From Geneva Gazette 19 September 1851

The State Fair

The State Fair at Rochester the present week has doubtless brought together a greater concourse of people than ever before assembled on a similar occasion.  Even at this point, which is a considerable distance from the scene of attraction, train after train of a length and weight which would seem to baffle the power of half a dozen locomotives, has swept by crowded to the utmost with living freight.  Indeed, one would almost be led to suppose that the eastern counties had become depopulated by the tide of humanity rushing westward to participate in the Farmers and Mechanics Festival. Notwithstanding, as the President of the Society himself informed us, arrangements had been made in Rochester for feeding and lodging one hundred thousand strangers, we believe thousands will "have had not to lay their heads," and will have come away hungry.

In a list of stock and articles on exhibition, published in the Advertiser of Tuesday, we subjoin the following from our own vicinity:

Hon. J. Delafield, President of the Society, Oakland, Seneca county - 1 Chinese Sow, four years old; 13 Chinese pigs, four weeks old.  (For exhibition only, not for Premium.)

Nathan Morgan, Victor, Ontario county - 1 three year old Stallion, Defiance.

Orrin Miller, Victor, Ontario county - 1 three year old Gelding.

Jacob Bowers,
Victor, Ontario Co. - 1 four year old Bull, Sampson.

Oliver Warren, Victor, Ontario Co. - owner and breeder - 1 Bull Calf.

Charles W. Ingersoll, Lodi, Seneca Co. - 1 Stallion, General Gifford; 1 year old Jenny.

Jefferson Sparks, Phelps, Ontario Co. - 1 Stallion, Young Morgan Tiger, jr.

Robert Russell, Phelpstown, Ontario Co. - 1 stallion of all work.

John R. Johnston, Geneva - 1 Upright Steam Engine and Boiler.

H. L. Suydam, Geneva - Case Grapes.

Samples Woolen Shawls, manufactured by Waterloo Woolen Mills, Waterloo.

J. G. Pitts, Geneva - 1 Sett Single Harness.

Silsbe Bulkley & Bennett, Geneva - 1 Show Case.

Abraham Gooseline, Phelps, Ontario Co. - 1 gelding five years old.

Edson Carr, Canandaigua - 1 pair matched mares.

John A. Granger, Canandaigua - 1 pair of matched Horses.

F. W. Collins, East Bloomfield - 1 pair of Bremen geese; 1 pair Poland geese; 1 pair ducks; 1 coop Shanghae fowls; 1 coop Cochin, China, fowls; 1 coop Dorkings; 1 coop Poland; 1 coop spangled Hamburgs or silver Polands; 1 coop silky fowls, 1 pair wild turkeys.

Charles B. Meek, Canandaigua - 1 Southdown buck over 2 yrs; 5 Southdown ewes over 2 yrs; 5 Southdown ewes under 2 yrs.; 5 Southdown ewe lambs; 5 Southdown buck lambs.

Benjamin F. Lusk, Victor, Ontario Co. - 1 boar pig five months old.

Royal A. Andrews, Bristol, Ont. Co. - 1 yearling bull, 1 yr old, Devon; 1 heifer 1 yr old; 1 two yr old heifer, grade; 1 bull calf; 1 sow two yr old and over; 9 pigs six months old.

Geo. Forden, Geneva - 1 stallion five years old, for exhibition only.

Daniel S. Baker, West Bloomfield, Ont. co. - 2 single steer, stall fed, two years old.

Guy Reed, Richmond Mills, Ontario co. - 3 cheeses, weighing over one hundred pounds, one year old.

Gage & Cooley, Canandaigua - 1 portable cider mill and press.

T. & E. Burril, Seneca, Ont. co - 1 straw and stalk cutter.

R. C. Stiles, East Bloomfield, Ont. co. - 3 plows for exhibition; 1 gang plow for exhibition.

Benjamin Goss, Jr., East Bloomfield, Ont. co. - 1 box maple sugar, 25 lbs; 1 sample maple molasses.

Nichols & Boley, Van Buren Centre, Ontario co. - 1 grape vine, or go-ahead cradle.

Enos Boughton, East Bloomfield, Ont. co. - 1 Boughton thistle digger.

Marcus Bickford, Victor, Ont. co. - 1 crock of butter, 25 lbs., made in June; 1 crock butter, 50 lbs., made in August.

E. J. Burrall, Geneva - 1 revertible grain reaper; 1 shell wheel plow, for exhibition; 1 shovel plow; 1 corn cultivator; 1 corn sheller and separator; 1 clover mill.

T. Goss, East Bloomfield, Ont. co. - 1 sample maple molasses.

Wm. P. Ottley, Phelps, Ont. co. - 1 bbl of white Soule's seed wheat; 12 ears of white flint seed corn; 12 ears large 8 rowed yellow corn; 12 red onions; 12 orange carrots; 1-2 peck table potatoes; 100 lbs. cheese over one year old; samples of crops cultivated on one farm to be shown on the wagon.

Philip Lathy, Phelps, Ont. co. - 1-2 peck early York potatoes; 1-2 peck know blows; 1-2 peck flesh potatoes.

D. W. Lee, Geneva - 1 bbl flour, White Springs mills extra.

John T. Brown, E. Bloomfield, Ont. co. - 1 bbl of flour in sacks.

Oliver Phelps, Canandaigua - half peck lady finger potatoes; hf pk  Carter potatoes; hf pk Mechannock potatoes; hf pk kidney potatoes; hf pk blue pink eye potatoes; 12 stalks celery; 6 turnip cabbages.

Henry Howe, Canandaigua - 1 wheat cultivator.

Mrs. R. E. Coats, Clifton Springs - basket of flowers.

Mrs. George Coterill, West Bloomfield - 15 yds rag carpet.

Hiram Steel, East Bloomfield; 1 embroidered table spread.

W. T. & E. Smith, Geneva - 36 varieties apples; 9 varieties pears; 6 varieties peaches; 1 variety quinces.

E. P. Earl, Geneva - 1 show case.

S. B. Cole, Vienna, Ont. co. - 1 C. J. Cole's patent buggy wagon.

H. G. & L. B. Hotchkiss, Lyons - samples oil peppermint.    

From Ontario Messenger 4 October 1854

East Bloomfield Farmer's Club Fair and Cattle Show

List of premiums - Awarded at the Fair and Cattle Show of the East Bloomfield Farmer's Club, September 20th, 1854:


For the best Stallion, Horace L. Hodge
For the 2d best Stallion, Wm. B. Hamlin
For the best pair of matched Horses, Seth L. Lee
For the 2d best pair of matched Horses, Harley Hamlin
For the best single Horse, Horace L. Hodge
For the 2d best single Horse, H. L. Parmelee
For the 3d best single Horse, George Dibble
For the best Mare and Colt, George Speaker
For the 2d best Mare and Colt, Andrew Jones
For the 3d best Mare and Colt, J. H. Wheeler
For the best 3 year old Colt, Andrew Cone
For the 2d best 3 year old Colt, T. J. Parks
For the 3d best 3 year old Colt, Theodore Sprague
For the best 2 year old Colt, S. D. Marble
For the 2d best 2 year old Colt, S. R. Wheeler
For the 3d best 2 year old Colt, Orin Preston
For the best 1 year old Colt, Wm. Scott
For the 2d best 1 year old Colt, Andrew Jones
For the 3d best 1 year old Colt, S. D. Marble
$  2.00


For the best Bull, Seth L. Lee
For the 2d best Bull, F. N. Toby
For the 3d best Bull, S. R. Wheeler
For the best pair 3 years old Steers, George Dibble
For the 2d best pair 3 years old Steers, Henry Nickols
For the best pair 2 years old Steers, H. J. Parmelee
For the 2d best pair 2 years old Steers, J. W. Steele
For the 3d best pair 2 years old Steers, Asman Gauss
For the best pair of one year old Steers, Russell Gooding
For the 2d best pair of one year old Steers, Andrew Cone
For the best pair of Working Cattle, Wm. Steele, Jun.
For the 2d best pair of Working Cattle, John W. Taylor
For the 3d best pair of Working Cattle, Joseph Steele
For the 4th best pair of Working Cattle, J. W. Taylor
For the best Milch cow, Andrew Cone
For the 2d best Milch cow, S. R. Wheeler
For the 3d best Milch cow, Cyprian Hamlin
For the best 2 years old Heifer, Nathaniel Steele
For the best 1 year old Heifer, Seth L. Lee
For the 2d best 1 year old Heifer, F. B. Tobey
For the 3d best 1 year old Heifer, C. Hamlin
$  1.00


For the best long wooled Ram, J. W. Taylor
For the 2d best long wooled Ram, E. M. Bradley
For the 3d best long wooled Ram, T. H. Kellogg, Jr.
For the best 3 long wooled Ewes, T. H. Kellogg
For the 2d best 3 long wooled Ewes, E. M. Bradley
For the 3d best 3 long wooled Ewes, E. M. Bradley
For the best middle wooled Ram, E. M. Bradley
For the 2d best middle wooled Ram, E. Bronson
For the 3d best middle wooled Ram, E. M. Bradley
For the best short wooled Ram, H. M. Pixley
For the 2d best short wooled Ram, Wm. Steele, Jr.
For the 3d best short wooled Ram, F. B. Tobey
For the best 3 short wooled Ewes, F. B. Tobey
For the 2d best 3 short wooled Ewes, F. B. Tobey
For the best 5 Lambs, T. H. Kellogg
For the 2d best 5 Lambs, T. H. Kellogg
For the 3d best 5 Lambs, O. C. Chapin
$  2.00


For the best male Swine, S. B. Dudley
For the 2d best male Swine, S. B. Dudley
For the 3d best male Swine, Wm. Hamlin
For the best Sow and Pigs, George Speaker
For the 2d best Sow and Pigs, Andrew Jones
For the 3d best Sow and Pigs, Seth G. Castle
$  2.00


For the best large Fowls, E. D. Steele
For the 2d best large Fowls, Wm. Griffith
For the best Turkeys, Frank Whitmore
For the 2d best Turkeys, Joseph Steele
For the best pair of Ducks, T. H. Kellogg, Jr.
For the 2d best pair of Ducks, Wm. Griffith
For the best pair of Geese, George Whitmore
$  5.00


For the best one lot Beets, F. B. Tobey
For the best Potatoes, Amon Bronson
For the best Onions, G. L. Dibble
For the best Potatoes (4 varieties), Frank Beebee
For the best Carrots, Andrew Cone
For the best Potatoes and Squashes, Andrew Cone
$  .37 1/2


For the best 15 lbs Butter, Mrs. P. Peck
For the 2d best 15 lbs Butter, Mrs. R. North
For the 3d best 15 lbs Butter, Mrs. Lyman Dibble
For the best 25 lbs Cheese, Mrs. E. M. Bradley
For the 2d best 25 lbs Cheese, Miss M. B. Kellogg
For the 3d best 25 lbs Cheese, Mrs. R. D. North
For the best 10 yds Rag Carpet, Mrs. Bani Bradley
For the 2d best 10 yds Rag Carpet, F. B. Adams
For the 3d best 10 yds Rag Carpet, Wm. C. Hobert
$  1.00


For the best lot of Apples, O. C. Chapin
For the 2d best lot of Apples, F. B. Tobey
For the best lot of Pears, O. C. Chapin
For the 2d best lot of Pears, F. Munson
For the best variety of Peaches, O. C. Chapin
For the 2d best variety of Peaches, E. M. Bradley
For the 3d best variety of Peaches, George Spencer
$  1.00


For one very fine open and top buggy combined, C. W. Higby
For one Grain Drill, P. Seymour
For one broad cast Sower, P. Seymour
For one piece of Dentistry, J. A. Chase
For one case Ladies & Gents Shoes & Boots, very nice, Thompson McGreedy
$  5.00


For the best lot of Stocking yarn, colored or white, Mrs. E. A. North
For the 2d best lot of Stocking yarn, colored or white, R. D. North
For the best socks or Stocking, Mrs. E. A. North
For the 2d best socks or Stocking, Mrs. Caroline Bronson
For the best specimen children clothes, Mrs. F. B. Adams
For the 2d best specimen children clothes, Mrs. F. B. Adams
For the best worked Muslin, Henry Munson
For the 2d best worked Muslin, Miss C. Bronson
For the best sample of Worsted Work, Adelia Bronson
For the 2d best sample of Worsted Work, Adelia Bronson
For the best specimen dried Fruit, Mrs. Wm. Bradley
For the best specimen of bread, Mrs. Wm. Bradley
For the 2d best specimen of bread, Eliza Steele
For the best specimen of Patching, Miss Martha Carter
$  .50


For the best specimen Embroidery, Miss E. Collins
For one Work box, Mrs. G. C. Gauss
For one Work box, Miss H. Bronson
For one Wreath Flowers, Miss Jane Carter
For one Ladies Hat, Miss Whitmore
For one specimen Maple Syrup, P. W. Peck
For 2d best Maple Syrup, Mrs. G. C. Gauss
For one pair finger Mittens, Miss Maria Parmalee
For one pair Worked Shoes, Mrs. F. Wilson
For one Lamp Mat, Miss E. Collins
For one Feather Fan, Miss Sarah Randall
For two specimens dried Fruit, Mrs. M. Kelly
For Current Wine, Miss Eliza Steele
For Jar Preserved Peaches, Mrs. E. M. Bradley
For one Jar Preserved Peaches, Mrs. A. Bradley
For one Jar Preserved Peaches, Miss Abigail Peck
For Lot Pine Apple Preserves, Mrs. Brines
For one lot Pickled Tomatoes, Mrs. Wm. Bradley
For one lot Preserved Plumbs, Mrs. A. H. Bradley
For one lot Pickled Peaches, Mrs. T. Gauss
For one lot Siberian Crab Apples, Mrs. E. M. Bradley
For one Tomato Catsup, Mrs. E. M. Bradley
For one Rigolette, Miss Abigail Peck
For specimen Worked Muslin, a girl 10 years of age, Miss Sarah C. Peck
$  1.00

From Geneva Gazette 15 October 1886


The following schedule presents in compact form, in detail and in the aggregate, the regular premiums obtained by fortunate exhibitors at our late Union Fair.  Mr. C. P. Whitney was the most successful of all exhibitors, securing money prizes aggregating nearly sixty dollars.

C. H. ALDRICH, Manchester - 2d best matched team, road or carriage
   $  4.00
MRS. L. AUSTIN, Geneva - Asters, Zinnia, Daisies, Marigold     1.50
M. M. ANSLEY, Seneca Castle - Quilt, chenille; scroll sawing
L. P. BENTON, East Newark - Best stallion, 4 yrs., general purposes
GEO. B. BARDEN, Penn Yan - Best stallion, 2 yrs, general purposes;
 2d best stallion, 4 yrs., general purposes
WM. F. BLACK, Bilsborrow - Best one-yr old colt, general purposes
J. BOGART, Waterloo - 2d brood mare, 2d suck colt, 1st boar, 1st corn, 2d dent corn
G. W. BILSBORROW, Geneva - Best Jersey bull under 1 yr.
H. S. BONNELL, Waterloo - Six premiums on Southdown sheep
BOCKER & CO., Seneca Falls - Four first premiums on poultry
H. M. BOARDMAN, Rushville - Best plate peaches
EDWARD BEAR, Lyons - Best sack 6-row barley
DORA BONNELL, Waterloo - 2d best loaf cake
W. E. CHILDS, Seneca Castle - 1st 2-yr old colt, first Ferrits, best 3 grapes, greatest variety grapes, best muskmelon, best Catawba, Brighton, Concord, Delaware, Martha, Lady, Salem, Rogers' 4, 15, 10, Majora, Gold Peckington, Whitehall, Duchess grapes, best plums, pears, Tallman Sweet apples, Porter Apple; total premiums

W. W. COE, Earls - 1st single mare, road or carriage
S. S. CONOVER, Varick - best Jersey cow
CHAS. COOLEDGE, Phelps - Best watermelon, largest melon, cauliflower, turnips, 2d potatoes, 2d greens, sack rye, peas, beans, 2d flax, total

MISS MARY COOLEDGE, Phelps - Best pot plants, cut flowers, roses, carnations, 2d phlox, 2d Verbena, 2d single geraniums, best double geraniums, pansies, tube rose, stocks, coxcomb, hand, parlor and two basket bouquets, quilt and chair cover, total

MRS. W. H. CHAPIN, Seneca Castle - Best Dahlias, Phlox, Verbenas, 2d double Geranium, best single Geranium, Gladiola, 2d hand bouquet, 2d parlor bouquet, best coll. flowers

COOK & BAKER, Geneva - Best beets and celery, and second best turnips, carrots, cauliflower, lima beans, and 2d largest variety of vegetables - total

SATIE CRITTENDEN, Phelps - Best yarn mitts and best crochet
MRS. GEO. CARSON, Romulus - Second best lap robe
F. W. DAVIS, Canandaigua - Second stallion, road or carriage
MICHAEL DORAN, Geneva - Second grade bull, under 2 yrs.
CLARK DIXON, Geneva - Second grade heifer, 1st calf, 2d Maiden Blush apples, 2d Fall Pippen apples

ELMWOOD FARM, Geneva - Six premiums on Lincoln sheep, and 1st on 3 fat sheep, total --

W. P. ESTY, Seneca Castle - Best six quinces
MRS. W. EARLY, Waterloo - Best knit goods, patch quilt, silk quilt, 2d chair cover
GEO. FRIEND, Lyons - Best 3-yr-old colt, gen. purposes
MINNIE FISHER, Seneca - Best lace tidy, best rick-rack
WM. HUNT, JR., Phelps - Best 2-yr colt, gen. purposes
J. G. HOSTER, Seneca Falls - Best 3-yr-old colt, draft
JACOB HARTRANFT, Geneva - 2d best match horses
MR. HOOPER, Newark - 2d best mare, road or carriage
A. J. HUMPHREY, Junius - 2d best 2-rowed barley
WM. HUNT, Phelps -Best red wheat
MRS. J. A. HENRY, Reeds Corners - Best socks, fine shirt, 2d unbolted bread, best corn bread, 3 lbs. butter, 2d cheese, sage cheese, best sponge cake, best 25 lbs butter, best 25 lbs cheese; total --

MRS. R. HEETER, Seneca Castle - Best quilt, 2d quilt, best fried cakes, gingersnaps, 2d loaf cake; total --

MINNIE HEETER, Seneca Castle - Best white bread and biscuit by girl under 18 years of age

JOHN IRELAND, Fayette - 2d match mares, best pumpkin, yellow corn, 2d peas, best flaxseed; total --

J. N. KIPP, West Fayette - Best sucking colt, 1st 2-yr mare dft, best 2 lambs, Hampshire

HENRY KELLOGG, Clifton Springs - 2d single gelding, gen. purposes
CHAS. KENNEDY, Deys Landing - 2d single gelding, road or carriage
L. S. KUNEY, McDougalls - 1st grade cow, 2d grade heifer calf, best Berkshire swine, best white wheat, 2d corn; total --

MRS. ED. KIPP, Reeds Corners - 2d silk embroidery, 2d white bread, best corn bread, best soda biscuit, 2d 3-lbs butter, best peck peaches, best brandy peaches

C. W. LEWIS, Hopewell - All premiums on Merino sheep
MRS. R. LAUTERMAN, Seneca Castle - 1st and 2d oil painting, 1st pencil drawing, 1st china painting; total --

DAVID MANN, Varick - Best yearling colt, gen. purposes
MARTIN THOMAS, Waterloo - Best breeding mare and sucking colt, draft
W. G. McKELVIE, Geneva - 2d sucking colt, road or carriage, 2d heifer 1-yr
MUNSON & COOK, Geneva - Best Spitzenburg apples, Seckel, Sheldon pears, onions, best cabbage, tomatoes, lima beans, table potatoes; total --

P. N. NICHOLAS, Geneva - 2d on 2-yr-old colt, r. or c.
WM. OLIN, Waterloo - Best gelding, general purpose
C. M. PIERSON, best 2-yr-old colt, general purpose
A. B. PRUYN, Phelps - 2d 3-yr gelding, r or c
A. M. PATTERSON, Geneva - Best gelding, road or carriage
F. G. PATTERSON, Geneva - Best carrier pigeons
W. G. POLLOK, Hopewell - Best Durham bull, over 3 yrs
M. F. PIERSON, Seneca Castle - 2d light Brahma, 1st fall apples, 6 var., Royal Crown, Snow, Gravenstein, Wealthy, Duchesse, Canada Red, Peck's Pleasant, Murray's Crab., 2d pear, 6 var., best seedling grapes, ferns, best currants, beets for stock, egg plant, sweet potatoes, lettuce, radishes, greens, 2d parsley, squash, large squash, peppers, table potatoes, largest variety potatoes, largest variety vegetables, best new and valuable vegetables, 2d white corn, best oats; total --

MRS. M. F. PIERSON, Seneca Castle - Best men's clothing, best shirt, best children's clothing, best lace; total --

MISS ETHEL PIERSON, Seneca Castle - Best apron, plain apron, shirt, fine shirt, fruits; total

WM. POWELL, Geneva - Best 2-row barley, 2d white wheat
CARRIE PHILLIPS, West Junius - Best coverlet, doormat, bead work, best raised biscuit; total --

JOHN PECK, Geneva - Best ships (so recorded)
REED & HOPKINS, Canandaigua - Best match horsed, road or carriage, best match horses, general purpose

J. A. ROSS, Geneva - Best bull, grade under 3 years
F. M. REED, Geneva - Second best seed pumpkins
A. SCRIBNER, Junius - Best stallion and best 2-yr-old colt, both road or carriage
A. SMITH, Clyde - Best stallion, general purpose
J. C. SQUIER, Starkey - 2d 3-yr mare colt, general purpose
W. J. SNYDER, Reeds Corners - Best yearling colt, road or carriage
W. D. SEVERANCE, Orleans - Best 2 yr-colt, best breed mare, bust sucking colt, 2d ram lamb, best ram 2-yrs, best Greening, Baldwin, Spy, Wagner, Russet, King apples, 2d beets for stock, 2d 6-rowed barley, best yellow corn -- total

C. H. SMITH, W.  Fayette - 2d single mare, general purpose
R. F. SEELYE, Waterloo - Various first and second premiums on swine poultry, rabbits, etc.

FRED SOULE, Geneva - Best Chinese bantams, best white mice
MRS. N. SEELY - Hanging basket, tomatoes, rug, honey, 2d maple syrup; total --
MINNIE SMITH, Geneva - Comfortable, stockings, rug, muslin, point lace, worsted work, brown bread, 2d raised biscuit, art flowers; total --

MRS. J. SPENCER, Geneva - Second rag carpet
S. SHEAR, Waterloo - Best rag carpet
C. L. VOSBURG, Geneva - Best draft stallion, best breeding mare, general purpose, 2d 2-yr-mare colt, general purpose; total --

S. V. VAN RIPER, Waterloo - Best 2-yr colt, draft
C. P. WHITNEY - Took all premiums in Ayrshire cattle, 2d on stallion, 2 yr colt, single mare, all the Yorkshire swine, and several others; total --

H. S. WOODIN, Geneva - Best stallion under 3 yrs, general purpose
H. S. WHITLOCK, Lyons - Second stallion, under 3 yrs, draft
THEO WOODIN, Waterloo - best breeding mare and colt
GEO. WOLF, Seneca Falls - Large exhibit of fine poultry, mostly first premiums
S. H. WHITE, Seneca Falls - Best match mares, road or carriage
O. J. WHITNEY, Oaks Corners - Best winter squash, 2d white wheat, best loaf white bread, 2d sponge cake, 2d fried cakes, best grape wine; total --

L. E. WHITNEY, Oaks Corners - Best tidy, 2d white bread, 2d biscuit, 1st loaf cake
NELSON YURY, Junius - Best 3-yr draft colt
MRS. N. S. YATES, Geneva - Best crochet collar, best scrap basket


Diplomas were awarded to the following persons on their very fine exhibits:

Theo. H. Wood, exhibit on photography.
W. J. Spangle, Champion wagon, wheel harrow
R. G. Utter, Friendship hay tedder
E. W. Humphrey, Phelps, Crown drill, also Crown drill with attachments
Purdy & Welch, Bellona, broadcast drill hoe
A. Dorman, Seneca, combination portable fence
W. F. Hubbard, Lyons, pianos, organs
E. M. Winnie, Geneva, display of crockery
A. W. Sperry, Geneva, improved pumps
H. L. Hutchins, Canandaigua, sewing machines
J. & G. Spraggon, Geneva, light carriages; and the committee is warm in praise of this exhibit, believing these wagons have lasting qualities.
J. S. King, Cucumber and other improved pumps.

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