"Bos" to "Boz" Obituaries
From Ontario County Journal 22 May 1896
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Daniel R. Bostwick, aged 80 years, died
at his home on Sunday afternoon, after an illness of only a few hours.
The funeral services were held from his late residence on Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. M. L. Stimson officiating. Interment
was in the Rice cemetery.
From Geneva Gazette 16 September 1887
Mrs. Jennie Bostwick died Saturday night last at her new
(Clifton Springs). Her demise was sudden and most
About ten days previously she gave birth to her first child, and to
a few hours of her death was convalescing finely from the travails of
maternity. Her death therefore is all the more shocking and
inconsolable to the bereaved husband, parents and friends. Mrs.
Bostwick was a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Hall of Hall's Corners, and was a
general favorite of a multitude of young acquaintances, and the idol of
a loving husband and fond parents. Her death makes a void which
earth cannot fill. Her funeral took place from the Presbyterian
Church in Seneca on Tuesday last and was very largely attended. A
sad circumstance incident to the solemn occasion was the absence of the
bereaved father, who is confined to his house by severe illness.
May our Heavenly Father temper this afflictive dispensation to the
sorrowing ones by a manifestation of Divine love.
From Ontario County Journal 7 April 1899
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - William Bostwick, a lifelong
resident of this town, died on Saturday, April 1, after a lingering
illness. A wife and five children, two sons and three daughters,
survive him. The funeral was held from his late resident on Tuesday.
From Geneva Daily Times 25 January 1915
Phelps, N. Y. - At her home in Exchange street, Saturday, occurred
the death of Mrs. Cleopatra Boswell, after a long period of
ill health, at the age of 73 years. Mrs. Boswell, who was born at Port
Gibson, came
to Phelps in childhood and had spent practically her whole life in this
community. Her husband, Frank G. Boswell, at one time a postmaster in
died about twenty-two years ago. A son, Frank G., and a grandson, Lloyd
Boswell, are the only near surviving relatives. The funeral will be
at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the house, Rev. C. C. McLean,
of the Presbyterian church, conducting the services. Burial will be in
Phelps Cemetery.
From Ontario County Chronicle 30 October 1901
Daniel I. Boswell, a well known citizen of Canandaigua, died at
his home in Bristol street early Friday morning, October 26, aged
68 years. Death was due to an injury sustained several weeks ago. In
that accident his right ankle and foot were so seriously crushed that
it was necessary to to perform an amputation, from which he never
The deceased was a veteran of the Civil War and a highly esteemed
of the Albert M. Murray Post, GAR, the members of which attended in a
the funeral, which was held Sunday afternoon. The deceased is survived
a wife and four sons, Ralph, Zachariah, John and Harold.
From Geneva Gazette 27 May 1881
With regard to the death of Frank, son of ex-Sheriff Boswell
of Canandaigua, the following particulars are ascertained: About 5
1/2 o'clock Friday morning, one of the justices of sessions in
attendance at court, was taking a walk on upper Main street, and
discovered the body of a man lying in
the gutter. On removal it was found to be Frank Boswell. He had
evidently fallen from or been knocked from the crossing into the
gutter in which, from appearance, there could not have been more than
18 inches of water. Mr. Boswell left the hotel about 11 o'clock
for his home in the northeast part of the village. Why he should have
been in the opposite direction and crossing the street
where he was found, cannot be surmised. He was found just as he
had apparently fallen, his hands in his overcoat pockets and his
face down. Either he was stunned in the fall or violence was used,
though there is no evidence that he was robbed. At the time the body
was found the water had subsided so as to leave about six inches.
From Geneva Daily Times 23 April 1897
Mrs. Frank G. Boswell
Phelps, N. Y. - Last evening about nine
o'clock, Frank G. Boswell went home and discovered his wife dead
in bed. The last he saw of her alive was about 5 o'clock when he
left home to see some friends at the Crown Drill Works. He came home
about six o'clock and got his own supper, as he supposed his wife
had gone to her mother's house, where she had taken their young child
early in the afternoon. In the evening he went up town and on his
arrival home found her dead in a spare bedroom as related above. He
ran for Dr. Howe, who found upon examination that she had been dead
four or five hours. Coroner Archer of Clifton Springs was sent for, but
could not be found. She was subject to fainting spells and it is not
as yet whether her death was due to one of them or to poison. When Dr.
Howe arrived at the house he found an empty chloroform bottle at the
foot of the bed in which Mrs. Boswell lay and a four ounce bottle of
of which only a little had been taken out. The following note was also
"Frank - I am tired of this all. The end must come.
Early in the afternoon when Boswell was talking of going to the Crown
Drill works, his wife did not wish him to go and locked both doors so
he could not get out. After a short time he got out of the back door
but his wife ran out the front door and stopped him in the yard. He
went back with her and stayed in the
house a little while. Then he went out the rear door and reached the
Crown Drill shop by the back way. Mrs. Boswell was the only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Laughlin and was married about a year and a half
ago. She leaves a young son about six months old. She was very popular
in Phelps and a graduate in the class of '94 from the Union school.
Wednesday night, accompanied by her mother, she attended the minstrel
in which her husband was one of the principal participants and appeared
to enjoy the performance.
From Ontario County Chronicle 3 April 1901
Shortsville, N. Y. - Many were surprised here last week to hear
of the death of Harry Boswell, commonly called Schlick, who
went to school here many years, until two years ago, when he with his
mother, Mrs. Henry Schlick, and step-father, moved to Naples, this
county. Harry was subject to fits and this finally caused his demise.
From Ontario County Chronicle 22 August 1900
Mrs. Nathaniel R. Boswell, a well-known and esteemed resident of
Canandaigua, died at her home in Chapin street, early yesterday
morning, aged 69 years. About a year ago Mrs. Boswell suffered from
a stroke of paralysis, from which she never recovered. A few months ago
she had another stroke which finally caused her death. The deceased was
widely known throughout Ontario county. She leaves four children,
William, Dora and Mrs. Charles Smith of this village, and Nathaniel R.,
of Buffalo. The funeral will be held from the family residence
tomorrow, Thursday afternoon, at 4 o'clock.
From Ontario County Journal 1 December 1899
The death of Nathaniel Roe Boswell occurred at his home on
Chapin street last Sunday afternoon at 5:15 o'clock, after a lingering
illness from a complication of diseases. He had been confined to his
bed for about three weeks, but prior to that and since the time of his
injury on a defective sidewalk some years ago, he had been in poor
health. Deceased was born in Union, Broome county, in April, 1826, and
when a lad of 14, his parents removed to Ontario county. Early in life
he became the proprietor of a hotel at Cheshire, in this town, which he
conducted for some years. From 1858 until 1868, he managed a hotel at
Shortsville, during which time he served the town of Manchester as
collector and constable. Returning to Canandaigua in 1868, he purchased
the Washington hotel, and was its proprietor for a term of years. He
leased the Webster House in 1883, and continued in the management
thereof until 1887, when he removed to the Ontario House, which he
conducted until that famous old hostelry was torn down in January,
1895, to make room for the present handsome Hallenbeck block. Mr.
Boswell was a lifelong Democrat, and in 1873 was honored by his party
in the nomination for sheriff to which office he was elected and which
he held for one term. Mr. Boswell has also served the town as
constable, serving in that capacity, altogether, twenty years, and as a
member of the board of health and as assessor. He was one of the oldest
members of the local Masonic lodge. His experience as a hotel
proprietor extended over a term of more than 30 years, and he was one
of the best known hotel men in this part of the state.
Besides his widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. W. Smith
and Miss Dora E. Boswell, of this village, and two sons, William P., of
this place, and Nathaniel R. Boswell of Rochester. A sister, Mrs. Sarah
Mason, of Buffalo, and two brothers, Daniel I. and John Boswell, of
this village, also survive. The funeral services were held at the late
home of the deceased on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. John Q.
Adams offered prayer and the remainder of the service was conducted by
the Masonic lodge. Burial was in Woodlawn cemetery.
From Ontario Repository & Messenger 14 November 1866
Mr. William Boswell, a citizen of this place, died very suddenly
at his residence on Beeman Street, last Tuesday afternoon. He was at
the polls on election day, and after voting he went home to attend to
some work, apparently in the enjoyment of usual health. Soon after he
was stricken down and almost immediately expired. Mr. Boswell was 69
years of age. His sudden death is attributed to heart disease.
From Geneva Daily Times 5 October 1908
Canandaigua, N. Y. - Mrs. William Boswell died at her home on
Chaplin street, Friday night. Mrs. Boswell was born in Geneva, and came
to Canandaigua to live when 14 years old. Her age was 54 years. She
leaves her husband, an aged mother, Mrs. George W. Fisher; one
daughter, Mrs. John Daley, and one son, Frank Boswell.
From Ontario County Journal 2 March 1883
Our citizens will be pained to hear of the death yesterday morning
of Charles L. Bottum, of Canandaigua, father of Mrs. Mark J.
Bunnell. Mr. Bottum was for some years a resident of Dansville, and by
his warm social character and business enterprise won the esteem of
many. Two of Mr. Bottum's sons were buried in our cemetery some years
since, and last year he buried his brother there. It is expected that
his remains will be brought here this evening for interment. Dansville
From Ontario County Journal 6 November 1896
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - Augustus Boughton, one of the
oldest farmers of this town, died at his home about two mile north of
the station, on Tuesday morning, after an illness lasting 18 months.
Mr. Boughton was born in the town of Victor in 1824, and removed to
this place about 50 years ago, upon the farm where he has since lived
until the time of his death. Besides a widow, the following children
survive him: Mrs. Edgar Norton, Dwight Boughton and Frederick Boughton.
The funeral was held at his late home on Thursday at 2 o'clock, Rev. M.
L. Stimson of East Bloomfield and the Rev. M. Hudnutt of Victor
officiating. Interment at Boughton Hill cemetery.
From Victor Herald 1 August 1891
Mrs. Caroline Hart, wife of Walter Boughton, died at her
home, about one mile north
of this village, on Thursday. She had been in feeble health for
about one year, but for the past two weeks she has been gradually
growing worse, with the above results. Mrs. Boughton was the
daughter of John Hart, one of the pioneers of the north part of the
town. She was married to Walter Boughton in 1847, who with four
children survive her: Herman Boughton, Myron Boughton, Mrs. A. C.
of Victor, and Mrs. J. R. Woosey of Egypt. The oldest child, Emma,
died many years ago. Mrs. Boughton joined the Methodist church in
early life and has ever since been a regular attendant. She was a woman
of quiet domestic ways and devoted her whole being to raising her
family, and like that Roman mother took pride in pointing to them as
her crown jewels. During the past months of weary waiting and
she bore everything with that patient forbearance that only comes
of faith and trust in the Lord's promises. Besides the immediate
members of the family, two sisters, Mrs. Tryphena Wilson of Dayton,
Oregon, Elizabeth Ellis of Gasport, N.Y., and one brother, Dennis J.
of Galesburg, Mich., survive her. The funeral services will be
held at two o'clock this afternoon from the Methodist church. A
large circle of neighbors and acquaintances extend to the grief
stricken family their hearty sympathy.
From Canandaigua Chronicle 3 April 1907
Victor, N. Y. - Cephas Boughton, one of the oldest residents
of this village, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Vail, on
Friday morning. Mr. Boughton had been in a feeble condition for several
months. He was born in this town on April 2, 1821, and if his life had
been spared for four more days, he would have celebrated his
eighty-sixth birthday. Mr. Boughton's wife, who was formerly Miss Mary
Hart, died over thirty years ago, and since that time he had resided at
the homes of his children. He was a pleasant, genial man, had lived a
Christian life, and was always interested in affairs of church and
state, and as long as his health permitted, was an active worker in the
Presbyterian church. In the early days he was a member of the church
choir, and he always retained his love for music and was fond of
reciting incidents which happened in his younger life. During the
active part of Mr. Boughton's life he had followed agricultural
pursuits and had been interested in farms at various times in Kansas,
Missouri and South Carolina. He is survived by four daughters, one son
and ten grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Caroline Gallup, of this
village. The surviving children are: Mrs. Carrie Root of North
Tonawanda; Mrs. Laura Thompson of Geneseo; Mrs. Elizabeth Vail of this
village; Mrs. Ella Rutter of Spiritwood, N. D.; and Albert Boughton of
North Tonawanda. The funeral services will be held on Monday afternoon
at 1:30 o'clock, at the home of Mr. Boughton's nephew, William B.
Gallup. Rev. Frank W. Hill of the Presbyterian church will be the
officiating clergyman, and burial will be made in the village cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 23 November 1877
Victor, N. Y. - Mr. Harry Boughton, an honored and highly
respected citizen of this place, was born in this place in the year
1798, and died here on November 16th, 1877. When Mr. Boughton's
parents came to this town, they settled
upon the same farm and in the same house in which he died. He was
at the time of his death the oldest person who was born in this town,
and he has always lived upon the same farm with the
exception of a few years passed upon an adjoining farm. Mr.
Boughton was twice married, and leaves a loving wife and
six children to mourn his loss. He has been in failing health for
several years. His funeral was held at the M. E. church on Sunday
morning, Rev. Mr. Chamberlain preaching the funeral sermon. A large
concourse of relatives, friends and neighbors were in attendance.
He attended the M. E. church, and
his life of goodness and purity shows that he lived according to its
teachings. We trust the he is where there is no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying, nor any more pain.
From Victor Herald 18 July 1891
Hart Boughton, who has been in poor health for some time,
committed suicide by hanging himself in his brother's barn Thursday
morning. He has been
subject to temporary fits of insanity for several years, and had
been treated for them from time to time. He had been around the
house and premises as usual, but complained of not feeling well.
He did not put in an appearance at dinner time, and soon after his
body was found hanging from a beam in the barn. Life was quite extinct
when he was found. Coroner Behan was at once notified, who made out
a certificate of death in accordance with the above facts. The funeral
was held from the residence of his bother yesterday at 3 p.m. The
was about 40 years of age, unmarried, and had resided with his brother
for a number of years. Besides his brother he leaves an aged and infirm
mother, who, with the other relatives, have the sympathy of a
large circle of friends.
From Ontario County Journal 28 April 1876
Victor, N. Y. - Died, in this place, in her 52nd year, Mrs.
Mary Boughton, wife of Cephas Boughton. Sadly came the news
of her death upon many persons in this place, for where she was known
she was always loved. She was a prominent and useful member of
the M. E. Church. The loss of her wise teachings will be
irreparable to her large Sunday School class of young ladies.
Hers was a sudden and rapid death. She leaves a kind
and several children to mourn her loss. The funeral was held at
the M. E. Church on Sunday afternoon, Rev. W. R. Benham preaching the
funeral sermon.
From Ontario County Journal 11 May 1883
Victor, N. Y. - The funeral services of Mrs. Mary A. Boughton,
widow of the
late DeForest Boughton, were held from the Universalist church
yesterday. Rev. Thos. Borden, of Albion, was in attendance.
From Victor Herald 11 August 1894
RACHEL GILLIS BOUGHTON - Mrs. Boughton, relict of the late Levi
Boughton, died at her home in this town, Tuesday evening, the 7th inst.
The deceased was the daughter of Robert and Esther Gillis. She was born
in Brutus, Cayuga county, January 27th, 1813. Her parents moved to this
town when she was quite young. Her father and his brothers were among
the early settlers of the town. Mrs. Boughton's girlhood
days were all spent in this town. She received such education as the
pioneer schools afforded and enjoyed the limited social advantages
to a new country, when roads were bridle paths and nearest neighbors
were miles away, through the forest. In March, 1833, she married Levi
Boughton, and they set up their home on the farm where she has since
her days. Here she has labored and enjoyed life's sunshine; here she
its trials, its sorrows, and its disappointments. Five children were
born to them, only one of whom survives her. Mr. Boughton died in 1886,
and since his death, she has lived with her son, Edward. For many years
her health has been failing, and during the past few years she has been
unable to walk or even stand alone; yet during all this time she has
borne her
sufferings with true christian patience. Always bright and cheerful --
she greeted her friends pleasantly. No work of complaint ever escaped
her lips, and she seemed like one quietly awaiting the call to come
She was a member of the Methodist church in her early life, but during
the latter years she attended the Presbyterian church. Besides her son
and several grandchildren, she leaves two sisters, Mrs. S. Scholles of
Ill., and Mrs. Susan Marlette of Waukesha, Wis. The funeral was held at
her late home on Thursday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Frost conducting the
Her remains were tenderly laid to rest in Boughton Hill cemetery, by
loving hands of her four grandsons.
From Ontario County Journal 3 March 1899
Victor, N. Y. - Ralph Lester Boughton died very suddenly at
his home on Church street, on Saturday afternoon, of heart disease. He
had been in usual health all day and had gone into the house after a
walk down town, when he complained of a pain in his right side. He
rapidly grew worse and died in less than an hour. Mr. Boughton was 70
years old. Besides a wife, he leaves one daughter, Mrs. Edna Fosmire of
Rochester. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church on
Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Cole officiating.
From Victor Herald 29 December 1905
The death of Walter Boughton, an aged and highly respected
citizen of the town of Victor, occurred at his home, which is known as
"Prosperity Place," about one mile northwest of this village, on
Saturday afternoon, December 23, 1905. Walter Boughton was born, June
16, 1826, in a log house which stood on a part of the site of the
comfortable farm house in which he died. He was the son of Caleb and
Irene Boughton, and theirs was one of the pioneer homes of the township
of Victor, Caleb Boughton having purchased his farm from the Phelps and
Gorham Company, the first white men to possess the land. Upon this farm
Walter Boughton spent his entire life, and by patient toil and rare
executive ability father and son, and, when the latter retired from
active pursuits, his sons after him evolved from the wilderness of the
pioneer one of the best cultivated and most fruitful farms in this
region -- fittingly called "Prosperity Place." Mr. Boughton was a
worthy representative of the sturdy pioneer stock from which he sprang.
He was endowed by nature with a strong constitution and a keen,
practical mind. When in his younger years actively engaged in tilling
his farm, he drove his affairs with a restless energy and a wise
foresight which compelled success. His walk in life was brightened by a
keen sense of humor and he possessed a sympathy and charity for his
fellow men which inspired countless kindly deeds. These and an
integrity which knew no blemish won for him the respect and affection
of all who knew him. Mr. Boughton was a lifelong member of the First
Methodist church of this village, which for many years he served as a
trustee. He was especially active in raising funds for the erection of
the present handsome church building and parsonage, and was always
keenly interested in the welfare of the society. He was a staunch
Republican in politics but never had any desire to hold public office.
Walter Boughton was first married September 28th, 1847, to Miss
Caroline Hart, who died July 30th, 1891. Five children were born to
them, all but one of whom are living: Emma, who died at the age of six
years; Herman of Victor; Amelia (Mrs. A. C. Aldridge) of Victor; Alma
(Mrs. John R. Woolsey) of Fairport; and Myron of Victor. On September
28th, 1892, he married Miss Harriett Nelson, who also survives him. Mr.
Boughton was in unusually good health for a man of his years, until
about three weeks ago, when he suffered a stroke of paralysis,
affecting the entire left side of his body. From this time he gradually
failed until death resulted. The funeral was held from the home which
he loved so well on Tuesday afternoon and was very largely attended.
Rev. Frank W. Hill of the Presbyterian church officiated at the house,
and Rev. Loren Stiles of the Methodist church, conducted the services
at the grave. Interment was made in the Village Cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 25 February 1910
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Armenia Wood
Bouglass, widow of William Bouglass, occurred at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Friend Parmele, on Saturday, after a short illness. Miss
Armenia Wood was born in West Bloomfield 81 years ago. In 1848 she was
married to William Bouglass. She had been a resident of this town for
the last 40 years. Mrs. Bouglass is survived by one daughter, Mrs.
Friend Parmele, and three sons, Barton and Frank Bouglass of East
Bloomfield and George Bouglass of Canandaigua.
From Victor Herald 15 February 1901
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - William Bouglass died last Saturday
evening, February 9th, after a brief illness, at the age of
seventy-four years and eight months. He is survived by his wife and two
sons, Barton and Frank, and one daughter, Mrs. Friend Parmele. Funeral
services were held at his late residence Tuesday afternoon.
From Shortsville Enterprise 24 April 1908
Mrs. Maria Ann Bounds died at her home in Littleville on Thursday
afternoon of last week, after an illness of about four weeks, her death
resulting from heart disease. Her age was 63 years. Mrs. Bounds resided
in Littleville some 18 years and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of a
large circle of neighbors and friends. She is survived by five sons and
three daughters -- Harrison, George, Arthur, William and Edward; Mrs.
Avery R. Brown, Mrs. Harry Darling and Mrs. Clarence Cummings. The
employees of the Shortsville Wheel works, out of sympathy for the
former three sons who are employed at that factory, and as a token of
respect for their deceased mother, presented them with some very
beautiful floral emblems. The funeral obsequies were held from the late
home of the deceased on Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. S. S.
Pratt. The interment was in Brookside Cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 27 July 1897
Edward Bourn died at his home on Geneva street, at
10 o'clock last night, aged 47 years. He had been suffering from
consumption for some time. The deceased is survived by his wife and
three sons, Edward, John and Harry Bourn, who reside here. The funeral
will take place from the late residence at 3:30 o'clock Thursday
Burial Glenwood Cemetery.
From Geneva Advertiser 14 April 1903
Henry Bourn died at his home on Union street last Sunday night,
April 12 - Easter night - after a long illness of heart trouble. When
we called to see him a few days before, we feared his end was not far
away. He was born in Geneva January 20th, 1834, and with the exception
of a few years this has always been his home. He was a carpenter and
builder, and a good mechanic, one of our best; the last few years being
a pattern maker. He was an active fireman in the old department,
and two or three years ago, we accompanied him to Hingham, Mass., to
witness the playing at a tournament of Old Ocean No. 1, owned by the
Hingham Vets., and he always spoke kindly of that trip. He was twice
married, his second wife, who was very devoted to him, being a sister
of W. J. Morse of Rochester. There was one
daughter by his first wife. Burial Glenwood Cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 2 February 1898
After more than 72 years residence in Geneva, Mrs. Jane Bourn is
the village where she had witnessed, from her
retirement, many great changes, made a city; and then, but
comparatively a few days after this fresh honor had been accorded the
old college
town, she ceased to be one of its citizens. Mrs. Bourn's death occurred
Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Her age was 90 years. Since the time
this aged woman came to Geneva, (she has always lived in the house
her death occurred), two wars have come and gone -- those who took part
in the first are dead, and the few survivors of the last are tottering,
white-haired old men; slavery has been abolished, and the hand which
the warrant has for thirty years been cold. These and many more great
events here and in the country at large, had this woman "full of years"
lived through. There survive the deceased four children, Miss Mary
Mrs. Sarah Seelye, Henry and William Bourne; eight grandchildren, and
great grandchild. The funeral will take place from St. Peter's at 3
Friday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Hubbs officiating.
From Geneva Daily Times 27 January 1908
Mrs. Clara Bourne, widow of the late Henry Bourne, died Saturday
evening at 11:15 o'clock at her home on Union street. She was 66 years
old. Her
survivors are one brother, William Morse, of Rochester; one cousin,
Bullard, of Utica. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3
from the house. Rev. J. B. Hubbs, D. D., will officiate and burial will
be made in Glenwood Cemetery.
From Ontario County Chronicle 15 January 1902
Naples, N. Y. - Mrs. Jane Cary, wife of Frederick Bouty, of
morning at the age of 48 years.
She had been a resident of Yates County much of her life. She had been
so afflicted with rheumatism for many years that she could not walk,
and for some months could not move ever her hands. Only her husband
From Geneva Daily Times 15 November 1909
The funeral of Bruno Bova, the Italian who was killed
Saturday by a Lehigh train, took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock from
St. Francis DeSales church. Burial was in St. Patrick's Cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 8 September 1893
Chapinville, N. Y. - On Wednesday morning Andrew Bowdy died
days confinement to the house with erysipelas.
The funeral was held at the church Thursday at 11 a.m. He leaves a wife
and family of grown-up children.
From Geneva Daily Times 2 October 1908
The funeral of John Bowe, the aged man who was killed
Tuesday afternoon by a New York Central train near Orleans, took place
this morning at 8:30 o'clock from the home of his daughter, Mrs. John
Gerrity, of No. 9 Exchange street, and at 9 o'clock from St. Francis
DeSales church. Burial was in St. Patrick's Cemetery. The bearers were
Messrs. John Kelly, Andrew Bulger, Patrick McDonald, Martin Murphy and
Thomas McNierney.
From Geneva Daily Times 10 June 1909
Phelps, N. Y. - The death of Mrs. Delia Bowen, widow of
the late John H. Bowen, occurred yesterday afternoon at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Hugh R. Chambers, on Church street. Mrs. Bowen had been
in failing health for a long time. She was 70 years of age. The
deceased was born in Ireland and came to this country in her early
childhood. She lived at Troy for several years, later at Geneva and for
the past two years has made her home in Phelps. Her survivors are one
daughter, Mrs. Hugh R. Chambers, with whom she lived. The funeral
services will be held this evening at her late home at 8:30 o'clock,
and tomorrow morning the remains will be taken to Troy for interment,
which will be made at Oakwood Cemetery.
From Victor Herald 21 February 1902
George Bower, a lifelong resident of this town, died at his home
in East Victor a week ago Thursday morning. For a day or two, he had
been complaining of not feeling just right but was not thought to be
seriously ill. Death came to him suddenly while sitting in his chair,
the members of his family finding him sitting there lifeless. The
physician pronounced it a case of heart disease. Deceased was
well-known in this community being a member of the firm of Bower
Brothers, proprietors of the East Victor grist and cider mills. He was
54 years of age and is survived by a widow and two brothers, Tracy
Bower and Norman Bower, both of Victor. The funeral was held from his
late residence on Saturday afternoon, Rev. Lorren Stiles of the
Methodist church of Victor, officiating. The interment was at Boughton
Hill Cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 1 September 1909
Rushville, N. Y. - The death of James Bowerman, a veteran
of the Civil war, occurred at the home of his son-in-law, Joseph
Wilcox, near Gorham, Monday morning at 3 o'clock, after a lingering
illness of Bright's disease. The deceased was 78 years of age, and was
born in England. He came to this country when 15 years old. When about
26 years old he married Johana Sullivan, who was born in Ireland and
also came to this country at the age of 15 years. To the time of her
death, which occurred seven years ago, they lived in this vicinity,
living for thirty-five years on the place they owned two miles south of
this village. The deceased leaves three children, Richard and James
Bowerman and Mrs. Mary Wilcox, all of Gorham.
From Victor Herald 27 January 1905
Mrs. Mary L. Bowers, widow of George Bowers, died at her home in
East Victor, on Friday of last week. She was fifty-seven years of age.
Mrs. Bowers was twice married, her first husband being a Mr. Finn, who
died several years ago. She was a woman of fine character and kindly
disposition who will be greatly missed by her two children, Ida A. and
Jerome C. Finn. The funeral services were held at the residence Monday
afternoon, the Rev. L. Stiles officiating. Burial in Boughton Hill
From Ontario County Journal 3 November 1899
West Bloomfield, N. Y. - Nelson Bowers died at the county house on
Sunday and his remains were brought here for burial on Wednesday
afternoon. Bowers was born a slave in Virginia; he ran away and joined
the Northern army and at its close came north with Lieutenant George T.
Hamilton and had resided here until about a year ago. He was supposed
to be nearly 90 years of age.
From Ontario County Journal 25 August 1899
Phelps, N. Y. - Simon K. Bowker died last Wednesday from
appendicitis, aged 69 years. An operation was performed on Tuesday. In
the evening he lapsed into unconsciousness and remained so until
Wednesday afternoon when he expired. The deceased is survived by a
wife, one son, Nelson J.; and a daughter, Mrs. Frank Walker. He had
resided in this place nearly 50 years and was identified with all the
business interests of the place.
From Geneva Daily Times 16 February 1897
The funeral of the late Mrs. Bowker, wife of William Bowker,
took place at 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon from the residence of Miss
Porter on William street. Services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Remick
and W. W. Weller. The floral offerings were very fine. The employees of
the Optical Works of which Mr. Bowker is secretary, presented a floral
piece "Gates Ajar" which was very handsome. The remains were laid at
rest in Glenwood. The pall bearers were: Frank and Charles Hunn,
brothers of the deceased; the Messrs.
Porter, cousins of Mr. Porter of Elmira and John Bowker of Southbridge,
From Victor Herald 15 July 1904
The death of Brice Wing Bowerman, for many years a
resident of Farmington and Victor, occurred at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Grace McConnell, in Montrose, Colorado, Sunday, July
10th. Mr. Bowerman was born in Penfield, N. Y., April 16th, 1837, and
in January, 1864, married Lucena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood
Smith, of Farmington. Until 1872 Mr. and Mrs. Bowerman resided in
Farmington, moving thence to Victor and purchasing a farm about two
miles and one-half north of this village. In 1892 they moved to
Brockport, N. Y., that their children might have better educational
advantages, remaining in that place until 1899, during which time Mrs.
Bowerman was taken away. Since returning from Brockport, Mr. Bowerman
has lived on his farm here, entrusting its management to a son, and
making occasional visits to his other children. In his active years Mr.
Bowerman was a very successful farmer, and throughout his life he has
enjoyed the esteem and confidence of his associates.
Three brothers survive, Edwin C. of Fairport, N. Y., Gifford of
Farmington, and Jarvis R. of Honeoye Falls; and four children, Mrs.
Grace Louise McConnell, Mrs. Edna May Roberts, Lyman S. of Farmington,
and Brice William of Victor. The remains were brought to Victor for
burial and services held at the home, this morning, at ten o'clock, the
Rev. Loren Stiles officiating, assisted by Rev. F. W. Hill. Interment
in the Friends' cemetery, Farmington.
From Ontario County Journal 3 September 1909
Rushville, N. Y. -The death of James Bowerman, a veteran
of the Civil War, occurred at the home of son-in-law, Joseph Wilcox,
near Gorham on Monday. The deceased was 78 years of age, and was born
in England, having come to this country when a lad. When 26 years old
he married Johanna Sullivan. They spent their entire married life in
this vicinity, living for 35 years on their place two miles south of
this village, now owned by Mrs. Mary Dwelle. Mr. Bowerman served two
years in the Civil War. Three children, Mrs. Mary Wilcox, James and
Richard Bowerman, all of Gorham, survive. Funeral services were held
from the Catholic church at Stanley on Wednesday.
From Ontario County Chronicle 26 March 1902
Stanley, N. Y. - Ernest A. Boyce died at his home near Gorham
last of tuberculosis at the age of 25 years. Burial was at Gorham
Friday. Deceased was one of our mail carriers on route No. 4, and had
ill for a long time. He leaves behind a very large number of friends
mourn his death. His honesty, industry and integrity commended
admiration where he was known. A father and mother and several brothers
sisters survive him.
From Geneva Daily Times 7 December 1908
Phelps, N. Y. - Mrs. Jacob Boyce died Saturday at her home on the
Phelps and Clifton Springs road. She had been ill but a few days. Mrs.
Boyce was born in Holland and had been a resident of the town of Phelps
for the past 35 years. She was 67 years of age. Her husband died three
years ago and her near survivors are four daughters, Mrs. John
Overslaw, Mrs. Fred Fish, Mrs. Floyd Cuddeback and Mrs. James Woolfe,
Jr., all of Phelps; also two brothers, Adrian Fynaute of Phelps, and
Jacob Fynaute of Newark.
From Geneva Daily Times 16 July 1907
Gorham, N. Y. - The death of Richard Boyce occurred at
his home on South street in this village Thursday morning, while lying
in a hammock, consumption being the cause. Mr. Boyce for many years
lived upon a farm about 2 1/2 miles south of the village, but last
owing to his feeble condition, he moved with his family to the village,
leaving his son upon the farm. He leaves a wife, three daughters, Mrs.
Fred Cross of Stanley, Mrs. Isaac Secor and Miss Lillian Boyce, and one
son Clarence, all of Gorham. The funeral was held from the house
at 2 o'clock, Rev. A. H. Knight of the Baptist church officiating.
in Gorham Cemetery.
From Geneva Daily Times 4 January 1910
Richard Boyce, 68 years of age, died New Year's morning at 5:36
o'clock at his late home in the Town of Seneca. The deceased was born
in England, but has lived in the Town of Seneca throughout the major
portion of his life. He is survived by his widow and eight children:
James of California; William W. of Seattle, Washington; George of
Stanley, Frank of Seneca, Mrs. George Willard and Mrs. Albert Willard
of Seneca Castle; Mrs. Nelson Means of Seneca Castle and Mrs. Frank
Means of Hall's Corners. The funeral took place at 2 o'clock this
afternoon from his late home. Rev. A. B. Temple, pastor of the Number
Nine Presbyterian church officiated. Burial was in the Number Nine
From Geneva Daily Times 18 January 1915
Mrs. Alice O. Boyd, aged 74 years, wife of the late Rev. Squire
Boyd of Middlesex, died last night at 9:15 o'clock at the home of her
son, A. C. Boyd, of 122 Lafayette avenue, with whom she has made her
home for several years. She is survived by six sons: Rev. Lyford S.
Boyd of Cazenovia; A. C. Boyd of Geneva; Rev. Wilber G. Boyd of
Williamson; Jesse H. Boyd of Dallas, Texas; Rev. Frank A. Boyd of
Baldwinsville; Harry B. Boyd of Geneva; two daughters, Mrs. C. W. Hunt,
of Middlesex and Mrs. Lillian K. Albin of Stamford, Conn.; one brother,
Seymour Dopp of Table Rock,
Neb.; also 15 grandchildren. Mrs. Boyd was ill but a few days; a
breaking down was apparently the cause of death.
From Canandaigua Chronicle 10 April 1907
Honeoye, N. Y. - The remains of Andrew Boyd were
buried in Lake View cemetery Thursday afternoon. Mr. Boyd was born in
Ireland 87 years ago. He came to this country when quite young. He
leaves a wife, six children and grandchildren to mourn his loss.
From Ontario County Journal 13 January 1911
Bristol, N. Y. - Mrs. Andrew Boyd died at the home of her son,
Hugh Boyd, last week Thursday morning. She was born in County Down,
Ireland, 85 years ago. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. John Carlyle and
Mrs. Edward Wilkinson of Canandaigua; three sons, Samuel of Richmond,
William of Canandaigua and Hugh of this place. She also leaves one
brother, John Tracy of Richmond; two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Murray of
Canadice and Mrs. Hugh Ronan of Indiana; and about 20 grandchildren and
four great-grandchildren. Rev. J. A. Briddon officiated and Miss Mabel
Briddon sang "Looking to Thee."
From Geneva Gazette 24 July 1863
We are pained to announce the death of Mr. David Boyd, an
old and estimable farmer of this town. His demise was quite
sudden - being taken with a fit on Sunday evening, and expiring in 24
hours. We mourn for him as in the loss of a substantial friend
and patron. Deceased was about 60 years of age. A nephew of
his was killed in the recent battle of Gettysburg.
From Geneva Gazette 12 March 1886
Obituary - Mrs. David Boyd died at her residence at Oaks
Corners Thursday, March 4, aged 78 years. The deceased was a
daughter of John Ringer, who owned and formerly resided on what is now
the farm of Wm. H. Gambee. Her husband died several years ago;
six children -- three sons and three daughters -- survive, and mourn
the loss of a most exemplary and affectionate mother. Her widowed
daughter, Mrs. John Crittenden, resided with and gave her loving care
during her last illness, which was of a paralytic character.
Another daughter, Mrs. Daniel Avery, resides in Geneva, and the third
is Mrs. W. H. Gambee. Mr. Boyd became a subscriber to the Gazette in
life; since his death, the widow has
continued the subscription and stands credited with the 41st annual
payment in the names successively of David and Mrs. Ann Boyd.
Alas, how few are left of the sturdy yeomanry of this and neighboring
towns, who, forty-one years ago, encouraged us by their patronage and
good words in the venture then begun with mingled hopes and
fears -- and such were David Boyd and his good wife, whose deaths we
have lived to sadly chronicle.
From Geneva Advertiser Gazette 16 November 1905
David R. Boyd was found dead in his bed at the home of Wm. H.
Gambee on the Carter road last Saturday morning. His death was of heart
disease. He is a brother of Chas. A. Boyd, and Mrs. Gambee and Mrs.
Belle Crittenden of Oaks Corners are sisters. His wife was a daughter
of the late Stephen C. Reed, who died a few years ago from cancer. He
has one son, Robert S. Boyd.
From Geneva Gazette 7 October 1898
Mrs. Hugh Boyd, an old time resident of northern Phelps, died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. F. Webster
in Rochester, September 29th, at the ripe old age of
87 years 1 month. Last Saturday her remains were brought to Oaks
Corners and conveyed thence to the family burying ground near her old
home for interment. The final obsequies were attended by many
descendants to the fourth generation and others near of kin. She
and her husband (long since deceased) were among the pioneer settlers
of this region, and bore an honored name in the community.
From Geneva Gazette 15 August 1890
JOHN BOYD died at the residence of his brother-in-law, Wm. H.
Gambee, in this town on the 6th inst. Deceased was the oldest of
three sons of the late David Boyd of Phelps, a well-to-do farmer in his
day, owning and occupying the farm where Henry Crandall met his violent
death at the hands of Charles Eighmy. John Boyd had a wide circle
of friends by whom he was greatly esteemed. His age was 59 years.
From Geneva Gazette 17 January 1896
Mary H., wife of John Boyes, residing near the county
line border north of Geneva, died last Sunday of heart disease. Besides
her husband, she is survived by eight children, seven daughters and one
son. She had been active for several years in the work of
the North Mission (Episcopal).
From Geneva Daily Times 17 September 1906
Mary Boyes, aged 83 years, died at 1:30 o'clock this morning at
her home about four miles north of this city on the Lyons road. The
deceased was one of the oldest residents of this section of the county,
having lived in the town of Phelps in the same house for 77 years. She
is survived by three
nephews, J. M. Skuse, of this city; F. P. Skuse and O. H. Skuse, of
The funeral will take place Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock from her
late residence. Rev. W. K. Towner, pastor of the First Baptist church,
will officiate. Interment in Glenwood cemetery.
From Ontario County Journal 21 October 1898
East Bloomfield, N. Y. - On Tuesday occurred the death of Greig
after an illness of about one week. Mr. Boylan was much
respected in this place, and was an active member of the Methodist
church. Besides a wife and three children, he leaves a father and one
sister. The funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock, Rev. B. R. Hitchcock, officiating.
From Ontario Repository and Messenger 22 July 1868
Mrs. Anna Boyle, an elderly lady, residing in the village, died
very suddenly last Wednesday afternoon. The excessive heat is supposed
to have been the cause.
From Canandaigua Chronicle 4 October 1905
Sunday morning at the home of his son, Charles, in Main street, the
death occurred of Joseph Boyle at the age of 69 years. Mr.
Boyle was born in Albany and about forty years ago he moved to
Canandaigua where he has since made his home. His last illness was of
about eight weeks duration, death being caused by rheumatism of the
heart. Mr. Boyle was widely known not only in Canandaigua but
throughout this section of the country, being for many years a buyer
and shipper of livestock, up to within a few years ago when his
activities were somewhat reduced by his advancing age. He was a
familiar figure about the streets of the village and will be missed by
a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He is survived by five
sons, Frank, of San Francisco, California, and Charles, William, John
and Edward, all of Canandaigua. His funeral was held from St. Mary's
church yesterday morning at 9 o'clock and interment was in Calvary
From Ontario County Chronicle 4 February 1903
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Mrs. Thomas Boyle died at her home in
this village Friday, January 30, of cancer. She is survived by one
daughter, Miss Mary, of this village. The funeral was held at St. Felix
church on Monday. Burial in the Catholic cemetery.
From Ontario County Chronicle 18 December 1901
Clifton Springs, N. Y. - Thomas Boyle died on Thursday morning,
after a short illness, aged 52 years. Mr. Boyle was an old employee of
the Sanitarium Co., having driven the baggage wagon for about 35 years.
The funeral was held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Felix
church. The
Foster Hose company attended in a body and the baggage wagon carried
From Geneva Daily Times 11 April 1905
Phelps, N. Y. - Jacob Boysse, 68 years old, a well-known farmer
living on the Clifton Springs road, a mile west of Phelps, died
yesterday morning. Mr. Boysse was stricken with paralysis last Tuesday.
He was a native of Holland and came to this country thirty-three years
ago, taking up his
residence in this vicinity where he has been a much respected citizen.
He leaves besides his wife, four daughters, Mrs. John Overslaw,
Mrs. Floyd Cuddeback, Mrs. Fred Fish and and Mrs. James Woolf, Jr., all
of this village. The funeral will be held from St. Francis
catholic tomorrow morning and burial will be in the Phelps cemetery.
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