President, Albert Middaugh | ||
Vice-Presidents | ||
Marcus E. Pickett | James Moore | |
John H. Miller | J. Andrew Henry | |
Recording Secretary | Seth A. Tozer | |
Treasurer | Milton J. Willson | |
Marshall, Edward G. Chapman | ||
Assistant Marshall, Adelbert W. Powell | ||
Directors | ||
James W. Nelson | George G. Henry | |
William Robson | Mason H. Reed | |
Reuben T. Pratt | Leonard Gates | |
Superintendents | ||
General Superintendent, Orson Ramer | ||
Horses and Cattle | Reuben Link | |
Sheep, Swine, and Poultry | J. Andrew Henry | |
Farm Implements and Mechanics | S. Bainbridge Douglass | |
Domestic Hall | James W. Nelson | |
Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetables | Phillip Vanbusson | |
Trotting Track | W. Murray Witter |
S.F. Ambler - Dealers in Ladies' Fine Button Kid Boots, Slippers, and Fine and Coarse Boots, 138 Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one pair of extra fine Cur. Kid Button Shoes, for the best three pounds of Butter.
Mrs. E.A. Ansberger - Manufacturer of "Mrs. Ansberger's Domestic Yeast Cakes," Rushville, Yates County, N.Y. Offers a premium of a large-size, Morocco-bound Photograph Album for the best pan of Biscuits, made of white wheat flour, and raised with "Mrs. E.A. Ansberger's Domestic Yeast Cakes."
H.M. Boardman - Farmer, and Breeder of Pure Blooded Berkshire Hogs, Gorham, N.Y. Offers a premium of one Breeding Berkshire Sow (value $15.00), for the best exhibition of Swine of any breed or breeds.
A.S. Bostwick - Plain and Decorative House Painter, Wade Building, Phoenix St., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one gallon Harrison Brothers Mixed Paint, one Paint Brush, and one Putty Knife, for the best 10 varieties of Winter Apples, of not less than 4 of each variety.
W.R. Brownell - Dentist, Rooms No.16 Hubbell Block, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one case of Dentifricial Articles and four dollars' worth of gold or other fillings, for the best Apple Pie.
Mrs. O.S. Buckley - Millinery and Dress Making, Hats, Bonnets, and Trimmings. Rooms No. 173 East side Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a nice Trimmed Hat, new style, for the best Cotton Embroidered Chair Tidy.
Burke, Fitzsimons, Hone, & Co.. - Dry Goods, Woolens and Fancy Goods. Wholesale Rooms 1 to 13 North St. Paul Street. Retail Rooms 53, 55, and 57 East Main St., Rochester, N.Y. Offer a premium of one India Embroidered Scarf (imported expressly for this particular occasion), value $40.00, for the best exhibition of Silk and Worsted Embroidery.
Canandaigua Seed Store - P. Fitch, Agent, dealer in Garden, Field, and Flower Seeds, Birds, Bird Cages, Aquariums, Rustic Work, &c., first door south of E. Lines' Shoe Store, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a Standard Globe and Gold Fishes, for the best exhibition of House Plants.
Charles Coy - Agent for Springfield Made Harness, and Dealer in Trunks, Traveling Bags, Whips, Blankets, Horse Brushes, &c., 107 East side Main St., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one good Wool Horse Blanket, for the best three-year old Mare Colt.
O.N. Crane - Funeral Director, and Dealer in Burial Goods, office 108 Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one Silver Cake Basket, for the two best Cakes (cocoanut and fruit) made by any young lady of 20 years of age or under.
Erastus Darrow - Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Books, Stationery, Maps, Globes, Miscellaneous Publications, &c., 67 East Main St., Rochester, N.Y. Offers a premium of Chamber's Encyclopedia (15 volumes) published by the American Book Exchange, for the best Essay upon the subject, "Does Scientific Knowledge have a Tendency to Promote the Comforts of General Society?" reserving the right of publication.
C.M. DeGraff & Co. - Dealers in Agricultural Goods, light and heavy, of all kinds, and Agents for the celebrated Robinson Chilled and Carbonized Plow, Gorham, N.Y. Offers a premium of one Corn Cultivator, for the best 5 Fat Sheep.
DeGraff & Smith - Booksellers and Stationers, Dealers in Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Miscellaneous Books, and sole agents for the American Book Exchange of New York City, corner of Main and Coy Sts., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offer a premium of one pair of Ruby Vases, for the best Pieced Quilt. A premium of a "Traveling Companion," for the best Cradle Quilt, by any girl of 14 years of age or under. A premium of one set of Croquet, for the best Farmer's Shirt.
Andrew Egan - Proprietors of Egan's Lunch and Oyster Rooms, corner of Main and Bristol Sts., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a complete set of Table Glass Ware (2 sauce dishes, 12 sauce plates, 1 sugar bowl, 1 creamer, 1 spoonholder, 1 butter dish, and 2 cake plates), for the best Mince Pie.
James A. Ellis - Manufacturer of and Dealer in Guns, PIstols, Fishing Tackle, Boat Oars, Pocket Cutlery, Scissors, Shears, Camp Tents, Ammunition, &c., 115 East Side of Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a first-class Bread Knife, a Pocket Knife, a seven-shot Pistol and 100 cartridges, a Spring Padlock, a pair of Nickel Plated Shears, a pair of Scissors, and one lot of Fishing Tackle, for the best 10 varieties of Fall Apples.
Walter H. Ellis - Jeweler and Optician, and Dealer in Ladies' and Gents' Fine Watches, Chains, Necklaces, Bracelets, Rings (in great variety), Silver Tea Sets, Castors, Berry Dishes, Ice Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Fancy Pieces (suitable for wedding gifts), Pebble and Crystal Lenses (in all styles of frames), 181 East side of Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a fine quadruple plate Six-Bottle Castor, for the best pair of Embroidered Pillow Shams.
Finley & Son - Canandaigua Music Store, Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments, Musical Merchandise of every description, Chromos, Picture Frames, &c., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offer a premium of a Violin and Bow (valued at $10.00), for the best performance on the violin.
John H. Finn - Proprietor of Ladies' and Gents' Dining Hall, on second floor, over Finn's Restaurant, 110 West side Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one pair of Oil Chromos, for the best Farmer's Wreath.
The Geneva Courier - Geneva, N.Y. Offers a premium of the Geneva Courier, free for one year, and fine Initial Paper, Envelopes, &c., for the best Essay of 500 to 1,000 words, upon the subject, "Farm Life of the Future." Reserving the right of publication.
Gordon & DeGarmo - Manufacturer of Gordon's Improved Feed Cutters, Rochester Mowing Machine, &c., (formerly Rochester Agricultural Works), South St., Paul Street, Rochester, N.Y. Offer a premium of one Feed Cutter (value $25.00), for the best half bushel of white Winter Wheat.
G. Gould & Son - Dealers in Boots, Shoes, and Rubber Goods, 16 State St., Rochester, N.Y. Offer a premium of one pair of Men's Fine Boots, for the best exhibit of 3 Merino Ewes.
S.W. Gregory - Silver and Brass Plater, and Manufacturer of Spoon and Trolling Hooks, No. 4 Clark Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a full-rigged Trout Line, for the best half bushel of Twenty-Ounce Apples.
H. Gridley - Dealer in Schuykill, Black Diamond (best in the world), Steam and Smith Coal, office No. 4, Hubbell Block, yard Railroad Avenue, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one ton of Black Diamond Coal, for the best half bushel of Early Rose Potatoes. Also, a premium of one ton of Black Diamond Coal, for the best exhibition of not less than 50 ears of White Seed Corn.
N. Grimes & Son - Staple and Fancy Grocers, Fine Teas and Coffees being a specialty, and purchased fresh and green self-roasted, and always guaranteed of the best quality. 168 Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offer a premium of 10 pounds of the best Java Coffee and 10 pounds of the best Tea (value $10.00) for the largest and best variety of Dried Fruits, of not less than 3 pounds of each variety.
William Hayton - Manufacturer of Harness and Dealer in Trunks, Satchels, Whips, Horse Clothing, &c., 169 East side Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a Winter Lap Robe, for the best two year old colt.
Hop Bitters Manufacturing Co. - Rochester, N.Y. Offers a premium of one case (12 bottles) of Hop Bitters (value $12.00) to any child under 12 years of age, for the Best Dressed Doll, of not less than twelve inches in height.
Hubbell & Gillett - Retailers in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Silks, Cloaks, Carpets, Oil-cloths, &c., 194 Main St., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offer a premium of 20 yards of Summer Silk (value $12.00), for the best variety of Worsted Work.
H.L. Hutchens - General Agent for the celebrated "White" Sewing Machine, office 169 East side of Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one No. 3 "White" Sewing Machine (value $50.00) to any betrothed couple who will have the marriage ceremony performed on the Society's grounds, on the last day of the Fair. Preparations made perfect for the occasion.
Joseph Jahn - Manufacturer of and Dealer in the latest styles of Furniture and Upholstery, Spring Beds, Mattresses, Mirror Pier Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Window Shades, Cornices, 133 Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one Colignon Solid Cane Seat and Back Folding Chair, for the best six varieties of Pears, of not less than four of each variety.
John H. Kelley - Manufacturer of and Dealer in Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, Tin Roofing, and special Jobber in Tin Work, 99 Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a gallon Coffee Pot, a fancy Tea Pot, a large pressed Tin Dish Pan, a Tea Steeper, a Tin Steamer, a 14-qt. Milk Pail, 1/2 dozen 6-qt. Pans, 6 Bread Tins, 6 Pie Tins, and a Tin Dipper, for the best two pans of Raised Biscuit.
J. Levy & Son - Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Ribbons, Buttons, Hamburg Edgings, Hosiery, &c., Corner of Main and Bristol Sts., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offer a premium of a Lace Counterpane and Lace Pillow Shams (value $10.00), for the best exhibition of Needle Work.
Edwin Lines - Manufacturer and Dealer in first-class Boots and Shoes, below the Webster House, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one pair of Edwin C. Burt's best French Kid Button Boots, for the finest Bouquet of Flowers.
F. Maggs - Merchant Tailor, and Dealer in Ready-made Clothing (in the latest styles). Gent's Furnishing Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Hats, Caps, Robest, &c., 178 Main St., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one pair Fine Cashmere Pants, for the best Milch Cow.
A.G. Marshall - Portrait Artist in French Crayon (a new style, all hand work, finest crayon ever made), Landscape and Portrait Painter in Oil, Studio at Finley & Son's Music Store, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a Landscape Oil Painting, in frame, or instead a life size Crayon Portrait of person receiving premium (value $30.00), for the best Sofa Pillow.
George A. Moss - Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, Crockery, Wooden Ware, Fresh and Dried Fruits, Sewing Machine Needles, Notions, &c., 129 Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one full set of imported Stone China Ware (value $12), for the best exhibition of Farm Products, of not less than four cereals (wheat, corn, barley, and oats), two varieties of Potatoes, and four varieties of Apples.
Henry C. Murray - Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music, and dealer in all first-class Pianos, Organs, and Musical Merchandise, 48 South Main St., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers two premiums, as follows: A first premium f latest Sheet Music, valued at $7.00; a second premium of latest Sheet Music, valued at $3.50, for the best and second best exhibitions of musical talent, by any person who has not received more than sixty lessons. Selections of pieces to be made by competitors.
J.W. Nelson & M.E. Pickett - Farmers, of Gorham, N.Y. Offer a premium of one set of Carving Tools for bracket work, for the best exhibition of Bracket Work, by any boy of 15 years of age or under.
G.H. Norton - Photographer (Pictures copied and enlarged to order), Hubbell Block, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a Picture Frame and one dozen Panel Photographs, for the best full set of Worsted Toilet Mats.
The Ontario County Journal - Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of the Journal, free for one year, for the best Essay upon the subject, "Can Agricultural Associations be made conducive to Agricultural Education?" Reserving the right of publication.
The Ontario County Times - Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of the Ontario County Times, free for one year, for the best Essay, by any lady under 25 years of age, upon the subject of "Matrimony." Reserving the right of publication.
James Parsons - Baker, and dealer in Confectionery, &c., 114 West side Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of 5 pounds of Candy, assorted varieties, and 5 pounds of Nuts, assorted varieties, for the best Dressed Doll, by any girl 10 years of age or under.
Theodore Perkins - Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Furnaces, Agricultural Implements, &c., West side of Main St., (Pierce's old stand), Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a Toilet Set, comprising bath tub, waste basket, and water carrier (value $10.00), for the best made Fancy Apron.
Pierson & Benham - Dealers in the General Line of Drugs, Chemicals, Dyes, Extracts, Homeopathic Preparations, Patent Medicines, pure Liquors and Wines, Paints and Oils, Colors and Varnishes, and manufacturers of "Perfect Cologne," Recinine, and Hunn's Condition Powders, Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offer a premium of one Toilet Set (value $10.00), for the best 15 pounds of Butter.
Pratt Brothers - Farmers and Dealers in pure blooded Jersey Cattle, Gorham, N.Y. Offer a premium of one barrel superfine White Wheat Flour, for the greatest number of pounds of butter, made from the least number of pounds of milk in any one week. Statement must be certified to.
John Raines - Insurance Agent, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a black walnut writing desk, to any pupil who has attended any public school in the town of Gorham since January 1st, 1880, for the best specimen of penmanship, covering one page of note or letter paper.
John T. Randall - Fancy Goods, Ladies' Furnishing Goods and Ladies' Ready-made Underwear, new Masonic Hall Block, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of a lady's Embroidered Suit of Underwear (value $10.00), for the best plain Tucked Shirt of 20 tucks, "Fruit of the Loom" cotton.
J.S. Robinson & Son - Manufacturers of the "Genuine Robinson Chilled and Carbonized Plow," Canandaigua, N.Y., having agencies established in Ontario County as follows: At Orleans, Lyman Loomis; Naples, F.G. Cramer & Co.; Oaks' Corners, A.G. Weston; Chapinville, J.M. Callister; Clifton Springs, T.V. Fox. Offer a premium of one full trimmed two-horse Plow (value $15.00), for the best one-half bushel of six-rowed Barley.
Rockwell & Son - General Artists in all classes of Blacksmith Work, corner of Coach and Bemis Sts., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offer a premium of one set Lumber Wagon Whiffletrees and one Neckyoke, for the best half bushes of White Oats.
Z. Rosman, New York Clothing House - Dealer in Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, 205 East side Main Street (first Clothing House below the railroad), Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one Overcoat, for the best exhibition of Vegetables.
D. Shafer & Co. - Merchant Tailors, and Dealers in Gents' Fine Furnishing Goods of all descriptions, No. 4 Bank Block, Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offer a premium of a Fur Beaver Sacque, cut, made, and trimmed (value $30.00), for the best two Fine Shirts (unlaundried), made by any young lady of 20 years of age or under.
Dr. J.T. Smith - Physician and Druggist, Dealer in Toilet and Fancy Articles, Paints and Oils, pure Wines and Liquors, for medicinal purposes, No. 3, Hubbell Block, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a 1st premium of one fancy bottle of Perfumery for the best Roast Chicken; a 2d premium of one fancy bottle of Perfumery, for the 2d best Roast Chicken. Competitors for above premiums limited to girls under 15 years of age.
E. Steinfeld, The Popular Clothier, 15 Main Street Bridge, Rochester, N.Y. Offers a premium of a Boy's Suit of Clothes, for the best exhibition of Garden Vegetables by any boy of 12 years of age or under.
T.B. Stephenson - Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., 140 Webster House Block, Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one full set of Fine Gold Jewelry and case, latest style, for the best loaf of White Wheat Bread, made by any young lady of 18 years of age or under.
Dr. B. Stevens - Dealer in Sash, Doors, Blinds, Common, Enameled, and Ground Glass, Putty, Ready Mixed Paints, Lead, Zinc, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, &c., 121 Main St., Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one gallon of Excelsior Enameled Paint, and a XX, all white, wire bound Paint Brush, for the oldest and best preserved Lumber Wagon. Date of manufacture required.
C.Y. Supplee - Shirt Manufacturer, and Proprietor of the "Emporium" for Gents' Fine Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, &c., 179 East side of Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one-fourth dozen Gent's Fine Dress Shirts, for the Oldest Printed Book.
M.M. Townsend - Proprietor of Webster House, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one Single Harness (value $30) for the best pair of Matched Horses for Carriage.
Seth A. Tozer - Recording Secretary of the Gorham Agricultural Society. Offers a premium of one pair of Fine Wool Horse Blankets, for the best Stallion 4 years old or over, with a progeny of three.
W.J. Tozer - Breeder of Rose Comb, White and Brown Leghorns, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of one pair of Fan Tail Pigeons, for the best pair of Light Brahmas. Also a premium of one bound volume of "The Poultry World," for the best pair of Bantam Fowls.
James Wade - Manufacturer and Dealer in First-Class Carriages. Shops on Phoenix Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of Cramer Patent Road Wagon (value $75) for the best Single Horse (regardless of sex) for road.
Widman & Meng - Proprietors of Grand Central Shoe Store, and Dealers in Little Shoes, Big Shoes, and all kinds of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, and Rubber Goods, 190 Main Street, under Opera House, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offer a premium of one pair of Ladies' White Kid Strapped Sandals, for the best Ottoman Cover.
O.M. Wilcox - Dealers in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Stone Sewer Pipe, and Chimneys, Pleasant Street, East of Main, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers a premium of Wood Mouldings of his manufacture (value $10.00, list price), for the best Herd of Cattle of not less than 5 head.
Sylvester Wilhelm - Merchant Tailor and Dealer in the latest style Patterns of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c., East side of Main Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. Offers premium of one pair of French Cassimere Pants, for the best exhibition of not less than 50 ears of Yellow Seed Corn.
L.D. Wood - Manufacturer, Repairer, and Dealer in Harness, Whips and General Horse Goods, Corner Main and Bristol sts. (Foster Block, upstairs), Canandaigua. Offers a premium of a Halter, a Whip, a Currycomb, and a Brush, for the best Single Gelding for Carriage.
Advertisers taking out full-age ads:
- Burke, Fitzsimons, Hone & Co. - Dry Goods, Rochester, N.Y.
- Dr. A.G. Coleman, Dentist, Gorham St., Old Stand (Opposite Court
House), Canandaigua, N.Y.
- The Geneva Courier (published Wednesdays) and The Asteriod (published
Saturdays, for the neighborhood, the village, the town) - James
Editor and Proprietor, Geneva, N.Y.
- J. Levy & Sons - Dry Goods, Canandaigua, N.Y.
- The Ontario County Journal - Book and Job Printing. Geo. D.A.
Bridgman, Editor and Proprietor, office in new McKechnie Block, Niagara
Street, Canandaigua, N.Y.
- The Ontario County Times Steam Printing House and Book Bindery - N.J.
Milliken, Propr., Canandaigua, N.Y.
- Ontario Repository and Messenger - Repository estab. 1803. Messenger
estab. 1806. Consolidated Jan. 1, 1862. The Oldest and Best Paper in
Ontario County. W.H. Underhill, Prop. Office, 1 and 3 Coy Street (first
floor), Canandaigua, N.Y.
- Theo. Perkins - Hardware and Stoves. Hale Block, West Side Main
Street, Canandaigua, N.Y.
- Webster House - Corner Main and Coach Sts., Canandaigua, N.Y., M.M.
Townsend, Prop., H.J. Chapman, Clerk.
Reference: "The Victor Centennial, 1813 - 1913: Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Victor, Ontario County, State of New York, August 15-16-17, 1913". Together with sketches of some of the more important industrial and commercial establishments of the town. Published by Authority of the General Committee of the Celebration.
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