and enjoyed the respect of his
townsmen. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. John Ladd, of Victor.
From Geneva Daily Times 29 March 1905
Rushville, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Salinda Chapman, wife
her home north of this village Sunday
evening. Mrs. Chapman was 83 years of age and had been ill but a week.
Those surviving her are her husband, three sons and one daughter,
George and Edward of this place, Frank of Rochester, and Mrs. M. H.
Ayers of Barnes, who was with her at the time of her death. The funeral
was held at the home this afternoon. Rev. E. A. Hazeltine officiated.
Burial was in Baldwin Corners cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 22 January 1886
Bristol, N. Y. - The funeral of Thomas Chapman, of
Canandaigua, was held at the Congregational church, on Sunday, Jan. 17.
Mr. Chapman was a former resident of this town and leaves a large
circle of friends and relatives.
From Geneva Daily Times 15 February 1904
Gorham, N. Y. - Mrs. William Chapman died of epilepsy Thursday
evening at 7 o'clock, aged fifty-five.
From Ontario County Journal 11 February 1898
Stanley, N. Y. - William Charlton was found dead in his bed on
Saturday morning, Feb. 5, by his son, John. The funeral was held at his
late residence on Tuesday. Services were conducted by Rev. A. B.
Temple, with interment in No. Nine cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 3 February 1897
Mrs. Wm. Charlton, who died at Stanley yesterday,
is well-known in Geneva, having many relatives here. Mrs. Charlton
expired yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock, of dropsy, her age was
69 years, 10 months and 23 days. She leaves, besides her husband, one
son, John R. Charlton. Joseph Hutchinson, who resides north of Geneva,
is her brother. She was a niece of Mrs. Wm. Darling of Bradford street.
The funeral will be held on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock at the
family residence, Stanley, interment will be made at No. 9 cemetery,
Rev. Mr. Temple officiating.
From Geneva Daily Times 27 August 1907
Andrew F. Chartres, aged 54, died at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon
at his home, No. 120 East North street. The deceased is survived by
three sons, Pierce F. Chartres of New York, John J. and James A. of
this city.
From Geneva Daily Times 16 July 1906
Mrs. Margaret Chartres, wife of Andrew W. Chartres, of 120 East
North street, died at the City Hospital at 8:30 o'clock last evening.
Death was due to rheumatism, which three months ago was but a light
attack, moving slowly but gradually from the arms
to the lower extremities. On Friday it reached the spinal column and
thence the brain. The deceased is survived by her husband, three sons,
Pierce F., John J., and James A., all of this city; and by two brothers
and three sisters: Joseph Costello of Chicago; Martin Costello of
Mrs. Thomas Gaffney of Boston; Mrs. John Towers of Yonkers, and Mrs.
Cleary of this city. Mrs. Chartres was a communicant of St. Francis de
Sales church, a member of the Holy Rosary Society and of the Catholic
and Benefit Association.
From Ontario County Chronicle 6 August 1902
Manchester, N. Y. - Mrs. A. R. Chase, who for many years conducted
the store at Manchester Center, died on Wednesday morning, aged 74
years. Her death had been expected for some time as she had been
suffering with consumption for several months. Mrs. Charles Powell has
purchased the stock of groceries and will continue the business for the
From Geneva Daily Times 18 August 1908
Mrs. Cornelia Dennison Chase, aged 64 years, died this morning at
9 o'clock at the family residence in Oaks Corners. She is survived by
her husband, Charles Chase; one son, George W. Chase; one daughter,
Mrs. Sadie E. Mason; three sisters, Miss Sarah A. Dennison of Oaks
Corners, Mrs. Caroline M. Schell of this city, and Mrs. Hannah Southard
of Sandy Hill. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 3
o'clock. Rev. Mr. Sutton will officiate and burial will be made at
From Geneva Daily Times 8 January 1904
Gorham, N. Y. - Mrs. Elizabeth Chase died at her home this morning
aged 86 years. She was a great sufferer for a year, being confined to
her bed from disease and old age. She was the widow of Nathaniel Chase,
who died a number of years ago. They had always lived in this vicinity
and were people highly respected. Funeral Saturday at one o'clock from
the residence.
From Ontario County Journal 15 July 1881
Mrs. Emma J. Chase, wife of William H. Chase, of this village,
died very suddenly at her residence on Sunday morning last. Mrs. Chase
had been ill for about three months, and her disease lately had merged
into what her physician called a nervous difficulty, but she was
supposed to be improving. She had been subject to sinking, or fainting,
spells at times, from which it was very difficult to arouse her, and
with one of which she was taken on Sunday. Her husband said he would go
for the doctor, and hurried from the house, leaving Mrs. Chase in the
care of the nurse; but it was to be of no avail, for after breathing
but a few times, she sank back as peacefully as if going to sleep -- a
corpse. She leaves
two children, the youngest an infant. The funeral services were held
at the residence last Tuesday afternoon, Rev. C. E. Hiscox, of whose
she was a member, officiating.
From Ontario County Journal 19 October 1883
Mrs. Homer Chase died last Tuesday morning, at 4 o'clock. She was
sick with measles, and other complications set in which resulted
fatally. She was an estimable lady, the daughter of John L. Johnson,
and her death will be mourned by a large circle of friends.
From Geneva Daily Times 26 June 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Irene Chase took place from the home
of her parents, north of this city, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Rev.
Charles DeWoody officiated. Interment was in the Dobbins cemetery.
From Canandaigua Chronicle 14 February 1906
On Friday, Feb. 9, the death occurred of Thomas Crocker Chase at
Mrs. W. Thomas Rupert, in Gibson street. Mr.
Chase was aged about 67 years and has been a sufferer from locomotor
ataxia for ten or twelve years. He was formerly a prominent citizen of
Avoca, but has resided with his daughter, Mrs. Rupert, for the past six
years. Mr. Chase is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Rupert of
this village, Miss Clara L. Chase, Hornellsville; and two sons, C. C.
Chase of Linwood, N. Y., and N. B. Chase of Newark. Funeral services
were conducted at the Rupert home on Sunday afternoon by Rev. Louis
Sweet, and the burial was in Avoca Monday morning.
From Geneva Courier March 17 1875
On Monday, Walter Chase, an old resident of the Town of Phelps
for the past six years a resident of
this town, died very suddenly. He, in company with his sons, were
at work in the woods drawing logs. Mr. Chase has started with his
team and a log on his sleigh to leave the woods when having gone but a
few rods he was observed to fall upon his knees. His sons
immediately went to him but he was dead when they reached him.
Heart disease is the suspected cause of his death.
From Ontario County Chronicle 7 August 1901
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Thursday afternoon at his home two miles
south of this village, occurred the death of William H. Chase, aged
his wife, three sons, J. H. and R. D. Chase
of this place and William of Buffalo, one brother, Dr. John Chase of
Geneseo, N. Y.; and a sister, Mrs. Calvin Davidson of this place.
From Geneva Daily Times 20 October 1916
Rushville, N. Y. - Mrs. Martha Cheesbro died Tuesday
afternoon at her home, two miles southeast of this village, aged 87
years. She was born in the town of Potter, a daughter of George and
Olive Swarthout Winants. With the exception of a few years spent at
Naples, after her marriage to Henry Cheesbro, sixty years ago, she had
lived in this region. Her husband died in 1903. She leaves one son,
Henry Cheesbro, who lived with his mother; and one daughter, Mrs. John
Cole of Gorham; one nephew, George Blodgett of Rushville; and one niece
Mrs. R. A. Mather of Canandaigua.
From Geneva Daily Times 17 January 1905
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Yesterday was held the funeral of Edward
Cheney of Canandaigua, who died Friday at his home between
Canandaigua and Chapinville. Mr. Cheney's death was from pneumonia. His
age was seventy years. He leaves a son and a daughter.
From Ontario County Journal 30 November 1888
Hon. Henry O. Chesebro, who was at one time one of the most
prominent figures in the legal fraternity in this section died at his
residence in this village at one o'clock last Sunday morning. The
deceased was sixty-six years of age and he had spent the most of his
life in this village, the place of his birth. In 1867 he was a member
of the constitutional convention, and the only public position he ever
held was that of Harbor Master of New York, a position to which he was
appointed by Governor Robinson in 1879. When in active practice of his
profession, he was recognized as one of its leaders. With a mind well
stored with legal knowledge, he was ever
quick to grasp the points and solve the legal problems presented in his
Ill health compelled him to give up the law previous to his appointment
Harbor Master. The deceased leaves a wife, and a son, Frank W.
Chesebro, junior partner of the firm of Chapin & Chesebro.
From Geneva Daily Times 13 September 1897
Mrs. Elizabeth Chestnut, of this city, aged about 50 years, died
shortly before 8 o'clock this morning, at the Homeopathic hospital in
Rochester. Mrs. Chestnut was taken ill last June with aggravated
stomach troubles. Her physician advised her a month ago that she could
not live in her then condition, and advised her to have an operation
performed, in which event her life might be saved. Accordingly, on
Wednesday, Sept. 1st, she was taken to Rochester where the operation
was performed the following day. Since then Mrs. Chestnut has suffered.
Death relieved her this morning. Mrs. Chestnut's husband, who was a dry
goods merchant at Ovid, died 12 years ago. She was a daughter of the
late W. H. Dunning, and a sister of Mrs. E. N. Squires, of this city.
Mrs. Squires went to Rochester this morning to bring the remains to
this city today for burial.
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 12 May 1869
Mr. Enos Childs, an old resident of Hopewell, died very
suddenly at his residence, on Thursday, April 29th. He had
been splitting wood, and feeling unwell went into the house and laid
down, and in a few minutes was dead. He was 78 years of age.
From Ontario County Journal 26 November 1897
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - The funeral of Mrs. Mahala
Childs, wife of L. H. Childs, took place in the presence of a
large gathering of friends at the Congregational church on Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Deceased was but 38 years of age, and her death
was very unexpected. She was honored and beloved by a large circle of
friends. The funeral services were solemn, simple and impressive, and
were conducted by the pastor of the deceased. Rev. M. L. Stimson, the
officiating clergyman, spoke feelingly of the many womanly traits and
rare virtues of the deceased. A quartette composed of Mrs. J. S.
Hamlin, Mrs. Frank Munson, E. W. Page and A. T. Adams rendered "Jesus,
Savior, Pilot Me," "Mother, Dear Jerusalem," "Faith, What Ere of
Earthly Bliss," in an impressive manner. The pulpit was banked with
flowers which spoke silently of the high regard in which Mrs. Childs
was held. She was a woman of many good qualities of mind and amiability
of character. She leaves, besides a husband, three children of tender
From Geneva Daily Times 16 December 1904
Sarah M. Childs, widow of Gilbert M.
Childs, died at 1 o'clock this morning at her home in Seneca
Castle, aged seventy-four years. The deceased has been a lifelong
resident in the vicinity. The funeral will take place Monday
morning at 10 o'clock from the Methodist Episcopal church of Seneca
Castle. Burial will be in the Whitney cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 20 December 1904
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah M. Childs was held from the
Presbyterian church yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Howard
Cornell officiated, assisted by Rev. W. H. Sanford. Sarah McGregor was
born in the town of Phelps in 1830. Her father and mother, Henry and
Sybil McCoy McGregor, were as their names indicate, sturdy Scotch
people. She was the fifth in a family of eight brothers and sisters,
Cynthia, Seneca, Charlotte, Willard, Sarah,
Elizabeth, Mary, Nelson. At the age of nineteen she was married to
M. Childs and came to Seneca Castle. Of Mr. Childs it might well
be said, "He bore without reproach the good old-fashioned name of
gentleman." Her married life, with the exception of a couple of years,
was spent here. Their only daughter, Mary, in whom their hopes were
centered, died at fifteen years of age, and the blow was one from which
neither parent ever fully
recovered. Since the death of her beloved husband, her life has been
incomplete, she survived him by only a little over four years. Aunt
for there were few who did not call her that, was one of nature's
Upright and generous in her manners, pure and unselfish in her life,
is no one whom her life has touched who does not mourn with us today
we are to meet her on earth no more. Mrs. Childs is survived by one
Mrs. Elizabeth McGrady, and by a number of nieces and nephews. For
years her health had not been the best. Recently she had not been so
but seemed improving when the end came.
From Geneva Daily Times 14 January 1910
Mrs. William Childs of Seneca Castle died last night about 11:30
o'clock at the family resident. She was 51 years old. She leaves three
sons, Edward, Joseph and Frederick and one daughter, Mrs. Kellogg
Badgley of this city. Burial Whitney Cemetery.
From Ontario County Chronicle 22 April 1903
Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Levy Chilson expired at midnight
Saturday last. She is mourned by her husband and one son, Roy, and
three daughters.
From Geneva Daily Times 5 January 1907
Shortsville, N. Y. - At 3 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs.
widow of Lote Chilson, died at her home in Farmington,
aged 61 years. She had been ill about two weeks and death followed an
operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Chilson, whose maiden name was
Cheeseborough, was born in the town of Farmington, and had spent most
of her life in this section. She is survived by three sons and one
daughter, William
Chilson of Victor; Raymond Chilson of Palmyra; Corporal Chilson of
Farmington, and Mrs. Sidney Collett of Farmington; also by one brother
and one sister, John G. Cheeseborough of Michigan, and Mrs. Thomas
Carpenter of Newark.
From Ontario County Times 3 February 1864
Edward Reeve Chipman, died of small pox, December 11, 1863, in
Hospital, at Washington, D. C., in the 26th year of his age. He was the
only surviving son of Wilhelmus Mynderse Chipman, who returned to this
place, where he had formerly resided, and entered into the business of
a druggist in 1846; in 1848 was made a Deacon of the Congregational
church here; and was known among us as an intelligent, active and
useful citizen, till his death, March 14, 1856. Edward was born here
August 16, 1838.
As a boy, he was unusually thoughtful and studious. Before coming of
and while employed as a clerk, he had a passion for books, and for some
particularly that were of the highest character. Butler's Anthology
him deeply; and on a winter's evening, he would spend hours in a cold
with a shawl over his shoulders, reading Robert Hall. We regretted that
he could not have the large opportunities for education that seem to be
lavished unsuitably on many others. In November, 1856, he joined the
Congregational church on profession of his faith in Christ, and by his
diligence and
fidelity has seemed to be carrying out the wishes of his deceased
and widowed mother. In 1859 he went to Madison, Wis., and engaged upon
the study of law, in the office of Messrs. Welsh and Lamb, where
continued till the war broke out, when he enlisted as a private, May
1861, in the 2d Wisconsin Regiment, Co. H., and in a few weeks was made
Corporal. As such, he bore his part in the first disastrous battle of
Bull Run. "In the confusion of the flight, while he sought the
a wounded man called to him for aid. He tried to get the man on his
succeeded and staggered a few paces, when the man thanked him and told
him to go on, for he could not carry him. He reached the Hospital and
his services in caring for the wounded, notwithstanding his exhausted
for he was ill when he went into the battle; thus did what he could
all were obliged to leave or be taken prisoners; marched all night
through the rain; in the confusion, could not find his own regiment; at
length got some relief from a Hospital, but no place to lie down, till
some soldiers of an Indiana Regiment, by crowding, made room for him by
their fire, where he slept the sleep of exhaustion for many hours,
awaking stiff and sore." "After this he was taken into the field
hospital as an assistant, in which position he was at the battle of
Cedar Mountain, where the bullets fell
thickly while he was caring for the wounded and conveying them from the
field on stretchers, but he was unharmed, and said he never felt a
His cheerful, ever ready kindness, and happy trait of making the best
everything, endeared him to his associates. After much varied
he went to Washington, sick and worn out, where he was kindly cared for
Dr. Bunell, and assisted to obtain a place in the regular army, as
at Staunton Hospital, newly built, where his excellent management and
habits attracted the attention of the medical Directors, who gave him
clerkship in their department, which he held at the time of his death.
office seemed to enable him, for the first time, to provide a home for
mother and sister residing here, and chiefly dependent on him; and
at his urgent desire, and for their mutual convenience, they went to
only a month before he was stricken down by a disease incurred in the
discharge of his duties. The news of his death fell sadly on many
here, not only in view of his youth and worth, "the only son of his
and she was a widow," -- but in sympathy with those dear ones so
gathered in "a happy though humble home," now mourning their "strong
broken." It has seemed to us one of the most painful among the many
of Providence, that such a young man should die at such a time. We bear
willing tribute to his Christian manliness and patriotism; we invoke on
sorrowing survivors the blessings of the God of the widow, and the
of the Fatherless.
From Geneva Advertiser 5 April 1904
At her home in Geneva April 2, 1904, Christina Ann King, widow
Chipps. She was born in Roxbury Township, Morris
Co., State of New Jersey, Nov. 14, 1832. Mrs. Chipps possessed a
beautiful character, a well-balanced mind and excellent judgment. She
was very domestic in her tastes, making few new friends but cherishing
her old ones to an unusual degree. In early life she united with the
Baptist Church, but had attended the North Presbyterian Church for many
years. To the very last Mrs. Chipps retained a keen interest in the
news of the day. She was a daily reader of the Bible, and was so
well-versed in the scriptures that she was able to turn to almost any
passage in a few moments. She is survived by one son, Clarkson K., and
by two daughters, Mary L. and Mrs. William G. Dove, all residents of
Geneva, and by an elder sister, Mrs. Margaret Mandeville of New
Jersey. Burial Glenwood Cemetery
From Geneva Daily Times 13 February 1896
The death of Mrs. Lillian Young Chitry, wife of William
Chitry, the Seneca street merchant, occurred at 10:30 o'clock yesterday
morning, under very sad circumstances. She had been sick for about two
months and a severe sufferer, and had been
unable to leave her room since New Year's day. She was the daughter
of Benjamin F. Young of Bath. The remains, accompanied by the husband
and sister, Miss Helen Young, were taken to Bath this morning, where
the funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon.
From Geneva Daily Times 5 June 1944
Samuel C. Christensen, aged 59, of White Springs Road, died
suddenly at his home late yesterday afternoon. He was a member of St.
Peter's Episcopal Church and of the local Carpenters' Union. He was
employed by F. S. Harrison. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Ruth
Hutchinson of Stanley, Alice and Betty Christensen, both at home; six
brothers, Chris of Buffalo, August and Lawrence of Elmhurst, Ill., and
three brothers in Denmark; his mother and two sisters, also of Denmark;
and one grandchild. The funeral is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at
2:30 o'clock from St. Peter's Church. Rev. Howard H. Hassinger, rector,
will officiate, and burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. Friends
may call at Bennett Funeral Home.
From Ontario County Times 5 October 1887
Mr. Asbury Christian, a well-known resident of this village, died
on Monday, October 3d, at 2 o'clock a.m. He was born in the town of
Phillip, Putnam county, N. Y., on the 24th of February, 1803, came to
this county on the 26th of August, 1826, and had lived her continuous
since then, with the exception of one year, when he resided in the city
of Rochester. He came here a poor boy, with his ax on his shoulder, and
hewed his way to success, and left a competency for his wife and two
grandchildren, his only heirs. His funeral will be attended at 2
o'clock this afternoon. His funeral will be attended at 2 o'clock this
afternoon from his late residence on Howell street.
From Ontario County Times 18 May 1864
On Tuesday, the 10th instant, Frank A. Christian, Esq., of
this place, was drowned while fishing in Canandaigua Lake. It appears
that he went out in the forenoon and proceeded a mile or two up the
lake, where he was joined by Rejoice Beeman, who was also on a fishing
excursion. Mr. B. remained near him until about 1 o'clock, when he
returned to the shore, while Mr. Christian continued his sport, heading
towards home. The wind was then rising, and the lake becoming
dangerously rough. Towards
night Mr. Beeman observed an empty boat about eighty rods from shore,
and immediately went out and secured it. When found it was full of
The oars were in their proper places, and a fish line was also found in
it. Subsequently the boat was identified by its owner as the one in
Mr. Christian went out in the morning. Failing to return to his home at
night as was his custom, his protracted absence excited much anxiety
alarm among his friends and the next morning inquiries were made which
led to a disclosure of the facts as above stated. These left no room to
doubt that the unfortunate man had been drowned. Efforts were made to
the body, but without success. It is not improbable, however, that it
yet rise to the surface and wash ashore. Mr. Christian was the last
child of a respectable and wealthy farmer living in the north part of
this town. He was a lawyer by profession, about twenty-eight years old,
and regarded as a young man of estimable character and much promise.
He leaves a wife and two small children to mourn his sad and untimely
From Ontario County Times 8 June 1864
The body of F. A. Christian, Esq., who was drowned about
three weeks since in Canandaigua Lake, was recovered on Friday 3d
instant. It was first discovered by a boy while fishing; about twelve
rods from
shore, near Lincoln's boathouse on the east side. When found, the
was in an upright position, with the arms raised over the head in such
a way as to indicate that the unfortunate man had been drowned while
an unsuccessful effort to remove his coat. The remains were brought to
this village and deposited in the Town House, where they were
identified. The funeral took place at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
From Ontario County Journal 9 September 1881
Rushville, N. Y. - Mr. David Christie of this village, died last
Sunday, Oct. 2, 1881, aged 66 years, 5 months and 12 days. He was sick
just one week. He was born
on what is called the Christie farm in Middlesex in 1815, has resided
in his native town the greater portion of his life, serving
his town as supervisor and in other positions of trust. Mr. Christie
was an active leader in every public interest, a good citizen, a
staunch Republican, and a man of much influence in this locality. His
who is at present very sick, and his only son have the sympathy of
many friends.
From Canandaigua Chronicle 21 February 1906
Rushville, N. Y. - Mrs. Anne Chrysler, aged 78 years, died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Eddy, Friday, Feb. 16, of
consumption. Her husband, Martin Chrysler was buried on Christmas day.
Three children, two daughters, Mrs. E. G. Eddy and Mrs. Osmond Wood of
this place; and one son, Alexander of Middlesex, survive her. The
funeral services were held at one o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Eddy, Rev. E. A. Hazeltine officiating. Burial
was in the Overackers cemetery.
From Ontario County Chronicle 16 January 1901
Phelps, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. George Church occurred
husband, Dr. Church, at Oak's Corners, Wednesday
afternoon. Deceased was 31 years of age and leaves besides her husband
two children, five sisters and her mother. The cause of her death was
cerebral hemorrhage. Interment was made at Waterloo.
From Geneva Daily Times 31 March 1902
Dr. George Church of Oaks Corners, one of the oldest and
best-known physicians of this section, died at 4:30 o'clock yesterday
morning at the residence of his sister,
Mrs. G. M. Dickinson, 31 Genesee street, aged 61 years.
The deceased had practiced medicine at Oaks Corners for 30 years.
Dr. Church formerly resided in Geneva. He
read medicine with Dr. N. B. Covert and afterwards studied and
graduated with honor from Ann Arbor medical college. The deceased
was twice married. He is survived by four children:
Mrs. Harry Angevine of Battle Creek, Mich.; Miss Gertrude
Church of Clifton Springs; Selma Church of Orleans; and Nelson Church
of Halls Corners; by two sisters, Mrs. Vincent Reed of Oaks Corners,
and Mrs. Dickinson of this city. The remains will
be taken to Oaks Corners tomorrow afternoon. The funeral will
take place from the Oaks Corners Presbyterian church at 2:30 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon.
From Geneva Daily Times 5 February 1909
Gillman Church, aged 82 years, died yesterday afternoon at 5
o'clock at the home of his son, W. H. Church of No. 11 Main street. The
deceased was born in Toronto, Canada, but came to the states in his
youth and made his home in this vicinity the remainder of his life. The
funeral will take place from the house at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Rev. W. K. Towner will officiate and burial will be made in the
cemetery at Oaks Corners.
From Geneva Daily Times 5 March 1910
A telegram received here this afternoon announced the death of John
of 844 South Main street of this city at the home of
Baird Snyder, a relative, in Lansford, Pa., where Mr. Church had been
visiting for a short time. The telegram gave no details but stated that
death came at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. Church had been for many years a
resident of this city and was among Geneva's prominent and well-known
citizens. After he came here in 1884 he engaged in the coal business,
but for some time has been living in retirement. He was 76 years of
age. The deceased is survived by his wife and one son, Philip Schuyler
Church, the latter a student at Hobart College. The funeral will take
place Monday at 1:30 o'clock at Pottsville, Pa., the former home of Mr.
Church and burial will be in the Charles Baber Cemetery at that place.
From Geneva Daily Times 29 April 1904
The death of Mrs. Sylvania Church, aged eighty years, a
resident of the town of Geneva for the past year, occurred yesterday
afternoon, the cause of death being general debility. Previous to
coming to Geneva, Mrs. Church lived in Clyde. She is survived by her
husband, James E. Church, and two daughters, Mrs. E. A. Palmer and Mrs.
C. E. Dennington, both of this city. The funeral will be held from the
house at 10:30 Monday morning. Rev. C. E. Jewell will officiate and the
body will be taken to Clyde where burial will be made.
From Geneva Daily Times 29 December 1906
Rev. William H. Church, an old resident in this vicinity and a
veteran of the 126th New York Volunteers, was buried on December 22 in
the Pine Grove cemetery, north of the city. Mr. Church died on Dec. 19
at the home his daughter, Mrs. George M. Horton, of No. 205
Hudson street, Syracuse. He was born in New York on October 19th, 1830,
and removed with his parents to Phelps in his early childhood. He
received his education in the common schools at Ovid, and at
Canandaigua. After enlisting with the 126th, he served three years in
the war and participated in many battles, including Gettysburg. Soon
after the close of the
war he entered the ministry and filled the following pastorates: East
Steamburg, Breesport, North Wolcott, Conquest, Palermo and Syracuse. Burial
From Geneva Daily Times 9 July 1907
The funeral of Miss Daisy Edna Churchill was held
yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home of her mother, Mrs.
of No. 121 Exchange street, and at 3 o'clock
from the First Baptist church, Rev. W. K. Towner, pastor, officiated.
The survivors are, besides her mother, two brothers, Vernon Churchill
and Earl Churchill, and one sister, Pearl. The bearers were Henry
Spears, Theodore Archer, George Hennessey, Jacob Long, Clarence Cogan,
and Harry Roach. The honorary bearers were Violet Goodwin, Mrs. James
Eaton, Mrs. Jacob Long, Mrs. Carl Rappalee, Miss Ella Frank and Miss
Mildred Rogers. Burial Glenwood Cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 27 May 1902
Edward S. Churchill
died at 6:45 o'clock last evening, at his late residence, 119
Exchange street, aged 40 years. The deceased was born in Auburn,
where he learned the moulders' trade. He came to Geneva 17 years
ago. Here he was employed at the Phillips & Clark stove
works. During the later years of his life, he was a member of the
local iron
moulders' union. He is survived by his wife, his father, James V.
Churchill of Auburn; two brothers, John and William Churchill,
both of Auburn; two daughters, Daisy and Pearl, and
two sons, Vernon and Earl, all of this city. The funeral will be
at the house at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Rev. Charles
DeWoody officiating. Interment will be in Glenwood cemetery.
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