"An" Obituaries

From Ontario County Journal 6 January 1882

Naples, N. Y. - Clark Anable, aged 29, a young man in his prime, died suddenly yesterday (Tuesday) morning at his home a little west of the village. Mr. Anable leaves a wife and one child and his death at this time seems a distressing affliction. He was the son of I. M. Anable and has always lived at or near his father's home and has always been, or until quite recently, strong and healthy. His funeral will be attended tomorrow at 11 a.m. Burial Rose Ridge Cemetery

From Geneva Gazette 24 August 1900

Leonard Anable of Naples died at Naples August 18th, aged 80 years. He was the father of W. H. Anable of Clifton Springs, and highly respected wherever known. Burial Rose Ridge Cemetery

From Geneva Gazette 9 March 1900

Mrs. Leonard Anable died at her home near Naples on the 7th inst. aged 71 years. She was the mother of Mr. W. H. Anable of Clifton Springs. Burial Rose Ridge Cemetery

From Ontario County Journal 23 May 1884

Naples, N. Y. - The remains of Mrs. Sally Anable, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Burdette Johnson, in Canaseraga, N. Y., on Sunday, May 19th, were brought here for burial on Tuesday. Mrs. Anable had reached the great age of 98 years and 8 months. She was one of the first settlers in this town, coming on when she was 8 years old -- in 1793. Her father, Col. Kibbe, one of the original purchasers of the town, preceded her only a year or two. She was the last one of all those old pioneers, or their children, and lived to see the sixth generation from those who came with her to this new country. Her life was spent in Naples until about twelve years ago, when she went to live with her daughter. She married first Mr. _____ Wilcox, and four children of that name are now living in the West, the oldest a man of four score years. Her second husband was Leonard Anable, and two children, I. M. Anable of this town, and Mrs. Johnson survive her. She was the aunt of Hon. E. B. Pottle, of this village, and for some years a member of his household. Her old associates and dear friends have all passed away, many of them twenty-five or thirty years ago. She was one of the original members of the Presbyterian church in this village, and one of the first church choir ever organized in Naples. She filled with dignity and ability every sphere of duty in her long and useful life. Her health was remarkably good and but for an accident by which her leg was broken last winter, there is no reason to doubt but that she would have attained to a full century. Her mother died at the age of 97 years and 6 months, and her death was caused, too, by a broken limb. Appropriate memorial services will be held at the Presbyterian church on next Sabbath morning at the usual hour for service.

From Ontario County Journal 5 April 1895

Canadice, N. Y. - On Friday, March 29, occurred the death of Mrs. Adelaide Brown Anderson, wife of Orlando Anderson. Interment took place on April 1, Rev. J. B. Bristol officiating. She leaves a husband and a daughter, a child of six years, to mourn her loss.

From Ontario County Journal 31 October 1890

Shortsville, N. Y. - Mrs. Charles Anderson died at her home in this village Monday night, of typhoid fever, aged 26 years. The funeral will be observed from house on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. J. C. Lenhart will officiate. This seems doubly sad to us, one so young to die and leave a sorrowing husband who cannot speak, neither understand the English language, with two small children, one twenty months and the other two weeks old, and in destitute circumstances. The remains will be interred in the new cemetery here.

From Ontario County Journal 7 February 1890

Mr. David Anderson, a well-known and long-time resident died at his home in this village last Friday. He had been in poor health for two or three years, suffering frequently and severely from rheumatism. He was about 63 years of age. He leaves a wife but no children. He, with his deceased brother, James, was for many years engaged in the livery business.

From Shortsville Enterprise 31 March 1911

The death of Elias Anderson occurred on Tuesday night at 11:15 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Doley, in Sheldon street, resulting from old age. He had been ill for several weeks. The deceased was born in Sweden on December 24, 1829, and had been a respected resident of the Parlor Village  for the past twenty-three years. Besides his daughter, he leaves one son, Charles Anderson, of this village, and eight nephews and nieces, all residents of Shortsville. The funeral will take place at the Doley home this Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the services will be in charge of Rev. D. H. MacKenzie, pastor of the burial will be made in Brookside Cemetery.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 20 February 1907

Padelford, N. Y. - Again death has come amongst us and taken our dear friend and neighbor and also one of the oldest residents, Isaac Anderson, who died Friday night, Feb. 15, shortly before 8 o'clock of pneumonia. About four months ago he buried his wife, Rebecca Anderson, who was 67 years old, and one month ago he buried his brother, Joseph Anderson, and Isaac's death makes the third funeral held from his late home in Farmington in a term of four months. The services were held at the South Farmington chapel Monday, Feb. 18, at 2 p.m., Rev. Scott Ebersole of Canandaigua officiating. Interment was made in the South Farmington cemetery. The deceased leaves five sons to mourn his death, three who reside in Padelford and two in Michigan. Mr. Anderson was about 76 years old and had resided here a great many years. The beautiful floral pillow given by the friends and neighbors can only in a small way show the love and sympathy which they extend to this stricken family and the estimation in which they held the one who is now gone.

From Geneva Daily Times 22 May 1897

J. W. Anderson, aged 78 years, died this morning at 8:15 o'clock at his residence, No. 410 Main street. His death resulted from a soreness of the left eye complicated by a system generally run down which resulted in death. He was confined to his room for about five days. Mr. Anderson has lived in Geneva for the past forty-four years and was a carpenter and contractor. A few months ago he was elected to the office of tax collector on the Republican ticket. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Frank Vaneps who lives in the town of Stanley and Miss Belle Anderson of this city; also by a wife who is an invalid. The funeral will be held Monday and will be conducted by Rev. Dr. Moore. Interment at Glenwood.

From Canandaigua Chronicle 30 January 1907

Manchester, N. Y. - Joseph Anderson died in Farmington at the home of his son, Joseph Anderson, Jr., Saturday, January 26, aged about 80 years. He was a veteran of the Civil War. He is survived by two sons and four daughters; also by one brother, Isaac Anderson of Farmington; and one sister, Miss Maria Anderson, of this village.

From Geneva Daily Times 27 April 1917

Manchester, N. Y. - Peter Anderson died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. David LeRoy, Wednesday, at the age of 90 years. He was a son of Peter and Mary Anderson and was born in Holland January 14, 1827. He was united in marriage with Miss Jane Johnson in June, 1850, and with his family sailed for America in 1869. He located at Marion and was first employed by Henry Van Voorhis. In the year 1881, he came to the Town of Manchester and later bought a fruit farm one mile west of Manchester village, where he became very successful in growing small fruits and vegetables. He retired from active life ten years ago and with his wife moved to Palmyra, where she died three years ago. He returned to Manchester to reside. He was the father of sixteen children, eleven of whom are dead, the surviving being: Peter Anderson, Jr., of Marion, N. Y.; Mrs. David LeRoy of Manchester; John Anderson of Palmyra; Jacob Anderson of Palmyra; Cyrus Anderson of Chicago.

From Ontario County Journal 22 November 1895

Phelps, N. Y. - Reed Anderson, an old resident and prominent farmer of Phelps, died at his home about three miles south of the village last week Thursday afternoon of marasmus, aged 65 years. The deceased had been sick for several weeks. A wife and several children survive. The funeral was held from the residence last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Chapman, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating, assisted by Rev. L. Bailey of Geneva. The interment was made in the Joslyn cemetery at Oaks Corners.

From Geneva Daily Times 18 August 1905

Canandaigua, N. Y. - Mrs. Sarah Jane Anderson, wife of George S. Anderson, a well-known local colored preacher, died yesterday from consumption, at the family home on Beals street, aged 44 years. Several children survive.

From Ontario County Journal 23 July 1886

Gorham, N. Y. - Thomas Andrew, 30 years of age, living with Alfred Carr, his father-in-law, at Ferguson's Corners, about three miles south of this place, was found dead on Friday morning, July 16, by Charles Parry, his hired man. He started home from Penn Yan with a friend the evening before about 10 o'clock. He carried his friend home past his own residence, reaching there 10 minutes of 12. He then returned to his own home. As he was passing into the yard the wheel of his carriage came in contact with the gate post with such force, it is probable, as to throw his head between the spokes of the wheel. He was carried along as the horse proceeded on, being so injured about the head and breast as to cause death. He had been drinking somewhat freely, but was not an habitual drunkard, many of his neighbors having never seen him intoxicated. A sober man might have met death by a similar accident. He was an industrious, kind-hearted man, had many friends, was the sole support of his mother, to whom he had always been very good. Much sympathy is felt for his wife and mother.

From Geneva Daily Times 7 June 1905

Canandaigua, N. Y. - While in a fit of despondency, brought on by weakness and ill health, Frank Andrews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heman Andrews, who resides two miles east of here, on the turnpike, shot himself in the head late Monday afternoon, and died later. Deceased was aged about 33 years of age. He had been troubled with pulmonary diseases for some time, and during the past winter got so much worse that he went to Florida in hopes that the change of climate would do him good. The desired effect was not secured and later he went to Texas. Coroner F. P. Warner, of this village, who was called, gave as his verdict, "death from suicide, while in a fit of despondency." Young Andrews was well-known and well-liked, and his sad end is the source of sorrow and regret to a large circle. He had been in business in the west up to the time he was taken ill and his prospects a year ago were very bright. Besides his father and mother, he leaves two sisters and three brothers.

From Ontario County Times 30 July 1884

Chapinville, N. Y. - Mr. Fred Andrews died last Thursday morning, after a painful illness of eighteen months. For the past five months he had been totally blind. He reached home, in company with his wife, from the far West, some five months ago, scarcely in time to say he could distinctly see his parents. No medical treatment could help him. Death was his only relief. This he looked for and believed he was prepared for. His age was twenty-seven. His wife and parents who have tendered every possible assistance, have the sympathy of the entire community. The funeral services took place on Saturday at 10 a.m. at the M. E. church in Chapinville, and a very large congregation was in attendance.

From Ontario County Journal 18 January 1889

Bristol, N. Y. - Mr. George Andrews, after a brief illness, died Jan. 8, aged 65 years, was buried in the cemetery adjoining the farm. The Rev. E. B. Barber officiating clergyman.

From Ontario County Journal 2 December 1892

Harris Andrews died last Saturday at his residence on Wood street. The funeral took place Monday. Mr. Andrews was born in this neighborhood and spent all his life of seventy-five years here. For years he managed a farm in Hopewell, and only gave it up in old age to come to Canandaigua to retire. Few man were more generally known in this and neighboring places than was Mr. Andrews.

From Ontario County Times 28 December 1887

On Wednesday night of last week, Miss Helen Andrews, of Richmond Mills, committed suicide by hanging herself. She was the step-daughter of Mr. Hiram McKinstry, of Richmond Mills, and is said to have been a very prepossessing young lady. The facts in the case are briefly as follows: Last June Miss Andrews went to visit schoolmates in New York and Yonkers. While away she met a dashing young man named Dwight G. Porter, who represented himself as being chief salesman, in a large dry goods house in New York. In September, Porter visited Richmond Mills and was a guest at the home of Miss Andrews. During his stay, he won her heart and when he returned to New York, they were engaged to be married. The marriage was to take place about New Year's day, but Porter pleaded poverty, and postponed it to February. About two weeks ago he wrote a note from New York breaking the engagement, giving as an excuse that he had lost his position in the Metropolis.

From Ontario County Journal 22 January 1909

Chapin, N. Y. - The death of Heman Andrews occurred near this place at an early hour yesterday morning. Mr. Andrews had reached the advanced age of 81 years and had been in failing health for a long time. He was one of the oldest residents of the town and was highly respected. He leaves his wife; two daughters, Mrs. George Kotteker of this place, and Mrs. Emerson VanGelder of Delaware; and two sons, Arthur of this place, and Louis of San Francisco. The funeral will be held from the Methodist church tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.

From Ontario County Journal 6 October 1899

John Andrews, a former resident of this village, died at the home of his son-in-law, Dr. J. E. Talley, at Philadelphia, on Thursday of last week. Mr. Andrews lacked but three days of being 74 years old, and all but four of those years had been passed in Canandaigua. Mr. Andrews was an expert bookkeeper and was in the employ of the late Harrison Gridley for fourteen years, and Alexander Davidson for nine years, and previous to that time had been engaged in farming. For the past four years his home had been with his daughter, Mrs. J. E. Talley, at Philadelphia. Mr. Andrews was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He is survived by a wife, one daughter and one son, William J. Andrews, chemist at the Experiment Station, Geneva. The remains were brought to this village on Sunday morning, and were accompanied by Mrs. Andrews, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Talley and William J. Andrews. Interment was at Woodlawn.

From Geneva Daily Times 13 January 1902

Mrs. John Andrews died suddenly at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the family residence five miles southwest of this city, aged 67 years. Mrs. Andrews was taken ill Saturday afternoon. Dr. Robison, of Halls Corners, was summoned. The usual remedies were administered, but the vomiting continued intermittently until yesterday forenoon, when the patient sank rapidly and died at the hour stated. The cause of death is given as neuralgia of the heart superinduced by acute gastritis. The deceased was born in the Town of Phelps, but had been a resident of the Town of Geneva nearly all her life. She was a prominent member of Seneca Presbyterian church. Besides a husband, the deceased is survived by two brothers, George and James Clark, and one sister, Miss Martha Clark, all of the Town of Geneva. The funeral will take place from the house at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Rev. A. B. Temple will officiate. Interment will be in Number Nine cemetery.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 26 January 1893

Bristol, N. Y. January 24, 1893 - Mrs. Malvina Andrews died Saturday afternoon after an illness of about a week. She leaves a son, two daughters, and an aged father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William Briggs, to mourn her death. Another sad fact in the connection with the death of Mrs. Andrews was that Wednesday was to have been her daughter's wedding day; the family have the sympathy of many friends.

From Ontario Repository & Messenger 3 August 1870

Mr. Royal N. Andrews, an old and highly respected citizen of Bristol Centre, died a short time since, after an illness of several years.

From Geneva Daily Times 2 January 1907

Naples, N. Y. - The funeral of the late Truman Andrews was held Monday, Rev. James Moss of the Naples Methodist church officiating. To correct some erroneous statements which found their way into the press, concerning his death, the son of the deceased makes this statement:

"Mr. Andrews left his home in South Bristol, near the Naples line, December 19, for New York city. Though 72 years of age, he had been to the city but once before. He took with him a quantity of genseng which he had grown and some furs. He engaged a room at a hotel near the 42d Street Station. In the morning he was found on the floor face down, dead. The evidences were plain that he had been asphyxiated, having without thought, blown out the gas. Two hundred and eleven dollars were found under his pillow; he had not disposed of his roots or furs. The body was placed in charge of a coroner."

From Canandaigua Chronicle 4 October 1905

On Friday evening, September 29, at his home at 184 Main street in Geneva, occurred the death of William H. Andrews, the assistant chemist at the State Experimental Station. Mr. Andrews was born in Canandaigua in 1870, and it was here that he received his early education. Afterward he removed to Ann Arbor, Mich., receiving there a course preparatory to entering the University of Michigan, which he later accomplished, graduating in 1893. While in college he was a member of the Alpha Delta Phi Society and also the Glee Club. In 1894 Mr. Andrews attained the position of assistant chemist at the Experimental Station, which place he held until the time of his death. In the performance of his duties, he displayed rare ability and efficiency. Mr. Andrews was a member of the Geneva Choral Society, of which he had served several years as secretary. The deceased is survived by a wife and two small sons, aged 5 and 6, living in Geneva; his mother, Mrs. John Andrews, and sister, Mrs. James Tally of Philadelphia. A wide circle of friends mourn his death. Burial Glenwood Cemetery.

From Geneva Gazette 21 June 1901

Frederick H. Andrus, aged 59 years, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon about 5 o'clock from heart failure. Mr. Andrus was head clerk for the past twenty years in Sam'l Warth's grocery and was a charter member of the clerk's union and a member of the Union Veterans Union. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. James W. Burton; also two sisters, Mrs. Reels of this city and Mrs. Lillian Anderson, of Detroit, and two brothers, Marcus and Elliott Andrus of Ovid, N. Y. Burial Glenwood Cemetery

From Geneva Gazette 7 April 1865

ANOTHER HERO GONE - In looking over the list of casualties in the battles before Petersburg, we notice the name of George Andrus, of the 111th N.Y.V. He was wounded in the breast during the engagement on Friday last, and died the next day.  George was the son of Mr. Elliot Andrus of this village. He bore an excellent character as a soldier and was beloved by his comrades. To the bereaved family we tender our heartfelt sympathy.

From Ontario County Times 13 April 1870

The report of death of George Andrus, Esq., of Canadice, which reached us last week, we are sorry to say, is confirmed by later intelligence. The sad event occurred on the morning of the 2d instant. Mr. Andrews took his seat at the breakfast table that morning appearing as well as usual and rather more than ordinarily cheerful, and after asking a blessing and helping the several persons present to such food as they desired, was asked by his wife if he could think of anything that he would relish better than what had been provided for the family. His appetite was generally poor, and she had been in the habit of preparing for him from time to time such delicacies as he could eat with the most satisfaction. He replied to her question, saying he would like a boiled egg. Mrs. A. immediately left the table for the purpose of getting the desired article, but as she was about entering the pantry where the eggs were kept, observed that her husband had assumed a slightly leaning position, with his head thrown back. This was noticed by other members of the family at the same instant, and all moved to afford relief, when the sad truth was disclosed that he was dead. The dread messenger had come without warning, and no opportunity was given for a farewell word or a parting kiss to the bereaved wife and children. Mr. Andrus was a man of estimable character, an honored and useful citizen, and widely respected for his many virtues. He had held the position of Supervisor through four successive terms, and before being elected to that office was for many years a Justice of the Peace. Having faithfully discharged his duties, both as a private citizen and a public officer, he leaves as a precious heritage to his children a name which has never been tarnished by a single dishonorable or unworthy act. His age was forty-six years and three months.

From Geneva Gazette 17 November 1899

J. D. Andrus of Naples died at Willard Hospital November 10th, aged 92 years. He was formerly a stage driver on several routes out of Naples.

From Ontario County Journal 24 November 1899

Naples, N. Y. - The oldest citizen has passed away. J. D. Andrus died on Friday, Nov. 10, aged 92 years. Until quite recently his physical powers were as good as the ordinary man of 70. He was often seen on horseback and sat erect and strong. He is best known as mail carrier and stage driver, which was his business for a half century. He leaves a daughter here, Mrs. Harriet Luther, and a son in the west.

From Geneva Daily Times 12 August 1907

Marcus Andrus, aged 67 years, died very suddenly last evening at 8 o'clock at Willard State Hospital. The remains will be brought to this city this afternoon on the 3 o'clock Lehigh Valley train, and taken to his home, No. 205 North street. He is survived by a widow and one daughter, Miss Gertrude Andrus, of this city. Burial St. Patrick's Cemetery.

From Ontario County Journal 5 December 1884

Mr. Frank Angevine, of Lyons, a railroad man, met with a tragic death last Monday. He was baggageman on the Geneva and Corning road. On Monday, while upon the train, he noticed that the bell rope did not work well. When near Corning, he climbed upon the top of the baggage car to attend to it. The train was then nearing the railroad iron bridge overhead. This he did not notice, and he was struck full force in the back of the head by an iron beam in the bridge. The top of his skull was cut away in an instant, and his brains, with great quantities of blood, ran out upon the top of the car. A few seconds later his corpse rolled off from the car and fell into the Chemung river. This was the first knowledge his companions on the train had of the accident. The body was taken to his home in Lyons. Deceased was a son of the late Nelson Angevine, of Fishers, Ontario county, and was the last member of a large family to die within a few years. He formerly ran on the Auburn branch of the Central-Hudson. The body was taken to Fishers Tuesday for interment Wednesday. He leaves a wife and three children.

From Geneva Daily Times 4 October 1897

The funeral services of the late Frank J. Angus, who died last Friday night, took place from his home, 6 Worthington street, at 1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Rev. E. B. Dean of Trinity church officiating, assisted by Rev. Dr. Broadway of the Methodist church. Many beautiful floral tributes attested the host of warm friends Mr. Angus had made during his stay in Geneva. His fellow-workmen at Mr. Humphrey's gave a handsome floral design in the shape of a shield, formed of white roses and carnations; in the center of the shield were the words, "Our Foreman", in purple flowers and beneath a stick fashioned in flowers. In the stick was "30" which signifies, with the printers, "the end." A beautiful cross, made also of white roses and carnations, was the gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Humphrey. Henry Probasco, a warm friend of the deceased, gave a handsome bouquet of white callas and Easter lilies. An anchor of white roses was the gift of the Review, while the Courier went a design in the shape of a galley, formed of purple and white flowers with the work "Frank" in the center, traced in yellow flowers. The Gazette and Advertiser paid tribute to the memory of the deceased by sending a design representing a chase, fashioned of white flowers and green leaves, with the word "Time" in the center. The gift of the Times was a wreath of flowers, surrounding the words, "Our Brother Workman." The 34th Separate company of which Mr. Angus had formerly been a member, gave a cross of white roses and carnations. A Greek cross of flowers was given by Miss Minnie Haight of this city. Numerous other tributes from various friends were received among which were a bouquet of Christmas roses and carnations from Miss Ruby Kenfield, and cut flowers from Mrs. Broshard. The Epworth League of the Methodist church gave an anchor of pink and white roses, and the Sunday school of the same church a cross of white flowers.

After the services at the house the remains were interred at Glenwood. In the line of procession were a corporal's guard from the 34th Separate company, and the employees of Mr. Humphrey's office. After the last sad rites had been performed, the last bugle call was sounded over the grave, and military salute of three guns was fired. The death of Mr. Angus is a great blow to his many friends in Geneva, who esteemed him highly as a man of honor and unimpeachable integrity, especially is sympathy expressed for the wife, to whom he had been married but a month.

From Ontario County Journal 17 December 1886

Thomas H. Ansberger, a well-known business man of this village, died on Friday morning last at 6 o'clock, after a very short illness. Mr. Ansberger had been in the grocery business on lower Main street for many years and had a very large acquaintance. He was 44 years of age. The funeral services were held on Sunday last, under the direction of Canandaigua Lodge No. 294, F. and A. M., of which he was a member.

From Geneva Gazette 27 July 1900

Mr. Alanson Ansley died at his residence No. 210 Lewis street early last Saturday morning, aged 82 years. He is survived by his widow, one son and one daughter. Most of his life was spent on a farm in the southerly portion of Geneva town; subsequently moving to Geneva and engaging in the sale of agricultural implements. He also invented and patented a potato digger which met with only a moderate sale. He was a man of temperate habits and Christian principles, and a communicant of Trinity church. Marcus Ansley of Billsborough is a younger brother. Funeral last Monday afternoon - interment in Powers' cemetery. Rev. C. O. S. Kearton of Trinity and Rev. Dr. Hubbs of St. Peters conducted the brief burial service of the Church at the house and former concluded such service at the grave. The bearers were O. J. C. Rose, A. G. Frisbie, Charles Bean, S. H. Parker and O. H. Wright. Funeral director, Percy L. R. Lerch.

From Geneva Courier 11 April 1877

Mr. Albert Ansley, formerly of this county, died on March 30th, 1877, at Pine Creek, Pennsylvania, aged 77 years. He was born about six miles south of Geneva, and spent most of his life near the place of his birth. Here as a farmer he lived a quiet and peaceful life, until a few years since, when he removed to a lumbering region on Pine Creek, in northern Pennsylvania, where he died very suddenly. He was buried on the third of April at Bellona. The funeral was attended by seven of his eight living children, many other relatives, and a large concourse of friends and former neighbors. Religious services were conducted by Rev. A. C. Mallory, of Covert, assisted by Rev. Mr. Goldsmith of the Presbyterian church, and the pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Ansley was for many years a highly esteemed and useful member of the Baptist church in Benton.

From Geneva Daily Times 31 May 1912

Mrs. Cornelia L. Ansley, in her 80th year, widow of the late Marcus Ansley, died Wednesday afternoon at the family homestead in the town of Geneva after an illness of a few months with heart disease. Mrs. Ansley was born in Burlington, Vt. She was twice married. Her first husband, William B. Moore, died near Lyons in 1866, and, in 1868, she married Marcus Ansley who died in 1907 in the old Ansley homestead where he was born. She leaves two sons, William S. Moore, of this city; Clinton B. Moore, of the town of Geneva; and two daughters, Mrs. Ira Winthrop Travell of Morristown, N. J., and Mrs. Warren B. Travell of Plainfield, N. J. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the house and burial will be made in Brookside Cemetery in the town of Geneva.

From Geneva Daily Times 12 April 1912

Mrs. Eleanor Dorman Ansley, aged 81 years, died yesterday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Willard G. McKelvie, in the town of Geneva. Besides her daughter, Mrs. Ansley leaves four grandchildren, Florence, Eleanor and Stewart McKelvie; and Lawrence Ansley. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the house. Interment will be made at Bellona Cemetery.

From Ontario County Chronicle 18 September 1901

Flint, N. Y. - James B. Ansley, a well-known farmer, died Friday night at the family residence near Flint Creek, aged 66 years. The cause of death was paralysis. He was a veteran of the civil war, having served with the 50th New York volunteer engineers, a member of Company A. Besides his wife, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. George Brown, of Seneca, and Mrs. Tallman, of Seneca Castle, and one son, Leon Ansley, of Flint.

From Geneva Daily Times 20 April 1907

John W. Ansley, seventy-five years of age, a prominent resident of the Town of Geneva, died last night at his home four miles southwest of the city. Two months ago the deceased broke his hip and since that time he has been in declining health. The deceased was born in Gorham but since he was a child of three years, he has resided on the farm where his death occurred. He was a prominent member of the Bellona Presbyterian church. The deceased is survived by his widow; one son, W. L. Ansley of Bellona; one daughter, Mrs. W. H. McKelvie of the Town of Geneva; three brothers, Haynes Ansley of the homestead, Sidney of Bedford, Virginia, and Marvin of Wellsboro, Pa.; one sister, Mrs. Robert Potts of Millford, Michigan. The funeral will take place at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon from the house, with Rev. Mr. Crane of the Bellona Presbyterian church officiating. Burial will be in the Bellona cemetery.

From Geneva Daily Times 17 September 1907

Marcus Ansley, aged 81 years, died yesterday morning at ten o'clock at the Ansley homestead, about five miles southwest of this city on the Pre-emption road in the town of Geneva. Mr. Marcus Ansley was born and lived there his entire life. His father, William Ansley, was one of the original settlers here. He owned this farm and other large farms surrounding and erected a hotel in the latter part of the eighteenth century. This hotel has since been the family residence. Marcus Ansley was for some years a nurseryman and afterwards an extensive fruit grower. He was twice married. His survivors are his second wife by whom he had two children, Mrs. Ira Winthrop Travell and Mrs. Warren B. Travell, both of Plainfield, N. J.; four children by his first wife, Frank S. Ansley of California, Marcus Ansley, Jr., who resided with his father, Mrs. William Black of the town of Seneca, and Mrs. James R. Scott of Washington, D. C.; two stepsons, Attorney William S. Moore of this city, and Clinton B. Moore who lived with Mr. Ansley; one sister, Mrs. Margaret Page of La Fayette avenue, this city. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock from the house. Rev. C. E. Jewell, presiding elder of Geneva District of the Methodist church will officiate and interment will be made in Powers cemetery near Cromwell's Hollow.

From Geneva Gazette 12 April 1901

Marcus M. Ansley, of Geneva, a well-known farmer, and his wife, are both dead. Mr. Ansley died Monday morning at the residence of his cousin, Mrs. Martha J. Morrison. His wife died Saturday at the family home in Castleton. He was not aware of her death, being too ill to be informed of it. The death of the two occurred just thirty-five hours apart. Mr. Ansley had been ill for about a year with a throat difficulty. For some time he been unable to take nourishment of either a liquid or solid nature, so that he practically starved to death. Physicians were unable to diagnose his case. He went from his home in the country about four weeks ago to Geneva and placed himself under the charge of a physician. Saturday he became much worse and began to fail rapidly, at the same time his wife passed away. The death of Mrs. Ansley occurred at the family home in Castleton Saturday, as stated. She had been in poor health for some time. About a year ago she underwent an operation; and suffered another about a week ago. She never recovered from the latter.

From Geneva Advertiser 4 July 1893

Obituary - Mrs. Sarah Ansley, widow of the late George Ansley, died at her home in Seneca on Thursday evening, June 29th, after a long and tedious illness. We did not learn her age, but it could not have been less than 78 years. She raised, we think, a family of four sons and one daughter, the oldest of whom, Chas. W., resides over in Seneca County. Mrs. Ansley, being a sister of Mrs. John T. Parker, we have known her long and well -- she was one of God's own women, gentle, peaceable, a Christian, a kind neighbor. Her sons are industrious, hard-working farmers, with dispositions exactly like their mother, and Mr. Ansley was the same in his lifetime. Her funeral occurred last Sunday afternoon at three o'clock and was largely attended.

From Geneva Daily Times 3 June 1909

Mrs. Johanna Anthonson, wife of Severien Anthonson, died Saturday afternoon, May 29th, after a long and serious illness. The funeral took place from the house, about two miles east of this city, Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Rev. D. H. Craver officiated. The deceased was 51 years old. She leaves her husband and seven children, Martin of Syracuse, Andrew of Cleveland, Peter of Troy, N. Y., and Niels, Mary, Anna and Daniel, and also one grandchild, all of this city.

From Geneva Gazette 10 May 1878

Sudden death of Mrs. S. N. Anthony - About half past 7 o'clock last evening, Police Justice S. N. Anthony was called from his office by a messenger, by the startling intelligence that his wife had been taken suddenly and alarmingly ill. It seems that she was making preparations to attend church, when, like a lightning stroke she was prostrated with apoplexy. Speechless and unconscious from the very moment of attack, she lingered on the confines of life for but a few brief hours, breathing her last about 11 o'clock.

Deceased was second wife to Mr. Anthony, and a native of Dundee, N. Y. She leaves but one child, a daughter of adult age. She was a most exemplary Christian wife and mother, a sympathizing friend and neighbor. Sudden as was the stroke of death, it is believed she was fully prepared for the great change, and her ransomed spirit received with Divine greeting, "Come ye welcome of my Father. "The father of Mrs. Anthony, as we are informed, passed away some years ago equally as sudden and of the same fatal malady. The funeral of the deceased is appointed for Saturday (tomorrow) afternoon at 3 o'clock, from her late residence on Washington st. Her extensive acquaintance, as also the sympathy of society friends in church and fraternities with whom the bereaved husband is and long has been associated - he being M. E. Commander-elect of Geneva Commandery K. T., and Secretary of the Chapter and Blue Lodge of Masons -- give assurance of a very large attendance.

From Geneva Gazette 27 May 1887

On Saturday afternoon last at 4 o'clock at his residence on Washington street, occurred the death of Samuel N. Anthony at the age of seventy years. Mr. Anthony has not been a well man in many years, and his death was not unexpected. Although a sufferer for so long a time he triumphed in a measure over the dread power of disease, simply by pluck and determination, and he doubtless lived years longer than many men who possess less of that vital force and with a brave and happy temperament so essential in the resistance of disease. Mr. Anthony was born in Rochester, Vt., May 17, 1817. His early life was spent in Illinois, but in 1844 he came to Geneva and worked at his trade as a painter until ill health made it imperative for him to seek other means of livelihood. From 1861 to 1869 he served as Deputy Postmaster under Postmasters Johnson and McDonald, and in the latter year he was appointed Postmaster by President Grant and in that capacity he served one term of four years. In 1875 he was elected Police Justice, a position which he filled most acceptably to all. Since that time we believe he has served continuously as one of the Justices of the Peace of this town, being last elected without opposition, which term would not have expired until January 1, 1889. As a member of the Town Board and Town Board of Health his advice and counsel were found to be sound in every respect, and he was greatly respected by all the other members not only for his kindly interest in them, but for the active and unpartisan interest he evinced in the welfare of the entire community.

Mr. Anthony was twice married, his first wife being Miss Mary A. Noonan, by whom he had two children -- a boy who died and girl, (Miss Clara), who survives. His second wife was Maria H. Seymour, a sister of J. O. Seymour of this village, who died several years ago.

As a citizen Mr. Anthony was thoroughly respected by all, and honored for his many sterling characteristics of mind, thought and action. While being the most unpretentious of men, he yet commanded by the purity of his life and the evenness of his character the thorough respect of all classes and the love of those whose privilege it was to know him intimately. The generous promptings of his heart no doubt caused many to impose upon him, yet he never could resist giving more generously than his circumstances would permit whenever appealed to.

At one time he was Chief of the Fire Department in which position he served with his usual fidelity and singleness of purpose. He was also a Mason and had served in the highest offices of Ark Lodge F. & A. M., and as E. C. of Geneva Commandery K. T.

The funeral services were held on Monday from his residence and were very largely attended. The Rev. Paul van Dyke, pastor of the North Church, officiated, while the Choir of the First Presbyterian Church rendered several appropriate hymns. The bearers were Eli A. Bronson, W. P. Durrant, H. L. DeZeng, Thomas Henson, J. W. Lane and D. B. Backenstose.

From Ontario County Journal 10 August 1894

On Monday morning occurred the death of another of Canandaigua's old residents, Mrs. Eliza C. Antis, at her home on Park Place. Mrs. Antis was in her eightieth year, but to within a year ago had been unusually active for one so old. Mrs. Antis was born in this village March 18, 1815, and was a daughter of James D. Bemis, one of the first residents of the place. In 1843 she was married to Abner B. Antis, who preceded her to the grave many years ago. Mrs. Antis had been a lifelong member of the Congregational church in this village, and was one of its most industrious members. Besides two sisters, Mrs. James B. Peck and Miss Martha Bemis of this village, Mrs. Antis leaves five children: Misses Mary and Elizabeth Antis of Canandaigua; Mrs. E. J. Warner of LaCrosse, Kas.; Mrs. C. W. Chase of Mt. Claire, N. J., and Abner Antis of New York City. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, Rev. S. E. Eastman, officiating.

From Ontario County Times 8 March 1865

DIED - On the 1st day of March instant, Mrs. Mary Antis, in the 86th year of her age. The few remaining pioneers who occupied this country when a wilderness are fast passing away, and very shortly not one will remain to link the present with the past. Mrs. Antis was a child, when her father, the late Abner Barlow, settled in this place in 1789. She has thus witnessed the entire transformation of this western world from an unbroken wilderness to the fair cities, villages and cultivated fields which now adorn and spread their smiling influence everywhere around, in unequaled prosperity. For nearly fifty years Mrs. Antis was an exemplary member of the Congregational Church; a highly esteemed friend and neighbor; always alive to the wants, and ready to minister to the necessities of the poor - truly a mother in Israel. It would be sad to part with persons of her recorded worth, did not the necessities of our nature require the purifying process, to prepare our departing friends for a better and happier world. She was the oldest and the last of her father's family, and has left a numerous offspring, some of whom were absent in distant scenes, but many of whom followed her remains to their last resting place. Of her it may be truly said "her children and her children's children rise up and call her blessed."

From Ontario County Journal 18 April 1884

Mr. William Antis died at his residence on Gibson street, in this village, on Saturday last. He was born in this village November 9th, 1801, in the house on the south side of Bristol street, now occupied by John Andrews, one of the oldest buildings in the village. He received his early education at the brick school-house on Main street, below Bristol street, which was afterwards used as a wagon shop, and he also was a student at Canandaigua Academy for two or three years. He was a clerk for a time in the dry goods store of Ebenezer Hale, but started in business for himself as early as 1826, and was very successful as a merchant, and earned a well deserved reputation for integrity and business ability. For sixty years he was an honored and useful member of the Congregational church, and lived a consistent Christian life, and in his death our village has lost a most worthy citizen.

From Geneva Daily Times 10 July 1896

William G. Antis, a well-known resident of Canandaigua, died at the Canandaigua hotel Wednesday evening after a brief illness. Mr. Antis was born in that village in 1832, and had always lived there, though spending much of his time in travel. His grandfather, William Antis, was one of the original settlers of Canandaigua. Mr. Antis was engaged in the hardware business for many years, and was a bachelor. For thirty-four years he had made his residence at the Canandaigua hotel. His funeral will be held from that place at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon.

From Geneva Daily Times 16 April 1909

Shortsville, N. Y. - William A. Antis died at his home in Chapin at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday evening at the age of 73 years. He had lived in Chapin about eighteen months, having come to this section from Batavia. He leaves his wife and two sons.

From Victor Herald 23 March 1900

The remains of Mrs. Walter Antisdale, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bailey, in Auburn, were brought here on Thursday. Mrs. Antisdale was a sister of Mrs. E. S. Norton of Rochester, and Abijah Covill, of this town. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. H. F. Ellinwood at the farmhouse of E. S. Norton, south of the village. Interment was made in the Boughton Hill cemetery.

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