Papa's Mother's maiden name was Mary McLellan. She 1st was married to a man by the name of Rains. Mr. Rains died in Scotland. Mary, a widow with a large family married Robert Johnston in Scotland. The Johnston family along with a lot of other relatives and friends of both sides of the family; McLellan, Reeds, and Goods decided to come to America.
They came in a sailing vessel, 6 weeks coming on a very rough ocean. Papa James Johnston was a young child. Along with half sister(s) Mary and Jessie Rain and half brothers John and Robert Rain.
They came from Dumfries and some from Glasgow, Scotland. After they came to New York State, Mary and Robert had another child, a girl named Margaret, Papas only true sister.
His Mother Mary's brother, John McLellan and Wife, Janet Reed McLellan came along with other McLellan cousins, etc. too, a young Bride Janneette Reed McLellan. Other Reeds also came along. Also on the trip was a very well to do young widow with two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth. Grandpa Robert Johnston and his wife started life in a little house above Halls Corners. The house was later owned by Henry Smith, now owned by Jack Austin where Charlie Flagles and Jessie, our sister stated house keeping when first married.
There Papa's Sister Margaret was born. Then, very soon (after) Mary McLellan Rain Johnston died leaving Robert with two small children. Robert, remembering the young widow, convinced her to become his wife and care for his family, as the older Rain girls had gone out to live.
Winters were hard and Robert had to work and cut wood in the winter. One day a big tree fell and Robert, being near, could not get out of the way. A limb big limb struck and killed him. Mary and Robert, our grand parents, both are buried up in the little church cemetery. But, we never could find the place.
This page last updated 12/9/98